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Posts posted by SOO MAAL

  1. SNM in Balance


    By Ali Bahar


    I salute the management in its recent editorial article titled, “SNM in balance: The need for a Truth and Reconciliation Committee in Somaliland†for courageously taking the leadership in addressing the long overdue moral question regarding the human rights violations committed in the name of SNM in northern Somalia during the 90’s. It is unfortunate that after more than 20 years into the desired state of session that was born out of frustration, anger, and maybe even a desire for dominance in the minds of the SNM leadership, the public has yet to see them repent or at least acknowledge some of the grave human rights violations they have helped committed against innocent people in many towns and villages in the region. These crimes committed by the SNM, in many accounts, carry the same weight, if not more, as that of the massacres committed by the military dictatorship government of Siyad Barre against the people of Hargeisa and Bura. The fact that someone was killed by SNM does not make it any less painful, as we should value all human lives the same way, regardless who one is/was and where he/she comes from.


    Of course, Ignorance and unbridled greed had to have determined the outcome of the war in some instances, in that the leadership of SNM might not have known all the terrors and crimes cried out in their name against innocent Somali people, but after 20 years of their involvement of the politics in the region and even taking some leadership roles in the day to day operation, they have a huge moral responsibility to face the people and admit that they were responsible for these crimes. Many, both young and old, have still many unanswered questions and are waiting to hear the public addressing their unforgettable ordeal; the killings of their love ones by the SNM loyalists in front of their eyes. There are witnesses, records, stories that all exist and waiting to be reopened.


    If the Rayal’s government is genuinely sincere about its attempts in becoming the SOUTH AFRICA of the horn of Africa, it should strive to bring forth an atmosphere of tolerance, democratic pluralism, and respect for human rights, which will safeguard the collective interest of our people. It should advocate for the creation of a truth-seeking reconciliation commission that could open the doors for the possibility of public hearings for the first time, where the agonizing stories from silent voices could be heard in courts. It owes to the sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, as well as friends and colleagues of those who died in vain. Their voices and faces are still with us, crying for justices. The commission should be able to exercise power to express regret and sorrow, and even retribution, on behalf of all of us, for the atrocities and human violations inflicted on these innocent people in the region by SNM and its supporters. It is a moral obligation on all of us, including the SNM leadership.


    Ali Bahar

  2. Editor's View

    April 07, 2005 - 14:06


    Editorial - SNM in balance: The need for a Truth and Reconciliation Committee in Somaliland



    Twenty-four years have elapsed since the formation of SNM. This is sufficient time for emotions to be settled and to look back with clear vision and critical evaluation the struggle and history of the movement. The SNM was born out of bent-up anger, frustration, humiliation and disrespect for human dignity and human life. The formation of the movement, therefore, came into being in the heat of the moment and was mostly driven by emotion rather than by a well-laid political vision and national agenda.


    Like any liberation movement with thousands of fearless, trigger-happy and adrenaline-thrilled youth in its ranks and fighting a ruthless and inhumane regime, it was futile to expect it to respect the rules of war and refrain from committing excesses. The one and only goal of the movement during its long years of struggle was to free the people and country from the tyranny of a military regime. The rule of thump was all is fair in love and war.


    Now, after almost a quarter of a century, it is high time that sober and wise people answer the hard questions. It is time to re-examine, analyze and re-evaluate the rights and wrongs of the SNM. It is high time that conscientious souls and responsible citizens look into their depths and come up with answers that go beyond the hackneyed self-righteous and self-congratulatory attitudes of the battle days. It is unhealthy of a society yearning to build a nation based on lasting peace, democratic norms, prosperity and human dignity to gloss over the truth and see men who portray themselves as the leaders of the whole nation acting as if they are just now emerging from the dust of the battle, adorned with all their armaments and battle cries.


    It is high time that the former SNM commanders and supporters have to acknowledge the ugly crimes committed in the name of the movement in the same way they celebrate its good deeds. It is time to admit that the SNM had its victories and it defeats, its success and its blunders, its crimes and its share of responsibility for the plight of hundreds of thousands of Somalilanders, destruction and annihilation of whole towns and villages and the killing of hundreds of innocent farmers, businessmen, poets, intellectuals, elders, religious men and women and children for the crime of belonging to anti-SNM clans.


    In celebrating the 24th anniversary of the SNM and remembering those who lost their precious lives for the cause of liberating their people from oppression and dictatorship, the former SNM commanders and fighters should also be courageous enough to remember the victims of the movement and should reach out to the women who were widowed, the mothers who lost their beloved sons and daughters and the children who were orphaned or maimed in the name of the SNM.


    It is always easy, particularly in the clan-worshipping culture of our people, to sing the heroism of your own men and women and forget the heroism of others. One wonders whether it ever occurred to the former SNM commanders and fighters that as much as its music for their ears to be called Mujahidis, hearing such description may be loathsome to the victims of the SNM who are today law abiding and patriotic Somaliland citizens. What are the criteria for earning the honor of Mujahid or Martyr in a tribal society like ours, one may ask. In Islam it is known that anyone who dies defending the honor of his family or his property and his soul is a martyr. No one doubts those SNM fighters who fought with the good intention of defending the honor of their people, their property and their country as a whole against a tyrant regime deserve the honor of being Mujahid in the strict sense of the word but can any one deny the fighters of other clans who fought against the SNM militias in defense of their honor, their property and their existence to be decorated heroes and Mujahids of their concerned clans.


    The former SNM commanders and fighters love to claim sainthood by repeatedly reminding their former adversaries that they have extended to them an amnesty blanket and have forgiven them for taking the gun against the freedom fighters. The question that the former SNM fighters forget to ask themselves is "who has forgiven whom? It is understandable that due to unflinching tribal loyalties and strong emotions attached to the struggle of the SNM, it might have been difficult to even contemplate answering this question at earlier times but after a quarter of a century it is not only reasonable but a moral obligation for both former SNM fighters and the militia commanders of the anti-SNM clans at the time to answer such question and other more difficult ones. It is time that Somaliland establishes a Truth and Reconciliation Committee in the style of the famous South African one and bring those who committed crimes in the name of the SNM and those of other clans who committed crimes in the name of defending tribal pride to face the rule of law. It is also high time to give the victims of both sides the chance to have their stories heard before a neutral court. Only in this way would all Somalilanders embrace the legacy of the SNM beyond its present tribal confines.


    © 2005 Awdalnews Network

  3. SOMALIA: New UN arms monitors appointed

    12 Apr 2005 13:16:09 GMT


    Source: IRIN


    NAIROBI, 12 April (IRIN) - United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has named a four-man panel of experts to monitor the arms embargo against Somalia, UN News reported on Monday.


    The re-establishment of the monitoring group follows reports that various armed Somali factions were still receiving weapons from various sources.


    In a letter to the UN Security Council's president, released on Monday, Annan re-appointed an American, Melvin Holt Jr, and a Colombian, Joel Salek, both of whom had served on the last Somali monitoring group.


    Also on the team will be Harjit Singh Kelley of Kenya, who previously served on an expert panel on Liberian sanctions, and Bruno Schiemsky of Belgium, who served on a group monitoring an embargo against the Democratic Republic of Congo.


    On 15 March, the Council requested that the secretary-general re-establish "within 30 days and for a period of six months" a monitoring group "to continue investigating the implementation of the arms embargo by member states and violations, inter alia, through field-based investigations in Somalia."


    It asked the group to assess actions taken so far by the Somali authorities and other UN members states, especially Somalia's neighbours, "fully to implement the arms embargo".


    The Council imposed a weapons ban on Somalia in 1992, at the onset of civil war. A four-member panel of experts to investigate violations of the embargo was then appointed by Annan in September 2002.



    IRIN news

  4. Bridge of friendship being laid: Chinese PM



    Monday, 11 April , 2005, 11:22


    New Delhi: Observing that a "bridge of friendship" was being laid between India and his country, visiting Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao on Monday said the two nations have agreed on a five-year plan for comprehensive cooperation in economy and trade to promote bilateral ties. Editor's Choice

    India, China to sign accord on boundary dispute

    'Week of grappling with Nehru's bitter legacies'

    India, China hold crucial boundary talks




    He said the two countries had decided on inking an agreement on guiding principles of settlement of boundary question.


    "This is a very important visit in the history of our relations and I am sure this visit will certainly continue to promote friendly ties and cooperation between our two countries," Wen, who is in New Delhi on a four-day visit, told reporters after being accorded a ceremonial reception at the Rashtrapati Bhavan.


    With Prime Minister Manmohan Singh standing beside him, the Chinese Premier expressed confidence that "we will be able to bring even closer our partnership".




    "We are going to agree on guiding principles of settlement of the India-China boundary question," Wen said.


    He said the two countries were set to release a five-year plan for comprehensive economic cooperation and trade.


    "We are going to put in place a bridge of friendship linking our two countries, a bridge that will lead both of us to the future," said Wen who arrived in India on Saturday and reached New Delhi on Sunday after a day-long stay in Bangalore.


    The two countries, in an effort to resolve the boundary issue, have agreed on a three-tier process, comprising an accord on the guiding principles at the first stage, agreed framework in the second and actual delineation of the border in the third.

  5. Wen's visit to open new chapter: media

    Beijing, April 11. (PTI): Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's visit to India will usher-in a new chapter in Sino-India ties and yield concrete results though the border dispute remains to be solved, the state media said today.


    "It is possible for a dragon and an elephant to be on good terms with each other. And that is the current case with China and India," the state-run China Daily said in an article on its opinion page.


    Wen, on his first visit to India, reached a consensus with his host on keeping the issue of border disputes on the backburner, the leading English-language newspaper noted even as Wen is slated to hold talks with Indian leadership today.


    "They have decided to reinforce the pragmatic co-operation path that the two countries have embarked on," it said, commenting that Wen's India visit, an important part of his South Asia tour, is expected to drive forward the 55-year modern relationship between the two countries.


    The Hindu

  6. Somalia government assures on relocation





    The Federal Transition Parliament of Somalia will next week adopt a bill detailing the relocation plan.


    At the same President Abdullahi Yusuf yesterday appealed to Somali MPs to nurture unity for the sake of peace in their country.


    He was speaking at a Nairobi hotel where he hosted 223 MPs to lunch.


    The luncheon was the first get-together since the MPs engaged in a brawl at another Nairobi hotel on March 17.


    The MPs had disagreed over the city where the transitional government will be housed and also the idea of accepting troops from front-line states-Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti.


    Yesterday President Yusuf shared the high table with the Speaker Sheikh Hassan Adam whom most MPs blamed for taking sides in the debate over the relocation of the government.


    Other officials included several Cabinet ministers, the Chief Justice Yusuf Mire and the communications director in the Prime Minister’s Office, Mr Hussein Jabiri.


    The Prime Minister Prof Ali Mohammed Ghedi, accompanied by his deputy, Hussein Aideed and the governor of Somalia’s Central Bank were said to have travelled to Libya to discuss details of financial aid to be given by President Muammar Gaddafi.


    Yusuf said the MPs will also discuss and adopt the Igad Council of Foreign ministers resolution on the sending of a peace mission to Somalia.


    Parliament will also discuss the possibility of going on recess for about three months to allow MPs to travel and meet their constituents.


    "During the recess, the MPs will also establish district/regional administrative organs," explained Jabiri who translated for The Standard President Yusuf’s un-written speech which he delivered in Somali language.


    And one of the MPs yesterday appealed to the Government of Kenya to intervene in a conflict in Elwak side of Somalia.


    He claimed that at least 30 people were massacred on Saturday during a clan fighting.


    "The war is taking place eight KMs from the common border with Kenya. If not controlled, it will easily spillover to Kenya," explained MP Ibrahim Isaak.


    He said since there is no government in Somalia, Kenya had a humanitarian responsibility to the people of the region.


    "Let the violence be nipped in the bud before it gets out of hand. The violence is not helping anybody, leave alone those involved in blood-letting" said Isak.


    Meanwhile, 11 MPs from the Somalia Parliament have left for their country out of frustrations.


    Sources said the group of MPs are some of the renegades that pushing for the relocation of Parliament to Mogadishu, with or without President Yusuf.


    The group is insisting that the Somalia Charter be respected as it says Mogadishu is the capital city.


    Other reports said more than 30 MPs arrived in the capital yesterday to stake their support for Mogadishu as the seat of power.


    The Standard

  7. A new chapter for Sino-Indian relations

    China Daily Updated: 2005-04-11 06:24



    It is possible for a dragon and an elephant to be on good terms with each other.


    And that is the current case with China and India. Premier Wen Jiabao, on his first visit to India, reached a consensus with his host on keeping the issue of border disputes on the backburner.


    They have decided to reinforce the pragmatic co-operation path that the two countries have embarked on.


    Wen's Indian visit, an important part of his South Asia tour, is expected to drive forward the 55-year modern relationship between the two countries.


    The border disputes remain unsettled. But they will not become a drag on the progress of their relations. While working out a mechanism for a peaceful settlement of the issue, the two countries realize there is much to be gained by co-operation, and by expanding commerce and trade relations.


    Big does not necessarily mean rivalry. There are a lot of things that bring us together. Both of us prefer a world order that is more multipolar and takes greater account of our roles. The Chinese are no stranger to their neighbour's Bollywood movies and curries.


    We have always looked on our big neighbour on the other side of the Himalayas as our partner. We are happy to read the same message from them.


    People of the two countries have been getting to know each other better, which helps build trust. This lays a solid foundation for healthy progress in bilateral relations and more co-operation.


    The warm ties are going to bring concrete results. China and India are to open a free trade zone, an initiative China proposed to India when State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan visited the country last October.


    Efforts will be taken to reduce the areas of friction between the two countries, such as establishing a co-ordination mechanism to avoid hostile competition over energy. There is no doubt that trade is the engine driving Sino-Indian relations forward.


    However, there is a lot to be desired with the two countries' trade links. Bilateral trade stood at US$13.6 billion in 2004.


    That is only 1 per cent of China's global trade, and 9 per cent of India's. This indicates the huge opening for hard work from the two countries.


    Co-operation will help our individual economies. Bilateral investment flows are small, but growing.


    Chinese information technology companies want to learn from India's success in the service sector. Premier Wen started his four-day India visit in Bangalore, the country's Silicon Valley.


    China's manufacturing prowess is attractive to Indian companies. China now is a destination for some Indian software and services companies.


    China's new leadership has fine-tuned foreign policy for better getting along with our neighbours, considering them as our partners.


    The two countries' economic growth, and potential for faster development, have fueled outsiders' curiosity concerning a race between the two.


    But the two are not rivals on any front, including the political and economic. Progress in the two countries will consolidate the building blocks for further co-operation.


    The ups and downs of bilateral relations over the past 55 years have offered a plethora of lessons for the two countries' leaders. They are building a more mature relationship based on rationality and pragmatism.


    As early as in 2003 the two countries set up a joint study group on how their economies could benefit from each other and mapped out a blueprint for developing bilateral economic and trade links.


    This positive momentum on the economic front gave wings to the advancement of bilateral ties.


    Since 1990 every visit of Chinese and Indian high-ranking officials has pushed bilateral relations one stride forward.


    And there are now high hopes over what Premier Wen's visit to India will yield for Sino-Indian relations.



    (China Daily 04/11/2005 page6)

  8. Guddoomiyaha Bankiga dhaxe ee Soomaaliya Dr. Culusow oo bulshada Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqay inay ku wareejiyaan maamulka cusub ee Bankiga hantidii Qaranka ee uu bankiga lahaa.


    April 09, 2005. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia.


    Guddoomiyaha bankiga dhaxe ee Soomaaliya Dr. Maxamud Maxamed Culusow ayaa ugu baaqay bulshada Soomaaliyeed inay ku wareejiyaan maamulka cusub ee Bankiga hantidii Qaranka ee uu bankiga lahaa sida Decomnitiyada.


    Codsiga uu Guddoomiyaha u soo jeediyey bulshada Soomaaliyeed ayaa waxa uu si toos ah uga codsaday ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed inay ku taageeraan sidii loo soo celin lahaa hantidii uu Bankigu lahaa iyo sidii loo xoojin lahaa dowrkii Bankiga ku dhex lahaa bulashada Soomaaliyeed.


    Dr. Culusow ayaa qoraalkiisa kaga hadalay mas’uuliyada Bankiga inay tahay aasaasida nidaam la aamino karo oo ah is dhaafsiga qarashaadka iyo in la jaangooyo heerka maciishada bulshada ay isticmaasho.


    Guddoomiyaha Bankiga dhaxe ee Soomaaliya Dr. Maxamuud Maxamed Culusow ayaa u mahad celiyey Guddoomiyaha iyo Guddoomiye ku xigeenka Bankiga dhaxe ee Kenya isagoo uga mahad celiyey qaabkii ay ugu soo dhaweeyey xilkan culus ee loo magacabay oo ay ku soo dhaweeyeen halka ay imminka dowladda Fedraaliga Soomaaliya ku sugan tahay ee Kenya.


    Guddoomiyaha bankiga dhaxe ee Soomaaliya ayaa jagadan waxaa u magacaabay madaxeynaha dowladda fedraaliga Soomaaliya Col. Cabdulaahi Yuusuf kaddib markii uu helay codka labada gole ee dowladda Fedraaliga Soomaaliya.


    Guddoomiyaha Bankiga dhaxe ee Soomaaliya ayaa hore jagadan waxa uu uga haayey dowladdii Carte ee uu madaxweynaha ka ahaa Dr. Cabdiqaasim Salaad Xasan

  9. Dowladda Federaalka oo dhowaan gebi ahaanba bedeleysa Baasaboorkii Cagaarnaa ee Soomaaliya



    Sabti,April 09, 2005(HOL)@20:00GMT: Warar laga helay ilo lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliyeed ay dhowaan gebi ahaanba bedeleyso Baasaboorkii cagaarnaa ee Soomaaliya lahaan jirtay, iyadoo ay wararku sheegayaan in ay dowladdu haatan ku guda jirto diyaarinta ilaa 3 Milyan oo nuqul oo Baasaboor nooc cusub ah.


    Wararku waxay intaasi ku darayaan in howsha diyaarinta Basaaboorrada cusub ay haatan ku howlan yihiin xubno ka tirsan Xukuumadda oo uu ugu horeeyo Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda, kuwaasoo la sheegay in ay dhowaan heshiis la galeen shirkad caalami ah oo daabacda Baasaboorrada, iyadoo warar aan la xaqiijin ay sheegayaan in horraanta sanadka soo socda uu dhaqangeli doono Baasaboorka cusub oo aan weli noociisa faah faahin buuxda laga bixin, inkastoo laga yaabo, sida ay wararka qaarkood sheegayaan in waqtigaas laga soo hormarin doono.


    Dhowaan ayaa Waaxda Socdaalka Soomaaliyeed madax looga dhigay Md. Maxamuud Gaafow Maxamuud oo isagu ka mid ahaa saraakiishii Waaxda Soomaaliyeed xiligii Dowladdii Mileteriga ahayd ay talada heysay.


    Dhanka kalena, Baasaboorka Soomaaliyeed ayaan wax qiimo ah ka lahayn Adduunka, iyadoo taasina ay timid kadib markii sharcigii la waayay, waxaana sii qiimo dilay Wariyayaal Ajnabi ah, kuwaasoo dhowr jeer oo ay Muqdisho yimaadeen caalamka u gudbiyay qiimo dhaca Baasaboorka Soomaaliyeed oo qudhooda ka sameystay Suuqa Cabdalla Shideeye ee Bakaaraha.


    Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online

    Mogadishu, Somalia



    Ma in ay IGAD ganaaxdo ayuu ka baqay mise Qorshe kale ayaa jira?


    Sabti,April 09, 2005(HOL)@20:00GMT: Wasiirka Howlaha guud iyo Guriyeynta Md. Cusmaan Xasan Cali (Caato) ayaa la soo weriyay in aanu ka mid noqon doonin Wasiirrada iyo Xildhibaanada berri ku sii jeeda magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin Muuse Suudi Yalaxow, Maxamed Qanyare Afrax, Cumar Maxamed Maxamuud (Filish), Bootaan Ciise Caalin iyo kuwo kale.


    Sababta baaqashadiisa ayay wararku sheegayaan in ay la xiriirto in uu sii wehlin doono Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka oo aan qudhiisa la hubin in uu Muqdisho aadi doono iyo in kale, isla markaana uu hoggaamiyayaasha Magaalada Muqdisho ee Wasiirrada ka ah Dowladda Federaalka uu wakiil uga sii ahaan doono dhinaca magaalada Nairobi.


    Warar kuwaasi ka duwan ayaa sheegaya in Cusmaan Caato uu si weyn isaga ilaalinayo in uu ka mid noqdo Hoggaamiyayaasha ama Wasiirrada ugu horeeya ee uu ku dhaco ganaax kaga yimaada dhinaca Beesha Caalamka, walow ay taasi shaki gelin karto haddiiba ay jirto qorshaha ay wasiirrada ugu soo socdaan magaalada Muqdisho in ay tahay mid ay kaga furteen dowladda ay ka tirsan yihiin ee uu Madaxweynaha ka yahay Md. C/llaahi Yuusuf.


    Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online

    Mogadishu, Somalia

  11. Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka oo soo laabashadii Madaxweynaha kadib dhinacyadiisa ka waayay Xildhibaanadii lahaa Muqdisho ayaan kula tegeynaa


    Sabti,April 09, 2005(HOL)@20:00GMT: Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah Md. Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan oo dhowaanahaan wax ka waday magaalada Nairobi olole lagu doonayay in aqlabiyadda Xubnaha Baarlamaanka loo raro magaalada Muqdisho oo dhowaan xarun ay ku shiri karaan looga diyaariyay ayay wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Nairobi sheegayaan in uu si-bedel weyn ku yimid qorshaha arrintaas, kadib kolkii uu Guddoomiyuhu dhinacyadiisa ka waayay qaar ka mid ah xubnihii ugu jiray liis heysto ee kula barbar taagnaa in ay ku soo wehlinayaan safarkiisa Muqdisho.


    Wixii ka dambeeyay soo noqoshadii Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ayay wararku sheegayaan in uu yimid is-bedelkan xooggiisa, iyadoo la soo werinayo in Arbacadii aynu ka soo gudubnay Xildhibaano badan oo Muqdisho in ay soo aadayaan lagu tiriyay laga waayay Hoygii ay seexanayeen, halka kuwo kalena la soo sheegayo in ay cudur daar ka dhiganayaan in ay dib ka soo bixi doonaan taaso ka dhigtay in safarkii u dambeeyay ay Muqdisho u soo amba baxaan 24 Xildhibaan oo kaliya, iyadoo isku darka guud ee Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ee Muqdisho ku sugan ay tahay 39 Mudane, halka kuwa la filayo in ay berri soo baxaana ay wararku sheegayaan in aaney ka badnaan doonin ilaa 20 Xubnood.


    Is-bedelka arrintan ayaa muujinaya in baarlamaanka ay aad ugu badan yihiin Xubnaha diidan in dowladdu toos u soo degto caasimadda Muqdisho xaaladdeeda nabadgelyo aawadeed, marka laga reebo xubno ay ku jiraan kuwa hubka ku dhex heysta, iyadoo ay sidoo kale tani muujineyso in xubnihii isku raacsanaa diidmada ciidamada dalalka safka hore aaney isku aragti ka ahayn imaatinka Magaalada Muqdisho


    Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online

    Mogadishu, Somalia

  12. Liibiya oo Dhaqaale Gaaraya 61 Milyaan oo

    Dollar Siineysa Dowladda KMG


    Wararka ka imaanaya Liibiya ayaa sheegaya in Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ay ka heshay Liibiya dhaqaale aad u badan marka loo eego dhaqaalaha kale ee ay bixiyeen dalalka kale ee Caalamka.


    Warar laga helay xubnaha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegaya in Liibiya ay bixisay deeq Lacageed oo gaarayo ilaa iyo 61 Milyaan oo Dollarka Mareykanka ah,lacagtan ayaa la sheegay in la siin doona sadex qeybood haddii dowladda soomaalida ka soo baxdo shuruudo lagu xiray.


    Shuruudaha ayaa waxaa ka mid in dowladda federaalka soomaaliya dib ugu laabata dalkeeda, xaruuna ay ka dhigato magaalada muqdisho, dowladda oo hubka ka dhigto kooxaha hubeysan,dowladda oo dib u habeyso ciidamadeeda qalabka sida iyo kuwa kale.


    Dalka liibiya waxaa hadda ku sugan Ra’iisal wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo ay la socdaan Wasiiradiisa arrimaha Gudaha iyo Maaliyadda, waxayna sugayaan in dhaqaalahaas lagu soo wareejiyo.


    Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

    Midnimo Information Center

  13. Dowladda Kenya oo xiratay Hoteeladii ay Nairobi ka deganaayeen Xildhibaanada Xamar ku sugan


    Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya ayaa sheegaya in Dowladda Kenya ay Albaabada u laabtay qolalkii Hotelada Nairobi ka deganaayeen Xildhibaanada haatan socdaalka ku jooga magaalada Muqdisho.


    Dhawaaqan ayaa soo baxay maanta,iyadoo uu arrintan xaqiijiyay Cumar Xaashi Aadan oo ka mid ah Xildhibaanada jooga magaalada Muqdisho,hase ahaate Cumar Xaashi ma sheegin cida ka dambeysa in la xiro qololkii Hotelada Kenya ka deganaayeen.


    Wararka ayaa sheegaya in aan wax lug ah ama saameyn ah ku yeelan doonin go’aankaas Xildhibaanada jooga Magaalada Xudur ee Gobolka Bakool,kuwaas oo la sheegay inay siyaasad ahaan taageeran Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed.


    Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

    Midnimo Information Center


    09 Abriil, 2005, 20:03 GMT; 23:03 SGA







    Madaxweynaha oo la kulmay Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka

    Magaalada Nairobi ayaa caawa waxaa ku kulmay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Cabdullaahi Yusuf Axmed iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Sheriif Xasan.


    Kulankani wuxuu ahaa midkii ugu horreeyay tan iyo 17-kii bishii Maarso, markii mudanayaasha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ay isu gacan qaadeen.


    Dad kulankaas xog ogaal u ah ayaa sheegay in labada mas'uul ay isa soo hor fariisiyiin diblomaasiyiin shisheeye, hase yeeshee ay ayagu markii dambe fadhi keligood ah ay yeesheen.


    Qof goob joog ka ahaa kulankaas ayaa ku tilmaamay in uu kulankoodu u ekaa mid jawi wanaagsan iyo is garad ku dhammaaday.


    Berrito ayaa loo ballansan yahay martiqaad uu Madaxweynuhu u fidiyay dhammaanba xubnaha baarlamaabka Soomaalida.


    Waxaa la filayaa in kulankaasi noqon doono mid wax ka tara xallinta khilaafka ay mudanayaasha baarlamaanka iyo xubnaha wasiirraduba ay ku kala qeybsan yihiin.


    Maaddaama labada dhinac ee doodda ay kala hoggaaminayeen Madaxweynaha iyo Guddoomiyuhu, in hadda ay berrito iyaga oo meel wax u isula wada ay isa soo garab fariistaan oo ay la hadlaaan mudanayaasha waxay noqon doontaa tallaabo horumar ah.


    Labada qodob ee khilaafku ka taagan yahay waa in ciidammo dalalka la deriska ah Soomaaliya la oggolaado in ay dalka yimaadaan iyo in kale iyo in ay dowladdu u guurto Muqdisho iyo in ay ku sii hakato Baydhaba iyo Jowhar.

  15. Col.Qaddaafi oo $61 Milyan u balan qaaday Dowladda Soomaalida




    Khamiis, April 07 2005


    Iyadoo ay Cabdullaahi Yusuf iyo Cali Maxamed Geeddi weli ku sugan yihiin dalka Liibiya, ayey wararka naga soo gaaraya Tripoli sheegayaan in Cabdullaahi iyo Geeddi ay balan qaadyo lacageed ka heleen hogaamiyaha dalkaas Col.Mucamar Qaddaafi.


    Ilo xog-ogaal ah oo lagu kalsoonaan karo ayaa Burtinle-Online ugu waramay in dowladda Liibiya ay dowladda Cabdullaahi iyo Geeddi u balan qaaday lacag dhan $61 Milyan (Lixdan iyo kow Milyan oo doolarka Mareykanka). Lacagtan ayaa la sheegay in loo siin doono sadex qeybood, hadii ay dowladda Soomaalidu kasoo dhalaasho shuruudaha dowladda Liibiya.


    Col.Qaddaafi ayaa la sheegay in uu $6 Milyan (Lix Milyan oo doolar) gacanta u gelin doono dowladda Soomaalida, balse uu ka doonayo in lacagtan lagu bixiyo dhowr arrimood oo kala ah:


    Dowladda oo dib ugu laabata dalka, xarunna ka dhigata, Muqdisho, Baydhabo, ama Jowhar

    Dowladda oo hubka ka dhigta kooxaha hubeysan

    Dowladda oo dib ugu yeerta, dibna u habeysa ciidamadii qalabka siday ee Soomaaliya

    Dowladda oo awood ku yeelata dhamaan qeybaha kala duwan ee dalka


    Maamulka Qaddaafi ayaa la sheegay in ay mudo 3 bilood ah u qabteen maamulka Cabdullaahi iyo Geeddi in ay ku xaliyaan arrimahan aasaaska u ah jiritaanka dowladda, kadibna ay dowladda Liibiya siin doonto qeybta 2aad ee lacagta oo lagu qiyaasay $20 Milyan (Labaatan Milyan oo doolar).


    Dowladda Liibiya ayaa rajeyneysa in hadii ay dowladda Cabdullaahi iyo Geeddi ku guuleystaan soo celinta xasiloonidii iyo kala dambeyntii ay markaa bixiso qeybta ugu dambeysa ee lacagtan ay u balan qaaday dowladda Soomaalida.


    Balan qaadyada lacageed ka sokow dowladda Liibiya ayaa balan qaaday in ay qeyb weyn ka geysan doonto dib u dhiska iyo dib u qalabeynta ciidamada qalabka sida ee Soomaaliya.


    Maamulka Qaddaafi ayaa sidoo kale la sheegay in uu balan qaaday dib usoo celinta mashaariicdii ay horay u maalgelin jirtay dowladiisa marka ay dowladda Soomaalidu soo celiso amaanka iyo kala dambeynta.


    Cabdullaahi Yusuf iyo Geeddi oo madax ka ah Dowladda Hogaamiye-kooxeedyada Soomaaliyeed ayaa labadii todobaad ee lasoo dhaafay ku sugnaa dalka Liibiya, iyagoo aan wax faahfaahin ah ka bixin waxa ay ka qabanayaan dalkaas.


    Waxaa shalay oo Arbaca aheyd Muqdisho ka degay Xildhibaano 30 gaaraya oo ka tirsan Garabka Shariif Xassan ee Dowladda Hogaamiye-kooxeedyada Soomaaliyeed, waxeyna Xildhibaanada Muqdisho u dhoofay sheegeen in ay Muqdisho xarun ka dhiganayaan, hadii ay Cabdullaahi iyo Geeddi Muqdisho xarun ka dhigtaan iyo hadii kaleba.


    Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka oo hogaamiya garabka kasoo horjeeda Cabdullaahi iyo Geeddi ayaa la filayaa in uu Muqdisho u dhoofo maalmaha fooda inagu soo haya.


    Wafdiga Cabdullaahi iyo Geeddi ee Liibiya ku sugan oo ay kamid yihiin Xuseen Maxamed Caydiid, Saalim Caliyow Ibrow, iyo kuwo kale ayaan la ogeyn goorta ay Nairobi kusoo laaban doonaan.


    Col.Mucamar Qaddaafi ayaa lagu eedeeyaa inuu horay qeyb weyn uga qaatay dagaaladii sokeeye ee Soomaaliya, isagoo hubeyn jiray qaar kamid ah dagaal-oogayaasha Soomaalida.



  16. 30 xildhibaan oo uu horkacayo guddoomiye ku xigeenka 2-aad ee baarlamaanka oo maanta Muqdisho soo gaaray

    (Sawiradii laga soo qaaday)




    Waxaa maanta soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho 30 xildhibaan oo ka tirsan baarlamanka federaalka uuna horkacayo guddoomiye ku xigeenka 2-aad ee golahaasi Cusmaan Cilmi Boqorre, waxeyna ka soo dageen garoonka diyaaradaha N0 50 ee gobolka Sh/hoose, halkaasoo ay si diiran ugu soo dhaweeyeen qeybo kala duwan oo ka mid ah bulshada ku dhaqan gobolka Banaadir iyo gobolka Sh/hoose.



    Cusmaan Cilmi Boqorre ayaa sheegay in ujeedka ay u yimaadeen Muqdisho ay tahay sidii gacan looga geysan lahaa nabadeynta Muqdisho, gogol xaarna loogu noqon lahaa mas’uuliyiinta sare ee dowladda, isagoo tilmaamay in ay ku biiri doonaan wafdiga hordhaca ahaa ee ka tirsanaa baarlamanka federaalka, maalmahanna ku sugnaa magaalada Muqdisho.




    Guddoomiye ku xigeenka 2-aad ee baarlamanka Cusmaan Cilmi Boqorre ayey u noqonaysaa markii 2-aad ee uu Muqdisho soo gaaro, uuna soo hoggaamiyo wufuud noocaan oo kale ah, kana tirsan baarlamanka federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, waxaana xubnaha la socday ka mid ahaa C/kariin Axmed Cali, Yuusuf Mire Max’ud (Seeraar), Cali Baashi Xaaji Max’ed, Qamar Aadan Cali iyo xubno kale.


    Boqorre waxa uu sheegay in la buun buuniyay khilaafka la sheegayo ee u dhexeeya xukuumadda & baarlamaanka, isla markaasina khilaafka hadda jira uu yahay mid u dhexeeya baarlamaanka iyo xukuumadda lana dhammeyn lahaa haddii madaxweynaha iyo ra’iisul wasaaraha dowladda federaalka C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Cali Max’ed Geeddi ay dib ugu soo laaban lahaayeen magaalada Nairobi, halkaasoo fariisin KMG u ah dowladda federaalka.


    Kulanka soo dhoweynta wefdiga ayaa waxaa ka hadlay guddoomiyaha & duqa magaalada Muqdisho C/llaahi Xasan Ganey (Firimbi) & Ibraahim Cumar Sebriye (Shaaweeye) oo labaduba sheegay in ay si weyn u soo dhoweynayaan xubnaha dowladda ee maanta Muqdisho soo gaaray.

  17. 160 Xildhibaan oo ka Tirsan labada Gole ee Dawladda oo soo Saaray baaq aay ku cambaareeynayaan Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka .

    Somaliweyn (Nairobi ,April 1,2005)





    Waxaa shalay magaalada Nairobi ku dhammaaday shir labo maalmood socday oo aay ka qaybgaleen 160 xildhibaan oo ka tirsan Golaha Baarlamaanka iyo Golaha wasiirada ,shirkaas oo shalay dhammaadkiisii aay xildhibanadu soo saareen baaq aay ku saabsan shilkii dhawaan ka dhacay Baarlamaanka Soomaaliyeed Gudihiisa waxaayna cambaareeyn usoo jeediyeen Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaankaoo aay ku eedeeyeen in uu masuul ka ahaa dhibaatadii ka dhacday Baarlamaanak dhexdiisa .

    Mudane xasaan Abshir Faarax oo shalay u waramayey BBC-da laanta afka Soomaaliga wuxuu yiri:

    â€Shalay shirki dhacay waxaan ka soo saarnay baaq aan ugu sheegayno ummadda soomaaliyeed iyo beesha caalamkaba in shirkii fadeexadda ahaa oo lagu ceeboobay ,baarlamaanka Soomaaliyeedna aay gacantu kala gaartay in uu masuul ka ahaa Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ,sidii la rabayna uu u wadiwaayey â€Mudane Xassan Abshir wuxuu sheegay in xildhibaanadu ku eedeeyeen Guddoomiyaha in uu Mooshinkii Dawladdu aay baarlamaanka soo hordhigtay oo ku saabsanaa masiirka ummadda Soomaaliyeed oo ahayd in la diido ama la yeelo Waxyaabaha umaddu aay la fajacday waa guddoomiyaha oo keenay mashruuc kale oo dhawr iyo toban qof aay wataan â€.Mudane Xassan Abshir wuxuu sheegay in kalfadhigii ugu dambeeyey ee Baarlamaanka aanay ka dhicin wax doorasho ahi ee uu dagaal ka dhacay ,waxaana guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka la rabay in uu shirka xiro markuu arkay in dhibaato ka taagan tahay sida xeerku dhigayo wuxuuna ku dhawaaqay war ah la diriro oo dagaalama arintaas oo noqotay mid aanu un adkayasnwaynay ayuu yiri Mudane Xassan..



    Muqdisho - 05/04/2005


    Xaruntii hore ee Madaxtooyada u ahaanjirtay dowladdii C/qaasim isla markaasna deegaanka u aheyd ayaa lagu wadaa in lasoo dejiyo guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Federaalka Shariif Xasan Ibraahim,oo hor booda mid ka mid ah labada garab ee ay u kala jabeen dowladdii Mpagathi.


    Maanta ayaa la arkaayey C/qaasim oo u guuraya aqalkiisii hore ee dugsiga sare banaadir dhabarkiisa ahaa.


    Magaalada Muqdishu ayaa waxaa ka socda abaabul xooggan oo loogu diyaar garoobayo sidii loo soo dhoweyn lahaa Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariifka iyo xubno ka tirsan baarlamaanka ee daacadda u ah,kuwaasoo la filaayo in ay goor dhow soo gaaraan waddanka.


    Dadka howlaha soo dhaweynta ku mashquulsan ayaad arkeysaa in ay yihiin kuwo ku dhow dhow C/qaasim Salaad Xasan dhanka siyaasadda iyo dhalashada iyadoo warar hooasane ay sheegayaan in 45 cisho ka dib xilka laga qaadi doono madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf haddii uu imaan waayo magaalada Muqdishu marka laga bilaabo shirka ugu soo horeeya ee baarlamaanka uu kun qabsoomo caasimadda, markaasna la caleema saari doono madaxweynihii TNGda C/qaasim Salaad Xasan oo lagu wado in aysan cidi la tartamin.


    safiya abuukar karaani

    Midnimo Information Center

  19. Ciyaartoy Soomaali ah oo aaday Sacuudiga


    Farxiya Ali Qaajo





    Waxaa maanta ka ambabaxay magaalada Muqdisho wafdi cayaartooy Soomaaliyeed ah, oo ay horkacayaan qaar ka tirsan madaxada xiriirda Isbortiga.

    Wafdiga Ciyaartooyda, oo uu hogaaminayey Gudoomiyaha Xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee Kubada Kolayga, ayaa waxay ka koobnaayeen xulka Kubada Kolayga ee wiilasha, kuwa teeniska dheer iyo cayaaraha fudud ee qaranka.


    Cayaartooyda wiilasha ee Kubada Kolayga iyo kuwa Xiriirka Ciyaaraha Fudud

    iyo teeniskaba oo u ambaxaya dalka sacuudiga, ayaa lagu wadaa in ay ka qayb

    galaan cayaaraha Olombikada ee wadamada muslimka ah, oo dabayaaqada

    todobaadkan lagu wado in ay ka furmaan dalka Sacuudiga sida uu BBC-da u

    sheegay Gudoomiyaha Xiriirka Kubada Kolayga ee Soomaaliya, Aadan Xaaji

    yabawoow Wiish.


    Xaflad aad u balaaran, oo lagu sagootinayey Cayaartooyda maanta u ambabaxday dalka Sacuudiga si ay uga qayb qaataan cayaaraha wadamada muslimka ah ee ka dhacay halkaasi, oo ay soo qaban qaabisay shirkada xawaalada Global oo lagu qabtay hotelka Saxfi ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa uu kula dardaarmay Gudoomiyaha Xiriirka Soomaaliyeed ee Kubada Kolayga Aadan Xaaji Yabarow (Wiish) in ay muujiyaan cayaar wanaag iyo aqlaaq sare, islamarkaana ay maanka ku hayaan cayaartooyda in ay yihiin kuwo xambaarsan magacii iyo calankii Soomaaliya.


    Tan iyo markii uu burburka ka dhacay dalka Soomaaliya,ayaa uu ahaa isboortiga Soomaaliya iyo cayaartooyada xiriirda kala duwan qaarkood kuwo ka ka dhexmuuqda garoonada ciyaaraha caalamka qaarkood, hase yeeshee, marnaba ma dhibici in ay natiijo wanaagsan ka keenaan tartamada ay ka qaybgalaan.

  20. Madaxweynaha oo Nairobi ka degey



    Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yusuf

    Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Cabdullaahi Yusuf, ayaa caawa (Khamiis) ka soo degey magaalada Nairobi, xarunta ku meel gaarka ah ee Dowladda iyo Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.

    Madaxweynuhu ka dib markii uu ka qeyb galay shir madaxeedkii Jaamacadda Carabta ee ka dhacay dalka Aljeeriya, waxaa uu ku sugnaa dalka Libya oo uu joogay muddo ka badan 10 maalmood.


    Maqnaashaha madaxweynaha waxaa u xayirnaa hawlo badan oo ay ka mid tahay sidii loo xallin lahaa khilaafka u dhexeeya xubnaha baarlamaanka dhexdooda iyo kuwa dowladda oo dhinac u badan, hase yeeshee dhinaca kalena ay ku jiraan Ra'iisal Wasaare iyo Wasiirro sare oo qaarkood ay madax u yihiin kooxo hubeysan.


    Si kastaba ha ahaatee, wasiirrada ku kacsan Madaxweynaha oo markii hore ku hanjabay in ay u amba bixi doonaan magaalada Muqdisho, ayaa hadda waxay u muuqdaan in khilaafka iyaga iyo Madaxweynaha u dhexeeyay ay rajadu badan tahay in ay iska af gartaan.


    Ilo xog ogaal ah ayaa sheegaya in diblomaasiyiinta dalalka deeqdaa bixiyaa ay arkeen labada dhinac ee baarlamaanka ee is haya, isla markaana ay u sheegeen in labada midna la taageeri doonin haddii ay khilaafkooda xallin waayaan.


    Madaxweynuhu intii uu joogay Libya waxaa uu la kulmay hoggaamiyaha Libya Mucamar Qaddaafi, oo sida la sheegay ku ballan qaaday in uu taageero u fidiyo dowladda cusub ee Soomaaliya.


    Wafdiga Madaxweynaha oo markii uu ka soo kicitimayay Tripoli uu soo sagootiyay wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Libya, waxaa Tripoli uga haray Ra'iisal wasaaraha Soomaaliya, cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo.


    Madaxweynuhu waxaa uu ku soo hakaday dalka Uganda, halkaas oo uu wadahadal kula yeeshay, Ali Kirunda Kivejjinja, oo ah mas'uul sare oo ka tirsan dhaqdhaaqa ka taliya Uganda.


    Madaxweynuhu waxaa uu u sheegay mas'uulkaas in uu hadda ku kalsan yahay, wakhtigii ay ciidammada nabad kaabiddu ay tegi lahaayeen Soomaaliya.