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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Khayraadka iyo Bilicda Gobolada Sanaag,Haylaan & Galbeedka Bari (SHB)
  2. Soomaali Udiida Ceeb; Somalia don't Shame yourself
  3. 1) Ceelka Holhol, Laascaanood, Sool, Somalia Halkan Ka Daawo Ceelka Holhol ee Shidaalka ee la bilaabay Oct 16, 1988 iyo Ismacil Ibrahim Ducale oo muuqaalo iyo barnaamijkan xiisaha leh inooga soo diyaariyey 2) Kalabaydh, Sool, Somalia Halkan ka Daawo Horumarka Magaalada Kalabaydh ee Gobolka Sool
  4. Originally posted by Red Sea Casse: Assalamu Calaykum, Salaan sare sxb. Soomaal, I make no exceptions regardless of what region they are from, they are my blood and my fellow countrymen. assalamu calaykum. Salaam Bro Red Sea I am 100% sure that your intention was sincere and valuable advices were directed to all, I was just emphasizing true all somalis are brotherly people.
  5. Insha allaah, Illaahay somalia dad iyo dalba ilaahay ha barakeeyo amiin amiin amiin Dhulkayagu sabool maaha! Dadka soomaaliyeed qaar badan ayaan ogeyn Hodantimada dhulkeenna. Iloowsanna in meelkasta oo colaad iyo abaar isku raacaan in laga qaxaayo, markasna saboolnimo dadkii iyo dalkiiba lagu tilmaamayo. Haddaba Abwaansoomaaliyeed ayaa hees ka qorey hodantimada iyo Hiddaha soomaaliya. Inkastoo heeso badanquruxda dhulkeenna heeso badan laga qoreyney, aniga heeskani waxa uu ila yahay mid ka mid ah kuwa ugu fiican. Heeskan waxaa qorey Abwaan Maxamed Tukaale Cusmaan. Abwaan Tukaale waxa uu alifey riwaayado badan iyo heeso aan la soo koobi karin. Heeska la yiraahdo "dhulkayagu sabool maaha" waxaa ku luuqeyn jirey Allaha uxariistee Cabdi Sallaad "Beerdilaacshe" Dhulkayagu sabool maaha saxro iyo abaar maaha seben xumaadna kama dhicin xidig-seermaweydiyo sanad walba waa Kheyr satigiyo Dhiilahaan Kasoofeen ku shubanaa Haamaha la saabshaa Subagana ku lulanaa Sidig baanu maalnaa Sumal baanu qalanaa Sedbuursi ka faankiis Soomaali haddaan nahay Sinji baan u leenahay. Dhukayagu sabool maaha Siigiyo dabeyl malaha Saxansaxiyo waa Doog Sagal iyon daruur iyo waa seymo roobaad. Xarig baa la soohaa Aqal baa laga sameeyaa Surrad baa la duubaa Waxa lala sugaa Gabar Xushmo sooryo gobanimo Soomaali haddaan nahay Sinji baan u leenahay.
  6. Yaa u Maqan dadka somaakida ah ee dhibaateesan? Allahay ka bacdi
  7. Starving poor of Somalia now suffering thirst By Jerome Taylor Published: 17 February 2006 The impoverished people of Somalia are being forced to surviv e on three containers of water a day for drinking, cooking and washing, Oxfam has said. Increasingly large numbers of people are dying from dehydration on 40-mile treks to fetch water in scorching temperatures of up to 40C. "The situation will get worse unless swift action is taken," said Mohamed Elmi, Oxfam's regional programme manager. Somalia is one of the poorest African nations and campaigners are deeply concerned that the drought in the south of the country, which has already struck neighbouring Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Tanzania and Burundi, will hit the nation, disrupted by wars, particularly hard. The price of containers used to transport water has rocketed to more than a day's wages for most Somalis, said Brendan Cox, an Oxfam spokesman . A water canister that used to cost at least 1p now costs 70p in a region where residents live on pennies a day. The latest UN report on Somalia said 1.7 million people - 710,000 of them experiencing acute food shortages - needed food assistance of some kind in addition to the 410,000 refugees who depend on food aid. Drought killing Somalis, report says Last Updated Thu, 16 Feb 2006 16:25:18 EST CBC News Water shortages in Somalia are so severe that people are trying to survive on just three glasses a day, Oxfam Canada says. "People cannot survive on just three glasses of water a day when the temperature is hitting 40 degrees," said Mohamed Elmi, the aid agency's regional program manager. A man and his child passes the carcass of a cow in an area hit by a severe drought. (AP photo) There are reports of deaths from dehydration, Oxfam said in a release. "The situation is as bad as I can remember," said Abdullahi Maalim Hussein, a Somali village elder who accompanied Oxfam officials on a recent trip to assess the situation. "People are dying and children are drinking their own urine because there is simply no water available for them to drink," he said. Workers are digging 10 metres into dry river beds before they hit the water table, and then have to pass up muddy water in buckets. Some Somalis, usually women, have to walk for hours to find water. Many cattle have died of starvation because there is no grass. Oxfam said hundreds of thousands of people are at risk in the African country, while the United Nations said 1.7 million Somalis need help urgently. FROM JAN. 18, 2006: Horn of Africa facing famine The UN has estimated that 11 million people are at risk of food shortages resulting from the drought in Somalia and its neighbours, Kenya and Ethiopia. Rains are not due until March or April.
  8. MP apologises for Muslim comments Federal Liberal MP Danna Vale has apologised for remarks she made about the Muslim community in the lead-up to the debate on the abortion drug RU486. This week Mrs Vale used the words, "we are almost aborting ourselves out of existence" and expressed concern about claims that Australia could become a Muslim country in 50 years' time. She has told Parliament that Muslim Australians put a high value on their children and like many different faiths see the right-to-life as a core value. Mrs Vale says she is not a racist and never has been. "Mr Speaker, I do hope that this clarifies in some way what I was trying to say in a very clumsy way in a live interview the other day, for I deeply regret any offence that might have been taken by members of the Australian Muslim community," she said. The comments came as the former minister four other Coalition women, who want Parliament to have the final say on the use of the abortion drug RU486, held a press conference this week. Muslim and Christian leaders condemned her remarks as outlandish, and many of her colleagues distanced themselves from her remarks.
  9. Originally posted by Red Sea Casse: ASSALAMU CALAYKUM, As far as I know everybody is entitled to their opinion whether they address the truth or not. Those were his words,because that is the way he felt, however, I don't understand why you guys are making an argument out of it. Have you run out of things to say here? I must also say few words to Yen/Yonis.Kid go find something else to waste your time and breath on. If you are looking for attention, I don't think this is the right place to do it. Anyways, you are no reporter in this site copying and pasting articles , who do you think you are, Duke? the ultimate reporter of SOL. In my opinion, your postings are very critical because they are one dimensional in which you seem to always direct towards one particular region and its inhabitants. If you are seeking answers ask better questions, but to ask what a meaningless politician says doesn't help us answer your meaningless questions. :rolleyes: Asalamu Calaykum. Bro Red Sea You give the brothers very valuable advices, to spend their times more wisely, you only needed to extent this priceless advices to all brothers who to this particular thread at least. Waad salaamantahay
  10. Only cruel warlords are meeting, but this meeting could turn a blessing for Somali people if Allah wills, because all of our greedy and arrogant self-appointed leaders (warlords) are meeting for the first time in Somali soil since Somali civil war began, for Somaliland faction it is good idea to join the rest of the merciless factions meeting, because northwest Somalis need their brotherly Somali people. Warlords and their factions are #1 enemy of Somali people, Ethiopia is #2, unthinkable idea in 1977.
  11. Insha Allah, All Somali warring factions will participate this historic meeting in Baydhabo except one - hopefully Northwest (Somaliland) will join their brotherly Somali people.
  12. Turning Muslim in Texas. People Reverting to Islam in Texas
  13. Somali leaders vow to work together, end rifts 13 Feb 2006 15:58:01 GMT Source: Reuters By Guled Mohamed NAIROBI, Feb 13 (Reuters) - Somalia's president, prime minister and parliamentary speaker appeared to put aside their differences on Monday and vowed to work together to end anarchy in the Horn of Africa country. President Abdullahi Yusuf, Prime Minister Mohamed Ali Gedi and Speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden promised to promote reconciliation and unity among the country's 275 legislature for the benefit of the Somali people after a three-day meeting. The three leaders urged feuding Somalis to "stop inter-clan wars and meaningless hostilities" in a joint statement released on Monday in Galkaayo, 735 km (456.7 miles) north of Mogadishu and obtained by Reuters in Nairobi. "The President, Speaker of parliament and the Prime Minister will work closely together in the remaining interim period of the Transitional Federal Government in order to achieve confidence and unity among the national leaders."it said. The trio also promised to ensure the successful opening of the Somali parliament in the town of Baidoa on Feb. 26. The deal for parliament to meet in lawless Somalia has raised hopes among Somalis that the government can finally put a stop to the anarchy that has plagued the country since former strongman Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991. "It's very positive, it shows that we are going in the right direction." said Mohamed Ali Nur, the coordinator of Somali affairs in Kenya. "It is really good to see that our top three leaders have reached an agreement." The interim government was formed in late 2004 following protracted talks among rival Somali factions in Kenya. It returned to Somalia last year and has been split into two factions, one based in Mogadishu and the other in the provincial town of Jowhar.
  14. SOMALIA: Parliament will meet in Baidoa, confirms president 14 Feb 2006 08:09:43 GMT Source: IRIN GALKAYO, 14 February (IRIN) - Somalia's top leaders have confirmed that the country's transitional parliament will hold its first joint meeting on Somali soil in the south-central town of Baidoa, 240 km southwest of the capital, Mogadishu, on 26 February. Interim President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed told reporters on Monday that he had agreed with Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Gedi and parliamentary speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden that the parliament would meet as planned. The president held a three-day, closed-door meeting with he prime minister and the speaker in Galkayo town, in the self-declared semiautonomous region of Puntland. The speaker was accompanied by Public Affairs Minister Osman Ali Ato and Yemeni ambassador to Somalia Ahmed Omar, among others. "I called this meeting after I realised we doubted each other after the [5 January, Aden] pact and the decision we reached in Nairobi [to allow parliament to convene at Baidoa]," President Yusuf said. The pact, signed by the president and speaker in the Yemeni city of Aden, called on "the members of the parliament and government to put aside their fruitless squabbles and differences, urging them to unite, placing the supreme interest of the nation above other interests". "Our other aim is to eradicate doubt before the first parliamentary session starts and sort out differences between us. We all agreed on common things, and this is a historic agreement," Yusuf added. The three-day meeting in Yemen between agreed to convene the first session of parliament inside Somalia within 30 days. On Monday, the speaker told reporters that the president, the prime minister and himself had agreed to work towards promoting better understanding between members of the parliament. Gedi, in a brief address to reporters, said he backed the decision reached by the president and speaker and urged all other Somali leaders to support them in their course of restoring governance in Somalia. In January, the speaker and the president first announced the Baidoa meeting in Nairobi. Gedi did not attend the announcement, as he had already left the Kenyan capital for Jowhar, the temporary base of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG). Observers said he had been unhappy about the decision - an indication of continuing rifts within the TFG. Ever since the TFG moved in June 2005 to Somalia from Kenya, it has remained divided over two key issues: the deployment of peacekeepers from neighbouring countries and the location of the seat of government. Yusuf, Gedi and their supporters are based in Jowhar, 90 km north of Mogadishu, because they consider the capital unsafe. Other MPs, led by the speaker, are in Mogadishu.
  15. Turning Muslim in Texas. People Reverting to Islam in Texas
  16. ISLAM: Why hundreds of ordinary West Aussies change faith With defined rules for life and a strong sense of community, Islam is attracting many Perth converts, as Paul Lampathakis reports 15jan06 AXEL Cremer used to turn heads when he'd roar up to prayer time at the Rivervale mosque on his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. "When I first turned up, I freaked them out," the 50-year-old reticulation company director said. "They'd see someone in black leather flying down the road, who stopped, then all of a sudden took all the leather off and walked into the mosque in Islamic clothing. Now they know me and miss me when they don't hear the bike." Mr Cremer, whose Muslim name is Mohammed, is one of hundreds of West Australians who have converted to Islam in recent years, despite the stigma surrounding the religion that has grown since the 9/11 terror attacks. Local converts say they number about 200, among about 20,000 Muslims in WA from more than 70 countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and eastern Europe. Nationwide, numbers increased about 40 per cent between 1996 and 2001, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, mainly because of migration. Converts say that in Islam they have found clearer answers to questions of spirituality than in Christianity, a stronger sense of community and rules to live by. "There are guidelines for everything. It shows you how to do the right thing, to be nice to people," said Mr Cremer, a former Catholic. "The Bible does this as well, but it has been translated too much, it has been tampered with too much. "And one major difference with Islam is there is no hierarchy above me, no priests, no bishops, no Vatican. "Imams (holy men) lead you in prayer. But beyond that it's just you and Allah. You're talking directly to God, that simplifies things." Mr Cremer was also attracted to rules such as Muslims donating a percentage of their annual income to the poor. The fact that Islam was a lifestyle rather than a weekend event was appealing too, because it advocated morality in all areas, including politics and work, where he believed morality was sorely needed. The southern suburbs father of four, who migrated to Australia from Germany 22 years ago, said his Indonesian wife triggered his "reversion" in Jakarta seven years ago. Muslims believe people revert, not convert, because they say everyone is born Muslim. But Mr Cremer said he became enthusiastic about Islam while researching the religion before his marriage – after years of questioning other faiths. Mother-of-two Nicole Banks, 36, said non-Muslim women were not compelled by the religion to switch to Islam if they married a Muslim and were allowed to keep their maiden names. But the former Church of England follower chose to convert in 1999, two years after marrying her now-estranged Egyptian husband. She had admired aspects of the religion, such as its focus on family and respect for elders, which she saw while travelling in the Middle East in 1996. "For instance, you wouldn't send your parents off to a nursing home. They're looked after in the home by their kids," she said. "(In Muslim homes) wives are doing the chores, while grandmothers are looking after the younger children. Whereas here, you might not see your family from one week to the next. "If someone's sick within the community, the other girls will bring food to the house. If somebody has a baby, people will bring food and help clean the house. "That feeling of closeness is very much missing in Australian society." The former optician/retail manager said the religion taught her not to be so materialistic and to be thankful for God's blessings, such as good health. "Before, I was a workaholic, six days a week, 10 hours a day," she said. "I drank alcohol . . . smoked cigarettes, about a pack-plus a day, partied very hard. Now my days are spent looking after my kids, helping the community, still taking Arabic, Koran and religion classes twice a week." Ms Banks's family was apprehensive about her conversion, but she had subsequently grown closer to her parents. Comments on the street about her hijab (head scarf) had sometimes been a problem, but most people were just curious. She said people should not connect Islam with terror because suicide and hurting innocents, particularly women, children and the elderly, were forbidden by the Koran. Perth banker Maariyah, 62, converted from Catholicism last February after reading books presenting evidence against the claim that Jesus was the son of God. She preferred Islam's belief that Jesus was a prophet. "And I like the feeling of one big family. We call each other brother and sister and we mean it," she said. "I also like the idea of kneeling five times a day and talking to God rather than once a week or once a year – we see praying as a privilege, not a duty." Her husband was not a Muslim and neither he nor other family members understood her move to Islam. Carlisle trainee English teacher Jeremy Meredith, 33, became a Muslim in Jakarta in 2003 because he also liked the sense of community and the guidelines. "People say they want freedom, they want liberty," he said. "But the bottom line is people want to know what they can and can't do. They want rules, they want guidelines, something to believe in, something to follow. "In Islam, there's a rule for absolutely everything – how I eat my food, how I go to the toilet, how I get married, how I lend money." He said Muslims should not be lumped with extremists because that was as ****** as saying that because Hitler was a Christian, all Christians were genocidal maniacs. Eliza-Aisha, 26, switched from Catholicism about four years ago before marrying her Pakistani husband, whom she met in university. In the northern suburbs home she shares with her Catholic mother and Muslim husband, she said she had researched different faiths from the age of 13 and had never been content with Catholicism. She liked the clarity of Islam; that you prayed just to God, not saints or others. Eliza-Aisha said she had met converts from areas including Walpole and Bunbury, and they shared common reasons for changing. "They want to know the purpose of their life. They don't just want an empty life filled with material things, a great house and a car. They want to know more," she said. "Every week you hear about converts, people in the country, in the local area. A university professor, I heard, recently became a Muslim." She disagreed with the assumption that women were repressed under the religion. If so, why did so many change, because she had heard about 80 per cent of converts were female. Other converts said they disliked Christianity's hypocrisy in preaching peace and love while being responsible for many atrocities, including the Crusades and Inquisition, and playing a big role in Northern Ireland's bloody conflict. They also believed the Bible had been edited so much it was no longer the true word of God, while the Koran had not changed. But Father Brian O'Loughlin, Vicar-General for Perth's Catholic Archdiocese, said he did not accept that Islam offered a "simpler" way to God. There were imams and ayatollahs (religious leaders), and in most Islamic countries it was a state religion with a structure that went much further than Christianity. He said tolerance was lacking in Islam because it wanted to be the one and only religion. For instance, Saudi Arabia had built mosques worldwide, including in Rome, but would not allow churches in its boundaries. He said many of the admired aspects of community in Islam were also present in southern European culture. But he conceded that such values might have been eroded in Western culture. Regarding charity, he said Christians had been outstanding for living the commandment of love that Jesus had taught, to include not just Christians. "And let's go back to the Boxing Day tsunami. Wealthy countries like Saudi Arabia had to be embarrassed into contributing some substantial amount," he said. Father O'Loughlin said a worrying aspect was Islam's concept of education, which in many cases was breeding fanaticism. Peter Rosengren, editor of Catholic newspaper The Record, said it was not surprising that ordinary Australians were attracted to Islam. A major phenomena of the past 40 years in developed areas such as the US, Australia and Europe had been an intensifying secularisation. "But human beings are fundamentally religious. When you reject belief in God as a society . . . people still search for the meaning of their lives. Where do I come from? Where am I going? What is my life all about?" he said. While he was a convinced Christian, he admired the fact that converts to Islam were going against the general trend and trying to put God first and he felt the same about Christians who were doing the same.
  17. Originally posted by Red Sea Casse: quote:Originally posted by SOO MAAL: Its time of Unity of all muslims, let alone dividing the small nation of somalia SALAAN SARE SXB. SOOMAAL. You are 100% right of your comments and I fully agree with you. However, if you had read Orgiliqe's comments, they were comments that were directed towards one particular region therefore I used the term Somaliland to address his questions but never in my life do I support or stand behind the seperation of two brotherly Muslim people in any where in the world let alone one on Somali soil. I for once used the term Somaliland to combat the arrogant comments raised by some nomads who are always here to create conflict among the diverse Somalis who came from all regions of Somali occupied regions. They claimed there were no protests in Somaliland meaning in their mind that Somaliland or Northwest region careless when our faith and our beloved prophet were offended which I for one will not tolerate and simply ignore. You know as well as I do that Burco, Borame, Hargeysa, Gabiley, Las Anod regions all protested against the cartoons and those are the only regions that have reported so far. Therefore it's always good to respect one another and give the credit that everyone else deserves instead of trying to discredit one another. Assalamu Calaykum. Waad salaamantahay Bro Red Sea It’s unfortunate to see, some Muslims accusing fellow Muslims based on unfounded allegations. Muslims should enjoy brotherhood and trust each other, its HARAAM to doubt or be suspicion of your fellow brother. The great almighty Allah said in glorious Quran: {6. O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news, ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done. 7. And know that among you is Allah.s Messenger. were he, in many matters, to follow your (wishes), ye would certainly fall into misfortune: But Allah has endeared the Faith to you, and has made it beautiful in your hearts, and He has made hateful to you Unbelief, wickedness, and rebellion: such indeed are those who walk in righteousness;- 8. A Grace and Favour from Allah. and Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom. 9. If two parties among the Believers fall into a quarrel, make ye peace between them: but if one of them transgresses beyond bounds against the other then fight ye (all) against the one that transgresses until it complies with the command of Allah; but if it complies then make peace between them with justice and be fair: for Allah loves those who are fair (and just). 10. The Believers are but a single Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy. 11. O ye who believe! Let not some men among you laugh at others: It may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): Nor let some women laugh at others: It may be that the (latter are better than the (former): Nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames: Ill-seeming is a name connoting wickedness, (to be used of one) after he has believed: And those who do not desist are (indeed) doing wrong. 12. O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Nay, ye would abhor it...But fear Allah. For Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful. } [surah 49, AL-HUJRAAT-THE PRIVATE APARTMENTS, THE INNER APARTMENTS] Abu Hurairah ra said that Rasulullah saw said : "Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the greatest falsehood. Do not try to find fault with each other, do not spy on one another, do not vie with one another, do not envy one another, do not be angry with one another, do not turn away from one another, and be servants of Allah, brothers to one another, as you have been enjoined. A Muslim is the brother of a muslim, he does him no wrong, nor does he let him down, nor does he despise him. Fear of God is here, fear of God is here, and he pointed to his chest. It is evil enough thata Muslim should look down on his brother. For every muslim is sacred to one another : his blood, his honour, and his property. Allah does not look at your bodies or your forms, or your deeds, but He looks at your hearts". ( Bukhari, Muslim )
  18. Originally posted by LANDER: quote:Originally posted by SOO MAAL: Dividing the brotherly Somali people is a bad news. It's ok sxb, if we are all brotherly people than you will have no problem living as a citizen of Somaliland. SXB, yes we are all brothers, I want to be co-citizen with ALLmy somali brothers, including, awdal, northwest, northcentral(ssc), northeast, central, southern shabelle juba regoins. I am honered to be co-citixen with my northwest brothers as other somalis, however I have problem with socalled somaliland because its not covering all land of somalis and divides the brotherly somali people.
  19. Taariikhdii Garaad cabdiqani Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali (Laascaanood}10.02-06 Illaahay Naxariistii janno haka waraabiyee garaad C/qani garaad jaamac Garaad Cali wuxuu ku dhashay magaalada laascaanood Sanadkii 1935 Halkaas uu ku bartay Qur'aan ka Karimnka Ah kadibna waxuu iskuul Ka galay magaalada laascaanood 1945 wuxuuna kamid noqday dufcadii ugu horaysy ee halkaa iskuul lagabaro waayihii gumaysiga ingiriska kadib Dugsiga dhexe ee sheekh ayuu uwareegay 1949 sanadki 1933 waxaa uu magaalada boorame ku biray machadka tababarka farsamada madhtamihii 1950 Allaha unaxariistee Garaad C/qani garaad jaamac wuxuu aqoon korosi utagay wadanka Ingisriiska halkaas uu shahaadada siyaasada ka qaatay jaamacada caanka ah ee Kaambeej. Shaqadii ugu horaysayna wuxuu ka qabtay bangiga markii maamulka ingiriisku jiray waxaa uuna maamule kuxigeen ka noqday laanti bangiga ingiriska ee magaalada Berbera isla waayahaa gumaysiga Garaad Cabdiqani garaad jaamac waxaa loo magacaabay gudoomiyaha degmada ceergaabo markalena isla jegadaasi Dc-ga ah ayuu ka hayay degmada berbera ilaahay hawnaxariistee garaad cabdi qani garaad jaamac waxaa uu gobonimada kadib mudo dheer madax ka ahaa xafiiska danaha somalida kaas oo inta badan somalida jamhuuriyada ka baxsan arimihiisa ku hawlanaa aadna garaadku uu uga jibo keenay wuxuu socdaalo kala duduwan ku tagay inta badan qaarada afrika dalalka kuyaala iyo waliba eshiya halkaas oo uu kula kulmay madax badan oo caalamiya oo ay kamid ahaayeen madax weynihi hore ee faran siiska iyo madax weynihi hore ee kenya iyo boqorki hore ee Ethiopia boqor xayla salaase iyo xag hayihii guud ee qaramada midoobay ee xiligaasi garaadku waxaa uushaqada ka fadhiistay 1981 inta badana waxaa uu noloshiisa ku qaatay magaalo madaxdii somalia ee muqdisho Garaad cabdiqani waxaa loo magacaabay garaad nimada 1985 waxaana lagu caleemo saaray dooxada geedo qarsay ee magaalada laascaanood kadib marki uu geeriyooday walaalkiis garaad cali garaad jaamac oo siyaasiyiinti somaliyeed heer wasiir kasoo gaadhay dowladaha rayidka ah oo kuwa ugu caansan kamid ahaa wuxuu ahaa garaad cabdiqani allaha unaxariistee garaadkii 18 tobnaad ee dhexla garaat tooyada beelaha degan mandaqada Sool Sanaag cayn Garaad cabdiqani garaad jaamac wuxuu kamid ahaa hogaankii iyo hanaankii dowladii kacaanka ee dalka ay ku hagay say ama ay ku maamulay say wuxuuna kamid noqday 114ki nin ee saxiixay bayaankii caanka ahaa ee maano feestada la baxay ee 15 1990 ee kasoo baxay muqdisho Dowladii cumar cartan qaalib ee aan hirgalin ee sii liicidii xiligii maxamed siyaad barre 17 janaayo 1991 waxaa loo magacaabay wasiirka arimaha dibada ee somalia Allaha u naxariistee garaad cabdiqani garaad jaamac wuxuu ka qayb galay shirar badan oo somalida lagu nabadeey nayay shirkii ugu horeeyay ee gobolada waqooyi ee xabad joojinta ee ka dhacay tulada OOg 5 bishii febraayo 1990 ayaa kamid ahaa iyo waliba shirki isla febraayo bartameheedi berbera lagu qabtay markii gobolada waqooyiga iyo kuwa koonfurta israacoodii n israacoodii dib looga shiray shirkii lagu yagleelayay somaliland ee 18 may 1991 ee burcana garaadku wuu ka qayb galay wuxuu kale uu garaadku ka qayb galay labadii shir ee wada tashiga iyo ki lagu aasaasay maamul goboleedka puntland ee 1998 wuxuuna shalay 2:30 ku geeriyooday garaadku magaalada jabuuto cisbitaal kuyaal halkaas oo xanuunka sokorowga uu baryahanba hayay wuxuu ifka kaga tagay afar wiil oo sagaal caruura iyaguna sii dhalay laba xaas ayuu guur saday intii uu noolaa oo midi ay ka geeri horay say garaadku wuxuu caan ku ahaa ilaalinta midnimada umada somaliyeed iyo nabad jacaylka waxaana la odhan karaa rug cadaa siyaasiya oo wadaniya oo umada somali yeed ay wayday ilaahay hawnaxariisto garaad cabdiqani garaad jaamac Cismaan Cabdi nuur Xaashi Nayrobi kenya
  20. Its time of Unity of all muslims, let alone dividing the small nation of somalia
  21. Dividing the brotherly Somali people is a bad news.
  22. Top Somali leaders to heal rifts before parliament meets Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:59 AM GMT By Mohamed Ali Bile MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somalia's president, prime minister and parliamentary speaker are expected to meet to mend rifts before parliament convenes for the first time in the country later this month, officials said on Thursday. The meeting between President Abdullahi Yusuf, Prime Minister Mohamed Ali Gedi and Speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden is a critical precursor to the parliament session due on February 26. Whether the parliament can meet as agreed in the southern city of Baidoa is seen as a major test of whether the anarchic country's transitional government can heal a deep split that has all but paralysed it. The trio's meeting is expected in Yusuf's hometown of Galkaayo in the semi-autonomous northern region of Puntland, after Hassan arrives on Friday. "There are no major problems between us, but I am ready to discuss any outstanding issues with them," Hassan told Reuters from Baidoa. Yusuf and Gedi are in Galkaayo already, and the three are expected to iron out last-minute security details, outstanding issues and plan the agenda. "The meeting in Galkaayo aims to remove small differences and some misunderstandings among them," Information Minister Mohamed Abdi Hayr told Reuters. Late last month, Gedi criticised a decision by Hassan and Yusuf to convene parliament, saying he had not been consulted. His comments suggested continued divisions within Somalia's transitional administration. "The prime minister is interested in solving the crises between him and the speaker," government spokesman Abdirahman Dinari told Reuters from Galkaayo. The deal for parliament to meet in lawless Somalia has raised hopes among Somalis that the government can finally put a stop to the anarchy that has plagued the country since former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted in 1991. The interim government was formed in late 2004 following protracted talks among rival Somali factions in neighbouring Kenya. It returned home last year, but has very little control over the country of approximately 10 million and has been split into two feuding factions, one based in Mogadishu and the other the provincial town of Jowhar
  23. Waa Nin Caynkee ah Garaad C/qani Garaad Jaamac. (Gaalkacyo}7.02-2005 Akhistayaasha Widhwidh Online Waxaan Idiin Soo Gudbinayaa Faalo aan ka Qoray Garaad C/qani Garaad Jaamac Mudo Maanta laga Joogo Halsano iyo Maalin oo ku Beegnayd(7/2/2005) iyadoo uu Maanta oo Taariikhdu tahay (9/2/2006 )uu garaadku Geeryooday...........(C/qaadir Jilbis} Faaladani waxaa ay soo Baxday mar aanu ka Hadlaynay Garaadada Beesha oo dhan iyo Dabeecadohooda. Garaad C/qani Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali Waa Garaadka ama Isimka ugu Faca, ama Soo jireenka horeeyay Isimada *********** oo Dhan, wuxuuna Tirsadaa Ilaa meesha uu ka Galo *********** darajada uu Maanta huwan yahay Garaad c/qani waa aqoonyahan aan dhinca siyaasadana ka madhnayn, waa in dheergarad wax ka Eega dhinacyo badan,waa aftahamo ay u dheertahay Kaftan aqoon iyo Bulsho wadid, Garaad C/qani waa nin inta badan la tashada dadka waxgaradka ah ee beeshiisa ayna had iyo goor ku xeeran yihiin dad uu talada uga danbeeyo isaguna Go,aanka uu leeyay. Garaad C/qani waa nin si wacan looga tixgeliyo derisyada iyo dhamaan dhulka ay Soomaalidu ku dhaqan tahay,wuxuuna had iyo Goor Jecelyahay in uu khilaafaadka beelaha ama Maamulada ku dhameeyo wada hadal. Waxaa ka mida wax yaabaha lagu xusuusto Garaadka Burburkii Dawladii Dhexe ee Soomaaliya 1991, waxaa Beeshiisa soo foodsaartay Colaad kaga imaan lahayd dhinaca beelaha Waqooyi oo runtii markaa ku fekeraayay in ay beesha Garaadka kaga aar goostaan wixii ay ka tabanaayeen Xukuumadii Max,ed siyaad Barre. Garaad C/qani markii ay taasi dhacday wuxuu goostay in uu dhexjibaaxo Jidka dheer ee u dhexeeya Burco iyo Laascaanood, oo ay markaa adkayd in si nabada lagu maro,wuxuuna Beelihii ***** ku qanciyay in Dalka nabad lagu soo dabaalo ayna Maamul samaystaan Gobolada Waqooyi inta Koonfuri ka hagaagayso. Garaad C/qani markii uu taa ku Guulaysay waxaa u muuqatay in aan laga maarmi karin Walaaleheena ***** oo ay markii ay doonto isbedelikarto Siyaasadda Waqooyigu, wuxuuna bilaabay in uu dhiso oo uu hormood ka ahaado Maamul Goboleedka Puntland 1988 isagoo ku guulaystay in uu sameeyo Maamul uu *****gu Hogaaminayo una dhigma midka Waqooyiga. Waxaa Jiray Maanso uu tiriyay Abwaan Jaamac Kediye Cilmi oo odhanaysay(WADAADKU MA WAALANYAHAY XAGEEBUU NAGU WADAA) oo dadka in tiisa badani u fasirteen in uu ula jeedo Garaad C/qani Garaad Jaamac. Isagoo aad moodo in uu Garaadku ka Jawaabayo Maansadaa ayaa waxa uu Shir ku qabtay Geedka qudhaca ah ee ka sokeeya DhAkhtarka Laascaanood, markii uu shirkii Carta ka soo noqday waxaana hadaladii sii ka mid ahaa. Waxaan maanta idiin sheegayaa dadkaygow meesha aan idiin waday, Markii ay dhacday Xukuumaddii Siyaad Barre waxaa dhinaca Waqooyi inaga soo wajahay colaad aynaan runtii markaa u babac dhigi karin, Walaaleheena *****na ay iyaba ku furayd Colaad teena ka xoog badan oo ay la dagaalamayeen ****** , waxaa ii muuqatay in aan heshiis la galo inta soomaali laga helaayo kalana badbaadiyo walaalaha Soomaaliyeed. Markii aan dhisay Maamulka S/land waxaa lama huraan noqotay in la helo Maamul ay leeyiin, dadka isku isirka ah Ee ***** wayne lana helo Cudud milateri oo lagaga haybaysto Alxamdu lilaah taasna waa ku guulaysanay. Maanta oo aan ka nimi Shirkii Carta laguna soo Dhisay Xukuumad Soomaaliyeed, waxaad haysataan Darajada ugu Saraysa Golaha Xukuumada , oo uu ula jeeday Ra,isal wasaare Cali Khaliif Galaydh , Hadaba waa taa meesha aan idiin waday ee ku fara adayga. Hadaba waxaa jirtay waraysi uu dhawaan siiyay Garaadku BBc Laanteeda Afsoomaaliga oo uu kaga hadlay in uu wada hadal ku dhamaynayo Colaada ka oogan Labada Maamul ee S/land iyo Puntland, waraysigaas oo ay dadka qaar dhibsadeen Saxaafada qaarkeeda ay Dhaliilo u soo jeediyeen, ayaa waxaan u arkaa in uu Garaadku Abaartiisa maray uuna Gutay waajib uu mudan yahay in uu fuliyo. Hadaba waxaan garaadka kula talinaynaa in uusan marna ka leexan xilka ka saaran u mmadiiisa uuna ugu Taliyo sida ay maslaxadu ku jirto.