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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Is there or is there not a democracy in Somaliland? Ismail Buba poses the question most Smalilanders hate to hear Ismail Hurre Buubaa - Vice premier of The TFG Mr. Buba is someone who knows more about the history and the very fundamentals on which the creation of Somaliland is based on. Lets face it; he was there from the beginning and when dealing with the question of secession, he understands more than most of the uninformed and the emotion-driven, hypocritical Somailanders. Ismail Buba touches the heart of the fundamental question that many Somalilanders never wanted to hear. In his recent interview with Mr. Bashir Goth of AwdalNews, Buba raised a serious question that may be the beginning of some serious discussion in progress, and definitely a first step towards addressing the ambiguity surrounding the Somaliland issue. This raises the bar and challenges the Somalilanders to practice what they preach. Buba challenged the Somalilanders to accept and invite public discourse where everyone have the right to air out one's under belly grievances either in support of or in disagreement with the prevailing atmosphere regarding the often discussed secession of Hargeisa from the rest of the republic. One other disturbing development in the region is the new criminal activities and the blatant attacks that some SNM loyalists have been carrying out in the coastal Awdal region, especially in Lughaya District. It smells like another Darfur, Sudan, in progress. Historically, for these coastal communities, Zeila was the main center of trade before it was badly ravaged by the French colonization in some parts of Somalia and consequently the emergence of Djibouti as a vibrant business center. Other coastal towns included Lughaya and Bulaxar, where these communities used as trade or fishing centers, though Bulaxar was consequently impacted negatively by the emergence of City of Berbara, and became insignificant to be considered for trade purposes as most of its inhabitants migrated to either Berbara or Hargeisa, where they had close tribal ties with. However, Lughaya, due to the persistence of its communities, continued to prosper against all odds and eventually became one of the prominent cities of Awdal region, as its identity is inseparable from her sisters such as Zeila, Borama, Baki, Libaxlay or Garbo Dadar, to mention a few, with whom her inhabitants share tribal ties. For centuries, these communities in the Awdal coastal region were left on the cold, or in heat in this case, and were excluded from any form of government. All past governments never had compelling interest to spent money in building schools in order to educate the children of these communities, or treat the children from the grip of deadly diseases such as mosquitoes, TB, malnutrition and starvation or save them from diseases due to the lack of clean water and sanitation, let alone promoting the rich coastal area where these nomadic communities reside. As the result of this long existed neglect by rest of the Somali society, including all governments that ruled the nation in the past and present, these communities have always and are still underrepresented in all government and economic levels in the country. Because of their nomadic lifestyle and lack of education, these communities were never capable to prosper economically and were never able to create big cities and trade centers. All that they ever knew of government dealings was either someone asking them to vote for him in every few years, where truck loads of these nomadic communities would be taken to Borama, Hargeisa or Berbara, kept them in an open semi camps in the cold, around the town skirts of these cities, trained on how to punch a whole in a the picture of the would-be candidate that they would be able recognize on the voting day; since a great majority of these communities never learnt how to read or write. Nonetheless, at the end of the voting period, no one would be responsible to take them back to their nomadic area, let alone giving them compensation for the time they were away from their families and properties. They were used as properties and have always been taken advantage of. Nature had not been that friendly to these communities either as to late, and these communities are facing today extinction due to unfavorable life threatening conditions such as long dry seasons and rain shortage, hunger and diseases. However, one positive progress to report in the area today, thanks to an extraordinary effort by few visionaries in the area who created self-help organizations such as READ/ IQRA and by selfless young men and women residing both in Somaliland and in the Diaspora, is that we have been able to help these communities to focus on the hope of rebuilding their future without the support of any government. We were able to build schools and maintain them to some levels, where nomadic children have the chance of going to school without being removed too far from their environment and family. An idea based on the vision of creating a self-sustaining community, that could definitely lead to resettlement of the nomadic families on their lands; a mission to change the nomadic lifestyle and replacing it with farming and urbanization in the region. Unfortunately, however, this rekindled a new interests in the minds of SNM loyalist, who are engaging a systematic, well planed geopolitical movements where some powerful groups in Somaliland, specifically in Hargeisa and Berbera, are making relentless attempts to redraw boundaries and redistricting in order to increase their voting power in this coming election in Somaliland and thereafter. Many of Lughaya District communities are forcefully denied the right to vote as Awdalites on the false claim that they are under the jurisdiction or are annexation of Hargeisa or Berbara District. The SNM movements in Hargeisa and Berbara see these Awdalites as danger that will undermine the SNM “agendaâ€, the secessionist agenda that these Awdalites fiercely and heroically resisted in the 80s and 90s when the SNM made repeated attempts to conquer the region. Since the last failed attempts in the 90s, SNM has been building up its power to conquer these nomadic communities, who are forced to fight wars that they can't afford to lose, let alone winning. They are being attacked by expansionists supported by the Djibouti government on one front and by militia supported by the powerhouse of SNM from another front. Especially, after Sool and Sanag regions publicly announced that they wouldn't be part of this SNM agenda coined as Somaliland nation, today the SNM in Hargeisa felt that there is a lifetime opportune to renew their long dream of land confiscation and border redesigning. This includes building and designing pathways and create easier movements through which armed SNM army could move in and out in order to connect cities and villages, as a benevolent feature in pure wishful thinking on the part of the SNM, in order to encourage, repopulate and empower their supporters in a region that was never theirs. These criminal activities committed against these nomadic communities is intent to punish these nomadic society or eradicate them if possible for resisting the SNM agenda that these communities never accepted as a legitimate rule of the land. It is a clear intent on the part of the SNM to silence these helpless communities or to force them into submission to their illegal rule, especially as the talk of the possibility of oil exploration intensified lately. These separatists are fighting, with the support of SNM, as perpetrators of ethnic cleansing directed at the peace loving population living in Lughaya District and in other surrounding regions of Awdal Region known to have water and fertile land that is suitable for cultivation. The attack on these fragile and mostly impoverished community, who was always know and praised as a peace loving, multiethnic nomadic society is an explicit plan organized by SNM and their supporters. This is another Lower Shabelle in the making. Sadly, this well thought of “design out crime†of new urbanization is happening under the watchful eye of Rayale government. As a politician, Rayale is rather win the presidency seat instead, on the expenses of his fellow Somalis, who are helplessly under attack by armed aggression of SNM, as himself may have made some concessions to the same Hargeisa –Berbara-SNM loyalists in order for him to win again. We often hear the SNM making the assertion that the old illegal boundary lines drawn by the colonizers, such as the British, should be maintained, which, according to their claim, would give them the right to dislodge from the repu
  2. Ismail Buubaa: The division of Somali TFG is media hype and Somaliland's recognition is fantasy Awdalnews Network Ismail Mahumd Hurre (Buubaa) Somali Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Cooperation "There is no division within the Somali Transitional Federal Government, TFG, but there is a difference of opinion" Abu Dhabi, 16 Sept. 2005--"It is unfortunate that the Somali media which also feeds the international media has to exaggerate a non-existing reality. There is no division within the Somali Transitional Federal Government, TFG, but there is a difference of opinion. The government is one, there is no division and no party has declared to have withdrawn from it but the dispute is whether to move the seat of the government to Mogadishu straightaway or through a corridor. The cabinet has made a decision that the government should make a stopover in Baidhoba and Jowahar before it relocates permanently to Mogadishu." The statement was made by Ismail Mahmud Hurre (Buubaa), Somali Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Cooperation, during an interview with Bashir Goth, editor of the independent online news service Awdalnews Network in Abu Dhabi (on Thursday 15th Sept. 2005) where the Minister was on a working visit. Ismail Buubaa said that some of the warlords in Mogadishu were saying that the government should go to Mogadishu and the rest of the government bodies were saying "Yes, it is the right thing that the government should go to Mogadishu but it is a right thing being used for the wrong purpose'. He asserted that the real intention of such individuals was to kill the government in Mogadishu. "This is why it is necessary for the Somali media to correct itself and study the realities on the ground," he said, noting that many people have now awoken to the reality including the Parliament Speaker who was one of the advocates of the immediate government relocation to Mogadishu. He noted that the Speaker had realized that no one was interested to remove the illegal and coercive checkpoints in the capital and that the real objective behind the call for the relocation to Mogadishu was a trick aimed at persuading the government to go to Mogadishu then to stifle and kill it. Ismail Buubaa asserted that the Prime Minister would open his office and start his official duties in Mogadishu next week and that the Cabinet Ministers would follow him. Answering a question on when he expected the dispute to be overcome, he said: "You are talking about a dispute between the President and the Parliament Speaker. But you have to know that the majority of the parliament is not with the Speaker. If there is any problem at all it must be within the parliament itself. What is needed, therefore, is the parliament to work to correct itself and the Speaker should abide by the majority rule." He also noted that the whole issue should be discussed and solved within the government bodies and not by settling scores through the media. On his visit to the UAE, Ismail Buubaa said that the Arab leaders had decided in their Summit in Algeria to allocate US$26 million to the TFG and that his visit was to find out the share that every country was willing to contribute and what sectors of the country's rebuilding they were interested to participate. He added that the TFG had laid down a strategy which includes the relocation of the government, the establishment of government federal system starting from district level to regional level, the resettlement and rehabilitation of the various militia forces, the creation of a police force and the reconstruction of the country with a Rapid Assistance Progam (RAP). Somaliland: Commenting on Somaliland's preparation for the parliamentary elections due to be held on September 29, Ismail Buubaa, who himself hails from Somaliland, said that holding an election would not endorse a secession, saying: " I will like the Somailand people to know that an election held in Hargeisa and Borama will not lead to a secession from the rest of Somalia just like the elections held in Aw Barre (Tafri Bar) or Goday didn't not lead to a secession of the Somali region in Ethiopia." Lamenting what he thought was the illusion in which Somaliland people lived over the last 15 years, Ismail Buubaa said: "the people have been entertained over the last 15 years that recognition was coming. Therefore, when the elections are held and recognition doesn't come what will they tell the people. What other lie will they tell the people to convince them that recognition was still on the way. A wish that cannot be fulfilled is just a fantasy. You cannot govern people by fantasies; you have to govern them by reality. There is a difference between a wish or a belief and a tangible reality. The wish is ideological but politics is based on the art of the possible." He asserted that it was ludicrous to entertain people with something that was not going to happen, noting that the President of Somaliland knew and that his cabinet ministers knew as well that there was no promise of recognition coming from any of the European countries, the Arab League or even Africa. Ismail Buubaa who was a Minister in the first Somaliland government that declared the region's secession from the rest of Somalia said: "I was a Minister in the first cabinet of Somaliland but in 1994 the first Somaliland President and I had told the people that secession was not in the interest of the Somaliland people," pointing out that they had reached that conclusion after studying the international law and the political reality in the Horn of Africa. "It is true that Somaliland has special demands and interests. I am one of the founders of Somaliland, I belong to Somaliland and will remain a Somalilander, but I say that it is the interest of Somaliland that it should remain part and parcel of Somalia," he re-iterated. Answering a question on whether his TFG government would study the possibility of holding a referendum in Somaliland to endorse the people's wish according to recognized international laws, Ismail Buubaa said: "First we have to know that there is no compulsion and no one can be forced to do something they don't like to do. And I believe if someone is being compelled here it is the people of Somaliland that are being compelled, because you are not allowed to discuss your view in public. If I go to Hargeisa and voice my opinion on this issue people will tell me that my opinion will cause a conflict and disintegration." He wondered whether Somaliland was ready to create a democratic atmosphere where both the unionist person and the secessionist person could advocate their positions. "If they are ready to create such a democratic atmosphere, I am ready the whole Somali nation will be ready to listen to their wishes," Ismail Buubaa said. On whether the election of Abdillahi Yusuf, former leader of Puntland who had territorial dispute with Somaliland, as a President for Somalia had further hardened Somaliland's position of not holding any kinds of talks with the South, Ismail Buubaa denied that such was the case. "I was one of the people that supported Abdillahi Yusuf's election. I knew him since 1980. Abdillahi Yusuf like any other leader elected by the people is obliged to abide by the people's consent. The issue is not one of a person it is an issue of a whole state with all its bodies, policies and legislature based on democracy and the rule of law. The decision is not in the hands of one person only and no one person can dictate the destiny of the nation by himself alone. Therefore, I don't see this as a problem at all," he said. Voicing his concerns about the upcoming Somaliland elections, Ismail Buubaa urged the people to allow the elections to be held peacefully and to respect the system put in place by the election commission. "When an elected parliament comes to the house, I hope they will face the truth and discuss the realities that are now being put aside in a democratic and free atmosphere," he said. Answering a question on whether the TFG had any dialogue with Somaliland, he said there were no official talks but officials from both sides often met in international forums and exchanged views in an unofficial manner, noting that they always conclude that it is necessary for the TFG to speed up its efforts to establish a stable government and that Somaliland should be spared from any problems from the TFG side. "Therefore, we make a full promise from our side that we will not take any action that may jeapardize the peace and stability of Somaliland. But we have fears that disturbances may flare up from inside Somaliland given the situation there. We have to be prepared for any such eventuality, because any problem that takes place in Somaliland will affect us also and the world will expect us to do something about it. Therefore, we don't like to see any problems in Somaliland at all no matter the source." Editor's note: Somali speaking readers can find the full interview published in Somali. Source: Awdal News Network, Sept 16, 2005


    Video 1 : Buuhoodle, Gobolka Cayn, Puntland, Somalia Video 2 : Buuhoodle, Gobolka Cayn, Puntland, Somalia


    Video: Talex Somalia: Breif Introduction of Dervish Resistance to Colonial Occupation Posted to the Web Aug 14, 10:44 Given the frequency and virulence of the Ethiopian raids, it was natural that the first pan-Somali or Greater Somalia effort against colonial occupation, and for unification of all areas populated by Somalis into one country, should have been directed at Ethiopians rather than at the Europeans; the effort was spearheaded by the Somali dervish resistance movement. The dervishes followed Mahammad Abdille Hasan of the puritanical Salihiyah tariqa (religious order or brotherhood). His ability as an orator and a poet (much-valued skills in Somali society) won him many disciples. The British dismissed Hasan as a religious fanatic, calling him the "Mad Mullah." They underestimated his following, however, because from 1899 to 1920, the dervishes conducted a war of resistance against the Ethiopians and British, a struggle that devastated the Somali Peninsula and resulted in the death of an estimated one-third of northern Somalia's population and the near destruction of its economy. One of the longest and bloodiest conflicts in the annals of sub-Saharan resistance to alien encroachment, the dervish uprising was not quelled until 1920 with the death of Hasan, who became a hero of Somali nationalism. Deploying a Royal Air Force squadron recently returned from action in combat in World War I, the British delivered the decisive blow with a devastating aerial bombardment of the dervish capital at Taleex in northern Somalia. Long live Somalia...........
  5. True nazia Laascaanood and Sool are an integral part of Somalia The tribal state of Somaliland is not an option for Laascaanood
  6. I say lets meet in Toronto

    How many

    we are 8 siblings in total -including me, 5 bro & 3 sis, Alhamdulilaah
  8. ملكية، جمهورية، جملكية: السياسة شأن عائلي ÙÙŠ العالم العربي احتكار السلطة بيد العائلة ميزة تميز نظم الحكم ÙÙŠ الشرق الاوسط ايا كان شكلها. نيقوسيا - من حسن زيناتي -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- تشكل مراسم مبايعة العاهل السعودي عبدالله بن عبد العزيز التي استمرت الخميس ÙÙŠ السعودية، مؤشرا على الخضوع للسلطة المطلقة للملك الجديد وللنÙوذ الواسع للعائلة المالكة ÙÙŠ منطقة تسيطر عليها السلطة العائلية. Ùسواء كان نظام الحكم ملكيا او جمهوريا، تظل السياسة شانا عائليا ÙÙŠ العالم العربي رغم الضغوط الداخلية والدولية لادخالها ÙÙŠ المنظومة الديموقراطية. والسعودية مثال صارخ على هذا الواقع. Ùالمملكة التي عرÙت سابقا بتسميتها الجغراÙية اي الجزيرة العربية حملت لاحقا اسم عائلة ال سعود التي تحكمها، وتضم الاخيرة حاليا 4200 امير بالدم ونحو اربعين الÙا من الاÙراد. وكانت Ùرضت Ù†Ùسها على سائر القبائل عام 1932 بعدما اقامت حلÙا مع الحركة الوهابية الاسلامية المتشددة. ويقول الباحث السياسي المصري حسن ناÙع "رغم المظهر الدستوري الحديث، تظل المجتمعات العربية اسيرة التقاليد القديمة والقبلية والذكورية، الامر الذي ÙŠÙسر سيطرة العائلات الكبيرة على السلطة". من جهته، استحدث عالم الاجتماع المصري سعد الدين ابراهيم الذي يترأس مركز ابن خلدون للدÙاع عن حقوق الانسان (ليبرالي) اخيرا مصطلحا عربيا جديدا هو "الجملكية" (الملكية الجمهورية) للتعري٠بالانظمة ÙÙŠ الشرق الاوسط حيث تمتزج السلطة العائلية بتلك العسكرية. Ùولي العهد السعودي الجديد الامير سلطان بن عبد العزيز هو ايضا وزير الدÙاع، Ùيما الملك الجديد عبدالله اخوه غير الشقيق كان قائدا للحرس الوطني يوم كان وليا للعهد ابان حكم الملك Ùهد الذي توÙÙŠ الاثنين الÙائت. ورغم ان لبنان تمتع بتجربة ديموقراطية طويلة قبل الحرب الاهلية اللبنانية (1975-1990) ثم الوصاية السورية التي بدأت عام 1990ØŒ Ùان تمسك العائلات الكبيرة بالسلطة لا يزال يتحكم ÙÙŠ الحياة السياسية ÙˆÙÙŠ مقدمها عائلات الجميل ÙˆÙرنجية وكرامي وجنبلاط وسلام وشمعون وارسلان. لكن النجم السياسي الصاعد سعد الحريري (35 عاما) الذي حقق Ùوزا كاسحا مع حلÙائه ÙÙŠ الانتخابات التشريعية الاخيرة، امتنع عن ترؤس مجلس الوزراء على غرار ابيه رئيس الحكومة السابق رÙيق الحريري الذي اغتيل ÙÙŠ شباط/Ùبراير الماضي بحجة انه ÙŠÙتقر الى الخبرة السياسية. ورغم ذلك، Ùرضت عائلته صديقا قديما لها على رأس الحكومة هو وزير المال السابق Ùؤاد السنيورة احد اقرب مساعدي الحريري الاب. ÙˆÙÙŠ دمشق، Ùرض الرئيس السوري الراحل حاÙظ الاسد الذي ينتمي الى الطائÙØ© العلوية نجله الثاني بشار خليÙØ© رسميا له بعد مقتل نجله الاكبر باسل ÙÙŠ حادث سيارة. ÙˆÙÙŠ مصر واليمن، برزت من الان مؤشرات الخلاÙØ© الوراثية داخل النظامين اللذين تليا العهد الناصري والمدعومين من الجيش، Ùجمال حسني مبارك (42 عاما) النجل الاوسط للرئيس المصري واحمد علي عبدالله صالح (36 عاما) النجل الاكبر للرئيس اليمني اعتليا اول درجة على سلم السلطة. والوارثان يصÙهما حلÙاؤهما بانهما "وليا عهد جمهوريان" ينتظران النجاح ÙÙŠ اختبار التصويت المباشر، علما انهما يتقدمان على اي مناÙس لهما بÙضل امتيازات عدة. ÙˆÙÙŠ طرابلس يبرز سي٠الاسلام القذاÙÙŠ كوارث لوالده زعيم الثورة الليبية معمر القذاÙÙŠ الذي ÙŠÙاخر باطلاقه نظاما Ùريدا يمسك بكل خيوطه ويقوم على ما يسمى "اللجان الشعبية". وقبل اسقاطه، كان الرئيس العراقي صدام حسين يهيئ نجليه قصي وعدي لتولي السلطة، علما ان القوات الاميركية قتلتهما ÙÙŠ بداية اجتياحها العراق. وحتى ÙÙŠ الممالك والامارات العربية حيث تظل الوراثة مصدر السلطة، Ùان الحكام يصرون على اسناد الادارات والمؤسسات العامة الى اقربائهم. Ùالوزارات الرئيسية ÙÙŠ الكويت يحتكرها اÙراد الاسرة الحاكمة. ويبقى الÙلسطينيون الاستثناء الوحيد، Ùعائلاتهم الناÙذة ÙÙŠ الماضي Ùرقتها الحروب ولم يعد لها اي تأثير على السلطة.
  9. انا لله وان اليه راجعون رحمه الله الشيخ احمد ديداد واسكنه Ùسيح جناته Sh.Ahmed was talented and had a unique way to deliver the message of allaah to non-believers may allaah reward the jannah!
  10. انا لله وان اليه راجعون رحمه الله على الملك Ùهد بن عبد العزيز آل سعود خادم الحرمين الشريÙين واسكنه Ùسيح جناته May allah give mercy to the dead people,because one day we will all return to him. Seriously Arab leaders failed both the Arab and Muslim ummah The problem of the Ummah is leadership crisis – absolute monarch and dictatorships, not lack of technology, resources, knowledge, human resources
  11. 'Invisible Community' Dragged into the spotlight - Thursday, July 28, 2005 at 15:53 By Jean Eaglesham Yasin Hassan Omar has focused attention on an ethnic minority group self-referentially known as the "invisible community," raising the profile of Somalis in the UK in the worst way possible, writes Jean Eaglesham. The suspected suicide bomber arrested in Birmingham yesterday came to Britain from Somalia in 1992. One of the houses raided by police was said by neighbours to be occupied by three young Somali men. The US has long suspected Somalia of being an important breeding ground for al-Qaeda cells. Its anarchic state - torn apart by civil war, the East African country is effectively ruled by feuding clans and radical Islamist groups - ensures extremists can operate with virtually no surveillance. But Mr Omar's background suggests the root cause of radicalisation within the Somali community in the UK lies in London, rather than the Horn of Africa. Only 11 when he came to Britain without his family, he was placed in foster care by Enfield council before being granted indefinite leave to remain in May 2000. Mr Omar was one of thousands of Somalians seeking asylum in Britain from the famine and conflict ravaging their country in the 1990s. Between 1995 and 2003, more than 43,000 Somalians - excluding dependants - applied for asylum, according to the Home Office. About 16,000 were granted asylum and a further 15,000 exceptional leave to remain. Somalia remains a significant source of refugees, providing the third biggest number of asylum seekers in the first quarter of this year. Those allowed to stay join one of the oldest African communities in Britain, dating back to the mid-19th century. Source:
  12. SOO MAAL


    الشاعر حاÙظ إبراهيم شاعر مصري تمير بالأسلوب التقليدي وكان من أهم أعماله التي تغنى بها أبناء عصره ما غنته له أم كلثوم ÙÙŠ قصيدته "مصر تتحدث عن Ù†Ùسها" وقصيدته "اللغة العربية تنعي حظها بين أهلها" من أبرز قصائده . كذلك من أبرز قصائده مجموعة (عمرية) قصائد صور Ùيها مواق٠متعددة للÙاروق عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه.والشاعر حاÙظ إبراهيم هو الند الحبيب للشاعر أحمد شوقي وقد تميز بأنه شاعر شعبي كانت قصائده تÙيض حرقة لحال المجتمع المصري من كسل وخمول ÙˆÙقر وأمية...إلخ غير أنه كان كشوقي له قصائده مع الشعراء (منظرات) يغلب عليها الطابع المرح وكانت له قصائد كثيرة ÙÙŠ مدح العثمانيين كما أنه تميز بقصائد كثيرة إلى اللورد كرومر المنتدب السامي البريطاني ÙÙŠ مصر يشكو له اعتداءات البريطانيين على مصر. والشاعر حاÙظ له ألقاب مثل (شاعر الأخلاق - شاعر الوطنية-شاعر النيل -شاعر الشكوى) هذه أبيات للشاعر حاÙظ إبراهيم عن اللغة العربية رجعت لنÙسي Ùاتهمت حصاتي ....وناديت قومي Ùاحتسبت حياتي رموني بعقم ÙÙŠ الشباب وليتني.... عقمت Ùلم أجزع لقول عداتي ولدت ولما لم أجد لعرائسي..... رجالا وأكÙاء وأدت بناتي وسعت كتاب الله Ù„Ùظا وغاية..... وما ضقت عن آي به وعظات Ùكي٠أضيق اليوم عن وص٠آلة..... وتنسيق أسماء لمخترعات أنا البحر ÙÙŠ أحشائه الدر كامن....Ùهل سألوا الغواص عن صدÙاتي Ùيا ويحكم أبلى وتبلى محاسني..... ومنكم وإن عز الدواء أساتي Ùلا تكلوني للزمان Ùإنني..... أخا٠عليكم أن تحين ÙˆÙاتي أرى لرجال الغرب عزا ومنعة..... وكم عز أقوام بعز لغات أتوا أهلهم بالمعجزات تÙننا..... Ùيا ليتكم تأتون بالكلمات أيطربكم من جانب الغرب ناعب..... ينادي بوأدي ÙÙŠ ربيع حياتي
  13. Waa lama huraan in dalkii hooyo wax laga qabsado, guri na lagu yeesho Very true, last summer I visited my hometown of Laascaanood, and I amazed the scale of developments that was going on around the city, I saw many new hotels, and also a Construction company developing a new residential neighborhood with different design schemes of bungalows and two-story houses. Although, private sector doing its best, I disappointed with public sector and there was signs of lawlessness, but I understand it is because of 14 years of lack of government and anarchy, hopefully with new federal somali government something positive will emerge.
  14. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by HornAfrique: It is the people that have to lose the mentality that unless there is a forceful hand in control, then they can do whatever they want. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exactly! But these people - who've known anarchy and lawlessness for 15 years - are not yet conditioned to loose that mentality. To them, its an eye for an eye. If a member of Clan X happens to kill a member of Clan Z, then Clan X has the automatic right to do a revenge killing on a member of Clan Z. This my friend is called anarchy. So WTF is the Puntland gov't for? I think the Cadde/Afqurac admin's ultimate test lies with re-securing Puntland and making the local population feel safe (for living and investment). My point is that there can be no progress or development without security. The cycle of violence across all major northeastern Somali cities of late is a distressing sign that the men in power aren't hard enough on the criminals who continue to destablize the region, yet they immediately detain journalists for even criticizing the Puntland gov't. You tell me the sense in that! Well said, true it is ultimately the people who need to change and respect the rule of law, BUT Puntland and federal governments need to act or at least say something publicly, lead a huge campaign through media outlets to educate people about the benefit of peaceful, stable and secure society, regarding the declining security in major Puntland cities like Boosaaso, Garowe, Laascaanood, and Galkacyo. I would suggest launching something like peaceful march (Marathon of Peace) to make the public aware the advantages peace, law and order, and the disadvantages of the insecurity and the tribal violence.
  15. Suldaan you can entertain yourself, however nothing can be further from truth, 1. True most African countries are European creations, but since Somali people are one people, the two Somali territories willingly united like the two Germans, the two Yemenis, and the two Vietnams 2. The word “Somaliland†is not only used to refer former British colony of Somaliland as Hergeysa Faction would like, In contrast, the word “Somaliland†was introduced by Europeans and they referred to all territories of Somali peninsula, for example there was French Somaliland, Italian Somaliland, and British Somaliland. 3. The 5 gobal of former British Somaliland (awdal, woqooyi galbeed, togdheer, sanaag, and sool)never shared a separate history before British came to Somali territories and the only thing that unite them is that they were once under British rule, in fact historically to the present day Sool and Sanaag have closer relations with their brothers in the east, socially, politically, and economically. The artificial border line between former British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland was first drawn by Europeans in 1883 and ceased to exist by the grace of Allah in 1960, when Somalia won its independence, the artificial line represents Somalia's “Berlin Wall†and entered into the history book like “Berlin Wall†and will never come back (The line was a simple of Somali tragedy and suffering) 4. If you read history books, you will realize that the Othman empire only ruled the two coastal towns of Zeylac and Barbara, and their rule even did not reach Hergeysa. On the other hand, Zanzibar kingdom only rule Mogadishu and nearby Somali coastal towns in a brief period. There was an independent Somali sultanate in the east and another one in Awdal, so what Hergeysa faction calls “Somaliland†did not exist before Europeans came to Somalia and ceased to exist when Europeans left Somalia, simple as that. 5. Somalia a country born in 1960 is still exists to this present day (1960-presently), and Somalia is recognized by all the countries of the world. 6. An existing thing succeeds or fails, but how about a thing that doest not exist at all like what Hergeysa faction calls “Somaliland� 7. Hergeysa faction (formerly SNM, a clan faction established by group of clan fanatics who were power-hungary and allegedly felt their clan was mistreated, consequently fought against Somali national army in Siad Barre Era, 8. Hergeysa Faction declared what it called “Somaliland†in 1991, although the Faction made persistent efforts from made-up elections, supposed “parliament, to fabricated “constitution’ to convince the intentional community to recognize their dream clan-state, fortunately the world realized the clan(racist) nature of the Hergeysa faction, and the risk of recognizing clan-state in already volatile region of Horn Africa, thus Hergeysa faction failed to accomplish its horrible mission of dividing the united and brotherly Somali people. 9. Somaliland politics is all about clan affiliation, forget about other clans that make up north Somalia (formerly British colony of Somaliland), within Hergeysa clan faction, lately they made three imaginary political parties, but actually they are sub-clan factions, for instance each of three udub, kulmiye, and ucid each represent three different sub-clans of Hergeysa faction 10. Allmost, all clan elders, prominent politicians, business men, civil society of north Somalia (formerly British Somaliland) took part of all the 14 Somali peace conferences; In 2000 Arta government, a prominent politician and businessman Hon. Ali Khalif who is from north Somalia was appointed by Somali president Abduqassim Hassan and endorsed by Somali parliament to became Somali prime minister. And most recently, the newly-established government of Somalia appointed another prominent politician Hon. Ismaaciil M. Hurre (Buubaa)from northwest Somalia to deputy prime minister and minister of regional cooperation, also there is other many politician from north Somalia in both council of ministers and parliament
  16. In reality its Somaliland that doesn’t exist, maafish Somaliland, Somaliland is a clan myth that will never came into existence and will never recognized by world community because its clan nature Suldaan you seem confused and need some history facts, 1) The Somali peninsula had thousands of history before Europeans colonized Somalia 2) The 5 representing the creation of European colonialists, and not the will of Somali people 3) The 5 parts of Somalia that the white star symbolize, is just explains the circumstances of particular time (1943) in Somali territories and the need to liberate the 5 parts of Somalia and unite them into one country. 4) In 1960, two Somali territories received independence, united to form one, and thus Somali Republic born. ( after 1960, the ‘5’ became a term of past and a thing in history books, so in reality, today there is only 4 parts of Somalia) 5) Former British colony of Somaliland did not unite with Somalia but united with former Italian colony of Somaliland to form Somalia -- first modern Somali republic (Somali Republic). 6) The Hargeysa Faction is clan faction, and don’t represent all former British colony of Somaliland 7) The flag of Hargeysa Faction led by riyoole is not the flag of former British colony of Somaliland. 8) Abwaan Cabdi Iidan was assassinated by criminals who Somali unity and obsessed with clan mindset
  17. I think he is an Ethiopian or an Eritrean, who is ethnically Somali Lidia, I did not mean to accuse or hurt anyone's feelings, I was just expressing my opinion on a comment that you posted, and you should not take the matter personally. Now that is enough.
  18. Lidia, Sorry, if you took it personally, I am not saying you are racist or clannish, but your irresponsible comment, that the two alleged Somali men are from that specific region of Somalis without evidence is unacceptable. There no Ethiopians who are ethnically Somali, but there is Somali regions and Somali people who are occupied by Ethiopia, there many nomads here in this forum, who are from Western Somalia (a Somali region occupied by Ethiopia), and we should express sympathy for them. O.K. now I understand it was just irresponsible comment as you said, and that you didn’t mean to offend any specific Somali group or region, so just be careful the way you putting your words, because it might offend some specific people unintentionally.
  19. British convert calls Muslims to send in pictures condemning terrorism Not in the Name of Peace Kwintessential
  20. Poll says most Muslims want to leave U.K. LONDON, July 26 (UPI) -- Thousands of Muslims living in Britain have considered leaving the country, fearing reprisals after the July 7 London bombings, a poll indicates. The Guardian/ICM poll, released Tuesday, said one in five Muslims has suffered Islamophobia that included abuse or hostility against the persons or a family member since the attacks by British-born suicide bombers. The poll comes as British Islamic leaders and police seek to boost recruitment of Muslim officers and improve efforts to protect Muslims from a backlash. In the poll, 63 percent of those polled said they had considered whether they wanted to remain in Britain. Britain's Muslim population is estimated at 1.6 million, with 1.1 million over 18 years of age. About eight in 10 Muslims believe Britain's participation in invading Iraq was a factor leading to the bombings. Muslim clerics' and leaders' failure to root out extremists was blamed as a factor behind the attacks by 57 percent of the Muslims. A small group, potentially running into thousands, told ICM of their support for the July 7 attacks. Five percent said that more attacks would be justified. Copyright 2005 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved.
  21. AFP 'targeted' Muslim convert over library books By Lynn Bell for The World Today A Melbourne university student says the Australian Federal Police (AFP) has questioned him because he borrowed library books about terrorism and suicide bombings. The Muslim convert, known as Abraham, says he was targeted by investigators while borrowing the books for PhD research at Monash University into the role of Islam in martyrdom. Abraham says the AFP drew an unfair link between his Muslim name and his topic of study. "Obviously, they've had access to my library records," he said. "I don't know if the phone has been bugged. I don't know if they are watching my movements. "They are drawing a linkage between a person with a non-English speaking name and saying 'okay, well this is suspicious activity'." Abraham says there are dozens of students studying similar subjects but he is the only one who has been interviewed, despite espousing a moderate approach to Islam. "I think it's unjustified and unfair and it also sends a message, unfortunately, to the Muslim community that if they're dealing with the Australian Federal Police authorities that possibly they could be targeted," Abraham said. "Quite ironic is my study's involved in obviously preventing these actions [terrorism] from occurring. "They're drawing a linkage with that and saying, 'okay, well you might be a terrorist'." 'Repeal terrorism laws' The president of Liberty Victoria, Brian Walters SC, is outraged by Abraham's story. "I think this is extremely serious - it suggests that our AFP and ASIO security police are operating as 'thought police' and undermining academic independence which is so important to a free and democratic society," Mr Walters said. Mr Walters believes the AFP owes Abraham an apology. He says the Federal Government should repeal its terrorism laws and take a calmer approach to protecting Australian society. "I think we should be really concerned about the disruption to our society that these terror laws are creating," Mr Walters said. "We should be alarmed, not just alert. This is the stuff of Kafka-esque nightmare. "We do not want a situation where police are vetting the thoughts that we undertake, vetting research and doing so in an environment that cannot be justified." Students warned Abraham's lecturer, David Wright-Neville, has told his other students that they may also be open to scrutiny by the authorities. "It's happened to one and I think that all students, if they're going to be studying this subject, need to be made aware that based on the experience of last week that they might also be targeted by the authorities," Dr Wright-Neville said. He says students have a right to go about their studies without scrutiny from the police. He says if a member of the university community was perceived as a terrorist risk, the authorities would be informed. "I think the authorities need to be comfortable in the knowledge that any academic or any member of the university ... who had any suspicions about any student - and I must say I never have - would obviously work cooperatively with the authorities," Dr Wright-Neville said.
  22. Islam on rise in Belgium BRUSSELS, July 26 (UPI) -- Islam is becoming an increasingly popular religion in Belgium, with some four hundred converts last year. The Islamic Centre in Brussels says the reason for the increase in Islam converts may be due to more public interest in the Muslim world after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks against the United States. "People are discovering that we are different from the picture that the media has portrayed," Islamic Centre spokesman Abdel Kadet told the Belgian news agency Belga. Seventy-five percent of the converts in 2004 were women but this is not necessarily because they need to do so to marry a Muslim man, according to the Islamic Centre. On the other hand, converting for love is far more common when a Belgian man falls head over heels in love with a Muslim girl, Adbdel Kadet said. Copyright 2005 by United Press International. All Rights Reserved.
  23. 50 killed in Afghanistan clashes Agencies Tuesday July 26, 2005 Around 50 suspected Taliban fighters were killed in clashes with US and Afghan forces in central Afghanistan last night, officials said today. The fighting, which happened in the Dihrawud district of Uruzgan province, came during an operation against a rebel camp which had been used as a base for attacks in neighbouring areas, the provincial governor, Jan Mohammed Khan, said. Forces captured around 25 suspected Taliban insurgents during the clash, and Afghan forces were still finding the bodies of rebels at the scene of the fighting, Mr Khan said. Two Afghan soldiers were also confirmed dead. A US military spokeswoman said she had no further details. The US military yesterday said unrelated fighting in the same district had killed one US serviceman, one Afghan soldier and 11 rebels. Three US troops were also wounded, it said. US fighter jets and attack helicopters responded to an attack on a patrol, sparking a gun battle, according to the statement. Eight insurgents were captured. Meanwhile, more than 1,000 protesters chanted "Die America!" as they banged on the gates of the main US base in Afghanistan to demand the release of three local villagers detained in a raid. Demonstrators threw stones at the base's outer gates, which were guarded by Afghan soldiers, but no one was wounded. The outer gates are around 300 metres from the first checkpoint manned by US troops. The three men detained were arrested in a raid on Dheymullah, a village around two miles from Bagram base, last night, the local government chief, Kaber Ahmad, said. "Those three were wanted by the Americans, but no one knows why," he added. Stacks of tyres were dumped on the main road near the base and burned, sending clouds of black smoke billowing over the area. Demonstrators said they were angry with the US for carrying out the raid without first consulting local authorities. "We have supported the Americans for years," Shah Aghar, a 35-year-old local resident, said. "We should be treated with dignity. They are arresting our people without the permission of the government. They are breaking into our houses and offending the people. We are very angry." Hundreds of local residents are employed at the base to clean, construct buildings and carry out other jobs. There has been little violence in the area since US forces took control of the base soon after ousting the Taliban in 2001. Thousands of US and other soldiers live at the base, which is surrounded by several razor-wire fences. Areas outside the perimeter remain mined from Afghanistan's civil war and Soviet occupation. Guerrilla violence in Afghanistan has surged prior to parliamentary elections scheduled for late September.