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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. US 'heartened' by Somali political agreement Mon Jan 9, 2006 5:39 AM ET NAIROBI (Reuters) - The United States welcomed on Monday an agreement by Somalia's leaders to try and end a rift in the anarchic African nation it failed to pacify in the 1990s. Raising hopes of an end to a feud that has paralyzed the 14th attempt to restore government in Somalia since 1991, factions led by Somalia's president and parliament speaker agreed last week to convene the legislature within 30 days. If that happens, it would be a first for the fledgling Somali government since returning home in mid-2005 after formation in the relative security of neighboring Kenya. "We are heartened by their commitment to turn a new page in Somalia's political life, to respect the Somali Transitional Federal Charter, and to convene the Parliament in regular session within 30 days, as expressed in their joint declaration," the U.S. State Department said. The U.S. statement, released in Nairobi, also urged all Somali ministers, legislators, civil society, business and religious leaders to support the accord. The agreement was reached at talks in Yemen between President Abdullahi Yusuf and speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan. The split between the president's and speaker's factions has hindered the government's attempt to impose any authority on the Horn of Africa nation which has been run by warlords since the ousting of former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991. The United States sent troops into Somalia in 1992 ahead of a U.N. force intended to restore order and open aid channels. But they left in 1994 after encountering tough resistance from local warlords. That included a 1993 clash which killed 18 U.S. soldiers and was depicted in the film "Black Hawk Down." Diplomats and analysts say that while the Yusuf-Hassan contact in Yemen was encouraging, the proof of their agreement will be if parliament actually meets. Fears among Somali factions that the government may be dissolved or key figures removed at the meeting may hamper its chances, they said. The contentious issue of where to locate the government -- Yusuf's faction is in the provincial city of Jowhar while Hassan's is in the capital Mogadishu -- is also unresolved.
  2. Goobjoog: Barre Hiiraale oo taageeray Heshiiskii Cadan Goobjoog: Dhaleecay loojeediyey Hogaamiyayaasha hubaysan ee Muqdisho CIIDAMADA MAREYKANKA OO MAR KALE TODOBAADKAN SAHMINAYA XEEBAHA SOOMAALIYA Diyaaradaha dagaalka ee ciidmada mreykanka ayaa duulimaadyo is daba joog ah ku sameyna xeebta dheer e soomaaliya si ay u soo helaan xarun lagu tababaro wax ay ku sheegeen argagixisada iyo burcad badeedka iyadoo uu taliyaha howlgalkaas hor joigahah ka ah Gen. JOHN Carstofer ayaa u sheegay raadiyaha raadiyaha jabuuti in duulimaadyada diyaaradah qaar ay ku dhici doonaan si dhaqsi ah si ay u soo gabagabeeyaan qeybta hore ee howlgalkaas kaasoo ay kormeer adag ay ku samendoonaan xeebaha isku dherersan ee soomaaliya. Dhinaca kale Jenanka ayaa ka dhawaajiyey in diyaaradahaas ay sahan ku smayane doonaan goobaha ay abaaraha ka jiraan ee kofurta soomaaliya iyo waqooy barki kenya. si ay u soo qiimeeyaan xaaladaha ay ku sugan yihiin dad iyo duunyadaab abarata heyso. Dhanka kale diyaadaradaha mareykanka ayey wararku shegayaan in ay la howl geli doonaan Ciimada cirka ee dalalka kenya ,Jabuuti iyo Itoobiya si daraasaad dhab ah looga sameyeeyo saldhigyada Al-Qaacidda ee soomaaliya. sahankan ayaa wararku sheegayaan in uu qeyb ka yahay sahanno horey looga sameeyey dalka soomaaliya inkasta oo aan la ogeyn wixii ay ku dhammaadeen. MAAMULKA SOMALILAND OO SHARUUDO LAGU XIRAY AQOONSIGIISI Guddoomiyaha guddiga u raadinta aqoonsiga somaliland Md. Cilmi Cumar Dixood ayaa sheegay in uu guul darreystay howshii ay muuddada dheer wadeen taasoo intooda badneynd ay ka hor timid sharuudo aan laga tallaabasan karin kaasoo uu ku sheegay in ay soo hor dhigeen dalal ay aqoonsi ka raadiyeen. Guddoomiyaha ayaa faahfaahin ka bixiyey sharuudaha lagu xiray in ay ugu horeeyaan kulan somaliland la yeelato soomaaliya oo oggolaansho ka soo hesho koonfurta soomaaliya iyo in soomaaliada raalli ka yihiin goonni isu taagga iyo in la joojiyo orodka dheer oo loogu jiro aqoosi looga helo caalamka somaliland. Dhanka kale Md. Dixood ayaa intaa raaciyey in dowlado badan oo caalamka ah oo saaxiib la ah reer somaliland oo ay aqoosigii ay ka codsadeen sharuud ugu dhigeen in aysan oggolaankarin ka hor inta aysan soomaalidu oggolaan kala qeysabsankana laga fiican yahayiyadoo haatan soomaaliya uu maamul ka jiro taasoo ay ula jeedeen dowladda federaalka kmg soomaaliya isagoo ku celceliyey in ay ka daali doonin reer somaliland goonni isu taagga ay ku dhawaaqeen oosan si fudud ugu laaban doonin go’aankaa taariikhiga ah inkastoo ay caalamku cadaadis siyaasadeed kala kulmeen iyo weji kabax farabadan.
  3. Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Shariif Hassan oo ku sii jeeda Jowhar iyo Baydhabo
  4. Cali Cabdalla Saalax oo safiir cusub Soomaaliya usoo magacaabay
  5. Heshiiskii madaxweynaha & guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka oo helay taageero ballaaran
  6. Xubnaha labada gole Muqdisho oo ay ka maqnaayeen Max’ed Qanyare, Muuse Suudi & Cusmaan Caato oo maanta ku heesay heestii Soomaaliyeey Toosooy, soona dhoweeyey heshiiska Cadan
  8. duceeya Ilahayow ummada somaliyeed dhibatada ka saar, oo mid ka dhig, wadada toosana ku toosi amiin amiin gacmo wada jir bey wax ku qabtaan far kaliya fool ma dhaqdo
  9. xarago waa guuul, wax lagu farxo, horumar, marka laba dhinac oo is ka soo horjeeda ry hishiiyaan. waxaa layaab ah oo na ceeeb ah in walaalaha reer woqooyi galbeed (ama somaliland) iney iska saraan walaalahood soomaaliyeed, diidaana wada hadal, waxaa la yiri hadii lawada hadlo ayaa la hishiiyaa, Maanta hadii riyaale iyo koxdiisa hargeysa ey ku soo biiraan ogoladaana iney la midoobaan waxna lagabsadaan walaalahood sooliyeed, farxad weyn ayeey dhamaan ummada soomaaliyeed u noqonasaa, riyaale iyo koxdiisa hergeysa HERO ayey u noqon karaan dhamaan umada soomaaliyeed, waxaana loogu farxayaa sidii loogu farxay hishiiska dhexmaray mogadisho iyo jowhar.
  10. MANY MANY THANKS TO YEMEN C/laahi Yuusuf iyo Shariif Xasan oo Khamiista (Jan 5, 2006) Heshiis ku kala saxiixan doona Yemen Tarjumadii Yemen | Jan 4, 2005 Wararka ka imanaya magaalada Cadan ee dalka Yemen ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in madaxweynaha Dawlada Federaalka kumeel gaarka ah ee Soomaaliya iyo guddoomiyaha baarlamaanaka FKMG ay Arbaca (Jan 4, 2006) heshiis kama dambays ah ku gaareen dalka Yemen, heshiiskaas oo ah in la soo afjaro khilaafkii u dhexeeyey labada garab ee dawlada (Jowhar & Muqdisho), isla mar ahaantaasna dawlada Kumeelgaarka ah loo raro magaalada Muqdisho. Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Shariif Xasan Sheikh Aaden waxa ay maalmahan wada hadal ku lahaayeen magaalada Cadan ee dalka Yemen. Waxaa wararaku intaas ku dareen in Madaxweyne C/Laahi iyo Shariif Xasan ay isla gaareen heshiis rasmi ah, heshiiskaasna la saxiixi doono maalinta Khamiista, waxaana saxiixaas goob joog ka noqon doona madaxweynaha dalka Yemen Cali Cabdalla Saalax oo in dhoweydba ku jirey dhexdhexaadinta labada garab ee dawlada FKMG. Warar dheeraad ah oo ka imanaya dalka Yemen ayaa tibaaxay in heshiiska ka dib kulanka ugu horeeya ee baarlamaanka FKMG ee Soomaaliya lagu qaban doono magaalo aan weli la cayimin, waxaana loo malaynayaa in ay noqon doonto Baydhabo ama Kismaayo. Dhanka kale waxaa saraakiil reer Yemen ah laga soo xigtey in marka hore ay wasiirada iyo xildhibaanada DFKMG ah ay tegi doonaan magaalada Muqdisho ka hor inta aan madaxweyne Cabdullaahi uusan tegein Muqdisho. Waxaana wararku intaas ku dareen in uu madaxweynuhu sii joogi doono magaalada Jawhar ilaa uu ka xaqiiqsanayo amaankiisa Muqdisho. Dalka Yemen dhawr jeer ayuu isku deyey in uu dhexdhexaadiyo labada garab ee dawlada ee kala joogey Jowhar iyo Muqdisho. Waxaana wararku hadda muujinayaan in ay Yemen uu muuqato in ay ku guulaysatey markaan in ugu yaraan ay isa salaamaan labada hoggaamiye (Jowhar & Muqdisho), kuwaas oo shacabka Soomaaliyed ay ka sugayeen in ay u horseedaan nabad gelyo, colaadana soo afjaraan.
  11. ADEN DECLARATION Under the blessing invitation of H.E. Ali Abdalla Salah, President of the Republic of Yemen, a dialogue took place between H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, President of the Somali Republic and H.E. Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden, the Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament of the Somali Republic, they held direct talks and dialogue which took place in Aden, Yemen, from the second up to fourth January 2006; The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and the Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament of Somalia H. E. Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden: Conscious of the primary importance of the national interest of the Somali people over any other issue; Deeply behaving in the pursuance of the dialogue started under the auspices of H.E.Ali Abdalla Salah the President of the Republic of Yemen with the view of reconciling and solving the differences of opinion among the members of the institutions of the State; Guided by the provisions of the Transitional Federal Charter of the Republic of Somalia; Believing that all sacrifices and unlimited efforts should further be made to restore security and stability in Somalia;. Considering and showing full response to the relentless efforts of H.E. Ali Abdalla Salah, the President of Republic of Yemen to ensure the settlement of all divergences which have existed among the Transitional Federal Institutions of the State; We have agreed to issue this declaration, with the following provisions : 1. That both leaders have reached to start a new page and end their differences, which have brought serious damage to the discharge of the duties and responsibilities of the institutions, in an spirit of cooperation on which the Somali people were spinning their highest hopes. 2. That both leaders have agreed the necessity that inter active coordination should be based fully on the total respect of the principles and norms of the Transitional Federal charter, in accordance with normal state constitutional practices of permanent mutual consultations, so as not to allow any violation to the powers that the charter has attributes to each of the Transitional Federal Institutions of the country. 3. That the Transitional Federal Parliament should be convened within 30 days inside the country, with effect from today, to hold its official session in any place that may be agreed upon. 4. That both leaders jointly call upon the members of the Parliament and Government to put aside their fruitless squabbles and differences, urging them to come together and unite, placing the supreme interests of the nation above selfishness, while appealing to them, at the same time, for their full cooperation, in fulfilling the provisions of this declaration. 5. That the International Community, to fully support the efforts to convene all members of the Parliament to hold their first ordinary session, inside the country. The President of the Somali Republic and the Speaker of the Parliament of the TFP, address jointly a vibrant appeal to the Somali people to contribute towards the implementation of self disarmament, putting to an end to their conflicts and differences using all peaceful means of mutual respect and dialogue. They also appeal to the International Community to extend an emergency aid to areas and regions of Somalia which are now suffering from severe drought. The President of the Republic of Somalia and the Speaker of the TFP, jointly address, on behalf of the Somali people, deep thanks and gratitude to H.E. Ali Abdalla Salah for the brotherly role he has displayed in a sincerely effort to solve the protracting crises that the Somali people had been confronted with. The Speaker of the TFP The President of the Somali Republic of the Somali Republic H.E.Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed H.E.Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden Done in Aden, on 5th January 2006; at the 22nd May Presidential Palace, Aden, Republic of Yemen.
  12. Hambalyo Hambalyo Labada hogaamiye waxey muujiyeen iney diyaar u yihiin iney wax ka qabtaan dhibaatada dheeraatey ee heysata shacabka soomaaliyeed, kana bixi karaan masuuliyada taarikhiga ey hayaan. In uu barlamaanku shiro waa talaabo muhiim ah, meesha lagu shirayo waa iney noqotaa caro soomaaliyeed uun. In Jowhar iyo Baydhabo noqdaan xaruumaha dowlada federaalka (xukuumada iyo barlamaanka) waa arrin macquul ah, marka la eego xaaalada xasiloono darada ka jirta caasimada somalia mogadisho.
  13. Somalia's President Abdullahi Yusuf (L) and parliament speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan ® speak to the media after signing a declaration in the southern Yemeni port city of Aden January 5, 2006. Yusuf and Adan agreed on Thursday to end a rift that has paralysed the anarchic nation, but a final declaration signed by the leaders did not mention where the government would be based. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah Somali leaders to end rift, no word on govt move Thu Jan 5, 2006 5:58 AM ET By Mohamed Sudam ADEN, Yemen (Reuters) - Somalia's president and parliament speaker agreed on Thursday to end a rift that has paralyzed the anarchic nation, but a final declaration signed by the leaders did not say where the government would be based. President Abdullahi Yusuf and speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan have been arguing over whether the government, now based in a northern city, should be moved to the capital Mogadishu as stipulated by a transitional national charter. But a copy of the final declaration, signed in Yemen and obtained by Reuters, did not mention a venue for the government. A Yemeni official close to the talks said the leaders had intentionally omitted the location of the government to avoid angering faction chiefs in Somalia. "In principle, they agreed that the government will first move to Baidoa and then Mogadishu," the official said. Baidoa is a neutral city, while Mogadishu is considered a stronghold of a group comprising the parliament speaker, more than 100 legislators and powerful warlords in the cabinet. Yusuf's faction set its temporary base in Jowhar, 90 km (55 miles) north of Mogadishu, saying the capital was too dangerous to be the government's seat until it was pacified. The final declaration said both leaders had agreed to "coordination between state organizations that was based on the total respect of the ... national charter". "Both leaders have reached an agreement to start a new page and end their differences which have brought serious damage to the ... duties of the institutions and the spirit of the Somali people," said the declaration, signed in the Yemeni city Aden. MEDIATING TALKS Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has been mediating talks between the two leaders as their respective factions have refused to meet on home ground. The declaration said Yusuf and Hassan had agreed to ask parliament to meet within 30 days at a location inside Somalia that would be announced later. "Both also called upon the members of parliament and government to put aside their fruitless squabbles and differences, urging them to unite, placing the supreme interest of the nation above other interests," it added. Sources close to Yusuf had proposed either Baidoa or Kismayo, neutral cities in Somalia's restive south, as venues. The fact that both factions in the government, formed in the relative safety of neighboring Kenya in late 2004, are to meet inside Somalia at all is seen by many as major progress. In one parliament meeting held in the Kenyan capital Nairobi before the government returned home last year, MPs threw chairs at each other, brawled and smashed the ballot box. Tension has worsened since the two sides returned to Somalia. The factions have exchanged belligerent accusations and a U.N. report suggested they were amassing arms and moving militiamen, raising fears of yet another war in the impoverished African country. Yusuf's administration is the 14th attempt to establish an effective central authority in Somalia since a militia coalition toppled dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991 and ushered in an era of anarchy. Qaar kamid ah Qodobadii aay ku heshiiyeen Madaxweynaha DFKM Cabdullahi Yusuf iyo Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Shariif Xassan iyaga oo Jooga magaalada Cadan ee dalka Yaman Somaliweyn -Nairobi-Kenya- 05/01/06 Sida Ay Shegayaan warar ka Nagasoo Gaaraya wadanka Yemen Gaar Ahaan Magaalada Xeebtaa Ee Cadan Waxaa lafilayaa in Madaxweynaha Dawlada Soomaaliya Mudane C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Somaaliya Mudane Shariif Xassan Sheekh Aadan ay Saacadaha Soosocda Kala Saxiixan Donaan Heshiis kama danbayna Oo ay kusoo afjarayaan Khilaafkii Balaarnaa ee Udhaxeeyey in Mudaa Kala Saxiixashada Heshiis Kaas Ayaa waxaa Goob jog kanoqon Doono Madaxweynaha Dalka Yemen Cali C/lla Saalax . Sida Aan Kasoo xiganay Ilo Xog Ogaala oo U kudhaw Madaxweynaha iyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka saakana uu soo qoray Wargaska Kuhadla Afka Dawlada Ee lagumagacaabo 26 Sep Heshiis ka Ay kala Saxeexan Donaan Madaxweyanaha Somaaliya iyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Kamid noqnon Doona Qodobadaan Soosocda. 1) in Si Shuruud La,aana looga Gudbo o Loo Dhameeyo Khilaafkasta oo Kajira Labada Garab ee dawlada Kuna Kala Sugan Muqdisho iyo Jawhar. 2) in Sida ugu Dhaqso Badan Hal meel La is kugu Keno Dhamaan Xubnaha Labada Gole Ee Dawlada Somaaliya . 3) Dawladaha Caalamka In laga Codasanaayo In Ay Sibuuxda Utageraan Heshiiskaan Ay kala saxeexan donaan Madaxweynaha Somaaliya Iyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaan ka Somaaliya. 4) Waxaa Laga Codasanayaa Hogaamiya kooxeedyada Somaaliya Ee hubeysan iyo guud ahaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed In Ay Si Bilaa Shuruuda Is Kaga Dhigaan Hubka Ay Sitaan Ay Na Taageeraan Dawlada Somaaliya. 5) In Dad Ka Somaalidaa Ee Dibada Kunool In Ay Sibuuxda Uatgeraan Heshiis kaan Ay kala saxiixandoonaan Labada Mas uul EE Madaxweynaha Iyo Gidomoyaha. Qodobadaas Aan Soo Sheeganay Iyo Kuwo Kaloo badan Waxaa Lafilayaa In Madaxweynaha Somaaliya Mudane Cabdulaahi yuusf iyo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Somaaliya Mudane Shariif Xasan Ay kala Saxiix daan Saacadaha Soo Socada Waxaana Lafilayaa Mar ka Ay kala Saxiixanayaan Heshiiska In Ay goobjoog Noqon Donaan Madaxbadan oo katirsan dawlada wadanka Yemen Uuna ugu Horeeyo Madaxweynaha Yemen Cali cabdalla Saalax. Heshiis ka Ay kala Saxiixan Donaan Saacadaha Soosocda Madaxweynaha Iyo Gudoomiayaha ha Ka dheeraan Shabakada warar Ka ee Waxaa Hawada Daqiiqad daqiiqad idinkaga Soo lal minaaya wariye Jamaal Shuuriye oo Haatan shirkaas Sitoosa ula socda Arimaha Heshiiskaan .
  14. Iney labada hogaamiye hishiiiyaan waa furaha dhameenta khilaafka u dhaxeeya labada dhinac, xal aad buu u dhowyahay. Ilaahay haa ka saaro dhamaan shacabka soomaaliyeed dhibaatada Amiin Amiin Somali rivals in government talks By David Bamford BBC Africa editor Rival Somali political leaders are expected to announce whether they have reached an agreement that could lead to the restoration of central government. Talks have been taking place in Yemen between the Somali President, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, and the parliamentary speaker, Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan. It provides the hope that Somalia might start to emerge from its current state of virtual anarchy. The country has been factionalised and basically lawless since 1991. Compromise opportunity Both men were chosen by a fairly representative transitional national assembly, and there is an approved cabinet of ministers. Yet politically in Somalia, nothing works - at all. The problem, and indeed the solution, may lie in the relationship between the president and the speaker. Mr Adan has allied himself to the warlords who occupy the capital, Mogadishu. But Mogadishu is a city where President Yusuf fears to tread because he believes one of those militias will try to kill him. He instead operates from Jowhar, only 50km (31m) from the capital, but politically speaking a world away. Mr Adan's parliament never meets, and President Yusuf's government does not function. But finally the two men are talking, and there is much speculation among seasoned observers that Mr Adan is ready to at least partly shun the warlords. The key could be for him to call a meeting of the transitional parliament, preferably on Somali soil - so far it has only ever met in Kenya, and that was a year ago. It is thought that only the parliament - in which the militias and rival clans are represented - has a wide enough legitimacy to make decisions on reuniting Somalia that would stick. Story from BBC NEWS: Published: 2006/01/04 02:56:44 GMT
  15. Somaliland, Puntland, hiiraan, jowhar, baydhabo, mogadisho factions all are tribal based. waxeena ka danbeeya cadow shisheeye Ethoipia iyo jabhadu qabiil oo madaxyihiin warcriminals is biirsaday oo dhib mooyee aan dheef soo wadin Maamulada Qabiil ee magaca badalayna waxba kama duwana idaacadaha, Somaliland (ex SNM), and Puntland (ex SSDF+USP)
  16. Yaa maqlay dad u ooya guumeysi war baa lahayaa!!!!!! Good Old Days 1884-1960:some Northwest somalis (= somalilanders) crying noisily for British colonial masters Correcting mutual historical mistakes The people of Somaliland lived under the Union Jack for 84 years from 1884 to 1960. If the British administration did its part correctly during these long years, Somaliland might have been a little more careful with its destiny and not have committed the historical mistake of rushing into the infamous union with the Italian South. However with the historical mistakes committed by the British colonial administration, Somaliland was destined to complete the circle and commit its own. Now, with Somaliland rectifying its own mistakes and trying to reclaim its lost sovereignty and its place among the world community, the British government has a moral obligation to also revisit its past and show its willingness to right it wrongs to Somalilanders. To start with the British follies, which could all be described as dereliction of duty more than anything else, one would notice that when the British finally left Somaliland on June 26, 1960, they left us with nothing tangible to show for their long stay. In a quick comparison with other African countries which have been colonized by the British in the same period, one could see that the British left us with no colleges such as Makerere College in Uganda (1949), Kings College, Ibadan College in Nigeria (1948), Achimoto College in Ghana (1924), Khartoum University College in Sudan (1951) and the Royal Technical College in Kenya (1956). Somaliland was left with no railroads, no tarmac roads, no power stations, no agricultural development projects and no serious attempts on water development or minerals exploration such as petroleum and gems of which Somaliland is now proven to possess with commercial and sustainable quantities. The capital Hargeisa was no rival to metropolitans like Nairobi, Kampala, Daresalam, Lusaka, Accra, Lagos and others. The only sign of nationhood that the British administration left behind was the port of Berbera which was almost primitive compared to its relatively advanced neighboring ports of Djibouti and Aden. The British administration had even overlooked the introduction of cash crops to give the country a means of subsistence and economic sustainability in the future just as it did in other parts of Africa where it introduced cash crops like cocoa, coffee, tea and etc. Although the main objective of the British colonization of Somaliland was to use it as a source of meat supplies for its garrison in neighboring barren Aden, the British have neglected to develop the export of Somaliland’s only hard currency earner- the livestock. One or two meat processing factories, few hygienic and modern slaughter houses and one or two veterinary schools and research laboratories would have turned Somaliland into the meat house of its traditional markets in Arabia including Aden at the time. It is even astounding how the British, famous for their love of sunny beaches around the world, passed up the opportunity to build recreational resorts on the long shores of Somaliland, let alone erect fish factories and exploit the many varieties of Somaliland’s high quality fish. Despite all this, it is remarkable to note how the Somaliland people relish recalling the good old days of the British rule and talk highly of the few good things they gave to them. These include a good and incorruptible civil administration, a fair judicial system, a few good boarding schools, a small but well trained and well disciplined military and police force, some scholarships, several civil centers in major towns, British style suburban bungalows, the Hargeisa club, which is still intact and functioning, and top of all an inimitable suffix in the name of our country - SomaliLAND. Somaliland for its part has committed grave historical mistakes against itself including allowing the Mad Mulla, an alien Jihadist and a tyrant of modern style Talibanist with a slant of Wahhabism in his doctrine to exhaust the British colonial government’s resources in more than 20 years of an internecine and unwarranted religious war. Mohammed Abdullah Hassan’s Dervish War cost considerable loss of life and wealth to Somalilanders but also distracted the British from developing the infrastructure of the country and improving people’s life. It also prompted the British to brand Somalianders as the Irish of Africa, thus distorting their image and portraying them as a bunch of violent and marauding nomadic tribes in an inhospitable land and brute culture. Rejecting the British advice to delay their independence for a decade to enable them catch up with the South in infrastructural development was also another miscalculation on the side of Somaliland. Their thoughtless argument was that what the British could do in ten years that they couldn't do in 84 years. The British foresaw the disadvantaged position that Somaliland would be in uniting with the Italian South that was not only more populous but was completely different from the north on cultural, political and economic aspects. They tried to forewarn the Somalilanders that they would lose their cultural particularity, their good civil administration and eventually their whole identity if they made a union with the South. With Somaliland masses driven by patriotism and many of the northern politicians mesmerized by the cosmopolitan Italian life-style in Mogadishu with its night clubs, liberal culture, tarmac roads, abundant tropical fruits and cinema houses, it was almost next to impossible to stop the Northerners’ tryst with the union. Even the last salvo of the British to save the Somalilanders by advising them to increase the number of their parliament and ask for a power sharing system of government with the South fell on deaf ears. Likewise, Mohammed Ibrahim Egal’s pleas to the Somalilanders for giving themselves a breathing space before they joined the South was repudiated while Michael Mariano’s NUF party with its visionary call for postponing independence was seen as an act of betrayal. The Northerners’ outright condemnation of their military elites who made an attempted coup in 1961 to reclaim the lost sovereignty of Somaliland had put the final nail on any hopes for independence and even somehow trivialized the northern people’s absolute NO to the referendum of the country’s first constitution. The Italian South-dominated Somali Republic finally cut Somaliland’s umbilical cord with its colonial past, when it severed ties with the British government on the cause of the NFD Somalis in Kenya, thus depriving Somaliland the benefit of getting 150 scholarships a year from Common Wealth countries. It took the Somalilanders 30 lean years of destruction, desolation, isolation, massacres and mass migration to regain their independence from the mouth of a LION as the Somali adage says. The Somaliland President’s visit to the UK in March 2004 is thus a good opportunity for the two sides, the British government and the Somaliland people, to correct their mutual historical mistakes and embrace each other in harmony and forgiveness. It is time that Somaliland has to come back to its place among the Common Wealth nations and reclaim its common history and culture with the English speaking peoples of the world. It is also time for the British government to bring Somaliland from the cold and welcome it to the warm affection of the British crown.
  17. Arrested majority or minority in the Northern regions of Somalia (Somaliland): Which way forward?
  18. SOMALIA: Primary attendance lowest in the world - UNICEF NAIROBI, 15 December (IRIN) - Only one out of every five children in Somalia is enrolled in primary school, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) said in its State of the World's Children report for 2006. Somali children are further disadvantaged by disease, conflict and harsh environmental conditions, the agency added. "The net primary attendance ratio is lower than anywhere in the world, at just 12 percent for boys and 10 percent for girls," the report said. "Years of underinvestment have left Somalia lagging behind the rest of the developing world in education." UNICEF said the lack of a functioning national administration since 1991 had further constrained human development in Somalia, which according to the 2004 under-five mortality rate, has the sixth worst under-five mortality rate in the world. Some 26 percent of Somali children are moderately or severely underweight, while 133 out of every 1,000 children will die in infancy, UNICEF said. "An estimated 5.6 million Somali children continue to live without or with limited access to basic services and are highly vulnerable to preventable disease," UNICEF noted in its humanitarian action plan for Somalia in 2006. The agency said despite continued conflict, efforts by local and international partners ensured that Somali children benefited from greater access to healthcare, education, clean water and an enhanced protective environment. "Increasing national stability presents us with an opportunity to include all children in the formulation of the country's development agenda," said Christian Balslev-Olesen, UNICEF country representative for Somalia. "Putting children at the centre of that agenda aims to ensure that we plan for the education, health and protection of every Somali child: including the poorest, most vulnerable pastoralist child in the remotest rural village," he added. The full report is available at: []
  19. Well said bro xoogsade “Maamul qabiileed caddaalad ma keeno, nidaamka qabaliga ahna wuxuu u daneeyaa oo keliya cidda ka dhalatay degaanka.†Now Somaliland notion is the interest of one tribe, and the other tribes of the former British Somali colony are against the Somaliland faction because its based on xaqdaro favours one clan over others. “Dad baa mar walba dulman oo dulmi ku hoos noolaanaayo†reer sool sanaag iyo cayn ma doonayaan inay ku hoos noolaadeen dulmi iyo xaqdaro. “Meel walboo qabiil awood ku leeyahay dulmigaasaa ka jiro†run baa sheegtay wax kasta oo ah qabiil based dulmi kama maqna, “Muqdisho waa lagu kala cararay markey noqotey magaalo qabiileed†waa xaqiiq mogadisho mar bey aheed caasimad weyn oo dhamaan umada soomaaliyeed jeclaayeeen, qof kasta oo soomaaliyeed ku riyoon jirey inoo mar ku noolaadu mogadisho gurina ka dhistu, maantana caqliga qof soomaaliyeed oo miyir qaba muqadisho kama fakaro. “haddii la rabo soomaalida iney isla noolaato, is dhex gasho oo hal ummad iyadoo ah meel ku wada noolaato, qabiil halaga talo baxo.†Saasey danta dhamaan umada soomaaliyeed ku jirtaa, in qabiil llaga saaro public life ugu yaraan, oo ey somaalidy kuwada nooladaan meter square kasta oo ka mid ah Somalia . “Haddii la diido, amaan hala ka helo. Ha anfaco qabiil dadka jecel innagana ilaahaan uga dacwooneynaa dhibaatada qabiilka.†Waa run, xal fiican, hadii la diido Somalia iyo in dhamaan dadka soomaaliyeed wax wada qabsadaan, amaan ha la kala helo oo cid kasta haa madax banaanatu. Saasey qabaan reer sool sanaag iyo cayn Lakiin, yaa wax u sheegaya reer woqooyigalbeed waayo midow wey rabaan mana rabaan, waxey rabaan midow ku dhisan guumeysi gaalo iyo qabiil, mana rabaan mid ku dhisan walaaltinimo iyo wadananimo soomaaliyeed,waxey rabaan in dadkii ingriisku wada guumeestay midoobaan, waana kasoo horjeedaan in dhamaan walaalaha soomaaliyeed midoobaan, waxaasi wax shaqeenaya ma aha
  20. Saaxib, Faisal’s comments are not personal views, Faisal is leader of one of the leading Somaliland’s supposed political parties (actually sub-clan party): UCID party that now heading Somaliland parliament, I did not unfold nothing, but its interesting that leader of Somaliland admitted the well-known and the indisputable fact, that Somaliland is a one clan-entity. I commend Somaliland and Puntland achievement of momentous progress in many fronts, and hope many more successes for them and other Somali regions. Somaliland and Puntland should be a good example for other Somali regions in terms of peace building. I just concerned the threat of clan-politics in these two peaceful regions. I don’t have anything against Somaliland, and giving the credit they deserve for the progress they made. Good for Somaliland if they made progress, I only have problem with Somaliland when it comes Somaliland-SSC crisis, Somaliland can’t hide their hostilities and aggression against sool Sanaag and cayn, because there is no excuse for aggression. I do accept that SOOL and Saanag people are people governed by free will that is not only free from external coercion, but also from the internal tyranny of any sort.Now you might not get this kind of comment from other Somalilander's;i am speaking for my thoughts. Saaxib, the people of Sool Sanaag and Cayn are proud, brave and people and well known for their fearless freedom fighters, who cherish freedom, and fought against European colonials for more than 80 years, and will not accept a new African colonialism. Thank you for your so-called kind words and of course you speaking for your personal thoughts. But we are not expecting anyone kind words, we suggest other north-westerners (=Somalilanders), excellent brotherly bilateral and neighborly relations between northwest (=Somaliland) and north central (=Sool Sanaag and Cayn), if not we expecting them to mind their business. BUT what’s unacceptable is for northwest (=Somaliland) to interfere the affairs of north central (SSC), by engaging hostilities and aggression against the people of SSC.
  21. Originally posted by FyrKanten: You keep feeding us these figures without any shred of source with it, how is it that you expect us to believe when just spewing out phantom budget statistics. Can you even provide the UNDP complied statistics report for any year with Puntland’s budget? Suldaaanka has provided two pro Puntland websites to verify his claims, so what about you any evidence to confirm your claims? Or do just want us to take your words for it. People if you don’t want to believe what Qudhac and Suldaaanka said about puntland wanting to save face in sool, just look at the latest “security reform†announcement, that’s how desperate puntland really is right now. fyrkanten iyo suldaan whats the issue here? Who cares who has more budget or what, If Somaliland has more budget than punland why then Somaliland is making hostilities and aggression against SSC people, muu deeqo budget ku!!! Puntland is content with their budget, and they no threat to any one. However, Somaliland threat and hostile to neighboring provinces like sool Sanaag and Cayn, is it because the budget is not sufficient to sustain somaliland? But there no justification for aggression period
  22. Saaxib First you need to be yourself enlightened from clan syndrome , before you post something in “civilized forumâ€. There are no justification Somaliland-SSC crisis, Somaliland should stop the aggression against Sool Sanaag and Cayn regions, you are blind when you clan-state Somaliland makes hostilities against SCC people. You are big hypo critic, because you saying, anyone who says something legitimate about your clan-faction Somaliland or clannish lords like faisal is "Qabiilist†or pulling clan card, that shows how very narrow minded you are because of your clan syndrome. Take one self-evident truth that all sensible people in here would agree with me that every Somali region is clan based Interesting, accordingly you agree with Faisal comments; that he admitted the indisputable fact that Somaliland is one-clan entity, then how come north-westerners (=Somalilanders) and their leaders like Faisal want to force people from SSC like me, to accept Somaliland-one clan-entity? Since I know that you don't have answer other than gardaro iyo dulmi. we somali before we talk about progress we need to stop hostilities and aggression against fellow brotherly somali people. We need to close the meaningless talk because it is no good.
  23. Atheer, it is Somaliland's problem if one or more regions within it (or it claims) are not interested in staying in that union If northwest (=Somaliland) makes aggression and hostilities against neighboring regions like SSC(sool sanaag and cayn), it is not anymore Somaliland problem, the problem is Somaliland-SSC crisis, and there was never in the history a time northwest and SSC made union but there was a former British Somali colony – a product of Berlin conference 1884.