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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Stoic, unless you suffering clan syndrome and hate, Faisal’s comments should be intolerable, Faisal is a sick guy who believes clan supremacy. Stoic, don’t make lies about me, Faisal’s comments are well documented, I am happy for all progress that Northwest region (=Somaliland), and I don’t see any reason I should fear the progress of any Somali region like Somaliland and Puntland, Unless Northwest (=Somaliland) commit hostilities against SSC regions. Saaxib, you are very narrow minded because of clan syndrome , for you saying anything about clannish hater Faisal or any other war criminal, it is saying something about your Somaliland. I think you need to over clan syndrome, because I didn’t say anything about your Somaliland. Mr Faisal is infamous for his rubbish comments that only spread hate “We failed to secure recognition for Somaliland. Therefore, we must seek revenge[against SSC people]†these were the words of Faisal Ali Warabe “a boy born in Hargeisa has more commonality with one born in Addis Ababa than one in Mogadishu.â€
  2. Atheer SOOMAL, I gave you my answer on the above in the other post. Furthermore, I'm not a Somalilander though the concept does not bother me and I support the people of that region in their bid for secession. Adeer Castro, Your personal opinion is yours, I guess you are northwest(=Somaliland) If northwest wants to secede is not my concern, that should concern people of woqooyi galbeed, BUT northwest’s (=Somaliland) claim over SSC regions is NOT acceptable. People of SSC don’t want to be part of entity where faisal and likes are leaders- who saying Somaliland is inhabited by one clan and then claiming the territories of other clans
  3. Suldaan aduu waxaa tahay daalim fowqal daalim, dusha iyo hoostaba daalim baa ka tahay Somaliland waa jabhad qabiileed, nothing more Having said that, contrary to what the Daalims here propagate, Somaliland is not about Qabiil. It is rather about the reclaimation of a lost nation. We all know, that dadka rer Somaliland, in aanu jirin qof uga sheekayn kara wax "midnimo" tahay. They know it, they been there, and they just didn't like what they saw. Somaliland iyo riyada qabiil waxaa dan mooda daalimiin. maanta soomaali dhibaatada heysata waaxaa ka masuul ah jahadaha qabiil ey Somaliland u horeysey, waa sababta ey soomaali dalkii u buburiyeen and qubahana loo soo aaadey. Marka, we have two choices here, to make the same mistake all over again, or, sidii laka ahaa ha lagu kala joogo. Dadka soomaaliyeed u degan sool sanaag iyo cayn oo logu yaqaan taarukhiyaan wadanimadooda xaddhaafta ah, waayo waagii isticmaarka lala dagaalamayey, Gobolada SSC waxey ahaayeen xaruuntii ururada ladagaalamayey isticmaarada kala duwan European and African, maantana waa gobolka kaliya ee aan laheen militia qabiil sida northwest. Maanta dadka gobolada SSC waxey dan u arkaan ayaga oo wax la qabsada walaalahood soomaaliyeed dhamaantood, saasey dani ugu jirtaa horumarka dadka ssc iyo successive generations ka mustaqbalka. Cid kasta oo kazoo hor jeesata rabitaanka dadka SSC inay dhamaan walaalhood soomaaliyeed wax laqabsadaan, waa cid daalim ah oo hunguri hayo una shaqeenaya cadow shisheeye, dadka SSC waa ka go an’tahay inay wax la qabsadaan gobol kasta oo soomaaliyeed oo ixtiraamaya rabitaanka dadka SSC, cidii moodasa inay ku gardaroon karta dadka SSC waa cid fashilan oo waligood ku guuleesaneen gardarada iyo dulmiga ey doonayaan. (xitaa hadii ey somalinimo shaqeenweydo Allaah kama yeele, dadka SSC ayaga eyey u taala danahooda cid kalana kalama tashanayaan, markastana 1 gobol ahaaade sida hiiraan ama bay iyo bakool, ama gedo, gobolada SSC wey lamidoobayaan waxna wey laqabsanayaan, Berlin conference (1984) waxa uu sheegayo mashaqeenayo ee waxaa shaqeenayo waxa umada soomaaliyeed doonaso. qofka ku doodaya waxa uu sheegayo General Act of the Berlin Conference waa qof daalim ah oo raba inuu dad dulmiyo.
  4. Somaliland is a tribal-faction, thats why some one tribe supports it and other tribes are agianst. One of the leaders of subclan parties of somaliland (supposedly political party)Mr Faisal said in an iterview that Somaliland is one tribe dream; السيد Ùيصل: الاسحاقييون عرب هاشميون، ونحن الان لسنا اعضاء ÙÙŠ جامعة الدول العربية، وحزبنا يؤمن باهمية ا لاستÙتاء على موضوع عضوية الجامعة العربية. المغترب العربي: ولكن هل انتم عرب؟ السيد Ùيصل: نحن عرب ØŒ ولكن لنا سياستنا المختلÙØ© عن بقية الدول العربية The Arab expatriate Newspaper : is Republic of Somaliland Arab country ? Mr. Faisal : Isaaks are Hashemi Arabs, and we now are not members in the Arab League. The Arab expatriate Newspaper : but are you Arabs ? Mr. Faisal : we are Arabs, but our policies are different from the rest of the Arab countries. Questions to Faisal: 1) The question was "is Republic of Somaliland Arab country ?", who asked him about his tribal affliation, unless he suffering from tribal syndrome. 2)Since Mr. Faisal said that Somaliland is populated by one clan as Faisal said (Hashemi Arabs), how about other clans/communities, that somaliland illegitimately claiming their territories? 3) How are policies of somaliland are diffrent from those of Arab countries, does he mean Somaliland's relationship with Isreal, if it at all exists? 4)Nomads, how Faisal handled the questions? Somalilanders (like qudhac, castro,etc), do you have better responses? I believe Faisal should apologize for other clans/communities who think that they are part of Somaliland society like some sections of Awdal community ( Riyaale)
  5. Gardarabanaa suldaan , qudhac It should not be your concern Puntland Budget or the comments made by Puntland's officail (even if it is true), because it is NOT your business.
  6. Since the relocation of the interim Transitional Government to the city of peace and tranquility (Jowhar), Mogadishu has shown weakness and tearful sentiments. Jowhar has ringed to her sisterly city to understand more about her security situations: Jowhar: Hello, this is Jowhar on the line, what's up? Mogadishu: Eeh, eeh, eeh I have been crying for almost fifteen years. I suffered internal conflicts without end. My people had abandoned me , i have no any other option, but to cry. Jowhar: My heaviness of my heart, I want to know more about the root cause of your weeping? Mogadishu: I am totally isolated and stigmatized from the rest of the Somali cities. I lost my status as the capital city of Somalia. I became a graveyard. I am the most abhorred city of Horn of Africa. Jowhar: Oh, Oh, you were the pearl of the Indian ocean, the city of sails, and the most peaceful and attractive city in east Africa. What makes you cry so loudly? Mogadishu: I faced unsafe and insecure circumstances. I lost everything i had and i became the target of specific persecution. I am hopeless and helpless and have nobody on my rescue. I became the most dangerous city on the globe. Jowhar: I am concerned of what makes you so unhappy? Mogadishu: I granted a temporary permanent residence for armed militiamen in order to overthrow the military government, but they turned wild, killing my people, raping my girls and seizing the land and houses of my innocent, unarmed civilians. They became the most notorious robbers ever known in the Somali history. Jowhar: Are they still there? Mogadishu: yes they are, they are known as†belligerent bandits. They always rub me up the wrong way with hostilities, obliteration and demolition. I lost my serenity and I became the most abominated city of the old Benadir region. Jowhar: What languages do the warlords speak? Mogadishu: "Distraction†I am completely devastated. Where are my major buildings? Where are my places of interest? eeh eeh they had wiped me out. I am suffering beyond any bound, I faced sheer disaster. I was cut off from the rest of the world. My International Airport, my ports and bridges, my roads and schools are not functioning. I became the least good looking city of Africa. Jowhar: Can anybody visit you to asses your damages? Mogadishu: No, No, please. I have daily fights, brawls, clashes and scraps. I became the most feared city on earth. Jowhar: You were the beloved city, the capital of our country, and the pride of our people. How can we help you? Mogadishu: Those who used to care me are either died or fled to Europe, America or Australia. I have my enemies inside me who has caused my downfall. Let me shed my tears i am the most detested city of the continent. Jowhar: You were a lovely city, your local name is Xamar cadde, and you had attracted and received thousands of heads of states, what can we do for you? Mogadishu: I dont blame any foreign army, it is my children who has caused my distraction. Leave me alone, i know i had brought upon my self the wrath of god. I deserve to be called the dark city of East Africa. Jowhar: Who has cursed you and what atrocities you had committed? Mogadishu: My warlords had callously looted my treasure. They had caused the death and separation of thousands of Somalis only because of their membership to their clans. I am the most unfortunate city of the southern of Somalia Jowhar: Who is in-charge of your daily affairs? Mogadishu: The wicked wealthy man- Mr. Ato. The talkative drug dealer - Mr. Qanyare and the illiterate oppressor -Mr. Muse Suudi Yalaxow. Jowhar: We swear the Almighty God; we will never leave you along. We shall restore your dignity. Please be patient you will be liberated soon. Mogadishu: I am very glade to know that you had made a tangible progress in every aspects of life. I acknowledge the smooth freedom, your booming city, and the infrastructure you enjoy. Please convey my greetings to Mohamed Omar Xabeeb who has won my admiration. By: Abdirizak Ali Ismail New Zealand
  7. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Nice to see the noble flag strategically placed in the centre, right next and between the shahaada and takbiir flags. I noticed that as well, very strategic , could that mean Saudi's support for somalia
  8. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Nice to see the noble flag strategically placed in the centre, right next and between the shahaada and takbiir flags. I noticed that as well, very strategic , could that mean Saudi's support for somalia
  9. 08 December 2005 U.S. Welcomes Somali Efforts To Establish Effective Governance Leaders in Mogadishu and Jowhar spur dialogue among divided Somali sectors The United States says it welcomes recent efforts by members of Somalia's parliament, backed by civil society, to bring reconciliation among Somali leaders. In a statement December 8 on Somalia, State Department deputy spokesman Adam Ereli said, "The United States looks forward to a meeting of the full Council of Ministers and a successful and representative session of the Transitional Federal Parliament as a means of resolving existing disagreements within the framework established by the Transitional Federal Charter." The United States is on record as urging the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia to quickly address the challenging tasks of beginning a gradual process of establishing effective governance. Somalia has not had a national government since January 1991 and in many ways remains a fractured society. In March 2005, a statement from the U.S. Department of State praised the leadership of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development and the African Union for establishing the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia. (See related article.) "The United States strongly supports the establishment of a functioning central government in Somalia capable of bringing the Somali people out of a long period of civil conflict," the March statement said. Following is the text of the State Department statement: (begin text) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of the Spokesman December 8, 2005 STATEMENT BY ADAM ERELI, DEPUTY SPOKESMAN Somalia - Efforts Towards Dialogue The United States welcomes the recent efforts of Members of Parliament in Mogadishu and Jowhar, backed by Somali civil society, to reinitiate dialogue across the divisions of the Somalia Transitional Federal Institutions. The November 15 and 29 resolutions of parliamentarians in Mogadishu and Prime Minister Gedi's efforts to convene the Council of Ministers are important vehicles through which Somali leaders might seek to resolve their differences. The United States supports the Transitional Federal Institutions and calls upon all Somali leaders to take concrete steps toward reaching agreement through inclusive dialogue. The United States looks forward to a meeting of the full Council of Ministers and a successful and representative session of the Transitional Federal Parliament as a means of resolving existing disagreements within the framework established by the Transitional Federal Charter. (end text) (Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site:
  10. Minnesota: Dood Xiis leh oo la xiriirta arrimaha Soomaaliay oo Xalay lagu qabtay Jaamacadda Minnesota Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibadda Mareykanka iyo Senator Coleman oo Isku Raacay In Dowladda Soomaalidu Eey Marka Hore Khilaafkeeda Xalliso. December 08, 2005 By: Abdirahman Ceynte Minneapolis, MN (HOL) – Boqollaal Soomaali ah ayaa soo buux-dhaafiyey shir xalay looga doodayey arrimaha Soomaaliya oo Jaamacadda Minnesota lagu qabtay,ayna soo qabanqaabisay hay’adda Minnesota International Center. Marti sharaftii ka doodday arrimaha Soomaaliya waxeey kala ahaayeen: Danjiraha Somaliya u matala Qaramada Midoobay, Dr. Cilmi Axmed Ducaale, Ra’iisul Wasaarihii Carta, imminkana macallin ka ah Jaamacadda Minnesota, Prof. Cali Khalif Galayr, Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibadda Mareykanka ee arrimaha Africa, Danjire Jendayi Frazer iyo Senator Norm Coleman-ka Minnesota laga soo doorto. Waa markii ugu horeysay ee sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan maamulka Madaxweyne Bush uu la hadlo jaaliyadda Soomaalida tan iyo intii uu xafiisk hayey. Sidoo kale, waa markii iigu horreysay ee aan arko Soomaali isugu jirta cirroole iyo caruur, caalim iyo caami meel qura kuwada dhageysanaya dood af-ingiriis ku baxeysa oo Somaliya lagu falanqaynayo Ambassador Jendayi Frazer: “Soomaaliya hub dheeraad ah uma baahna†Haweeyneyda u qaabilsan Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibadda Mareykanka amuuraha Africa, Ambassador Jendayi Frazer oo doodda ku hormartay ayaa tiri “Xiriirka ka dhaxeeya dowladda Mareykanka iyo Somaliya waa mid aad u adagâ€. Inkastoo ay raacisay in arrimaha Soomaalidu ay “muhimmad gaar ah†iyada u leeyihiin, haddana Ms. Frazer, oo iyada ruuxeeda qaraabo ku leh Minnesota, waxeey tibaaxday in xukuumadeedu ay xoogga saareyso howlaha gargaarka bani-aadannimo iyo wixii la halmaala. Sanadkii la soo dhaafay, ayeey sheegtay Kaaliyuhu, in, ku dhawaad deeq gaareysa $30 million oo dollar uu Mareykanku howlo bani-aadannimo uga qabtay dalka Somaliya. Dhanka nabadeynta ayeey Ms. Frazer sheegtay in dowladeedu ay si weyn ula socotay dadaalka ay wadaan Ururada Bulshada, isla markaana ayba taageereen. Laakiin Ms. Frazer waxeey hoosta ka xariiqday sida loogu baahan yahay in Dowladda Soomaalidu “khilaafkooda isla dhexdooda ka xallistaanâ€, ka hor intaaneey sugin in kor looga soo dhaadhoco. Waxeeyse ka soo qayb galayaashii ugu bishaareysay in arrimaha Soomaaliya “laga daneynayo Aqalka Cad, Aqalka Odayaasha iyo Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda ee Mareykanka†ayeey tiri “Si aysan Soomaaliya gabbaad ugu noqon argagixisada caalamiga ahâ€. Marwo Frazer ayaa ku nuuxnuuxsatay in dowladda Mareykanku ay si weyn u taageeraasan tahay go’aankii Golaha Ammaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ku diiday in xayiraadda xagga hubka ah laga qaado Somaaliya. “Somaliya hub dheeraad ah uma baahna†ayeey uga jawaabtey su’aal la weydiiyey. Ambassador Cilmi Axmed Ducaale: “Waan hubaa in nidaam la isku halleyn karo uu Soomaaliya ka soo bixi doono dhawaan†Danjira Somaliya ee Q.M, Md. Ducaale oo hadalkiisu koobnaa ayaa kadib markii uu taariikh kooban dulmaray wuxuu ka hadlay in Beesha Caalamku ay diyaar u tahay ineey gacan u fidiso Dowladdiisa, wallow uusan marnaba soo hadal qaadin khilaafka Dowladda ku dhex jira. Wuxuuse ku gaabsaday in hormar uu dhexda ku soo jiro. “Dalal badan oo caalamka ka tirsan ayaa taageero noo fidiyey†ayuu yiri. Prof. Cali Khalif Galayr: “Itoobiya weey ka go’an tahay guul-darrada Somaliyaâ€. Dr. Cali Khalif Galayr oo waayahan dambe reer Minnesota ahaa ayaa hadalkiisa ku billaabay mahadnaq uu u celiyey dowladda Mareykanka, gaar ahaan Senator Norm Coleman sida uu arrimaha Soomaalida isugu taxallujiyey. Wuxuuna sheegay in go’aanka ay Dowladda Mareykanku ku taageertay in ciidamo shisheeye aan loo dirin Somaliya uu yahay mid taariikhi ah “Waxaad moodaa in la isku raacsan yahay inaysan Soomaaliya hub dambe u baahneyn†ayuu yiri. Dalka Itoobiya ayuu Dr. Galayr ku sheegay in laga yaabo inuu shakhsiyaad gooni ah taageero, laakiin uusan waligiis taageerin Qaran Soomaaliyeed “Itoobiya weey ka go’an tahay in Qaranka Soomaaliyeed uu guul-darroodo†ayuu yiri Dr. Galayr. Prof. Galayr wuxuu ku dheeraaday in loo baahan yahay in bal marka hore Soomaalidu iyaga heshiiyaan, ha ahaato dalkii ama qurbaha-ba ha ahaatee. “Waan ogahay inaan Baarlamaan Starbucks la yiraahdo (qaxwo ay Soomaalida Minnesota ku fadhi-ku-diriraan) aan halkan ku leenahay. War aan isu nimaadno oo aan wada hadalno. Cidna ma diidana maamulka jira ee siyaasadohooda qaar kamid ah ayaa la diidan yahay, taasina waa caadi, ee xaalad abuurka hala joojiyo†ayuu ku dooday Mr. Galayr. Senator Norm Coleman: “Dadaalkii dibu heshiisiintu waa qossol ku-jabâ€. Senator Coleman firfircooni dheeraad ah ayaa caawa hadalkiisa ka muuqatay, hadalladiisana si taxaddar leh ayuu u soocanayey. “Maslaxadda dabiiciga ah ee Mareykanka ayaa ku jirta in Soomaaliya laga ilaaliyo ineey xarun u noqoto argagixisada†ayuu hadalkiisa ku furtay “Si taas loo gaaro waa in la dhiiri galiyo wada hadalka iyo nabadda†ayuu raaciyey Coleman oo hadalkiisa sacab iyo alalaas lagu kala goynayey “Dadaalkii dibu heshiisiinta ee laba sano in kabadan Somaliya laga waday halis ayuu hadda ku ku jiraa†ayuuna raaciyey. Mudane Coleman iyo Danjire Frazer waxeey isaga mid ahaayeen taxaddar-ka hadalladooda taxaddar-ku ka muuqday, taas oo badananaa astaan u ah siyaasiyiinta Mareykanka. Saas oo ay tahayse, caawa waxaa Coleman la weydiiyey su’aal kululayd oo la leeyahay†hadalladaada qaarkood ayaa qayb jaaliyadda kamid ah ka xanaajisaâ€, taas oo uu uga jawaabay inuu si weyn isugu dayo inuu wanaag ka shaqeeyo, kala duwanaansho dhanka aragtida ahna uu jiri karo. Fursadaas ayuu Sen. Coleman uga faa’iideystay inuu dabool qaado kala aragti duwanaan ku dhex jirtay Danjire Ducaale iyo Prof. Galayr “Intii aanan meesha soo galin ayaan ogaanay inuu jiro kala fikir duwanaansho, laakiin wixii aan isku raaci karno ayaan isku soo raacnayâ€. Su’aalo iyo Jawaabo: Marwo Frazer iyo Md. Coleman ayaa ku celceliyey taageerada bani-aadanimo ee Somaliya, ka ilaalinta argagixisada ee xuduudaha Somaliya iyo xayiraadda dhanka hubka ah ee Somaliya. Laakiin waxeey si taxaddar leh uga hadleen khilaafka u dhexeeya labada gole, oo ay labadooduba isku raaceen in marka hore Soomaalidu soo xalliyaan khilaafka u dhexeeya, ka hor intaan tallaabo kaleba la qaadin. Dr. Galayr mar ayaa la weydiiyey inuu ka fikiray bal inuu siyaasadda Soomaaliya faraha kala boxo mar hadii uu saddexdii dowladood ee hore uu ku soo jiray, dadka kalena u banneeyo “Waa inaad u shaqeysataa wixii aad rabto. Qofka su’aasha i weydiiyow, hadii aad moodo in laguu yeeri doono, xaalku sidaas maahan “ ayuu kula kaftay qofkii su’aasha weydiiyey. Danjire Ducaale waxa la weydiiyey Hogaamiye Kooxeedyada imminka wasiirada noqday sidee loola heshiin karaa. “Hadda hogaamiyeyaal ayaan ugu yeernaa. Balse wada hadal ayaan la fureynaa†ayuu yiri. Inkastoo aan hal qoraal lagu soo koobi Karin baaxaddii hadallada marti sharafka doodda, haddana waxaad mooday in nuxurku uu isugu soo biyo shubanayo in siyaasaddii “halkeeda ku sii haynta†ahayd (Containment Policy) ee Madaxweyne Clinton uu ku qafilay Somaliya aysan dhab ahaa is rogin, ayna Mareykanku jeclaan lahaayeen ineey amuuraha gudaha ee Somaliya faraha la soo galin, inta ay Soomaalidu khilaafkooda wareersan xallistaan. Laakiin dowladda Mareykanku ay il-gaar ah ku hayaan argagixiso ka dillaacda Geeska Africa. Waxaa kaloo agaasinka shirka laga dhadhansan karay in Soomaalida la tusaalaynayo sida, iyadoo lakala aragti duwan yahay, si qaddarin leh loo doodo oo la isu dhageysto. Xusid waxaa mudan inuu caawa si aamusan safka hore u fadhiyey Goddoomiyaha uu Gobolka Banaadir uu u soo magacaabay Ra’iisul Wasaare Geeddi, Mudane Max’ud Xassan Cali (Cadde) oo qoyskiisa oo Minnesota deggan u soo guryo- laabtay kadib markii uu waayahan ku maqnaa Soomaaliya. C/raxman Ceynte Hiiraan Online Minneapolis, MN
  11. Somalia, U.S. told to work together Jean Hopfensperger, Star Tribune December 8, 2005 Minnesota Public Radio: Debate Somalia Somalia is a priority for the U.S. State Department, which is engaged in "quiet diplomacy" to help buttress its fragile transitional government, a key state department leader said Wednesday night at the University of Minnesota. Somalia is strategic to the U.S. war on terror, Jendayi Frazer, assistant secretary for African Affairs, told more than 500 Minnesota Somalis. And the department is urging Somalia's government leaders to work out their differences through dialogue -- as opposed to armed conflict -- so stability can return. Frazer, who is new to her post, told the crowd: "I'm eager to hear from you." Frazer was among several high-ranking officials, including Somalia's representative to the United Nations, who spoke at the sold-out forum organized by the Minnesota International Center to explore Somalia's political climate and the implications for Minnesota's Somali population-- believed to be the largest concentration of Somalis in the United States. Somalia hasn't had a central government since 1991, when civil war erupted. Since then, there have been 14 attempts at national reconciliation, the U.S. State Department said. Most recently, in 2004, a transitional federal parliament was created, and it elected a transitional president. Initially there was hope this government could stabilize the country, speakers said. "All the warlords were in Parliament or the Cabinet, so there was hope they'd all be rowing in the same direction," said Ali Galaydh, former prime minister of Somalia and faculty member at the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs. But that unity was fleeting. The president now operates out of the city of Jowhar, about 55 miles north of the nation's capital of Mogadishu, while the majority of parliament is based in Mogadishu. And the president, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, has closer ties to Ethiopia than some Somalis are comfortable with, Galaydh said. The two government factions are at an impasse, speakers said. And while speakers disagreed on the severity of the impasse and the source of it, they all agreed that the major players -- in Somalia and the United States -- must step up to the plate to try to bring stability to the country. "We think there is light at the end of the tunnel," said Elmi Ahmed Duale, Somali ambassador to the United Nations. Duale added that the United States can play a "vital role" in making that happen. Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., told the crowd that he is drafting a resolution to confirm the United States' commitment to Somalia. That resolution could state, for example, that the United States is a partner in achieving stability in Somalia, he said. Or it could include a provision to appoint an emissary to serve as a liaison between the governments. "I welcome your input in such a measure," Coleman told the crowd. Coleman, like the other speakers, urged Minnesota's Somali community to play a constructive role during this difficult phase of government. "I feel we have to be strong enough to support the peace process" without focusing exclusively on personalities," Galaydh said. The forum is expected to be broadcast on Somali cable access television this weekend.
  12. وصول Ùخامة الرئيس الصومالي وصول Ùخامة الرئيس الجيبوتي Muslim leaders open Mecca summit King Abdullah calls on Islamic jurisprudence arm of OIC to fulfill its historic role of combating extremism. By Hassen Fakih - MECCA, Saudi Arabia Leaders of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference opened a summit in Mecca Wednesday with a Saudi call for moderation and tolerance and a rejection of extremist violence. "Islamic unity would not be reached through bloodshed as claimed by the deviants," Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz said at the inauguration of the two-day summit at Islam's holiest city of Mecca. King Abdullah, whose country hosts the 57-member OIC's headquarters, was referring to Islamist extremists, notably the Al-Qaeda terror network of Saudi-born Osama bin Laden. He called upon the Islamic jurisprudence arm of the OIC to "fulfill its historic role of combating extremism." He also called for a reform of educational programmes in Islamic nations, which have been facing a relentless US campaign for changing school textbooks that Washington deemed intolerant. "Developing the curriculum is essential to building a tolerant Muslim identity ... and to having a society that rejects isolation," he said. Washington has been pushing for an initiative to encourage democratic reform and economic liberalization in Arab and Muslim countries in a bid to abate the frustration and poverty on which terror is thought to thrive. Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi, whose country chairs the summit, said the Muslim world is "faced with grave problems that affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people across the globe. "We can no longer neglect these problems or expect others to solve them for us," he said. Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said Tuesday the summit was meant to counter the "harsh offensive on Islam from enemies abroad and some of its own children with deviant ideologies". On Tuesday, OIC foreign ministers held a preparatory meeting in the Saudi city of Jeddah to draft the agenda of the summit, which is expected to adopt two main documents: a "Mecca Declaration" and a 10-year "plan of action to confront the challenges of the 21st century". Saud said the Mecca Declaration would "present a general view of the situation as well as the common aspirations and hopes of our nation". The Muslim world "calls for forgiveness ... among peoples and for combatting injustice, aggression and corruption", he said. He said the 10-year plan was "meant to confront the challenges faced by our Islamic nation, and is based on the recommendations, visions and ideas reached by scholars and intellectuals." The plan also provides for a restructuring of the OIC, including its Islamic Jurisprudence Academy, which "should become the highest reference in jurisprudence ... and put an end to the multitudes of references and conflicting fatwas." Saud was referring to the religious edicts issued by extremists, including Al-Qaeda in Iraq, that have tried to legitimize deadly attacks on civilians and assassinations. The Islamic leaders are expected to approve a name change for the body to become the Organisation of Islamic Countries. The OIC, founded in 1969, is facing a financial crisis, as several member states have not paid their annual contributions. Non-Muslim leaders of OIC member states will only participate in the Mecca summit via video-conference from Jeddah, about 80 kilometers (50 miles) away. Non-Muslims are forbidden entry to the cities of Mecca and Medina which are home to Islam's holiest shrines.
  13. Thanks Sophist, Great work Shuuriye, you will be a good example for young Somalis in Canada, certianly with determination everything is achievable. True, extra-curricular activities are crucial part of university experience You made all of us proud
  14. Rival Somali regions swap prisoners of war 06 Dec 2005 15:34:34 GMT Source: Reuters NAIROBI, Dec 6 (Reuters) - Rival Somali enclaves have swapped 36 prisoners captured during a short short war last year, in a sign that reconciliation efforts are making progress, mediators said on Tuesday. Fighting erupted in a disputed border region in October 2004 between Puntland and the rival enclave of Somaliland, which accused Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf, a former Puntland leader, of attacking it. At least 100 people were killed. On Monday Somaliland freed 12 Puntland captives and Puntland released 24 Somaliland prisoners at a ceremony at Ari-Adeys village in the Sool area on the border, said the War-torn Societies Project (WSP), a conflict mediation organisation. Rival captives hugged each other as they were exchanged. "This event is a significant confidence-building gesture by both administrations," said Philippe Lazzarini, an official at the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. A WSP statement said: "Both sides expressed willingness to build on the goodwill manifested by this successful collaboration, which is already contributing directly to reduction of tensions in the area." The swap follows six months of negotiations between the regions' governments, which are unrecognised internationally. WSP has worked for years to build reconciliation in Somalia, a country of up to 10 million that descended into anarchy in 1991 following the ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre. Yusuf, elected Somali president in October 2004 at national reconciliation talks, has pledged to work peacefully with Somaliland as he tries to restore order to the country. Somaliland, an enclave on the Gulf of Aden, declared independence from Somalia in 1991 and has since enjoyed relative peace. But it has fought sporadic clashes with Puntland for years over the ownership of several border areas claimed by Puntland's leaders as their own on the basis of ethnicity. Somaliland, a region of 3.5 to 4.5 million, won independence from Britain in 1960 and quickly joined neighbouring ex-Italian Somalia to form a united republic. But an uprising against Siad Barre in the 1980s was followed by years of devastation as he turned his forces against the northwestern enclave. WSP and other peace groups are trying to build grassroots reconciliation in several areas in Somalia in a project funded by the European Commission, Britain, the United States, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark.
  15. Somaliland leaders cannot claim all the territories of former British Somaliland colony. while somaliland is caln-state, as a leading somalilander politician give in an interview The Arab expatriate Newspaper : is Republic of Somaliland Arab country ? Mr. Faisal : Isaaks are Hashemi Arabs, and we now are not members in the Arab League. for that reason somaliland should only claim northwest (hargeysa-burco-barbara triangle), other than that is aggression It is known that whole Somaliland scheme, is based on mistreatment of one clan and building an alternative for that particular clan- a utopia clan-state. Nothing wrong if communities of particular region/clan want to build their state and self-determination. BUT the problem is when those who seeking of freedom and self-determination become hostile to their fellow brethren Somali neighbors quchac, stop hypocrisy, you want want freedom for your clan-state and promoting aggression on another somali community
  16. Salaam, Thank you Bro Red Sea, the exchange of POWs of Somaliland and Puntland is a crucial step forward – a peace dividend. However, we need urgent solution for the Somaliland-Puntland’ burning conflict over Sool Sanaag and Cayn. From the list of POWs exchanged we see the fact that exchanged POW’s from Puntland side were almost from Sool clans except 1 from Bari. In contrast, All POW’S from Somaliland side were from Northwest ‘Hergeysa-Barbara-Burco Triangle’ [half from neighboring east Burco], and few from Awdal. I am not intending to draw clan lines (since all Somalis are one brotherly people), BUT my aim is only to have better understanding of two opposing parts of the conflict in order to get a lasting solution for the Sool Sanaag and crisis, we need honestly to realize who is fighting and why?????? I believe the for the most part the elders of Laascaanood and East Burco communities should find solution for Somaliland-Puntland Conflict Since; 1) The two communities are brothers and neighbors 2) the most soldiers of the Puntland army are from Laascaanood, and at least half of soldiers of the Somaliland army are from East Burco 3) The elders of the two communities must prevent from their young men to be fuel of warfare, and NOT deceived by nonsense ‘war’ between Puntland and Somaliland 4) For centuries the two communities lived peacefully in Togdheer, cayn, sool, and Sanaag. 5) Certainly, if real war starts, most of the victims will be from these two communities 6) We know somali politics is nothing but pure tribalism, so If these two communities agree and choose peaceful co-existence,definitely they can prevent both Puntland and Somaliland to wage war over their territories.
  17. السيـد إسماعيـل محمود نائب رئيس الوزراء الصومالي شوÙ...الحكومة الÙدرالية الآن تمثل الصومال كله بما Ùيه المناطق الشمالية Ùيه ولذلك Ùمن الطبيعي جدا أن تظهر على الساحة مثل هذه التسميات ÙÙŠ غياب السلطة المركزية Ùنحن الآن نشجع الأمن والاستقرار ولن نسمح لأي شخص بتعكير صÙÙˆ هذه العملية ÙˆÙÙŠ هذا الإطار نسعى من جانبنا لبسط معايير الأمن ونرى أن مثل هذه الظاهرة جاءت من خلال عدم توÙر سلطة مركزية تمسك بزمام الأمور Ùقط ÙÙŠ الÙترة الماضية بكل المقاييس Deputy Prime Minister Ismail Mohamud Buubaa: The federal government now represents all Somalia consisted including the northern regions, and therefore then it is very natural to see such naming, during the absence of the central authority then. We now encourage the security and the stability and will not allow any person the turbidity of this operation clearness and in this framework that seek from our side the elaboration of the security criteria and see that such phenomenon they came through a central authority lack of that holds the power only in last period by all of the measures.
  18. Somalia السيـد إسماعيـل محمود نائب رئيس الوزراء الصومالي [8/11/2005 2:01:00 AM] **تشكيل حكومة صومالية Ùتح Ø¢Ùاقا جديدة أمام كل أبناء الشعب الصومالي ** Ùعلا نحتاج الآن لبلايين الدولارات من اجل إعادة الصومال إلى وضعه الطبيعي ** التعامل الإقليمي مع المشكلة الصومالية انطلق بالأساس من منظور مصالح كل طر٠من الأطرا٠الإقليمية تجاه المشكلة القاهرة:عبد الناصر الضوي بلد تناساه الجميع وذهب تاريخه وموقعه الاستراتيجي ÙÙŠ قلب القرن الإÙريقي أدراج الرياح منذ أن دبت Ùيه حرب أهلية لا ترحم Ø·Ùلا ولا سيدة عجوز وربما يكون الكثيرين ممن سيطالعون هذا الحديث مستغربون لموقÙÙŠ منه ومن الأسباب التي دعتني بالÙعل Ù„Ùتح ملÙÙ‡ الآن ولكن من حقي كذلك أن أتساءل أليس هذا البلد قطر عربي شقيق كان له وجود وحضور ÙÙŠ كل المحاÙÙ„ الدولية. النكبات تلو النكبات ومازالت هناك أيضا نكبات أخرى لحقت بهذا البلد وعصÙت به كأحداث عظام لا تÙسير لها منذ عهد محمد سياد بري مرورا بمصائب مليشيا محمد Ùرح عيديد إلى تدخل القوات الأمريكية إلى إقرار نظام الحسن صلاد ثم جاءت أخيرا هذه الحكومة ÙÙŠ نهاية المطا٠وقد أكون عن Ù†Ùسي متسائلا مثلكم هل هي ستكون أخيرا أم أخيرا وليس آخر؟؟؟! ومع كل ذلك نأتي من جديد ونردد الأسئلة أليس الصومال ذلك البلد الذي كان يحرك بعض معادن الأحداث ÙÙŠ المنطقة الأÙريقية قبل أن يصبح وصÙÙ‡ العالمي بؤرة لتÙريخ الإرهاب وتصدير الإرهابيين للعالم بلا منازع. إذن المل٠طويل والقصة قد تطول ولكن أقول للجميع تعالوا لنكش٠جزاءا مهما من الحقائق عن هذا البلد العربي الشقيق من خلال هذا الحديث الهادئ والصريح للغاية مع السيد إسماعيل محمود هره نائب رئيس الوزراء الصومالي ووزير التعاون الإقليمي وليس الموضوع سجال الآن ولكن على الأقل Ùهم لما يدور على ارض الواقع ولن نستبق التÙاصيل ولكن إلى الحدث مباشرة ÙˆÙÙŠ كل الأحوال نقبل برأيكم:- **معالي النائب بلاشك أن تشكيل حكومة جديدة ÙÙŠ الصومال يعتبر من ضمن التطورات المهمة ÙÙŠ هذا البلد الذي لم تكتÙÙŠ الحرب بتدميره Ùقط بل ظلم إعلاميا أيضا من جانب العديد من القطاعات الإعلامية العربية والعالمية Ùما رؤيتكم لهذا التطور المهم الآن وماذا يعني لكم؟؟!! أولا أنا من جانبي وكصومالي ÙÙŠ المقام الأول وليس كنائب أو وزير اعتبر تشكيل حكومة جديدة لها مصداقية دولية وعربية وعالمية أمر ليس بالسهل أبدا Ùهذا الأمر Ùتح Ø£Ùاقا جديدة واضحة المعالم أمام كل أبناء الشعب الصومالي ÙÙŠ التوجه نحو بناء الدولة وتوطيد السلام والاستقرار من جديد ÙÙŠ ربوع الصومال Ùنحن الآن بالÙعل بصدد تشكيل آلية لتوطيد الحكم الرشيد ÙÙŠ البلاد ونسعى من خلال الدعم العربي والدولي لنا ÙÙŠ إثبات وجودنا كأمر واقع ونقوم ببسط هيبة الدولة من جديد وتامين لكل مواطن صومالي حياة حرة كريمة من جميع النواحي. **ولكن معذرة ماالجديد ÙÙŠ هذه الحكومة بالذات Ùهناك الكثير من الحكومات قد سبقتها والحال مازال كما هو عليه؟؟!! نحن نقدر لكم الإحساس بعظم المشكلة ولكن صدقني ÙÙŠ السابق كانت الحكومات تذهب مباشرة للعاصمة مقديشو ولكن هذه المرة كل وزير أو مسئول ÙÙŠ هذه الحكومة يذهب للمديرية أو المنطقة التي جاء منها وهذا أمر ÙÙŠ Ù†Ùسه تحدي عظيم أمام هؤلاء المسئولين ليكون دوره الكامل محصورا ÙÙŠ عقد مؤتمر جامع ثم يأتي بعد ذلك دور انعقاد مؤتمر جامع عام ÙÙŠ أطار الحكومة الÙدرالية ونحن نرى هذا تحدي عظيم جدا ولكن لابد منه الآن Ù„Ùرض الواقع. **معني هذا أنكم مقتنعون قبل غيركم بان المشاكل القبلية ÙÙŠ الصومال وصلت إلى هذا الحد الذي نراه الآن إلى الدرجة التي يصعب Ùيها Ùرض حكومة على ارض الواقع ؟؟؟؟ نعم وأكثر من ذلك Ùهناك مشكلة كبرى وهي أن الصومال دولة بها 18 منطقة وأي منطقة منها بها ثلاث مديريات وهو أمر صعب للغاية كما تعلم وبعض المناطق بها توترات أمنية ولكن القرار الخاص بعودة الحكومة الصومالية كان قرارا حتميا ولا رجعة Ùيه بكل المقاييس وذلك لإنزال هذه الحكومة ÙˆÙرضها على الواقع وحتى الآن لم تدخل الحكومة للعاصمة مقديشو بسبب وجود بعض التوترات الأمنية وبسبب وجود لوردات الحرب Ùيها ولكن أقامت مقرا لها ÙÙŠ مدينة جوهر وهي تبعد حوالي 60 ميلا عن العاصمة مقديشو ومازالت تسير قدما ÙÙŠ طريق توطيد حكمها ونشر بعثاتها الدبلوماسية ÙÙŠ الخارج بصورة مستقرة للغاية وأنت بنÙسك تابعت هذا الأمر ÙÙŠ غضون الÙترة الماضية. **إذن انتم الآن ÙÙŠ سباق مع الزمن من اجل Ùرض وجودكم كحكومة على ارض الواقع؟؟؟؟ بالÙعل الزمن واحد من أهم التحديات التي تواجهنا الآن واستمرار الحكومة خارج البلاد سو٠يضع٠عبر الزمن مصداقيتنا لدى الشعب الصومالي ومن هذا المنطلق بدأنا ÙÙŠ العودة لأننا رأينا بالÙعل أن Ùقدان قوة الدÙع المستمدة من التأييد والاعترا٠الدولي بحكومة الصومال الجديدة يمكن أن يؤدي عبر تÙاعله مع مطامع الزعامة ومواريث الخلاÙات القبلية إلى العودة من جديد إلى نقطة الصÙر والدعوة من جديد إلى مؤتمر جديد تحت عناوين براقة كالمصالحة الشاملة أو المصالحة الحقيقة يكون بداية Ùصل جديد من المبادرات والمصالحات Ùالمتابع للتطورات الدقيقة ÙÙŠ المشكلة الصومالية عبر السنوات التسع الماضية يرى شيوع حالة من الاعتياد واللامبالاة تجاه المشكلة وأن أخبارها لم تعد تسترعى الانتباه لتشابهها وتكرارها وهو الأمر الذي يعبر عنه تضاؤل حجم ما ينشر عنها وتراجع أهمية أخبارها وهو أمر يمكن تÙهمه Ùيما يتعلق بالعالم الغربي وإعلامه ولكنه يثير العديد من علامات التعجب والاستÙهام بشأن الإعلام العربي والإسلامي ذلك أن المشكلة ما زالت قائمة ومتÙاقمة ومع ذلك لا يبدو أنها تحظى باهتمام يوازي خطورتها Ùالتعامل الإقليمي مع المشكلة انطلق بالأساس من منظور مصالح كل طر٠من الأطرا٠الإقليمية تجاه المشكلة الأمر الذي أدى إلى تعدد المبادرات وتعارضها أحيانا على نحو أتاح الÙرصة للÙصائل المتنازعة اللعب على التوازنات الإقليمية للحيلولة دون التوصل إلى اتÙاق سياسي يحد من سلطة هذا الÙصيل أو ذاك ÙÙŠ ذات الوقت الذي انعكست Ùيه الأحداث والتطورات الإقليمية على مسار المشكلة Ù†Ùسها ومواق٠الأطرا٠الداخلية والخارجية منها. **وكي٠ترى دور الحكومة الآن وهل تراها قادرة بالÙعل رغم كل الضغوطات عليها ÙÙŠ تحقيق ولو 5%من الأمن للشعب الصومالي الذي دمرته الحرب والمشاكل القبلية؟؟؟؟ نعم ...نعم Ùالحكومة الآن تدعم الوحدة والاستقرار ÙÙŠ ربوع الصومال والان المجال واسع أمامها للعمل بكل جدية ÙÙŠ الÙترة القادمة من اجل تحقيق هذا الهد٠المهم Ùهناك Ùكرة عقد مؤتمر للمصالحة الصومالية جاري الإعداد له الآن على أعلى المستويات كما أن الحكومة الÙدرالية جاءت نسبة لطبيعة البلاد Ù†Ùسها وحتى تقوم بحكم البلاد عن طريق ذاتها وأنا من جانبي أرى أن الأوضاع الآن ÙÙŠ طريقها للتحسن شيئا Ùشيئا كما أن بعد هذه الحكومة عن العاصمة يأتي نسبة لضغوطات مكثÙØ© ولخوÙنا عليها من التÙكك وحتى نتركها تعمل بحرية ÙÙŠ الÙترة القادمة من اجل استقرار الصومال. **وماذا عن دول العالم ورؤيتها للوضع الصومالي الآن خصوصا بعد التÙاؤل الذي حدث والخاص بÙرض حكومتكم كأمر واقعي الآن؟؟؟؟ أنا من جانبي لا أذيع سرا إذا ما قلت لك أن الولايات المتحدة والاتحاد الأوروبي والأمم المتحدة بالإضاÙØ© إلي بعض دول الاتحاد الأÙريقي والغربي بدأت الآن ÙÙŠ Ùتح سÙاراتها وبعثاتها الدبلوماسية ÙÙŠ الصومال من جديد أما الدول العربية Ùلا اثر لها حتى اللحظة ÙÙŠ المنطقة برمتها وأنا ÙÙŠ خلال زيارتي الأخيرة للجامعة العربية طلبت من الأمين العام السيد عمرو موسى مخاطبة الدول العربية ÙÙŠ هذا الإطار وضرورة إرسال المبعوث الخاص بالصومال إلينا حتى يكون هناك تواجد عربي ÙÙŠ بلادنا ÙÙŠ الÙترة القادمة Ùهذا الوجود وبعد مؤتمر المصالحة الأخير ÙÙŠ كينيا يكاد يكون قد اختÙÙ‰ تماما ولا نرى الآن أي اثر له إلا ÙÙŠ إطار الجامعة العربية Ùقط ونحن محتاجون له بشدة خصوصا ÙÙŠ النواحي الاقتصادية لان الصومال به الكثير من الموارد التي لا حصر لها Ùهو يتملك اكبر شاطئ وهذا يعني أن الثروة السمكية مرتÙعة للغاية ونسبتها عالية جدا ونحن نتوجه الآن للقطاع الخاص العربي بضرورة التواجد الآن Ùنحن نحتاج له ولان هناك أيضا الكثير من الخطط الاقتصادية التي يمكن أن تنÙØ° ÙÙŠ المستقبل القريب إذا ما توÙر هذا القطاع الهام ÙÙŠ بلادنا. **ولكن معالي النائب انتم قد تحتاجون الآن لعشرات البلايين من الدولارات إذا ما Ùكرتم الآن ÙÙŠ إعادة الصومال إلى وضعه الطبيعي على الأقل؟؟؟؟؟ نحن Ùعلا نحتاج الآن لبلايين الدولارات من اجل إعادة الصومال إلى وضعه الطبيعي الذي كان عليه من قبل ولكن برنامج المنح ÙÙŠ الÙترة القادمة سيمكننا من النهوض وبإمكاننا إرجاع أي مديونية علينا بثلاث أضعاÙها ÙÙŠ المستقبل القريب لذا Ùنحن نعول على القطاع الخاص كما قلت لك ÙÙŠ المرحلة القادمة لأننا لدينا الآن عمق عربي واÙريقي كبير للغاية يمكننا من التحرك Ùيه بحرية تامة. **ترددت ÙÙŠ الÙترة الماضية الكثير من المعلومات عن تدخل أثيوبي كبير جدا ÙÙŠ شئونكم الداخلية Ùما مدى هذا التدخل الآن وأثره على الوضع ÙÙŠ الصومال؟؟؟؟ أثيوبيا هي العمق الاستراتيجي لنا الآن ولا توجد بيننا خلاÙات يقال عنها خلاÙات ولم تظهر أي تطورات ÙÙŠ هذا الموضوع Ùنحن نحتاج Ùعلا لتواجد وعمق Ø£Ùريقي..صدقني زمن الخلاÙات قد ولى وينبغي علينا الآن النظر للمستقبل Ùهناك شعب أمامنا ينتظرنا ونحن من جانبنا نتمنى ألا نعود له مرة أخري لذا تجدنا عندما يكون هناك أي خلا٠Ùإننا نسعى من جانبنا إلي حله قبل غيرنا لما Ùيه Ùائدتنا جميعا كعرب وأÙارقة. **كلمتان Ùقط تميز بهما الصومال ÙÙŠ الÙترة الماضية ومازال صداهما حتى اللحظة ÙÙŠ أذان الجميع بؤرة لتÙريخ الإرهاب والإرهابيين والمليشيات المسلحة Ùما رؤيتكم لواقعها الآن بعد تشكيل هذه الحكومة ونحن لا نزايد على دوركم ÙÙŠ هذا الموضوع ولكنه بالÙعل من واجبكم وضع حد له الست معي ÙÙŠ هذا الموضوع؟؟â€â€ØŸØŸ Ùعلا هناك عاهات كثيرة للغاية ولكن الصومال ليس وحده Ùقط ممن يعاني من هذه الظواهر ÙÙعلا ÙÙŠ ظل غياب الدولة والقانون تحدث أشياء كثيرة للغاية وأنا لا أنكر أن هناك الكثيرين ممن يحركون مثل هذه الخلايا من الصومال بدواÙع كثيرة وهناك من أعطى الÙرصة لهذه العناصر لكي تتحرك بحرية ولكن الآن بعد عودة السلطة المركزية Ùقد تمكنت من السيطرة على الموضوع بالكامل واصبح 99% من المناطق خاليا من هذه العناصر إلا Ùيما عدا بعض التوترات هنا وهناك أما المليشيات المسلحة Ùلدينا Ùيها خطة معينة لجمعها ÙÙŠ مراكز عسكرية من اجل إعادة تأهيل عقليتها وإذا رأينا Ùيها خيرا Ùإننا سنستوعبها ÙÙŠ الجيش الصومالي ÙÙŠ المستقبل ولدينا الآن خطة واضحة نعمل بها من اجل هذا الهد٠وقد ضيقنا عليها الخناق كثيرا الآن. **ولكن ما رؤيتكم لجمهورية ارض الصومال التي انشقت عنكم ÙÙŠ العام 1990 واصبح لها الآن شانا وربما يكون مستقبلا غير مسبوق وهل سيستمر الصومال بكل صراحة ÙÙŠ هذا الوضع الذي من الممكن جدا أن يتقسم Ùيه إلى دويلات بهذا الشكل؟؟؟؟ شوÙ...الحكومة الÙدرالية الآن تمثل الصومال كله بما Ùيه المناطق الشمالية Ùيه ولذلك Ùمن الطبيعي جدا أن تظهر على الساحة مثل هذه التسميات ÙÙŠ غياب السلطة المركزية Ùنحن الآن نشجع الأمن والاستقرار ولن نسمح لأي شخص بتعكير صÙÙˆ هذه العملية ÙˆÙÙŠ هذا الإطار نسعى من جانبنا لبسط معايير الأمن ونرى أن مثل هذه الظاهرة جاءت من خلال عدم توÙر سلطة مركزية تمسك بزمام الأمور Ùقط ÙÙŠ الÙترة الماضية بكل المقاييس. **أخيرا معالي النائب رأيتم بأنÙسكم مدى الغياب المعلوماتي لكثير من بالدول العربية عن الصومال والوضع الصومالي وأنا بنÙسي وجدت صعوبة ÙÙŠ التحكم بمصادر معلوماتي عن هذا البلد العربي الذي اسمعه اسما وانقطعت صلتي به منذ العام1993Ùهل لي أن اطمع بسؤال اخيرعن استراتيجيتكم الإعلامية التي اعتمدتموها ÙÙŠ الÙترة القادمة ولكم الشكر على ذلك؟؟؟؟ طبعا الحكومة الصومالية الآن تستند إلى سياسة ذات استقلالية كاملة وهي تسعى إلى إعلام نشط ومواكب...صدقني الانÙلات الأمني كان هو السبب ÙÙŠ الÙترة الماضية ولكن بعد دخولنا الآن لا يوجد أي مانع لدينا ÙÙŠ اعتماد أقوى استراتيجية إعلامية من اجل العمل بها ÙÙŠ الÙترة القادمة Ùالاتحاد الأÙريقي كان ومازال متواجدا معنا ودوره كبيرا الآن وموقÙÙ‡ واضحا للغاية وتواجد العناصر الأÙريقية مازال حيا حتى اللحظة وكما تعلم ÙÙŠ السابق بان عدم التواجد العسكري الأÙريقي ÙÙŠ الصومال كان بسبب مقتل الجنود الباكستانيون Ùعندما حدث هذا الأمر سحبت الأمم المتحدة كل قواتها وكان ذلك سببا مباشرا ÙÙŠ كل ما حدث ولكن الشيء الأهم الآن هو خلق البيئة المناسبة لاستقبال أي قوة عسكرية تكل٠بحÙظ الأمن وان يتم هذا الأمر بصورة جيدة وواضحة ÙÙŠ الÙترة القادمة بأذن الله تعالى.
  19. Salaam, Bro red sea, Thank you for the links, I really enjoyed looking the incredible designs, and attractive houses. Somaliland is still the homeland for every Somali speaking person. Well said Red sea, thats how is was in Somali Republic (1960-1969) and Somali Democratic Republic (1969-1991). and hope it will be forever like that!!! Every somali should feel home in all somali Peninsula, and should have a right to buy/sell a property/house in any somali city,
  20. Cali Khalif "Somalia daqtar xoolo ayey u baahnayd" asagoo ka turjumaya waxa dawlada Gedi u shaqaynayso tiisana u duntay Mindhaa Soomaaliya waxay u baahnayd dhaqtar xoolo asagoo ula jeeda waxbarashada Gedi iyo dadka soomaalida baahidooda daawo maanta. Ali waxaa uu qirtay in laga maamul fiicnaaday lagana istaraatiijiyad fiicnaaday sidii Somalia maamul iyo kala danbayn loogu soo rogi lahaa. Asaga iyo Abdilqasim waxay mareen wado qaldan oo lagu siray. Prof. Gedi waxaa uu la yimid nasiib iyo istiraatiijiyad aad u shaqaynaysa oo addunkii oo dhan ka yaabay. Qofna isma dhahayn Somalia ayaa la dejin kataa ayadoo aanan ciidan ajnabi ah la helin iyo Muqdisho ayaa laga maarmi karaa hal ama dawladda waxay degi kartaa meel aan Muqdisho ahayn oo ajnabiugu iman karaa. hadaba taasi waa beenowday. Cali sababaha uu qirtay in dawladiisa u shaqayn weysey tan Gedina u shaqaysay waxaa ka mid ah- Soo dhoweyntii Muqdisho oo uu run moodayiyo dejinta dawladda MuqdishoAsaga oo aan sida Gedi ****** ahayn oo Banadir Gabasho ku joogay Abdulqasim tolkiisa oo dawladda inaanay dan ugu jirin is tusay oo aanan taageerin sida tolka Cabdilaahi Yusuf dowladda dan ugu arkaan oo u wada taageeraan. Isku taagidda Amxaaro asagoo qirtay inay u fiicnaan lahayd inaanay amxaaro isku taagin- haddii aanu amxaaro isku taagin Mogadisho warlords laguma soo direen dawladiisana Mog. Warlords ma rideen Ugu danbayntii Prof. Ali Khalif Galaydh waxaa uu yiri. Prof. Gedi dawladiisa sababta ay u guulaysanayso waxaa weeye dee qaladkeenii ayuu ka faaiideysanayaa la talyeyaal fiicanna waa leeyahay. waa iga nasiib badan yahay.
  21. المغترب العربي: هل جمهورية ارض الصومال عربية؟ السيد Ùيصل: الاسحاقييون عرب هاشميون، ونحن الان لسنا اعضاء ÙÙŠ جامعة الدول العربية، وحزبنا يؤمن باهمية ا لاستÙتاء على موضوع عضوية الجامعة العربية. المغترب العربي: ولكن هل انتم عرب؟ السيد Ùيصل: نحن عرب ØŒ ولكن لنا سياستنا المختلÙØ© عن بقية الدول العربية The Arab expatriate Newspaper : is Republic of Somaliland Arab country ? Mr. Faisal : Isaaks are Hashemi Arabs, and we now are not members in the Arab League. The Arab expatriate Newspaper : but are you Arabs ? Mr. Faisal : we are Arabs, but our policies are different from the rest of the Arab countries. Questions to Faisal: 1) The question was "is Republic of Somaliland Arab country ?", who asked him about his tribal affliation, unless he suffering from tribal syndrome. 2)Since Mr. Faisal said that Somaliland is populated by one clan as Faisal said (Hashemi Arabs), how about other clans/communities, that somaliland illegitimately claiming their territories? 3) How are policies of somaliland are diffrent from those of Arab countries, does he mean Somaliland's relationship with Isreal, if it at all exists? 4)Nomads, how Faisal handled the questions? Somalilanders (like qudhac, castro,etc), do you have better responses? I believe Faisal should apologize for other clans/communities who think that they are part of Somaliland society like some sections of Awdal community ( Riyaale)
  22. Somalia المغترب العربي: هل جمهورية ارض الصومال عربية؟ السيد Ùيصل: الاسحاقييون عرب هاشميون، ونحن الان لسنا اعضاء ÙÙŠ جامعة الدول العربية، وحزبنا يؤمن باهمية ا لاستÙتاء على موضوع عضوية الجامعة العربية. ارض الصومال ارض الاحلام لقاء مع السيد Ùيصل علي ورابيه رئيس حزب العدالة والرأÙØ© المغترب العربي كانت ÙÙŠ ضياÙØ© السيد Ùيصل علي ورابيه، ولروعة اللقاء والابتسامة اللطيÙØ© وحسن الترحيب كان على بوابة الÙندق ينتظر قدومنا وبيده عصا " ذات شكل جميل وانيق" استقبلنا وهو يقول هذه "عصاي ØŒ لي Ùيها مأرب اخرى" ØŒ ولأن بساطة الكلمات ولط٠التعبير ÙÙŠ الاستقبال ،كانت محÙزا ان نلقي عليه اسئلة كثيرة قبل ا Ù† يلقي عصاه على الارض. وجلسنا ÙˆÙÙŠ عيون الرجل هموم ارض الصومال، Ùهو رئيس حزب العدالة والرأÙØ©ØŒ ويشكو من عدم استخدام اللغة العربية لمدة عشرون عاما، وبدأ يسرد لنا قصة ارض الصومال، Ùاخذ يتصÙØ­ ÙÙŠ ذاكرته اوراق التاريخ ليقول لنا. كانت شمال الصومال محمية بريطانية، وكانت تسمى ارض الصومال البريطانية، وحصلت على الاستقلال 1960 ÙÙŠ 26 جزيران/ ÙÙŠ حين حصل جنوب الصومال استقلالها من ا يطاليا عام 1960 ÙÙŠ تموز 1 ØŒ وكان الشعب ÙÙŠ ارض الصومال يدعو الى الوحدة مع الجنوب، وتم تاسيس جمهورية الصومال عام 1960وكان اول رئيس لجمهورية ا لصومال الموحد هو السيد ادم عبد الله عثمان، وكان من الجنوب ØŒ كما كان رئيس الوزراء من الجنوب ايضا، ÙÙŠ حين حصل ارض الصومال على ثلاث حقائب وزارية Ùقط، وهنا كانت ا لمشكلة، حيث اقام شباب من ارض الصومال بانقلاب عام 1961 ولكنه Ùشل، Ùتم تاسيس جبهة تحرير ارض الصومال عام 1981 هدÙها ا لانÙصال واطلق اسم الحركة اس ان ام على الحركة الوطنية لتحرير ارض الصومال ØŒ وكان ÙÙŠ حينها الرئيس محمد سياد بري الذي جاء اصلا بانقلاب عسكري عام 1969 حيث استبعد رئيس الوزارء ÙÙŠ حينها السيد محمد حاج ابراهيم وهو من ارض الصومال، وقد تحول محمد سياد بري الى حاكم دكتاتور، اضطهد شعب ارض الصومال وقتل منهم الكثير وخاصة الاسحاقيين التي تشكل نسبة عالية من الشعب ÙÙŠ ارض الصومال، وهم من مصادر القوى ا لبشرية المثقÙØ© والاغنياء يسكنون ÙÙŠ ارض الصومال . وقد سيطرت حركة تحرير ارض الصومال على 80% من ارض الصومال وخاصة المدن الكبيرة، ÙˆÙÙŠ عام 1989 تم تاسيس حركة جنوب الصومال برئاسة محمد عيديد وتم طرد محمد سياد بري عام 1991 ÙˆÙÙŠ عام 2001 كان هناك استÙتاءا شعبيا لاخذ الرأي عن الدستور الجديد وموضوع ا لانÙصال عن الصومال وتاسيس جمهورية ارض الصومال، وكانت النتيجة الحصول على نسبة 97% لتاييد الانÙصال، وقد سمح القانون بتاسيس الاحزاب، Ùانطلقت ا لى الساحة السياسية ستة احزاب ØŒ كان واحدامنها هو حزبنا "حزب العدالة والرأÙØ©" ÙˆÙÙŠ عام 2002 تم خروج ثلاث احزاب لتبقى ثلاث ØŒ احدهم حزبنا ØŒ ليصبح حزبا قانونيا. عام 2003 اجريت اول انتخابات رئاسية ÙÙŠ ا رض الصومال وكنت انا احد المرشحين من الحزب، وحصل السيد احمد سيرنيو على 85 % من الاصوات ليكون رئيسا للدولة هو شيخ الاسحقايين ومن المجهادين. المغترب ا لعربي: متى تاسس حزب العدالة والرأÙة؟ السيد Ùيصل: تاسس الحزب ÙÙŠ اوربا وامريكا من قبل مجموعة من شباب ارض الصومال عام 1992 ÙƒÙكرة، ولكن الانطلاقة الحقيقية كانت عام 2001 بعد تاسيس قانون الاحزاب وكان اول حزب معارض ØŒ حيث تاسس الحزب على قاعدة من 19 شخص ØŒ منهم 11 كانوا يعارضون اطلاق الحزب ÙÙŠ المرحلة ا لحالية لحين استكمال مرحلة الحوار مع القبائل للحصول على اكثر عدد من الاصوات. المغترب العربي: ما هو الهد٠الاول للحزب؟ السيد Ùيصل: الرأÙØ© ØŒ أي ان تمنح الحكومة اهمية رعاية الشعب والتاكيد على الثقاÙØ© والتعليم والصحة، وهدÙنا هو تعليم شعب ارض الصومال وتقديم خدمات الصحة المجانية والالتحاق بالحضارة العالمية والتطور على كل ا لاصعدة والوصول الى الغاية ا لكبيرة وهي رÙاهية شعب ارض الصومال. المغترب العربي: كم يشكل حزب العدالة والرأÙØ© من الشعب المرتبط بالحركات السياسية وما هو ثقلكم السياسي؟ السيد Ùيصل: حصلنا ÙÙŠ الانتخابات الاخيرة على نسبة 16% ÙÙŠ البرلمان وهي نسبة كبيرة مقارنة Ùترة تاسيس حزبنا وانطلاقته الحقيقية للعمل السياسي المباشر، ونامل ان نخوض الانتخابات القادمة ونامل ان نحصل على مقاعد اكثر واصوات اكثر. المغترب العربي: هل كان هد٠ا لانÙصال ضرورة وطنية؟ السيد Ùيصل: نحن شعب ذو ثقاÙات متعددة مختلÙØ©ØŒ والسلطة اضطهدتنا بشكل كبير، وقتلت منا سلطة المركز الكثير (70 ا Ù„Ù) قتلهم الدكتاتور محمد سياد بري ØŒ حيث كانت خطته قتل الكثير من قبائل الاسحاقيين. المغترب العربي: ماهي نوع العملة المستخدمة ÙÙŠ ارض الصومال؟ السيد Ùيصل: شلن ارض الصومال. المغترب العربي: هل توجد خطوط جوية ÙÙŠ ا رض الصومال؟ السيد Ùيصل: 3 خطوط جوية المغترب العربي: هل توجد جامعات ÙÙŠ ارض الصومال؟ السيد Ùيصل: نعم توجد لدينا 3 جامعات، ولم تكن لدينا أي جامعة قبل الانÙصال. المغترب العربي: هل تم الاعترا٠بارض الصومال كدولة؟ السيد Ùيصل: لم يتم ا لاعترا٠لحد الان، ولكن لدينا علاقات مع امريكا واروبا وبعض دول الجوار. المغترب العربي: وماذا عن علاقتكم مع الدول العربية؟ السيد Ùيصل: لاتوجد لدينا أي علاقة مع الدول العربية. المغترب العربي: وما هو السبب؟ السيد Ùيصل: سياسة جامعة الدول العربية تابعة لسياسة مصر، والمصريون ضد الانÙصال ويؤديون وحدة الصومال ضد اثيوبيا لمصالحها ÙÙŠ السيطرة على موارد النيل. المغترب العربي: هل جمهورية ارض الصومال عربية؟ السيد Ùيصل: الاسحاقييون عرب هاشميون، ونحن الان لسنا اعضاء ÙÙŠ جامعة الدول العربية، وحزبنا يؤمن باهمية ا لاستÙتاء على موضوع عضوية الجامعة العربية. المغترب العربي: ولكن هل انتم عرب؟ السيد Ùيصل: نحن عرب ØŒ ولكن لنا سياستنا المختلÙØ© عن بقية الدول العربية المغترب ا لعربي: هل تؤمن باقامة علاقة مع اسرائيل؟ السيد Ùيصل : ننتظر ونقرر بعدها، والموضوع يعتمد على كيÙية حل القضية الÙلسطينية. المغترب العربي: كم لغة ÙÙŠ ارض الصومال؟ السيد Ùيصل: انكليزية، صومالية، عربية . واللغة الرسمية هي اللغة ا لصومالية. المغترب العربي: ماهو عدد Ù†Ùوس ارض الصومال؟ السيد Ùيصل : تقريبا ثلاثة ملايين ونص٠المغترب العربي: هل لديكم سÙارة ÙÙŠ كندا؟ السيد Ùيصل: لا توجد لدينا سÙارة الان المغترب ا لعربي: هل التقيت بالمسؤولين الكنديين؟ السيد Ùيصل : لي برنامج لقاء مع السيد وزير العلاقات الدولية ورئيس البرلمان الكندي وقابلت مجموعة من اعضاء ا لبرلمان الكندي المغترب العربي: هل التقيت مع ابناء الجالية الصومالية؟ السيد Ùيصل: لي برنامج لقاء معهم هذا الاسبوع. المغترب العربي: على المستوى الشخصي ØŒ هل لك ان تخبرنا من انت بعد كل هذا؟ السيد Ùيصل: مهندس مدني، متزوج ولي تسعة اولاد وانا من تولد 1948 ÙÙŠ ارض الصومال. المغترب العربي: لنا بعض الاسئلة ÙÙŠ الشان العراقي، هل لنا ان نضعها امامك ØŒ اولها كي٠كنت ترى صدام حسين؟ السيد Ùيصل: ملحد المغترب العربي: كي٠ترى التغيير الذي حصل ÙÙŠ العراق؟ السيد Ùيصل: التغيير كان يمكن ان ياتي من الداخل ØŒ اÙضل من التغيير الذي جاء من الخارج. المغترب العربي: لماذا؟ السيد Ùيصل: لان شعب العراق شعب حضاري وشعب مثق٠ويعتبر من الشعوب القوية ÙÙŠ المنطقة، وله عمق تاريخي وحضارة قوية. المغترب العربي: كي٠ترى الوجود الامريكي ÙÙŠ العراق؟ السيد Ùيصل: احتلال وهنا توقÙنا عن الحديث لننهي موضوع اللقاء لهذا الاسبوع الذي شرÙنا به لللسيد Ùيصل علي ورابيه لنقول له شكرا على حسن الاستقبال وكلمات الترحيب بالمغترب العربي ØŒ وغادرنا الÙندق بصحبة اخوة اعزاء من ارض الصومال.
  23. Two consecutive seasons of above-normal rainfall and distribution of relief by aid agencies in Sool, Sanag and Toghdeer regions of northern Somalia have led to an improvement of pastoral conditions there, according to the UN World Food Programme (WFP). Despite the improved situation in the north, however, delayed and below-normal rainfall in southern Somalia during the current wet season was expected to lead to major food shortages in the region next year, the agency warned. "Sufficient rainfall for the last two seasons led to increased livestock numbers and improved body condition due to availability of pasture and water, making livestock more productive," said Jean-Pierre Mambounou, head of WFP's sub-office in Hargeysa, the capital of the self-declared republic of Somaliland, northwestern Somalia. Data made available by WFP showed that Sool, Sanag and Toghdeer generally received sufficient gu (long) and deyr (short) rains this year. Rainfall was evenly distributed and commenced on time. According to the November report of the Food Security Analysis Unit for Somalia (FSAU), most of the areas of northwestern Somalia, except southern Awdal, received normal to above-normal rainfall during the month of October. The agency said that sheep and goat exports from the port of Berbera had risen sharply in October. "Last month WFP field staff recorded decreased destitution in the affected regions and limited livestock migration," said Mambounou, who coordinates WFP operations in Somaliland and the self-declared autonomous region of Puntland. "If the climatically favourable conditions prevail, we expect social support to strengthen and good recovery of livestock in the next rainy seasons," he added. Increased primary school enrolment had also been recorded in areas where WFP school feeding programmes were being implemented. Due to an improvement in the number and health of livestock, some poor households were benefiting from restocking through kinship-support mechanisms, the agency said. It recommended that poor and destitute households be assisted. The southern region, on the other hand, was experiencing a worsening food security situation. "The food security situation in the south and especially in the Juba and Gedo regions is getting seriously worse because the deyr rains are not there," Zlatan Milisic, WFP's country director for Somalia, told IRIN in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. "There are some localised showers but certainly not enough," he added. Field reports had confirmed that shortages of water and pasture in traditional grazing areas in the Juba valley and Gedo region had resulted in unusual movement of people and livestock towards Juba River, WFP said in a statement. Malnutrition rates in many parts of southern Somalia had reached unacceptably high levels - up to 20 percent in some areas - the agency added. Milisic said an estimated one million people in Somalia, 640,000 of them in the southern region, continued to need humanitarian assistance, including food aid. The hardest-hit regions included Gedo, Bakol, and Middle and Lower Juba, which are normally already chronically food insecure. In a worst-case scenario, WFP would need some 50,000 tonnes of food aid for its operations in the south for the next six months. Milisic added that the agency was also experiencing problems in delivering food aid in Somalia because of piracy along the country's coast. Gunmen have in recent months hijacked ships hired by WFP to bring food to the East African nation. Finding credible partners to handle food distribution inside Somalia was another challenge WFP faced because of insecurity in some of the areas where those in need lived, he added.
  24. Yusuf: dabcan. Ethiopia kaligeed maaha, wxaan taageero waydiisaney Midowga Africa(AU), Egypt, Sudan iyo dhammaan dalalka kale ee xubnaha ka ah ururka, inay tageeraan Somaliya, waxaana ka rajaynaynaa taagero buuxda dhammaantood; waddan kasta oo ku jira Midowga Africa. Riyaale: It's good. We have no better friend than Ethiopia… They always treat us as brothers(Ethoipians) , as young brothers. They help us better than any other country in the area Faysal Cali Warabe's [in] famous saying: “Faysal Cali Warabe's [in] famous saying: “a boy born in Hargeisa has more commonality with one born in Addis Ababa than one in Mogadishu.†"Inanka Xamar ku dhasha, Kan Addis Ababa ku dhasha ayaa iga xiga " I agree with you, all so-called Somali politicians are ethoipian puppets; they all receive their weapons from Ethoipia, from Abdulaahi, Riyaale, Muuse Suudi, Qanyare, Mohamed Dheere, Shaati Guduud, Haabsade, etc True anything that ALL contemporary somali so-called politicians say or does is pre-approved from Ethoipia Now western somalia, Somaliland, Puntland, Central/southern Somalia (hiiraan, jowher, mogadisho, baydhabo, kismayo) are all in the Ethoipian hands Can we say Ethoipia outsmarted somali people? Warlords Don't Love Ethiopia Any Less But Hate Yusuf More By Faisal Roble March 21, 2005 The story of Somali collective memory is told and retold as being short and selective. Here is another variation of such a story pertaining to the controversy about Ethiopian peacekeeping mission in Somalia. Maxamed Siyaad Barre In the 1980s, the Somali National Movement (SNM), the United Somali Congress (USC), and the Somali Salivation Democratic Front (SSDF) were all housed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They all collaborated to overthrow Mohamed Siad Barre, the late dictator that ruled Somalia from 1969 to 1990. Most of the constituents that these movements claimed to have represented showed or seemed to have shown a high degree of affinity towards Ethiopia throughout the last 20 or so years, a period that has one of the lowest points and marked the speedy erosion of Somali nationalism. One way that the above-mentioned groups and their followers showed gratitude towards Ethiopia was carried: By helping the late Ethiopian dictator Megistu Haile Mariam to dismantle Somalia and create what has since then deteriorated to the current disarticulated stateless nation; By killing and or throwing Somali Galbeed refugees out of their respective districts. In Mogadishu, for example, helpless civilians who hailed from the Somali Region of Ethiopia were killed mercilessly during the early years of Somalia's civil war. In Jalalaqsi refugee camps, hundreds of people were beheaded and thrown to the Shabelle river and were denied any proper Islamic burial ceremony. In Hargeisa, thousands of refugees were slaughtered in what was called the Dam, or “Biyo xidheen.†And not many refugees went to Garowe or Bossaso, although these cities were as hostile when one looks that the sternest verbal abuses came from these regions. And so far, neither Ethiopia nor its yesteryear's or today's allies in Somalia has raised this human tragedy. Faysal Ali Waraabe - UCID Party Chief Somalilanders are on the record to say that they loved Ethiopia more than their own Somali brethren inside and outside of the republic. This sentiment is represented by one of the leader of Somaliland, Faysal Cali Warabe's [in] famous saying: “a boy born in Hargeisa has more commonality with one born in Addis Ababa than one in Mogadishu.†"Inanka Xamar ku dhasha, Kan Addis Ababa ku dhasha ayaa iga xiga " "Haddii Ethiopia Xamar ciidamo u dirto wabiyo dhiig ah ayaa qulquli doona " Faysal Cali Waraabe In the case of USC supporters, love for Ethiopia was captured by a pamphlet that I read in the early years of the 1990s that said some thing akin to “Hobyo port for Ethiopia.†As a result, the late General Caydid used to be the only warlord who was received in Ethiopia with a red carpet stretched out to his Pole Airport arrivals. As to Garowe's loyalty to Ethiopia, retelling the story here would be an overkill. Suffice it to say Bosaaso port is almost to replace the role Berbera had hitherto played for Ethiopia. Today, irrespective of past affinity, all these groups are using Ethiopia as their bogyman to get to the top price and that is derailing Abdulahi Yusuf's government. They all have somehow agreed to shame Ethiopia not because they love Ethiopia any less, but because they hate what Ethiopia is doing for Abdullahi Yusuf more. It is a reminiscent of Shake Spear's assessment of the Rome of Caesar's killing of Brutus when he wrote: “It is not that I Love you any less, but that I love Rome more.†One Somalilander Website (Awdelnews) ran an editorial (Ethiopia as an enemy is engraved in the collective memory of Somali people) and went as far as suggesting that Ethiopia's animosity with the Somali people goes back to the war of Imam Ahmed Gurey in the 15 th Century. That is precisely the case. But, can one talk about Ethiopia's animosity and its role to stunt Somali national aspirations, and then let have Ethiopia train its navy at the coast of Berbera at will? Other websites prematurely wrote in droves op-ed pieces to condemn Ethiopia as Somalia's eternal enemy while Yalaxow was telling the press that Ethiopia had in the past supplied weapons to himself (Yalaxow), Aidid, Qanyare and of course Abdullahi Yusuf. In another instance, one Somalilander, who recently decried about Ethiopian troops as peacekeepers in Somalia, once equated the search for Somali unity to racial purity, hence equating greater Somali nationalism with racism. To make matters worse, this piece was posted on Ethiopian websites! Where does really Ethiopia fit in each group's particular and narrow agenda? As the Somali clan politics shifts like the weather of London, we may never give a precise and short answer to this question. It is intriguingly puzzling, however, to know that Ethiopia, as an old and more complex country, correctly reads the uncontrollable and immature emotions of Somalis for the authorities in Addis Ababa refer to Somalis as a simplistic tribal groups, as in “ armane ya Somale Zalan gosawoch,†pagan Somali tribal groups. As such, Ethiopia perhaps reads where every one of these different interest groups stands and it claims to understand their agenda in the current fiasco. The issue of Ethiopian peacekeeping mission in Somalia itself is as strange as Ahmed Silanyo of Kulmiye party carrying the banner for the reinstitution of the former Democratic Republic of Somalia. That does not mean all of the critics of Ethiopian peace mission in Somalia do not have merit. Some of them may have. However, painting Ethiopia as a cruel colonial force that is Somalia's eternal enemy is quite a laughable matter. Did we suddenly wake up as of January 2005 from the slumber that Dr. Ali Abdul Rahman Hersi, a genuine proponent of Somali nationalism and critic of Ethiopian intervention all along, identified as a plague in today's Somalia? All of the groups beating the drum against Ethiopia have in the past used or are still using Ethiopia (as in the case of Puntlanders and Somalilanders) as their friend to weaken Somali nationalism. As viciously as clannish Somali clans and groups are, the current controversy surrounding Ethiopian peacekeeping mission is a classical case where a Somali clan or a political group would use anything at its disposal to advance its narrow tribal interest, even if that is smoking up the nation. And one may suspect that the rest of the world, with the exception of some gullible western liberal groups like the International Crisis Group (ICG), sees said controversy as one of the many manifestations of Somalia's clan politics. If so, the entire Ethiopian bashing is nothing more than a political gymnastics by one political group against another. What is disheartening is that Somalis in Ethiopia have lost what is estimated to be a third of their land in a sham plebiscite this past October that the Ethiopian parliament hastily rubber-stamped. Not a single Somali group, party or news group ever mentioned this historical miscarriage of justice with the exception of Wardheernews. Ethiopia is carrying the most comprehensive land grabbing policy . Most of the groups shedding crocodile tears have their own hidden agenda about their bone of contention with Ethiopia, but are masquerading it as Somali nationalism. Having said this, I join those on the other side of the fence and argue that Ethiopia may not be the right force to enforce either disarmament or peacekeeping mission in Somalia. Ethiopia is already, though, in Somaliland, Puntland, Hiiraan region, Baydhabo. Worse, Ethiopian Airlines have been flying into Somali cities, violating its air space for a number of years. But, the very forces that have destroyed anything that was good about being Somali must not opportunistically use the cause of Somali nationalism in their political gymnastics to reach their parochial agenda. Using Ethiopia as the bogyman must not be read outside the web of clan politics. To maximize one's clanist agenda, no stone is usually left unturned and that is the story of the 1980s and 1990s that would be told and retold. The Ethiopian bogyman is nothing more than one such a stone to be turned by as many groups and individuals as we have seen within the last two weeks. This is the real story retold, unflattering as it may sound.
  25. Riyaale “This is not the first time that I met Meles. We are always received warmly when we come to Ethiopia, because this is a brotherly country. This time we shared issues that concern our area. Although we are not recognized by Ethiopia we share security, border and many other things. So we talk about these and new developments in our area. We just correspond on that and we have good understanding when we come here… We always discuss about our destiny as one of our major issues… It's good. We have no better friend than Ethiopia… They always treat us as brothers(Ethoipians) , as young brothers. They help us better than any other country in the area… Ethiopians come to Berbera and send their goods through Berbera and bring their goods from Berbera. It is open for them… we have captured a lot of people that tried to infiltrate Ethiopia. They are now in our custody. They are members of the ONLF, About thirty. They have been trained in Eritrea. Luckily we have captured them. And they are now in court; because we don't accept anyone to attack our neighbours… We were united in 1960 but we have with drawn from that union. We will not go back to the union. This is their problem. They have to solve their problem, as we have solved our problem, We will call them(non-somalilanders). We know each other. We will tell them the truth. They cannot cheat us (non-somalilanders) as they cheat the other people…How can we help them? There are about 50 warlords. Everyone has his area. Who do we reconcile? To whom do we talk? We don't know…We don't know. They are terrorists. They want to destabilize our country, because we are practicing the rule of law in our country. They want to make our country the same as those in Mogadishu. They have been sent from Mogadishu, Al-Quaeda and all that, To certain extent, yes . We have captured the main organs operating in our country, While I was away from the country. Another four were captured while I was in the country… No, thank you for the interview. I would like to thank the Ethiopian people, the Ethiopian government. That's what I want say. “ Interview with the President of Somaliland to Ethoipia news agency