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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Thanks, Bro Maakhir For the informative article, and the beautiful pictures of Sanaag region
  2. Becoz it looked more like a cheap real estate agent's website. Identicall brick buildings all lined up. & i am sure Cawo & soomal responded prolly their guri was featured in that slide show. Sowmahaan Cawo? Nice Pics True brown, how you know it?
  3. Insha allah, lets hope he will use his knowledge to help Islam/Palestine cause.
  4. salamu Calaykum, Is there anyone is in this forum who still has hope for Ethiopians to be our friends? after all the Ethiopians are holding the rope for Somalia's newly elected government, what a joke!!! First of all, I have never expected an infidel to treat me with respect and I will never have any expectations that they have something good in stored for me. Somalis and those Ethiopian infidels shall not exist alongside each other. Those dirty Ethiopians shall be eleminated from the phase of the earth. They don't deserve to live at all, they kill and murder innocent Somalis everyday in that region but few are reported. They are focused and unrelentling enemy that must be met with challenge that is equal or greaterer challenge. They shall turn their backs in despair and shall not enjoy a day in peace for the rest of their lives for they do the same to Western Somalis. This is our Jihad against unmerciful enemy but inshallah, they will not succeed they will flee as they always had in the past. This is new wave of violence and aggression by the enemy and it's every Somalis'duty to defend their soil and people against mereciless enemy yet determined to do more damage. No need to go to Afghanistan Chechniya for Jihad,western Somalia is the new battle ground for our Jihad. This is duty upon all believing men to defend thier integrity and people. Let us put end to this Ethiopian violence and teach them a lesson they will never recover from. To the so called new TNG of Somalia and the so called Prime Minister; Geedi. What does he know, even the dead skinless sheep has more feelings than him. What a lost human being,but I am not surprised, because I heard he was either raised or was actually even born in Ethiopia.Correct me if I am wrong about that. I am not ashamed to say to him that he is a fool. After all he is elected prime minister by another old fool himself. Direct your prayers for Allah insha Allah will toppled the evil empire neighboring us. salamu calaykum. Brother red sea, you are one of the few somalis left in this world, who still putting their muslim and somali identity before tribal, division Red sea, you are true muslim and somali brother Nabadshe, you suppose to encourage the brother , instead of holding him back Ethoipia is somalia's # 1enemy the supplieas weapons to cruel somali warlords like Cabdulaahi yusuf, Riyaale, Muuse Suude, caydiis, Maxamed dheere,morgan, haadsade, shaati guduud AT THE SAME TIME Ethoipia is doing these so somalia will never com back, and now somali blood became cheaper than sea water.
  5. To nabadshe First of all peace be upon all. that contributed to this thread.With me ill like to ask and be well informed on the following points 1. what is this big debate about the imaginery or let me say invented abreviations.SSC. cause i believe there exist sool and sanaag. and well buuhodleh goes under togdheer geographically as well as adminstratively. 2.why all the hate politics and war cries against somaliland as if its accupying some foreign lands.its evident that somaliland administration is well established in most areas with exception of laascanood and few villges.its obvious on the ground that the somaliland administration have been accepted and supported by the natives. if that is not true let me know. 3. let me know if those areas are purely resided by clans associated to ******tenia especially sanaag? for which i believe is the major base of argument used by pro-******tenia residing in this areas,who once upona time were die hard somalilanders and turned die hard ******tenia after its inaguration in 1998. after i get fullfilling answears on that, ill have no option but to initiate in this forum with the help of all moderators, the neended xeer of nabadayn between these brotherly ppl, who are being carried away by tribalistic emotions which is an aptitude outgrown in somaliland. i still see alot of fault and same deragatory tribal remarks and asumptions used by many in this forum. Nabadshe, only you, used deragatory tribal remarks in this thread, and PLEASE STOP using clan names (you described Puntland as "m" clan and know that others can describe somaliland as "I" clan ) 1. first you have to know that you are the future revolutianalist left to save the nation from the tribal illness that have turned into an epidermic. 2. 2.You are the once that have to initiate a working formular to save the future generation from adopting what have been soarn by your forefathers. Thanks for the valuable advices, but why you using deragatory tribal remarks Coming back to the points higligted by junior toohe its clear that the the whole project of SSC project was a product of kujiiqsii aginst the seccesation of somaliland. Yeah, maybe you might have had genuine reasons aginst dividing somalia but arguing on such tribal basis while twisting the geographic and statistical demography on the ground is a work of small minds. Nabadshe, you arguing that SSC is only tribal approach, But do you know that somaliland is simply tribal schema to build a utopia tribal-state. Bro I am looking forward to more intellectual debate to find solutions for somalia, then the low tribal remarks.
  6. Thanks to both Younis and Red sea For understanding each other, I become happy whenever I see two Somali brothers use their minds to come up solutions for Somalia, instead of becoming mouthpieces (cyber warlords) of their respective clans/regions, and see million similarities that Somali people share, and disregard irrelevant clan politics. Both of you, showed that it is possible that Somali people can enjoy brotherhood once again I DON'T KNOW WHY IT SHOCKS YOU TO SEE SOME SOMALI POLITICIAN WHO HAS ALREADY DESTROYED HIS COUNTRY AND DISOBEYED ALLAH TO WELCOME NON BELIEVER WITH SMILE AND GREEN LEAFS. IT HAPPENS ALL OVER THE ISLAMIC WORLD, IT'S UNFORTUNATE THAT IS HAPPENING TO MUSLIMS AROUND THE WORLD THAT THEY WELCOME THEM AS THOUGH THEY WILL BRING RAIN FROM THE SKY NOT NOT JUST SOMALIS IN GENERAL LET ALONE ONE REGION OF SOMALIA. Brother Red sea, I pleased with your objectivity, most Somali people defend warlords blindly, even when they committing aggression against their follow Somali because of clan syndrome I AM NORTHWESTERNER AND YOU ARE NORTHEASTERNER AND IF SOME INFIDEL INVADED NORTHEAST I WOULD DIE AND SHED MY BLOOD ALONG SIDE WITH YOU AS LONG AS YOU ARE WILLING TO REMAIN MY TRUE BROTHER AND MY BLOOD AS WELL AS MY COUNTRYMEN. AS FAR AS REGARDING BROTHER SOMAAL REQUEST TO TELL EVERYONE TO GIVE UP THE LOW LEVEL COMMENTS MOST OF THE NOMADS IN THIS FORUM PUT FORTH, I HAVE EXCEPTED MYSELF AND YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME BEING UNFAIR TO ANYBODY AND ANY REGION. I ALSO URGE THOSE NOMADS WHO ARE FROM SOMALILAND TO BE FAIR AND HONEST AND NOT TO OFFEND ANYONE IN THIS FORUM AFTER ALL WE ARE ALL MUSLIM AND SOMALIS. by red sea if an outside force tries to invade my brothers region using force I will certainly stand by your side as well. No question whatsoever.I accept you as my neighbour, brother, fellow Somali and also fellow country-men. One people, One religion, One language and One Love. God Bless Somalia and the entire Somali Race and Nation! by yoonis Thank you to both of you for showing the true Somali brotherhood As a northcentral Somalia (sool sanaag & cayn), I would like to suggest a union between northwestern (somaliland) and northeastern (bari) , I believe since both are peaceful regions it a great idea, and it will blessing for Somali people, first it will solve the sool sanaag and cayn crisis, and this union will be steppingstone for union between all Somali people. nabadshe, please bro put behind the past and clan nonsense and let’s move forward, qof kasta oo muslim oo gacan ka xaqdaran dishay, ilaahay isagana ha u naxariitu isagaa naxariis badanee, gacanta xaqdarana ha abaal mariyo. I want to appeal all somali brothers, first to see yourself as muslim and somali and NOT as particular regoen/clan like northwestern/northeastern/banaadir/clan x y. I believe somalia forum, was created so that we somali brothers understand the somali tragedy, and collectively find solutions for somali people. and NOT to start a new frontier of somali civil war, where somali youth who are internet savvy can act as cyber warlords to defend blindly their supposed warlord/clan/socalled self-declered rebuplic/socalled regoenal adminstration/or faction.
  7. Wonderful pictures Thanks Red Sea
  8. Abdulaahi Yusuf is not alone in his connection with Ethoipia, True Abdulaahi Yusuf is Supported by Ethoipia, but that is also same with most present-day somali politicians. From Riyaale Who said “This is not the first time that I met Meles. We are always received warmly when we come to Ethiopia, because this is a brotherly country. This time we shared issues that concern our area. Although we are not recognized by Ethiopia we share security, border and many other things. So we talk about these and new developments in our area. We just correspond on that and we have good understanding when we come here….They (Ethoipians) always treat us as (Somaliland) brothers, as young brothers. They help us better than any other country in the area†Faysal Cali Warabe's [in] famous saying: “a boy born in Hargeisa has more commonality with one born in Addis Ababa than one in Mogadishu.†Same is true with all warlords in Mogadisho like Yalaxow, Qanyare, Shaatiguduudand Haabsade Warlords Don't Love Ethiopia Any Less But Hate Yusuf More The story of Somali collective memory is told and retold as being short and selective. Here is another variation of such a story pertaining to the controversy about Ethiopian peacekeeping mission in Somalia. In the 1980s, the Somali National Movement (SNM), the United Somali Congress (USC), and the Somali Salivation Democratic Front (SSDF) were all housed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They all collaborated to overthrow Mohamed Siad Barre, the late dictator that ruled Somalia from 1969 to 1990. Most of the constituents that these movements claimed to have represented showed or seemed to have shown a high degree of affinity towards Ethiopia throughout the last 20 or so years, a period that has one of the lowest points and marked the speedy erosion of Somali nationalism. One way that the above-mentioned groups and their followers showed gratitude towards Ethiopia was carried: 1. By helping the late Ethiopian dictator Megistu Haile Mariam to dismantle Somalia and create what has since then deteriorated to the current disarticulated stateless nation; 2. By killing and or throwing Somali Galbeed refugees out of their respective districts. In Mogadishu, for example, helpless civilians who hailed from the Somali Region of Ethiopia were killed mercilessly during the early years of Somalia's civil war. In Jalalaqsi refugee camps, hundreds of people were beheaded and thrown to the Shabelle river and were denied any proper Islamic burial ceremony. In Hargeisa, thousands of refugees were slaughtered in what was called the Dam, or “Biyo xidheen.†And not many refugees went to Garowe or Bossaso, although these cities were as hostile when one looks that the sternest verbal abuses came from these regions. And so far, neither Ethiopia nor its yesteryear's or today's allies in Somalia has raised this human tragedy. Somalilanders are on the record to say that they loved Ethiopia more than their own Somali brethren inside and outside of the republic. This sentiment is represented by one of the leader of Somaliland, Faysal Cali Warabe's [in] famous saying: “a boy born in Hargeisa has more commonality with one born in Addis Ababa than one in Mogadishu.†In the case of USC supporters, love for Ethiopia was captured by a pamphlet that I read in the early years of the 1990s that said some thing akin to “Hobyo port for Ethiopia.†As a result, the late General Caydid used to be the only warlord who was received in Ethiopia with a red carpet stretched out to his Pole Airport arrivals. As to Garowe's loyalty to Ethiopia, retelling the story here would be an overkill. Suffice it to say Bosaaso port is almost to replace the role Berbera had hitherto played for Ethiopia. Today, irrespective of past affinity, all these groups are using Ethiopia as their bogyman to get to the top price and that is derailing Abdulahi Yusuf's government. They all have somehow agreed to shame Ethiopia not because they love Ethiopia any less, but because they hate what Ethiopia is doing for Abdullahi Yusuf more. It is a reminiscent of Shake Spear's assessment of the Rome of Caesar's killing of Brutus when he wrote: “It is not that I Love you any less, but that I love Rome more.†One Somalilander Website (Awdelnews) ran an editorial (Ethiopia as an enemy is engraved in the collective memory of Somali people) and went as far as suggesting that Ethiopia's animosity with the Somali people goes back to the war of Imam Ahmed Gurey in the 15 th Century. That is precisely the case. But, can one talk about Ethiopia's animosity and its role to stunt Somali national aspirations, and then let have Ethiopia train its navy at the coast of Berbera at will? Other websites prematurely wrote in droves op-ed pieces to condemn Ethiopia as Somalia's eternal enemy while Yalaxow was telling the press that Ethiopia had in the past supplied weapons to himself (Yalaxow), Aidid, Qanyare and of course Abdullahi Yusuf. In another instance, one Somalilander, who recently decried about Ethiopian troops as peacekeepers in Somalia, once equated the search for Somali unity to racial purity, hence equating greater Somali nationalism with racism. To make matters worse, this piece was posted on Ethiopian websites! Where does really Ethiopia fit in each group's particular and narrow agenda? As the Somali clan politics shifts like the weather of London, we may never give a precise and short answer to this question. It is intriguingly puzzling, however, to know that Ethiopia, as an old and more complex country, correctly reads the uncontrollable and immature emotions of Somalis for the authorities in Addis Ababa refer to Somalis as a simplistic tribal groups, as in “ armane ya Somale Zalan gosawoch,†pagan Somali tribal groups. As such, Ethiopia perhaps reads where every one of these different interest groups stands and it claims to understand their agenda in the current fiasco. The issue of Ethiopian peacekeeping mission in Somalia itself is as strange as Ahmed Silanyo of Kulmiye party carrying the banner for the reinstitution of the former Democratic Republic of Somalia. That does not mean all of the critics of Ethiopian peace mission in Somalia do not have merit. Some of them may have. However, painting Ethiopia as a cruel colonial force that is Somalia's eternal enemy is quite a laughable matter. Did we suddenly wake up as of January 2005 from the slumber that Dr. Ali Abdul Rahman Hersi, a genuine proponent of Somali nationalism and critic of Ethiopian intervention all along, identified as a plague in today's Somalia? All of the groups beating the drum against Ethiopia have in the past used or are still using Ethiopia (as in the case of Puntlanders and Somalilanders) as their friend to weaken Somali nationalism. As viciously as clannish Somali clans and groups are, the current controversy surrounding Ethiopian peacekeeping mission is a classical case where a Somali clan or a political group would use anything at its disposal to advance its narrow tribal interest, even if that is smoking up the nation. And one may suspect that the rest of the world, with the exception of some gullible western liberal groups like the International Crisis Group (ICG), sees said controversy as one of the many manifestations of Somalia's clan politics. If so, the entire Ethiopian bashing is nothing more than a political gymnastics by one political group against another. What is disheartening is that Somalis in Ethiopia have lost what is estimated to be a third of their land in a sham plebiscite this past October that the Ethiopian parliament hastily rubber-stamped. Not a single Somali group, party or news group ever mentioned this historical miscarriage of justice with the exception of Wardheernews. Ethiopia is carrying the most comprehensive land grabbing policy . Most of the groups shedding crocodile tears have their own hidden agenda about their bone of contention with Ethiopia, but are masquerading it as Somali nationalism. Having said this, I join those on the other side of the fence and argue that Ethiopia may not be the right force to enforce either disarmament or peacekeeping mission in Somalia. Ethiopia is already, though, in Somaliland, Puntland, Hiiraan region, Baydhabo. Worse, Ethiopian Airlines have been flying into Somali cities, violating its air space for a number of years. But, the very forces that have destroyed anything that was good about being Somali must not opportunistically use the cause of Somali nationalism in their political gymnastics to reach their parochial agenda. Using Ethiopia as the bogyman must not be read outside the web of clan politics. To maximize one's clanist agenda, no stone is usually left unturned and that is the story of the 1980s and 1990s that would be told and retold. The Ethiopian bogyman is nothing more than one such a stone to be turned by as many groups and individuals as we have seen within the last two weeks. This is the real story retold, unflattering as it may sound. Faisal Roble
  9. Brother Red You are unfair to people of Sool Sanaag and cayn, you have to understand the people who live all Somali regions are the same people. BUT each Somali region have right of self-governance and self-determination. For example the Somaliland (north region=hergeysa-burco-barbara) want to force people of sool sanaag and cayn to accept their clan-sate of Somaliland- which is completely unjust and unfair you have to acknowledge everyone who occupies other people land, house by force without their will is transgressor You should not downplay the Somaliland issue to mere politician who are working for their own interest, we can say current Somali president and other warlords in Mogadishu only care about personal interest, but Somaliland politicians want to divide a brotherly Somali person which is very dangerous plan red sea acknowledge, the fact that Sool Sanaag and Cayn region is neighbor of Somaliland (northwest) and not Bari (north east somalia) And you have to admit that Somaliland illegitimately occupies parts of Sool Sanaag and cayn, don’t bring Puntland because totally it’s different story Somaliland is secessionist entity and has a different flag and want to re-install imaginary border line like berlin wall between the brotherly people Las-caanood and Garowe, while Puntland is regional Somali administration has same Somali flag, and do not want to divide any Somali people. for SSC people it is not lose-lose situation It is not bad idea if people of SSC make their own little administration, but also they don’t mind to join and unite with any other Somali region that waving the blue flag and believes unity between Somali people is noble thing. I don’t mind to be Puntlander as long as Puntland is an integral part of Somalia Also, I don’t mind to be somalilander as long as Somaliland is an integral part of Somalia If I were you I would stop wasting your minds on some useless things created by useless politicians. Try to come up with your own solutions to the problems facing your respective regions, because there are problems, sitting here and making useless comments isn't one of the solutions. Thank you brother for your valuable advice but you only addressed soomaal younis and jr which is unfair. You should include yourself and other prosomalilanders
  10. Brother Red you are right darwiish movement was pansomali national liberation movement that led the first somaliweyn struggle against all colonials (whether they were British, Italians, and Ethiopians, etc) and became victim of first Arial bombardment in entire Africa soon after WWI, by 12 British warplanes returned from WWI.. Somali people were blessed with finest human breed, great individuals like Ahmed Gurey, Sayid, Timacade, Cabdulaahi Qarshe, President Cusmaan Adam Cadde, Abdurashiid, Certainly, all Somali people regardless of their clan affiliation supported Sayid Mohammed Abdullah Hassan’s darwiish liberation movement such us people of Burco, Laascaanood, and Western Somalia I want to advice castro & Younis to downplay the evil strategy of British colonials (divide and rule), it was dark page in our Somali history and we need to forget and move forward.
  11. حوار مع أصغر داعية إسلامي بÙلسطين أمجد أبو سيدو: أتمنى تحرير Ùلسطين وأن أكون خطيبًا للأقصى إخوان أون لاين - 22/06/2005 حوار: أمل سعيد أمجد أبو سيدو أضغر داعية Ùلسطيني "أمجد أبو سيدو" Ø·ÙÙ„ Ùلسطيني تجاوز عمره الثلاثة عشر عامًا Ùقط، أصبح حديث الصح٠ووكالات الأنباء ÙÙŠ كل دول العالم..!! Ùهذا الÙتى الذي يعيش ÙÙŠ وطن محتل يئÙنّ٠من مرارة الظلم والعدوان قد استطاع أن يختار لنÙسه طريق مقاومة الاحتلال، واختار مجال الدعوة والموعظة الحسنة ليصبح أصغر داعية إسلامي ÙÙŠ العالم، وأغلى أمنياته أن يتحرر وطنÙه، وأن يكون علَمًا من علماء الأزهر الشريÙØŒ ويصبح خطيبًا للمسجد الأقصى، ويرى سبيل النصر على العدو ÙÙŠ إخلاص النية لله- عز وجل- ÙÙŠ الجهاد ضد الاحتلال الصهيوني، ويطالب الأمة الإسلامية بأن تتوحد حتى يتهيأ لها الدÙاع عن عÙرضها وعن مقدسات المسلمين، Ùالأقصى ليس للÙلسطينيين دون غيرهم من العرب والمسلمين، Ùصلاح الدين الأيوبي Ùتح القدس Ùمن لها الآن..!! * ÙÙŠ البداية نود التعر٠أكثر على شخصية الداعية أمجد أبو سيدو. ** أنا أمجد محمد سعيد ياسين أبو سيدو، وسني يتجاوز 13 عامًا، نشأت٠على حب الدين والشريعة، وأدرس ÙÙŠ مدرسة الأوقا٠الشرعية ÙÙŠ المرحلة الثانية الإعدادية، ومن أهم صÙاتي اللين ÙÙŠ الكلام، والصبر على الشدائد لقول المولى- عز وجل- ï´¿ÙˆÙŽØ¥Ùنْ تَصْبÙرÙوا وَتَتَّقÙوا ÙÙŽØ¥Ùنَّ Ø°ÙŽÙ„ÙÙƒÙŽ Ù…Ùنْ عَزْم٠الأÙÙ…ÙورÙï´¾ (آل عمران:186) وأسرتي مكونةٌ من شقيقَين وأختَين متزوجات والوالدة، والوالد متعدد الزوجات، ولا يقطن Ù†Ùس الشقة التي نسكنها، وأخي الأكبر سنًّا يعمل عاملاً ÙÙŠ أحد مصانع تعبئة التوابل، والأصغر منه قليلاً طالبٌ ÙÙŠ الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة، ويعمل والدي سائقًا على سيارة أجرة، والحمد لله أعيش عيشةً بسيطةً ومتواضعةً. * كي٠يقضي أمجد أبو سيدو يومَه أثناء الدراسة وأثناء الإجازة؟! ** ÙÙŠ أثناء الدراسة وبداية Ùتح المدارس حتى إغلاقها أخصص أوقاتًا للدراسة المدرسية، كما أضع ÙÙŠ نصب عيني أوقاتًا موزعةً كالتالي: وقتًا لتحضير الندوات، ووقتًا للهو، ووقتًا لزيارة الأقارب وتلبية واجبات البيت، ÙˆÙÙŠ العطلة المدرسية لا يختل٠الأمر بالنسبة لي كثيرًا، إلا أنني أستغلّ٠الوقتَ الÙائض ÙÙŠ تعمقي بالكتب الدينية. * متى ظهر نبوغك الديني؟! ** بدأ ظهور نبوغي الديني من خلال موضوع تعبير كتبه لي زميلي ÙÙŠ المدرسة ÙأخذتÙÙ‡ وألقيتÙÙ‡ ÙÙŠ الإذاعة المدرسية Ùلقيت إعجابًا من الطلاب والأساتذة بشكرهم على هذا الموضوع، Ùحاولت Ø­Ùظه غيبًا بتشجيع من الأحبة والأقارب عامةً- والأهل خاصةً- على إلقائه على مسمع من المصلين ÙÙŠ المسجد ÙØ­Ùظته وألقيته بعد يوم من إلقائه ÙÙŠ المدرسة.. أذكر حينها وأنا أقوم بإلقاء هذا الدرس نظرات الاستغراب والتعجب التي تحولت إلى نظرات الشكر والثناء. * بمَن يقتدي الوعظ أمجد أبو سيدو؟ ومن هو الداعية الذي يرغب أن يكون مثله؟! ** أقتدي بÙقيد الأمة Ùارس القلم والمنبر الشيخ عبد الحميد كشك، وأتمنى مستقبلاً أن أكون مثل أولئك العلماء الجدد، وأنÙع الناس لقول رسول الله- صلى الله عليه وسلم-: "خير الناس أنÙعهم للناس". * كي٠يستعد أمجد أبو سيدو لقاء الخطب والندوات؟ ** بعض الأحيان يتم إرسال دعوة من القائمين على المساجد لإلقاء ندوة دينية، Ùقبل يوم من الذهاب إلى المسجد المنوي Ùيه إلقاء الدرس أقوم بتحضير الندوة ومراجعتها، والندوات تحتاج إلى مادة دينية وعلمية وتاريخية، ولا بد من التحضير لها؛ حيث أقوم بقراءة بعض الكتب مثل: رياض الصالحين، كما أستمع إلى أحاديث كبار الشيوخ، كالشيخ عبد الحميد كشك، ومحمد حسان، وخالد الراشد.. إضاÙةً إلى متابعتي لخطب الجمعة المنقولة من المسجد الحرام. هذا وقد استÙدت كثيرًا من الشهيد رائد أبو سيÙØ› حيث أخذت٠منه الكثير من الحكم والعبر، وتعلمت منه كي٠استخدم لغة الجسد، وأحرص أيضًا على الاستماع إلى الداعية عماد حمتو، وأتبع طريقة إلقائه وحركاته وخشوعه عند قراءة القران الكريم، ثم أجمع الخطبة أو الدرس بأن أستخرج من الكتب بعض القصص المروية صدقًا، مستشهدًا من كتاب المولى- عز وجل- بآيات قرآنية ومن كتاب رياض الصاحين أحاديت قدسية صحيحة، وبعد تحضيرها أعرضها على الأهل من ناحية موضوعية، وأعرضها على الشيوخ من ناحية خلوّÙها من الأخطاء. * أشيع أن جمعية Ùلسطين الخيرية كان لها دور كبير ÙÙŠ دعم موهبتك وتنمية قدراتك، Ùما مدي صحة ذلك؟ ** ليس لي أي علاقة تربطني بأي مؤسسة Ùلسطينية، وانتسابي لجميعة Ùلسطين الخيرية كانت Ù„Ùترة لا تتجاوز شهرًا، وقد دعيت إليها بعد المقال الذي Ù†Ùشر عني ÙÙŠ إحدى الصح٠المحلية، وقامت بوضع المقال ÙÙŠ موقعها الخاص على الإنترنت، ووضعَت أرقام حساباتها، وأضاÙت بعض العبارات التي أرÙضها جملةً وتÙصيلاً، وكان دورها ÙÙŠ أنها وضعت لي جدولاً لإلقاء الدروس ÙÙŠ المساجد، Ùأصبحت مقيدًا إلى أن تركتها وأصبحت حرًا ÙÙŠ انتقاء المساجد. * الأزهر الشري٠هو قبلة العلم والعلماء.. Ùهل يتمنى أمجد أن يكمل دراسته ÙÙŠ إحدى جامعاته ÙÙŠ مصر؟ ** أتمنى كل التمني أن أذهب إلى أرض الكنانة مصر، وأدرس ÙÙŠ جامعة الأزهر؛ حيث أتلقَّى تعليمي العالي وأنهل من بحور علم Ùقهائه وخبرتهم ÙÙŠ مجال الدعوة، ثم أعود إلى Ùلسطين عالمًا من علماء الأزهر الشريÙ. * ألا ترى أن العمل ÙÙŠ مجال الدعوة الإسلامية أمرٌ شاقٌّ، ويحتاج إلى علم كبير وخبرة٠واسعة٠لا تتوÙر لك الآن بسبب صغر سنك؟! أمجد أبو سيدو أثناء إلقاء خطبته ** التاريخ الإسلامي ذاخرٌ بأسماء أطÙال صغار، كان لهم Ø£Ùعالٌ جليلةٌ ÙÙŠ حياة الأمة الإسلامية، Ùأسامه بن زيد قاد الجيش وهو ÙÙŠ سن صغير، وكان ÙÙŠ الجيش خيرة الجند وكبار الصحابة، والإمام الشاÙعي Ø­Ùظ القرآن وهو ÙÙŠ سن صغير، وابن حجر العسقلاني ألَّ٠كتبًا، وكل ما أسعى إليه هو أن أكون وسيلةَ هداية٠لمن حولي؛ تطبيقًا لقول المولى- عز وجل- ÙÙŠ كتابه العزيز ﴿وَأَنذÙرْ عَشÙيرَتَكَ الأَقْرَبÙينَ﴾ (الشعراء: 214). * كي٠كان اللقاء الأول بين أمجد والجمهور؟ ** اللقاء الأول كان شيقًا جدًا، وكان به بعض من الارتباك والخو٠الذي أحاط بي، واستقبلني المصلون بنظرات الدهشة والاستغراب، وسرعان ما تحولَت هذه النظرات إلى شكر وترحاب وكلمات تشجيعية. * ما هي الصعوبات التي تواجهك؟ وهل أمكن التغلب عليها؟ ** تمثلَت الصعوبات ÙÙŠ البداية ÙÙŠ رÙض البعض Ùكرة أن أقوم وأنا ÙÙŠ هذا السن بإلقاء الخطب والدروس الدينية، وهذا أمر كان متوقعًا، وما من عمل ناجح ÙÙŠ هذه الدنيا إلا تحيط به الشدائد والصعوبات، ÙالنÙوس المريضة كثيرة، Ùإن كنت تعرضت إلى شيء من الصعوبات Ùإنما هي أبسطها، وتغلبت عليها بالحكمة والموعظة والكلام اللين ومعرÙØ© القائمين على المساجد بي، Ùأصبح من السهل التعامل معهم بطلاقة. * تعيش Ùلسطين تحت الاحتلال الصهيوني البغيض.. كي٠ترى سبيل الخلاص من هذا الاحتلال؟! ** الاحتلال الصهيوني يدنس المقدسات الإسلامية والتاريخية، ويسÙÙƒ الدماء، وينتهك الأعراض، ويشرد الأÙسَر، ويهدم المنازل Ùوق رؤس أصحابها، ويرمّÙÙ„ النساء، وييتّÙÙ… الأطÙال، وتقيم الحواجز بين المدن لتغير الواقع على الأرض، والسبيل الوحيد للتخلص من دنس الاحتلال لسحر الوجود Ùلسطين هو إخلاص النية لله- عز وجل- ÙÙŠ جهادنا ضد الاحتلال الصهيوني، كما يجب على الأمة الإسلامية أن تتوحد حتى يتهيَّأ لها الدÙاع عن عÙرضها وعن مقدسات المسلمين، Ùالأقصى ليس للÙلسطينيين دون غيرهم من العرب والمسلمين، Ùصلاح الدين الأيوبي Ùتح القدس Ùمن لها الآن..ØŸ! * ما الأمنية الشخصية التي يتمنى أمجد تحقيها؟ وما الأمنية العامة؟ ** أغلى أمنياتي هي أن يتحرر وطني من الاحتلال ودنس اليهود، وتعود القدس إلى أحضان أبنائها، وأن Ø£Ùصبح خطيبًا للمسجد الأقصى، والأمنية العامة أن أرى تدÙÙ‚ الناس ÙÙŠ المساجد، وإÙشاء السلام بين الشعوب، وأن يصبح الأخ يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنÙسه.
  12. ابوسيدو اصغر داعية إسلامي ÙÙŠ العالم : أتمنى تحرير Ùلسطين .. وان أكون خطيبا للمسجد الأقصى امجد أبوسيدو Ø·ÙÙ„ Ùلسطيني تجاوز عمره الثلاث عشرة عام Ùقط اصبح حديثا للصح٠ووكالات الأنباء ÙÙŠ كل دول العالم ..Ùهذا الÙتى الذي يعيش ÙÙŠ وطن محتل يئن من مرارة الظلم والعدوان قد استطاع إن يختار لنÙسه طريق لمقاومة الاحتلال اختار مجال الدعوة والموعظة الحسنة ليصبح اصغر داعية إسلامي ÙÙŠ العالم .. Ùˆ أغلى أمنياته إن يتحرر وطنه وان يكمل تعليمة بالمملكة العربية السعودية ويصبح خطيبا للمسجد الأقصى ,ويرى سبيل النصر علي العدو ÙÙŠ إخلاص النية لله عز وجل لله عز وجل ÙÙŠ الجهاد ضد الاحتلال الإسرائيلي.. ويطالب الأمة الإسلامية بان تتوحد حتى يتهيأ لها الدÙاع عن عرضها وعن مقدسات المسلمين Ùالأقصى ليس للÙلسطينيين دون غيرهم من العرب والمسلمين Ùصلاح الدين الأيوبي Ùتح القدس Ùمن لها ألان. .ÙÙŠ البداية نود التعر٠اكثر على شخصية الداعية امجد أبو سيدو؟ أنا امجد محمد سعيد ياسين ابوسيدو وسني يتجاوز 13عاما نشأت على حب الدين والشريعة وادرس ÙÙŠ مدرسة الأوقا٠الشرعية ÙÙŠ المرحلة الثانية الإعدادي Ùˆ من أهم صÙاتي اللين ÙÙŠ الكلام والصبر على الشدائد لقول المولى عز وجل" وان تصبروا وتتقوا Ùان ذلك من عزم الأمور".وأسرتي مكونة من شقيقين وأختين متزوجات والوالدة، والوالد متعدد الزوجات ولا يقطن Ù†Ùس الشقة التي نسكنها وأخي الأكبر سنا يعمل عاملا ÙÙŠ أحد مصانع تعبئة التوابل والأصغر منه قليلا طالبا ÙÙŠ الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة ويعمل والدي سائقا علي سيارة أجرة والحمد لله أعيش عيشة بسيطة ومتواضعة . .كي٠يقضى امجد أبو سيدو يومه أثناء الدراسة Ùˆ أثناء الإجازة؟ ÙÙŠ أثناء الدراسة وبداية Ùتح المدارس حتى إغلاقها اخصص أوقاتا للدراسة المدرسة وكما أضع ÙÙŠ نصب عيني أوقاتا موزعة كالتالي وقت لتحضير الندوات ووقت للهو ووقت لزيارة الأقارب وتلبية واجبات البيت، ÙˆÙÙŠ العطلة المدرسية لا يختل٠الأمر بالنسبة لي كثيرا إلا إنني استغل الوقت الÙائض ÙÙŠ تعمقي بالكتب الدينية. .متى ظهر نبوغك الديني ØŸ بدا ظهور نبوغي الديني من خلال موضوع تعبير كتبه لي زميلي ÙÙŠ المدرسة Ùأخذته وألقيته ÙÙŠ الإذاعة المدرسية Ùلقيت إعجاب من الطلاب والأساتذة بشكرهم علي هذا الموضوع Ùحاولت Ø­Ùظه غيبا بتشيع من الأحبة والأقارب عامة والأهل خاصة علي إلقائه علي مسمع من المصلين ÙÙŠ المسجد ÙØ­Ùظته وألقيته بعد يوم من إلقاءه ÙÙŠ المدرسة اذكر حينها وأنا أقوم بإلقاء هذا الدرس نظرات الاستغراب والتعجب التي تحولت إلى نظرات الشكر والثناء. .بمن يقتدي الوعظ امجد أبو سيدو .. ومن هو الداعية الذي يرغب إن يكون مثله ØŸ اقتدي بÙقيد الأمة Ùارس القلم والمنبر الشيخ عبد الحميد كشك Ùˆ أتمنى مستقبلا إن أكون مثل أولئك العلماء الجدد وانÙع الناس لقول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم" خير الناس انÙعهم للناس". .كي٠يستعد امجد أبو سيدو لقاء الخطب والندوات ØŸ بعض الأحيان يتم إرسال دعوة من القائمين على المساجد للإلقاء ندوة دينية Ùقبل يوم من الذهاب إلى المسجد المنوي Ùيه إلقاء الدرس أقوم بتحضير الندوة ومراجعتها والندوات تحتاج إلى مادة دينية وعلمية وتاريخية ولابد من التحضير لها حيث أقوم بقراءة بعض الكتب مثل : رياض الصالحين ,كما استمع إلى أحاديث كبار الشيوخ كالشيخ عبد الحميد كشك ومحمد حسان وخالد الراشد ,إضاÙØ© إلى متابعتي لخطب الجمعة المنقولة من المسجد الحرام , هذا وقد استÙدت كثيرا من الشهيد رائد أبو سي٠حيث أخذت منه الكثير من الحكم والعبر وتعلمت منه كي٠استخدم لغة الجسد ,وأحرص أيضا علي الاستماع إلى الداعية عماد حمتو واتبع طريقة إلقائه وحركاته خشوعه عند قراءة القران الكريم . ثم اجمع خطبة أو درس باني استخرج من الكتب بعض القصص المروية صدقا مستشهدا من كتاب المولى عز وجل بآيات قرآنية ومن كتاب رياض الصاحين احاديت قدسية صحيحة وبعد تحضيرها اعرضها على الأهل من ناحية موضوعية واعرضها على الشيوخ من ناحية خلوها من الأخطاء. .أشيع إن جمعية Ùلسطين الخيرية كان لها دور كبير ÙÙŠ دعم موهبتك وتنمية قدراتك.. Ùما مدي صحة ذلك ØŸ ليس لي أي علاقة تربطني بأي مؤسسة Ùلسطينية وانتسابي لجميعه Ùلسطين الخيرية كانت Ù„Ùترة لا تتجاوز شهرا وقد دعيت إليها بعد المقال الذي نشر عني ÙÙŠ إحدى الصح٠المحلية وقامت بوضع المقال ÙÙŠ موقعها الخاص على الإنترنت ووضعت أرقام حساباتها أضاÙت بعض العبارات التي ارÙضها جملة وتÙصيلا ØŒ وكان دورها ÙÙŠ إنها وضعت لي جدولا لالقاء الدروس ÙÙŠ المساجد أصبحت مقيدا إلي إن تركتها أصبحت حرا ÙÙŠ انتقاء المساجد. .وماذا عن الدراسة ØŸ أتمنى كل التمني إن أذهب إلى المملكة العربية السعودية وادرس ÙÙŠ جامعاتها حيث أتلقى تعليمي العالي وانهل من بحور علم Ùقهاءه وخبرتهم ÙÙŠ مجال الدعوة ثم أعود إلى Ùلسطين عالما من علمائها .لا ترى إن العمل ÙÙŠ مجال الدعوة الإسلامية أمر شاق ويحتاج إلى علم كبير وخبرة واسعة لا تتوÙر لك الآن بسبب صغر سنك ØŸ التاريخ الإسلامي ذاخر بأسماء أطÙال صغار كان لهم Ø£Ùعال جليلة ÙÙŠ حياة الأمة الإسلامية ,Ùأسامه بن زيد قاد الجيش وهو ÙÙŠ سن صغير وكان ÙÙŠ الجيش خيرة الجند وكبار الصحابة والأمام الشاÙعي Ø­Ùظ القران وهو ÙÙŠ سن صغير وابن حجر العسقلاني أل٠كتبا.. وكل ما اسعي إليه هو إن أكون وسيلة هداية لمن حولي تطبيقا لقول المولى عز وجل ÙÙŠ كتابه العزيز" وانذر عشيرتك الاقربين" . .كي٠كان اللقاء الأول بين امجد والجمهور؟ اللقاء الأول كان شيقا جدا وكان بعض من الارتباك والخو٠يحيط بي واستقبلني المصلين بنظرات الدهشة والاستغراب سرعان ما تحولت إلى شكر وترحاب وكلمات تشجيعية. .ما هي الصعوبات التي تواجهك .. وهل أمكن التغلب عليها ØŸ تمثلت الصعوبات ÙÙŠ البداية ÙÙŠ رÙض البعض Ùكرة إن أقوم وأنا ÙÙŠ هذا السن بإلقاء الخطب والدروس الدينية وهذا أمر كان متوقع Ùˆ ما من عمل ناجح ÙÙŠ هذه الدنيا إلا تحيط به الشدائد والصعوبات ÙالنÙوس المريضة كثيرة ØŒ Ùإن كنت تعرضت إلى شئ من الصعوبات Ùإنما هي ابسطها وتغلبت عليها بالحكمة والموعظة والكلام اللين ومعرÙØ© القائمين على المساجد بي اصبح من السهل التعامل معهم بطلاقة. .تعيش Ùلسطين تحت الاحتلال الصهيوني البغيض .. كي٠تري سبيل الخلاص من هذا الاحتلال ØŸ الاحتلال الإسرائيلي يدنس المقدسات الإسلامية والتاريخية ,ويسÙÙƒ الدماء , وينتهك الأعراض ويشرد الأسر ويهدم المنازل Ùوق رؤس أصحابها,يرمل النساء وييتم الأطÙال , وتقيم الحواجز بين المدن لتغير الواقع علي الأرض Ùˆ السبيل الوحيد للتخلص من دنس الاحتلال لسحر الوجود Ùلسطين "إخلاص النية لله عز وجل لله عز وجل ÙÙŠ جهادنا ضد الاحتلال الإسرائيلي.. كما يجب على الأمة الإسلامية إن تتوحد حتى يتهيأ لها الدÙاع عن عرضها وعن مقدسات المسلمين Ùالأقصى ليس للÙلسطينيين دون غيرهم من العرب والمسلمين Ùصلاح الدين الأيوبي Ùتح القدس Ùمن لها ألان. وماهى اخر اخبارك ØŸ سو٠اقوم بعمل برنامج ÙÙ‰ قناة Ùلسطين الÙضائية على مدار ثلاثين حلقة يتم اذاعته خلال شهر رمضان المبارك القادم وهذا البرنامج سو٠يتم بثه ÙÙ‰ اكثر من قناة Ùضائية . .ما هي الأمنية الشخصية التي يتمني امجد تحقيها .. وما هي الأمنية العامة ØŸ أغلى أمنياتي هي إن يتحرر وطني من الاحتلال ودنس اليهود وتعود القدس إلى أحضان أبنائها , Ùˆ إن اصبح خطيبا للمسجد الأقصى الله إن والأمنية العامة أرى تدÙÙ‚ الناس ÙÙŠ المساجد وإÙشاء السلام بين الشعوب وان يصبح الأخ يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنÙسه.
  13. 13 Year-Old Palestinian "Sheik" Wins Hearts and Minds in Gaza The following are excerpts from a a report about a 13-year-old "sheik" Amjad Abu Sidu, who gives lectures in Gaza. Al-Arabiya TV aired this report on June 7, 2005, Reporter:With confident steps, the 13-year-old went up to the mosque's podium to deliver the Friday sermon, in a rare spectacle. Those present seemed to be in a distant world of faith because of the powerful words of the boy-sheik Amjad Abu Sidu and because of his coherent sentences and his profound, logical ideas, which are conveyed in an interesting and impressive manner. He gesticulates with his hands in a manner displaying the depth of his insight into the sermon's topic. Abu Sidu: "I must study the content of a Hadith, who delivered it, and the meaning of the words I will use in the sermon. I must raise the question in the sermon, and answer it. I must prepare the message of the sermon and its structure, step by step." Reporter: Amjad, the boy who pursues the path of the great religious scholars, comes from a small and humble family in a Gaza neighborhood. His life was not easy before people came to know him and sing his praises. At first he was not allowed to lecture at one of the mosques, but he persevered in his short journey, and now he lectures at forty religious centers and mosques, including the religious school where he studies. Abu Sidu: I grew up in a family that cared about religion and education. I grew up in a family that raised its sons to love Allah and His messenger. Allah be praised, I delivered my first and second lessons in the mosque, and I have continued in this mission for over four months, without help from anybody. Reporter: The admiration of those who love the little sheik does not prevent him from getting on with his life as a child, who plays and uses modern means to communicate with the world. He receives hundreds of petitions, and he responds to each and every one. Woman: I have attended his lessons more than once. Each of his lectures is devoted to a specific subject. When he lectures to women, he deals with women's issues. He was very impressive. Some of the women even burst into tears.
  14. Palestinian boy given title of sheikh Friday, 10 June , 2005 08:22:00 Reporter: Mark Willacy PETER CAVE: At 13 years of age you'd expect Amjad Abu Seedo would be like other Palestinian boys in the Gaza, attending high school and playing football with his friends. Instead the boy who's already preached at 40 Gaza mosques is being hailed as a religious wonder and given the honorary title of "sheikh". Palestinian militant groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad are falling over themselves to claim him as their own, but young Amjad is rejecting their overtures, saying he'll remain independent. Middle East Correspondent Mark Willacy reports from the Gaza Strip. MARK WILLACY: Jammed shoulder-to-shoulder into Gaza's El Imam Alshafe'e mosque, more than a hundred worshippers have come to see the boy they call the "young Sheikh". Small children, their fathers, even old men sit entranced as 13-year-old Amjad Abu Seedo fires out God's message. For more than 10 minutes the young preacher recites some of the most complicated verses of the Koran, the congregation responding to his calls. Wearing the red and white "ar-mama" head covering and long robe of a devout Muslim, the 13-year-old looks tiny standing on the elevated platform in the front of the congregation. But what Amjad Abu Seedo lacks in size he makes up for in sheer belief. "My main aim is to remind people about the importance of Islam and the prophet Mohammed," he tells me. "I have visited more than 40 mosques, giving lessons after the main prayers," he says. After today's prayers the freckle-faced teenager is approached by grown men who speak to him with the unfailing reverence usually reserved for the most senior of sheikhs. "It is something very amazing to see a small child having this power and ability," says this Muslim worshipper. "I wish my kids will be like him and will memorise the Koran," he says. "I want to be just like this boy and to be able to memorise the Koran," says this youngster. Amjad Abu Seedo’s ability to mesmerise crowds has brought him to the attention of the Islamic militant groups. Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad have tried to woo the boy, but so far without success. "Some leaders mentioned that I belong to specific militant groups, they say I'm with Fatah, or I'm a Hamas boy," he says. "I don't belong to any organisation or group," the teenager tells me. It's the final day of the academic year at Amjad Abu Seedo's Islamic school in Gaza. And the guest speaker is none other than the boy preacher himself. "My friends, you have to work hard to prove to the world that we, the Palestinians, are still standing firmly on our land," he tells his classmates. "We the Palestinian youth still have the ability of using the weapon of education to choose our own future," he says. Words of wisdom which are not often heard from adults here, let alone a boy of 13. This is Mark Willacy in the Gaza Strip for AM. Teen makes his mark in Gaza mosques By Matthew Gutman, Special for USA TODAY GAZA CITY — The 150 men stuffed into Gaza City's A-Shamma Mosque were riveted by each word of the Friday sermon. Honorary Sheik Amjad Abu Seedo, 13, delivers the traditional speech during prayers at a refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. By Kevin Frayer, AP Over the past year, Amjad Abu Seedo, a baby-faced 13-year-old, has captivated a swelling throng of faithful with his spellbinding Quranic tales and trance-like delivery. The boy's sermons, punctuated by sweeping gestures, have injected a dose of vitality into mosque life, where sermons had become monotonous during the recent years of the intifada, or Palestinian uprising. "Our mosques in the intifada have become too politicized," says A-Shamma Mosque's muezzin, or regular prayer leader, Muhammed Fayyis Radwan. "We hear the same sermons over and over, and now we need to go back to social issues. Amjad was great in this respect, because he delivered something different." Jihad Yassin, a 15-year-old carpenter's apprentice, couldn't believe that "a boy his age could utter the words that came from his mouth." Amjad's sermon so moved Yassin that afterward he vowed to "be in the mosque a lot more," and to stop "wasting time watching TV." And the appearance of the imam prodigy may be just another sign of Islam's growing hold on Gazans. Since the Palestinian uprising began in September 2000, "there has been a marked increased traditionalism," says Khalil Shikaki, director of the Palestine Center for Policy and Survey Research. "In a society under stress with a weak central government, people return to traditional sources of protection: generally family and religion." Over the past five years, hundreds of mosques have sprung up all over Gaza, where unemployment hovers near 40%, according to the World Bank. The mosque increasingly has become the hub of male social activity here. Gaza's Islamists shuttered movie theaters more than a decade ago. Palestinian-brewed Taybeh Beer was banned in Gaza in 2000, Nadim Khoury, the beer's master brewer, says in a telephone interview. AP al-Amari mosque, Gaza City Amjad, who spends hours a day poring over the Quran, discovered his talent for oration only a year and a half ago. A friend at the Waqf School, where he is in eighth grade, asked him to present a composition he had written. "So I memorized the sermon and delivered it, and people kept asking me to do it again." Since then, at an age when his peers in Israel celebrate their Bar Mitzvahs — the Jewish ritual passage into manhood — Amjad writes and then pumps out his sermons. Swaying in his preacher's robes, and showering the kneeling men and boys with fire and brimstone, Amjad riffs on mystical Islamic fables, and harangues the faithful, "I beseech you to cease sinning ... to return to the mosque, the critical place in your life, the place to reach God." The men on their knees in the gallery murmur in assent. Women pray at separate times. Amjad has preached in 40 mosques in the Gaza City area over the past year, and his popularity is growing. While Islam commands its faithful to pray five times daily, preachers only deliver sermons at noon prayers on Fridays. Most imams are older men, who have studied for years, and few people can recall an example of a preacher as young as Amjad. "To preach at such a young age is indeed unusual, but it is possible if the lad memorizes the Quran and is well learned," says Muhammed Abu Layla, chairman of Islamic Studies at Cairo's Al-Azhar University. Amjad himself says there are stories in the Quran, Islam's holy book, of teenage boys leading Islamic armies into battle. Outside the mosque, the flags of the militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad flap in a dusty breeze. Portraits of "martyrs" — Palestinians who either blew themselves up trying to kill Israelis or died in urban fighting against the Israeli army — decorate the street. (Related story: Sharon warns against Palestinian violence) Amjad says militant groups constantly try to recruit him. At home after the sermon, he logs into his e-mail account and produces an angry message from a group purportedly linked to the Palestinian Authority's ruling Fatah Party. Amjad says he has rejected their recruiting attempts. A newspaper clipping with a headline calling Amjad, "Hamas' Wonder Boy," hangs over the young preacher's desk. While he likens himself to Quranic Islamic warriors who in their teens led Islamic armies into battle, he angrily denies any affiliation with the militant group. "There are some youth who hold a gun in their right hand," he says, "and others, like me, who hold the Quran in their right hand. ... I depend on God." During his life, Amjad could depend on little more. His father, who left his mother to marry a woman 20 years her junior, has had no contact with the family in years. Amjad's home is a five-story walk-up in Gaza's Shejahiya neighborhood. Plastic flowers complement the red, plastic lawn set that serves Amjad and his five siblings as their living room furniture. He receives nothing for his preaching. "It is a holy duty," he says. The family is supported with the help of his older siblings. While he delights in pleasing his mother, Zinat, through his preaching, Amjad insists, "I am a normal child. I play with my friends and love swimming in the (Mediterranean) sea Preacher boy stuns believers in Gaza mosques 13 year-old Amjad Abu Sidu dreams of becoming an ‘alem’ like his two role models Kishk and Shaarawi. By Adel Zaanoun - GAZA CITY Robed in a white tunic, his head wrapped in a turban, the tiny figure climbs the steps one by one to the pulpit to address the congregation. Amjad Abu Sidu is only 13 years old and already has the makings of a preacher who can leave his congregation spellbound. "I have already delivered 140 sermons in more than 50 mosques in the Gaza Strip," the youngster said. "I think that I have been accepted by the believers who come to see me preach every Friday." "Sheikh Amjad" delivered his first sermon last June to a congregation of 2,000 people in a mosque in the town of Jabaliya, just north of Gaza City. Initially surprised to see one so young preaching from the pulpit, which has traditionally been a platform for venerable imams, the crowds were soon captivated by his words. His sermons - sometimes fiery and impassioned - focus on the need for solidarity and justice within Palestinian society, while warning about the danger of hypocrisy, he says. "It makes me very happy when I see the congregation coming to the mosque to hear me or to hear other preachers on Friday," says Amjad, who cuts a diminutive figure at just under five feet tall (1.40 metres). "Many people have shown their support and encouraged me to continue." After requesting donations to help fund a Koranic school, Amjad presses the flesh with the worshippers before going to a section of the mosque reserved for women to deliver a course in religion. Raised in a theological school run by the Palestinian Authority's ministry of religious affairs, Amjad says he has long dreamed of becoming an "alem" (man of learning). Two of his role models are Egyptian sheikhs: Abdel Hamid Kishk and Mutawalli al-Shaarawi, whose words of wisdom continue to inspire the faithful on the banks of the Nile years after their deaths, as well as the Saudi cleric, Khaled Errashed. Nidal Aissa, an official at the ministry of religious affairs says they decided to allow Amjed to preach on Fridays "because he is a sound boy, an excellent speaker and a strong personality." Amjad, Aissa predicts, has "a rosy future". The teenage cleric, who comes from a poor family from a working class neighbourhood in western Gaza City, receives a monthly allowance of around 110 dollars which he shares with his mother to cover household needs. However, Amjad says it is not enough to cover the cost of a telephone or Internet connection. He would love to finish his theological studies in Saudi Arabia, he says while admitting that his ambition is completely at odds with his family's extremely difficult material circumstances. Amjad's mother and father have separated, and his dad has remarried. "He does help us out but only a little because of his own financial difficulties," he says. During the holy month of Ramadan, Amjad is fervently hoping he might be able to make a trip to Jerusalem's Old City to preach at the Al Aqsa mosque -- the third holiest site in Islam. "I've asked the ministry if I can go to preach at Al Aqsa during Ramadan like Sheikh Ekrema Sabri," he said, referring to the Jerusalem Mufti. Aside from studying in Saudi Arabia, Amjad has another wish: to meet Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas "I want to meet our brother president Abu Mazen during Ramadan and to tell him that Palestinian children are not only martyrs, but they are also sheikhs and young geniuses who need someone to take an interest in them and to encourage them."
  15. Originally posted by Toohe Jr.: Regardless whether your forefathers were collaborators or freedom fighters, the bombardment of Taleh is part of our history and should be commemorated annually The bombardment of taleh by British colonials was the first place in whole Africa experienced Ariel bombardment; a sign of colonial aggression and persecution against Somali people, and a sign of somali staruggle against British colonials, all somali people should commemorate annually to remember those Somali people who fought for somali independence.
  16. Suldaan Cabdilaahi Maxamuud Suldaan Cabdisalaan Oo Uu Weheliyo Caaqil Axmed Cabdi Madoobe Ayaa Ka Jawaabaya Waraysigii Ra'isal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi Gaar Ahaan Qaybtii Maamulka Soomaalidiidka Ku Saabsanayd Warkii: Nov 13, 2005 Birmingham( waxaanu idiin soo gudbin doonaa Waraysi uu bixiyey Suldaan Cabdilaahi Maxamuud Suldaan Cabdisalaan, oo si hufan uga jawaab celinaya Waraysigii uu Raisal wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi ee lagu waraystey khadka taleefoon wadaaga ee Idaacada BBCda Laanteeda Afsoomaaliga. Waxaa uu ra'isalwasaaruhu si qayaxan uu carabka ugu dhuftey inay soo dhawaynayaan hadii Somaliland la aqoonsado, inay dawlada fedaraalkuna ay aqoonsan doonto gooni isu taaga Somaliland. Hadaba Suldaan Cabdilaahi Maxamuud Suldaan Cabdisalaan isagoo arrinka Ra'isal wasaaraha ka faalloonaya si aad u dhegaysatid halkan riix Suldaan Cabdilaahi Maxamuud Suldaan Cabdisalaan
  17. Bro red sea in reality, Only Somaliland (hergeysa-barbara-burca) sites reported false rumors that Puntland forces left Laacaanood which is not their business, and widhwidh online did not report that unproven rumors but reported a totally different story which is confirmed fact – in Laascaanood bandow lagu soo rogey. Transgressor, is whoever illegitimately occupying or planning to occupy other people’s land, for example Ethiopians who illegitimately occupying western Somalia, and Riyaale militia who illegitimately occupying soma parts of sool Sanaag and cayn, there is no excuse for aggression regardless of whoever done.
  18. lol Soomaal, Don't attack the messanger(Geedi), attack the message(Warlord Yusuf" I do anything to be president" + Ethiopia, "Im dying to see Somalia breakup into ministates".) What you mean haruun? You saying don’t held responsible the criminal but blame the crime itself Mr Gheedi is accountable of his mouth and actions; he cannot blame Abdulaahi Yusuf on what he himself said on Somali BBC On the other hand, Abdulaahi Yusuf has responsibility to take immediate action about the foolish language that Gheedi said in Somali BBC, Unless Abdulaahi himself part of the plot (70%probability). Haruun, of course Abdulaahi is not innocent, when his prime minister is saying foolish words publicly on somali BBC Really, former president Abduqaasim Salad Hassanand his government was stronger in issues of Somali unity, respect for Somalia’s territorial integrity.
  19. Ibarbardhiga Laba Cali: Geedi iyo Galaydh (Faalo}13.11-05 Labadooda magac waa wada Cali. Kan awoow-goodna wuxuu ka bilowdaa xarafka G. mid waa shinbir lagu faashado oo waa Galaydh-ka, midna waa socdaal joogta ah oo waa Geeddi-ga. Darajadoodu waa laba Profesar. Xirfadooduna waa laba macalin. Taariikh-dooda shaqana midi waa waxbarasho iyo siyaasad oo waa Galaydh, kan kalana waa waxbarasho iyo N.J.O. oo waa Geeddi. Halka ay gaareenna waa laba R/Wasaare oo ay dalka Soomaaliya u noqdeen oo uu Galaydh horay usoo noqday Geeddina hadda yahay............. Galaydh wuxuu si dhamays-tiran uga qayb-qaatay shirkii Soomaalida ee Carta, wuxuu kamid noqday musharaxiintii jagada Madax-tinimada, kadib ayuu helay jagada R/Wasaaraha oo ku hantay gorgortan siyaasadeed. Geeddi si rasmi ah ugama qayb-qaadan shirkii Soomaalida ee Eldoret iyo Nairobi. Markii ay wax waliba dhamaadeen ayuu cirka ka soo dagay. Geeddi goortii xilkan R/Wasaaraha loo dhiibay, waxaa loo arkay inuu sokor dha-dhan-ka ka badasha uu ka dhex-noqdo baddii kharaarka badneynd ee dagaal-oogayaasha. Galaydhse koox aqoon-yahan u badan ayuu R/Wasaare ka dhex-noqday, sidaas awgeed isaguna macaankii ayuu sii kordhiyey. Galaydh dowladiisii gudaha Soomaaliya ayuu ku dhisay, waliba magaalada xamar oo ah caasimaddii Soomaaliya. Geeddise dalka dibadiisa ayuu ku dhisay dowladiisa gaar’ahaan caasimadda Keenya. Galaydh isaga ayaa sitoos ah u wada xukumay dhamaan xubnaha golihiisa ka tirsan. Geeddise wuxuu si toos ah uxukumaa inta Siyaasad ahaan isaga raacsan. Galaydh intuu jagada hayey wuxuu tallaabo weyn ka qabtay Siyaasadda Arrimaha Dibadda, wuxuuna aad u yaqaanay lahadalka R/Galbeedka iyo guud-ahaanba jeedinta khudbooyinka raadka ku reebta dowladaha daneeya Soomaaliya. Geeddi-se sanad ayay ku dhawdahay intuu xilka hayo, walina kama uusan khudbaynin Golaha Ammaanka ee Newyork, ama xarunta Jaamacadda Carabta ee Qaahira. Galaydh wuxuu meel cad saaray faraga-lintii Itoobiya, wuxuuna ku khasbay inay dhulka Soomaaliya ciidan-ahaan uga baxaan, isagoona tusay indhaha beesha caalamka, wuxuu gaarsiiyey in shirkii golaha ammaanka uu ka codsado in Safiirkii Itoobiya laga saarayo fadhiga. Geeddi wali lama arag isagoo ka hadlayo faraga-linta Itoobiya. Bil-caksi Adis Ababa ayuu dhawr-jeer booqday. Galaydh intuu xilka hayey wuxuu xoogga saaray wada-xaajoodka hogaamiye-kooxeed-yadii Muqdisho, wuxuuna awooday inuu dowlada ku soo daro Qanyare, soona dhawaysto Xuseen Bood. Geedise ilaa iyo hadda wuxuu kari la’yahay ineyba is fahmaan golihiisii Wasiiradda oo ah kuwa xamar hubka ku haysta. Galaydh intuu xilka hayey waxaa dowladisii soo gashay lacago farabadan oo ay dunida ugu deeqday, wuxuuna u dhaqmi jiray qaab-dowladeed. Geeddi-se ilaa iyo hadda deeq labataaban karo kama helin dunida, wuxuuna ku socdaa kaalmada Hay’adaha U.N.ta. Galaydh wuxuu aad u yaqaanay dastuurkii Carta, sidaas darteed wuxuu xooga saaray inuu si dhamaystiran ugu dhaqmo inta uu kuleeyahay dastuurkaas. Geedi-se sida uuba sheegay Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya maalintii uu codka uga radinayey Barlamaanka oo uu yiri. Geedi sidii aan u magacaabayba hal baalma kama soo rogin dastuurkii uu dalku dajistay. Taasoo ku timid markii uusanba akhrin qodobkii uu Barlamaanku u tiig-saday ridistiisii. Galaydh wuxuu go’aan-saday in isaga Madaxweynuhu ay ku kala ekaadaan hadba inta uu mid waliba ku leeyahay dastuurka u qoran qaranka, taasoo keentay iney isku dhacaan, kadibna xilka laga qaado. Geeddi-se sida uu dhigayo dastuurkan cusub wuu ka’awood badan-yahay waagii Galaydh, shaqada dowlada oo dhan isaga ayaa iska leh, nasiib-darro ilaa iyo hadda lama’arag dawrkiisii siyaasadeed, ama awoodda uu leeyahay isagoo isticmaalaya. Galaydh waagiisii Guddoomiyaha Barlamaanku wuxuu ku koobnaa oo kaliya sharci-dajin, wixii fulin ah waxay u taalay Madaxweynaha iyo R/Wasaaraha. Taasna waxaa sabab u ahaa awooddii R/Wasaaraha oo noolayd. Geeddi-se waxaa xiligiisan siweyn u muuqday dowrka Gudoomiya Barlamaanka, taasna waxaa sabab u ah awoodii R/Wasaaraha oo dhimatay, oo misana si dhamaystiran masraxa Siyaasadda loogaba waayey shan-qartiisii. Waxaan hada maqalnaa oo kaliya dowladu waxay u qaybsan-tahay laba kooxood oo ay Madaxwey-naha iyo Guddoomiyaha kala hogaaminayaan. Geeddi waa R/Wasaaraha Soomaaliya hadana haysta kalsoonidii Barlamaanka, wuxuu intii muddo ahba aqoon-yahan iska ahaado, si fudud ayuu ku helay inuu gaaro jagadan dastuuriga ah. Arinta layaabka noqotay waxay tahay, tan iyo markii lamagacaabay waxaa la waayey muuqaal Siyaasadeed oo uu isagu si gooni ah u leeyahay, marmar ayuu hadlaa markaasna wuxuu ku soo celiyaa hadalo uu horay u yiri Madaxweynuhu. Waxaa aad loo jeclaa in R/Wasaaruhu is ticmaalo 100% awoodiisa dastuuriga ah, si loo helo dheeli-tir siyaasadeed oo dalka ka dhacda. Haddoo la’is khilaaf-sanyahay dowrkiisii waa maqan-yahan, haddii la heshiiyana jagadiisa ayuuba lumen-doonaa, marka maxaa faa’iido u ah? Wuxuu faa’iido ku heli karaa oo kaliya inuu akhriyo, oo uu xifdiyo, kadibna ku dhaqmo dastuurka dalka u qoran, oo ay ku cadahay in uu Madaxweynuhu isaga kaga awood badan-yahay hawsha fulinta, wuxuu kaloo ogaanayaa in Madaxweynuhu uusan xilka ka qaadi karin, waana midda la’isleeyahay Geedi wali si fiican uma ogaanin, umana hubsanin, sidaas awgeed culimada sharciga waxaan leenahay R/Wasaaraha ugu dhaarta inuu Madaxweynaha ka awood badan-yahay.
  20. Gedi Maba yaqaan Taariikhda Gobolada Waqooyi (Denmark }13.11-05 Waxaan aad iyo aad ugu faraxay sida geesi inamada leh ee aad u camaabarayseen warkii ka soo jeedhay wiilka gacan ku rismiska ah ee dhawrka jeer la soo celceshay. Hadalkii uu shalay gabalab ka sheegay BBC . Waxaana dareemay in weli daraawiishi nooshahay taas oo aad iyo aad aan ugu farxay sida aad uga dhiidhideen, ninka jamhadaSNM ku Raali gelinaya beenta ay isugu sheekeeyaan dadkoodan ku khaldaan , waxaanu garnayn ninka iska hadlay daraawiish taas oo u baahan in ay u sharaxaan dadkadhulkaas u dhasahay SSC iyo weliba haylaan. Taariikhdii dhulkaas iyo dadka ku nool , Waxaanu aqoon u lahayn dadka S/land la baxay in tariikhda ay lee yihiin iyo jiri taan koodu yahay 84 sano mudo laga joogo ee uu gumaystuhu berbera yimid. Miyan wiilkan la leeyahay waa PROF. aanu akhriyin gabayada daraawiishta ee uu ka mid yahay , gabaygii leeleesho gaaladu hadanay kugu lamaanaani lugba meel baan mad soo dhigteen waana loo marage. Aad iyo aad baan idiinku hambalyanayaa una soo dhowaynaya baaqa iyo qoraalkiinaba waana idinku garab taaganahay ee halkaa ka wada halgan kiina diida jamhada iyo wixii la socodaba.
  21. BAAQ: (Atlanta}12.11-05 KU: Madaxweynaha Soomaliya: Mudane Cabdilaahi Yusuf Ahmed KU: Gudoomiyaha Barlamaanka Soomaaliyeed: Mudane Shariif Hassan KU: Labada Gole ee Dawlada Federaalka Ah. KU: Madaxweynaha iyo kuxigeenkiisa Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland. KU: Shacabweynaha Gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn. Ujeedo: Canbaareyn Hadaladii Raisal Wazaare Geedi ee ku saabsanaa Siyaasada Qalafsan ee Waqooyiga Soomaliya. Anagoo ah waxgaradka Soomaliyeed, Gaar ahaan Gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn kuna Nool Gobolka Georgia, gaar ahaan Magaalada Atlanta; waxaan si cad u canbaareynaynaa hadaladii ka soo yeeray Raisal Wasaare Geedi oo ahaa sidan: “Soomaliland waan aqoonsanaynaa, Marka caalamku aqoonsado. Waana Walaalahay oo xaq ay lahaayeen soo dhacsaday, waana ugu hambalyeynayaa.†Markaas su’aasha meesha taal waa; Soomaaliland yuu u yaqaan Geedi?? Ma Soomaalidiidka sheegtay, Mise goboladii uu guumeystuhu isku heysan jiray oo hada aan wax isugu jirin?? Waa markii labaad ee uu meel xun kaga dhacay, rabitaanka shacabka Gobolada Sool, Sanaag, iyo Ceyn. Oo ah Gobolada Soomaali isku hayey 15kii Sano. Marna yeeli waayey in Soomaali kala go’do. Markii horena uu INNA GEEDI, dabaaldegii Bishii June ee waqooyiga Soomaliya uu magacaabay xisbiyadii u dhashay HARGEISA, uuna si ula kac ah uga tegay Ururadii u soo halgamay midnimada Soomaliyeed ayna ka mid tahay Daraawiish. Sida qofkasta oo Soomali ah ogyahayna, ay Daraawiish tahay Taariikhda keliya ee Maanta Soomaliya lagu faano. Anagoo ka xun hadalada GEEDI, ee siyaasada daciifka ah, ee xanbaarsana Raali gelinta Soomaalidiidka. Waxaanu ugu baaqaynaa shacabweynaha Gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn in sida ugu dhakhsaha badan ugu mudaharaadaan Siyaasada GEEDI ee ku aadan Soomaliya. Iyaga oo muujinaya rabitaankooda iyo jacaylka midnimada Soomaliyeed. Geedi wuxuu u hadlaa sidii nin Koonfur nabad ka keenaya, dhinaca kalena wuxuu ka huriyaa colaad ka aloosanta Gobolada Waqooyi. Ogaan la’aanshaha Geedi xilka uu u hayo Soomaliya, isagoo ah masuulka u sareeya xukuumada DFKS. Wuxuu u hadlaa sidii nin xilka u haya Jowhar iyo Muqdishu. Dhinaca kalena, uu Soomali kala go’eeda taageerayo. Sidaa daraadeed waa inuu xilka isaga casilaa, uuna Raali gelin ka bixiyaa hadalada meel ka dhaca ku ah. Midnimada Soomaaliya si qeexana u cadeeyaa siyaasadiisa ku aadan Gobolada Waqooyi iyo guud ahaan Soomaliya. GeboGebadii: waxaan Masuuliyiinta u saraysa ee Matasha gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn eek u jirta xukuumada dawlada federaalka ku meel gaarka ah ugu baaqaynaa in ay si dhakhso ah uga baxaan Xukuumada Geedi, ama Go’aamo adag ka soo saaraan. Iyaga oo gudanaya masuuliyadooda. Jaaliyada Gobolada SSC ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Widhwidh Online News Center
  22. BAAQ: (Atlanta}12.11-05 KU: Madaxweynaha Soomaliya: Mudane Cabdilaahi Yusuf Ahmed KU: Gudoomiyaha Barlamaanka Soomaaliyeed: Mudane Shariif Hassan KU: Labada Gole ee Dawlada Federaalka Ah. KU: Madaxweynaha iyo kuxigeenkiisa Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland. KU: Shacabweynaha Gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn. Ujeedo: Canbaareyn Hadaladii Raisal Wazaare Geedi ee ku saabsanaa Siyaasada Qalafsan ee Waqooyiga Soomaliya. Anagoo ah waxgaradka Soomaliyeed, Gaar ahaan Gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn kuna Nool Gobolka Georgia, gaar ahaan Magaalada Atlanta; waxaan si cad u canbaareynaynaa hadaladii ka soo yeeray Raisal Wasaare Geedi oo ahaa sidan: “Soomaliland waan aqoonsanaynaa, Marka caalamku aqoonsado. Waana Walaalahay oo xaq ay lahaayeen soo dhacsaday, waana ugu hambalyeynayaa.†Markaas su’aasha meesha taal waa; Soomaaliland yuu u yaqaan Geedi?? Ma Soomaalidiidka sheegtay, Mise goboladii uu guumeystuhu isku heysan jiray oo hada aan wax isugu jirin?? Waa markii labaad ee uu meel xun kaga dhacay, rabitaanka shacabka Gobolada Sool, Sanaag, iyo Ceyn. Oo ah Gobolada Soomaali isku hayey 15kii Sano. Marna yeeli waayey in Soomaali kala go’do. Markii horena uu INNA GEEDI, dabaaldegii Bishii June ee waqooyiga Soomaliya uu magacaabay xisbiyadii u dhashay HARGEISA, uuna si ula kac ah uga tegay Ururadii u soo halgamay midnimada Soomaliyeed ayna ka mid tahay Daraawiish. Sida qofkasta oo Soomali ah ogyahayna, ay Daraawiish tahay Taariikhda keliya ee Maanta Soomaliya lagu faano. Anagoo ka xun hadalada GEEDI, ee siyaasada daciifka ah, ee xanbaarsana Raali gelinta Soomaalidiidka. Waxaanu ugu baaqaynaa shacabweynaha Gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn in sida ugu dhakhsaha badan ugu mudaharaadaan Siyaasada GEEDI ee ku aadan Soomaliya. Iyaga oo muujinaya rabitaankooda iyo jacaylka midnimada Soomaliyeed. Geedi wuxuu u hadlaa sidii nin Koonfur nabad ka keenaya, dhinaca kalena wuxuu ka huriyaa colaad ka aloosanta Gobolada Waqooyi. Ogaan la’aanshaha Geedi xilka uu u hayo Soomaliya, isagoo ah masuulka u sareeya xukuumada DFKS. Wuxuu u hadlaa sidii nin xilka u haya Jowhar iyo Muqdishu. Dhinaca kalena, uu Soomali kala go’eeda taageerayo. Sidaa daraadeed waa inuu xilka isaga casilaa, uuna Raali gelin ka bixiyaa hadalada meel ka dhaca ku ah. Midnimada Soomaaliya si qeexana u cadeeyaa siyaasadiisa ku aadan Gobolada Waqooyi iyo guud ahaan Soomaliya. GeboGebadii: waxaan Masuuliyiinta u saraysa ee Matasha gobolada Sool, Sanaag iyo Ceyn eek u jirta xukuumada dawlada federaalka ku meel gaarka ah ugu baaqaynaa in ay si dhakhso ah uga baxaan Xukuumada Geedi, ama Go’aamo adag ka soo saaraan. Iyaga oo gudanaya masuuliyadooda. Jaaliyada Gobolada SSC ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Widhwidh Online News Center
  23. Salaam bro both are possible, but I don’t understand why many Somaliland (hergeysa-barbara-burco) sites are making big issue about Puntland forces in SSC which is NOT their BUSINESS.
  24. lies, lies pure somaliland propaganda I suggest to Somaliland (hergeysa-burco-barbara) to stop their claim, aggression, and interfering the affairs of Sool Sanaag and Cayn. It’s not Somaliland’s business the SSC-Puntland administration relationship