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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Happy Somali National Week for all Somali people, It is the 45 anniversary of Somalia 1960-2005 Dhamaan Umada Soomaaliyeed Hambalyo Ilaahay haa ka dhigu usbuuca wadanka Soomaalia mid farxad badan amiin waa 45 guuradii ka soo waraagtey maalmihii xuriyada, midowga, iyo abuurida jamhuuriyada Somalia
  2. It is very sad that Somaliland Administration chooses war over peace and decided takeover SSC regions by force. People of SSC regions are against the secession of the clan state of Somaliland and opted to stay with united Somalia. Most recently the traditional leaders of SSC regions jointly made it very clear that the Somaliland administration don’t want peace, because the Clan State of Somaliland offering to the people of SSC regions either you should give up your land SSC regions without armed conflict or Somaliland will take SSC regions through war. And that is an offer that the people of SSC regions cannot accept. I don’t know what Somaliland will gain a war against SSC regions, well Somaliland militia might destroy SSC cities and spill blood but I am confident that at end the inhabitants of SSC will WIN, and they will defeat the invading militia of Somaliland. Although certainly the Puntland army will be more than enough to defend SSC regions against invading militia of Somaliland, but the independent forces of SSC regions will defend their land against the aggressors, It is fact unfortunately that all Somali people are armed with all kinds of weapons, so when invading forces of Somaliland fires the first bullet, I am 100% sure that all able men of SSC will get united as never before and will stand to defend their land to death. Somaliland should know that SSC regions are not for negotiation, if they want they can make Burco or Hergeysa for negotiation. The only excuse that the clan state of Somaliland has is colonial border drew by British, it is impossible for people of SSC to accept the imaginary border, given that both the people of Garowe and Laascaanood don’t want border between them, then there is no reason for imaginary border. Somaliland administration has right to draw a border between laascaanood and Burco, between Hergeysa and Burco, or between Hergeysa and Berbera. In fact, SSC regions was the birthplace of first struggle for independence against European Colonialism and the first attempt to establish a Somaliweyn. SSC regions succeeded to abolish the imaginary border 45 years ago. By Duke “ SSC is for the clans who live there, they have chosen to stay with Somalia then no power will take that choice away from them†very true Jumatatu your comments are inaccurate! By Horn Afrique “Odayga maxuu yidhi? Ujeedada ma Siyaad Barre wuu naga qaldanaa inuu dagaal nagu qaado markaan la socon waynay, laakiin kuwaane way ku haboontahay inaan dagaal ku qaadno hadayna nala socon waayeen? If one hasn't seen a more pronounced case of hypocrisy I say!†you are right, Somaliland what a hypocrisy!!!! By Horn Afrique “another excuse for "Somaliland" out the window! Soomaali hadaynu nahay, qolobo deegaankeeda ayagaa iska leh. Old English queen baa tidhi iyo xuduudeena weeye iyo waxaan shaqeeynayn meesha kama jirto. For Somaliland or any other entity to "invade" the deegaans of peaceful people in the hopes of regional hegemony is an act against the Somali people as a whole!†Somaliland xaqdaro aye rabtaa Suldaan “Somaliland needs a battlehardened leadership for a successful less blood, solution to the problem. That however needs for us to topple this incompetent leadership, which is helping to divide Somaliland more then it is uniting. I am becoming sick of Dahir Rayaale these days. He is been a failure†you mean Somaliland need an extremist tribal president from I clan, who thinks like Suldaan Maxamed Suldaan Cabdulqaadir that war is the only option. Suldaan don’t make lies about Ali Khalif, Ali Khalif is a true Somali nationalist, one of the few respected Somali politicians, and an admirable Statesman. Ali is completely against Somaliland notion. Another lie “In actual fact, there are more people who support Somaliland then Puntland†last summer when I visited my hometown Laascaanood for the first time in 15 years, I realized that almost all people support Puntland, trust me, today there is no person lives in Laascaanood who supports Somaliland maybe few self-styled politicians from Sool in Hargeysa for money may support Somaliland. “There are also a sizeable number (the majority I think) who support neither Somaliland nor Puntland†not anymore true, maybe you talking about before 2002, when Riyaale escaped from obvious assassination, In fact now almost all people in SSC regions support Puntland, but still there is a small minority from SSC regions who support Somalia and against the both clan states of Somaliland, and Puntland. Although this minority of SSC regions don’t see themselves as Puntlanders but in reality they support Puntland and see Puntland as an ally against Somaliland's aggression on SSC regions. The clan state of Somaliland always wished anarchy and disorder for the rest of Somalia and was against every effort to establish a central government in Somalia, for that reason Somaliland worked vigorously the collapse of any agreement between Somali factions in every Somali peace conference. Therefore Somaliland shocks every time they realize a small prospect of peace and stability or small success in peace conference. Somaliland administration stood against the first government of Somalia led by president AbduQassim after the civil war, and more recently the government of Abdulaahi Yusuf, Somaliland attacked Puntland the same month that President Abdulaahi Yusuf was elected. Now Somaliland realized that Somalia with the new government will get more stable and peaceful that will weaken Somaliland’s case. Hence, Somaliland sees no hope in their recognition after 15 years, so Somaliland thinks a war is the only Anyway it is very sad news for people of SSC regions (like me), a renewed civil war in Somalia will not benefit no one, but only will produce more anarchy, the spill of blood, and destruction. Definitely the first casualty of Somalilands war to to secure obtain SSC regions by force will be Somaliland’s quest for recognition, the International community will realize that Somalia’s problem is nothing more than a clan wars, and the fact that the clan state of Somaliland doesn’t represent all former British colony and its only one clan, in addition the clan state of Somaliland is a hostile faction and doesn’t reserve recognition. Long Live Somalia Nabad Inshaa Allaah
  3. African countries urge Somalia to stem small arms proliferation NAIROBI, June 20, 2005 (Xinhuanet) -- African countries Monday called onthe Somali interim government to stop proliferation of illicit small arms by establishing structures to deal decisively with the menace. Kenya's Foreign Affairs Minister Chirau Ali Mwakwere told a regional meeting in Nairobi that the war-torn Somalia which sharesa porous border with Kenya would soon become an integral part of the sub-regional effort to combat the proliferation of illicit small arms and light weapons. "Since they now have a government of their own, which is now making sure that their country is safe and will be developing, they would be of much help if they made sure that the weapons did not get into the hands of criminals," the minister said during theopening of the third Ministerial Review Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons in Nairobi. Mwakwere noted individual states must ensure militias and rebels do not get access to the fire arms, saying economic and social growth on the continent has been affected by war and crime. He called on nations to develop mechanism to ensure smuggling of the deadly weapons are prevented. "Governments must tighten controls to stop the flows of illicitweapons. This means ensuring that embargoes are not broken, brokers are regulated, and that arms smuggling is prevented," the minister stressed. The meeting which will end on Tuesday is attended by twelve foreign ministers from Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania and Somalia. They are reviewing the progress on the implementation of the Nairobi Declaration on the problem of proliferation of small arms and light weapons. Somalia though not a signatory to the declaration, was invited as the 12th country.
  4. Abdisalam M Garjex “camey†June 21, 2005 It is sad that we don't see any signs of life in the new government - we may be right if we pronounce them comatose, if not dead. The chances of failure and eventual blood path are enormous. Who are we to blame and is there any last minute options for survival. During the first days of the elected government, I was one of those who manifested hopefulness for a better future and fruitful administration. I exhibited such inspiration for three reasons: first, I wanted the rebirth of a sovereign Somali state regardless whoever governs it. Secondly, the appointment of president Abdullahi among the disliked and despised warlords appeared to me the best choice in the prevailing circumstance - he was the most experienced military man, capable of restoring law and order through any means, and thirdly, I hoped that there might be a chance for Somalia to receive multinational forces, that would disarm warlords and militias, and in that way we would be able to reverse the course of destruction and restore a Somali government. After nearly one year of bickering and internal feud of two groups (Mogadishu Warlords vs. Abdullahi), we are back to square one. If history is a lesson, the entire blame won't go to the elected leaders, but it will also go to the intransigent Mogadishu warlords, who were responsible for much of the mayhem of the past fifteen years. They derailed the governments of Ali Mahdi and Abduqasim and took the residents of Mogadishu hostage for their own selfish ends. Peacekeeping Deploying peacekeeping forces is a hotly contested issue and it looks unattainable at this point in time. African Union or IGAD are incapable to fulfill their promise due to lack of finance and logistics. The European Union,United States and Arab nations for this matter, haven't shown any willingness to support and entertain the idea of peacekeeping in Somalia. Koffie Annan has previously declared that it is in the best interest of Somalis to disarm themselves and without the Security Council's approval, such an option isn't visible. If Uganda & Sudan is to deploy peacekeeping troops, it will be tantamount to a suicide mission - they lack logistical and financial means and necessary training; they need transport planes to carry armored vehicles and military personnel. In the light of the Sudan crisis, the AU is ill-equipped and ill-prepared to handle the civil war in Darfur and to claim that IGAD regional group is in a better position to help Somalia is an unrealistic goal. The seat of the state Despite the on-going disarmament efforts, it is obvious that Mogadishu is far from a peaceful place, which can host the government. It is a divided city, ruled by different factions. And until, this situation changes Baidoa and Jowhar are a better option. Mogadishu has to regain the qualities of cosmopolitan and become pertinent to the interest and wellbeing of the different Somali clans. The road to no where Col. Abdullahi has suffered patiently without yielding to many challenges he encountered over the years. To give-up and simply walk away isn't one of his characteristics. As he mentioned in his acceptance speech, “he will either succeed or die on the missionâ€. Mr. Abdullahi's last option is to seek the assistance of his old ally-Ethiopia. With his supporters, he will launch a guerrilla war from border towns of Baidoa and Beled Weyne and Jowhar and will march towards Mogadishu. Whether he will succeed or not, remains to be seen, but much will depend to the extent Ethiopia is willing to give a helping hand. In all likelihood, war is inevitable. Lessons learned from the past The destruction of fifteen years of civil war, loss of many lives, and close to a million refugees, had a devasting and lasting effect to every Somali- there is no winner, we are all losers and should recognize that the future of our nation and children are at stake. If we don't work to rebuild our land, avoid disunity, and support a government of unity, we may disappear from existence. Abdisalam M Garjex "camey Ashburn, Virginia (USA)

    Bari pictures

    amazing pictures thnanks bro
  6. Somali American Independence Week
  7. Union and Independence Day of Somalia Where: Days Hotel and Conference Centre, 1677 Wilson Road (at Jane), Toronto When: Friday, July 1, 2005 (7:00 PM) Contact: Mahad Yusuf tel:416-243-1988 This is an event to celebrate the union and the independence day of Somalia. Special presentations include the film, THE LETTER, as well as surprise guest artists, music and dancing. Reception starts at 7 pm; dinner will be served at 9 pm. $35.00. Midaynta and Somali Immigrant Aid Organization (Toronto) will bring the award winning documentory The Letter, which describes the HATE rally convened by the World Church of the Creator on July 1, 2005 in Portland, Maine, USA. In the wake of the 9/11 tragedy a firestorm erupts when Mayor Larry Ramond of Lewiston, Maine sends an open letter to 1,100 newly arrived Somali refugees advising them that the City’s resources are strained to the limit and asking other Somalis not to move to the city. THE LETTER documents the crossfire of emotions and events, culminating in a HATE rate rally convened by the World Church of the Creator and a counter PEACE rally involving 4,000 Lewiston residents supporting ethnic and cultural diversity
  8. Celebrate Somali Independence Day! Eden Prairie Library Friday, July 1, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Note: Seating is limited. Please arrive early and pick up a free ticket up to two hours prior to the program. In Minnesota, Somali National Week takes place the last week in June and commemorates the anniversary of independence of two former Somali colonies - British Somaliland and Italian Somalia - and the creation of an independent state of Somalia from the British and Italian colonies on July 1, 1960. This independence ended nearly a century of colonial occupation. Somali National Week begins with Somali Independence Day (June 26) and ends with Foundation of the Republic Day (July 1). Join us for Somali food, fun, music and festivities all day. Festivities will include Somali storytelling, games and a screening of the locally produced film "Two Homes, One Dream: The Somalis in Minnesota."
  9. Why Do Somali Ignorant and intellectuals depend upon tribalism? I would not like to comment on how our people behave since independence in 1960, but later on decided to say few about what caused the total failure of our beloved nation. Why do not we admit that it was incorrect to get independence in 1960, because our people were not ready and well prepared to rule themselves, although many may not agree with me , but it is the main mistake which led us where we are. In 1960 we had not enough experts to run the administration of the country, although there were few Somali intellectuals, but they had not any experience of how a government is run. Also our education system was totally different and poor comparing to the neighbouring countries, because in some African countries in East Africa like Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda they had secondary schools in mid and late 1880ties, while everyone knows the education level of most of our ministers in the first government of Somalia. The Italian administration in Somalia did not want to grant independence to Somalia, but it could not reject the UN mandate of freeing many African countries after the world war II. In order to keep its influence in Somalia, Italy has played a tricky game to continue ruling Somalia indirectly. It is remembered that Somali houseboys who worked in Italian masters in Somalia were given chances to join in the police and the new military forces of Somalia in 1950ties and later on some of these houseboys became ministers in the new Somali government. During that period of Italian administration in Somalia, if Italian master wanted to employ a security guard or a gardener he directly contacted to his houseboy to bring a man to fill such positions and Somalis always called their brothers or relatives from home to benefit from such chances. As houseboys promoted to ministers in 1960ties, the tradition of recruiting top governmental posts based in nepotism continued as these ministers thought they are still working in Italian houses. This tradition has created early nepotism in the new Somali administration and later on led the coup led by army Gen. Mohamed Siad Barre. Although Barre succeeded to improve some important social services like the beginning of writing the Somali language and others, the tradition of nepotism has increased and every minister, director general or governor has changed his office as heaven for his close relatives. The international community may surprise on how we fully believe in Tribalism rather than Islamic religion, which we claim believing in it 100%. If you are publicly speaking religion issues no one will consider you in Somalia, but if you start talking about tribalism, those who were standing will sit, and those sitting will stand up ready to join the debate. Traditionally Somali people do not like live depending upon what they earn legally, and instead they like to use what is called short cut life like corruption, bribes or begging money from relatives, which is called in Somalia(Shaxaad), and that is why you easily find people be intellectuals or ignorant defend their clans. Another problem which caused Somalia’s failure and still continues is ignoring improvement of education. Every Somali even he is standard four or standard eight or sometimes illiterate believes that he is entitled even to be a president or prime minister, a case which led all Somalis to power mongers. You can see a Somali man who has never gone to school but just lived with foreign people and learnt speaking English, or other languages calling himself doctor, engineer ad many other respectful titles. As everyone knows the Somali history is not well known and this gave a chance the so-called Somali intellectuals to write false history about Somalia based on their clan differences. For example while the international community believes that the population of Somalia is about 7 to 10 million, you can see these Somali writers each claiming that his tribe is about 5 million people and if you calculate all these you get a population of 25 million, which is too far from the truth. After the country fell in to the civil war all of Somali clans involved in atrocities against human being and Islamic religion and still, we believe that we are right, while what exists in our country does exist nowhere in this world. Now Somalis have shamefully formed a government of its kind based of tribalism and all politicians in this government instead of believing in some formal principals or political ideologies, they stick on tribalism system which will at last bury every Somali alive. Every debate which Somali Mps discuss about, is based in tribalism, be those who reject an idea or support it. Today it is clear that Somalis living abroad , though educated are divided in this satanic system of tribalism and apart from their financial aid to ignite violence in the country , they also take part their prayers in different mosques belonged to their sub clans. Most of Somali media houses convey hostile messages to the people and this is a part of every clan trying to rule its opponent clan. There are more than 40 radios in , websites , newspapers which all involve in this unfortunate misuse of media in Somalia or outside Somalia. For my opinion the only solution for the international community specially the UN to get everlasting peace in Somalia is to take the following steps: 1. To make occupy the country of Somalia and starts a new administration run by the UN for almost forty years. 2. Using of foreign forces from African or elsewhere in the world to restore law and order in the country. 3. Changing the behaviour of Somali people by teaching them the modern way to live, and the teachers should not be Somalis. b. to prepare a new generation to rule Somalia after 40 years. This generation must be children who were born from the year 2000 and not before that date. 4. The new generation will produce new Somali politicians, soldiers, teachers and all other important civil servants required by the country. 5. The UN will grant Somalia a local authority after 40 years after recognizing that Somalia deserves such administration and this decision must be accepted by all UN country members. 6. After 15 years of local authority the UN will then loo the possibility of giving a full independence to Somalia, if all programmes go well and the international community become pleased with the new Somali generation. 7.Somalis must accept and recognize this opportunity as the last chance which can bring back the Somali nation in the world stage. I would at last say to my fellow Somalis ‘Sorry’ for all these uncivilizedbehaviour which we still struggle to spread it vehemently, but let’s know that we will never be called people again in this earth if we continue behaving like this. Mohamud Abdisamad Gure Nairobi, Kenya.
  10. Amazing pictures!!! Thanks BN
  11. Shame on Somali leaders and people War ma maantaa lakeenay in Ethiopia loo kala dheereeyo By wind talker “hard-won successes†I don’t think that is success, but a complete failure of Somali people, the fact that Ethiopia uses Somali ports one against the other. Although Ethiopia is land-locked but I suspicious that Somalis are brain-locked. By Sky “ This is strictly business. There is a competition out†I don’t call these competition, I call these humiliation of all Somali people, why Berbara and Boosaaso competing for Ethiopian trade at any cost.
  12. A Commentary on Faisal Robleh's “ Warlords Don't Love Ethiopia Any Less But Hate Yusuf More†By: Ismail Ali Ismail March 22 ,2005 I hasten to support and send congratulations to Faisal Robleh for a splendid article on Ethiopia and the current cries of anti-Ethiopian ( not necessarily pro-Somali ) “nationalismâ€. Faisal is absolutely right that the Ethiopian factor has played in the past, as it does now, a major part in Somalia 's clan politics – the clans being our real and indisputable political parties. There was an agreement between Mengistu on the one hand and a triumvirate of Somali war-lords ( Cydiid , Tuur , and Jees ) on ther hand on how to divide Somalia after the overthrow of Siad Barre . As a matter of fact Mengistu is reported to have said just before his own debacle and after signing that agreement ,“ We would have seen the end of Somalia were it not for the pressure of the Weyanes †or words to that effect. But, when we ourselves were united we also played a large part in destabilizing Ethiopia , and the current regime in Ethiopia owes its origin partly to Somali encouragement and support. Ethiopia , let us not forget, is now a divided country; for one thing, it has become two countries ( Eritrea and the residual Ethiopia ), for another, there are nationalisms still simmering in the present-day Ethiopia and we played a decisive role in all this. Somalia has been a source of trouble for Ethiopia , not only because of the territorial dispute but also because we have fostered different nationalisms within Ethiopia proper thereby endangering the very existence of Ethiopia . But two of the salient differences between Ethiopia and Somalia are: (a) Somalia is homogeneous and Ethiopia is very heterogeneous; (b) Somalis are attached more to their livestock and for them unrestricted grazing is most important, whilst Ethiopians are very much attached ( almost to the point of worship ) to the land which they cultivate and live on. It was because of this latter observation that the British thought that the Somalis would not raise a voice if, upon the transfer of the Haud and Reserved Area – an area of 25,000 square miles – they would be guaranteed unrestricted transhumance. The British realized that they underestimated the reaction of the Somalis and tried unsuccessfully to rectify the situation. That, however, is a different story. We should understand and appreciate the fact that Ethiopia today is vastly different from the Imperial Ethiopia we knew; Ethiopian mentality has been perceptibly changing and the attitude towards Somalis has also been changing for the better since the overthrow of the Emperor. Even in the days of Mengistu it was clearly understood that the economies of Ethiopia and Somalia were so manifestly interdependent that the two countries shared a common survival which would be endangered if they did not work together towards its maximization. I saw these positive changes unfolding before my eyes in the course of the twenty-two years I lived in Addis Ababa , not as an Ethiopian national but as a Somali national working for the U.N. It is regrettable, however, that our own internal divisions did not allow us to engage our Ethiopian neighbors in any useful negotiation. On the contrary, we ourselves invited them to divide us from the moment the SSDF and SNM arrived and took up residence in Addis Ababa . When we ourselves seek different alliances with Ethiopia , the Yemen , Egypt , Libya – and God knows who else – against each other Somali nationalism can only be found in the gutter; our situation is such that even puny Djibouti made transparent attempts to play the role of a kingmaker in Somalia . I agree with the State Department that the Somalis themselves have the means to restore their moribund state. But the means are first and foremost in the hands of those who dragged our dignity to the gutter and who are crying today that the sovereignty of Somalia is being compromised by inviting in foreign troops. Our sovereignty has been non-existent in practical terms for the last fifteen years. How can we then raise our heads with pride and cry “sovereigntyâ€? I agree that there should be no need for foreign troops to make us behave ourselves, if we behave ourselves on our own. But then if we were willing to put our house in order we would not have troubled the neighbors – and the rest of the world for that matter - with desperate pleas for help. Our capital is unsafe, our people are displaced and dispossessed, our refugees are scattered in the four corners of the globe and the nation is held hostage to the whims of the riffraff ‘generals' of ragtag militia armies who are playing havoc in the capital. Yet, our government in exile cannot temporarily settle elsewhere in the country until we bring order and security to our national capital? A strange logic indeed! I wish to close which a quotation which might help us reflect on our situation as Somalis: Being ourselves the sowers and the seeds, The night that covers and the lights that fade, The spear that pierces and the side that bleeds, The lips betraying and the life betrayed. If ,as I think, Oscar Wilde's above lines truly depict our situation why do we have to complain about others, and to others to correct our own multiple follies ? By: Ismail Ali Ismail
  13. Warlords Don't Love Ethiopia Any Less But Hate Yusuf More By Faisal Roble March 21, 2005 The story of Somali collective memory is told and retold as being short and selective. Here is another variation of such a story pertaining to the controversy about Ethiopian peacekeeping mission in Somalia. Maxamed Siyaad Barre In the 1980s, the Somali National Movement (SNM), the United Somali Congress (USC), and the Somali Salivation Democratic Front (SSDF) were all housed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They all collaborated to overthrow Mohamed Siad Barre, the late dictator that ruled Somalia from 1969 to 1990. Most of the constituents that these movements claimed to have represented showed or seemed to have shown a high degree of affinity towards Ethiopia throughout the last 20 or so years, a period that has one of the lowest points and marked the speedy erosion of Somali nationalism. One way that the above-mentioned groups and their followers showed gratitude towards Ethiopia was carried: By helping the late Ethiopian dictator Megistu Haile Mariam to dismantle Somalia and create what has since then deteriorated to the current disarticulated stateless nation; By killing and or throwing Somali Galbeed refugees out of their respective districts. In Mogadishu, for example, helpless civilians who hailed from the Somali Region of Ethiopia were killed mercilessly during the early years of Somalia's civil war. In Jalalaqsi refugee camps, hundreds of people were beheaded and thrown to the Shabelle river and were denied any proper Islamic burial ceremony. In Hargeisa, thousands of refugees were slaughtered in what was called the Dam, or “Biyo xidheen.†And not many refugees went to Garowe or Bossaso, although these cities were as hostile when one looks that the sternest verbal abuses came from these regions. And so far, neither Ethiopia nor its yesteryear's or today's allies in Somalia has raised this human tragedy. Faysal Ali Waraabe - UCID Party Chief Somalilanders are on the record to say that they loved Ethiopia more than their own Somali brethren inside and outside of the republic. This sentiment is represented by one of the leader of Somaliland, Faysal Cali Warabe's [in] famous saying: “a boy born in Hargeisa has more commonality with one born in Addis Ababa than one in Mogadishu.†"Inanka Xamar ku dhasha, Kan Addis Ababa ku dhasha ayaa iga xiga " "Haddii Ethiopia Xamar ciidamo u dirto wabiyo dhiig ah ayaa qulquli doona " Faysal Cali Waraabe In the case of USC supporters, love for Ethiopia was captured by a pamphlet that I read in the early years of the 1990s that said some thing akin to “Hobyo port for Ethiopia.†As a result, the late General Caydid used to be the only warlord who was received in Ethiopia with a red carpet stretched out to his Pole Airport arrivals. As to Garowe's loyalty to Ethiopia, retelling the story here would be an overkill. Suffice it to say Bosaaso port is almost to replace the role Berbera had hitherto played for Ethiopia. Today, irrespective of past affinity, all these groups are using Ethiopia as their bogyman to get to the top price and that is derailing Abdulahi Yusuf's government. They all have somehow agreed to shame Ethiopia not because they love Ethiopia any less, but because they hate what Ethiopia is doing for Abdullahi Yusuf more. It is a reminiscent of Shake Spear's assessment of the Rome of Caesar's killing of Brutus when he wrote: “It is not that I Love you any less, but that I love Rome more.†One Somalilander Website (Awdelnews) ran an editorial (Ethiopia as an enemy is engraved in the collective memory of Somali people) and went as far as suggesting that Ethiopia's animosity with the Somali people goes back to the war of Imam Ahmed Gurey in the 15 th Century. That is precisely the case. But, can one talk about Ethiopia's animosity and its role to stunt Somali national aspirations, and then let have Ethiopia train its navy at the coast of Berbera at will? Other websites prematurely wrote in droves op-ed pieces to condemn Ethiopia as Somalia's eternal enemy while Yalaxow was telling the press that Ethiopia had in the past supplied weapons to himself (Yalaxow), Aidid, Qanyare and of course Abdullahi Yusuf. In another instance, one Somalilander, who recently decried about Ethiopian troops as peacekeepers in Somalia, once equated the search for Somali unity to racial purity, hence equating greater Somali nationalism with racism. To make matters worse, this piece was posted on Ethiopian websites! Where does really Ethiopia fit in each group's particular and narrow agenda? As the Somali clan politics shifts like the weather of London, we may never give a precise and short answer to this question. It is intriguingly puzzling, however, to know that Ethiopia, as an old and more complex country, correctly reads the uncontrollable and immature emotions of Somalis for the authorities in Addis Ababa refer to Somalis as a simplistic tribal groups, as in “ armane ya Somale Zalan gosawoch,†pagan Somali tribal groups. As such, Ethiopia perhaps reads where every one of these different interest groups stands and it claims to understand their agenda in the current fiasco. The issue of Ethiopian peacekeeping mission in Somalia itself is as strange as Ahmed Silanyo of Kulmiye party carrying the banner for the reinstitution of the former Democratic Republic of Somalia. That does not mean all of the critics of Ethiopian peace mission in Somalia do not have merit. Some of them may have. However, painting Ethiopia as a cruel colonial force that is Somalia's eternal enemy is quite a laughable matter. Did we suddenly wake up as of January 2005 from the slumber that Dr. Ali Abdul Rahman Hersi, a genuine proponent of Somali nationalism and critic of Ethiopian intervention all along, identified as a plague in today's Somalia? All of the groups beating the drum against Ethiopia have in the past used or are still using Ethiopia (as in the case of Puntlanders and Somalilanders) as their friend to weaken Somali nationalism. As viciously as clannish Somali clans and groups are, the current controversy surrounding Ethiopian peacekeeping mission is a classical case where a Somali clan or a political group would use anything at its disposal to advance its narrow tribal interest, even if that is smoking up the nation. And one may suspect that the rest of the world, with the exception of some gullible western liberal groups like the International Crisis Group (ICG), sees said controversy as one of the many manifestations of Somalia's clan politics. If so, the entire Ethiopian bashing is nothing more than a political gymnastics by one political group against another. What is disheartening is that Somalis in Ethiopia have lost what is estimated to be a third of their land in a sham plebiscite this past October that the Ethiopian parliament hastily rubber-stamped. Not a single Somali group, party or news group ever mentioned this historical miscarriage of justice with the exception of Wardheernews. Ethiopia is carrying the most comprehensive land grabbing policy . Most of the groups shedding crocodile tears have their own hidden agenda about their bone of contention with Ethiopia, but are masquerading it as Somali nationalism. Having said this, I join those on the other side of the fence and argue that Ethiopia may not be the right force to enforce either disarmament or peacekeeping mission in Somalia. Ethiopia is already, though, in Somaliland, Puntland, Hiiraan region, Baydhabo. Worse, Ethiopian Airlines have been flying into Somali cities, violating its air space for a number of years. But, the very forces that have destroyed anything that was good about being Somali must not opportunistically use the cause of Somali nationalism in their political gymnastics to reach their parochial agenda. Using Ethiopia as the bogyman must not be read outside the web of clan politics. To maximize one's clanist agenda, no stone is usually left unturned and that is the story of the 1980s and 1990s that would be told and retold. The Ethiopian bogyman is nothing more than one such a stone to be turned by as many groups and individuals as we have seen within the last two weeks. This is the real story retold, unflattering as it may sound.
  14. ONE SOMALILAND By: Sir Gerald Reece The Late Governor General of the ex-British Somaliland Protectorate from 1948 to-1953 Though some of the Somali people are at present governed by Ethiopia and others by Kenya , there is only one Somaliland and Somali nation. In 1952 Lord Rennell wrote this: "For a brief period during the war nearly the whole of Somaliland was under British Administration. . . If we had been interested enough - and Heaven knows there was nothing to interest us except to see justice done to the people - (and if the world had been sensible enough) all the Somalis. .might have remained under one administration - ours or the United Nations. or someone else's - until they had learnt to govern themselves. But the world was not sensible enough and we were not interested enough. and so the only large part of Africa which is radically homogeneous has again been split up. . ." Only about two-thirds of the Somali people now live in the Somali Republic . Of the others. some , who belong mostly to Oga den tribes. are in territory that was occupied about seventy years ago by the Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia . and others. who are partly Oga den (or Da rod ) and partly Ha wia tribespeople . in the desert country north of the Kenya Highlands. It is unfortunate that all these people cannot now be united under the government of the Somali Republic . but Ethiopia and Kenya are adamant in their determination not to yield even the smallest portion of the territories concerned. Their attitude is scarcely consistent with the constant demands made by the Organisation of African Unity for the handing back to their original owners of African lands that were occupied by the Portuguese in the past, but colonialism and imperialism seem be tolerated by the O.A.U. provided that European nations are not involved. Indeed every African member state, except Somalia and perhaps Morocco , has a vested interest in maintaining the old "colonial" frontiers. However, since the departure of the British and Italians from the Somalilands there has been a remarkable feeling of unity amongst all the people and a definite upsurge of nationalism. Though tribalism is by no means extinct, a universal awareness of pride derives from their connection with Mogadiscio and with a republic that is gradually taking its place in the affairs of the whole continent and setting a fine - and almost unique example of a successful African democracy. This is all the easier to understand when it is realised that, regardless of artificial frontiers, the Somali nation lives in enclave surrounded by people whose characters and way of life are different - sometimes very different - from their own. Writing about that portion of Somaliland known as the Oga den which is governed by Ethiopia, John Drysdale (in "The Somali Dispute", 1964) records that "Somali resistance to Ethiopian culture equals their resistance to Ethiopian nationality", and further that "the million or so Somalis who inhabit the lowland areas the east and south-east of the Ethiopian massif seem to be almost completely untouched by Ethiopian attempts at absorption. In the desert north-east of Kenya proper much the same situation exists. Little is known about the early history of this territory, and indeed not much interest has ever been taken in Negley Farson wrote in "Last Chance in Africa " that "there one half of Kenya about which the other half knows nothing, and seems to care even less. This is Kenya 's Northern Frontier District." We do know, however, that Somali settlement in this area dates back at least to the 17th century, and though no one knows who originally occupied what is still called in Kenya "the N.F.D." the earliest known inhabitants were certainly Somali and Galla people. The Somalis thus have a historical title to occupancy of the area, and the fact that many of those who now live there derive from later waves of Somali migration in no way invalidates their title. The traveller making his way north-eastwards from Nairobi therefore finds that when he has crossed the Tana River , though it is still called Kenya , it is an entirely different world. He has left the Christian or pagan Bantu agriculturalists and the Nilotic pastoralists and is amongst Hamitic nomads who are all Muslims following the Sunni rite. These Somalis live in almost exactly the same way as those in what was formerly British Somaliland , and they share substantially the same creed, the same culture and the same traditions. Speaking at Mogadishu on 16th August, 1962 , President AdanAbdulla said that - "We are proud to be exercising the same democratic ideals as we inherited from our forefathers. It is this factor, among others, that gives us, the Somali people, the irresistible urge to live with each other and to look after each other, irrespective of the artificial boundaries that divide us. It is not surprising therefore that Somalis, not only in the Northern Frontier District of Kenya, but in French Somaliland and in Ethiopia have a longing in their hearts to be reunited." Indeed the desire of the majority of the nomadic tribesmen of the N.F.D. to secede from Kenya and to form a union with Somalia was recorded by an impartial British Commission at the end of 1962, but nothing was done about it.
  15. COL. YUSUF, THE THREE DRIVERS AND THE NAKED SPEAKER By Dr. Jamal A. Abanur June 14,2005 Every country around the globe had some dreadful history that is or was caused by elements of its own people. Among the most appalling occurrence is a bloody civil war leading to the death of hundreds or millions of innocent people. The causes of internal conflicts are generally diverse, but most of the time it was related to differences in ideology among the rivals. In spite of all the differences, however, the leaders of the opposing sides believed in the sovereignty of their country and were devout nationalists. In contrast, history showed us that the situation in Somalia is awfully different. The country is mystified by traitors who have all one common goal, i.e., to financially enrich themselves and sell the country to anyone who will assure their long-term survival. The list of the Somali warlords is unending, and will continue to expand with the help of BBC Somali Program. As the BBC interviews of the newly baptized warlord Mr. Indha Adde is frequently aired to the public, others will soon be making in the headlines. After almost 3 years of negotiations and with the help of the international community, the leadership of the country was again awarded to the wrong people for the 14 th consecutive time. Fundamental errors are often inexorable when unqualified individuals are allowed to exercise power and make decisions. Immediately after the inauguration of the transitional national government, the campaign of hijacking the process has initiated. The faces of those involved in executing plan A (nation building) for plan B (hijacking) are the same ones we all had anticipated, but this time an additional marionette ( THE SPEKAER OF THE HOUSE ) is crowned to toss away the very minimum aspiration the public was hoping to see. It is regrettable to observe that Somali's future remains in the hand of colonel Yusuf, Mr. Atto, yalaxow, Qanyare and Mr. Sharif Hassan. Abdillahi Yusuf Colonel Yusuf is well-known to have fought for over 30 years to be one day a President in Somalia .When his dreams came true last year, instead of candidly leading the country, he chose to drag the nation into chaos by publicly advocating bringing Ethiopian troops in Somalia to help him strengthen his dictatorial dream. He has surrounded himself to his close relatives turning the office of the Somali President into a tribe or family owned business. His speeches and interviews are unstatesman-like and very pedestrian . His spokesperson and close associates are all from his very close family members. Mr. Yusuf ought to realize that this is not Puntland and must keep in mind that his predecessor Mr. Abdiqasim failed because he ran a clan politic rather than leading the nation. You have only two choices, Mr. President, i.e. to be a President of all or a President of your clan and wind up as a looser. Let me jog your memory again to remind you that there is no secret among Somalis. Any attempt you may make to abuse your power will reflect very wickedly to your Presidency. You can only be saved from embarrassments if you act and behave like a true statesman. There are many Somalis who have qualms in your leadership because they don't trust you and I believe you gave them legitimacy for the way you handled so far the Somali affairs. I have to admit publicly, however, that the majority of Somalis are still staunch supporters of the reconciliation process and willing to give you the benefit of doubt, but let me confess to you honestly; they are extremely allergic to your clan arrogances. They want to see justice and the rules of the laws respected, particularly by those in the position of power, like you. My last advice to you is to immediately bring new Somali faces to the nation's most important office and fire immediately your close relatives. Clanism and nation building don't come together. Respect and honor the office that you have been sworn to.You and Mr, Gheedi will need to put a strategy together to tackle all the media propaganda facing the Transitional Federal Government (TFG).All the so-called tribal media (AKA Yobsan times) in Mogadishu are created to defend the business paradise in the south of Somalia. It is apparent from the events of the past months that you have provided opportunities to the Mogadishu warlords to hijack the process. Among those taking advantage of your political mistakes are the three notorious drivers who turned warlords. It is not my intention to single out and bash only these three warlords, but it is heartbreaking to see how an entire nation could be trapped by three illiterates who do not for sure posses a higher IQ. These men profited from the chaos in Somalia more than any other warlords. Among these three devils Mr. Atto is the most evil one. He is alleged to have disbanded the machines, engines, pipes and electrical cables of the Milk Industry in Mogadishu as well as the Refinery and to have sold them overseas. Mr. Sudi Yalaxow generates four thousand dollars of revenue daily from a port he controls. Similarly, Mr. Qanyare has his own airport and personal Isbarros. Two of them are further alleged to be involved in drug trafficking generating millions a year. As a result they will do everything to derail and paralyze the progress achieved so far and blame others for the lack of success. These individuals should be considered public enemies number one. They have always opposed directly or indirectly every effort made to stabilize Somalia including endeavors led by their closest relatives. Today they are joined by another moron (the Speaker of the parliament) who made fortunes during the last 15 years. Mr. Sharif Hasan who is a puppet of one of the drivers is taking away the minimum hope that was put together by the generous help of the international community.The Speaker who is involved in the illegal business of Somalia is a crying wolf and has no interest in reconciliation. Moving to Mogadishu from Nairobi and refusing to go back for the nation's interest is a behavior that has a striking similarity to that of an angry and estranged Somali women running away from her husband refusing to discuss and resolve peacefully the family affairs. If you do not support the government to relocate temporarily in your native city of Baiodoa, a move which you strongly believe will lead to a dead end of your political career, you are still however, accountable to work with the majority of the parliamentarians, the PM and the President to resolve the issue of relocation peacefully. Mr. Speaker, you clearly ran away from your primary responsibility by moving to Mogadishu and caused a huge division that will have serious consequences to the TFG. You are sworn to defend the constitution of the TGF, but not to look after your personal interest. You and Dr. Zero befit as the perfect men to be used by Mr. Qanyare and his dear colleagues to bring to an end the reconciliation process. Dr. Zero is a known devout separatist whose main mission is to wipe out the reconciliation process in the south. His partnership with your group is a classical hypocrisy and an indication that nothing will come out of Mogadishu . Martin Luther King once quoted “ In the entire world nothing is more dangerous than ignorance and conscientious ********* â€. This is the danger that our nation is facing; as a result the country is literally perishing from the globe. Only a government of unity can secure peace and remove the road barricades inside Mogadishu and in every corner of Somalia . The public knows that none of you posses the skills and wisdom to lead the nation, but for the sake of peace and stability, they are willing to accept and endorse you as their leaders. May Allah bless Somalia and find us true heroes to lead our ailing nation. Dr. Jamal A. Abanur E-mail:
  16. A Nation With Pre-tuned Audience By Mohamed-Khadar S. Farah June 17,2005 There is a plethora of articles and websites in the internet all concerning Somali matters. These websites are busting in the seems, loaded with articles that are tailored for particular group of people. Every site has its own clients and posts fine-tuned news aimed at advancing the agenda and philosophy of one of the many competing tribal sects in Somalia. They are shy of speaking their conscience. Their contents are predictable and there is no uncertainty in what to expect from each one if you know who runs them. These sites produce results that is antipodal to what the internet has brought to most of the communities in the world. The net has defied all geo-political boundaries and ushered an era where spatial, racial, temporal and social divisions gave way to global socio-economic integration. But for the Somalis it has brought more hate and division along clan and regional lines. It is seldom to see an article with a grand theory that is void from the lethal venom of local hostilities. But there is one thing I am glad of which is most of the users of those sites are people who live outside Somalia and Somaliland. And most of the articles they write in English and hence not accessible to the majority of Somalis in the domestic towns and villages of Somalia. I like to participate in cyber debates and contribute articles to local papers, but after spending a relatively long time in Somaliland, I have decided not to. What I have unfortunately learned is that I belong to a nation where people are pre-tuned, tribally-steered, regionally-programmed and intellectually confined. A nation that is under siege by the spell of evil influence. If you are not writing what is expected of you as a priori by your pre-tuned bunch that surround you either physically or influentially, then you must be silent. This reminds me one of the sayings of Ludwig Wittgenstein where he said “ whereof one can not speak, thereof one must be silentâ€. To me it seems that Somalis every where has no hope. They are stuck. And very few are making fortunes in the status quoi of Somalia-- be it Somaliland, Somalia or Puntland. These powerful few batten in extreme comfort, whereas the rest are on the edge of subsistence. I suspect that all those who are critical are not clean hearted as well, but are willing to take their turn of pillaging the public. Change in direction, change of thinking, change of leadership and change, change, change is the only thing that changes a society. But where every one is afraid of change and wants to be inert there will come no change. And that is exactly where Somalis stand today. No one wants to change his believe or change his policy or changes his tribe. And the last thing is the mother of all, you can not change your tribe and every thing hinges on tribe, then every thing remains stuck. I wish, we could come up of new formulation of mobility. Something that is less harmful than the inert clan allegiance that forms and shapes our thinking whose style always comes across our way of writing articles. I wish I could have experimented how it feels to be Habar_X one day and Habar_Y the other day, the D ir, the D arood, H awiye and so on. You can not say that is bad, because we do not have any one to ask how it feels. It's like a death, what a comparison!. We all fear about death, but do not know if it is sweet, for you, we have never seen some one who have tasted it. But it is like death again that we can not do it. The educated Somali class is wretched and crippled. For us education is a temporary dye but the true color is our clan that we Pledge allegiance. The Aqils, Sultans and local warlords have sway over them. Their role is minimal and its unlikely that they make a posative contribution, they do harm than help. The evil monster in them takes control, and greed is always there. Cheap! This is sad. I have seen an incredible lunacy in Somaliland. Religion is lip-service. It does not bind no more than few matters such as marriages, funeral services, inheritance and the likes. Prayers and fasting do not bind from committing the most grave acts against humanity and religion. I am sure, that other regions are either the same or worse. You can not teach, you can not preach. Your value and the weight of your words hinges on the judgment of this pre-tuned audience. Even my current writing is an exercise in futility. The situation of Somalis including myself is like a fly that is trapped in a bottle. But unlike the fly, we know that we are in a bottle and we are satisfied to be in the bottle. People in Somaliland prefer to stay in their bottle and are seeking a recognition in the bottle. People in Puntland want to be in their own bottle. So are the southerners. So let us wait till the day we run out of oxygen and die for our self-inflicted wounds. Mohamed-Khadar S. Farah Hargeysa, E-mail:
  17. PRESS RELEASE - Joint Coordination and Monitoring Committee (ICMC) Tuesday, June 14, 2005 at 15:24 The International side of the Joint Coordination and Monitoring Committee (ICMC) met today, 14 June 2005 in Nairobi. The ICMC welcomes the formal relocation to Somalia of the Transitional Federal Institutions that began with a farewell ceremony on 13 June 2005. The ICMC reiterates its support for the Transitional Federal Institutions that are now relocating into Somalia. The ICMC stresses the need for reconciliation through an inclusive and continued dialogue within the framework of the Transitional Federal Institutions of Somalia. Note The members of the international community and the Transitional Federal Government agreed on 9th February 2005 on the formation of the Joint Coordination and Monitoring Committee.
  18. Reer burco maba yaqaanan sida loo ciyaaraba!!!!!!!! Ciyaarta reer burco waa sidan you know what rear burco say during a game, haday kubadu kudaafdo, ninku yaanu kudaafin
  19. Garaad Saleebaan 'Dadka Nin waliba Aqal Buu Leeyahay Aqalkaagaga aan ku Gor gortano Dunida Kama Dhacdo' Warkii: Jun 15, 2005 SSC( Baryahan dambe waxaa jiray Isimo ka soo jeeda Beelaha Dirta Waqooyi oo ku soo qulqulaya Goboladda Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn, iyadoo sida la sheegay u socda wadahadal. Haddaba qaar ka mid Isimadaas oo ku sugan Yagoori ayaa BBC-da ka sheegay inay sugayaan Isimadda SSC. Dhinaca Isimada SSC hadalkaas waxaa uga jawaabay Garaad Saleebaan hoos Riix si aad u maqasho Garaad Saleebaan Halkan Riix si aad u maqasho
  20. UNICEF resumes activities in Northeast Somalia Resumption occurs after talks with Puntland President Nairobi, Kenya, Wednesday 15 June 2005 - UNICEF has with immediate effect resumed operations in Northeast Somalia ('Puntland') UNICEF Somalia Representative, Jesper Morch, announced in Nairobi, Kenya. The decision was taken after fruitful discussions between the UNICEF Representative and Puntland President Mohamud Muse Hirsi in Nairobi in which they reaffirmed their commitment to working together to improve the lives of the children of Puntland. "Puntland and UNICEF have put their differences behind them and join hands in a shared strong commitment to renewed action for Puntland's children and vulnerable groups,'' the two parties said. "In so doing the Puntland authorities and UNICEF Somalia build on years of concerted action to improve the situation of children in the fields of health and nutrition; education; water and environmental sanitation; child protection; youth development; and HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support." In announcing the resumption of operations, Mr Morch reaffirmed UNICEF's respect and appreciation for the strong personal commitment of the President of Puntland to the wellbeing and welfare of children, saying that "as peace, reconciliation and transition hopefully begin to take root in central and southern Somalia, experiences from Puntland may well serve as a model for the long troubled country". He added that the President had personally championed the cause of educating every child in Puntland and committed his administration to supporting 200 new teachers in the coming year. Puntland President, Mohamud Muse Hirsi, stated that "the noble mission of UNICEF and services rendered to the Somali people in Puntland are fundamental and of paramount importance. This is acknowledged by all". In the statement, President Hirsi reaffirmed respect for UNICEF's rules, regulations and institutional procedures and the guarantee of safety, security and unimpeded access for UNICEF staff in the implementation of activities. UNICEF confirmed that it would similarly be guided by the Government of Puntland's rules and regulations. The two parties agreed to remain guided by the October 2002 "Memorandum of Cooperation" upon which their collaboration is based. The resumption of activities is a welcome development, as a number of critical initiatives are underway or about to begin. Among them are the ongoing recovery efforts in the areas affected by the December 2004 tsunami, conducted jointly with other UN agencies and NGOs; an ambitious Back to School initiative which aims to reach all girls and boys throughout Somalia; and a new European Community/UNICEF water project that will target numerous towns and villages throughout Puntland.
  21. "Madaxweynaha Bil walba 200’000 Kun oo Dollar ayaa Looga Keenaa Total.." Inj Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi, Jun-15-2005 Wasiirkii hore ee Ganacsiga JSL inj Maxamed Hashi Cilmi oo wakhtigan ah mucaarid madaxbanaan ayaa ku eedeyay kukumadda madaxweyne Dahir Riyaale Kaahin in ay masuul ka tahay sicir bararka ama qiimo korodh-ka shidaalka dalka. Inj Maxamed Xaashi oo kal Hore Xilka uu ka qaaday Madaxweyne Daahir Reyaale Kaahin ayuu shir jaraa’id oo uu qabtay Shalay waxa uu ku yidhi sidan. “ Xukumaddu waxa ay si qayrul caadi ah u kordhisay qiimaha shidaalka iyadoo qiimaha foostada batrool-ka ah ku kordhisay $10 dollar, foostada naaftada ahna $ 20.90 dollar. Marka la isku eego labada qiime ee la kordhiyay waxa badan ka naafatada lagu kordhiyay oo ah ta ay dadka intooda badani ku xidhan tahay; Haddii beer la qodayo, haddii light la shidayo iyo haddii biyo la soo saarayo." Inj. Xashi wuxuu intaa ku daray, "...Waliba Dalwadaha Aduunku cashuur badan ma saaran naaftada ee iyagaa kaaba." Inj Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi waxa kale oo uu si adag u naqadiyay heshiiskii ay dawladdu kaga kiraysay haamaha shidaalka ee Berbera shirkadda Total oo ah ta imika gacanta ku haysa iibinta shidaalka dalka. "Heshiisaaksi waxa uu ahaa sharci jabin, xukumadu kama bixin qandaraas iyadoo shirkado badani danaynayaan haamaha shidaalka." Ayuu yidhi Maxamed Haashi Cilmi. "Waxa kale oo jira dayactirka haamaha Total ku qiimaysay $ 700’000 dollar inaga Somaliland waxa la inoo xisaabiyay $ 3600’000 dollar waxa umada khasaare la galiyay 2900’000" Ayuu Inijneerku ku nuux-nuuxsaday. Inj. Maxamed Xaashi waxa kale oo uu muqadis ku tilmaamay mooshinka maamuus ka xayuubinta madaxweynaha ee la sheegay in ay wadaan xubno ka mid ah golaha wakiiladdu. Inj. Xaashi waxa kale oo uu intaasi raaciyay, "Bil walba $200’000 dollar ayaa looga keenaa Total." Waxana uu hadalkiisii ku soo gebagebeeyey, ".. ninka intaa marayaa ee aan dambi ka baqaynin ee maanta ku hawlan inaan la furin golahii wakiilada†Inj. Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi oo mucaarid aad u adag noqoday tan iyo kalhore markii xilka dawladda uu ka degay. C/Casiis Muse Hadhwanaagnews Hargeysa, Somaliland
  22. Wasiirka Iskaashiga Gobolka JFS Ismaacil Max'ud Hure Buubaa Ayaa Khudbad ka Jeediyay Shirkii Wasiirada Arimaha Debeda ee Dalalka Shiinaha ay Bahwadaagta yihiin {Doha}14-June-2005 Wasiirka ayay Shaqadiisa ka mid tahay Xidhiidhinta Dawladaha Ay Soomaaliya Ururada ku wada jiraan, Sida..... Urur Goboleedka Igad, AU, Arab Leage, iyo ururka Islaamka. Diblomasigan oo aqoon sare u leh Arimaha Carabta ayaa Qudbad Dheer ka Jeediyay Shirka Gogol Xaadhka u ah Madax waynayaasha. In ka badan 100 Hogaamiye ayaa ku sii qulqulaaya Dalka yar ee Qadar, waxaana la Filayaa in uu maanta Gaardho Kofi Anan. Shirkan ayaa si Rasmi ah loogu Casumay M/waynaha JFS C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed, waxaana laga yaabaa in ay Fursad wacan u tahay M/waynaha uu kula kulmo Madax Badan oo Caalamka ah, Halkii uu mid mid u Booqan lahaa, Waqtigan oo ay Dawladiisu Kharash la'aan la ildarantahay. Dawlada Shiinaha oo 15 Sano ee soo socda ku socota in ay aduunka Hogaamiso Dhinac Dhaqaale, Milatery iyo Dadkaba, ayaa Xoojinaysa Xidhiidha ay la Leedahay Dawladaha Caalamka.
  23. NOMADS REALIZE THAT THEY HAVE QABIIL BUT THEY DON'T REALIZE THAT THEY HAVE COUNTRY. As long as somalis put qabiil first,they will never have a country I agree that tribalism is the main problem of Somalia