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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. This is a victory for the unionists if u can swallow that. Puntland made a point about who is in charge of where Remarkably accurate points reflects realities on the ground, I am very proud and to want to congratulate to my people of Sool Sanaag and Cayn for standing up for their rights and banning the meaningless ballot boxes of supposed elections of Somaliland to be brought into their territories. Yesterdays supposed elections were clear evidence that Sool Sanaag and Cayn are not part of so-called Somaliland (Hergeysa tribal faction), as well the fact that supposed elections were took place in one clan’s area explains a lot about if at Somaliland deserves a recognition from International community as clan-state True its big victory for all Somali people who value qaranimo and unity, above all its victory for the natives of Sool Sanaag and Cayn As people of Sool Sanaag and Cayn we are extremely grateful for the Puntland by helping us in this decisive matter (note in fact Sool Sanaag and Cayn are themselves an integral part of Puntland) With the acception of few places, all are going as planned. The polls are going smoothly in 15 polling stations in Eastern Sanaag, and further many more in Southern Sanaag. Not to mention the regional capital, Erigavo where people turned out in their thousands more then the previous elections. As for Sool region, again, the district of Xuddun with the acception of Xuddun village. Half of Laascaanood, and Caynaba district. All the areas that were planned for the election to take place. Some reports suggest that many Lascanod residents also casted their votes along side the people of Adhicadeye, which is just 30K away. In Lascanod district also, people voted in Hadhwanaag, Yagoori and Guumays. Caynabo district needs not to be mentioned for obvious reasons. In Buuhoodleh district, the vote is taking place 9 of the 11 vilages that come under. Again as planned. The few places which the election isn't taking place have already been discussed earlier by the parliament. There is a special law for how the seats of those places will be selected. 4 seats from the 12 seats reserved for SOOL region will not be contested. In Sanaag 2 seats of the 12 seats for that region will not be contested, and for Togdher 1 seat of the 15 seats will not be contested. All those seats that will not be contested which is a total of 7 seats, they will be shared by the Poltiical parties according to the law passed by the parliament. I don’t know where you get all these lies
  2. The fact of the matter is that most of somalis have deep hatred towards each other. Don’t be self-righteous, I guess you are one of them and probably have hatred against the people of Sool Sanaag and Cayn, you refer these regions wrongly as ‘eastern Somaliland’, personally as native of Sool that’s insulting certainly you have to apologies if you respect other people’s views, if you want Somalis to respect your Somaliland to separate from Somalia, as well as you should respect the sool Sanaag and cayn to separate from inexistent Somaliland - It's the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. ... in Islam hadith says “"None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself." They act nice and sadened by problems facing Somalia yet when they get together, they are totally different. True, they disagree how? Anyone who spends the day with particullarly southern Somalis will find out why somalia is stillwhere it's today. After years of war and destruction, most of Somalis haven't learned anything from it. They still continue to fight with their tangues and if possible their hands. They wouldn't like to see others succeed. let us take Somaliland as an example; I heard few non somaliland citizens who say good things about Somaliland. The rest are all negative and biase towards the succes of Somaliland. It is the opposite, it is Somaliland that want Somalia to fail by accusing that there chaos , warlords, terrorism etc in Somalia, as well Somalilanders love to blame Somalia for everything that is wrong with Somaliland from SSC regions issue, the lack of recognition of Somaliland, the assassination of foreigners in Somaliland, terrorism in somaliland etc They preach Somaliweyn on the streets and yet they can't bring two boys from two tribes together. You lost this point dear, Somaliweyn brought millions of Somali people from all Somali tribes together across Somali peninsula, on other hand Somaliland became one clan dream and was clearly evident in Somaliland’s elections that took place just yesterday. if there were love any love between somalis then you would have a point of calling Somaliland somalidiid, it is not a love issue, there is nothing wrong with calling a secessionist somalilander who don’t want to be a Somali from Somalia somalidiid, and there is nothing wrong calling people from sool Sanaag and cayn somalilanddiid since they don’t want to separate from Somalia. but as long as the rest of somalia is in turmoil, and hatred is still the factor in somali households , it would be absoletly rediculous to point the fingure at Somaliland for deciding to shut their ears from their backward bretherns. Now you spreading hate against Somali people Somaliland chooses to move forward with the world and nothing but positive should be said about that. If anybody is refusing anything, it's then Somalia for being nabadiid. You saying if Somali person is against Somaliland secession is nabadiid, but don’t you realize that somalilanders who are against the people Sool Sanaag and cayn for deciding to be integral part of Somalia are nabadiid? Or are you one of the hypo critics and using doublestandard !!!
  3. It's sad and at the same time disappointing that Somaliland elections haven't taken place in some regions in Eastern Somaliland. The reason is becasue of Puntland playing clanish card games. Hitting the diverse Somaliland community against each other, calling them Somalidiid. I can assure you that it's not the best interest for the few eastern somalilanders who are supporting Puntland's idiotic views, they will never reach anywhere and will always stay behind. after all we are in the 21st century. As some one from Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn regions (that you refer them incorrectly eastern ‘Somaliland’ ), I am extremely glad of that the elections of so-called Somaliland haven't taken place in my region, and congratulating to the proud people of Sool Sanaag and Cayn for rejecting the Somaliland’s ballot boxes to their rejoin, because its not their business. The people of Sool Sanaag and cayn are the most nationalistic people among all Somali people, and don’t want the elections of Somalidiid, the painful fact is that Somaliland is the first one who played card by saying they were supposedly ill treated because of clan afflation, and then established a clan-state-which not working in the 21 century. Also its Somaliland that advocating the division of the brotherly Somali people. All Somali people are one people regardless of tribal affiliation, imaginary colonial border lines drawn by gaallo that were abolished long ago. We all know anyone in this time in Africa who holds free elections is no threat to anything but should rather be praised and rewarded for their doings. How about if Puntland brings ballot boxes to Hergeysa will you say “be praised and rewarded for their doingsâ€
  4. Somaliland elections (Hergeysa-Barbara Burco Triangle, is positive sign and good development toward peace and stability. Congratulation to people of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn for thier victory and for succesfully preventing somaliland's ballott boxes being brought to SSC, since its not their business. Ppl are now threatened by ballot boxes? or perhaps the propaganda has switched to "We don't want to be poisoned with democratic and libertarian values ". Here's a little hint for you fanatics out there, instead of trying to spread havoc like you have done in much of Somalia, why not encourage people to simply BOYCOTT the elections as the low turn out rate would reflect poorly on the government. I know it's a NEW idea but that just might work, or is perhaps you fear that more people than anticipated will turn out for these elections ? Sool Sanaag and Cayn are not part of So-called Somaliland, that’s why they didn’t let Somaliland ballot boxes to their territory (the is about jurisdiction not government performance or dissatisfaction). Egyptian elections will only held in Egypt and only Egyptian will vote, Canadian elections will only held in Canada and only Canadians will vote, Kenyan elections will only be held in Kenya and only Kenyans will vote etc So what think of bringing Hiiraanland, Puntland, Djibouti, or ballot boxes to Hargeysa and Barbara would say you fanatics out there, instead of trying to spread havoc like you have done in much of Somalia, why not encourage people to simply BOYCOTT the elections as the low turn out rate would reflect poorly on the government
  5. Will shariif learn from Ottawa? - Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 04:58 The Duties of the Speaker The Speaker acts as Chairman during debates, and sees that the rules laid down by the House for the carrying on of its business are observed. It is the Speaker who selects (or calls) Members to speak. He acts as the House's representative in its corporate relations with outside bodies and the other elements of Parliament. It is essential that debates should be conducted in an orderly way, and unlikely that the course of debate would flow smoothly if there were not some way of regulating who was to speak. The selection of those who are to speak is therefore a very important role for the Chair, and one that has to be handled with tact and discretion. Maintaining Order The Speaker must preserve order in the House, and ensure that its rules of debate are observed. For instance, a Member who alleges dishonorable behavior by another, or uses language that the rules do not permit, may be directed to withdraw the remark concerned. The Speaker has the power to suspend the sitting in the case of grave general disorder. In the case of willful disobedience by a Member, the Speaker can suspend them from the House for a day or invite the House to approve expulsion for a longer period. This is known as ‘Naming’ a Member. The Speaker has to protect the rights of minorities in the House. He must ensure that the holders of an opinion, however unpopular, are allowed to put across their point of view. This is especially important when deciding whether or not to allow the closure to be moved. Impartiality The Speaker must, of course, be above party political controversy and must be seen to be completely impartial in all public matters. All sides in the House rely on the Speaker's disinterest and respect that he or she must stand aside from controversy. Accordingly, on election the Speaker resigns from his or her political party. Even after retirement, a former Speaker will take no part in political issues, assuming the office of Speaker will, to a great extent, mean shedding old loyalties and friendships within the House. The Speaker must keep apart from old party colleagues or any one group or interest. Mr. Shariif I hope you follow the rules and procedures of the Somali Parliament. (Keep Hope Alive)
  6. Hughes asked to correct misperceptions in U.S. By Nicholas Kralev THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published September 28, 2005 JIDDA, Saudi Arabia -- Karen Hughes, the Bush administration's top public diplomacy official, came to Saudi Arabia in a bid to improve the U.S. image, but her hosts turned the tables yesterday and asked her to help create better perceptions of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Mrs. Hughes, who is on a five-day "listening tour" of the Middle East, chose Saudi Arabia as her second stop after Egypt because of the "huge challenge" the administration faces in the nation that produced 15 of the 19 hijackers on September 11, 2001. She sought an opportunity to explain unpopular U.S. policies that cause anger and resentment in the region. Instead, she received an earful of complaints that the American people have wrong ideas about the Saudis and little is being done to correct those misperceptions. "You have to abandon the principle of collective guilt," said Khaled al-Maeena, editor in chief of the Arab News daily. "Don't dehumanize us," he said during a lunch with Mrs. Hughes and American reporters that was hosted by the Saudi Journalists Association. Earlier yesterday, students and professors from Dar al-Hekma College decried the way Saudi women are portrayed in the United States. During a town-hall meeting with Mrs. Hughes at the all-women's college, one student noted "a very negative picture of Muslim women that is created by the American media and supported by the U.S. government." A professor who had spent two months at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Va., denounced the local press for criticizing the Saudi visitors' use of a classroom without male students, as Saudi tradition demands. "We have a free press," Mrs. Hughes said. She went further than many other U.S. officials do in such circumstances by defending the American press. "I think that, by and large, the American media has held the standards of fairness and objectivity," she said. Then it was Mrs. Hughes who turned the tables, voicing concern about the "explosion of Arab media," such as the Al Jazeera television network. "I'd like to challenge them to enlighten, rather than incite" anti-American feelings, she said. Mrs. Hughes noted that Saudi women are not permitted to drive. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice deliberately avoided the issue when she visited the kingdom in June. "I feel that my ability to drive is an important freedom," Mrs. Hughes said to hundreds of students. "But I understand that your traditions are very different, and I respect that." However, the audience members, with all but their faces covered, continued their offensive. "Americans think that Arab women are not very happy," one student said in reference to perceptions that women are oppressed by the patriarchal society and their own husbands. "We are all pretty happy." Nora Barakat, a 21-year-old student, said her American mother, who converted to Islam when she married her Saudi husband, is "treated badly" in the United States because she wears a scarf. Leen Assassa, a 19-year-old Syrian, said Americans should not pity Muslim women or judge them, but try to understand and respect their culture and traditions. Mrs. Hughes, a close friend and confidante of the president's -- Mr. Bush swore her in as undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs earlier this month -- agreed that mutual understanding is vital for a better relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia. She promised to increase educational, cultural and professional exchanges.
  7. Saudis asked to help curb venom in US mosques Reuters Sep. 27, 2005 - U.S. envoy Karen Hughes said on Tuesday Washington had privately discussed the issue of hate literature in American mosques with the Saudi government and asked for their help in getting rid it. Hughes, whose job as undersecretary of state for public diplomacy is to counter the negative U.S. image among Muslims and explain President George W. Bush's policies, brought the subject up publicly in a meeting with Saudi journalists. But she did not discuss it -- nor other human rights issues -- in a meeting later with Saudi King Abdullah. "I hope you will find room to respect people of different faith and different faith traditions," Hughes said at a luncheon with Saudi media. "We are concerned that literature has been found in American mosques that has a message that is not tolerant and we hope the people of Saudi Arabia will work with us as we try to deal with this issue." U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia James Oberwetter said Hughes was the first top Bush administration official to talk publicly in the kingdom about the anti-Christian, anti-Semitic material, which some human rights groups say has been sanctioned by the Saudi government. "We've been raising the issue privately," Hughes told reporters traveling with her to Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. "One of my jobs is to raise issues in, I hope, a respectful way to help other countries understand American values." Hughes said she had never met Abdullah before and that they only "talked on personal terms." "In a follow up meeting, I would feel very comfortable raising those issues," she said. The U.S.-Saudi alliance, built on the twin pillars of security and oil, has been strained since the September 11, 2001, hijacked plane attacks on New York and Washington carried out by al Qaeda. Most of the hijackers were Saudis. Copyright 2005 Reuters News Service. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Copyright © 2005 ABC News Internet Ventures
  8. Saudi students rebuff US communications guru >By Guy Dinmore in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia >Published: September 27 2005 23:07 | Last updated: September 27 2005 23:07 >> Indignant Saudi women on Tuesday turned the tables on Karen Hughes, the US under secretary for public diplomacy, rejecting her analogy of them as the “broken wing†of a bird that the US will help fly. The lesson in Arab pride came in the setting of a women’s university auditorium in Saudi Arabia’s coastal city of Jeddah, the second stop of Mrs Hughes’ listening tour of the Middle East that kicks off her campaign to mend America’s own broken image among Muslims. Mrs Hughes, better known as the long-time communications guru for President George W. Bush, began the “open dialogue†before several hundred women at Dar al-Hekma university by introducing herself as a “working momâ€. She went on to talk about the importance the US attaches to freedom and welcomed a new Saudi labour law that is supposed to open up more job opportunities for women. Mrs Hughes said she looked forward to the day that Saudi women would play an active role in civil society and quoted Laura Bush, the first lady, as saying a bird can’t fly if one wing is broken. America hoped Saudi women will “spread your wingsâ€, she said. Students and teachers lined up at the microphones to express in perfect English their indignance at the stereo-typing of Saudi women as living in a closed society, unable to work or drive or vote. They also slammed the US media for spreading such an image, notably one Oprah Winfrey show that they said presented a Saudi woman beaten by her husband together with the message that theirs was a country to be avoided. “We are happy, not just content, but happy,†one student objected. Mrs Hughes quickly replied that she thought Arab women were strong and intelligent, but stuck to her guns, saying that Americans “take their freedom very seriouslyâ€, and that means speech, religion, voting and driving – for work and shopping. The discord between the American official, setting foot in the Middle East for the first time, and her Saudi audience reflects the immense complexities facing the Bush administration as it tries to focus on the ideological dimension of its “war on terrorâ€. The theme of terrorism did not appear to go down well either. Selected intellectuals in Cairo and Jeddah – of whom virtually none could be described as radical Muslims or from the left – showed little enthusiasm for discussing the subject. Yet in small ways, the weight Mrs Hughes carries -- thanks to the close relationship with Mr Bush -- has pushed some doors open already. One US diplomat described as a “historic breakthrough†permission given to western male reporters to sit in the same auditorium as the young female students, instead of watching the proceedings on a screen in a separate room. The decision was taken by a princess in the royal family who attended the conference. Afterwards, the young women – many from wealthy families who spend their summers in the west – were eager to give interviews, explaining why driving was not such a big deal for them, and that the right to vote would come eventually. “We don’t want the US to force us to bring change,†said one teacher. “They did not allow the blacks to vote before, and now they are forcing the world to accept their views.†Students described Mrs Hughes as “very kind†and “friendlyâ€, but begged to differ on her views. “I go out with my driver. I go to the beach. I don’t feel caged in,†said one student. “People think we go on camels and live in tents.†When pressed, they admitted that they would like the right to drive and vote but insisted that reform would come at Saudi Arabia’s pace and choosing. Some complimented King Abdullah for his gradual reform efforts, saying he wanted women to drive but that many conservatives in Saudi society did not. Speaking on her plane heading towards Turkey, her last stop, Mrs Hughes reflected on her Saudi experience and admitted to being surprised on several accounts. She said she was a little surprised that Mr Bush “doesn’t get more credit†for his declaration of support for the establishment of a Palestinian state. She was also surprised at the reaction of the Saudi women students. But it did confirm her preconception, she said, that a “big challenge†in diplomacy lay ahead.
  9. How about Qaybe who tells every international delegation in Hergeysa that socalled Somaliland is does not worth to be recognized because a tribal-state like Somaliland has no room in world of 21 centry. Mudane Axmed Maxamed Aadan (Qaybe)is the most peculiar character in Somali politics, he is a great somaliweyn supporter “Waan aaminsanahay midnimada Soomaaliya,†, but because of the circumstances he went to Hergeysa to show International delegations the truth about so-called Somaliland that it is just desperate tribal faction.
  10. Xildhibaan Sifir oo kulan kula yeeshay jaaliyada somaliland ee magaalada Toronto Maxuuse u sheegay jaaliyada somaliland? {Toronto} Xildhibaan Max’ud C/llaahi Jaamac (Sifir) oo ahaan jiray ra’iisal wasaare ku xigeenka xukuumadda federalka Soomaaliya ayaa wuxuu hada ku sugan yahay magaalada Toronto ee dalka Canada, waayihii dambena ku gorgortamayey inuu wakiil ka yahay guddoomiyaha xisbiga mucaaradka ee Kulmiye Axmed Siilaanyo. Warbixintaan oo ku cad dukumintiyo sir ah oo laga helay Sifir kuna saxiixan yahay waxa uu ku sheegay in isaga iyo Mike Bryden oo ahaa madaxii ICG ee Somaliya ee hada laga eryay isna markay ku cadaatay ka shaqaynta kala go,a Somaliya , wax yar ka hor inta aanan Xildhibaan Sifir isna laga xayuubin xilka ra,iisulwasaare ku xigeenka. Xilkdhibaan Sifir ayaa mar uu la hadlayay xubno ka tirsan Jaaliyada Somaliland ee Toronto ayaa wuxuu u sheegay waxa uu ugu yeeray " Mission is accomplished" uu ula jeeday isagoo sharaxaad dheer ka bixiyay siduu hadba geed iyo gudcur u soo maray ka shaqaynta gooni isu taaga Somaliland iyo aqoonsigeed caalamka. wuxuu warbixintii ku bilaabay xiriirka ka dhexeeya isaga iyo Mr. Bryden oo ahaa ninkii ka soo dhamaynayay aqoonsiga Somaliland dalalka reer yurub gaar ahaan Ingriiska iyo EU-da , xaaskiisa oo ah Xildhibaan Sifir Walaashii ,aaska Xildhibaan Sifir-na ay la dhalatay Mike Bryden, wuxuu yiri waxaanu nahay dadkii ka shaqeeyay in madaxweyne loo doorto Cabdullahi Yusuf , maxaa yeelay waxaanu ogayn inuu Somali isu keeni karin inuu sii kala fogeeye mooye, codsigeenii aqoonsiga waxaa lagu xiray haday shaqayn weydo dowlada Somaliya loo dhisay ee labada sano laga shaqaynayay ay socon weydo, idinma xanibaybo oo waan idin aqoonsanaynaa ayuu caalamka inagu yiri. Xildhibaan Sifir oo eed u soo jeediyay Ismaaciil Maxamuud Hurre (Buubaa) kuna tilmaamay nin fur fura xargaha ay Somaliland xirxirato ay ku doonayso aqoonsiga ama gooni isutaaga. xildhibaan Sifir oo sheegay inuu gacanta ku hayo ama yahay remoteka hogaamiyeyaasha Muqdisho iyo gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan, dadkii halkaa joogay, qayb ka mid ah ayay markay siyaasada Sifir ku fasireen nin dhaqaale doon, oo aan garanayn cida uu warbixinta siinayo iney isaga ama la ,aqoon yihiin amaba ka sareeyaan, kuwaana waa kuwii warka ina soo gaarsiiyay iyagoo leh ma dadkaan baa mas,uul ah oo ina matala .
  11. Rather have col YEY as a lifetime president than Ali Warabe as a coCitizen of Somalia. Isen´t this guy the one who said The boy in Adis is closer to me than the boy in Mogadishu.? We (Banadirlanders) should stand by the 'Lasanood boyz', as they´re more brotherly and somali than the Hargeisa hayenas Johnny well done, the people of laascaanood – the birthplace of first organized armed struggle against European colonialism, are still proud citizens of Somalia ( a united Somalia, and Mogadishu caddey is capital) and somalinimo and wadanimo is still runs in their veins ready to protect Somalia. Me too ( as laascaanood native), I prefer Muuse suudi, Hussein Caydiid (let alone those I admire Abduqaasim and Gheedi) as Somali presidents than Riyoole, Siilaanya and waraabe as cocitizen from Somalia because they are soomaalidiid (and I hate most waraabe because all he talk about is hatred against entire Somalia and clans publicly) But the people dalkii jooga, they know better and they are not corrupted by the internet. Jacweynaa Suldaan, salaadiin caqli leh baa layaqiin ee waamaxey salaadiintan aan caqliga laheen nabadana aqoon If it is true Suldaan this applies to you, But I guess most people people back home only talk about trabalism, but people in abroad like Johnny are educated poeple who only care who is Somali The future is bright as far as Mogadishu is concerned. Looking forward to a day when Mogadishu and Hargeisa have full diplomatic ties as two brotherly and sisterly peoples Suldaan you are outdated The future is bright as far as Somalia is concerned. Looking forward to a day when all Somali people are proud citizens of their beloved country of Somalia, and every Somali person can roam or settle any Somali city regardless of their clan affiliation, insha allah it’s a time were peace, coexistence, and brotherhood replaced worthless wars hatred and tribalism.
  12. I am not familiar with those other regions, but one thing I am familiar with is that the Afweyne regime had an active program which it wanted to replace the refugees in place of the locals. What that means is that the refugees will become the natives, and the natives will become refugees. That was tried but failed miserably. Soomaalidu waxeey ku maahmaahdaa nin ba waxa uu yahay ama damacsanyhay ayuu dadka kalana ka aaminsanyhay, So now so-called Somaliland (Hergeysa clan faction) is entertaining the idea of clan utopia, and making the territories of former british colony of Somalia – one clan area, by drive out the natives of Sool and Sanaag to replace the settlers from Hergeysa clan, that will not happen, so-called Somaliland failed to accomplish that evil plan, and Riyoole militia sooner or later will go back their homes. I heard that Riyaale militia took xoolo by force from native yagoori family and give it to settler family from wagooyigalbeed, then the native yagoori man made a fist-fight with a man from wogooyigalbeed, and riyool militia shot the native yagoori man dead. From that incident a whole cycle of clan violence started that’s still ongoing.
  13. Al Qaeda member among 4 arrested in Somalia By Africa correspondent Zoe Daniel Authorities in Somalia say they have arrested four militants, including an internationally wanted member of the Al Qaeda terrorist group. The men were arrested in Somalia's breakaway northern region of Somaliland. All are believed to be Somalis from the capital, Mogadishu. Authorities accuse the men of planning attacks to disrupt elections later this month. They seized weapons and communications equipment. Police have not named the men but they say one of them trained in Afghanistan and is on an international list of wanted terrorists. The International Crisis Group think-tank recently warned that an Al Qaeda cell had been set up in Somalia, which has been in a state of anarchy since warlords overthrew the Government in 1991. Somaliland targets Muslim clerics in Qaeda sweep Reuters Sep. 24, 2005 - The self-declared republic of Somaliland said on Saturday eight al Qaeda suspects arrested days before a parliamentary election were all locals from Islamic religious circles. Somaliland President Dahir Rayale Kahin accused the detainees of "disguising" themselves as clerics to plot attacks prior to the September 29 poll. Police in the Somaliland region of Burao said one of them -- taken in the latest swoop on Friday night -- was a prominent local cleric Sheikh Mohamed Mohamoud Nur. "Islam is a religion of peace, but terrorists, like chameleons, change colors and try the one they can easily blend with," Kahin told a new conference. The suspects, who are accused of working for the al Qaeda network, were all Somaliland locals but trained outside in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, he added. Somaliland broke away from Somalia in 1991. It has achieved relatively stability but is not recognized internationally. "Somaliland has become the target of terrorists who are striving hard to de-stabilize the country and disrupt the stability and security that it has achieved through the years," Kahin added. "These terrorists have all been trained in Mogadishu and we have videotaped evidence of their training." U.S. and other Western security services see Somalia as a potential safe haven for terrorists, and are believed to be working closely with authorities in Somaliland. DELICATE ISSUE Somalia has been without effective central government since warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991. Kahin urged Somaliland's 3.5 million inhabitants to help authorities root out extremists in their midst. "We urge house owners not to rent their houses to people whom they do not know and have no one to vouch for them. We also call on the people to be more vigilant and cooperate with the security forces," he said. Interior Minister Ismail Osman Aden said late on Friday that all clergymen from Somalia, and parts of Ethiopia, would be asked to leave the country. But Kahin said: "This is a very delicate issue that has to be studied carefully. A thorough investigation will be conducted before any step is taken against them." He urged the West to pay closer attention to Somaliland and scoffed at the new Somali government's lack of authority. "Developed countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom should include small nations such as Somaliland in their fight," he said. "As for the training in Mogadishu the (new government) is nominal and does not function and that is the reason (terrorism flourishes). Somaliland can contribute a lot in the fight against terrorism." Police sources said one of the suspects arrested late on Thursday was responsible for killing an Italian aid worker. Weapons and ammunition was found with all the detainees, authorities said. Copyright 2005 Reuters News Service. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Copyright © 2005 ABC News Internet Ventures
  14. Breakaway Somali Province Announces Capture of al-Qaida Suspects, Orders Foreign Clerics to Leave The authorities in the self-declared Somaliland republic ordered all foreign Islamic clerics and other non-natives to leave the breakaway region with immediate effect on Saturday (24 September 2005), following news that security forces in the breakaway state have arrested several alleged al-Qaida operatives. The Hargeisa government confirmed that it detained six suspected al-Qaida members in separate security operations on Friday (23 September) on the suspicion that they were plotting to attack local leaders ahead of the region's upcoming parliamentary elections. Interior Minister Ishmail Aden claimed that the suspects had travelled from the Somali capital, Mogadishu, and were planning attacks against senior officials and foreign workers in an effort to disrupt the 29 September elections Somaliland - which declared its unilateral independence from the rest of Somalia in 1991 - has been relatively peaceful compared to Somalia 'proper' in recent years. However, there has been an upsurge in the level of terrorist attacks against foreigners in Somaliland in recent years, with four expatriate workers being killed in a six-week period in September-October 2003. The incidents have led to a strong suspicion of a new al-Qaida-linked Islamic terrorist cell/group at work in Somaliland, leading to the republic's leader - Dahir Rayale Kahin - ordering all foreigners without permits to leave the self-administrated region within 45 days back in October 2003, suggesting that the killings were committed by 'foreign terrorists' seeking to discredit Somaliland Somaliland Orders Illegal Aliens Out as it Seeks to Crack Down on Terrorist Acts Following the slaying of four expatriate workers in the past six weeks in the self-declared republic of Somaliland, the region's leader - Dahir Rayale Kahin - yesterday ordered all foreigners ( mostly somali citizens from central and southern parts of Somalia ) without permits to leave the self-administrated region within 45 days. Issuing the expulsion order, Kahin blamed the recent murders on a conspiracy by outsiders to discredit his republic. 'Insurgents from neighbouring countries are pouring into our towns and cities ... Somaliland will not be a haven for criminals and to avert this, we should be ready to fight them,' Kahin warned. The recent killings began on 15 September, when Oyaw Abdiwahid, a Kenyan national working for a religious charity, was murdered while travelling to a project site in the Gedo region of Somalia. That was followed by the slaying of Italian aid worker, Annalena Tonelli, who was shot dead in the Borama region earlier this month, where she had lived for several years and ran a hospital. And the most recent incident saw, a British couple, Richard and Enid Eyeington, who had been teaching at a secondary school for over a year, killed in cold blood at their home in the town of Sheikh
  15. 18 Poor Countries to See Debt Slate Wiped Clean, Saving $10 Million Per Week Abid Aslam OneWorld US Mon., Sep. 26, 2005 WASHINGTON, D.C., Sep 26 (OneWorld) - Eighteen of the world's poorest countries stand to have their debts written off from next year under a plan approved over the weekend by shareholders of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF). The package, which garnered unexpected approval following a last-minute financing deal, is being sent for final consent to the international lending agencies' executive boards, said Paul Wolfowitz, the bank's president. ''This is a moment of real opportunity,'' Wolfowitz told a news briefing at the conclusion of the agencies' Sep. 24-25 annual meetings. ''The path to complete debt relief has now been cleared.'' Countries that stand to benefit include Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guyana, Honduras, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. At a cost of roughly $40 billion, the package would cancel claims against these countries held by the World Bank, IMF, and African Development Bank. The 184 governments that hold shares in the World Bank and IMF cleared the package following a last-minute deal under which the Group of Eight (G8) dominant countries agreed to put up money to cover any losses sustained by the bank, which holds the largest claims against the 18 heavily indebted poor countries whose debts are to be cancelled. The G8--made up of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, and the United States--put forward the package in July but faced opposition from non-G8 wealthy nations, which said the plan would fail to compensate the bank for income lost by canceling the debts. As the institution earns its operating expenses from the payments made by its borrowers, officials from the Netherlands, Belgium, and other nations have said, a serious drain on revenue would ensue unless wealthy countries chipped in to cover the shortfall or unless the bank partly shuttered the International Development Association (IDA), the window through which it makes grants and soft loans to the poorest countries. African and other cash-strapped governments not slated to benefit from the debt write-off also voiced anxiety that wealthy nations might cut financing for IDA. The G8 financing deal appeared to allay those concerns and the package further held out hope that a further 20 countries eventually could see their debts written off. Potential beneficiaries from an additional round of cancellations include Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Malawi, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, Comoros, Republic of Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Laos, Liberia, Myanmar (also known as Burma), Somalia , Sudan, and Togo. Announcement that the package had been endorsed capped decades of lobbying and wrangling, first to get creditor governments and international financial institutions to admit that there was a Third World debt crisis, then to wring acknowledgement of their role in the crisis, and finally to shake them down for a solution. Nevertheless, pressure groups were cautious in welcoming the news. ''The devil will still be in the detail, and we will be watching to make sure that the deal is not watered down once the media spotlight has faded,'' said Romilly Greenhill, policy officer with ActionAid International. ''These 18 countries have been paying nearly $10 million of their precious revenues to the World Bank each week, so today's support for the G8 debt deal can only be welcome news but ... the harmful strings attached to debt relief must be cut, and 100 percent debt relief offered to at least 40 more countries.'' Greenhill referred to conditions that countries must satisfy in order to qualify for relief. Supporters of the conditions say they are designed to rein in budget deficits and tame inflation but critics say the resulting austerity sees social programs and essential subsidies cut, plunging the poor deeper into deprivation. Anti-debt groups also have sought to strike off the debts of some 60-plus low-income countries. Bernice Romero, campaigns director at charity Oxfam International, said her organization believed that the debts of 62 countries with per capita incomes of less than $500 per year should be cancelled and the resulting savings plowed into reducing poverty. ''This is a huge step forward for a small number of countries and must be followed by debt cancellation for all poor countries that need it,'' Romero said, referring to the weekend's agreement. Additionally, groups in borrowing and lending countries alike have rallied to demand full cancellation of a larger number of countries' debts and the immediate repudiation of illegitimate, usurious, and ''odious debt''--meaning loans that serve the interests of the lender, not those of the borrower. About one-fifth of all debt claims against developing countries are odious, UK-based Christian Aid said in a recent report. The deal now before the bank and fund boards is a revamped version of proposals that had been in circulation since at least 1996 and that had been set aside in favor of a scaled-down effort for want of support not only from wealthy nations but from middle- and low-income borrowers. India and other countries argued against debt forgiveness on the grounds that it would reward borrowers that could not keep up with repayments and thus encourage ''moral hazard.'' Larger and relatively well-off borrowers also have faulted the bank for increasing financing for the poorest countries, saying the agency should, first and foremost, provide cheap capital to fuel infrastructure and other development projects in their countries. The weekend's G8 financing deal preserves a delicate balance the bank is trying to maintain between the demands of its largest borrowers--a handful of emerging markets--and those of its poorest customers, whose numbers are far greater. Over the past few years, the bank has sought to shore up concessional funding and lending through IDA while at the same time making available for infrastructure projects a larger portion of its market-based loan portfolio.
  16. Originally posted by qumane: what do you thing when col. A/llahi said there is terrorist in Mogadishu? Hergaysa police chief Mohamed Ige Ilmi told The Associated Press " the suspects received terrorist training in Afghanistan and were found in possession of assault rifles, anti-tank mines and a large cache of ammunition. Ilmi said police had been watching the suspects as they moved into the region from southern Somalia and the Somali capital of Mogadishu for some time before the intelligence department called for a raid Their leader who was among those we arrested, is an internally known fighter for al-Qaeda who has been in Pakistan and Afghanistan," Aden said. Their leader who was among those we arrested, is an internally known fighter for al-Qaeda who has been in Pakistan and Afghanistan," Aden said.
  17. Six al-Qaeda suspects arrested in Somaliland 2005-09-23 23:01:23 NAIROBI, Sept. 23 (Xinhuanet) -- Six al-Qaeda suspects have been arrested in Somalia's breakaway region of Somaliland after being accused of planning attacks on local leaders, Somaliland authorities confirmed Friday. Somaliland's Interim Minister Ismael Osman Aden said that police had arrested two known Afghan-trained members of Osama bin Laden network along with four other suspects after a shootout in Thursday's overnight raid in Somaliland's capital of Hargeisa. "We have captured two members of al-Qaeda and about four others who fled the area were arrested later," Aden said. The minister said the four suspects were arrested during a raidon house in the main city of Hargeisa while the other two were detained separately. "They came to harm or kill the leaders of Somaliland, the international expatriates working here and to disrupt the democratic elections in Somaliland," Aden said. "Their leader who was among those we arrested, is an internally known fighter for al-Qaeda who has been in Pakistan and Afghanistan," Aden said. "Their leader who was among those we arrested, is an internally known fighter for al-Qaeda who has been in Pakistan and Afghanistan," Aden said. .[/b] He, however, declined to disclose the names of the suspects, citing security reasons but Aden said he planned to call a news conference on Saturday to give out the details of the operations. US intelligence officials suspect that remnants of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network may be trying to recoup by expanding its presence in Somalia due to lack of a effective administration. According to US officials, al-Qaeda has long-standing links to Somalia, arguing that lawlessness in much of the country makes it a likely destination for terrorists on the run. Somaliland, in northwestern Somalia, which has not been recognized internationally, unilaterally declared independence from the rest of the country after the 1991 ouster of strongman Mohamed Siade Barre plunged the Horn of Africa nation into anarchy. The United Nations says that Somalia was used as a transit point for those who carried out the 1998 attacks on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the 2002 suicide bombing of an Israeli-owned hotel near the Kenyan resort of Mombasa. Some of the weapons used in the attacks may also have been purchased in the open arms bazaar in the Somali capital Mogadishu and those responsible for the attacks may have carried out their training on the Somali territory, UN officials say. Immediately after twin attacks on Kenya and Tanzania, Somalia was widely mentioned as a possible safe haven for terror groups, leading many Somalis to fear that their country would be invaded as part of the US-led war on terror. Without any central authority, it is very difficult to know exactly what is and what is not happening in Somalia. Enditem
  18. 5 al-Qaida Suspects Detained in Somalia Five al-Qaida Suspects Detained in Somalia After Gunfight in Country's Breakaway Republic By MOHAMED OLAD The Associated Press Sep. 23, 2005 - Police in the breakaway republic of Somaliland raided houses in the capital where al-Qaida militants were believed holed up Friday and captured four suspects after a shootout, officials said. A fifth suspect was arrested 20 miles away. Three police officers and one suspect were wounded in the overnight clashes at the houses in Somaliland's capital of Hargeisa. Police chief Mohamed Ige Ilmi told The Associated Press the suspects were trained in Afghanistan and possessed assault rifles, anti-tank mines and a large cache of ammunition. Authorities were monitoring the suspects as they moved into the region from southern Somalia and the Somali capital of Mogadishu for some time before the intelligence department called for a raid, Ilmi said. They are accused of planning to kill senior government officials and some prominent foreigners in an effort to destabilize Somaliland during the run-up to parliamentary elections scheduled for next week, Interior Minister Ismail Adan Osman said on Somaliland's official Web site. In July, a Brussels, Belgium-based group that tracks conflicts around the world said a new and ruthless cell with links to al-Qaida has grabbed a foothold in Somalia's capital. The former British colony of Somaliland and the Italian colony of Somalia merged in 1960 to form the independent republic of Somalia. Somaliland set up its own administration after breaking away from the rest of Somalia when the Horn of Africa nation descended into anarchy because of clan-based fighting following the 1991 ouster of President Mohammed Siad Barre. Somaliland remained relatively peaceful, aided by the overwhelming dominance of a ruling clan and an economic infrastructure left behind by British, Russian, and American military aid programs. The region has its own security and police forces, justice system and currency but has not succeeded in gaining international recognition. Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Copyright © 2005 ABC News Internet Ventures
  19. 5 al-Qaida suspects detained in Somaliland 3 police, one assailant wounded in gunfight in breakaway region The Associated Press Updated: 1:24 p.m. ET Sept. 23, 2005 MOGADISHU, Somalia - Police in breakaway Somaliland battled al-Qaida suspects armed with assault rifles and hand grenades, capturing five, officials said Friday. Three police officers and one of the unnamed terror suspects were wounded in the clashes, Ilmi said. Four of the suspects were captured during an overnight raid on four houses in Somaliland's capital, Hargeisa. The fifth was detained Friday 19 miles west of the city, police chief Mohamed Ige Ilmi told The Associated Press. Ilmi said the suspects received terrorist training in Afghanistan and were found in possession of assault rifles, anti-tank mines and a large cache of ammunition. Ilmi said police had been watching the suspects as they moved into the region from southern Somalia and the Somali capital of Mogadishu for some time before the intelligence department called for a raid. They are accused of planning to kill senior government officials and some prominent foreigners in an effort to destabilize Somaliland shortly before or during parliamentary polls scheduled in the region next week, Interior Minister Ismail Adan Osman said on Somaliland's official Web site. In July, a Brussels-based group that tracks conflicts around the world said a new and ruthless cell with links to al-Qaida has grabbed a foothold in Somalia's capital. The former British colony of Somaliland and the Italian colony of Somalia merged in 1960 to form the independent republic of Somalia. Somaliland set up its own administration after breaking away from the rest of Somalia when the Horn of Africa nation descended into anarchy as clan-based fighting swept the center and south of Somalia following the 1991 ouster of President Mohammed Siad Barre. Somaliland, however, remained relatively peaceful, aided by the overwhelming dominance of a ruling clan and economic infrastructure left behind by British, Russian, and American military aid programs. The region has its own security and police forces, justice system and currency _ but has not succeeded in gaining international recognition. Copyright 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
  20. Originally posted by SOO MAAL: [QB] Sanadkii 1960, Cali Garaad Jaamac :halaga Fiirsado Midawgaa maxamed xaaji Ibraahim lajibaysanyahay Qaarkamid ah Dadka ku dhegen qadiyada gooni isutaaga Somaliland ayaa ku andacooda in lagu khasbay midawgii ay lagaleen Koofurta Soomaaliya ee lagu dhisay Jamhuurayadii Soomaaliya hadaba waxaanu idiin soo gudbinaynaa sooyaalkooban oo cadaynaya in gobolada waqooyi arintaas koonfurta ulatageen maxamed Xaji Ibraahim cigaalna horseed u ahaa ,khudbadii 2.5.1960 uu jeediye ilaahay ha unaxariistee Mr Cigaal ee uu kaga hadlayey in ay damacsanyihiin in ay midoobaan koonfurta ayaa Widhwidh Online iDiin soo gudbinayaa......... Halkan ka dhagayso warbxintii oo dhan
  21. Sanadkii 1960, Cali Garaad Jaamac :halaga Fiirsado Midawgaa maxamed xaaji Ibraahim lajibaysanyahay Qaarkamid ah Dadka ku dhegen qadiyada gooni isutaaga Somaliland ayaa ku andacooda in lagu khasbay midawgii ay lagaleen Koofurta Soomaaliya ee lagu dhisay Jamhuurayadii Soomaaliya hadaba waxaanu idiin soo gudbinaynaa sooyaalkooban oo cadaynaya in gobolada waqooyi arintaas koonfurta ulatageen maxamed Xaji Ibraahim cigaalna horseed u ahaa ,khudbadii 2.5.1960 uu jeediye ilaahay ha unaxariistee Mr Cigaal ee uu kaga hadlayey in ay damacsanyihiin in ay midoobaan koonfurta ayaa Widhwidh Online iDiin soo gudbinayaa......... Halkan ka dhagayso warbxintii oo dhan
  22. Hergeysa clannish extremist views of Qaybe Qofka Aan Quusta Aqooni, Isagaa Quus Ah Waxa maalmahan soc-socday oo la xaqiijiyey inay madax reer Muqdisho ahi telefoono iyo waraaqo kula soo xidhiidhayeen salaadiin reer Somaliland ah oo ay ka dal-banayeen inay Muqdisho yimaadaan si ay u heshiisiiyaan. Waxaase jiray tiroba saddex goor oo hore inay madaxda reer Koonfureed oo wefti ahi Muqdisho ka yimaadeen, iyaga oo leh kaalaya na heshiisiiya. Waqtigaasna anigu waxaan ku jiray guddi loo xil saaray inay jawaab siiyaan weftigii ugu horeeyey ee yimaadda, taas oo aanu ku qaabilay hudheelka Hargeysa Club, weftigaasna waxaanu uga waranay wixii shacbiga reer Somaliland loo geystay oo ahaa wax weli aduunka ka dhicin oo aanay ummmaddani iloobi karayn, iyadoo uu dhiig iyo maal badanina kaga baxay la soo noqoshadii xoriyadooda.waxaana hadalka loogu soo gebagebeeyey inay ummaddani ku mashquulsan tahay sidii ay aduunka ictiraaf uga heli lahayd, sidaa darteed aanay waqti u hayn heshiisiinta reer Koonfureed, ta kale waxa lagu yidhi “waa inaad idinku marka hore na ictiraaftaanâ€. Labadii wefti ee kalena sidaa si le’eg ayaa loogu jawaabay, waxayna wufuudaasi saddexda goor ba soo mareen dawladda Somaliland, iyadoo dariiqa caadiga ahi sidaa ahaa, taas oo ah marka ummad lala hadlayo in loo maro dawladda wadankaa. Waxaase hadda dad badan oo reer Somaliland ah ka yaabisay dariiqan guracan ee ay maanta madaxda reer Muqdisho soo mareen, kuwaas oo si toos ah ula soo xidhiidhay salaadiinta iyo madax-dhaqameedka reer Somaliland, markaa dad badani waxay qabaan in salaadiinta meel lagaga dhacay, sababta oo ah miyaanay reer koonfureed ogayn inaanaan salaadiinta si hawl yar oo fudud loogu yeedhi karin oo aanay arintu ahayn kaalaya oo diyaarad iskaga soo dhaca uun. Waayo wadan kasta iyo ummad kastaa arimahaa waaweyn oo kale waxay ka leeyihiin siyaasad cad oo ay raacaan dawladda, salaadiinta iyo shacbi-weynuhuba, taas oo aanay cidina dhaafi karin, sida waxyaalaha ku waajahan gooni isu taagga Somaliland oo kale. Hadaba waxay xaqiiqdu tahay inaanay salaadiintu Muqdisho iska tegi karin, iyaga oo aan la tashan dadweynaha iyo xukuumadda Somaliland. Sidaa awgeed madaxda reer Muqdisho waa inay mar walba ogaadaan inay runta qadhaadhi tahay jawaabtii la siiyey saddexdii wefti ee ay hore u soo direen, taas oo ahayd waxaanu mashquul ku nahay sidii aanu aduunka ictiraaf uga heli lahayn, taas darteedna aanaan idiin hayn waqti aanu idiinku nimaadno, marka horese na ictiraafa, koley dawladaha caalamku way na ictiraafi doonaane idinku ugu horeeya oo libta qaata. Marka su’aasha meesha taal waxay tahay miyaydaan weli quusan, Somaliduse waxay ku maahmaahdaa “Ninkii aan quus aqoon, isagaa quus ahâ€. Aduunkuna waxa uu ku macaamilaa wax la yidhaahdo Hoo oo Keen (Give and take), sidaa awgeed ummadda reer Somaliland ogolaan mayso arintii uu Buur-madow ku kacay ee ahayd Hoo oo keliya ee aan waxba la dhaafsan. Col: Cumar Maxamed Nimcaale, Hargeysa. Top “Qaybe, Waxaan Kaaga Fadhiyaa Inaad Cadayso Inaan Ahay Curadkii Siilaanyo†(Wasiir ku xigeenkii hore ee Deegaanka C/Rashiid Ducaale Qambi “Qof kasta oo muwaadin Somaliland ah waxaa waajib ku ah, inuu isu xilqaamo kana qaybqaato sidii looga midho dhalin lahaa baahida waddanku leeyahay ee uu ku gaadhi karo in aynu dhammaystirno qabyadeenna siyaasadeed ee gudaha iyo debeddaba, taaso oo marka ugu horraysa muwaadin kastaa tixgelinta koowaad siinayo inuu u hagarbaxo wacyigelinta midnimada ummadda Somaliland, islamarkaana muwaadin kastaa fiiro gaara u yeesho in aanu u gargaarin qarinna cid kasta oo waddanka luggooyo iyo hagardaamo u gaysanaysa. Waxa kale oo lagama maarmaan ah, in danta gaarka ah laga horaysiiyo ta guud marka laga hadlayo hawlaha qaranimo iyadoo arrintan ay waajib gaara ka haysato masuuliyiinta sare ee dalka ee loo igmaday inay meel mariyaan barnaamijka siyaasadeed ee dalka iyo dhinacyada kale ee waddanka baahidiisa ahba. Anigoo tixgelinaya arrimahaas iyo kuwo la xidhiidha aanayna jirin wax igu xaqsanaya inaan ka soka dhaco ama ku cambaareeyo shaqsi aniga oo kale ah in aan ka bixiyo tilmaan iyo aragti aan ku salaysnayn xaqiiqda jirta ee ka turjumaysa afcaashiisa guud iyo mawqifkiisa siyaasadeedba, waxaan ummadda Somaliland usoo bandhigayaa inaan mugdiga ka saaro arrimahan oo taariikhdu xusi doonto inaan ka been abuuray iyo inaan daaha ka qaaday halista jirta ee shaqsi ku curyaamiyo maslaxadda waddanka. Haddaba iyadoo ujeedadaydu tahay in laga kaaftoomo wixii ummaddan iyo waddankeeda muddaahamo ugu filan waxaan halkan bulshada Somaliland ama waddanka ha joogto ama debeddiisaba’e aan idiinku soo bandhigayaa in Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiiladu (Axmed M. Aadan “Qaybeâ€) aanu marnaba saacadna ha ahaatee aanu daacad u noqon una noqon doonin masiirka ummadda Somaliland iyo mawqifkeeda siyaasadeedba, islamarkaana uu si joogto ah u hagardaameeyo tallaabo kasta oo wax ku ool u ah maslaxadda Somaliland. Somalidu waxay tidhaahdaa “AMA WAA LA MUUQDAA LAGU MEHERAD LEEYAHAY, AMA WAA LA MAQANYAHAY OO MADASHA LAMA TAGO†Waxaan ummadda Somaliland u sheegaysaa in Guddoomiyaha Wakiiladu (Qaybe) mansab sare ka hayo Dawladda Somaliland oo shacabkeedu ku aaminay, isla markaana aanu wax dhaqdhaqaaq siyaasadeed mid shaqsi iyo mid waddaninimo toona ku lahayn geedi-socodka hawlaha looga baahanyahay masuuliyiinta sare ee dalka haddii ay tahay mid qaran iyo mid beeleed oo khusaysay deegaanka uu kasoo jeedaba. Taas oo aan ku fasirayo in aanu muuqan joogana, sidoo kalena aanu muuqla’aantiisa ku muddaahano la’ayn, ee waxyeelooyin aan laga soo kabanayn dalka u gaysto, taasoo isagana magac xumo ugu filan maaddaama uu had iyo jeer ka maagayo meeqaanka hawleed ee laga malaysanayay. Waxaan ummadda Somaliland halkan ugu bayaaminayaa mid og iyo mid uu mugdi kaga jiraba in aan idinla socodsiiyo hawl-maalmeedkii Guddoomiyaha Wakiiladu (Qaybe) uu u majiirtay una xusul duubayay ee ahmiyaddiisa koowaad, labaad iyo saddexaadba ahaa, kuwaas oo aanay qarankeena iyo shicibkiisa toona waxba ugu jirin waxyeello mooyaane. Waxaa Axmed M. Aadan (Qaybe) si xaqiiqa oo hillaab uu saaro uu uga soo horjeedaa Gooni-isu-taagga Somaliland, cid kasta iyo waddan kasta oo kasoo jorjeeda ama carqaladayn karta Somaliland oo uu la yeelan karo xidhiidh qoraal, af iyo farriinba wuxuu si joogto ah ugu gudbiyaa wax kasta oo uu ku dibindaabyaynayo Somaliland, Guddoomiyuhu cidda keliya ee uu kalsooni siiyaa waa maamulka Puntland, iyadoo Cabdillaahi Yuusuf siiyo kaalmo dhaqaale oo joogto ah, wuxuu guddoomiyuhu qabqablahan gaadhsiiyaa barnaamij kasta oo Somaliland ku xaslanayso shicibkeeda deggan Sool iyo meelaha la xidhiidha. Wuxuu Guddoomiyuhu si joogto ah ugu dayriyaa una hargo-tuuraa dadka reer Sool iyo degaamada la xidhiidha si aanay walaalahooda Somaliland ula midoobin, waxaa Qaybe si joogto ah uu dagaal iyo carqalado kula jiraa cid kasta oo daacad u ah Jamhuuriyadda khaas ahaan kuwa ay isku deegaanka yihiin. Wuxuu Guddoomiyuhu had iyo goor ka leexdaa su’aalaha la xidhiidha Mawqifkiisa isagoo isku qaadaya meelo kale oo aan la su’aalin. Waxaa Guddoomiye Axmed M. Aadan Markasta sheegaa in aan weligii lala tashan oo dawladdu ka leexleexato, oo la mida majaro-habaabintiisa uu ku aasayo in xog laga helo maadaama muddo aad u fara badan Madaxweynihii hore Alle haw naxariistee iyo kaniba ay u hureen naf iyo maalba inay ku qaddariyaan meeqaankiisa kursi iyo qabiilba, taasoo hanti badan ay ku luntay wax waxqabad ahna aanu isu kala bixin muddo todoba sannadood ku dhow oo uu Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland ahaa. Wuxuu si joogto ah u mucaaradaa cidda dalka wax u qabanaysa haba yaraato wuxuu qabanayaaye isagoo geed dheer iyo mid gaaban u fuula inuu fashiliyo waxqabadkiisa inuu wax qabtana ma oggola. Wuxuu Guddoomiyuhu qariyaa mawqifkiisa Somaliland isagoo kasoo horjeeda saxaafadu inay waraysato hadday dhacdana ka leexda ujeedada iyo su’aashaba. Wuxuu Gddoomiyuhu yidhi waxaan is caddeeyey 1997 taas oo aan lagu sheegi karin is caddayn, is caddayntuna aanay ahayn feedho iga garo ee ay tahay halgan lagaga qaybqaadanayo meelmarinta hawlaha dalka oo si joogto ah ugu baahan inuu ugu hagarbaxo ka hadalkeeda iyo waxqabadkiisaba kaas oo aan marna laga helin lagana heli doonin. Waxaa Axmed M. Aadan (Qaybe) uu si joogto ah uu u colaadiyaa cid kasta oo magac leh oo kasoo jeedda Sool & Buuhoodle oo timaadda Somaliland ama aaminsan isagoo falal iyo foolxumo damiirka waxyeeli kara kula kaca. Wuxuu tiraba saddex jeer ku sheegay inay la QABIILNIMO HADLAYAAN Ashkhaas sannado kala duwan ku dhaliilay doorkiisa waxqabad isagoo ku hojinaya inay lasii doodaan, taas oo maqaamka uu joogo iyo shaqsiyaddiisaba ceeb ku ah damiir ahaanna odhaahdeeda kalsooni darro ka muuqdo, kuna tusaysa inaanu daacad u ahayn Somaliland ee uu u arko in lagaga itaal roonyahay isna yahay magan oo aan isaga iyo cid kale toona u cuntamin xusiddeedu. Waxaan ummadda Somaliland u sheegayaa in Guddoomiyuhu (Qaybe) aanu niyad ahaan jeclayn in uu ku waaro Somaliland ee uu u hanqal taagayo meelo kale sida Puntland oo uu ka quudaraynayo inuu ka noqdo Madaxweyne ku xigeen, Ra’iisul Baarlamaanimada uu waayo si kasta haku timaaddee taas oo aan shaki ku jirin in aanu sii jooganayn waddanka maaddaama aanu markii horaba aaminsanayn. Haddaan soo dhaafo arrimahaas iyo kuwo kale oo badan oo aanan haddeer xusinba oo khuseeya mowqif la’aanta Qaybe ee Somaliland, waxay Soomaalidu ku maahmaahdaa CANAAN KAYAAB REER MA DOOJO ama CEEL MADDOOJO ninba siduu u yaqaanno-ba, waxaa dad faro badani leeyihiin Qaybe waxba ina tari mayo ee armuu ina qalindaaraa haddaynu ka maaranno, waxaan muwaadiniintaa u sheegayaa oo xaqiiqa in Qaybe inta uu inala joogo ay yaryahay baadh inoo baxaa waayo waa nin dhib iyo inuu inaga digo keliya inoola jooga, sidiisabana aan waxba ina tari karin cid iyo bulsho uu kalsooni ka haystaana aanay jirin, markaa haddii aanu waxba ina tarayn waxyeeladiisuna tahay intuu inala joogo, ma waxyeelo ayaynu ummadda Somaliland ugu haysannaa, markaa sow noqon mayno canaan kayaab reer ma doojo. Bishan 8aad Lixdeedii oo Arbaca ahayd waxaa Qaybe ka jawaabayay haddallo ay usoo jeediyeen Guddoomiyeyaasha labada Xisbi ee Kulmiye & Ucid kuwaasoo horay ugu yiri iscaddee Qayboow, hadalkaas waxaa soo jeediyey labada guddoomiye Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) & Faysal Cali Waraabe oo labaduba waydiiyey doorkiisii siyaasadeed iyo mowqifkiisa ku wajahan tan guud ahaan dalka iyo gaar ahaan tan degaanka uu kasoo jeedo inuu ka meelmariyo Cabdillaahi Yuusuf. Nasiibdarro sidii Qaybe horayba caadada u ahayd wuxuu fuulay buuro iyo qarar aan cidiba uga fadhiyin oo uu ku marin habaabinayo su’aalihii la waydiiyey isagoo garab maray ujeedadii lala kohday, waxayna jawaabtiisii noqotay inuu yidhaahdo “Axmed Siilaanyo waan garanayaa oo wiilkiisii curad Cabdirashed Ducaale Qambi ayaan taabtay ee Faysal Cali Waraabe muxuu igu maagay†taas oo aan looga fadhiyinba cidina aanay usoo jeedin waydiinna. Dhacdadaas anigoo tixraacaya waxaan Axmed M. Adan la socodsiinayaa uguna caddaynayaa halkan jawaabtayda aan ka qabo jar-iska-xoornimadiisa. Waxaan guddoomiye (Qaybe) odhaahdaadaa u arkaa gef iyo aflagaaddo sharciga ka baxsan oo aad iilla badheedhay anna aanan kaaga dulqaadan doonin wixii aan sharcigu iga manciyin, anigoo marka hore sidii majara-habaabintu ku jirtay ee tilmaantaadii ahayd kuu tafsiiraya xaqiiqdeeda adiguba aad ogtahay ee aad uga carartay wixii lagu waydiiyey been abuurka iyo aflagaadadana aad ugu beddelatay jawaabtii lagaa sugayay. Marka u horraysa waxaad qiranaysaa mar horana aad sheegan jirtay inaad adigu shaqada iga eriday, iyadoo 2 bilood ka hor aad lahayd anaa eryaya, waxaan taa kaa waydiiyey ma guddoomiyaha Golaha wakiiladaa tahay mise Madaxweynihii Jamhuuriyadda? Maxaad uga been abuuraysaa awooddaada cid kalena awoodeeda u sheegan adigoo cadaawad ugu samaynaya. Waxaan kaaga fadhiyaa inaad caddayso in aan ahay curadkii Axmed M. Maxamed (Siilaanyo). Haddaad u jeedday inaan Kulmiye ahay waxaan kaa sugayaa caddaynteeda? Waxaan kuu sheegayaa in aan ka mid ahay Xisbiga UDUB oo aan ka tirsanaa aasaasayaashiisii immikana aan ahay adiguna aad ogtahay inaanan sidaada qarsan waxaan qabo mabda’ ahaan iyo xisbi ahaanba, ujeedadii aad lahayd armay xadka kaa saartay. Ummadda Somaliland waxaan waydiinayaa yaa yaqaanna Mudane Qaybe Xisbi uu yahay? Anigaa idiin sheegaya’e Saddexda Xisbi midna maaha taas oo la tafsiiri karo. Dhammaan arrimahan weji kasta oo ay leeyihiin waxaan la cuskanayaa sharciga anigoo ku kalsoon wixii uu ku arooro. Waxaan halkan uga soo jeedinayaa dhammaan saxaafadda madaxa bannaan ee dalka iyo kuwa la xidhiidhaba sida wargeyska HAATUF, JAMHUURIYA, MAANDEEQ, BBC, RADIO HARGEISA, SOMALILAND INTERNET WEBSITES I.W.M, inay si joogto ah ugu yaraan bishiiba hal mar ay waraystaan ama wax ka qoraan Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland Axmed M. Adan (Qaybe) maaddaama uu si joogto ah isu qariyo ugana gaabsado mawqifkiisa iyo kan looga baahanyahay ee dalkaba, taas oo dawo u noqonaysa in dalku ka badbaado hagardaamooyinkiisa uu sida joogtada ah ugula kaco dalka ama uu kaga baaqsado hawlihii qaranka uu madaxda ka yahay looga baahnaa inuu kaga turjumo. Waxaan ku soo gebagebaynayaa wacyigelintaydan in guddoomiyuhu (Qaybe) yahay Sacii loogu magac daray MEGED ee aan waxba ku wanaagsanayn kaasoo lagu yidhi: MAALID IYO SUBAG MUQUUNIYO HILIB WAAN IS MUDANOO WALLEE MEGEDOOW MIDNA KUMA SAMID!!!â€