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Posts posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Xaflad Lagu Sagootinayo Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo diyaarinteeda ka socota magaalada Nairobi


    Sida ay sheegayan wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya waxaa socda qaban qaabo loogu jiro qabashada Xaflad ballaaran oo lagu Sagootinayo dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, taas oo la dhigi doona ka hor inta aan dowladda soomaalida ka soo guurin magaalada Nairobi.


    Xafladan oo sagootin ka ah ayaa waxaa lagu soo afjaraya dadaalkii dib u heshiisinta soomaaliya ee galbeedka dalka Kenya ka bilaabaday 15-October ee sanadkii 2002, dadaalkaasna ka soo baxday dowladda uu Madaxweynaha ka yahay C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa diyaarinteeda waxaa wada dowladda Kenya, Urur goboleedka IGAD iyo beesha Caalamka.


    Sida uu sheegay Ninka dhawaan loo magacabay Wasiiro dowlaha warfaafinta Ibraahim Maxamed Deeq ayaa qirtay qabashada xafladaas, sidoo kale Afhayeenka Madaxweynaha soomaaliya ayaa isna horey u sheegay in la qaban doona xaflad sagootin ah.


    Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

    Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho

    Midnimo Information Center

  2. Shariif Xasan Aadanâ€Haddii aan la qaadin Isbaarooyinka Caasimad ma ahaan doonta Muqdisho, sababtana waxay tahay


    Afhayeenka Baarlamaanka Soomaalida Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa sheegay maanta in caasimad ahaanshaha magaalada Muqdisho aaney wax macno ah sameyneyn inta magaalada ay daadsan yihiin isbaarooyinka ay leeyihiin Wasiirada hubeysan.


    D hawaaqan ayuu Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka ka sheegay kulan uu la yeeshay golaha bulshada rayidka Soomaaliyeed, isagoo tilmaamay in marnaba casimad ahaanshaha Muqdisho wax dan ah ku jirin isbaarooyinka yaala gudaha gobolka Banadir iyo wadooyinka soo gala, isagoo sheegay in isbaarooyinka ay yihiin kuwa hortaagan in nabad galyo ay ka dhalato magaalada Muqdisho iyo gobolka dalka Soomaaliya.


    Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka waxa uu sheegay xilka ay ka hayaan dowlada aan wax micno ah sameyneyn hadii aysan jirin dal iyo xafisyo ay ku shaqeeyaan, waxaana markasta muhiim ah in isbaarooyinka laga qaado magaalada.


    Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan oo kulan dheer la qaatay golaha bulshada rayidka ah kaasoo ka dhacay Hotel Saxafi ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in loo baahan yahay in dowladaha dariska ah nabadgalyo lagula noolaado, iyaguna dalka Soomaaliya ay nabadgaliyaan.


    Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

    Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho

    Midnimo Information Center

  3. Tartan Kubada cagta ah oo galabta ka furmey degmada Dhahar ee Gobolka Sanaag.

    Dhahar-02.June.2005 Tartan kubada cagta ah oo ay ku kulmayaan 6 kooxood oo heerka Junyerka ah ayaa galabta ka furmey Degmada Dhahar ee Gobolka Sanaag.


    Tartan Kubada cagta ah ayaa waxaa loo tartamayaa Koob ay dhigtey Hay’ada lagu magacaano Dandoor, waxaana tartanka ka qayb galaya lix kooxood oo ka dhisan Gobolada Sanag iyo Haylaan.


    Kooxaha ka qayb galaya tartankan kubada cagta ah ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Tawkal, Dalsan, 571, Mustaqbal, Dahabshiil iyo Dayax.


    Ciyaartii ugu horeysay ayaa galbta waxay dhex martey Kooxaha Tawakal iyo Dalsan waxaana labada kooxood ay ku kala baxeen 2 iyo 2.


    Furitaankii ciyaartii maanta ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galey masuuliyiin kala duwan, waxaana ciyaarta furey Wasiiru dawlaha Madaxtooyada ee Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland Axmed Xuseen Doonyaale iyo Gudoomiyaha Haylan Haybe Cali Axmed, waxaana munaasabadaas ka soo qayb galey xubno ay ka mid ahaayeen Wasiir ku xigeenka Horumarinta reer miyiga ee DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya Siciid Xasan Shire, Gudoomiye kuxigeenka Haylaan Siciid Xasan Xaaji(Waraabe), Gudoomiyaha Gudiga maamulka degmada Dhahar Sahal Maxamed Jaamac , Gudoomiyaha Dalada Ururada Bulshada ee Xaqsoor Axmed C/laahi Galow iyo waliba dadweyne aad u fara badan.


    Ciyaarahan ayaa waxay socon doonaan 7 cisho hadii EEBE idmi sida ay Idaacada SBC u sheegeen Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Degmada Dhahar.


    Maxamuud C/raxmaan Rood

    SBC Boosaaso.

  4. The Celebration of the Somali National Week comes between June 26 and July 1 every year.


    June 26; North Somalia took independence from Britain (Gobalada Woqooyi ayaa ka xoroobay Ingriiska)


    June 27; Djibouti took independence from France (Jabuuti ayaa ka xorooday Faransiiska)


    July 1; South and East Somalia took independence from Italy (Gobalada Bari iyo Koonfir ayaa ka xoroobay Talyaaniga)


    July 1; the Union Day (Maalintii Midowga Soomaaliyeed)


    July 1; the Somali Republican Day (Maalinta Jamhuuriyada Somalia)

  5. You are yelling for Somaliland to respect SSC regions but were you (or those older than you or those who are crying unity) vocal in the invasion of Hargeisa/Somaliland in 87/88?


    Thought not,,,,,,,or was it when the war spread that we all became concerned?


    Regardless of the above, today nobody is in a position to negotiate anything.




    If you are against Somaliland to respect the will ssc regions, how would you expect Somalia to respect the will of Somaliland!!!!!!!!! That’s hypocrisy.


    northerner, you arguing that it is acceptable to invade Laascaanood (how can Somaliland people argue the Hargeysa tragedy was wrong, and at the same time argue that Somaliland administration should invade Laascaanood, meaning Laascaanood should became another Hargeysa)What a double standard.



    Well if SSC is non-negotiable, Somaliland is also non-negotiable.




    there nobody is in a position to negotiate anything

    That’s unfortunate what do people want to fight?



    Somalis have to learn to sit and negotiate and avoid unnesseary spilling of the blood of muslims.


    The people of Hargeysa-Burco-Barbara Triangle have the right of self-determination. if they want create their little state of Somaliland (for what ever reason such as making clan-state or because of regime opression)



    On the other hand, The people of Sool Sanaag and Cayn also have the right of self determination. and the fact that they want to stay as an integral part of Somalia (a product of somali people) and not join socalled Somaliland (a product of colonial drawing)

  6. In fact there was a union between the north and south Somalia, and the two parliaments peacefully merged, only one tribal faction snm lying about the union. BUT in reality there was no union absolutely between the communities/clans/regions of so-called former British Somaliland (now part of Somalia).

  7. Can Somalia be Saved From Itself?

    By Abdiweli M. Ali

    May 30, 2005





    The years long reconciliation process that started as a civil society affair, significantly spurred on by a phalanx of refugees from Europe and North America intoxicated by the democratic ideals of their adopted countries, is now hijacked by few warlords and the rest are relegated into impatient bystanders. The propaganda campaign of pacifying Mogadishu seems more of a knee-jerk dig at Abdullahi Yusuf and Ali Ghedi than a considered well-thought political strategy. The French refer to America as the country of 32 religions and only one dish to eat. The capital of Somalia became the city of 32 warlords and nothing to eat.


    The American writer H. L. Mencken is once quoted to have said “For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat and wrong.†Simplicity of course is a bo on in its own right but the foolish statements of the warlords that they will take their technicals out of the capital but will remain under their control has an uncanny resemblance to the story of the fellow who wanted to sell ice to the Eskimos. Call me a fool but this one will not pass. It is an utter nonsense. The warlords who are loathed and feared by the inhabitants of this once beautiful city can't even bo ast any spectacular success in feeding their self-sacrificing militia who are forced to resort to thievery, road-blocking and carjacking. The resilient inhabitants of Mogadishu har bo r no illusions of what is to come out of this charade. The warlords have a record and their record tells it all. They will never exhaust finding reasons to renege on their promises, and their latest half-baked monkeyshines will soon be uncovered to be nothing but the same-all, same-all tomfoolery. The doubts voiced by President Yusuf and Prime Minister Ghedi squares completely with the experience of Muqdishanis that the warlords will never disarm unless forced to do so.




    What they did to Abdikassim and Ali Khalif pales in comparison to what is in the oven for Abdullahi and Ghedi . These guys who never made any effort in hiding their mutual loathing are now telling the world that keeping Mogadishu captive for the past 15 years was just a bad dream. The ruthless mean machines of Mogadishu are suddenly transformed into peace-loving *****cats. What a joke! In today's Somalia where we all seem to have shor t m emory and shallow intelligence, it is no surprise that this kind of political farce could even be entertained let alone believed. We became a willing audience with an insatiable appetite for their swaggering fictions instead of realizing the uncomfortable facts that this cocktail of myths and mendacities is poured from the same potent brew of Qanyalahatto (Qanyare+Yallahow+Atto ) mixed with the flavors of the latter-day-saints---The Morganshafir ( Morgan+Sharif+Sifir ) late-comers.


    The question everyone is asking now is whether the strategy of relocating the capital will force them into changing course or will i t m ake them a much more ferocious beast than they already are? I suspect the latter, and history shows that they are brutal when cornered. What then should Abdullahi and Ghedi do? They should continue the bullying and the pressure but at the same time let the pacification falsehood run its natural course. Without the pressure the warlords would not have done the very things they are purporting doing, but at the same time too much pressure might create a tinder lit for the clan loyalists. Therefore, as leaders they have to understand the complexity of the situation and the consequences tha t m ay follow. They should also minimize the fire-and-brimstone BBC interviews that serve no particular purposes. They should simply state the obvious without resorting to unnecessary political polarizations. They should cajole those that need cajoling, sway those need swaying, but also smack those few that knows no other language because sometimes you canno t m ake an omelette without breaking the eggs. Variety is the spice of life and they cannot avoid to be pragmatic where pragmatism succeeds and dogmatic where firmness flaunts.


    There is enough blame to go around. The President and the Prime Minister have their share of it. The talk of the town is that bo th President Yusuf and Prime Minister Ghedi are surrounded by toadies fawning them with felicitations and unable to provide them the painful particulars. In the Somali Jargon (Way rakaab xun yihiin ). If they kept surrounded by these unsavory types, I am afraid they will ultimately become politicians with champagne dreams and soda-water ideas.


    The affairs of the so-called parliament is another sad story; incompetent, self-serving and venal. They had bickered and blundered while the country is going to hell. And lately they have developed the habit of shuttling between Mogadishu and Nairobi chasing the political goods of payments and bribes.


    What is then to be done if this moribund government of national reconciliation is to be revived? The future can either be bright or bleak and it depends of what we make of it. If we always look back, we will never move forward. We can't control the past, only the present. For peace to work in Somalia , it is imperative to put the past behind us. If we don't, we are stealing our children's future. We should use the past to learn, but not to poison. It is like hiking through the woods, you just look back to understand where you came from. There's a saying that war is planned by old men and fought by children. The old men did the planning, the children fought, and we all lost. We are now at a crossroad. The pass has been sold. The cat cannot be walked back. And we have to choose between kinfolk and country.


    Abdiweli M. Ali, Ph.D.


    Assistant Professor of Economics


    College of Business Administration


    Niagara University , NY 14109

  8. After 15 Years Somaliland is Still Besieged by Identity Crisis: What Went Wrong?

    Omar Mohamed Abdi


    May 20,2005


    Fifteen years ago in May of 1991, representatives of communities from all regions of Northern Somalia (former British Somali Protectorate) gathered in the town of Burco for talks on ending hostilities among them, and share ideas on social, economic and political issues facing the country and the region in particular. The meeting followed an announcement by the leadership of SNM and its supporters to end all hostilities against other communities in the region, and start a new chapter of peaceful coexistence in which discourse and deliberation would be the center of addressing socioeconomic and political issues in the region. Despite of active hostilities perpetrated by some of SNM forces in Sool and Sanaag regions, and an all out assault on Addle region few months earlier, many people outside the SNM community felt that the meeting presented an opportunity for peace and decided to attend with caution. With that the Burca summit convened, in May of 1991, in the spirit it had been conceived. What happened next and events that transpired from it over the last 15 years is at the root cause of why people in that region hold extremely opposing views on what Somaliland is or is not.


    First, let me present a brief background on the state of SNM politics in the run up to the Burco summit.


    As the preparation for the meeting was underway, there was a lot of political maneuvering among SNM leaders and throughout its constituency in and outside the country. The question at the heart of the political posturing was clear to everyone . How should SNM transition itself from a tribal rebel movement to a political body that can appeal to a constituency far beyond the current one? The SNM leaders find themselves in two camps.


    On one hand, there were those who believed in a gradual process of transformation into a national political body capable of building a coalition worthy of filling the political leadership vacuum in Somalia. This group included most of SNM's prominent political leaders who had amble experience in public service and politics. They are better known as political face of SNM. This group's strategy for the meeting in Burco was to end all hostilities towards other communities in the region immediately, and put major focus on securing peace and stability among them. They also realized that it would take time for communities to start dialogue with each other and heal the wounds of the conflict. Only then, would it be possible to have a united people of the former British Somaliland, a condition necessary to negotiate some formation of a federal government with former southern Somalia. That was their goal, renegotiate the 1960 union of Somalia.


    On the other hand, a group of leaders from the military wing of SNM, supported by a number of inexperienced, radical and emotionally charged civilians, were determined not to settle for anything short of a quick declaration of an independent state. Their attitude was famously reflected in their slogan “Kaadi baan u soo cabbay†which loosely translates into “I had to drink my own urine to persevere the hardship of the struggle, so don't question meâ€. This camp could not understand why the other group would waste so much time to get the consensus of communities who, in their view, should have no say on the issues at hand.


    Few days after the meeting convened in Burco, as the audience was inundated with a series of marathon reports on SNM's achievements and sacrifices, a group of heavily armed militia loyal to the leadership of SNM's military wing surrounded the building where the meeting was in session. From that day on, the peace meeting went into a panic mode. Fearful delegates resorted to frantic discussions in secluded private gatherings sometimes under the watchful eyes of private armed security. Not a single topic on the original agenda made it to the forum. Few days later Somaliland was declared. Enough with background, and let move on to what went wrong.


    The armed militia was brought in to intimidate members of SNM's political wing and their associates, but it also had the desired effect of muting from non-SNM delegates, who at the end went back home and became subjects of humiliation and ridicule. The political leaders of SNM succumbed to the intimidation tactics of their opponents. As result, they failed not only on personal level, but their actions that day set the stage for the failure of Somaliland itself. What is even sadder is that they repeated their mistakes again and again. Here are few examples of their failures:


    1) They lacked the courage and leadership to stand up for their convictions and views when it counted the most. They decided to leave the fate of the cause they championed for over a decade in the hands of radical, inexperienced and emotional individuals. If what they wanted all along was to have an independent state for their own, why did they chose to name their organization Somali National Movement instead of Somaliland National Movement?


    2) After failing to deliver leadership in Burco, SNM leaders jumped on the Somaliland bandwagon and eagerly assumed leadership role. In this capacity, they reinvented themselves and redefined their cause as the legitimization of Somaliland by the formation of an exemplary democratic society. In other ways, they decided to retrofit an unlawful and ill-conceived entity, created against their wishes in the first place, with symbols of democratic values such as holding referendum on a constitution and organizing local and presidential elections. They now claim that “people†overwhelmingly supported the constitution and the election. They don't mention that one tribe had cast all votes and is the sole beneficiary of the process.


    3) Fourteen years went by and as of May of 2005, none of what they promised materialized. International recognition and legitimacy had never been more elusive. Mr. Riyaale and his administration in Hargaysa were frustrated by economic down turn due to excessive taxation on businesses and internal political squabbling. He and his associates decided that a diversionary tactic would turn around things in their favor. They launched an attack on Sool region in the name of securing the nation's borders.


    4) Once again, former SNM political leaders failed to speak up against the tyranny of few individuals. Again they jumped on the bandwagon. However, things were a little different this time. Some people learned from the lessons of Burco in 1991, and they were determined to stand up for what they believe and value and defend it against any form of aggression.


    Now it is May of 2005. There is still tension in the region and possibility of new violence between Puntland, a new and serious player in the region's politics, and Somaliland forces most of which are often conscripted militia from Awdal and Hargaysa regions.


    However, there is a glimpse of hope in Hargeysa. For the first, a prominent politician broke the taboo of avoiding debate and discourse on the issue of unity and went on live television to speak passionately about his beliefs and convictions about the region's affairs. It is must that Hargaysa is put on the path of de-radicalization in the overall interest of everyone in the region.


    Omar Mohamed Abdi

    Fairfax, VA


  9. Coup d'état attempt In Somaliland


    Abdirahman Waberi

    “Democracy is based on the conviction that man has the moral and intellectual capacity, as well as the inalienable right, to govern himself with reason and justice. Harry S. Truman

    When the news broke that the opposition party Kulmiye leaders allegedly offered a bribe money four times that of what members of Somaliland parliament earn a month in return they (MPs) would introduce a bill that would pave the way for a crafty presidential impeachment hearings in the Somaliland parliament and then vote for such measure, and the plot allegedly started, people realized how vulnerable and fragile Somaliland’s democratic institutions are and how it is so easy for a few desperate opposition leaders be plunge that infant democracy into constitutional crisis, national emergency and chaotic political situations, and then, may be the beginning of the end for Somaliland’s democratization process, aspirations of international recognition let alone the long struggle for justice, sovereignty and democracy.


    Any seizure of the state apparatus by extra-legal tactics may be considered a coup, according to political scientists. The term Coup d'état is French for "a sudden stroke, or blow, of a nation". It often described as the “forcible takeover of the government of a country by elements from within that country, generally carried out by violent or illegal means. It differs from a revolution in typically being carried out by a small group (for example, of mischievous officers or opposition politicians as the case is for Somaliland’s recent conspiracy) to install its leader as head of government, rather than being a mass uprising by the people or overwhelming demand by the people for an immediate change.


    This shocking strategy (of introducing bill in a parliament driven by bribery) constitutes the closest to ending the self-determination stand of Somaliland, as we know it. Nothing has so far challenged the freedom of Somaliland as much as this conspiracy did. Not the killings of westerners, not the president’s assassination attempts in Las-Anod. Nothing has jeopardized the very existence of this Republic more then this attempt of Coup d'état. I don’t want my argument to sound as if I’m implying if this president is gone then…NO. Imagine for once, a president impeached (any Somaliland president) based on bogus allegations driven by corrupted parliamentarians and then immediately after the damage is done, truth comes to light, on how it happened and what has just transpired in parliament and the whole scheme, THEN WHAT? Unleash anarchy? Dissolve the parliament? Run for the border? Nairobi and Sifir, here we come? How do you recover the sanctity of these institutions and how long?


    No one should take this lightly. This act of national betrayal should be investigated thoroughly. These are offences in the highest nature against the people of Somaliland so far and as the highest elected officials entrusted with the security of this republic, the president and the vice-president with consultation with the house of elders should request the justice department to immediately appoint a panel of judiciary scholars or commission of competent jurists who should issue subpoenas to everyone believed to know about the matter to testify under oath in an open hearing about;

    1- Who masterminded this act of treason with whom and when?

    2- Who financed this deed and how and with how much?

    3- Who accepted the kickbacks so far and when and how much?

    The people of Somaliland deserve nothing less then naming names and full investigation; otherwise attempt possibilities aimed at national political collapse will be endless. Who knows what else is cooking in the minds of whoever is behind this awful deed… The fact of the matter is that history teaches us “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinctionâ€.


    Most people are looking at political party Kulmiye leadership with suspicions and disbeliefs since this shameful conspiracy came to light and the good supporters of the Kulmiye party who love Somaliland more then a political party also deserve the truth. If serious democracy is to holdfast in Somaliland, then these are not the kind of acts that supposed to be mixed-up with the daily political rhetoric and mistakes on either side that comes with the growing pains of republic in its infancy, and therefore brushed off easily. To the best of our little knowledge in political history, this kind of outcome is investigated with utmost seriousness.


    Rather then putting forward a comprehensive national agenda and economic policies, hypocritical patriotism seems to be the motto of the Kulmiye party leadership since its inception, which is in a sense, has some comparative to the liberation struggles, members of its core leadership took part during the eighties wars against the genocidal dictator Siad Barre. So were many other current members of the other two parties, and in the current administration and thousands of others in all walks of lives in Somaliland. Adlai Stevenson once said, “ Patriotism is not short, frenzied outburst of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetimeâ€



    Abdirahman Waberi

    Washington, DC

    Radio Somaliland

  10. Madaxweynaha C/laahi Yuusuf oo daqiiqado ka hor ku soo laabtay Nairobi


    May 28, 2005





    Madaxweynaha dowlada federaalka kmg-ka Soomaaliyeed, Col: C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo xubno la socdey ayaa daqiiqado ka hor ka soo degay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Wilson Airport ee magaalada Nairobi, dalka Kenya.


    Madaxweynaha ayaa ka soo ambabaxay dalka Ingiriiska oo uu u joogey arrimo caafimaad, Waxaana garoonka diyaaradaha ku soo dhoweeyay mas'uuliyiin ka tirsan dowlada federaalka kmg-ka Soomaaliyeed oo halkaasi ku sugnaa.


    Madaxweynaha ayaa lagu wadaa in uu saacadaha soo socda la hadlo saxaafada, sida ay xaqiijiyeen xubno ku dhow dhow madaxweynaha.


    Socdaalka Madaxweynaha ayaa ku soo beegmaya, xilli la filayo in dowlada federaalka ay ku laabato gudaha Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan magaalooyinka Jowhar iyo Baydhabo.




    Maxamed Cali Maxamud (Madka)

    Xafiiska Markacadeey Muqdisho

  11. Ethiopia To Use Somaliland Red Sea Port of Berbera


    Djibouti (HAN) May 27, 2005 - A delegation from landlocked Ethiopia began negotiating with the self-declared enclave of Somaliland on May 26 to gain access to its Red Sea port of Berbera for trade.


    Ethiopia wants to use the port in northwestern Somalia to move goods and fuel through Somaliland.


    “The visit of the Ethiopian delegation is connected with the agreed usage of Berbera port by the Ethiopian businessmen for transit of goods and fuel to Ethiopia,†Somaliland Public Works Minister Said Sulub told a news conference.


    Somaliland, a former British protectorate, broke away from Somalia in 1991 and has been a relatively stable enclave, which held its first multiparty election in 2003. It is not recognized internationally.


    President Dahir Rayale Kahin of Somaliland signed an agreement with Ethiopia on August 2003 to legalize trade between the countries, establishing customs posts along their border and agreeing to cooperate in improving the roads linking the countries. Ethiopian Revenues Minister Getachew Belay led the delegation, which is expected to finalize a port agreement by May 28 and to assess the condition of the road network linking Berbera and Ethiopia.


    Trade between the two countries is mostly limited to the stimulant leaf qat, fruit and vegetables exported by Ethiopia and foodstuffs and other commodities exported by Somaliland.


    Outside Somaliland, the rest of Somalia has had no central authority since the ousting of former President Siad Barre in 1991 and has been devastated by warlords and their militias.

  12. Mudaneyaal Golaha Wakiillada ah oo ka hadlay Burco


    Burco- Mudaneyaal ka tirsan Golaha Wakiillada oo ka mid ah xildhibaanno la sheegay in ay wadaan mooshin maamuus-ka-xayuubin Madaxweynaha ah, ayaa ugu baaqay dadka reer Burco oo ay meel fagaare kala hadleen, in ay ku taageeraan mooshinka, oo ay ku tilmaameen mid ay sharciyan xaq u leeyihiin.


    Waxa kale oo uu mudaneyaashu hadalkooda ku xuseen xadhiggii golaha wakiillada ee 9kii bishan, oo ay ku tilmaameen in uu ahaa mid sharci-darro ah, oo Shirguddoonka Goluhu ku raalli-gelinayey Madaxweynaha.


    “Baarlamanka hawshiisu waxa weeye ilaalinta xukuummadda ee ku dhaqanka shuruucda iyo distoorka dalka,†sidaa waxa yidhi Md. Siciid Cilmi Rooble, oo ka mid ah xildhibaannada wada mooshinka maamuus-ka-xayuubinta, isaga oo daba-jooga hadal ka soo yeedhay Madaxweyne Rayaale oo sheegay in labada gole ee Baarlamanka [Guurtida iyo Wakiillada] yihiin kuwo aan doorasho ku iman sidiisa, balse ku dhisan hab-beeleed, Md. Rooble waxa uu yidhi; “Waa run, sida uu sheegay Madaxweyne Rayaale lama dooran Baarlamanka ee waxa soo doortay beelo. Markii dalka dib loogu soo noqday si kale oo la isugu yimaaddo oo dawladnimo lagu dhiso oo aan ahayn in qabaa’ilka Somaliland ka kooban tahay isu yimaaddaan, dabadeedna, dawladnimo abuurtaan xubno wakiilo u ah dhexdooda ka soo doortaan waajib ayay ahayd in sidaa la sameeyo, laakiin Madaxweynaha waxa ka maqan Baarlaman ka wakiil ah Somaliland ayaa isu yimi, waa ka sameeyey wax allaale waxa dawladnimadeennu maanta ku dhisan tahay; Distoorka, xeerka uu Madaxweyne ku noqday Daahir Rayaale.â€


    Waxana uu intaa ku daray; “Waxa kale oo uu sameeyey Baarlamanku Madaxweynaha la doortay haddii uu ummadda abaalkeeda gudi waayo, oo wixii loo doortay caddaalad ku wadi waayo, oo qaranimada iyo midnimada dalka ilaalin waayo, daacadna u noqon waayo in Baarlamanku rido, Distoorka iyo xeerka ayey ku taallaa. Sidaa awgeed, Madaxweyne Rayaale, waxa aanu leenahay sidii aad u aqbashay xeerka lagugu soo doortay ee aad Madaxweyne ku noqotay u ogolow qodobka lagugu ridayo ee xilka lagaga xayuubinayo ummaddana lagaga qabanayo.â€


    Ugu dambayn, Md. Siciid Cilmi Rooble, waxa uu xusay in xadhiggii Golaha Wakiilladu ahaa mid sharci-darro ah.


    Md. Cabdi Siciid Faahiye, oo isna ka mid ah Mudaneyaasha wada mooshinka ayaa hadal uu ka jeediyey halkaa waxa uu dadweynaha isu soo baxay u sheegay in xukuumaddu ka dambayso muranka ka jira Golaha Wakiillada, kaas oo uu sheegay in uu kala qaybiyey xubnihii Shirguddoonka Golaha.


    “Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada iyo Ku-xigeenkiisu waxa ay isku haystaan waa masalo sharci,†ayuu yidhi Md. Faahiye, waxana uu intaa raaciyey; “Dalkeennu waxa uu ku dhisan yahay nidaamka Madaxweyne iyo Madaxweyne-ku-xigeen, Guddoomiye iyo Guddoomiye-ku-xigeen, markaa Madaxweynuhu marka uu maqan yahay ee uu igmado ku-xigeenkiisa ayuu waajibaadkiisa gudanayaa. Ma qaban karo Madaxweynuhu haddii uu joogo xil aanu lahayn Madaxweyne-ku-xigeenku, sidaas oo kale ayey isu yihiin Qaybe iyo Cabdulqaadir Jirde,†ayuu yidhi Md. Faahiye, waxana uu intaa ku daray in Md. Qaybe waajibaadka Golaha fulinayo.


    Kayse Digaale


  13. Kulmiye oo Xukuumadda ku Eedeeyay in ay Abaabulayso Dagaal Sokeeye

    Tuesday, 24 May 2005


    Hargeysa (Jam) Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee Kulmiye ayaa xukuumadda Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale si weyn ugu eedeeyey in ay Somaliland gudaheeda ka abaabulayso xaalad abuurqas iyo kicin ah oo ujeeddada ka dambaysaa tahay in mar labaad dagaal sokeeyo ka dhaco Somaliland.


    Shir-jaraa'id oo ay shalay si wadajir ah xarunta Kulmiye ugu qabteen Afhayeenka Xisbiga Kulmiye, Maxamed Kaahin Axmed, Cabdiraxmaan Cabdulqaadir iyo Maxamed Cabdi Iskeers, oo ka tirsan Guddida fulinta xisbiga Kulmiye, waxa ay kaga hadleen arrimo dhawr oo ay eedeedda dushka ka saareen xukuumadda Somaliland, kuwaas oo ay ka mid yihiin falal gacan ka hadal iyo kicin abaabulid mudaharaad.


    Ugu horreyn, Maxamed Kaahin, oo ka hadlay shirka jaraa'id waxa uu ku eedeeyey xukuumadda Madaxweyne Rayaale in ay xubno ka mid ah Golaha Wasiiradu tageen Golaha Wakiilada, isla markaana ay hanjabaad iyo cago juglayn ugu geysteen xubno ka mid ah Xildhibaannnada Wakiilada.


    "Golaha Wakiillada waxa aanu ka war haynaa in xubno Golaha Wasiirada ah ay yimaaddeen oo ay dad soo abaabuleen, oo Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada lagu yidhi haddii aad golaha furto, baastoolado ayaanu haysanaa, dabaabado ayaanu haysaanaa, lacag baanu haysanaa, dagaal baana ka dhacaya, oo ninka ugu horreeya ee dhimanyaa adiga ayuu noqonayaa, oo Gobolada Barina dagaal ayaanu ka ridaynaa," ayuu yidhi Maxamed Kaahin Axmed.


    Isaga oo tafaasiil ka bixinayey cidda waddanka sharciga u yaal burburinaysa waa uu intaa raciyey "Waxa xaaladdan abuuraya oo sharciga waddanka duminaya ragga xukuumadda ku jira ee abaabulay xubnaha ay qabiilka iyo isku isirka yihiin ee xildhibaan Cali Barre kula dagaalamay meesha (Golaha Wakiilada). Wasiirkii maalintii hore Cali barre la dagaalamay ee yidhi halkan (Hargeysa) shandad yar oo xun inta aad la timi ayaad doonaysaa in aad waxayaga carqaladayso, waanu ku garaaci, oo waanu ku dili.


    Ummadda Somaliland waxa aanu u caddaynaynaa in Madaxweyne Daahir Rayaale Kaahin iyo xukuumaddiisu ay maanta qaranka gudihiisa ka abaabulayaan xaalad abuur dagaal oo ujeeddadoodu tahay in Somaliland uu mar labaad dagaal sokeeye ka dhaco. Waxa markhaati ka ah baarlamaanka hortiisa waxa shalay ka dhacay, waxa ka markhaati ah Sool, markii arrinteedii dhowaan la soo gebagebeeyey in ay go'aankii la gaadhay ka been sheegeen isaga (Rayaale) iyo xukuumaddiisu, oo ay go'aan foojari ah Radio Hargeysa ka sii daayeen, waxana markhaati ah ka maanta la leeyahay Mudane Qaybe nin Golaha Wasiirrada ah ayaa ku yidhi Tuke oo qoladiina ah markii uu ku gubayey dadka reer Gabiley dawlad Daarodo ah oo dalka ka jirtay ayaa caynkaa samaynaysay, annaguna maanta ayaanu ***** nahay oo dawladda haysanaa oo haddii aad faro farayso Qayboow waanu kugu gubaynaa, kugu dilaynaa, oo kaasi waa kuma? Tukaha uu sheegayo ayaa maalintaana ka xigay oo Isaaqna muu ahayn cid kalena muu ahayne midiidinka u xun ee dadka lagu laayo ayuu ahaa, markeeda iyo waqtigeedana magacyadooda waanu sheegi doonaa," ayuu yidhi Maxamed Kaahin Axmed.


    Waxaana uu xukuumadda ku eedeeyey in Ciidanka Booliska ee ay hore ugu adeegsadeen xisbiga Kulmiye ay maantana u adeegsatay Golaha Wakiilada, taas oo uu sheegay in ay sharci darro tahay oo Boolisku sida uu Distoorku dhigayo tahay in ciidanka bilayska aanay Wasiirka Daakhiliga, Taliyahooda, Madaxweynaha iyo Wasiir kale toona si gaar ah u isticmaali karin.


    Maxamed Kaahin, waxa kale oo uu ka hadlay in xisbiga Kulmiye diyaar u yahay in uu qaybgalo tartanka doorshada Golaha Wakiilada oo aanu diidanayn, balse uu Madaxeyne Rayaale mar kasta oo doorashadu soo dhowaato bilaabo cay iyo carqalad uu ku horjoogsanayo qabsomidda doorashada Wakiilada.


    Sida oo kale, waxa iyaguna Maxamed Kaahin ka dib, shirkaa jaraa'id ka hadlay Cabdiraxmaan Cabdulqadir iyo Maxamed Cabdi Iskeerse oo labaduab ka tirsan Guddida Fulinta ee Xisbiga Kulmiye, kuwaas oo tafasiil ka bixiyey in aanu jirin sharci u diidaya Mudaneyasha Golaha Wakiilada in ay Madaxweynaha u soo jeediyaan mooshin maamus ka xayuubin ah, iyada oo ay xuseen in Distoorka Somaliland iyo hanaanka dimoqraadiga ah ee dalku ku socdo ay labaduba oggolaanayaan in Madaxweynaha mooshin maamus ka xayuubin ah ku soo oogi karaan Mudaneyasha Wakiiladu, waqti kasta oo la soo jeediyo.


    "Mudaneyasha Golaha Wakiiladu xaq bay u leeyihin in ay Madaxweynaha ku soo oogaan maamus ka xayuubin, markaa haddii xukuumaddu diido oo is hortaag ku samayso soo jeedinta waxa ay noqonaysaa inqilaab ay xukuumaddu ku samaysay Golaha Wakiilada," Sidaa wax yidhi Cabdiraxmaan Cabdulqaadir, oo ka hadlayey xaqa golaha Wakiiladu u leeyihiin soo jeedinta maamus ka xayuubinta Madaxweynaha.


    Mr. Cabdiraxmaan, waxa uu ka hadlay mudaneyaasha golaha Wakiiladu in 80% ay ka tirsan yihiin xisbiga UDUB ee xukuumadda, soo jeedinta mooshinna ay xaq u leeyihin, iyada oo sida uu sheegay Cabdiraxmaan ay aqlabiyadda xildhibaanaddu ka tirsan yihiin UDUB, haddana xukuumaddu xisbiga KULMIYE ku eedayso in uu ka dambeeyo mudaneyasha soo jeediyey maamuus ka xayuubinta Madaxweynaha. Waxa kale oo uu sheegay in xildhibaannada wakiiladu haddii ay go'ansadeen in ay maamuus ka xayuubin u qaadaan Madaxweyne Rayaale ay xaq u leeyihiin, balse ay khalad tahay in mudaneyaasha loogu hanjabo Hargeysa.


    "Madaxweynuhu khudbaddiisii 18 May, waxa uu yidhi $1500 doollar ayuu Kulmiye ku baayacay mudaneyasha Golaha Wakiilada, si ay u oggolaadaan maamuus ka xayuubin in la igu qaado, si la ii rido, markaa horta haddii $1500 doollar la igu ridayo maba aan moodayn in lagu rido e waa hore ayaan anigu soo ururin lahaa," ayuu hadalkiisa ku soo koobay Cabdiraxmaan Cabdulqaadir.


    Maxamed Cabdi Iskeerse , ayaa isaguna sheegay in Madaxweynuhu sidii shacbigu u doortay aanu ugu hambayn, isla markaana uu Madaxweyne Rayaale dadkii doortay abaal gud uga dhigay in uu xumaan iyo wax aanay geyn gadhka u geliyo. Mr. iskeerse, waxa uu kale oo uu sharraxaad ka bixiyey dhacadii shalay Muneyaasha Golaha Wakiilada ee ka soo jeeda Gobollada Bariga in ay ahayd mid foolxumo ah oo abuuri karta qas iyo fawdo ku timadda degenaanshaah iyo nabadda ay Somaliland ku naaloonayso.


    "Xukuumaddu yaanay diidin soo jeedinta maamus ka xayuubinta ee mudaneyasha wakiiladu u soo jeediyeen Madaxweynaha xaq bay u leeyihiin. Waxa la sheegaya shalay in rag mudaneyaal ah oo ka soo jeeda Gobollada Bariga lagu dhirbaxo magaalada dhexdeeda. Markaa haddii taasi dhacday dhirbaxooyin kale ayaa dhici doona'e ee xukuumaddu ha ogaato. Horseed niman la yidhaahdo oo dhallinyaro ah ayaanu leenahay oo aan cidina ka badin ciyaala suuqnimo iyo handadaad la sameeyo ee xukuumaddu ha oggaato in waxa aanu dhawraynaa uu yahay qaynuunka," ayuu yidhi Maxamed Cabdi Iskeerse.


    Isaga oo ka hadlaya falalka qalafsan ee ay xukuumadduu ku kacayso, waxa uu intaa ku daray, "Annagu aqbali mayno in mudaharaad iyo dad la soo abaabulay ay xukuumaddu nagu soo kiciso, waayo, waxa la sheegayaa in Gabiley ay xukuumaddu dad mudaharaad ka abaabulayso. Haddii taasi dhacdo kuwo kale oo diidan ayaa ka horiman doona ee miyaan isku dhac imanayn. Waxa aan leeyahay xukuumaddu abaabulka ha joojiso oo yaanay qas iyo xumaan horseedin" ayuu hadalkiisa ku soo gunaanaday Iskeerse.

  14. Ethiopia To Use Somaliland Red Sea Port of Berbera


    Djibouti (HAN) May 27, 2005 - A delegation from landlocked Ethiopia began negotiating with the self-declared enclave of Somaliland on May 26 to gain access to its Red Sea port of Berbera for trade.


    Ethiopia wants to use the port in northwestern Somalia to move goods and fuel through Somaliland.


    “The visit of the Ethiopian delegation is connected with the agreed usage of Berbera port by the Ethiopian businessmen for transit of goods and fuel to Ethiopia,†Somaliland Public Works Minister Said Sulub told a news conference.


    Somaliland, a former British protectorate, broke away from Somalia in 1991 and has been a relatively stable enclave, which held its first multiparty election in 2003. It is not recognized internationally.


    President Dahir Rayale Kahin of Somaliland signed an agreement with Ethiopia on August 2003 to legalize trade between the countries, establishing customs posts along their border and agreeing to cooperate in improving the roads linking the countries. Ethiopian Revenues Minister Getachew Belay led the delegation, which is expected to finalize a port agreement by May 28 and to assess the condition of the road network linking Berbera and Ethiopia.


    Trade between the two countries is mostly limited to the stimulant leaf qat, fruit and vegetables exported by Ethiopia and foodstuffs and other commodities exported by Somaliland.


    Outside Somaliland, the rest of Somalia has had no central authority since the ousting of former President Siad Barre in 1991 and has been devastated by warlords and their militias.


    A transitional federal government was formed last year in neighboring Kenya, but has yet to return home.

  15. Haweenka gobolka Banaadir oo sheegay in ay taageeradooda kala noqonayaan wasiirada hubeysan haddii ay isbaarooyinka u yaala aysan qaadin




    Xubnaha haweenka gobolka Banaadir ee isugu jira ganacsatada & haweenka kale ayaa maanta caro kulul ka muujiyey isbaarooyinka teedsan Muqdisho & hareeraheeda, waxeyna soo jeediyeen in isbaarooyinkaasi degdeg loo qaado.



    Haweenkan ayaa maanta tegay xarunta xisbiga oo farriisin u ah xubnaha labada gole ee dowladda, waxeyna cod dheer ku yiraahdeen, waan la laabaneynaa kalsoonideena haddii aan wax laga qaban isbaarooyinka gudaha magaalada u yaala wasiirada hubeysan.



    “Waxaan idin ku taageereynay in aad wax ka qabataan isbaarooyinka Muqdisho ee idin kuma taageereyn in isbaarooyin ay ka sii muuqdaan magaalada, kuwaasoo ah kuwa aad idinku leedihiin†ayey tiri Marwo Caasha Shaacuur oo intaasi ku daray in haddii baaqadooda ay fulin waayaan wasiirada Muqdisho ee hubeysan ay kalsoonidooda la laaban doonaan.



    Dhinaca kale, isbaarooyinka u yaala waddada u dhexeysa Ex. Kontarool Afgooye ilaa Lafoole maleeshiyooyinka beelaha H/gidir ayaa marba marka ka dambeysa ku soo badaneysa waddadaasi, iyadoo isbaarooyin horay loo qaaday ay dib ugu soo noqdeen waddadaasi, waxaana cabashooyin ka muujiyey gaadiidka isaga kala goosha Muqdisho & Afgooye oo maalmihii la soo dhaafay qaati ka taagnaa lacago xad dhaaf ah oo lagu soo kordhiyey.


    C/shakuur Cilmi Xasan Dayniile,Muqdisho