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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Cumar Muusa Oo Lagu Wado Inuu Dhawaan Yimaado Soomaliya. Warkii: Nov 11, 2005 Qaahira( laga helayo Xarunta Ururka Jaamacadda Carabta ee Qaahira ayaa waxaa ay sheegayaan in Xoghayaha guud Ururkaasi Caamar Muusaa uu booqasho ku imaan doono Dalka Soomaaliya. Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in si dhab ah loo sheegi doono Booqashada Xoghayaha Jaamacada Carabta Caamar Muusa uu ku imaanayo Xarunta Dawlada ku meel gaadhka ah ee Jawhar,,marka ay warbixin u gudbiyaan Waftidigii Jaamacadda Carabta ee dhowaan booqashada ku yimi Degmada Jowhar ee xarunta DKFS. Arintan ayaa waxa ay soo baxday markii Magaalada Jowhar ay booqdeen Wafdi sare oo Jaamacadda Carabta ka tirsan oo uu hogaaminayay Madaxa Qeybta Afrika Iyo Feylka Siyaasadda Soomaaliya Danjire Samiir Xusni ayna ka mid ahaayeen Saalim Alkhuseybi oo ah Ergeyga Xoghayaha Guud ee Jaamacadda Carabta ugu qeybsan arimaha Soomaaliya , Kaaliyaha arimaha Soomaaliya C/lla Mubaarak Alcariimi iyo dhowr diblomaasiyiin Carbeed oo kale . Talaabadan ayaa hadii ay hirgasho noqonaysa Talaabo weyn ee ay horay u qaaday dhinaca Siyaasada Xukuumada Ra’isul wasaaraha Cali Max’ed Geedi,oo carqalad weyn la kumay ,kadib markii Koox iskugu jirta Wasiiro iyo Xildhibaano oo uu hogaamiyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan ay Diideen qorshaha Dawladiisa.
  2. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: I don't understand why you think this as relevent and sincere evaluation by the U.N, when the real terrorists are them (UN-backed corporations) who dumpen our coasts with nucluer wastes. It doesn't matter whether they call our country a safe haven for extremists or not, as long as the U.N. is part of the problem that stirs the situation in Somalia. True brother, but, we somali people before we solve our external problems, I think we should solve our internal problems because they are equally destructive
  3. Mogadishu - Powerful warlords controlling Somalia's capital Mogadishu have spurned invitations to meet transitional Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi, highlighting a deep rift in the government, officials said on Tuesday. Warlords Muss Sudi Yalahow, also commerce minister and Mohamed Afrah Qanyare, also national security minister, refused to meet Gedi late on Monday in Mogadishu, insisting that he must first relocate to the bullet-scarred capital, officials said. The warlords rejected the talks a day after Gedi escaped an assassination attempt, when an explosion ripped through a convoy that was carrying Gedi on Sunday, killing at least five people, mostly security men. Instead Gedi, who met with his deputy premier Mohamed Hussein Aidid and disarmament minister Issa Botan in the capital on Monday, said he would not hang around for the other warlords. 'The door of negotiations is now closed' "We will never wait for Yalahow and Qanyare forever," he told radio stations in Mogadishu on Monday night. "We have been waiting for more than a year and the door of negotiations is now closed," Gedi said. Qanyare said he and Yalahow would never meet Gedi until he recognises Mogadishu as the official capital of Somalia, a nation of about 10 million people that has been without an effective government since dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was toppled in 1991. "We will never meet him until he relocates here," Qanyare told Horn Afrik radio, a Mogadishu based station. Qanyare accused the prime minister of attempting to use a meeting with them to gain leverage with donors. Gedi and President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed face huge opposition from Somali warlords over their plan to base the central administration in Jowhar, 90km north of the capital. The pair argue that Mogadishu, centre of the violence that has wracked Somalia for the past 14 years, is too unsafe. The Horn of African nation has been deeply divided on the issue since the transitional government relocated from neighbouring Kenya in June. The warlords insist that the transitional leader is barred by the federal charter, a sort of constitution, from transferring the capital away from Mogadishu. The warlords have also caused problems for Gedi's administration in Jowhar, with some foreign aid workers leaving and the African Union pleading for its office to be spared harassment.
  4. Envoy: Somalia Could Become Terror Haven Thursday November 10, 2005 1:16 AM By EDITH M. LEDERER Associated Press Writer UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Somalia could become a terrorist haven because it is a failed state where the number of extremist groups is growing, the top U.N. envoy for the country warned Wednesday. Francois Lonseny Fall said he told a closed meeting of the U.N. Security Council that ``extremist groups were growing not only in Mogadishu (the capital) but in the rest of the territory'' and were sometimes carrying out assassinations. ``This is a real threat not only for Somalia but for all the region,'' he said. The Horn of Africa nation has not had an effective central government since clan-based warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991. Warlords then turned on each other, plunging the country of 7 million into chaos. Somalia has been struggling to re-establish a fully functioning government and end the violent reign of rival warlords. But the transitional government formed last year still can't operate in Mogadishu and only three days ago the prime minister escaped an assassination attempt in the capital. Lonseny Fall, the secretary-general's special representative for Somalia, said the country posed a threat to international peace and security today because it lacks normal systems of government. ``When you have a failed state like Somalia, when there's no authority, it gives opportunity to all the terrorist groups to grow,'' he said. ``It happened in Afghanistan and the same thing can happen in Somalia.'' Asked which extremist groups were growing, he said ``mainly Islamist groups ... and we have some who are trying to establish the Shariah court (Islamic law) in Somalia - and this is a real threat for Somalia today.'' The Security Council on Wednesday condemned ``in the strongest terms'' Sunday's assassination attempt against Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi. The transitional government formed after lengthy peace talks in Kenya raised some hope. But its members quickly split over where the government should be based and whether it needs peacekeepers from neighboring countries to help establish order. The council expressed concern ``over recent reported military activities and hostile rhetoric'' and warned that ``any resort to military force as a means for dealing with the current difference within the Transitional Federal Institutions is unacceptable.'' It also expressed serious concern over increasing incidents of piracy off the coast of Somalia, including the hijacking of ships carrying humanitarian goods. Pirates armed with grenade launchers and machine guns tried to hijack a luxury cruise liner carrying Americans and other foreign tourists off Somalia's coast Saturday, but the ship outran them by changing course and heading out to sea.
  5. Envoy: Somalia could become terror haven EDITH M. LEDERER Associated Press UNITED NATIONS - Somalia could become a terrorist haven because it is a failed state where the number of extremist groups is growing, the top U.N. envoy for the country warned Wednesday. Francois Lonseny Fall said he told a closed meeting of the U.N. Security Council that "extremist groups were growing not only in Mogadishu (the capital) but in the rest of the territory" and were sometimes carrying out assassinations. "This is a real threat not only for Somalia but for all the region," he said. The Horn of Africa nation has not had an effective central government since clan-based warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991. Warlords then turned on each other, plunging the country of 7 million into chaos. Somalia has been struggling to re-establish a fully functioning government and end the violent reign of rival warlords. But the transitional government formed last year still can't operate in Mogadishu and only three days ago the prime minister escaped an assassination attempt in the capital. Lonseny Fall, the secretary-general's special representative for Somalia, said the country posed a threat to international peace and security today because it lacks normal systems of government. "When you have a failed state like Somalia, when there's no authority, it gives opportunity to all the terrorist groups to grow," he said. "It happened in Afghanistan and the same thing can happen in Somalia." Asked which extremist groups were growing, he said "mainly Islamist groups ... and we have some who are trying to establish the Shariah court (Islamic law) in Somalia - and this is a real threat for Somalia today." The Security Council on Wednesday condemned "in the strongest terms" Sunday's assassination attempt against Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi. The transitional government formed after lengthy peace talks in Kenya raised some hope. But its members quickly split over where the government should be based and whether it needs peacekeepers from neighboring countries to help establish order. The council expressed concern "over recent reported military activities and hostile rhetoric" and warned that "any resort to military force as a means for dealing with the current difference within the Transitional Federal Institutions is unacceptable." It also expressed serious concern over increasing incidents of piracy off the coast of Somalia, including the hijacking of ships carrying humanitarian goods. Pirates armed with grenade launchers and machine guns tried to hijack a luxury cruise liner carrying Americans and other foreign tourists off Somalia's coast Saturday, but the ship outran them by changing course and heading out to sea.
  6. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: Its not good to forum about anything that happens in our community, especially in a language that is open to the outside world, with all your exaggerations and magnifyings. It is seriously a gross mistake to spread such news, even if its true and has some legitimate points to consider, because of the delicacy of the issue as well as the enemy scrutiny on our internal matters. I would like to advise the brothers, whether they are moderators or owners of the site, to refrain such reckless acts in presenting our issues, especially one of this enormous fitnah, to the out side world. Its our obligation as Muslims to cover one another in terms of defects and faults, and that is the individual level. By the way, trails in this shape and form are more critical to the wellbeing of the Muslim Caamo/averages who can derive some lessons from the fitnah and then unknowingly jeaperdize their Diin and Islaamnimo. I think its very important to delete all this thread under the issue of the Masjid if we mean to contribute positively to the Ummah. Its the worst propoganda that may cost our believe in Islam when, (out of obliviousness), we depict our religion or our spiritual leaders as always prone to disagreements, and thus leading to our disunity. The people who took part in the propagation of the vicious rumours to discredit and jeaperdize the dignity of our prophet's family were not praised for their deeds, and anything in that nature against the wellbeing and unity of the Muslims falls in such category. I know some people will accuse me of haste judgements, but my understanding of the issue is realy very valid if we consider the time we are in today and the other fronts we are catching the hells. We have to apply some deligency in our selections for certain topics, and with that leads to healthy foruming and qaulity informations. For Allah, (sw), says, in a paraphrase, if one (an infamous/faasiq among you) brings a news, then verify it, for its possible that you strike (with the wrong news) an innocent people, and as a result you find yourself in great regret. Marka arintaas waxaan ku talin lahaa in laga waantoobo, shaacinta la shaacinayo iimaha iyo ceebta culimada, ama qadafka ka dhici karo dadka u adeega diinta Islaamka. Alle ubaane well said, aad baad u mahadsantahay, qabiil iyo diin meel ma wada galaan, mma jooji fitnada ,even if it is true still its fitnah we made somali politics pure trabalism, and to apply the same in our diin will be dangerous end
  7. mma what you have against Laascaanood Are you even bias in non-political issue? you don’t deserve to be moderator , when making immature comments
  8. wow very beatutiful pics we need to pay a visit to our homeland and exprience the wonderful scenery mopp and libaax thank you soo much
  9. In Response to Egeh : A New Reagan Democrat for the Cause of Somaliland - Saturday, November 05, 2005 at 15:22 The debate that was initiated by the articles of Gamal Hassan and Ali O. Samatar on regarding the “ Memo to Mr. Paul Martin " has provoked a hasty response from a Sulayman Egeh and others. As expected the articles generated discussion on the issue of “Somaliland secession" from supposedly the rest of Somalia. However, distorting facts on the secession agenda, which we have already seen with Egeh's piece, is at best short-sighted and at worst self-serving recommendations and careless argument. Mr. Egeh's piece which was posted on several websites, triggered a conflict between my heart and mind, where my heart told me to leave the man alone. But my mind said "NAY, do not let such an author who propagates fabrications off the hook." For the sake of educational purposes, and to avoid the reoccurrence of such essays in the future, the latter was adopted. As a start Mr.Egeh's confusing writing style does not distinguish negative sentences from the affirmative ones and at times mixing entire negative paragraphs as affirmative ones. Consider for example this paragraph which read like a question but ends up as affirmative joined sentence: “ Where were this selective nationalists, when all the faculties of the Somali national university was just concentrated around Mogadishu and its environs. where were these agitating nationalists, when northern children have to leave behind their families and everything they know and venture into a unknown territory thousands of miles away, simply because to get access to higher education. isn't that called selective activism and advocacyâ€. In terms of content, it seems that he is either lacking the capacity to grasp that politics is the art of the possible based on compromises and consensus or greedily doesn't want to get the problem at hand. His interpretation of “ Somaliland 's†status and its constituents is mind-boggling. For instance, when we want to interpret an issue at hand, three factors should be considered; comprehensiveness, coherence, and context. Therefore, Mr. Egeh's analysis of the matter is contradictory. On the one hand Mr Egah is advocating that ethnocentric “ Somaliland †administration as being the only legitimate authority in all the northern regions. On the other hand, based on his political miscalculations, he thinks that the people of Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn have no right to self-determination and decide on their destiny like their counterparts. He is arguing that by any means, they will remain to be an integral part of the so-called “ Somaliland †administration, regardless of how loud they speak time and again about being part of Puntland and their wish to preserve Somali unity. Thus Mr. Egeh's coherence is questionable. At minimum, it is a new form of arrogance emanating from those areas of northern Somalia that have more familiarity with oppression and suppression than any other region. Additionally, the author eluded that 95% of the northerners voted to secede from the Republic; what a propaganda! That made its way out. The number 95% itself invalidates the legitimacy of the outcome. In free societies this kind of percentages are long time obsolete except if one is under authoritarian rule or Marxist states such as the case of North Korea and some Arab states or in the Somali Regional State of Ethiopia. I must admit here that I am amused to teach a "researcher," an “instructor†and a self-appointed "freelance writer," (these are qualifications that Mr. Egeh claims on all the pieces that he posts on the Web), a thing or two about sampling. It is probably inevitable that I revisit my past basic statistics courses. Such visits to basics are often necessary when one is calculating percentages, unless one claims such preposterous numbers for the purpose of eluding the public. Let us assume that we are to conduct an election in northern Somalia . The process calls that we set up some polling stations in Hargeisa, and mass-produce ballot papers. When election time comes around, we proceed and let the people vote. Let us assume also that a lot of people show up at the polling stations and vote even in high numbers and the outcome is in favor for secession. Then the big question is; does that voting exercise in Hargeysa has any relevance in the reality of the people who reside in Borame, Buroa, Lascanod, or Las Qoray? Or can we learn anything newsworthy pertaining to northerners' destiny from that exercise? I leave that to you as a reader to figure out. Moreover, the author is conveying implicitly that northern har tis make up less than 5% of the population of the north; again all I will say to that is even an elementary school child will take that as the joke of the day. What is not a joke however is his attempt to jockey what he perceives as the second largest community in the so-called “ Somaliland â€. Like most of his clansmen, Mr. Egeh was a staunch Somali unionist prior to Mr. Rayaale's coming to power in “ Somaliland â€. All of a sudden, he is a new convert to the “ Somaliland †cause and the unknown sent down a revelation to him to abruptly switch his political affiliation. The cause is no longer a mystery to many. As spectators of the here today and there tomorrow of some politically immature groups who are unsure exactly where to affiliate themselves we shall wait until another massive switch takes place. This type of unprincipled behavior can be equated to the phenomenon of "The Reagan Democrats". In principle; Reagan Democrats are nothing more than swing voters or balance twisters. They do not have nor control the agenda setting of the political currents around them. In a similar way, Mr. Egeh and his argument is nothing more than a well organized swingers' argument towards the well established and publicized secession of Northern Somalia, whose origins date back prior to Rayaale's coming to power. If Egeh and his elk fail to face the reality and ask themselves the question of who owns the secession agenda, I would not fail to do so and bluntly say that it is not a har ti agenda. If that prompts this Borama boy to assume that the har ti clans with all their might and massive population in the North are a mere 5%, it must serve us as a laugh factory. With arguments like that the political discourse of “ Somaliland †is running to a dead end. It denies self-determination and self expression to those who disagree with the secessionist agenda of the north while it depicts itself as where law and order are safeguarded. If you are sinking it is hard to swim against the current. Therefore, “Somaliland †cannot have it both ways, and let it be remembered that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. But the har ti is too big and powerful to be silenced or easily pushed aside. Nothing can be further from the truth, you and I being Awdelite and northern har ti respectively, we very much know the reality of each community's strength and weakness. As such, one should not loose a wink of sleep as to who is big or small, putting aside the current craze of Somali debate where one side can claim to be larger than an entire region. Simply call it the signs of the new times. Mr. Egeh, it escapes me as to why you chose to be part of the problem when it is wiser to align one self with the solution. I detest when freedom of expression doesn't reconcile with rationality. Being modest sometimes is a virtue and let us keep the secession debate modest and civil, where no one thinks to posses the power to decide for the other side. Remember we are a nation of clans, and what unites us is not Britain's arbitrary line of demarcation of "Somaliland Protectorate" borders from that of Italian Somalia, but is our shared ethnicity, heritage, and nationhood, which your entire line of thought is against. Ali M. Artan
  10. Reality Check of A Propaganda Piece: A Better Memo to Paul Martin Introduction First of all I hate to hear anybody especially an outsider speaking for any people or any of the states and communities comprising Somaliland without permission. The people in this neck of the woods-all Somaliland have been misrepresented, mishandled, misruled and ill-treated by a succession of bad and inept leaders for about 30 years. Therefore, they are totally adamant about any outsider or outsiders misrepresenting them for the sake of false and cheap propaganda purposes. Great leaders rise and fuel great movements to rid nations from the yolk of tyranny, oppression, subjugation, lack of freedom and bondage.These prophets of change usually come from the woodwork at times of reckoning. They emerge from the wilderness without notice. These great leaders in the past led nations from darkness, oppression, tyranny and into the light of freedom, liberty, democracy and self-determination. They rose up in Vietnam, Algeria, Nicaragua, Iran, Eritrea, South Africa, Singapore, India, the United states. These great men were visionaries who led their nations out of colonialism, tyranny, and bondage. There are others who are agitating and struggling as I speak for their basic inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The people of Somaliland and their leaders are no different. They are struggling to rebuild, and develop their country, protect their sovereignty, freedom, civil rights and human rights. I don't see why the afore-mentioned attributes are offensive to anybody. I wonder how come people taking care of their lives without outside help can bother anybody with his/her right mind. Is this all fuzz the work of the failed guard still creating illusions, lies and wishful thinking. Is this the last throes of the architects of deconstruction and institution implosion, unity busters, societal polarizers masquerading as the bulwarks of Somali-Weyn. Or is this a clumsy tactics created by the vestiges of the doomed past as a false diversion from their failure. I wonder where were the self-styled unionists and the so-called nationalists, when the people of Somaliland were marginalized, humiliated, treated like aliens in their own land and denied equal opportunity and the development of their land. Where were this neo-nationalists when most of the international donor funds were lopsidedly going to the southern part of the country. Where were this selective nationalists, when all the faculties of the Somali national university was just concentrated around Mogadishu and its environs. where were these agitating nationalists, when northern children have to leave behind their families and everything they know and venture into a unknown territory thousands of miles away, simply because to get access to higher education. isn't that called selective activism and advocacy. Who is to blame here. But all this is unnecessary right now, because over 95% of the people of Somaliland decided to go their own away and have their independence and it is nonnegotiable. Somalia's shaky union has naturally dissolved in 1991, at which time Somaliland reclaimed its independence in accordance with the then Organization of African Unity's (OAU) protocols and agreements of "1963". My advise to those who are spewing the last gasps of the failed old guard is, don't waste your precious time with something which is out of your control. The people of this land unanimously said never again and decided, not to put their faith and future in the hands of outsiders as has happened in 1960. That historical mistake of the old generation have been finally rectified. Let me remind you also that you are swimming against the tide. What had happened in the former Somalia is a huge and an irreversible tectonic plates shift. What you see is an unprecedented paradigm shift. These structural changes will take their course. At the end of the day, Those who took control of those seismic movements sweeping through out the Horn of Africa will survive, thrive and succeed. Those who loose control of their destiny will atrophy and fall into decay, disorder and under-development. Clearly the people of Somaliland are the driver's seat of their destiny. IGAD despotic states, who are barely in control of their own internal undercurrents, the inept UN or any other entity has the ability to suppress the destiny of the people of Somaliland. We also hope other Somalis to do the same and take care of their business. Finger pointing, blame game, conspiracy theories and wishful thinking will serve no purpose. It will only increase the level of suspicion and gulf between the two brethren states of Somaliland and Somalia. I am urging Somalis to refrain from their preoccupation with Somaliland and focus their energy on their own regions. The problem plaguing Somalia is not Somaliland, it is bad leadership, lack of compromise, out of control warlords, virulent clannism, intransigence, chronic political gridlock, factionalism, disorder and power struggle. Remember people in this part of the world elect their leaders, they won't cater to self-styled, unscrupulous and shady personalities running on an empty clan platform but lacking the attributes of leadership, management, magnanimity and integrity. The letter titled a better memo to Paul Martin was strongly worded, full of tired expressions and false pretenses. It was full of contradictions, misrepresentations, baseless assertions and misleading dispositions. For example the letter alleged the states of Sool, Sanaag, and Buuhoodle district are against secession. I wonder how come anybody can tell peoples' aspirations with the absence of opinion polls, plebiscite or referendum. In the meantime What has happened here is not secession but reclamation of a lost sovereignty. In response to the writers assertion that all the people of Somaliland are well represented in the collapsing IGAD project, first of all the people of Somaliland elect their leaders, and unelected charlatans and vagabonds from the diaspora can not represent them. Secondly, That formula has serious and insurmountable structural problems and has nothing to do with Somaliland. The government of Somaliland is the only entity that can represent its people. It is completely ironic to see failed leaders who congregated in Embagatti for two years to use the same formula, that was one of the major reasons that failed the former state of Somalia in the first place. The letter is nothing but unfounded happy talk without merit. The argument in that letter should have been, according to the recently held referendum, or opinion polls conducted in those regions, for instance 50% or what ever the result may have been favored this or that policy. I am urging the writers of such baseless and 20Th century argument to come up with some new line of facts, because their trade mark argument is in the past and has no place in the future or the reality on the ground. Meanwhile, these states many happen to talk about every now and then are not monolithic. Most of those states are not exclusive for only one community or tribe. This means nobody has the exclusive monopoly on those states. Like the other states of the country, they are diverse states, where different communities live side by side. To sum it up, the letter was nothing but a false misrepresentation of the people of Somaliland. In the information age sir, nobody can speak for peoples' aspirations and self-determination. It is also totally un-academic, unethical, uncivilized, baseless and utterly irresponsible to predict the aspirations of people, without the the introduction of a some sort of referendum or plebiscite if you will. There is no other instruments to measure peoples' wishes and aspirations without using opinion measuring techniques such as opinion polls, referendums and plebiscites. Therefore, speaking for the above-mentioned great Somaliland states has no merit. Meanwhile, Letter assertions lack any kind of scientific basis which means there is no evidence for the writer's wild and unproven hypothesis. What you see in Somaliland today is supported by the majority of the people of that land. Instead of unleashing defensive wishful thinking, that is not based on any measurable proof, or unprovable theories and postulates, your argument will not have any legs to stand on. That is why nobody in this region will pay any attention at all to such kinds of innuendos and lies. It is very important to have an intellectual discussion as to why so many people, who may otherwise, have been still hopeful of the revival of the unified Somali state, are not currently found in Somaliland. The answer is simple, the former Somalia as you know it is over. No peace and reconciliation in what is left of the former Somalia is not on the horizon. Most of the current players outside Somaliland are an amalgamation of an unelected warlords, clan leaders, recylced failed leaders from the past, community elders, average and above-average honest people, and unscrupulous personalities. But unfortunately with the help of the IGAD states, and their terror tactics, most of the power resides with the warlords. These clan-supremacist as the writer of the afore-said letter is would have been better off, If they send few books to the children of their village or their town. Instead of being stuck with old ideas, theories and realities, they better help the local clinic of their village, pay the school fees of their young relatives and what have you. Empty slogans without action can not do any good to the communities still engulfed by senseless violence, hopelessness and political gridlock. The letter writer needs to give his earnest advise to those who need it the most-the warlords, failed leaders frozen in the past and those who constantly came short to recreate any viable thing out of what is left of the former Somalia. Conclusion Don't be surprised to see a chorus of nations, academics, journalists, human rights advocate and others vocally calling for the recognition of Somaliland, because there is a lot of good things happening there which could not be ignored. So far three elections has been conducted and three community-based universities have been established from scratch in Amoud, Hargeisa and Burao. There are also several functioning community and technical colleges. A functioning and robust K-12 education is available in all the urban centers. Community based agencies such as Awdal Development organization (ADO) for instance, has built and run more than 18 schools from "Eel Shaikh to Lawya-Addo". Most of these schools are in a traditionally under-served rural areas. There are also several Think Thanks, human rights and women's groups around the country. Is everything perfect. No but there is always a room for improvement and growth. There is also a free press though the government every now and then still shows intolerance towards them. This is an area which needs a room for improvement. The business sector is free and somewhat booming. Needless to mention the region is enjoying peace, tranquility and relative progress for the 15 years. I have my own disagreements with Somaliland, recently, for instance when some Hargeisa election candidates lay claim to some parts of the Awdal region. That action triggered a huge uproar in Awdal and beyond. Therefore, I am urging the government, community elders, the religious community and intellectuals to resolve this problem once and for all. Suleiman Egeh
  11. The better Memo to the Canadian premier Minister Paul Martin Ali Osman Samatar October16, 2005 Historically it might be right that Canada was according to the western history writing the engine of the Political recognition of China mainland within the western world but the Chinese revolution led by the legendary chairman Mao Tse-tung (Oct 1,1949) and the birth of the Maoism in China and the whole world was irreversible. Later the cold war has divided the world in to two computing ideological systems and China/Taiwan conflict was an integral component of that conflict. The belatedly political recognition of China by the US American political establishment was only the logical political consequence of the global political reality at time. The never ending political crises between China/Taiwan and many other bloody conflicts particularly in Africa and Latin-America was systematically initiated by the cold war major actors and have been carried out by chauvinistic secessionist or ethnic-clan movements in many developing countries. However, bring that dark historical events again in connection to the so-called “Somaliland†primitive clan based secessionism absolutely deserves the predicate sticking -in- the mud and is not politically a good artistic performance. Canada knows much better than any other nation what secessionist movement means and the Quebec secessionism is a periodically occurring (Quebec referendum, 1980, Oct 24, 1995 Cree Indian referendum, Oct 26, Northern Quebec, last referendum Oct 30, 1995) ritual and that was the major reason why Canada became perhaps the motor of China mainland political recognition within the Western countries. Apropos Quebec Canadians were at least asked to decide democratically if they want to stay with Canada or not. In Contrast to that, in the Self declared republic of “Somaliland†unionists aren't even allowed to enter their country or are simply jailed if they take part any conference concerning Somalia let alone asking the people what they really want. . Having said that, the territorial separation of Eritrea from Ethiopia came into being after 30 liberation years against Ethiopian occupation and ended after the total collapse of the Ethiopian Military regime in early 1991. The sovereign Eritrean people decided later in April 23 to 25 1993 in a well organized free and fair referendum for the independence of Eritrea from Ethiopia . Furthermore, the Political recognition of West Sahara Republic by the South African government today has a long historical back ground which is backed by the AU and the United Nations after Morocco invaded and occupied 1975 illegally the West Sahara . However, it is absolutely incorrect to say South Africa is looking favorably towards the independence of the self declared republic of Somaliland that is what the Indian/South African lobbyist and self declared “ Somaliland †Ambassador disseminate. Besides that, it is quite well know to us (outsider may learn) Somalis that the people in the Regions of Awdal, Sool, Sanag and Togedhee r are literally against the separation but they support the peaceful co-existence and Governance of the region. In addition to that, Somali people in Sool and Sanag consider them self freely as natural and administration wise as part of the Autonomous Punt land region of Somalia as well as the Great (Somaaliween) Somalia . By the time Honorable Paul Martin becomes the driving force for the recognition of the self declared “Somaliland†and more external political intervention gets involved in the Northwest Somali issue another Dafuur will become inevitable although the people in Togdheer, Sool, and Sanag are already periodically starving due to droughts and food shortages and consequently the peaceful situation in the area will be passé. A growing significant number of very popular and politically influential business people in Hargeisa are questioning now more and more the realistic economical existences and viability of the region However, it is more than surprising why our academicians like Mrs. Daudelin, Jean and Mr. Seymour, Lee simply ignore their beloved democratic regulations which provided millions and millions in the democratic western hemisphere a high standard of living conditions and peace. Let me make a short humorous satiric and to certain extend ironic suggestions.
  12. Mogadishu's Eid: Peace, goodwill and toy guns By Guled Mohamed and Mohamed Ali Bile MOGADISHU, Nov 3 (Reuters) - Africa's most lawless city was awash on Thursday with guns -- toy guns, that is -- as Mogadishu staged a rare moment of peace, gift-giving and goodwill to mark the end of the Muslim fasting month. Children running through the city's battle-scarred streets replayed the clan fights of their elders, cocking toy firearms they had received in honour of the Eid al-Fitr festival. Five-year old Ahmed Ali -- in a hurry to find other boys to play with from the Towfiq neighbourhood -- said he could not imagine celebrating the end of Ramadan without a big toy weapon. "We will go to Towfiq to fire at our friends," he said. "Eid without fighting them is not enjoyable." Little girls joined in. Cradling a plastic walkie-talkie, seven-year-old Hibak Abdi dreams of becoming a policewoman and said the Eid celebrations gave her a chance to practice keeping law and order. "I am acting like a policewoman," she said, watching her seven siblings pretend to fire at each other near their house. "I watch over them as they fight." Thousands of faithful thronged mosques, enjoying a rare full day of peace and unity in the failed Horn of Africa state, where for 14 years the gun has replaced the rule of law. In keeping with tradition, the rich gave to the poor. Wealthy patrons handed out money and food to queues of beggars as Islamic sermons reverberated from loudspeakers. "This is a happy day, our faith compels us to share the joy with the less fortunate," said businessman Abukar Shamo, 55. Sheikh Mohamed Barut, a cleric, said over 10,000 Muslims assembled in Mogadishu's football stadium where an explosion killed at least 14 people moments after Prime Minister Mohamed Ali Gedi addressed supporters in May. "We had more than eight loudspeakers placed in different parts of the stadium so that the crowd could hear the sermon," Barut said. But for many children, their new plastic firearms were the highlight of the day -- even though the real thing is a daily sight in a country that has been ruled by warlords since 1991. Somalis say there is nothing sinister about the youthful fad for toy weapons: in staging their mock battles, Somali children are just being like children everywhere. Whatever the reason, shopkeepers recorded sales of thousands of toy pistols and tanks. "The toy guns sell like hotcakes during Eid celebrations," said 30-year-old Abdirizak Luqman, who manages a supermarket. "I have sold nearly a thousand pieces since yesterday." Source: Reuters
  13. At least 27 people were killed on Wednesday as armed police clashed with demonstrators in the Ethiopian capital, prompting calls for restraint from the African Union and the United States. Almost 150 were injured in fighting after the main opposition party called for protests against May elections it insists were rigged. The opposition Coalition of National Unity and Democracy (CUD) has had about 1 000 of its members, including its entire leadership, arrested in a vast nationwide operation, according to one member who did not wish to be identified. US State Department spokesperson Sean McCormack said late on Wednesday: "We call on all parties to immediately show restraint, to step back from the current environment of heightened political tension, and call on the Ethiopian government to establish an independent commission to investigate today's public demonstration and those of June 8, in which dozens of demonstrators were killed. "We call on the Ethiopian government to release all political detainees, including the many opposition supporters arrested in recent weeks," he added. Earlier, the Addis Ababa-based AU Commission's chief Alpha Omar Konare appealed for calm and dialogue and said African nations are ready to help Ethiopia end its nearly six-month crisis. A diplomat based in Addis Ababa and witnesses said Wednesday's violence erupted when police moved in to certain districts to arrest opposition leaders, prompting angry residents to throw stones or erect barricades. The latest fatalities bring to at least 35 the number of people killed and to nearly 200 those injured in two days of unrest in Addis Ababa, where the opposition has defied government warnings not to stage protests against May elections it insists were rigged. Wednesday's deaths were reported by medical sources in three of the city's five main hospitals, who said some of the many dozens injured were in a critical condition, mostly from gunshot wounds. Many of the injured at Zewditu hospital were women and young people, including one 13-year-old girl. Information Minister Berhan Hailu said a police officer died and 54 of his colleagues had been injured. He squarely blamed the CUD for fanning the unrest. "The situation is now under control. This is a continuation of yesterday's riots [and] it is still the CUD who is calling on the people to demonstrate," he told a press conference. On Tuesday, at least eight people, including two police officers, were killed and dozens wounded during similar confrontations in Addis Ababa, a stronghold of the opposition. Eyewitness Assefa Degefa said security forces attempted to enter an area locally known as French Legation to arrest CUD vice-president Bertukane Mideksa, but rowdy youths blocked the road, prompting police to fire in the air and throw tear-gas canisters as protesters hurled stones. The government, which has accused the opposition of attempting to foment a coup, had warned that the new protest measures were unlawful and that it would take all steps necessary to preserve the peace. Over the weekend, the CUD called on Ethiopians to boycott products of government-owned industries, to shun state-run media and to honk their horns in protest between Tuesday and Thursday. The party also called for a five-day general strike to begin later this month. The CUD, which officially won 109 seats in the polls, accuses the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front of rigging the elections and is boycotting Parliament. CUD lawmakers were last month stripped of their parliamentary immunity amid the allegations of plotting to overthrow the government. Nearly 100 opposition members have been arrested on weapons charges since September, according to official figures. In Washington, the State Department's McCormack said the US deplores "the use of violence and deliberate attempts to provoke violence in a misguided attempt to resolve political differences". "We call on the opposition to refrain from inciting civil disobedience during this time of heightened tension," he added. -- Sapa-AFP
  14. Eid Al-Fitr to be on Thursday in Kingdom Riyadh, Nov 1, SPA-- The blessed Eid Al-Fitr will start on Thursday in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Wednesday will be Ramadan 30, the Judiciary Higher Council announced. In its statement issued tonight, the Council congratulated Muslims on this occasion. --SPA 2316 Local Time 2016 GMT
  15. Eid Al-Fitr to be on Thursday in Kingdom Riyadh, Nov 1, SPA-- The blessed Eid Al-Fitr will start on Thursday in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Wednesday will be Ramadan 30, the Judiciary Higher Council announced. In its statement issued tonight, the Council congratulated Muslims on this occasion. --SPA 2316 Local Time 2016 GMT Happy Eid to all nomads CIID MUBARAK kula caam wa antum bi khayr
  16. Eid Al-Fitr Thursday -- Al-Ajeeri REL-KUWAIT-EID Eid Al-Fitr Thursday -- Al-Ajeeri KUWAIT, Oct 23 (KUNA) -- Kuwaiti Astronomer Dr. Saleh Mohammad al-Ajeeri said on Sunday that the first day of Eid Al-Fitr will be on Thursday, Nov 3. Al-Ajeeri told KUNA that the crescent of Shawal will be born dawn on Wednesday, November 2, at 04:25 am. The crescent will disappear the same day six minutes after sunset in Kuwait and eight minutes after sunset in other GCC countries. The astronomer added that the moon will not be visible on Wednesday, which will be then the 30th day of Ramadan.
  17. Thursday 'certain to be first day of Eid' By EUNICE del ROSARIO THURSDAY is sure to be the first day of Eid Al Fitr, according to calculations made by a leading Bahraini astronomer. Bahrain University physics professor Dr Waheeb Alnaser said the crescent moon of Shawal, the 10th month of the Islamic calendar, would be "born" at dawn on Wednesday at 4.26am. The moon, he added, would not be visible on Tuesday, making Wednesday the 30th day of Ramadan. Dr Alnaser said the fact that he could pinpoint the moon's exact location in the sky - by plotting its course based on scientific calculations - should make unreliable moon sightings to determine the start of the month a thing of the past. He urged Muslims to pay closer attention to the movement of the moon to better understand the birth of the crescent of Shawal. "Greater understanding of the heavens and the scientific calculations involved would lead to an even better appreciation of the way the Islamic calendar works," said Dr Alnaser, who is also the Bahrain Astronomical Society vice-president. "I am requesting Muslims in Bahrain and around the world to rely on science to determine when the crescent moon will be born. "This is a time when science and Islam really complement each other." The Islamic calendar is a strict lunar calendar, which means that every year the dates on the Muslim calendar creep up by approximately 11 days compared to the solar calendar. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar and Shawal is the 10th - the first three days of Shawal are known as Eid Al Fitr. Muslims around the world try to spot the new moon to determine when both months will begin. In the Islamic calendar, the new month should start when the sun, earth and moon are in one line - which is known as a conjunction or the birth of the new moon. "It is a process that combines science and technology with religious tradition," said Dr Alnaser. "The Quran teaches Muslims to study the heavens - and specifically the moon - to mark time." Over the centuries, Islamic scholars have made numerous contributions to the science of astronomy. Today, scientists can calculate where and when the new crescent moon may be most visible, but Islamic scholars say the actual sighting is still necessary. However, Dr Alnaser warned it would be a mistake to declare Wednesday as the first day of Eid. "Based on scientific calculations, Thursday is Eid and it would be a mistake to break the fast on Wednesday because it is still going to be Ramadan," he said. "I have proven how accurate scientific calculations are and one example is this year's Ramadan, when I said it would begin on October 4. "GDN readers have understood the two criteria that we must take into consideration to declare when Ramadan will begin. "The first condition is the birth of the moon and the second is that the newborn crescent should then set before the sunset." Taking these two criteria into consideration from the beginning of Ramadan, the Shawal crescent moon will be born only at 4.26am on Wednesday. "In Islam, we are still bound by the sighting of the moon and since we know that the length of the moon is either 29 or 30 days, this means that Bahrain's moon sighting committee will be sitting on Tuesday," said Dr Alnaser. "This is according to Islamic rules and the committee is forced to do it because it is tradition. "But speaking as an astronomer, why should I sit on Tuesday when I know that the crescent moon will be born on Wednesday?" He urged the moon-sighting panel in Bahrain to be very careful when they sit on Tuesday to look for the crescent moon. "They need to read about science and chase the movement of the moon from now to understand that there will see no moon in the skies on Tuesday night," he said.
  18. Somali warlord threatens planes By Hassan Barise BBC News, Mogadishu Somali warlord Muse Sudi Yalahow has threatened to shoot down any plane flying over the capital, Mogadishu, known to be diverted to other towns. This follows a deal reached by the prime minister with Kenya to close airstrips controlled by the warlords. Flights from Kenya would have to fly over Mogadishu to reach his government faction based in Jowhar town. The airstrips been an important source of revenue to rival warlords since the central government collapsed in 1991. Some 10 plane loads of the mild narcotic leaf, khat, arrive in Mogadishu every day. Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Ghedi told the BBC the decision to close the airstrips had been taken to bring law and order to Somalia. The country has been without a functioning national government for 14 years and a transitional parliament and government, sworn in last year, has failed to end the anarchy. Mr Ghedi and the president have made Jowhar, 90km (56 miles) north of Mogadishu, the temporary capital for their government as they say Mogadishu is unsafe. But the speaker of parliament has set up operations in the capital, along with former Mogadishu warlords, including Mr Yalahow who is also the trade minister in new the government.
  19. Issimada Sool,Sanaag Iyo Cayn Oo Ka Jaawabay Hadalkii Ka Soo Yeedhay Riyaale Iyo Taageero Lagaadh-siiyey Ciidamada Daraawiishta. Warkii: Oct 28, 2005 Laascaanood( Gobollada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn ayaa jawaab kulul ka bixiyey hadallo uu shalay ka jeediyey warbaahinta hoggaamiyaha Maamulka isku magacaabay Somaliland ee Soomaalidiidka ah Daahir Riyaale Kaahin. Issimadan oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Garaad Abshir Saalax, Garaad C/salaam Xasan Maxmed iyo Garaad Saleebaan Buraale, ayaa kulan maanta ciidamada Daraawiishta lagu guddoonsiinayey taageero ay ka mid ahaayeen xoolo nool oo aad u tiro badan, si ay ugu ciidaan, ayaa waxa ay caddeeyeen sida ay uga soo horjeedaan hadalkii uu Riyaale shalay ka jeediyey Kulan furan oo ay la yeelatay BBCdu laanteeda afsoomaaliga. Taageerada Ciidamada Daraawiishta La Guddoonsiiyay Waxayna sheegeen Issimada gobollada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn, in ay maamulka Somaliland ka tashadeen markii uu noqday maamul ku hawlan kala goynta Soomaaliya, Maamulna ay ka samaysteen oo uu yahay Puntland, Issimada oo ka hadlaya dhulka ay ciidamada Riyaale ku sugan yihiina waxa ay sheegeen in aanay u dulqaadan doonin dhulka ay ciidamada Soomaalidiidku ku sugan yihiin. Garaad Abshir Saalax ayaa ku tilmaamay hadalka Riyaale ka soo yeedhay ee uu kaga hadlayey khayraadka Puntland, gaar ahaan Gobolka Sool wax lagu qoslo, oo Riyaale awooddiisa ka tallaabsanayo, wuxuuna sheegay Gobollada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn go’aankoodu waa cad yahay, wuxuuna Riyaale u soo jeediyey in aanu ceeb cimrigiisa ku sogootinne, wanaaga ka shaqeeyo. Garaad C/salaam Xasan Maxmed ayaa sheegay in loo soo jeestay sidii dalka loo difaaci lahaa, wuxuuna tilmaamay in layska kaashado gude iyo dibadba sidii dicaafa loo adkayn lahaa. Ugu danbayntii waxa halkaasi ka hadlay Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Sool Maxmed Cawad Baaruud wuxuuna sheegay in maanta la soo gaadhay xilligii la soo afjari lahaa joogitaanka ciidamada Maamulka soomaalidiidka, wuxuuna ku tilmaamay hadalkii ka soo yeedhay Riyaale Kaahin mid aan soconayn shacabka reer Sool, Sanaag, Haylaan iyo Cayn uu cad yahay mawqifkoodu, ayna waajib ku tahay Riyaale in uu ka noqdo waddada qaldan ee uu qaadayo.
  20. Somalia orders rogue airfields closed Move an attempt to boost tax revenues, prompts threats NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters) -- Somalia's government ordered two warlord-owned airports closed on Friday in an effort to boost its tax revenues, prompting an ally of the airstrips' owners to threaten to shoot down any plane diverting to obey the order. A government statement said it had informed trading partners Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates that the private airstrips at Daynile, outside Mogadishu, and at Merca, south of the capital, would shut from November 1. "We are closing these airstrips for security reasons, and some other airstrips in southern Somalia will follow as soon as possible," Information Minister Mohamed Abdi Hayr quoted the statement as saying. "We contacted the (foreign) governments ... to discuss the support of Somalia's new government and resume the taxation system of the country, which collapsed during the civil war." The two airstrips are lucrative ventures run by militia bosses who have campaigned for months to persuade Ethiopian-backed President Abdullahi Yusuf to base his year-old transitional federal government in the capital, Mogadishu. Yusuf instead works from Jowhar, a town 90 kilometers (55 miles) to the north of the capital, arguing Mogadishu is too dangerous and that it is the base of many of his political opponents -- among them dissident ministers in his own government. The airport order prompted Mogadishu-based warlord and Commerce Minister Muse Sudi Yalahow to threaten to down any plane known to have diverted to other airports in compliance with the order. "We will shoot the planes trying to accept the new rules of airplanes," Muse Sudi said on Somali radio monitored in Nairobi. "If an airplane changes its usual flight, we will use the anti-aircraft missiles which we have," he said. Somali businessmen normally have the pick of about 240 bush airstrips to trade an array of produce -- including contraband and hard drugs -- without hindrance from any central authority. Kenyan Civil Aviation Authority official Anthony Mwandikwa confirmed that Kenya had received the Somali notification. Daynile and Merca's el-Ahmed airstrip are among the busiest and have proved lucrative for their owners, respectively Mogadishu militia boss and Internal Security Minister Mohamed Qanyare, and Islamist warlord Sheikh Yusuf Inda'adde. Qanyare declined comment. Inda'adde was not available for comment. Experts say both factions of the government are gearing up for a military showdown, and a U.N. report by a panel of experts said government ministers on both sides had bought large amounts of weapons in recent months. Copyright 2005 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
  21. Press over Iran remarks The call by the Iranian president for Israel to be "wiped off the map" provokes outrage in the Israeli press, which says this invites comparisons with the Holocaust. Elsewhere in the region dailies have been slow to comment, although one pan-Arab paper published in the UK worries that Iran has given Israel "the perfect excuse" to attack Iran. Commentary By Uri Urbach In Israeli Yediot Aharonot Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that 'Israel must be wiped off the map'... What is worrying, other than the minor issue that one day we might all turn into dust because of a nervous Iranian missile, is that 60 years after the Holocaust a leader of a state again openly threatens to destroy the Jews. Editorial in Israeli Haaretz In an extremist speech, the likes of which few have been heard before from an elected head of state, the Iranian president called for 'wiping Israel off the map' and even urged the Palestinians to continue terrorist activity against Israel... The open call to destroy the state of Israel highlights the comparison with another leader who was elected by his people in 1933 [Adolf Hitler], whose agenda included an open call to destroy the Jewish people. Commentary by David Horovitz in Jerusalem Post The man was standing at a podium bearing a large poster blaring the title of the gathering, in English: 'The world without Zionism'. He was stating, calmly and confidently, that such a world was indeed entirely within reach... This week, in the boldest language imaginable, Ahmadinejad made plain that, where Israel is concerned, a nuclear Iran under his watch would be anything but benign. Headlines in Palestinian al-Quds In the wake of Ahmedinejad's statement: European-Israeli campaign against Iran. Tehran objects to indifference towards what is happening in Palestine. Commentary by Mahir Uthman in UK-based al-Hayyat Iran did not need new problems before the sweeping statement by President Ahmadinejad, who said Israel should be wiped off the map... By making this statement, Ahmadinejad has given a perfect excuse for Israel to strike Iran's nuclear programme and attack the country.
  22. ARIN LA YAAB LEH HADDII AAY RUN TAHAY Waxaan kamid ahaa Martidii ka qaybgashay Shirweynihii ka dhacay magaalada Lund ee dalka Sweden ...shirkaas oo sanadwalba lagu qabto magaaladaas aayna kasoo qaybgalaan aqoonyahanno iyo buuniyaal ka tirsan waddamada africa gaar ahaan Geeska Africa ,waxaana shirkaasi badanaaba diiradda saraa sidii loo furdaamin lahaa mashaakilka murugsan oo ka taagan geeska Africa gaar ahaan dalka Somalia oo muddo 15 sano ah arrimihiisa loo caalwaayey. Sanadkaan waa ka gaddisnaa kuwii ka horreyey wuxuu kusoo beegmay iyada oo aay dhisan tahay dawlad Soomaaliyeed oo loo dhan yahay inkasta oo nasiib darro aay kala qaybsan tahay ...shirka waxaa lagu casumay in aay kasoo qaybgalaan Raíisulwasaaraha dalka Soomaaliya Geedi iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Mudane Shariif oo isagu madasha yimid hasayeeshe Prof.Geddi wuu ka cududaartay imaanshaha shirka hawl qaran darteed ,mana uu soo dirsan cid ka wakiil ah sidii la filayey . Shirku wuxuu furmay maalin Jamce ah oo bisha Oktoobar tahay 14 ,habaynimadii waxaa dhammaan wufuudii shirka kasoo qaybgashay casumay Duqa Magaalada Lund waxaana casumaadu ka dhacday xarunta wayn ee degmada ,cuntada iyo cabitaanka waxaa la safay miis dushi ,qofkastaana isaga ayaa isdabirayey oo soo qaadanayey waxaana lala imaanayey oo cuntada la dul saaranayey miisas dhaadheer oo wareegsan iyadoo la istaagan yahay. Maritidu iyada oo cuntadeeda wadata ayeey hadba dhinac u dillaamaysay ,koox koox ayaa loo sheekaysanayey ,ajnabiga meesha joogay Soomaalida ayaa ugu badnayd Waxaa dadku si aad ah u salaamayeen Saadiq Almahdi iyo Shariifka oo ahaa labadii shakhsi oo ugu darajada waynayd dadka shirka kasoo qaybgalay ,xildhibaanada la socday Wafdiga shariifka waxaan ka garanayey oo qur ah prof.IIbbi inta kale wajiyadoodu waa igu cusbaayeen . MAXAAY TAHAY ARINTA LAYAABKA IGU REEBTAY Intii cashada lagu jiray waxaa miisaskii istaagnaa oo cuntada lasaaranayey mid kamid ah isugu yimid aniga ninkale oo Soomaali ah iyo xildhibaan kamid ahaa Wafdigii shariifka .Xildhibaankaas horay uma anaan aqoon hasayeeshe waxaan ka sheekaysanay siyaasadda Soomaaliya iyo kala qaybsanaanta dawladda ,iyo labada garab oo dawladdu u qaybsan tahay sababta aay isugu tanaasuliwaayeen si loo soo cesho midnimadii iyo qarannimadii Somaaliya . Xildhibaankii wuxuu nagu yiri:"Runta haddii aan idiin sheego ...Shariifku dawladnimo ma rabo " waxaan moodnay in xildhibaanku kaftamayo waxaan ku iri hadalkaasi ma kaftanbaa mise waa kaa dhab ....wuxuu yiri:"Si daacad ah ayaan idiin ku waramayaa wallahi sharafku dawladnimo ma rabo " dhawr jeer ayuuna ku celceshay waxaan warsaday xildhibaanka sababta shariifku uusan dawladnimada u doonayn wuxuu nagu yiri :"Shariifku waa maalqabeen ,maalkiisa ayuu ilaashanayaa". Arinta kale oo layaabka leh waxaay ahayd in xildhibaanku uusan naga codsan in aanu qarinno hadalka uu noo sheegay oo aanu u arkaynay sir culus . Habaynkii markii aan qolkii aan huteelka ka jiifay aan soo galay waxaa igu soo duxday oo maankayga gaday ereyadii xildhibaanka oo aan kaligay ka faalooday -Mar waxaan is iri amaa xildhibaanku yahay : Baadida ninbaa kula daydayi daalna kaa badane oo aan doonahayn in aad heshana daaim abidkaaye ..dadkuna moodi duul kula jira oo aan wax u dahsoonayne" -Marna waxaan ku qancay naadriyadda Oranaysa"Muslinoow run sheeg muslimowna uga qaado" ..iyadoo aanan u jeedin sabab ku kalifikarta xildhibaanka in uu been ka sheego wadaygiisii kasoo xushay xildhibaanada kale wafdigiisana ku darsaday . Ninkii kale oo ila joogay markii xildhibaanku xogta dhiibahayey dibadmbe uma sheekaysan annaga oo aan firaaqo isku helin baana shirkii dhammaaday ,waxaanse dareensanahay in uu qudhiisu ila mid yahay o hadalkaasi maskax faar ku riday. Haddii hadalkaas uu noo sheegay xildhibaanku uu run yahay ....ilaahay run kama dhigee ...Soomaaliya waxaa soo balleeyey musiibo qaran iyo qawaacid rujinkara dawladdii curdanka ahayd oo aan ku soo yagleelnay sanad kahor magaalada Nairobi. Source: ARIN LA YAAB LEH HADDII AAY RUN TAHAY
  23. New York: Riyaale oo la kulmay Kofi Anan
  24. I have better one for you, a one that concerns you maqaarsaarka of hergeysa tribal faction guulwade ina riyoole oo waxaan u aheen ismoodya, allow yaa wax u sheega newspaper ugu tabaruca si uu caalamka ula socdo riyada uu iskaga daayo