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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ileyhi raajicuun waxaan halkan tacsi uga direynaa dhamaan ehelkii iyo qaraabaddii uu ka tegey ama ka geeriyoodey Marxuum Garaad Cabdu-Qani Garaad Cali oo lagu xasuustu dadaalladiisii nabada.Waxaan Ilaahey uga bereynaa marxuumkaas dembi dhaaf iyo in uu Jannaddii fardowso laahey ka waraabiyo ehelkiisana samir iyo imaan. Amiin Amiin
  2. Inaa Lilaahi Wa inaa Ileyhi Raajicuun Geeri Naxdil Leh (Jibuuti}09.02-06 Waxaa Maanta ku Geeryooday Magaaladda Jibuuti ee Dalka Jibuuti Garaad C/qani Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali................. Garaad C/qani oo ahaa Garaadka ugu Mudan Garaadada Dhul bahante ama Guud ahaan ka mid ahaa isima Soo Jireenka ahaa ee Soomliyeed, waxaa uu in dhawaydba ku sugnaa Dalka Jibuuti oo uu hawl Caafimaad u joogay. Waxaa nasoo Gaadhaya Tacsi badan oo ku aadan Garaadka Geeridiisa waxaanu u samayn doonaa Bog u gaar ah Tacsida Garaadka. Waxaa kale oo dhawaan aan ka warami doonaa Taarikhda garaadka, inshaa allh. Bahda Widhwidh Online waxaa ay Ilaahay uga Bar yaysaa Garaadka in uu Janadii Firdowsa Muquursiiyo, Qowsii iyo Qaraabadiina iyo weliba Guud ahaan ummadda Soomaliyeed Samir iyo Iimaan ka siiyo. Widhwidh Online News Cente
  3. U.S. Calls Muhammad Drawings 'Offensive' Protests Against Muhammad Caricatures Intensify in Muslim World; U.S. Calls Drawings 'Offensive' By QASSIM ABDEL-ZAHRA Associated Press Writer The Associated Press GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Tens of thousands of angry Muslims marched through Palestinian cities, burning the Danish flag and calling for vengeance Friday against European countries where caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad were published. In Washington, the State Department criticized the drawings, calling them "offensive to the beliefs of Muslims." While recognizing the importance of freedom of the press and expression, State Department press officer Janelle Hironimus said these rights must be coupled with press responsibility. "Inciting religious or ethnic hatred in this manner is not acceptable," Hironimus said. "We call for tolerance and respect for all communities and for their religious beliefs and practices." Angry protests against the drawings spread in the Muslim world. In Iraq, thousands demonstrated after mosque services, and the country's leading Shiite cleric denounced the drawings. About 4,500 people rallied in Basra and hundreds at a Baghdad mosque. Danish flags were burned at both demonstrations. Muslims in Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia and Malaysia demonstrated against the European nations whose papers published them. The caricatures, including one depicting the Muslim prophet wearing a turban fashioned into a bomb, were reprinted in papers in Norwegian, French, German and even Jordanian after first appearing in a Danish paper in September. The drawings were republished after Muslims decried the images as insulting to their prophet. Dutch-language newspapers in Belgium and two Italian right-wing papers reprinted the drawings Friday. Islamic law, based on clerics' interpretation of the Quran and the sayings of the prophet, forbids depiction's of the Prophet Muhammad and other major religious figures even positive ones to prevent idolatry. Shiite Muslim clerics differ in that they allow images of their greatest saint, Ali, the prophet's son-in-law, though not Muhammad. Danish Prime Minister Fogh Rasmussen, in a meeting with the Egyptian ambassador, reiterated his stance that the government cannot interfere with issues concerning the press. On Monday, he said his government could not apologize on behalf of a newspaper, but that he personally "never would have depicted Muhammad, Jesus or any other religious character in a way that could offend other people." Early Friday, Palestinian militants threw a bomb at a French cultural center in Gaza City, and many Palestinians began boycotting European goods, especially those from Denmark. "Whoever defames our prophet should be executed," said Ismail Hassan, 37, a tailor who marched through the pouring rain along with hundreds of others in the West Bank city of Ramallah. "Bin Laden our beloved, Denmark must be blown up," protesters in Ramallah chanted. In mosques throughout Palestinian cities, clerics condemned the cartoons. An imam at the Omari Mosque in Gaza City told 9,000 worshippers that those behind the drawings should have their heads cut off. "If they want a war of religions, we are ready," Hassan Sharaf, an imam in Nablus, said in his sermon. About 10,000 demonstrators, including gunmen from the Islamic militant group Hamas firing in the air, marched through Gaza City to the Palestinian legislature, where they climbed on the roof, waving green Hamas banners. "We are ready to redeem you with our souls and our blood our beloved prophet," they chanted. "Down, Down Denmark." Thousands of protesters in the center of Nablus burned at least 10 Danish flags. In Jenin, about 1,500 people demonstrated, burning Danish dairy products. Hundreds protested in Jericho, and protests were held in towns throughout Gaza. Fearing an outbreak of violence, Israel barred all Palestinians under age 45 from praying at Jerusalem's Al Aqsa Mosque compound, Islam's third holiest site. Nevertheless, about 100 men chanting Islamic slogans and carrying a green Hamas flag demonstrated outside Jerusalem's Old City on Friday afternoon. The crowd scattered when police on horseback arrived, and some of the protesters threw rocks. Police broke up a second demonstration at Damascus Gate with tear gas and stun grenades. In Iraq, the country's top Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, decried the drawings but did not call for protests. "We strongly denounce and condemn this horrific action," he said in a statement posted on his Web site and dated Tuesday. Al-Sistani, who wields enormous influence over Iraq's majority Shiites, made no call for protests and suggested that militant Muslims were partly to blame for distorting Islam's image. He referred to "misguided and oppressive" segments of the Muslim community and said their actions "projected a distorted and dark image of the faith of justice, love and brotherhood." "Enemies have exploited this ... to spread their poison and revive their old hatreds with new methods and mechanisms," he said. The drawings were first published in September in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. The issue reignited last week after Saudi Arabia recalled its ambassador to Denmark and many European newspapers reprinted them this week. The Jyllands-Posten had asked 40 cartoonists to draw images of the prophet. The purpose, its chief editor said, was "to examine whether people would succumb to self-censorship, as we have seen in other cases when it comes to Muslim issues." The 12 caricatures have prompted boycotts of Danish goods, bomb threats and demonstrations in front of Danish embassies across the Islamic world. Muslims have also directed their anger at other European countries, with Palestinian gunmen briefly kidnapping a German citizen Thursday and surrounding European Union headquarters in Gaza. Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was quoted as saying the caricatures are an attack on "our spiritual values" which have damaged efforts to establish an alliance between the Muslim world and Europe. Hundreds of Turks emerging from mosques following Friday prayers staged demonstrations, including one in front of the Danish consulate in Istanbul. "Hands that reach Islam must be broken," chanted a group of extremists outside the Merkez Mosque in Istanbul. In Jakarta, Indonesia, more than 150 hardline Muslims stormed a high-rise building housing the Danish Embassy on Friday and tore down and burned the country's flag. Pakistan's parliament unanimously voted to condemn the drawings as a "vicious, outrageous and provocative campaign" that has "hurt the faith and feelings of Muslims all over the world." About 800 people protested in Pakistan's capital, Islamabad, chanting "Death to Denmark" and "Death to France." Another rally in the southern city of Karachi drew 1,200 people. Fundamentalist Muslims protested outside the Danish Embassy in Malaysia, chanting "Long live Islam, destroy our enemies." British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw criticized European media outlets for republishing the caricatures as demonstrators prepared to take to the streets of London. Associated Press Writers Qassim Abdul-Zahra and Sinan Salaheddin in Baghdad, Iraq; Selcan Hacaoglu in Ankara, Turkey; Benjamin Harvey in Istanbul, Turkey; Maria Sanminiatelli in Rome; Jan M. Olsen in Copenhagen, Denmark; Munir Ahmad in Islamabad, Pakistan; and Irwan Firdaus in Jakarta, Indonesia, contributed to this report. Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
  4. Jack Straw praises UK media's 'sensitivity' over cartoons Chris Tryhorn and agencies Friday February 3, 2006 Jack Straw attacked European media organisations today for publishing controversial cartoons of Muhammad that have sparked outrage across the Muslim world. But the foreign secretary praised British newspapers for their "considerable responsibility and sensitivity" in not printing the cartoons, which first appeared in a Danish newspaper in September and have been reprinted in a host of newspapers across the continent this week. Although TV news in this country showed some of the cartoons as they appeared in European newspapers, no national newspaper in the UK has so far chosen to reproduce the images, one of which depicts Muhammad with a bomb fizzing out of his turban. "There is freedom of speech, we all respect that, but there is not any obligation to insult or to be gratuitously inflammatory," Mr Straw said after talks with the Sudanese foreign minister. "I believe that the republication of these cartoons has been unnecessary, it has been insensitive, it has been disrespectful and it has been wrong. "There are taboos in every religion. We have to be very careful about showing the proper respect in this situation." Sir Iqbal Sacranie, the secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said he was "deeply concerned" by European newspapers that did not understand the offence they had caused to Muslims. "We reiterate our absolute condemnation of the decision to publish these images in Denmark and view their republication in other European countries as a deliberate and senseless act of provocation," he said. "Newspaper editors must exercise restraint and good judgment instead of adding to the increasingly xenophobic tone being adopted in parts of Europe against Muslims. These newspapers should apologise immediately for the harm they have caused." Last night demonstrators protested outside BBC Television Centre in west London, angry that the corporation had screened glimpses of the cartoon. The BBC said it was using the images "to give audiences an understanding of the strong feelings evoked by the story". ITV News said it used the images "in the context of it being a news story". The row over the cartoons has provoked a major debate in Europe about the importance and limitations or free speech. In the most controversial episode so far, the managing editor of France Soir was sacked after the paper printed the drawings in Wednesday's edition, using the defiant headline, "Yes, we have the right to caricature God." The cartoons have angered Muslims because Islam forbids the human representation of Muhammad, and many believe that some of the images ridiculed the prophet. · To contact the MediaGuardian newsdesk email or phone 020 7239 9857 · If you are writing a comment for publication, please mark clearly "for publication".
  5. Prof. Geeddi ““Baydhabo wan tagayaa Dalka Soomaaliya oo dhan ayaan Ra’iisul Wasaare u ahay hal gobol ama Magaalo Ra’iisul Wasaare uma ihiâ€.
  6. Listen Max’ed Dheere; sida aad ogtihiin walaalayaal labada gobo lee hiiraan iyo sh/dhexe,iyagoo iskaashanaya,ayey soo dhoweeyeen DFKMS,oo loo diidan yahay in ay cagaha dhigto dhul soomaaliyeed...anaga kuma xad gudbi doono hadii aan reer Hiiraan iyo Sh/Dhexe nahay,hadii ay cid ku xad gudbeyso Dowladda ay jirto,anagu noqon meyno,meeshii ay aadaan ayaan u sagootin doonaa,hadii ay xamar tahay iyo hadii ay baydhabo tahay dalabkooda ayeynu raac doonaa,hadii aan dalabkooda wax ka haleyna teena wax kama haleyn doonto,gogoshii qarankana waan u fidinay,waana taagereynaa ee dalabkooda hada yuusan bohol ku ridin.
  7. Somalia is world's new pirate capital By Sebastien Berger in Bangkok (Filed: 31/01/2006) The pirate-infested coast of Somalia has taken over from the Malacca Straits as the world's most dangerous stretch of water, the International Maritime Bureau reveals today. Its annual report into global piracy shows that attacks in the seaway between Malaysia and Sumatra fell from 38 to 12 in 2005. But from only two attacks in 2004, a total of 35 were recorded off the Horn of Africa, with unparalleled violence a common feature. Operating in small boats from mother ships, Somali pirates have seized vessels as far as 400 miles from the shore, halting them with rocket-propelled grenades.
  8. UN envoy for Somalia calls on all sides to unite ahead of February meeting 30 January 2006 – Welcoming an historic decision by Somali leaders to convene parliament for the first time inside the country on 26 February, the UN’s top envoy for Somalia today called on all sides to put the interests of the nation first and work together to rebuild the devastated country. Next month’s meeting of the Transitional Federal Parliament, which was formed in October 2004 in neighbouring Kenya, will be held in the Somali town of Baidoa and represents a “very positive development,†said Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s Special Representative for the Horn of Africa country. “It is the result of a lot of hard work and commitment on the part of the leaders of the Somali Transitional Federal Institutions. I warmly congratulate President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, Speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden, and Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi on this announcement,†added François Lonsény Fall. “Somalia has not had a functional State for 15 years and this is an important step not only for the nation but for the entire region,†he said. Mr. Fall said the convening of parliament would be the beginning of transforming the Somali Transitional Federal Institutions into effective government bodies. The shattered country has endured the longest period of state collapse in recent history, starting in 1991 when President Siad Barre was toppled. Mr. Fall, who took up his post as head of the UN Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) last year with a mandate to spearhead reconciliation talks between the Somali leaders, urged all members of the parliament to attend next month’s meeting. “The future of their country is now in their hands,†he said, urging all parliamentary members to “come together and unite, placing the supreme interests of the nation above selfishness.†The UN envoy said the world body was ready to provide its full political support to the meeting and he called on the donor community to provide the financial and logistical support needed to convene it.
  9. Great news indeed Nabada waa soo dhowdahay dhulkii waa nabadee midnimada dowladu aad bey muhiim u tahay, Parlamaanku inuu shiro waa laga marmaan maantaa waa jowhar, behri waa baydhabo, behri kadib na waa mogadisho
  10. Parliament plans to meet in Somalia on Feb 26 NAIROBI (Reuters) - Somalia's parliament will meet in the country on February 26 for the first time since it was formed in Kenya more than a year ago, its speaker said on Monday. A session of the 275-member legislature will take place in the southern town of Baidoa, parliamentary speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan said in Nairobi after talks with President Abdullahi Yusuf. The move is a step forward for efforts to restore government in the lawless country.
  11. Sool gains, Somaliland loses Mohsin Mahad January 28, 2006 An article by Guled Ismail in Awdalnews (22 January), entitled “Sool Losesâ€, should not be allowed to pass without response from those who are the subject of his sometimes patronizing platitudes. The crux of his argument is that Sool is the loser in not joining the secession spearheaded by SNM in 1991. Reading between the lines, this judgement is based on his argument that Sool is so poor that it had been hitherto sustained economically by apparently other richer regions now subscribing to the secession- a privilege Sool would lose, according to the writer, having decided to remain in Somalia rather than join Somaliland. If the cost of remaining in Somalia is the loss of economic benefits from Somaliland, as Guled would have us believe, one has to ask him what were those generosities that were graciously proffered on poor Sool in the past but will no longer be available in the future? As I will argue later, the contrary was the case: that it was Sool that had contributed much to the economy of Somaliland rather than the other way round. Seen from the other side, Sool had never to face any choice between Somalia and Somaliland. It made its irreversible decision in July 1960 when, together with all other Somalis in former British and Italian Somalilands, they all decided to unite and establish the Somali Republic. Until the recent onset of secessionism in the North under the banner of the SNM, the union was held by almost all Somalis as a blessing, an act of faith that ended the artificial division imposed on them by the colonialists for nearly a century. The fact that the secessionists do not share this sentiment anymore in no way diminishes the virtues of union over separatism and disunion. A united country like Somalia, at peace with itself, with its unique homogenous population, having larger open single market, and enjoying common legal and administrative systems, offers undeniable benefits that could contribute to economic and social development as it would to greater national security. Sool, Eastern Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) like the rest of Somalia, have been sharing these benefits that accrue from a united greater Somalia. On the other hand, a Somalia that split would offer less of these advantages. But it is Somalia that offers more than the barren secessionist entity that the international community had refused to recognize. It would be the hight of folly and irresponsibility for SSC to give up all that they enjoy under Somalia and blindly place their destiny on a wild horse. Even if one were to ignore nationalistic considerations, there is much economic and security reasons in favour of being part of Somalia. However, economic benefits are not every thing and our nationalism and belief in Somalia outweigh all other considerations. That, more than anything else, is why Sool is previlaged to be part of Somalia. If any one is the loser, it is the separatists. In the past, Somalis used to see their enemies as those across the border and not from within. All that changed when the SNM declared the North as an independenct country separate from Somalia. Suddenly, roles have been interchanged whereby the former enemy, Ethiopia, was adopted as a god father and the rest of Somalia jettisoned as demons. For the secessionists, any price is worth paying as long as it helps them to delink from Somalia. As for Ethiopia, it is a dream come true as they enjoy the sight of various parts of their enemy, Somalia, all outdoing one another to win it’s favour even if they have to end up as its vassals. For what it is worth, Somaliland is the leading champion in this ignominious sell-out. The Ethiopians have no specific love for Somaliland but it simply uses them to accompolish its own long-standing national objective to de-stabilize Somalia if not dismember it. The only thing that Somaliland retains which is Somali is the name of the country, which they had to adopt for historical reasons. In every other respect, they had renounced all values and sentiments that the rest of Somalis hold dear to their Somalism and nationalism. It is an irony of history that a Somali from Somalia proper is now considered persona non grata in Hargeisa whereas an Israeli or an Amhara fellow from Wollo is given the red carpet. Nothing better crystallises this ant-Somalia phenomena than Faysal Ali Waraabi’s recent statement that an Amhara boy born in Addis is closer to him than a Somali one born in Mogadishu. This is not an isolated, one-off remark by a loony politician carried away by his anti Somalia hysteria. He speaks for many in Hargeisa although they may prefer a whisper to his outlandish public statement. Thank God that SSC are no part of a Somali-hating entity. Regarding Sool being an economic burden on Somaliland, brother Guled cannot be taken seriously. What have they given to Sool? If only Guled knew how much he owes Sool!! No one denies that Sool and the rest of the North are poor by any standard with scarcely any natural resources and hardly any industrial development. Apart from limited seasonal subsistence farming in some parts of Awdal region, the rest of the territory is semi desert that can only sustain a precarious nomadic way of life. Animal production constitutes the backbone of the economy and here SSC are undoubtedly better blessed than other regions in the North. Their animals used to represent a large proportion of the livestock exported through Berbera. Much of the employment, tax revenue and foreign exchange earnings from such exports accrued to Hargeisa during the colonial times and to a lesser extent since then. Such money has been used to build schools, hospitals, roads and pay government civil servants in Hargeisa with hardly any trickling to the source of that income namely Sool, Nowadays, the North’s income is supplemented by remittances from the Diaspora and aid from international humanitarian and development organizations. Though they had missed out on international aid, thanks to Hargeisa’s vindictive opposition to any aid for SSC as punishment for snubbing the secession, yet these regions receive higher per capita remittances from their Diaspora than other regions in the North. The standard of living of the ordinary person in SSC is certainly no worse than that in other regions in the North if it is not even better. I have only talked about animal production and have said nothing about underground natural resources that await to be tapped. When that happens, Mr. Guled and his company will be knocking on the gate. He can be assured that, unlike them in Hargeisa, no Somali will be turned back even if he is, or has been, a diehard secessionist. Turning to the economy of Somaliland, it is reeling from self-inflicted wounds. For one thing, the invasion of Sool had spurred SSC trade with the rest of Puntland with almost all its external trade channelled through Boosaaso. For another thing, the secessionists shot themselves in the foot when they shamefully handed innocent ******is to the Ethiopians and detained others alleged to be members of the ONLF. As a reprisal, the ONLF went for the jugular and hit Somaliland where it hurts most: disrupt and destroy the trade routes from Somaliland going through their territory. The loser is Somaliland while Puntland and Boosaaso are the main beneficiaries of this folly. With their trade links with neighbours in the doldrums, Somaliland is becoming increasingly dependent on remittances and international handouts. That does not sound much like a country that can spare a dime for poor Sool. What is the wisdom of seeking friends from the outside world, from Ethiopia, Israel and all sundry, while at home antagonizing all their Somali brothers all the way from Somalia, ****** and Djibouti? Sooner or later, the chicken will come home to roost Coming to Sool’s loyalties, Guled makes the statement that the loyalties of Sool people are divided and that there are Sool residents who are committed Somalilanders. There are indeed some who support Somaliland but they are not in Sool contrary to what Guled claims. All such people, thank heavens, are exiles in Hargeisa. No doubt, some are there for what they can get out of it, while others are motivated by a more honourable reason. What ever the financial cost to Somaliland, they reckon this is recouped by the propaganda message it conveys to the outside world that all the clans of former Somaliland are fully behind the secession. Of course they fool no one but themselves. All the same, just as the Iraqi exiles in America fooled America that their forces invading Iraq would be welcomed with flowers, the Sool exiles must have equally fooled their hosts by telling arm-chair warmongers in Hargeisa that invading Sool would be a picnic. Mr. Guled mentions the bond that Sool people share with the rest of the territory. True, such bonds do exist. But it seems to be incomprehensible to Guled and to almost all secessionists that Sool shares a far closer bond with those in the rest of Puntland. As every clan in the Horn has bonds with its neighbours, there is nothing unique of the bond that exists in the North. But why invade Sool when you acknowledge such deep-rooted bonds:? Why not engage in dialogue? Why send your army as the British used to do whenever they want to pacify a rebellious tribe or region? There might have been certain ambivalence among the Sool people towards the secession before the invasion. That blunder has however dispelled whatever hesitations people had before and united them fully behind Puntland and Somalia. It is heartening to hear Guled say that the regime in Hargiesa is no longer keen on the military option in Sool. This is not out of any kindness to Sool. It is the military reality that has opened their eyes. As the Americans have learnt to their cost in Iraq, it is easy to invade a country or other people’s land, but it is damn difficult to get out of. It is a catch 22 situation for the Somaliland forces stuck in Adhi Cadeeye. They can not move forward to accomplish mission nor can they pack up and go home without appearing defeated with their tails between their legs. The Puntland defending army can afford just to block them and let them sweat it out. Finally, Guled describes the Sool people as ones who have a “history of making wrong choices in Somaliland politics†and to have a “taste for following the ambitious tribal chieftains from other ****** clans….â€As an example, he mentions the support they gave to Sayyed Mohamed Hassan unlike the other opposing Somaliland clans. For the Sool people, the Sayyed’s war with the British was nothing less than a holy war against what they considered to be alien infidels occupying their territory and hence saw it as it as their religious and national duty to join the Jihad. Those who died have Allah’s promise of paradise and those who survived had been proud of their sacrifices. Mr. Guled’s clans, on the other hand, had served as mercenaries for the British and he seems to be proud of it. This only shows the gaping gulf between our values. Sool has a history of supporting Somali cause. Others have a history of stabbing Somali causes in the back. This is where I part company with Guled and cite the holy Quran where it says “Lakum diinukum waliya diin†Mohsin Mahad
  12. Originally posted by Castro: Can we appeal to our beloved warlords to actually shoot these innocent men, women and children who are sure to die of hunger and thirst? You know, take them out of their misery. God forbid a warlord would ever die of starvation!. Would calling it mercy killing be too insensitive? Must these people die or can this be averted? Shall we pray for their forgiveness and place in Jannah already or shall we wait a bit longer? If it's inevitable and no one can do anything about it, why not pray for the living as if they were dead? Ilaahayo dadkayaga halkan iyo halkaasba sidan u dhaam. Castro waa runtaa ilaahay dalkii haa u naxariistu Our leaders (warlords) they having their fun and playing their game POLITICS What we can do how we can help ???!!! what ficil baa la sameen karaa Due to the suffering and painful circumstances in our homeland, I think we reached a point where we should pray for the living people for their forgiveness and place in Jannah May Allaah accept our prayers Amiin Amiin
  13. An Ethiopian woman and her child rest in a feeding center of a clinic in Gode, Ethiopia. According to the United Nations and relief agencies, as many as 11 million people in four nations in the Horn of Africa -- Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia and Djibouti -- are on the brink of imminent famine as the two-year-old drought bites.(AFP/Abraham Fisseha) An Ethiopian woman hold her malnourished child in Gode Hospital in the eastern region of ****** which borders Somalia, January 16, 2006. More than a million people in Ethiopia's eastern region face possible famine after a deepening drought dried up waterholes, officials said. Picture taken on January 16, 2006. REUTERS/Andrew Heavens A Ethiopian woman lies in Gode Hospital in the eastern region of ****** which borders Somalia, January 16, 2006. More than a million people in Ethiopia's eastern region face possible famine after a deepening drought dried up waterholes, officials said. Picture taken on January 16, 2006. REUTERS/Andrew Heavens A convoy of food aid arrives southwest of Mogadishu, December 4, 2005. Hundreds of roadblocks in Somalia, where gunmen extort money from passing drivers, are dotted across the capital Mogadishu and along roads and dirt tracks throughout the country, providing a major source of income for the warlords. REUTERS/Antony Njuguna
  14. Ethiopian children walk past the carcass of a cow in Denan, southern Somali region of Ethiopia, January 16, 2006. East Africa is gripped in drought while the south is blessed with rain but as aid agencies scramble to feed millions across the world's poorest continent, it is by no means clear what the 2006 harvests will bring, even in areas that have been wet. Picture taken on January 16, 2006. REUTERS/Andrew Heavens An Ethiopian woman sits with her family in Denan, southern Somali region of Ethiopia, January 16, 2006. East Africa is gripped in drought while the south is blessed with rain but as aid agencies scramble to feed millions across the world's poorest continent, it is by no means clear what the 2006 harvests will bring, even in areas that have been wet. Picture taken on January 16, 2006. REUTERS/Andrew Heavens Armed Somali militiamen ride a vehicle in Wajiid, south central Somalia, December 5, 2004. Separate clashes between rival militias have killed dozens of people in Somalia, highlighting insecurity in the country which has been without a functioning government since 1991, residents said on Friday. REUTERS/Radu Sigheti Displaced Somalis sit outside their makeshift houses in south Mogadishu, after welcoming newly arrived Internally Displaced People (IDP) from south central Somalia fleeing hunger. Tens of thousands of desperate Somalis have converged on Mogadishu over the past two months, abandoning their homes in the lawless nation's drought-stricken south and center to beg for food in the capital as famine looms across east Africa.(AFP)
  15. Ethiopian herdsmen fetch water out of a well for their camels on the road between Gode and Denan in Somali region, Ethiopia January 16, 2006. More than a million people in Ethiopia's eastern region face possible famine after a deepening drought dried up waterholes, officials said. Picture taken on January 16, 2006. REUTERS/Andrew Heavens Fatuma Abdi, 13, cradles her malnourished brother Nemo, one of twins, at Gode hospital, in the Somali Region of Ethiopia, Monday, Jan. 16, 2006, amid worrying signs of a major drought. The infant, too exhausted to even show emotion in his eyes, is one of millions of people hit by food shortages in east Africa. Fatuma does not know it yet, but in a few days, maybe a week at the most, her brother will be dead from malnutrition. Nemo's mother, who earns US$7 (6) a month from selling firewood, is so weak from food shortages that she can produce only enough breast milk to feed his twin sister. Preliminary assessments show those affected by the food shortages include an estimated 1.75 million in Ethiopia, 3.5 million in Kenya, 1.4 million in Somalia and 60,000 in Djibouti. (AP Photo). Mother Ayan Abdi, left, holds her daughter Asma, as her 13-year-old daughter, Fatuma, holds twin, son Nemo who is suffering from severe malnutrition in Gode, in the Somali Region of Ethiopia, Monday, Jan. 16, 2006. Ayan does not know it yet, but in a few days, maybe a week at the most, her son will be dead from malnutrition. The woman, who earns US$7 (6) a month from selling firewood, is so weak from food shortages that she can produce only enough breast milk to feed her daughter. The region is going through the early stages of a major drought. The infants, too exhausted to even show emotion in their eyes, are two of millions of people hit by food shortages in east Africa. Preliminary assessments show those affected include an estimated 1.75 million in Ethiopia, 3.5 million in Kenya, 1.4 million in Somalia and 60,000 in Djibouti. (AP Photo) A malnourished child is weighed in the therapeutic treatment unit of Gode Hospital in the southern Somali region of Ethiopia January 16, 2006. East Africa is gripped in drought while the south is blessed with rain but as aid agencies scramble to feed millions across the world's poorest continent, it is by no means clear what the 2006 harvests will bring, even in areas that have been wet. Picture taken on January 16, 2006. REUTERS/Andrew Heavens Reuters - Jan 17 10:54 AM
  16. 1.7 million people face starvation A Somali herdsman walks at sunset towards Wajid, 280 miles northwest of the capital Mogadishu December 2, 2005. Six million people are on the brink of starvation in the Horn of Africa region due to severe drought, crop failure and depletion of livestock herds, the United Nations said on Friday. (Antony Njuguna/Reuters) Tue Jan 24, 12:30 PM ET A Somali herdsman walks with his donkey past a rotting carcass in Garbaharey, southern Somalia January 23, 2006. Insecurity and an unstable government in Somalia are hindering delivery of humanitarian aid in the Horn of Africa country where 1.7 million people face starvation, a senior U.N. official said on Tuesday. Three consecutive failed rain seasons have dried up the country, killing dozens of humans and hundreds of animals and raising fears of disease outbreaks. Picture taken January 23, 2006. REUTERS/David Mwangi Tue Jan 24, 12:34 PM ET A donkey drinks water from a drying riverbed in Garbaharey, southern Somalia January 23, 2006. Insecurity and an unstable government in Somalia are hindering delivery of humanitarian aid in the Horn of Africa country where 1.7 million people face starvation, a senior U.N. official said on Tuesday. Three consecutive failed rain seasons have dried up the country, killing dozens of humans and hundreds of animals and raising fears of disease outbreaks. Picture taken January 23, 2006. REUTERS/David Mwangi Tue Jan 24, 12:26 PM ET Somali girls collect water at a well in Wajid region in southern Somalia January 23, 2006. Insecurity and an unstable government in Somalia are hindering delivery of humanitarian aid in the Horn of Africa country where 1.7 million people face starvation, a senior U.N. official said on Tuesday. Three consecutive failed rain seasons have dried up the country, killing dozens of humans and hundreds of animals and raising fears of disease outbreaks. Picture taken January 23, 2006. REUTERS/David Mwangi
  17. Harper to move quickly on same-sex legislation Jan. 26, 2006. 07:15 PM OTTAWA (CP) — Stephen Harper says he wants to move quickly as leader of a fractious new Parliament to reopen the same-sex marriage debate. The makeup of the new House of Commons suggests the prime minister-designate knows there's a good chance such a motion will be rejected. It would not be a total loss, however. In fact, an honourable defeat on equal marriage would satisfy obligations to Harper's most right-wing supporters while defusing a politically explosive issue. Winning a vote to wade back through that political quagmire would lead the Conservatives straight into a legal morass, most experts say. It would also be a costly and perhaps fruitless attempt to redefine marriage as the sole domain of one man, one woman — a fight that would only shine a spotlight on the party's most extreme social conservatives. Still, Harper has promises to keep to the most traditional members of his team. He has said he'll put a free-vote motion before Parliament on whether the heterosexual definition of matrimony should be restored. "I would prefer to do it sooner rather than later — but not immediately," he told a news conference Thursday. The Conservatives would then craft legislation to that effect should the motion pass in a sharply divided House of Commons. There are 124 Tory MPs compared to 103 Liberals, 51 Bloc Quebecois, 29 New Democrats and one Independent. Any vote could be close. But at least one Conservative insider who spoke on condition of anonymity said social moderates in the party would welcome the issue's demise. "There would be a quiet hurrah." Sujit Choudhry, a law professor at University of Toronto, was one of 134 academics who signed an open letter challenging Harper's position that the traditional definition of marriage can be restored. Parliament last summer passed a law allowing gay weddings across Canada after two years of intense debate. More than 3,000 same-sex couples had already wed after courts in eight provinces and the Yukon cleared the way. Moreover, the highest provincial courts in Quebec, B.C. and Ontario ruled that an exclusively heterosexual definition of marriage violates equality rights. Harper has stressed that existing gay marriages will be allowed to stand. But Choudhry and a long list of other experts say new legislation would be a recipe for confusion and fresh legal action. "It could be a mess," he said in an interview. "I have to say, I think it's a little bit reckless." What would happen, Choudhry asked, if some provinces recognized a new law reversing same-sex marriage but others decided to await the outcome of inevitable constitutional challenges? He also pointed out that the Department of Justice Act will oblige the new Conservative attorney general to assess all government bills for any clash with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Such inconsistencies are to be reported to the House "at the first convenient opportunity," it says. Martha Jackman, a constitutional law professor at University of Ottawa, says the best outcome would be for a majority of MPs to ``resoundingly reject" any bid to reverse gay marriage. "That would reflect an understanding on their parts that they're obliged to comply with the Constitution — and not just because they've gone back and back to the courts" and lost.
  18. Paul martin and stephen harper waa dameer iyo labadiisii dhagood, al least Harper is not advocating for same sex marriage unlike paul martin Therefore, Harper is the lesser of two evils
  19. Originally posted by LANDER: ^Are you sure you really liked the conservative platform? or maybe your just liked their pretty blue signs who's colour closely resemble that of the flag of Somalia. Lander, You raise a funny point, really I never thought about that, thank you for mentioning that resemblance although it is irrelevant, but interesting. For longtime, I was a liberal fan, I liked liberal approach from foreign policy, multiculturalism, centrist politics, and social policy. In addition the former leader of liberal party Prime Minister Jean Chrétien was a popular and one of the most admired prime ministers of Canada. But, ever since Paul martin took power the government became ineffective, arrogant and corrupt, Paul is wasn’t a great leader because he endorsed same sex marriage and lied about the scandal, and pretended he was anti-American like Chrétien, although he was a fine finance minister. As Muslim it is hard for me to endorse a party that advocates same sex marriage, it is not politics, it is about values, ethics, and religion. I believe conservative can offer a better alternative for Canada, though I am aware the common myth that conservatives are white extremists who advocate far right political policies, hidden agenda, Canada will be closer to United States, all these are baseless propaganda to some extent fueled by liberals as an election campaign. After a long liberal era (single party rule), we know NDP is just junior liberal and don’t other nothing different then liberals. I have a responsibility to support the less of the two evils, far-right wing party Vs. same-sex marriage party.
  20. waataan taariikhdii sayidka gabadh soomaliyeed sis Dhalashadii Sayid Maxamed Cabdulle Xasan Wax lala yaabo ma aha haddii nin wadaad ahi dadku ka dhashay ka tago ama ka guuro. oo degmo kale dhex dego; ha yaqaano ama yuu aqoone, ha ka f********, ama ha u dhowaadeen, sidaa suna waa culimada alabkeeka, meel kastna ha joogeene maxaa yeelay ninka wadaadka ahi wuxuu yahay oo dadka meeshaa uu tegey deggan la walaal yahay, oo iyaguna diinka ka baranayaan, isna xoolo iyo xurmaba ka helaayo. Taariikhda aan la xasuusan, cidna sheegi karin ayaa Sheekh xasan nuur oo sayidka maxamed awoowgiis ahaa ka tegay Gobolka Qallaafo. oo ah dhulka wabiga shabeelle ku magacaaban, halkaas oo beeshuu ka dhashay degganayd. Waxuu u kacay Nugaal oo ahayd dal wanaagsan duunyadana hodan ka ah, si fiicanna loogu noolaan karey, culimaduna had iyo jeer u xoola doonan jireen. Shiikh Xasan markuu Nugaal mudda joogey oo uu dadkii iyo dalkii kala bartay, xoolo fiicanna ka helay waxa gashay hawo guur, dabadeednna. waxuu guursaday gabadh reer Nugaaleed ah oo magaceeda lagu tibaaxay khadiijo jaamac(1). Shiikhu Nugaal wuxuu ku guursaday afar dumar ah oo u dhalay carruur. badan, carruurtaa tiradooda waxa lagu sheegay 12 wiil iyo 11 gabdhood.Waxaa la weriyey in shiikh cabdille oo sayid maxamed aabihiis ahaa carruurta ugu weynaa. Shiikh cabdille xasan wuxuu ku dhashay, sida la weriyey dooxada "Casuura" oo magaalada Laascaanood dhinaca waqooyi galbeed ka xigta, una jirta hilaadda dhawr iyo sodon mayl. Wuxuu ku koray kuna barbaaray diintana ku bartey gobolka nugaaleed oo barwaaqo ahaa, dabadeedna reerkoodii wuxuu noqday dad Nugaal rasmi ahaan u deggan. Waxa la weriyey shiikh cabdille isagoo 26 jir ah inuu guursaday gabadha la yidhaahdo Timiro seed magan, kuna caan baxdey "Caro Seed" waxa la yidhi, waxay u dhashay 10 caruur ah, waxaana u weynaa Maxamed, hase ahaatee shiikh cabdille carruurtii uu dhalay waxey tiradoodu gaadhaysay sodomeeyo. Shiikh Cabdille xasan Daraawiish dhiskeedii waa ka qayb galay, dagaallada badankoodiina waa ka tala galay, waxuuna ku dhintay xaruntii Daraawiishta "Taleex" 1913, qabrigiisuna waxa. laga dhisay qudbad caan ah Maxamed cabdulle xasan waxuu ku dhashay dhulka loo yaqaan Ciid-Nugaaleed ma laaso oo ah Degmada Buhoodle balliga la yidhaahdo "Sacmadeeqo" oo magaalada buhoodle toddoba mayl u jirta kana xigta dhinaca waqooyi. Wuxuu dhashay guga la baxay "Gobaysane",Waxaana la sheegay inuu ahaa gu' barwaaqa ah oo dad iyo duunyo wixii dhashay ay hanaqaad noqdeen. Wuxuu dhashay odoros ahaan markay taariikhdu ahayd 1856. Daraawiish iyo dadkii wakhtigaa noolaa badankeedu waxay yidhaahdeen: sayidku maxamed saddex meelood ayuu ka la mid ahaa nabigii"scw" magaca da'da iyo jihaadka. Hase ahaatee, sheekadaasi inoo caddayn mayso guguu dhashay.wuxuu ku koray Nugaal, dadkooduna wuxuu ahaa xoolaley daaqsato ah.Guud ahaan xoolaha markaas la haystey waxa ugu badnaa geel iyo fardo, reer miyigana waxaa u taliya roobka dhaqankooduna wuxuu yahay inay gugii iyo dayrtii hadba dhinac u guuraan, mar haddaan dhulku magaalo iyo beero midna lahayn.Dabeecada ayaa qof walba waxay ku abuuraysaa inuu xoolaraac noqdo Sidaas daraaddeed, waxaan oran karnaa:Sayid Maxamed carruurnimadiisii wuxuu ahaa xoolraac, lamana sheegin carruurta kale wuxuu kaga duwanaa ama dheeraa. Sidii dhaqanka Soomalidu u badnaa ama raaskuu Sayidku maxamed ka dhashay hiddo u lahaa, toddoba jir baa baa quraanka loogu bilaabay.Macallinkii quraanka u dhigi jirey waxa lagu naanaysi jirey "Kud quraan". maxamed tobon jirkii buu Quraanka ku dhammeeye, taasina wax lala yaabo ma aha oo ardada ayaa sidaas u badnayd. Wiilnimadiisii waxa lagu sheegi jirey fahmo badnaan iyo firfircooni. waxa hubaal ah haddii wiilku quraanka dhammeeyo in calaamooyinkii macallimadu. ka muuqato,isla markaasna cilmiga barashadiisa lagu gargaaro. Sidaas daraaddeed, ayaa Maxamed aabbihiis kutubta cilmiga ah ugu bilaabay, taasina waxay dhalisay inuu cullimada xerta ah oo cimiga raacanaysa la fariisto, markay degmada dhex marayaanna raaco oo la socdo.Hase yeeshee, gadaalkii xertii buu ku mid noqday, taasina waxay dhaxalsiisay in lagu magacaabo Aw Maxamed Shiikh cabdille. Magacaasu wuxuu siiyey ama u kordhiyey xurmo iyo xushmo gaar ah oo uu ku helay diinta xaggeeda. Dhulka masaajid iyo madaaris midna ma lahayn, oo wuxuu ahaa miyi, waxaase jirey meela xeri deggan tahay iyo dugsiyo quraanka lagu barto iyo meela laysugu yimaado xilliyo aan go'nayn iyo meelo lagu shiro ama diinta lagu akhristo, ama lagu kala warqaato ama waxii dan ah la isku weydaarsado. waxa kaloo jirey waqtiyaal caan ah oo sharciga islaamku jideeyey in laysu yimaado sida labada iidood oo kale oo wacdi iyo waano la kala qaato. Haddaba, waxaa hubaal ah in Aw maxamed shirkaas culimda diintu markay dadka wacdiga iyo waanada u jeedinayaan ka faa'ideysan jirey. Sheeko ku-tiri-kuteen ah waxaanu ku maqalnay in Aw maxamed soddomaadkiisii dhul badan oo dalka gudihiisa ah oo kala duwan maray isagoo cilmi doon ah hase ahaatee taasi run iyo been miday tahay lama oga, waxaase la weriyey inuu cilmiga ka bartay Shiikh la odhan jirey Shiikh Abokor shiikh Ibraahim laguna naanaysi. jirey Abokor fool-dheere, oo degmadiisa ahayd dhinaca waqooyi ee webiga shabeelle waxa la wariyey sayid maxamed baa eegay Ceelka Walwaal, kolkaasuu dhererkiisii la yaabay oo waxuu yidhi "Cilmigii Abokor-fooldheere" ayaa buuxin lahaa, meel kasta cilmiga ha ka barto, nin kastaba ha ka akhristee, waxaa hubaal ah inuu sayidk maxamed diinta islaamka iyo Af cariba aad u yiqiin, gaar ahaan qaybta loo yaqaan "Cilmiaale" oo afka carabiga furaha u ah, markaasna wuxuu la baxay Shiikh maxamed Shiikh cabdille. Qore: A.A
  21. Congratulations to conservatives, job well done I am happy that we have a minority government led by conservative party. the liberal party became too arrogant and maybe corrupt, really it is not good for Canada, one-party-rule.
  22. SAYID MAX,D C/DULLE XASSAN,XAAJI ADAN AF-QALOOC,C.LAAHI TIMA-CADDE,IYO CAREEYS CIISE KAARSHE. Halgankii Dheeraa ee Ummadda Somaaliyeed u Soo Martay Xoriyadda qaaliga,Sugaantu Waxeey ka Soo Qaadatay Kaalin aad iyo aad u Muhiim ah,Waxaana La Orankaa Kaalinta Kowaad ee Halganka Waxaa ku Jirtay Doorka Sugaanta Noocyadeeda Badan,Gaar ahaan Gabayga oo ah Nooca Loogu Jeceyl-yahay,Dadkana Si Deg-deg ah ug Gaara,Si Weyna Loo Dhuuxo,Ummadda Somaaliyeedna Af-tahan ku Tahay Sugaanta Noocyadeeda Kala Duwan. Halgankii Sayid Maxamed C/Dulle Xassan iyo Daraawiishii Halyeeyadda ahaa,Ayaa Midka La Oran Karro Wuxuu Ugu Muhiimsanaa Halgankii Hubeeysnaa ee Somaalidu ku Qaaday Sedexdii Gumeeyse ee Dalka Somaaliyeed Soo Maray,Ingiriiskii,Talyaanigii iyo Amxaaradda, Waana La Wadda Ogyahay Guulihii iyo Wacdarihii Geesimo ee Daraawiishtu ku Dhigeen Gumeeysigga,Waana Kuwo Taariikhda ku Qoran,Waxaa Xusid Mudan Saraakiishii Magaca Weynaa ee Isticmaarku Waayeen,oo Daraawiishtu eey Meydkoodii Dhigtay Goobihii Dagaalada Waaweyni ka Dhaceen,Waxaa Kalle oo Si Weyn loo Ogyahay in Somaalidda Qaarkeed Si Weyn ula Safnaayeen,Gacan Yarre u Ahaayeen Gumeeysigga Ingiriiska iyo Midka Talyaanigga,Ama Mararka Qaarkood eey Iyagu ka Soo Horeeyn Jireen Isticmaarka, Waxaana La Wadda Ogyahay in Dalkeena Somaaliya La Keenay Ciidamo ka Socday Handiya Kenya,iyo Dalal Kaleba,Waana Dalkii ugu Horeey oo Afrika ah oo Loo Adeegsado Dayiiradaha Dagaalka(Xaruntii Daraawiishta ee Taleex)Degaanka Nugaasha Gobolka Sool. Sayid Maxamed,Geesinimadda Dagaalka,Hoggaaminta,Qorsheynta iyo Abaabulka Xoogagii Faraha Badnaa ee Daraawiishta,ka Sokoow Waa Nin Sugaanta Somaaliyeed Heerka Ugu Sareeya ka Gaaray,Gabaygga,Masafadda,Geeraarka iyo Xataa Ciyaaraha Dhaqanka,Sidoo Kalle Wuxuu ahaa Sheekh Caalim ah,oo Aqoonta Diinta Islaamka Mufti ku ah,Luqadda Afka Carabigana Baxar ku Ahaa,Aftahan,Xeer Dheere Luqadda Somaaligga iyo Hab Dhaqameedka Ummadda Somaaliyeedna Si Weyn u Yaqaana,Runtiina ku Dhashay,kuna Barbaaray Dhulka Ku Caanka ah Dhaqan Wanaagga iyo Xikmadda Weyn ee Dhinaca Sugaanta oo ahaa Dhulkii Daraawiishtu Xarunta Ka Dhigatay,Dadka Daraawiishta ahina ka Soo Jeedeen,Kuwaasoo ahaa Sayidka Reer Abtigii. Sayadi Maxamed,Wuxuu Tiriyeey Gabayo Ciidaas Ka Badan,oo Xikmad Dheer lahaa,Qiimo Weyn ku Fadhiyeey,Erayo Culus Lahaa,Miisaan iyo Qaafilad Wacan Lahaa,Arar Qurxoon leh, Carad Dheer Lahaa,Isku Xirnaansho Wanaagsan leh,oo aan Laga Xiisa Dhici Karrin,Waana Kuwo Ilaa Maanta Kaalinta Koowaad kaga Jirra Sugaanta Somaaliyeed,Gaar ahaan Gabaygga Waxaan Oran Karraa Xaraf ka Gabeygga Ayaa aheyd Mid Cajiib ah,Qiimo Gaar ahna u Yeeshay Sugaanta Sayid Maxamed,Bal Eeeg:-Gudban,Dardaaran,Miinanlle,Saha Kacy,Kofil, Walhad,Jiinleey,Gurigii Dariiqadda,Nabsi,Rayidoow,Warka Badda La Keenay,Xiin Xiniin, Canjeel Talo Waayeey,Xuseenoow Hagaagteyey,Daraawiishta Saalixiya,***** ,Mowdku ka Adeegin,Xirsi Niquus,Xuseenoow Warbaab Kuu Hayaa,Daboolane,Haleys Dilo,iyo Kuwo Kalle oo aad iyo aad u Fara Badan,Dhammaantood Waxeey ku Dhisan Yihiin Xikmad Weyn oo Guun ah,Waaya Aragnimo,Tusaalen,Wax u Sheegid,Taariikh,Waano,Talo Siin iyo Ka Faaloodka Waayaha Aduunyadda,Sayidku Wuxuu Lahaa Wax La Yiraahdo,Xeer Dheer Aqooneed,Wuxuuna Si Weyn uga Dheregsanaa Taariikhaha Ummadaha Kalle iyo Waxyaabaha Aduunyadda Ka Dhacay,oo uu Ummadda Somaaliyeed ku Tusaaleeynaayeey, Si aad iyo aad u Weyn Ayuu Sayid Maxamed,Gabeyga ugu Soo Halgameey,Cadowggana ku Weeraray,Dhaxal aad iyo aad u Qaali ahna Wuxuu Uga Tegay Ummadda Somaaliyeed, Waxaan Jeclaan Lahaa In aan Halkan Amaan iyo Bogaadiin Uga Soo Jeediyeey-Sheekh Jaamac oo ah Ninkii Si Weyn ugu Dadaaley Soo Ururinta iyo Qorista Gabeygga Sayidka. Waxaa Kalle oo Xusid Mudan-Aqoonyahankii Weynaa ee Somaaliyeed,Xaaji Aadan Afqalooc, oo Ummadda Somaaliyeed Si Weyn ugu Tusaaleey Gabey-yadiisii Qiimaha Weyn ku Fadhiyeey,Si Weyn ugu Dhiiri Geliyeey Halkanka Gobanimadda iyo Qiimaha Xoriyadda, Wuxuuna Xaajiyo Tiriyeey-Sugaan Fara Badan oo Qiiro Weyn leh,Waxaana Ka Mid ahaa:- Digniin iyo Toosin,Gubaabo iyo Kicin,Ceerigaabo,Ololaha Hadeyniina,Marwo,Dalmar,Iyo Kuwo Kalle oo Badan,Wuxuuna Xaajigo Si Weyn ula Hadlay Xukuumadihii Somaaliyeed,Wuxuu ka Digeey Maamul Xumadda iyo Musuq-maasaqa,Qabyaaladda iyo Cadaalad Daradda. C/laahii Suldaan Tima-Cadde,Waa Gabey-yaagii Gobanimadda Doorka Weyn ka Soo Ciyaaray Sidda Weyna u Dhiiri Geliyeey Ummadda Somaaliyeed,Wuxuu Afkiisa Kula Dagaalamay Gumeeysigii,Wuxuuna Had iyo Jeer ku Talin Jirrray Midnimadda iyo Isku Duubnidda Umadda Somaaliyeed,Wuxuu Tilmaan Cad ka Bixin Jirray Adeegsigga Qabyaaladda iyo Cadaalad Daradda,Waxaa Gabayadiisii ka mid ahaa:-Hal Kuu Dhigay,Kana Siib Kana Saar, Casiisoow Mahadaa,Geela,Dugsi Ma la ha Qabyaalidi,Hadafka Barlamaan,Kala daaya,Iyo Ra,iisal Wasaarre,iyo Kuwo Kalle oo Qiimo Weyn Lahaa. Careeys Ciise Kaarshe,Wuxuu ku Caan Baxay Sugaanta Dhinaca Saarka,oo ah Nooc u Baahan ku Luuqan Gaar ah iyo Isticmaalidda Muusikadda,Wuxuuna Ummadda Somaaliyeed u Soo Bandhigay Saarar Fara Badan oo Qiimo Weyn leh,Xikmad ku Fadhiya,Ujeedo Cadna Leh,oo Markaas Taagan ama Abwaanka u Muuqata,Waxaana Saararkiisii ka Mid ahaa:- Hooyadu Waa Lama Huraan,Gumeeysi iyo Gobanimo,Maantaan Dhalanay,Murug,Kala Fiican, Uma Seexan Aad,Maraabe iyo Wan,Howl Kama Daalayaal iyo Kuwo Kalleba. Aafartaas Halgano,Sugaan Yaqaan,Aftahan,Wadaniyiinta Ahaa,Waxeey Ummadda Somaliyeed u Reebeen Dhaxal Ma Guuraan ah,Dhaxal Qaali ah,Dhaxal Tusaaleeyn ah, Dhaxal Waayo Aragnimo leh,Dhaxal Talo Siin Dhab ah,Run ah,iyo Qiiro Wadani-nimo oo Ku Dayasho leh,iyo Murti Dhaxal Gal ah,Micno Weyn ku Fadhidda,Loona Baahan Yahay in Laga Faa,iideeysto,Lana Raaco Habkoodii Wadan Jaceylka ahaa,Dadnimo Wanaaga ahaa, Aqoonta iyo Xikmadda Weyn Lahaa,Runtii Maanta Ummadda Somaaliyeed Si Weyn Ayeey Ugu Baahan Tahay,Dib u Eegidda Sugaanta Dhaxal Galka ah ee Qiiradda Wadaniyadda ku Saleeysan ee Marxuumiiintu inooga Tageen,Waxaan Illaaheena Weyn ee Waaxidka ah ugu Rajeeyeey in uu Marxuumiintaas Janaddii ka Waraabeyo,Ummadda Somaaliyeedna eey Sidda ku Haboon Tusaalle uga Qaataan,Kana Faa,iideeystaan Murtidda Qaaligga ah oo eey Dhaxalka Inoogu Dhigeen.
  23. Wednesday, 25 January 2006, 12 hours and 55 seconds ago. By andnetwork .com At least five people have been reported dead and hundreds in bad conditions for hunger and maltreatment at temporary detention centres for foreign people in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The centres are deportation centres places where illegal foreign workers are detained before deporting back to their homes as what locally known (TARXIIL). Muna Zubeyr, young Somali girl among the detainees of a Tarxil Centre in Jedah, Saudi Arabia told shabelle through the phone that some people in the detention centres dead for hunger and other bad conditions while they are detained for undisclosed time. She said that people are given dirty food and no one cares whether they are in good conditions or not. Muna also said that according to the narrowness of the Cells, people some times suffocate since some of them are too old to live in such inconvenient place. “A cell of 4m.square is detained about 180 people and that is over crowded,†she said. According to the over crowd, Muna said people sleep two shifts, some of them do sleep at night while the other group sleep in the day. The young girl also stated, Saudi police officers maltreat them daily and beat them whenever they come into the cell. “When we have asked the Saudi police to deport us to our country they told us that our Embassy is delaying our deportation period†she said. She said that officers told them they would be deported when Somali pilgrims are finished taking them back to home. It’s a common practice for Saudi Authorities to ignore the violations as well as rights depraving against Somalia poor community that go to Saudi Arabia to earn daily bread while their country is experiencing 15 years of anarchy. Source : Shabelle Media Network, Somalia
  24. 25 Jan 2006 14:07:46 GMT Source: IRIN NAIROBI, 25 January (IRIN) - Somalia's transitional government has welcomed a decision by the African Union to ask the United Nations to exempt the Horn of Africa country from an arms embargo, to pave the way for the deployment of a peacekeeping force. The UN imposed an arms embargo on Somalia in 1992, in the midst of a civil war that followed the 1991 collapse of the government of President Muhammad Siyad Barre. Abdirashid Adenseed, an envoy of Somali interim President Abdullahi Yusuf, said he expected the AU "to send a delegation to the UN Security Council in order to convince it to make the exemption". The decision to appeal to the UN was made in Khartoum, Sudan, during the sixth session of the African body on 23-25 January. The member countries of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) have already indicated their willingness to send a peacekeeping force to the war-torn country, but analysts said that for foreign troops to be deployed, the "UN must lift the arms embargo or at least make an exemption". Abdirashid said the presence of such a force would help Somalia's disarmament and demobilisation process and "act as a deterrent" to those who undermine the peace. "International presence will also enhance the security and stability" of the country, he said. Last year, the UN rejected IGAD's request for the embargo to be lifted. The issue of peacekeepers has divided the fledgling interim government of Somalia, with the president in favour of deployment and Speaker Sharif Hassan Shaykh Aden opposed. Both parties, however, have accepted to resolve their differences and signed an agreement recently. The AU welcomed the Aden Declaration, which encourages reconciliation between the various groups in the country's transitional government, according to Abdirashid. The declaration, signed by the president and the speaker in the Yemeni city of Aden, called on "the members of the parliament and government to put aside their fruitless squabbles and differences, urging them to unite, placing the supreme interest of the nation above other interests". Abdirashid said that the agreement "signals a new beginning for the TFIs [transitional federal institutions] and for the country."
  25. Halgankii dheeraa ee daraawiish ee uu hogaanka u hayay Sayyid maxed c/lla xasan oo kasoo wareegtay sanad guurada 85aad: Diyaaradu waxay duqaysay Daraawiishta December 19, 1920, waxayna noqotay halgankii wedeniga ahaa ee Qaaradda Africa ugu horeeyey oo diyaarad lagu la dagaalamo. Waxaan dul maraynaa halgankii wedeniga ahaa ee Daraawiishta, si ay taariikhdu iyadu isu fasisho, waxaan soo qaadanaynaa gabayadii caanka ahaa qaybo ka mid ah. Sayidkii wuxuu maalintaas tiriyey gabay dheer, ayna ka mid ahaayeen: · Coomaade duulayey Cadan ka keenee neeh · Cirkii iyo dhulkii baa isqasaday cararqdoodiiyeh · Adiguba caqlaad leedayee carar maxaa dhaamaa. Sayid Mahamed Abdulle Hassan (Raximahu Laah) wuxuu dhashay 1856, wuxuuna ku dhashay baliga Sacmadeeqo oo 11 km xagga woqooyi ka xiga Buuhoodle. Sannadkii uu dhashayna waxay ahayd gu barwaaqo ah oo la oran jirey Gobaysane. Hooyadiis waxaa la oranjirey Carra Seed Magan. Ingiriisku shanta qabiil ee Somaliland dega wuxuu la yeeshay heshiisyo kala duwan, Shirwaynihii Berlin (Berlin Conference) ka hor waa xilligii uu dhulka sahaminayey, iyo Shirwaynihii Berlin ka dib waa xilligii uu dhulka qabsanayey, isaga oo isticmaalay qaybi oo xukun, waxana kala ahaayeen sidan: 1. ***** : wuxuu ula saxeexday jilib jilib si uu uga ilaaliyo in ay midoobaan, Shirwaynihii Berlin Ka hor iyo ka diba, waxayna kala ahaayeen sidan: · ***** **** iyo Ingiriiska sanadii 1827, · ******* iyo ***** *****, 1855. · ****** ***** iyo East Indian Company sanadii 1856. · ****** ***** iyo Ingiriiska sanadii 1884. · ****** ***** iyo Ingiriiska 1884. · ****** **** iyo Ingiriiska sanadii 1884. · Heshiiska Dekedda Berbera waxaa keliya oo saxeexay ****** ****. 2. ******* 1884, Ciise 1885, iyo Warsangeli sanadii 1886, waxay sadexdan Reer Ingiriiska la saxeexdeen heshiis midaysan qoys waliba. 3. *********** - wuxuu noqday Daraawiish, waxaana Ingiriisku la dagaalamayey 21 sano, ilaa uu diyaarad ku jebiyey. Abaarihii 1892 wuxuu u kicitimay Maka iyo Madiina, waxana is raacay 13 wadaad oo kale. Sanadkii 1895 ayuu Sayidku ku soo laabtay dalka Soomaaliya, wuxuuna ka soo degey dekedda Berbera. Sayid Maxamed ka soodegey dekedda Berbera ee la waydiiyey in uu canshuur bixiyo, wuxuu ku yiri Ingiriiskii, Adigu canshuur ma bixisay makaad halkan timid? Ingiriiskii wuxuu yiri, Waa wadaad waalan ee naga daaya.Laakiin turjubaankii baa isna yiri, Haddii aadan manta qaban, meel dheer baad ka raadin doontaa. Waxaa kale oo Sayid Moahamed uu la kulmay cauur Somaliyeed oo kiniisad lagu xereeyey. Waxaa Sayidku waydiiyey caruurtii magacyadooda, wiil ka mid ahi wuxuu ku jawaabay John Abdirahman. Waxaa Sayidkii u soo baxday in kiniisadaas caruurta Somaliyeed lagu gaalaynayo. Shacabkii Reer Berbera, in badan baa arintaas ku raacday Sayidka, laakiin dawladda Ingiriiska baa ogaatay oo amartay in dagaal lagu qaado, isaga oo gumaysigii adeegsanayo xeeladihii qaybi oo xukun. Berbera Sayidka ka hor waxaa yimid Richard Burton (Haji Abdalla) oo ah magic uu labacay, laakiin reer Berbera waxay ula baxeen Sheikh Abdalla. Richard Burton wuxuu afka Carabiga ku soo bartay Trinity College, Oxford, waxaa loo soo diray India, ka dib waxaa loo soo diray Somalia ilaa Nile si uu u soo sahamiyey oo Ingiriisku dego. Wuxuu kale oo muddo soo joogay Makka iyo Madina. Wuxuu u shaqaynayey si basaasnimo ah. Richard Burtons (Haji Abdalla) intuu joogay Berbera isaga ayaa Reer berbera tujin jiray. Burton wuxuu Saylac yimid 1956 oo sanadii Sayidku dhashay, wuxuu u gudbay Harar, markuu ku sugnaa 10 beri ayuu la kumay Amiir Nuur, markii la waraystay waxaa lagu amray in uu 48 gudahood kaga gudbo xuduuda Harar, sidaas buu ku soo cararay oo Berbera ku yimid, oo aad looga soo dhaweeyey. Richard Burton (Haji Abdalla) wuxuu Reer Berbera waydiistay in gabdho Somaliyeed loo keeno si uu cilmi baaris ugu sameeyo, cilmi baaristaas oo ah Waxa ay ku kala duwan yihiin Gadhaha Somaliyeed ee la guday, iyo kuwa Reer Yurub ee aan la gudin. Arintaas foosha xumi markay dhacday ayaa ilaa 300 oo dhallinyaro ah, una badan Ciise Muuse ay habeen madaw dagaal ku soo qaadeen iyaka oo warmo wata, waxayna ka dileen Stroyan. Richard Burton (Haji Abdalla) iyo John Hanning Speke iyakana si xun baa loo dhaawacay. Ka dib waxay si deg deg ugu carareen Cadan. Markay Cadan Dhakhtar kula kulmeen, waxaa Richard Burton (Haji Abdalla) oo la helay oo dhaawicii u dheeraa jabti (Syphilis) dhaawacyadii loo gaystay ka sokow, kuwaas oo ay ka mid ahaayeen ilkaha oo laga daadiyey, daanka oo laga jebiyey. Wuxuuna sheegay in uu ka qaaday jiradaas jabtida gabadh qurux badan oo Somaliyeed sida ku qoran buuga, (Robert Edgerton, The Troubled Heart of Africa, A History of Congo, p 28 iyo Christopher Hibbert, Africa Explored Europeans in the Dark Continent 1769-1889, pp. 204-209.) Richard Burton, wuxuu markaas safarkiisii ka qoray buugga, lagu magacaabo First Footsteps in Africa, Reer Harrar aad buu u amaanay inkasta oo ay soo eryeen, wuxuuna aad ugu faraxsanaa in uu noqday Farajigii (foreigner) u horeeyey ee booqday Harar oo Reer Yurub aad u danaynayeen. Berbera oo taariikhdaas soo martay aad bay uga hortimid Sayidka iyo halgankiisii. Waxaana laga dumiyey Masaajidkii Sayidka ee Berbera oo lagu tilmaamay in ay Saalixiya yihiin, Reer Berberana ay tahay Qaadiriya. Markuu ka hadlayey heshiiskii uu diiday in uu la galo Gumaysiga Ingiriiska gabaygiisii waxaa ka mid ahaa: · Dalka ma lihid anigaa ku idhih doora weynaha eh · Daliilkii Rasuulkii anaa doonayoo rabaye (scw) · Anaa diiday maantuu lahaa deeqan iga hooyeh · Diintayda anigaan ku gadan dabaqii naareedeh · Anaan labada ******* tan hore darajo moodaynin. · Anaan doora-weynoo kufriga daacadnuu gelineh · Ferenjiga dirayska leh anaan diiradduu qabaneh · Sida doxorka ****** anaan duud-xamaal noqoneh · Doofaarka eyga ah anaan daarihiis gelineh · Anigaan dilaalkiyo ardiga duubigoow xidhaneh · Anigaan dariiqada Alliyo diinta caasiyineh. Dagaalkii daraawiishtu ku dishay Richard Corfield waxaa wax ka qoray Ray Beachey, The Warior Mullah: The Horn Africane, London 1990. Wuxuuna dagaalkaas ku tilmaamay mid xeelad adag ay Darawishtu ku dagaalantay, ciidanka Ingiriiska wuxuu ahaa 110 Burco ka yimid, 35 goobtii baa lagu dilay ay ka mid ahaayeen (Corfield, Dunn, Ducaale), 17 dhaawac xun baa gaaray, 24 waa fakadeen lamana helin raq iyo ruux, 10 goobtii ayey ka carareen. Ismaaciil Mire (Raximahu laah) wuxuu hogaaminayey ciidankii dagaalka ku qaaday ciidamadii Ingiriiska ee uu hogaaminayey Richard Corfield. Dagaalkaasi wuxuu ka dhacay goobta loo yaqaan Ruuga ama Buurta Dulmadoobe, 9kii Agoosto, 1913kii. Gabaygu waa warbixin ka warramaya sidii dagaalka loo qaaday ama loo abaabulay, sidii loo duulay, weerarkii iyo sidii xoolihii looga soo dhacay qoladii lagu duulay, dhimashdii Koofil, iyo ugu dambaystii soo noqoshadoodii iyo saamigii geela. Ismaaciil Mire, wuxuu ugu warramayey Sayid Mahammad iyo Qusuusidii Daraawiishtii kadib markii ay xoolihii keeneen Xaruntii Daraawiishta ee Taleex iyo gacan laga soo jaray Corfield. Ismail Mire gabaygiisii waxaa ka mid ahaa: · Gidhligaanku meeshu turqaday lagu tu'sii geela, · Tirsanmaynin uunkii tirmiyo Tulushle Iiddoore, · Turjubaannadii daba socday iyo Koofil lagu toogay. · Maadhiin turaabtaa ka badan tuurta kaga qaadnay, · Gaaladu waxay tacab lahayd taabnay subaxaaba, · Tukihii intaan niman u waray tobanle soo qaatay. Markaa ka ddibna Sayid Mohamed baa gabaygan soo socda oo uu koofil ku halqabsaday mariyey, oo wuxuu yidhi: Adaa Koofilow jiitayaan, dunida joogeynee Adigaa jidkii la gugu wadi, jimicla'aaneede Jahannamo la geeyow haddaad, aakhirow jihato Nimankii jannow kacay war, bay jirin inshaalleeye Jameecooyinkii iyo haddaad, jaw*****i aragto Sida Eebahey kuu jirabay, Mari jawaabteeda Daraawiish jikaar naga ma deyn, tan iyo jeerkii dheh Ingiriis jabyoo waxaa ku dhacay, jac iyo baaruud dheh Waxay noo janjuunteenba waa, jibashadiinnii dheh Jigta weerar bay goor barqaa, nagu jiteeyeen dheh Anigana Jikrey ila heleen, shalay jihaadkii dheh Jeeniga hortiisey rasaas, igaga joojeen dheh Sanadkii1910 ayaa Daraawiishi laba qalcadood ka dhistay ceelka. "Buraan" oo ah togga Jiidali daantiisa koonfureed. Hase yeeshee, waxaana ka cadhooday boqor Osman,oo markaas u talinayey Gobolka Bari, iyo Garaad Mahamud Ali Shire oo Daraawiish ka soo horjeeday, madaxna ka ahaa Laas-qoray iyo Ceelaayo. Booqor ka iyo Sultaanku waxay ku heshiiyeen in Daraawiish laga kiciyo ceelkaas "Buraan", waxyna marmarsiinyo ka dhigteen inay nabaddooda Daraawiishtu halis gelinayaan, dalkay fadhiyeenna daabkiisii qabsadeen. Boqorkii wuxuu soo diray ciidan tiro badan Mahamuud Cali Shire wuxuu isna soo diray ciidan badan. Markay qabsadeen labadii qalcadood ayaa Sayidkii ciidan daraawiish u diray si looka kiciyo labadaas qalcadood, markiiba daraawiishtii cagta bay mariyeen. Waxaa markaas Sayidkii tiriyey gabay taariikhi ah, ayna ka mid ayaaheen: Guutada lasoo dumay haddii nalagu soo duushay Wax la soo dadaanshaba haddiin nala dul garriishay Dildilaaca waaberi hadii nalagu sii daayey Annagoon digniin qabin haddii nala dreensiiyo Digta weerar qoobkii hadday dininigtii yeedhay Dooyada uluufta ah hadday Daalo kor u dhaaftay Qaylada daluunta ah haddii nala dareensiiyo Degdeg inaan usoo rooro waa dawlad alabkeede Ma dul keennay kuman duub cad oo wada Daraawiish ah Dirki hadduu kusoo galay xarbiga aniyo duulkaygu Dayaaydii horeetaba baqay dabada taageeneh Diigaanyo ciidan ah miyaan daafta kala raacay Sidii aar daloombiyi markaaan ugu dinaah yeeyey Dullihii shareerraa markuu dibawga jiidhaayey Daanyeerku meeshuusan marin dani ma jeexsiisay Denbi ma leh cadaawaha ninkii deli ka xooraaye Darajuu Ilaahiis ka heli labada ****** eh Dubku iima naxo nimay kufriga deris wadaagaaneh Faranjiga direyska leh kuwii diirada u qaaday Iyakaa ba dariiqada Alleh iyo diinta caasiye eh Waxay noo duleedsheenba waa doora-weynaha eh Isla gabaygaas oo dheeraa waxaa kale oo ka mid ahaa gabaygaas Sayid Mohamed Abdulle Hassan: Dareemada ka badan meydka yaal didibta buureedeh Dhiigoodu sida doogsin roob waysagii duxayeh Dugaagii hilbaha quudan jiray loo dayaafadiyeh Nimanyahow af laba daan leh baad muranka deyneyneh Daleeloada cid laah lagama shubo hadal daleeleedeh Ma duqaynay Reer Bari wuxuu doonayuu helayeh. Waxaa mar kale Boqor Osman ciidan ku kiciyey daraawiishta, ciidankaas waxaa hogaaminayey Bile, oo ahaa la taliyaha Boqor Osman. Markii la ishaleelay, daraawiishta waa jebisay ciidankii Boqor Osman, waxay xireen Bile. Halkaas Sayidkii wuxuu ka tiriyey gabay, waxaana ka mid ahaa: · Inaan Bile tagoogada ka xidhay, tebiya oo geeya · Inuu xaarka taallada ka dhigay, tabiya oo geeya · Inaad gaalo taag daran tihiin, tebiya oo geeya · Labamaare inuu tiirsan yahay, tebiya oo geeya · Shanle-dheere inuusan wax tarin, tebiya oo geeya · Cabdiraxiin inuusan tol helin, tebiya oo geeya · Daraawiishi inaysan tureyn, tebiya oo geeya · In Ustaadku tiir-dhaadan yahay, tebiya oo geeya. Waxaa kale oo Sayidku af kahadal kula dagaalami jiray reeraha diiday in ay raacaan daraawiishta, xitaa reerka uu ka dhashayba ha ahaatee, waxaana gabadiisii ka mid ahaa: Sidii garow hadhuudh baan kurtiis, guran ******** neh Gurraas iyo Iljeex waa la qaban, gooshka haatana eh Malahayga waa lagu galgalan, gaanka reer Dalal eh Gaas baa ku caran Reer Subeyr, gobora wayntiiyeh Kolaan Goora cobolley ka dayo, amase Geel-loo-kor Huwan waa ka gabangaabsan jirey, gelin ma waayaaye Bal Haaruun xaggee baa la geydayen, Goha miyuu dhaafi? Dagaalkii Diyaaradda ee Talex iyo ka horba maxaabiistii laga qabtay daraawiishta waxaa loo dhoofiyey India, waxaana loo qaybiyey afar xabsi oo kala ahaa: Yaravda Central Prison oo lagu xiray 51 maxbuus. Ahmedabad Central Prison oo lagu xiray 36 maxbuus. Hyderabad Central Prison waxaa lagu xiray 29 maxbuus, iyo Thana Special Prison oo lagu riray 29 maxbuus. Maxaabiistaasi intii ay xirnaayeen waxaa xabsiga ku dhintay qaar ka mid ah, waxayna kala ahaayeen: · Farah Osman dhintay April 17, 1919 Ahmedabad Central Prison. · Yusuf Farax, Fabaraayo 19, 1920, Ahmeddebad Central Prison. · Dualeh Yusuf, dhintay Fabaraayo 11, 1920, Ahmedabad Central Prison. · Hassan Warsame dhintay June 3, 1919, Thana Special Prison. · Fahiye Ali, dhintay June 9, 1919, Thana Special Prison. · Jamac Samatar, dhintay December 11, 1919, Thana Special Prison. Waxaa gumaysigii isku dayey in uu qabto Sayidka, waxaase Sayidkii u talaabay Iimey iyo Ethiopia isaka oo sii maray Baydhaba, wuxuuna markaas tiriyey tix uu ummadda Somaliyeed kula dar daarmayo, ayna ka mid ahayd: · Dadow maqal dabuubtaan ku idhi ama dan haw yeelan · Ama dhaha darooryiba jiryaye doxorku yeelkiiseh · Nin rageey dardaaran way u tahaye doqoni waa moogeh · Marka horre dabkuu idinka dhigi dumar sidiisiiyeh · Marka xigana daabaqada yuu idin dareensiine · Marka xiga dalkuu idinku odhan duunya dhaafsada eh · Marka xigaa dushuu idinka rari sida dameeraha eh · Mar haddaan dushii Adari iyo Iimeey dacal dhaafay · Maxaad igaga digataan berruu siin lasoo degiyeh. Waxaa halkaas ku hakaday halgankii wedenaga ahaa ee Darawiisha, Somalidiina waxay gacanta u gashay Ingiriis, Talyaani iyo Xabashi oo heshiis ku ahaa la dagaalanka Daraawiishta. Markaasaa Ingiriiskii gacanta ku dhigay Suldaan Mohamoud Ali Shire, loona masaafuriyey Seychelles May 3, 1920, iyada oo la sii mariyey Bombay, India, iyada oo la sii saaray markabka HMS Odin. Sidaas si leeg Talyaani wuxuu soo gaaray Gobalka Bari, wuxuu kale oo 1923 ka bilaabay Afgoye iyo Janaale in uu dadka beeraha ku falo, webigana kaga talaabi jiray, waxaana ka mid ahaa goobtii caanka noqotay ee Kelli Asaylle, ee ragii ku dhintay dumarkoodii asay u qaadeen, halkaas oo magucu ka yimid. Xilligii xoriyadda ayaa Mudane Abdullaahi Suldaan Mahamed "Timacade", uu Beerta Xoriyadd, Hargeisa on June 26, 1960 ka tiriyey tix uu ku xasuusanayo halgankii Darawiishta, taas oo noqotay markii u horaysay ee Gobalada Waqooye Galbeed laga soo amaano halgankii Darawiishta, wuxuuna yiri: Allow yaa darwiishkii fariin dabacsan gaarsiiya, Allow yaa damaashaad farxad leh kala dul eedaama, Allow yaa dalkaagii ku dhaha dowlad nimo qaaday, Dhaaxuu ku daakirey xaqii naga dahsoonaayeh, In dariiqadii toosan tahoo dihini soo gaarin, oo uu dabkuu shidey rag kale dogobyo sii saarey, Allow yaa af lama daaliyeeh daacad ugu sheega. Xukunka Daraawiishtu wuxuu gaaray xagga Bari Ilaa Ayl, Waqooye Badda Cas, Koonfur ilaa Wardheer iyo Galbeed ilaa Kiridh. Cudur daar, Gabayadan taariikhiga ah wax kala huf ah (censorship) laguma samayn lagumana samaynayo, waana taariikh ay daraawiishtii samaysatay, markaas cidii dhibsataa qoraalkan waa laga raalli geliyey. Guul iyo gobanimo. Qore:Ahmed idle Mohamed.(Abwaan). __________________ Edited out explicit tribal terms. [ February 02, 2006, 03:35: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]