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Posts posted by SOO MAAL



    Beelaha USCda in ay isbaaro dhigtaan Itoobiyana ay diidaan ma ah mid ay qadan karaan shacabka Soomaliyeed


    Beelaha USCda oo in mudo ah u xayirneyd umadda Soomaliyeed ayaa laga sugayey in ay badbadiyaan shacabka Soomaliyeed ee cadwga Itoobiya u soo guuxayo ayadoo laga doonayey in ay caasimada wax ka qabtaan si loo helo qaranimadii Soomaliyeed ay mugdiga ay galiyeen. Beelaha USC.


    Umadda Soomaliyeed oo malmahii u danbeeyey dhagahooda soo jidaneysay xareynta Maleysiyoonka ayaa mar qur ah niyad jabay kadib markii ay maqleen in ay sii badanayaan isbarooyinkii la rabay in la qaado tasoo ay ku kacayaan kuwo rabo in ay wali isbarooyin u sii dhigtaan shacabka Soomaliyeed .


    Beelaha USC waa in ay kala doortaan Itoobiyo iyo Isbaaro


    Hadaba ma qabataa shacabka Soomaliyeed in Beelaha USC ay diidaan ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah hadana ay isbaaro sii dhigtaan tasoo ah kaaf iyo kala dheeri



    Ku noqo beejka



  2. Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Oo Goor Dhaweyd Ka soo Duulay London Una Soo Jeeda Nairobi.

    Warkii: May 28, 2005


    London( Soomaaliya Mudane C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa goor dhaweyd ka soo duulay Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Caalamiga ee Heathrow Airport isaga oo u soo jeeda dhinaca magaalada Nairobi.



    Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa waxa uu muddo laba todobaad ah ku sugnaa Magaalada London halkaas oo u tagey baadhitaan Caafimaad, ilo ku dhow Madaxweynaha ayaa xafiiska ee UK u xaqiijiyey in caafimaadka Madaxweynaha uu wanaagsan yahay, isla markaana uu baadhitaankii natiijo wanaagsan ku dhamaaday.




    Intii uu madaxweynuhu ku sugnaa magaalada London waxa uu shirar kala duwan la yeeshay mas’uuliyiin sare oo ka tirsan xukuumada dalka Ingiriiska, ilo ku dhow Madaxweynaha waxa ay sheegayaan in uu casuumada ka helay xukuumada dalka Ingiriiska , uuna si rasmi ah u soo booqan doono dalka England 03/08/05, booqashadaas oo noqon doonta mid lagu falan qeeyo arrimaha Soomaaliya.




    Madaxweynaha ayaa waxa uu ka codsaday dawlada ingiriiska in ay qayb libaaxle ka qaadato dib u heshiisiinta Soomaaliya, barnaamijyada afrika lagu horumarinayo ee uu ingiriisku hogaaminayo in mudnaan la siiyo Soomaaliya.






  3. London: Madaxweynaha Dawladda FKG Somaliya oo Saacado ka hor u Duulay Nairobi

    - Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 17:45


    London (AllPuntland) - Madaxweynaha dawladda FKG Somaliya Md. Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed ayaa saacado ka hor ka dhoofay madaarka caalamiga ah ee Heathrow isaga oo ku sii jeeda Nairobi.


    Madaxweyne Yusuf ayaa labadii todobaad ee la soo dhaafay arimo caafimaad u joogay London iyada oo sida uu sheegay Madaxweynaha nafahaantiisu uu caafimaadkiisu aad u wanaagsan yahay, baaritaanadii caafimaad ee lagu sameeyeyna ay si habsami leh ku dhamaadeen.


    Mudadii uu joogay London Madaxweyne Yusuf waxaa uu qaabilay saraakiil ka tirsan Wasaaradda Arimaha Dibedda ee dalka Britain, waxaana ay ka wada hadleen sidii Britain ay gacan uga gaysan lahayd dib u dhiska iyo dib u heshiisiinta Somaliya; waxaana uu uga mahadceliyey dawladda Britain taageerada iyo dadaalka Midawga Europe uu ugu jiro dib u hanashada qaranimada Somaliya.


    Madaxweyne Yusuf waxaa kale oo uu qaabilay jaaliyadda Somalida ee dalka Britain, isaga oo uga xog waramay geediga dawladda, carqaladaha hor yaal, iyo sahanka nabadeed ee dawladiisu ay ugu jirto dib u hanashada qaranimada Somaliya.


    La taliyaha Madaxweynaha Somaliya Daahir Mire Jibriil oo wax laga weydiiyey safarka Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in Madaxweyne Yusuf uu caawa ku soo beegan yahay Nairobi oo ay hadda ka socdaan hawlaha geediga dawladda ee Somaliya.


    Madaxweyne Yusuf ayaa sanadkiiba mar u taga dalka Britain baaritaan caafimaad qalliin saqaal sanno ka hor loogu sameeyey cisbitaalka Cromwell ee galbeedka London.


  4. Briton's widow seeks arrest of Somali president


    Duncan Campbell

    Friday May 27, 2005

    The Guardian


    The widow of a man allegedly killed by members of the militia of Somalia's president is attempting to have him arrested for murder during his visit to London for medical treatment.

    Zahra Abdullah has won a civil action for damages from President Abdullahi Yusuf for her husband's death in the high court and she is urging Britain to detain him as it did the former president of Chile, Augusto Pinochet.


    Mr Yusuf, 70, a warlord, is recognised by Britain as the head of the transitional government of Somalia in exile. He is in Britain for medical treatment following a liver transplant.

    The president has been accused in connection with the murder of Sultan Ahmed Mohamud Mohamed, a British citizen, who was killed in the village of Kalabeyr in Somalia in August 2002. He was a political leader who had returned from exile in London and was hoping to resettle in his country, his widow told the Guardian. He had been critical of Mr Yusuf.


    According to evidence given earlier this year in a high court civil action, the murdered man had driven past a convoy led by Mr Yusuf and had been spotted. Two vehicles peeled off from Mr Yusuf's convoy, and their armed occupants tracked down Sultan Ahmed and shot him dead. Such deaths are not uncommon in Somalia and would not normally be investigated, but because Mr Yusuf was a frequent visitor to Britain, Sultan Ahmed's widow decided to pursue the case here.


    Ms Abdullah lives with her four children in west London, where she works as an interpreter. She married her husband in 1986 in Nairobi. Both were granted refugee status in Britain and later citizenship. He studied accountancy and business in London but was unable to obtain regular employment here.


    For this reason, she said, he returned to Somalia, which has been in political turmoil for the past 14 years. With the support of some people in the Somali community in London she brought a civil action against the president, accusing him of being responsible for the death of her husband and seeking damages.


    Mr Yusuf, through his British lawyers, entered a written defence to the action. In it he denied direct or indirect involvement in the killing. He said the action was "politically motivated", the murder would be investigated in Somalia and "blood money" would be paid.


    But the court did not accept that there was any redress possible in Somalia in its current state. The court referred to evidence that Mr Yusuf had met challenges to his presidential claims "with lethal force" and noted that "his supporters are reported to have carried out retaliations, including executions, against his opponents".


    Last month judgment was given against Mr Yusuf on the grounds that he had failed to comply with a court order to produce documentation for his defence, and so there was no full trial. He was ordered to pay £10,000 "bereavement damages" to Ms Abdullah.


    The judgment found "the evidence does not show that the defendant was personally responsible for the killing of the deceased but it appears that the killing was carried out by those acting under his authority and under his command".


    Mr Yusuf has paid £30,000 in damages and costs. Now Zahra Abdullah wants him to face criminal charges and her lawyer, Michael Hanley, has sent a dossier on the case to Scotland Yard.


    "All I want is some justice for my husband," she said at her home in White City. "The men who killed my husband were Abdullahi Yusuf's troops, under his command. My husband was unarmed and had no bodyguards - he was a civilian.


    "It is three years since he was killed and there has been nothing. I think that he thought that by paying the money in the court case that would be an end of it but we want to see him detained so that he cannot go back to Somalia."


    She said that she believed the case of General Pinochet, who was detained in Britain pending extradition proceedings because of crimes committed in Chile, set a precedent for the UK to act.


    "Britain has a wonderful opportunity to help the peace process in a constructive way by prosecuting warlords," Mr Hanley said yesterday.


    There was no response from Mr Yusuf to messages left for him at the contact numbers given on his behalf to the Guardian or via his legal representatives. The Cromwell hospital, in west London, where he was described as having treatment, said no one of that name was registered with it.


    The Met's serious crime group has examined the case. The detective superintendent handling the inquiry told Mr Hanley that there were immense difficulties in any case in a war zone where there were problems finding impartial witnesses.



    The Guardian

  5. How do we define "Somaliland"?



    After I witnessed the carnage and the confusion that took place in the

    Horn of Africa particularly in Somalia during the past two decades, I

    find my self a strong supporter of self determination and clan chiefdom.

    After all, if people can not get along for their good let them be alone

    for their good. Equipped with the knowledge that there is no single

    substantial reason that can permanently separate the Somali People, willingly,

    I would adventure the creation of small clan chiefdoms if it can cool down the

    present hatered and insanity among many Somalis.



    Eritrea went its way, but the Ethiopian government with strong support from

    the powers of today's world suppressed directly or indirectly the

    aspirations of the Oromos, Somalis, and the Afars. However, "Somaliland"

    failed to join the community of independently recognized countries of today,

    despite the lack of any Somali central authority that has a say over the

    Somali territory. I believe that there are strong underlying reasons for it.



    For the British , the English name "Somaliland" means the land of the

    Somalis. After the Europeans arrived in Somalilands, the names have been

    British Somaliland, French Somaliland, and Italian Somaliland. To avoid

    any confusion I will use the name Somaliland to to signify the Somalilands

    that the British ceded on June 26, 1960.



    Internationally today, Somalis are seen as the lowest of the low, people

    who failed to govern themselves. However, I would have taken some pride

    had those Somalis in Somaliland, for the purpose of governance, named it

    "Dal Somali" or for that matter other Somali name, even a Somali clan

    name rather than the British naming it for us. In order to undersrand

    Somaliland on the basis of the British Somaliland that Britain ceded on

    June 26, 1960, I will divide its history into: 1) Before the arrival of the

    Europeans, 2) During the presence of the Europeans, and 3) From 1960 till




    1) Some presence of the Ottoman Empire has existed in some towns in

    Somaliland before the Europeans. However, the main authority of the land

    was the prominent Somali clan elders. The law of the land was the

    unwritten Somali constitution "Xeer Somali". Every Somali in this land has

    been a sultan for himself and family besides some alliance to his clan.

    No record of a Somaliland country before the arrival of the Europeans.



    2) By mid 19th century the British entered some agreements with different

    Somali coastal clans. The presence of the British authority grow by the

    year. But, at no time before the defeat of the Drawish Movement in 1921

    has the British exercised authority over all Somaliland, despite agreements

    with Italy that Somaliland is a British sphere of influence. Moreover, the

    British Somaliland, then, included large parts of what is now Eastern

    Ethiopia. During the second world war after the defeat of Italy the Italian

    Somaliland fell under the British Administration like Somaliland until 1950.

    An exclusive British Administration which was exclusive for Somaliland took

    place from 1954, after the British ended its administration on parts of what

    is now Eastern Ethiopia, until 1960. The only record for separate British

    Somaliland administration for Somaliland dates only during the 6 years

    from 1954 to 1960.



    3) After the British surrendered Somaliland there was a transitional period

    from June 26, 1960 to July 1, 1960. During this period there is no record

    that there was a recognized Somaliland government that entered either an

    agreement or an understanding with an other government. It was a waiting

    period for the formation of a Somali government. There was no Somaliland

    after July 1st 1960 till the collapse of the Somali government 1991.

    Four months after the collapse of the then brutal Somali government some

    Somalis in Somaliland declared secession from Somalia. Up to now, no

    government recognized Somaliland as a separate government since there is

    no government to separate from.



    Since we now know the history of Somaliland let me answer why Somaliland

    aspirants could not have a Somaliland government, at least for now. We

    know many historical,territorial, and clan lineage reasons that make

    the international governments to wait and watch the situation.



    Somaliland could only be defined, distinguishably from the rest of the

    Somali lands, as that piece of Somali territory that the British

    administered separatly from 1954 to 1960, or that piece of Somali territory

    that the British surrendered on June 26, 1960. We can not define it as a

    former British Somaliland since former British Somaliland consists of othe

    Somali territories. We can not define it as a Somali territory

    where the inhabitants are unique in culture, character or clan lineage

    since the Somali clans in Somaliland differ and spill over its assumed




    Some of the main reasons that the world governments are reluctant to rush

    recognition of Somaliland are obvious. There is no history of any

    organization that actively sought separation from Somalia. As such, its

    separation is seen as part of the present Somali quagmire. Somaliland

    does not have a clear definitive meaning other than that the British

    where there once for a while. Sure it is a piece of history, but so is

    the history before and after the British. The British came and left in

    other parts of Somalia as we have seen above. Moreover, many governments

    learned that the debacle in Somalia today is neither regional nor pure

    clan hatred. It is a nomadic culture aggravated by individuals

    maneuvering for absolute superiority over others, so that they might

    enjoy the kind of power Siyaad Barre enjoyed in the past, i.e. " ANAA IRI




    Above all, since there is no understandably a distinctive historical,

    religious, cultural, geographical, or clan lineage for Somaliland that

    distinguishes it from the rest of Somalia, the international governments

    are hesitant to consider recognition. They do not want to jump into a

    band wagon that they are not sure of its direction or whether it is a

    real entity. They prefer to wait and watch.



  6. New UN Envoy for Somalia Arrives in Kenya


    UN News Service (New York)


    May 27, 2005

    Posted to the web May 27, 2005



    The new Special Representative of Secretary-General Kofi Annan, François Lonseny Fall, was scheduled to arrive today in Nairobi, Kenya, to head the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS), which is mandated to spearhead reconciliation talks in the post-conflict Horn of Africa country.


    Mr. Fall will start on a round of talks with Somalia's Nairobi-based Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and other leaders involved in the Somali peace process.


    The UN was asked by the TFG, regional Governments and donor countries to take the lead in implementing agreements reached at the Somali National Reconciliation Conference, including respecting a formula for clan participation in the Government and transparency in choosing political candidates.


    The Conference was held under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) - Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda.


    It ended in October 2004 with Col. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed being sworn in as the President of Somalia after having been elected by the members of the Transitional Federal Parliament in October. With the TFG as the first central government since 1991, when President Siad Barre was toppled, Somalia has endured the longest period of state collapse in recent history.


    Mr. Annan's last quarterly report in February to the Security Council expressed misgivings over the security situation in Somalia.

  7. Recap: Somalia’s president interview with BBC

    Thu. May 26, 2005 08:30 am.


    Somali President

    Somali President Mr. Abulahi Y. Ahmed who is now in London, UK made it very clear that Ethiopian troops will come into country if necessary in a long interview he gave to BBC Somali service. Mogadishu warlords accuse him of giving Ethiopia the green light to grab more land from Somalia. He argues the problem is neither Ethiopia nor any other country but the warlords who do not want to ease their grip on power and public domination.


    The president sounded very relaxed and was optimist about Somalia’s future throughout the interview.


    He reiterated his unhappiness with the Speaker of the House who sided with Mogadishu warlords in a power struggle between the president and the prime minister on one side and many Mogadishu warlords on the other.


    “I will start listening to music when the country stabilizes.†He said. The last time he listened to music was a long time ago when he was in jail for being anti-government. He reads books on different subjects including law and the Holly Koran when he has few minutes to spare, no music though.


    About Somaliland’s touchy subject, he said I am for unity but let’s solve the southern problem first.

  8. Madaxwayne C/llahi yuusuf ayaa sheegay in Maalintii walba uu la kulmo in ka badan 100 Muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Magaalada London ee Dalka Ingiriiska.


    {London} Madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya Mudane C/llahi Yuusuf Axmed oo Boggan Idamaale uu ku booqday Halka uu ka dagan yahay Magaalada London ee Dalka Ingiriiska ayaa waxa uu inoo sheegay in uu maalintii walba la kulmo in kabadan ilaa 100 ka mida Shacbiga soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Magaalada London ee Dalka Ingiriiska.


    Nidaamka Maamulayaasha la shaqaynaya Madaxwaynaha ayaa isagu u muuqday mid heer sare loo soo agaasimay iyaga oo isku dayaya mar walba in ay Qanciyaan Shacbi waynaha Soomaaliyeed ee Doonaya in ay la kulmaan Madaxwaynahooda Mudane C/llahi yuusuf Axmed.


    Caafimaadka Madaxwaynaha ayaa isagu u muuqday Mid aad u wanaagsan isaga oo Madaxwaynuhu uu mar walba xooga saarayay in uu qanciyo dhamaan Dadwaynaha soo booqanaya.


    Waxa uu inoo shaagay Madaxwaynuhu in Howl uu san u imaan Magaalada London ee uu u yimid Arimo Caafimaad Balse uu isku dayayo in uu qanciyo Shacbigiisa waloow uu ka cudur daartay in uusan wada qaabili karayn.

  9. Very important topic really thanks Salahadiin


    Islamic Khilafah- united Islamic state is the only solution to the ummah crisis, the current situation of Muslims is very humiliating!!!


    Somalia can lead the initiative, and be the first province of al-dowlah al-islamiah.

  10. Somaliland leader sees progress in recognition issue

    Awdal News Network / afrol News, 19 May - President Dahir Riyale Kahin of the yet-to-be-recognised state Somaliland today said that his government had succeeded in getting the attention of African countries and making Somaliland's quest for recognition more visible than at any time before. Only in West Africa, Somaliland was still widely unknown to the public.


    In his address to the nation today - on the 14th anniversary of Somaliland's unilateral restoration of its sovereignty on 18th May 1991 - President Kahin said when he took the reins of power following the death of late President Mohammed Ibrahim Egal in 2002, he had promised to the nation to focus on two issues: "to be more vigorous in explaining our issue to the world, particularly African countries which were mostly in the dark about our issue, and to speed up the democratisation process and establish a multi-party system in our country."


    According to President Kahin, his government had succeeded in explaining the issue of Somaliland and the need for its recognition to African countries, particularly those in the East, North and South of the continent, as well as to Europe, America and Latin American states. Only West African nations were still unfamilar with Somaliland's quest for recognition.


    Somaliland until 1960 was a British colony; the north-western neigbour of Italian Somalia. A few days after achieving its recognised independence, Somaliland united with Somalia. Following the brutal dicatorship of Siyad Barre and the chaotic disintegration of Somalia in 1991, Somaliland declared its independence. Since that, it has developed into the most stable, democratic and peaceful corner of the African Horn, but calls for international recognition have so far failed to succeed due to resistance from the African Union.


    Somaliland is however gaining increased support for its quest, which also President Kahin emphasised in his speech. "Our achievements have been recognized by respected international institutions such as the Royal Institute, the International Crisis Group, the South African Institute of International Affairs as well as by media organizations such as Al Jazeera, the Gulf Information Center, the Sub-Saharan Informer and the BBC," he said.


    On Somaliland's democratisation process, President Kahin said that his country's "successful and peaceful holding" of the municipal elections and presidential elections had given a boost to Somaliland's "serious efforts to building a society based on democratic practices."


    The Somalilander President nevertheless launched a scathing attack on the main opposition party Kulmiye, accusing the party's leadership of making desperate attempts to unseat him through unconstitutional ways such as bribing members of parliament.


    - These days we have seen one of the main opposition parties trying to buy some members of the Parliament by offering each of them US$ 1500 to impeach me, he said, "I want to ask you [the nation] do you deserve your President whom you have elected in broad daylight to be overthrown by individuals who have been bought with US$ 1500? Don't you think people who think like this are insulting our nation and damaging our statehood?"


    President Kahin added that the Kulmiye party had started to incite impeachment against him after the visit of an African fact-finding mission to Somaliland and after he set a date for the parliamentary elections. "They say they want to impeach me for high treason. The question is: Is bringing an African Union delegation to our country to present our issue to the African nations a crime? or does setting a date for elections constitutes a crime and a constitutional breach?"


    Recently, Hargeisa police raided the headquarters of Kulmiye party under the pretext of looking for an illegal and clandestine radio station they thought was operating from the party's headquarters. The story later appeared to be unfounded and the incident constituted an embarrassment for the government. It became obvious that Radio Horyaal, which is sympathetic to the Kulmiye party, operates from its base in Europe.


    Referring to this issue, President Kahin said it was wrong to raid the Kulmiye headquarters and that he ordered the police forces not to repeat such action in future and to respect the sanctity of opposition parties head offices. He, however, urged the Kulmiye party to close the radio station, asserting that opening an illegal radio station will lead every clan to open its own radio station.

  11. Somaliland; After 14 years of failed campaign



    Somaliland (Hargeysa-Barbara-Burco Triangle) along with Puntland Regional State although both of them are clan-states in response to particular clans’ needs, yet the two administrations achieved relative peace and stability and filled the political.



    Unlike Puntland Regional State – a self-governing region within Somalia, Somaliland – formed by the people of (Hargeysa-Barbara-Burco Triangle), one of the Somali factions SNM unitarily declared what they named Somaliland Republic - pursued two disastrous policies:


    1) Seeking recognition from the international community for the clan-administration

    2) Claiming all territories of former British Somaliland



    After 14 years Somaliland administration failed to accomplish the above policies


    1) Failed to persuade one of the 200 national states of today’s world to recognize the clan-state of Somaliland.

    2) To convince peacefully other major clans/regions of former British Somaliland



    The outcomes of Somaliland administrations policies


    1) Somaliland administration complicated Somali Peace Process, by not participating the peace process,

    2) Somaliland administration was responsible of all civil wars that took place in northern Somalia in Burco 1994-1995 and Las-anod 2002/2004



    Somaliland administration and secessionists failed to realize;


    1) The fact that international community is not ready to recognize clan-state, particularly when Somalia is in turmoil

    2) Which British Somaliland? The Somali territories that took independence from United Kingdom on that specific date of June 26, 1960. Because historically one time all territories populated by Somali people excluding Djibouti (French Somaliland) were under British rule thus all Somalia was onetime British Somalia, another period Western Somalia (******ia, Haud) Awdal, woqooyi galbeed, Togdheer, Sool, Sanaag were British Somaliland

    3) Other major clans/regions within the territories of former British Somaliland (e.i. Sool Sanaag Cayn Regions) believe it is not sufficient reasoning for them to accept Somaliland’s secession simply because particular clan was ill-treated under Siad Barre regime.

    4) Acknowledge the fact that if Somalia is divisible, as well so called Somaliland is divisible. If the people of Hargeysa-Barbara-Burco Triangle have right of a self-determination and the right to secede, as well people of Sool Sanaag and Cayn were entitled the right of self-determination and the right to stay as part of Somalia, stay alone and form their own state, or join freely with any other Somali state like Puntland.

    5) Historically, there was British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland colonies, BUT there was never such thing as unified Somaliland or Unified Somaliland (Italian)

    6) Truly, there was union between Northern Somalia and southern Somalia, the two states willingly formed Somali Republic, and two parliaments were combined as one parliament.

    7) But in reality there was never union between Awdal, Woqooyi Galbeed, Togdheer, Sool, and Sanaag, they only shared that they were under British occupation. Look at this hypothetical example, imagine now if United States invades Iran (a country with 80 million population) and United States unites American colony of Iran with American colony of Iraq. In the future can Iran claim whole Iraq (Iran thinks that they can easily rule Iraq and can make Iraq one Iran provinces because Iraqi people are only 20 million –minority in Iran- and because Iraq has second largest oil reserves in world after Saudi Arabia) ? Well this is what Somaliland (Hargeysa-Burco-Barbara Triangle) doing to people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions.


    8) The fact that all Somali people are the most homogenous people in all over the world, as a result Somali people are one people and share everything from religion, language, culture, tradition, and destiny. Therefore British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland were colonial creation and didn’t represent Somali people. Accordingly, a native Somali from Mogadishu doesn’t see any difference between his fellow Somali from Boosaso and another fellow from Burco, as well native Somali from Laascaanood doesn’t see any difference between his fellow Somali from Baydhabo, and another fellow from Hargeysa. The only Somali political problem is tribalism NOT race, ethnicity, religion, liberals, or conservatives.


    Somaliweyn - Hargeysa - 25/05/05


    Mudaharaad balaadhan oo lagaga soo horjeedo hadalkii gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka somaliland ee ahaa in uu dib u furi doono golaha wakiilada ayaa ka dhacay degmada Gabiley.


    Mudaharaadkan oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen dadweynaha magaalada Gabiley ayaa waxa hor-kacaayay Maayarka magaaladaaasi Maxed Cabaas Jaamac waxana kale oo ka mid ahaa xildhibaano kale iyo odayaal caan ka ah magaaladaaasi.


    Dadweynaha oo ku qaylinaayay,DOOLAR QAATE DOONI MAYNO iyo ereyo kale oo ay ka mid ahaayeen QAYBE WAXA UU WADO DOONI MAYNO. waxa ay dadkaasi socod ku mareen wadooyinka magaalada Gabiley markii dambana waxa ay isugu yimaadeen meel fagaare ah halkaasi oo hadal looga jeediyay waxana ugu horayn halkaasi ka hadlay.


    Abiib Xasan Fil-Fil oo mar Maayar ka ahaa magaalada Gabiley waxana uu yidhi; waxa aan leeyahay maandeeq la qali maayo Qaybe iyo inta muska ugu jirtaa waa dambiilayaal. waxa kale oo isna halkaasi ka hadlay Xildhibaan Maxed Maxud, waxana uu sheegay in malaayiin doolar laga keenay Talyaaniga oo la doonaayo in somaliland xabad lagaga rido taasina Qaybe iyo cid kale toona ka yeeli mayno Maayarka magaalada Gabiley ayaa isna halkaasi ka hadlay waxana uu yidhi;


    Waxa aan u mahadnaqayaa dadweynaha magaalada Gabiley ee isugu soo baxay ninka gudoomiye ku sheega Baarlamaanka oo ah nacab ku maqan mudadii uu xilka inoo hayayba dumin,waxa aan leeyahay Qaybe Dambigiisa ha loo soo bandhigo umada horteeda.


    Mudaharaadkan oo ahaa mid balaadhan waxa iyana halkaasi lagu soo bandhigay buraanburo aad u qiiraysan ooo wax lagaga sheegaayo gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka somaliland Axmed Aadan Qaybe waxana la sheegay in mudahaaradkan ay soo qabn qaabiyeen maamulka degmada gabiley waxana ay muujieen sida ay u taageersan yihiin xukumada iyo maamulka M/weyne Rayaale.

  13. Suldaan,


    I don’t believe that there is such thing as former British Somaliland anymore, and people are free after 80 years of struggle (1880-1960)


    I don’t mind if Hergeysa-Burco-Barbara Triangle secedes BUT not the expense of other communities of former British Somalia.


    Well Hergeysa-Burco-Barbara Triangle cannot at the same time demand self-determination for themselves and the right to secede, and wish to oppress the people of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn Regions. THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE



    In reality, Somalia is nation-state and home to all Somali people, where so-called Somaliland is clan-state and home to people who are preoccupied with clan mentality

  14. Ciidamo isku Gedaamay Maanta xarunta Maamulka Somalidiidka Somaliland.


    {Hargaysa} Ciidamo ka tirsan Maamulka Somalidiidka ayaa isku gadaamay xarunta Baarlamanka Maamulka isku Magacaabay Somaliland.


    Ciidamo ka tirsan maamulka la magac baxay Somaliland ayaa maanta isku gadaamay xarunta Baarlamanka Somaliland oo ku taala xaafadda 26 June ee magaalada Hargeysa. Ee xarunta gobolka W/galbeed ee Soomaaliya


    Ilo muhiiim ah oo laga helay magaalada Haregeysa ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in halkaasi loo diiday in ay galaan 45 Mudane oo ka tirsan golaha Baarlamanka Somaliland, kuwaas oo doonayay in ay horkeenaan Baarlamanka mooshin xilka lagaga xayuubinayo madaxweynaha maamulkaasi Daahir Riyaale Kaahin oo ay ku eedeeynayaan in uu ka gaabiyay wax ka qabashada xaaladaha ka jira dhulka Somalidiidka Somaliland.


    Baarlaman ku sheega Maamulka Somaliland oo ka kooban 82 mudane ayaa ku kala qeybsan xilka qaadista Riyaale oo ay u ololeynayaan qaar ka mid ah xubnaha Baarlamanka oo uu horkacayo Gudoomiyaha golahaasi Axmed Maxamed Aadan Qeybe halka labada K/xigeen ee Baarlamanka oo la kala yiraahdo C/qaadir X. Ismaaciil Jirde iyo Cilmi Rooble ay taageero siinayaan Riyaale.


    Dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Hargeysa ayaa maanta si weyn u hadal haayay howlgalka ciidamada Somalidiidka Somaliland ay ku fara galiyeen dhaq dhaqaaqa ka dhex socda Baarlamanka Maamulkaasi.

  15. Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo sheegay in aan loo sheegi karin dadka sidiisa oo kale ilbaxa ah in hubkii magaalada Muqdisho laga saaray


    "Ninkii ciidan meel geystay isagoo u hubeysan hadhow marka uu doono ayuu ku soo celin karaa, waxaana loo sheegayaa in hubkii magaalada laga saaray dadka aan wax ogeyne dadka anigoo kale ilbaxa ah waxaas looma sheego"


    Isniin, May 23, 2005(HOL)@20:30GMT: Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Col. C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo haatan magaalada London ee dalka Ingiriiska u jooga hubinta caafimaadkiisa guud ahaan, gaar ahaan Beer lagu rakibay sanadkii 1996-kii ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in aaney waxba ka jirin warar horay u soo baxay oo sheegayay in qalliin lagu sameeyay, isla markaana uu caafimaadkiisa wanaagsaneyn.


    Madaxweynaha oo u waramayay Idaacadda Shabeelle ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa mar wax laga weydiiyay sida uu u arko maleeshiyooyinka iyo hubka ay magaalada ka saareen xubno ka tirsan Dowladda Federaalka waxa uu sheegay in aan loo baahneyn hub magaalada laga saaray balse loo baahan yahay in ay hubka dhigaan "Hubka magaalada ayaa laga saaray hadal maahee hubka in la dhigo ayaa loo baahan yahay oo gacan aamin ahna lagu wareejiyo"ayuuna yiri madaxweynaha oo ku faanay in aan loo sheegi kari dadka sidiisa oo kale ilbaxa ah in hubkii oo ay weli gacanta ku hayaan hoggaamiyayaashii lahaa in laga saaray magaalada, "Ninkii ciidan meel geystay isagoo u hubeysan hadhow marka uu doono ayuu ku soo celin karaa, waxaana loo sheegayaa in hubkii magaalada laga saaray dadka aan wax ogeyne dadka anigoo kale ilbaxa ah waxaas looma sheego" ayuuna hadalkiisa sii raaciyay.


    Dowladdu waxay sheegtay in ay degeyso Jowhar iyo Baydhabo, xubnaha Baarlamaanka qaarkoodna waxay leeyihiin goaankaas ka soo baxay baarlamaanka looma dhameyn oo xitaa guddoomiyihii waa ka maqnaa, marka arrintaas maxaad ku daweyneysaan ayay ahayd suaal kale oo madaxweynaha la weydiiyay, wuxuuna ku jawaabay "Guddoomiyuhu xubin buu ka yahay baalamaanka, guddoonka marka uu joogo isaga ayaa leh, balse marka uu maqan yahay guddoomiye ku xigeenka ayaa shirka guddoominaya, haddii ay labadooda wada maqan yihiina baarlamaanka ayaa fadhiisanaya waxa ay aqlabiyaddiisa isku raacaan ayaana sharci ah, aqlabiyadiina waxay isku raacday in dowladdu ay ku sii hakato Baydhabo iyo Jowhar, Xamarna xafiis laga furo, kadib marka ammaanka Muqdisho hagaagana ay dowladdu dhammaantood u wada guurto".


    "Aniga waxay ila tahay dad aan xasilooni rabin, nabadna rabin waa iska jiraan, waxaana arrintaas ka masuul ah dadka sidaas u fekeraya, aniga oo kale ka masuul maahi, aqlabiyadda baarlamaanka ka masuul maaha, aqlabiyadda golaha wasiirrada ka masuul maaha, waxaanu dooneynaa in Soomaaliya si dhab ah wax looga qabto oo markaasina sidey ahaan jirtay laga dhigo"ayuu yiri Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo ka jawaabcelinayay suaal ahayd sababta aaney wax uga qaban dowladda Federaalka dib u heshiisiintii loo soo doortay.


    Waa kuwee kuwa aan nabadda rabin, caddee Md. Madaxweyne ayay ahayd suaal kale oo la weydiiyay, wuxuuna ku jawaabay "ma caddeyn bey u baahan tahay waa loo jeedaaye, Guddoomiye baarlamaanoo inta Baarlamaankiisii ka tegay nin marti u ah oo Dayniile la fadhiya miyaa caddeyn u baahan waa loo jeedaa waxa uu ku dhex jiree".


    "Guddoomiyaha haddii uu i eedeynayo dad baa nala jooga oo arrinta aan isku heyno garsoor ka noqon kara, Shakhsiyaddiisa wax ka sheegi maayo laakin anigu waan arkaa in ay siyaasaddiisu qaldan tahay oo waan u jeedaa"ayuu hadalkiisa ku sii daray madaxweynaha oo ka jawaabayay sida uu u arkay eedeyn uu horay ugu soo jeediyay guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka oo ahayd in uu doonayo in uu isku fuuqsado awoodaha masuuliyiinta sare ee dowladda.


    Baydhabo hadda waa la isku heystaa, xiisad baana ka taagan, markaa sidee bey suurtagal ku noqoneysaa Md. Madaxweyne in ay dowladdu sii degto ayay suaal kale oo la hordhigay madaxweynaha, wuxuuna ku jawaabay "Baydhabo la iskuma heysan karo, waa magaalo Soomaaliyeed, Soomaaliduna ma kala xigto dowladduna waa tegeysaa adeer haddii alle idmo".


    Adiga oo madaxweynihii ah iyo Raiisal Wasaaraha ayaa la idinku eedeynayaa in aad dooneysaa in Nairobi aad waqti dheer iska sii joogtaan, isla markaana aad soo wadataan dowlado ay Itoobiya ka mid tahay oo Soomaaliyana cadaawad kala dhaxeyso arrintaas maxaad ka leedahay ayaa hadana la weydiiyay Madaxweynaha "Adeer nin Dayniile ama Hotelka Saxafi ku xiran hadalkiisa wax ka soo qaad ma leh, maba ahan nin xor ah"ayuuna suaashaas kaga jawaabay.


    Madaxweyne Yuusuf wuxuu sheegay in dhibaatada Xamar wax looga qaban karo in dadka la heshiisiiyo, isla markaana ay iyagoo raali ah iska dhigaan hubka, haddii aysan hubka iska dhiganna aysan weligood nabad heli doonin, qarannimana heli doonin, dhibkana ay ku jirayaan, isagoo shacabka Soomaaliyeedna ugu baaqay in ay u diyaargaroobaan dowladda oo dalka soo degeysa dhowaan, isla markaana ay dadka Muqdisho oo uu si gaar ah ula hadlay ka leexdaan dadka shidada wada oo ayna taageeraan dadka midnimada wanaaga iyo qarannimada ka shaqeynaya.


    Intaas kadib ayay isla Idaacaddan wareysi la yeelatay wasiirka Amniga Qaranka Md. Maxamed Qanyare, kaasi oo wax laga weydiiyay sida uu u arkayo wareysigii uu bixiyay madaxweynaha wuxuuna Qanyare arrintaas ka yiri "hadalka ka soo yeeray madaxweynaha ma ahan hadal uu nin weyn ku hadlo, si ay ka noqotayna ma aqaano hayeeshee waxaan leeyahay alle ha caafiyo hana soo uruuriyo".


    Maxamed Qanyare waxaa si gaar ah uga kululaaday hadalkii uu madaxweynaha ku weeraray guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka ee ahaa in uu Dayniile nin la joogo oo uusan xor ahayn, wuxuuna arrintaas kaga jawaabay Qanyare " Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka wuxuu joogaa Muqdisho oo aan laga xigin, waxaase is-weydiin leh haddii uusan Dayniile joogin guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ma wuxuu joogi lahaa Gaalkacyo Waqooyigeeda".


    Wasiirka Amniga Qaranka, Maxamed Qanyare waxaa uu difaacay howsha ay xubnaha labada gole ka wadaan magaalada Muqdisho, wuxuuna caddeeyay in ay arrintaasi meel wanaagsan mareyso, isla markaana aysan jirin cid ay uga heybeysanayaan in ay wax ka qabtaan nabadgelyo darrada ka jirta magaalada Muqdisho.


    Si kastaba Arrintu ha ahaatee wareysiyadan lidka isku ah ee ay kala bixiyeen Madaxweynaha iyo Wasiirka Amniga ayaa waxay bannaanka u soo saareen bidhaan ah in khilaafka u dhaxeeya xubnaha labada gole ee dowladda Federaalka uu salka ku hayo Maxamed Qanyare iyo C/llaahi Yuusuf waayo wareysiyadooda ayaa ahaa kuwo ay si shakhsi isugu weerarayeen, waxaana la moodaa in labada masuul khilaafkooda loo aaneynayo ballamo ay wada galeen xiligii doorashada oo ay isaga baxeen.


    Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online

    Mogadishu, Somalia

  16. Xiisad ka dhex taagan xubnaha guddoonka Golaha Wakiillada Somaliland


    Isniin, May 23, 2005(HOL)@20:30GMT: Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta maamulka Somaliland ayaa sheegaya in xiisad ka dhex taagan tahay xubnaha golaha wakiillada ee maamulkaas, gaar ahaan guddoonka golaha.


    Xiisaddan ayaa ka dhalatay kadib markii guddoomiyaha golaha wakiillada Maxamed Aadan Qeybe uu maanta taageeray mooshin ay dhowaan soo bandhigeen ilaa 43 mudane oo sheegayay in xilka laga xayuubiyo madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale, waxaase taasi ka soo horjeestay guddoomiye ku xigeenka golaha wakiillada ninka lagu magacaabo C/qaadir Xaaji Ismaaciil Jirde.


    Xiisaddaas oo maanta laga baqay in ay gacan ka hadal ka dhex dhaliso shir ay xubnaha golaha wakiillada ku lahaayeen magaalada Hargeysa ayaa waxaa la geeyay ciidamo boolis ah oo aan horay loo geyn jirin.


    Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiillada Md. Maxamed Aadan Qeybe ayaa sheegay in mooshinka xil ka qaadista madaxweynaha ay tahay mid ansax ah oo axdiguna uu ogol yahay, wuxuuna ugu baaqay xubnaha diidan in ay raacaan dhinaca loo badan yahay.


    Sidoo kale shir jaraaid oo uu maanta ku qabtay magaalada Hargeysa guddoomiye ku xigeenka Md. C/qaadir Xaaji Ismaaciil Jirde ayuu ku sheegay in aan la aqbali karin mooshinkaas maadaama uu yahay mid lagu doonayo in lagu carqaladeeyo midnimada golaha wakiillada, wuxuuna ugu baaqay xubnaha golaha wakiillada in ay ka feejignaadaan aqbalaadda mooshinkaas haddii kale waxaa uu sheegay in ay qatar geli doonto wax uu ku tilmaamay gooni isu taagga Somaliland.


    Khilaafkan ayaa ku soo beegmay xilli uu Axaddii ka amba baxay magaalada Hargeysa Madaxweynihii hore ee Zambia Mr. Keneth Kaunda, kaasi oo muddooyinkan booqanayay halkaas, iyadoo ka horna ay halkaasi booqasho ku tageen Wafdi ka socday Midowga Afrika.


    Dhinaca kale, Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda maamulka Somaliland haweeneyda la yiraahdo Adna Aadan Ismaaciil oo booqasho ku joogta magaalada London ee dalka Ingiriiska ayaa sheegtay in dowladda Britain ay u ballanqaaday in ay gacan ku siin doonto sidii ay Somaliland u heli lahayd aqoonsi caalami ah, waxayna hadalkan Adna jeedisay kadib kulan ay la yeelatay masuuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda Ingrisiiska, gaar ahaan kuwa arrimaha dibadda.


    Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis) Hiiraan Online

    Mogadishu, Somalia

  17. Madaxweynaha Puntland Oo La Filayo In Casuumaad U Fidiyo Issimada Iyo Cuqaasha Gobollada Sool,Sanaag,Cayn Iyo Hayland.

    Warkii: May 22, 2005


    Puntland( Warar laga helayo ilo-Xog-ogaal ah ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in madaxweynaha DGSPL Gen.Cadde Muuse uu wado dadaal uu kula kulmayo Issimada iyo Cuqaasha Beelaha Dega Gobollada Sool, Sanaag,Cayn iyo Hayland ee Puntland.



    Kulankan oo sida la qorsheeyey lagu beegay in uu dhaco 30/05/05 ayaa waxa lagu wadaa in layskula soo qaado xaaladaha ka taagan jiidda hore ee ay haatan isku hor fadhiyaan ciidamada Daraawiishta iyo malayshiyada beelaha Isaaqa ee ka soo duulay dhinaca waqooyi galbeed.




    Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in hungooyinkii ku yimi wadahadaladii nabadeed ee ay wadeen Issimada labada dhinac ee Puntland iyo maamulka Hargeysa ay keeneen in ay dib isugu noqdaan Issimada Gobolladani iyo DGSPL, iyada oo uu hore Madaxweynaha Puntland Cadde ogolaansho u siiyey Issimada Gobolka Sool in ay la hadlaan Maamulka Hargeysa, taas oo sida muuqata Socon weyday.




    Waxaa iyaguna soo baxaya in wadatashi laga samayn doono tallaabada tan xigta mar haddii maamulka Hargeysa Ka dhaga adaygay in uu ciidamadiisa dib ugu gurto goobihii ay hore u joogeen, bishii December sannadkii 2003.




    Wadaxaajoodkii ay wadeen Issimada iyo salaadiinta labada dhinac ayaa burbur ku yimi ka dib markii uu soo dhexgalay Maamulka Hargeysa ka arrimiyaa kaas oo sheegay in bisha lixaad horraanteeda uu ku dhawaaqay shir laysugu imaanayo magaalada shiikh, waxaase ku gacan saydhay Issimada Gobollada Sool, Sanaag Iyo Cayn.



  18. Jaalliyadda Sool Sanaag Iyo Cayn Ee Ku Dhaqan Boqortooyada Ingiriiska Oo Taageero Iyo Hambalyo U Diraya Madax Dhaqameedyada Sool Sanaag Iyo Cayn.


    Warkii: May 23, 2005


    London( Haddii aanu nahay Beesha Sool ee ku dhaqan waddanka Ingiriiska, waxaanu taageersanahay go’aankii ay qaateen Madax dhaqameedyada Sool Sanaag Iyo Cayn, ee isagu ku wajahnaa shirkii Nabadaynta ahaa, ee ay sida qayaxan u soo fara gashadeen Maamulka Hargeysa.



    Waxaanuna u soo gudbinaynaa Hambalyo iyo Taageero waafi ah, waxaanuna aad iyo aad ugu faraxsanahay Mowqifkaasi midaysan ee ay qaateen, iyo weliba sida geesinimada leh ee ay u caddeeyeen halka ay ka taagan yihiin shirk u sheegii uu doonayey inuu Maamulka Hargeysa soo dhoobdhoobo… Inkastoo aanan soo koobi Karin dadka sida weyn u taageeray go’aankaasi xalaasha ah, nadiifta ah ee aan madmadowga lahayn, misana waxaa si weyn u taageeray dadkan hoos ku xusan:




    Axmed Saleebaan Sancad.

    Cismaan Durraan Axmed.

    Cabdow Faarax Mudhe.

    Cismaan Jaamac Gaafaadhi.

    Axmed Ibraahim Cawaale (Biid).

    Axmed Geelle.

    Muuse Cali Koore.

    Maxamed Xaaji Xaashi.

    Nuur Xasan Falaalug.

    Maxamuud Maxamed Dhuux.

    Xasan Ciise Qase.

    Cabdiraxmaan Dalmar.

    Faarax Warsame Cismaan.

    Yaasiin Axmed Sulub.

    Aadan Garaad Soofe.

    Aadan Garaad Maxamed.

    Keyf Cali Qambi.

    Duullane Ducaale Darwiish.

    Carab Cilmi Ciid.

    Cabdul Maxamed Cali Bulay.

    Axmed Fardaale.

    Ismaaciil Ibraahim Ducaale-Aftaag.



    Kama dambaystii Madaxdhaqameedyada Sool, Sanaag Iyo Cayn waxaanu leenahay haddii aanu nahay Jaalliyadda u dhalatay deegaanka, go’aankiinaasi midaysani aad iyo aad ayuu noo farxad geliyey, aad baanu ugu diirsanay, waxaanuna idinka codsanaynaa inaad halkaasi ka haysaan, midnimadiinuna waa muhiim, waana guushayada iyo wanaagayaga, idinkana taariikhda ayeydin baal dahab ah ka geli doontaan….




    Baaqan Taageerada ah waxaana soo gaadhsiiyey Cismaan Durraan Axmed



    London UK

  19. Warbixin Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo la kulmay Wasiir Ingiriis ah

    Warkii: May 22, 2005

    London ( Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya, Mudane Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed, waxaa uu shalay kula kulmay magaalada London Lord David Treisman oo ah Wasiiru Dawlaha Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda Ingiriiska u qaabilsan arrimaha dibadda.



    Madaxweynuhu wuxuu wasiirka u bandhigay halka uu marayo geeddi socodka dawladda ku meel gaarka ah, wuxuuna ka cosaday in bulshada caalamku ay Soomaaliya siiyaan taageero buuxda dhanka siyaasadda iyo dhanka dhaqaalahaba. Wuxuu u sheegay in Soomaaliya ay u baahan tahay dhaqaale xoog leh in la geliyo si ay dawladda ku meel gaarka ah uga soo baxdo barnaamijka ay doonayso inay Soomaaliya ka fuliso.











    Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed iyo Wasiiru Dawlaha Ingiriiska Arrimaha Afrika Lord David Triesman













    Bidix: Martin Lamport, madaxa Qaybta Geeska Africa ee Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibedda Ingiriiska, Dhex: Cabdullahi Yusuf, Midig: Anna Lake, madaxa Qaybta Geeska Africa ee Wasaaradda Horumarinta Caalamiga













    Ka billaw bidix: Martin Lamport, Cabdullahi Yusuf, Anna Lake, Cabdirashid Aden Seed (Lataliyayaha Madaxweynaha), Lord Triesman




    Madaxweynuhu wuxuu kaloo wasiirka u sheegay in ay dawladdiisu ka go'an tahay in ay Soomaaliya ku soo celiso xasillooni dhanka amniga ah, iyo inay dib u dhisto hay'adihii dawladda ee burburay.


    Wuxuu kaloo wasiirka u sheegay in Soomaaliya la siiyo tixgelin gooni ah marka la hirgelinayo barnaamijyada loogu tala galay horumarinta Afrika ee ay dawladda Ingiriisku horseedka u tahay. Sababtuna waxay tahay iyadoo baahida Soomaaliya ay aad u ballaaran tahay, una baahan tahay tixgelintaas goonida ah.


    Madaxweynuhu wuxuu sheegay in dawladda Soomaaliya ay isku hawli doonto sidii loo sameyn lahaa dib u heshiisiin dhan ah oo dhex marta dadka Soomaalida oo dhan. Mar uu ka hadlay arrinta Soomaaliland, oo dawladda Ingiriisku ay il gaar ah ku fiirineyso, wuxuu sheegay in dawladda Soomaalidu ay doonayso in arrinta Soomaaliland lagu dhammeeyo wadahaldal iyo is afgarad. Soomaaliya waa waddan federal, gobol kastana xaq buu u leeyahay in uu ismaamuloâ€, ayuu yiri Cabdullaahi Yusuf.


    Madaxweynuhu wuxuu wasiirka u sheegay in Soomaaliya iyo dawladda Ingiriisku ay ka shaqeeyaan sidii loo xoojin lahaa xiriirka wanaagsan ee ka dhexeeya labada dawladood. Dhiniciisa wasiirku wuxuu ugu horreyntii madaxweynaha ugu hambalyeeyay doorashadii loo doortay jagada madaxweynaha Soomaaliya waqtigan adag, isagoo u sheegay inuu yahay qof munaasab ku ah jagadaas. Wuxuu sheegay in dawladda Ingiriiska ay gacan weyn ka geysan doonto xoojinta Dawladda ku Meel Gaarka ah, xag siyaasad iyo xag dhaqaaleba. Wuxuuna ku taliyay in la sameeyo shirar joogta ah oo arrintaas lagu dabagalo si mucaawanada u noqoto mid wax ku ool ah oo gaarta halkii la rabay.


    Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in qorshaha dawladda Ingiriisku ugu talagashay in wax looga qabto dhibaatada Afrika ay tahay mid dhab ah, Soomaaliyana ay si fiican uga muuqato.


    Wasiirku aad buu ugu riyaaqay sida mas'uulka ah ee uu madaxweynuhu u doonayo in lagu xalliyo dhibaatada Soomaaliland, wuxuuna sheegay dawladda Ingiriisku inay arrintaas gacan uga geysan doonto sida ugu munaasabsan.


    Ugu dambeyntii, wuxuu uga mahadceliyay Madaxweynaha booqashada uu ugu yimid, wuxuuna u sheegay inuu rajeynayo in marnar badan oo kale is arkaan.


    Madaxweyne Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed wuxuu wasiirka ugu dhiibay warqad ku socota Ra'iisul wasaaraha Ingiriisaka, Tony Blair.


    Xigasho-AllPuntland, London


  20. Baarlamaanka Maamulka Labaxay S/land oo ku Socda Wadadii Baarlamaanka Embegati


    {Hargaysa{23 May 2005} Waxaa Bilaabmay Muran iyo isqabqabsi ka Dhexeeya Baarlamaanka iyo Xukuumada isku Magacawday S/land, Ka dib Soo Noqoshadii Qaybe.


    Murankan ayaa Bilaabmay markii Dhawaan La isku Dayay in Maamuuska laga Qaado Mr Riyaale Kaahin, Isaguna uu ka Xidhay Meeshay ku Shiri Lahaayeen, ka dibna uu kala diray 45 Maalmood isagoo u Adeegsaday Ku Xigeenka Qaybe C/qaadir Ismaaciil Jirde.


    Arintan ayaa Samada isku Shareertay Marki uu Godoomiha Mr Qaybe uu la Saftay Garabka Mucaaradka ah ee wada Qorshaha Xilka lagaga qaadayo Riyaale.


    Maanta ayaa waxaa Shir Jaraa"id qabsat C/qaadir Ismaaciil Jirde, waxana uu Sheegay in aanu Awood u lahayn in Qaybe Shiriyo Baarlamaanka Ku Xigeenkiisa La"aantii.


    Arintan ayaa ah Mid Awooda Qaybe Hoos loogu Dhigaayo oo la Rabo in Go"aanka lala qaybsado.


    Qaybe ayaa isna Sheegay in aanu Jirde Mudnayn in loo Jawaabo, waxaana uu u Muujiyay Quudhsi, Isagoo Tilmaamay in Awooda Gudoominta Barlamaanka uu iasagu Leeyahay Mar haduu Joogo.


    Herdankan Siyaasadeed ayaa u eg in Afka Ciida loo Darayo Xukuumada Riyaale, Waa haday Guulaysaan Garabka Qaybe, Halka Badda lagu Daraayo Siilaanyo iyo Mucaaradkiisa Hadii looba Diido Aqalkay ku Shiri Jiree.


    Arintan ayaa u eg Tii Baarlamaanka DKGS oo u kala jabtay Labo Garab, Halisna Gelisay Midhihii Beesha Caalamka ee Labada sano.

  21. From Las-Anod, Somalia


    I thought we already exhausted the topic of Las Caanod in the thread we had a couple of months ago, saaxib. The jury is still out on that one. These, and I’m sure you’ll agree with me here, are mere border disputes. Whether they’re part of Somaliland doesn't negate the main argument for the existence of Somaliland.

    Well SSC regions are an integral part of Somalia and they are not for discussion, I think Somaliland issue (meaning Hergeysa-Burco-Barbara Triangle) is for discussion and need a jury


    are mere border disputes.

    The people of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn are proud people, and they are more than mere border dispute as you portrayed them , PLEASE STOP THE INSULTS. Whether Somaliland (meaning Hergeysa-Burco-Barbara Triangle) secede or not, Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn is not their business.


    The fate of SSC regions, is matter for the people of Sool, Snaag, and Cayn to decide. NO ONE ELSE



    I genuinely believe the union is no more. I see no benefit whatsoever in being part of the federal government.

    The above statement is the stance of secessionists, BUT even if united Somalia is not viable anymore as Somali Landers think, also the people of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn do not see no benefit whatsoever in being part of clan-state of Somaliland. The people of SSC rather being part of united Somalia (nation-state), stand alone (meaning establishing their own clan-state), or joining to any other entity, if they see they can benefit.



    It is pointless to argue that Somaliland is using clan politics

    It is not pointless, but is the reality and the facts on the ground that Somaliland is in every respect is based on clan politics, the entire Somaliland administration is one clan’s faction and campaigning for recognition as clan-state, So the whole Somaliland notion based on one clan’s resentment, one clans administration, one clan declared a self-declared republic, and idea is promoted by one clan. Where United Somalia is promoted a whole race (Somali), Somali republic was shared by all Somalis, when Somalia was established back in 1960 was supported by all Somali clans on the basis of nationalism, Somalia is a nation-state.


    But still, I don’t mind the people of Hergeysa-Burco-Barbara Triangle to form their own state. However the problem is when the people of Hergeysa-Burco-Barbara Triangle claim all former British Somalia to come under the rule of their clan-state because of mythical colonial boundaries. The people of Hergeysa-Burco-Barbara Triangle cannot at the same time claim self-determination for their clan-state, and to colonize the people of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn. THATS HYPOCCISY!!!


    The people of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn has the right of self-determination and the freewill, and Hergeysa-Burco-Barbara Triangle should end their aggression on Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn regions.



    I agree that optimism is great and that people work to attain their dreams.

    Even if united Somalia is dream, how about the clan-state of Somaliland? A daydream.


    Well maybe the clan-state of Somaliland is answer to Somaliland’s administration and the people of Hargeysa-Burco-Barbara triangle in their quest of establishing a clan-state that they dominate.




    It really has no other option but to succeed.

    I don’t think so clan-state is a answer to Somali crisis, but Hargeysa-Barbara-Burco Triangle has right to secede.

  22. 20/05/2005 - 16:19:04


    Ethiopia’s main opposition coalition said today it will not accept election results for 84 seats that may hold the balance of power in the 547-strong parliament, increasing already high tensions as the nation awaits official results.


    Both opposition and ruling parties were claiming victory based on their own projections and trading charges of rigging. As of today, the National Electoral Board had published results for 15 seats.


    Many more provisional results from Sunday’s voting – seen as the most open and fair in Ethiopian history – were expected tomorrow and final, ratified results on June 8.


    The National Electoral Board was investigating charges of major vote fraud, deputy chief Kemal Bedri said, asking political parties to provide evidence backing their claims. He added a revote will take place on Sunday in six out of Ethiopia’s 31,000 polling stations, saying serious irregularities – including a halt to voting – were recorded at just those six stations.


    The main opposition, though, wants a revote and a recount of ballots for 84 seats, claiming ballot boxes were stolen, its supporters were prevented from voting and counting was stopped as it became clear that its candidates were ahead.


    The Coalition for Unity and Democracy is prepared to use all peaceful and legal means to challenge the results of the 84 disputed seats, said Berhanu Nega, vice chairman of the Coalition for Unity and Democracy.


    Beyene Petros, vice chairman of the opposition United Ethiopian Democratic Forces, warned of “grave consequences†if the results do not reflect the voters’ will.


    “The term ’grave consequences’ is implying the kind of downfall previous Ethiopian governments have been facing by not properly assessing the developments of the population,†Beyene said.


    “A peaceful revolution is in the making and I think all of us can read this from a determined population on the streets of Addis Ababa that was standing for more than 10 hours to vote,†Beyene said.


    The opposition charges triggered conflicting accusations from the ruling Ethiopia People’s Revolutionary Front, which ended an oppressive dictatorship in 1991 .


    The ruling party has proof that the opposition rigged the vote, spokesman Simon Ereket said. He refused to provide details, saying the evidence will be presented to electoral authorities.


    “The conventional wisdom is that the state or ruling party cheats. Now we have found that it is otherwise,†Simon said. “We have ample evidence that the opposition party has rigged the election.â€

    Simon, though, conceded what many observers have concluded: that the opposition made strong gains, particularly in the capital and other cities seen as its stronghold. The ruling party was expected to do well in the countryside, where most of Ethiopia’s 70 million people live.


    “In most urban areas … we know for sure they have won,†Simon said, adding not all those victories resulted from fraud.


    The Coalition for Unity and Democracy and the allied United Ethiopian Democratic Forces came into the race with just 12 of the 547 seats in parliament.


    While conceding opposition gains, the ruling party said it retained control of parliament. The opposition parties said they had enough seats to form their own coalition government. Both sides claimed victory based on projections from tallies drawn up by party monitors at individual polling stations at which results have been posted.


    EU observers had said Sunday’s vote was “the most genuinely competitive elections the country has experienced,†despite some problems and human rights violations.


    Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, known as one of the continent’s more progressive leaders, has pledged his sometimes authoritarian government would introduce greater democracy. Many had pointed to Sunday’s race as a test of his commitment to reform.


    Ethiopia was an absolute monarchy under Emperor Haile Selassie until the mid-1970s, when a brutal Marxist junta overthrew him.


    Civil wars wracked the ethnically fractured country in the 1980s, and famine took as many as 1 million lives. Meles’ rebel group overthrew the junta in 1991. Meles became president, then prime minister in 1995.

  23. Again Canada proved its democratic values; it was hard test for Canadian government and parliament. Anyways, its good news that the minority Canadian government (combines ruling liberal party with the support of kingmaker NDP party) survived with only one vote. Canadians expressed in numerous polls their unwillingness for another federal election in a less than year. Additionally, the Canadian opposition party (the conservative party) adopted extremely right-wing policies, which is unpopular among the majority of Canadians. And what’s upsetting Canadians is that the conservative party made alliance with Bloc Quebois party – a separatist in the province of Quebec.


    Although, the Somali government have the support of the majority of Somali MPs (152 of 275 MPs) had difficult time to ratify its agenda, while the Canadian government succeeded to pass its budget plan with only by a single vote in the House of Commons.


    In addition, the Canadian opposition MPs will not hold another rival parliamentarian session to form a new government or implement their agenda, like Somali opposition MPs.


    What’s the problem with the Somali parliamentarians is it because Somalia is not a developed and industrialized nation, or is it because Somali MPs have lower intellectual capacity and educational background.


    The Somali MPs should accept the democratic process and the decision of the majority of Somali MPs. as well find a common ground and work toward the betterment of Somalia.