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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. As-Salaam Alaikum, First, thanks nazir for sharing with us this wonderful video clip Of course there is no place like home, true red sea these returnees are brave and intelligent people, they understand the importance of the homeland, these people are driving force behind the progress that’s goingon in all regions of Somalia, they building homes, factories, hotels etc as well they benefit people back home from experience in overseas.

    May 18th

    Although, as a Muslim brother ethnically Somali, I would like to wish well to all somalilanders (or should I say north westerners, because Somaliland= Somali peninsula dhulka soomaaliyeed oo dhan) Anyways, I hope to all somalilanders a happy holidays
  3. Good news, of course rule of law is better than chaos another ---land
  4. The new Garaad is 34 years old Yes its Ali Khalif sitting beside him
  5. Garaadnimadii waxey u gudubtay dhanayarada Garaadka cusub ee gobolada woqooyiga dhexe ee Somalia Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali waxaan leeyahay hambalyo illaahay haa kuu fududeeyo masuuliyada weyn aad qaatay Garaad ku waa nin da’yar oo mudu dheer ku noolaa dalka mareenkanka halkaas uu waxbarasha jaamacadeed ku dhameestay, marka la eego xaalada cakiran ee gobolada woqooyiga dhexe ee Somalia (SSC) Garaadka cusub waaxaa laga sugayaa hogaan mideesan inuu usa meeyo gobolada north-central Somalia. Garaaku waxuu u muuqdaa mid ka bixi kara mas-uuliyada taarikhiga eek u soo foodle marka la eego da’diisa yar, muda, dheer (34 years old) ee qurbaha ku noola oo waayo aragnimo u kordhinasa, waxbarasha sare uu soo qaatay, sida lii sheegay waa nin ahlu diin, dadka soomaaliyeed jecel, midnimadan aaminsan, masuulna ah.
  6. I believe it’s a recent photo of Laascaanood If you concerned about your relative’s marriage arrangement, then marry before you go, don’t worry just dial 9-1-1 Its just a joke, go ahead and visit your homeland
  7. Bidix. wasiirka arimaha gudaha iyo amniga mudane Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade ,Ra’iisal wasaaraha Soomaaliya hore Professor Cali Khaliif, Garaad Jaamac, Garaad Saleebaan, Iyo Suldaan Saciid Oo Ku Nastey Madashii Loogu Talo Galay.
  8. Wafti uu horkacayo garaadka Guud ee beesha *********** Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali ayaa maanta duhurkii soo cago dhigtay ciida hooyo.. Talaado,09 May 2006, 19:34 Category: News Waxaa maanta duhurkii ka soo degeysoo garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada laascaanood wefti balaadhan oo uu hor kacayay Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali Garaad Jaamac oo ay ka mid ahaayeen aqoonyahano,abwaaniin,siyaasiyiin iyo odayaal kaleba ayaa maanta duhurkii ka soo degey garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Laascaanood. Weftigan ayaa waxa isna ka dhex muuqanayey siyaasiga caanka ah ee Cali Khaliif Galaydh ,Abwaan Maxamed faarax Cali Idaajaa,iyo rag kaloo badan,waxaana garoonka ilaa magaalada tubnaa kumanaan dad ah oo ruxayey caleemo qoyan kuwaas oo ku dhawaaqayey ereyo ay ka mid ahaayeen "Soo dhowaada",iaygoo ay wajiyadooda ku muuqatay rayn rayn iyo farxad aan la soo koobi karin. Waxaa garoonka tubnaa dhalinyaro fardooleey ah,kuwaas salaan siinayey garaadka iyo waftigiisa. Waxaa dhamaan halkaa iyana soo xadiray isimada oo aan u kal hadhin waxaa iyagu goobta ku sugnaa dhamaan isimada deegaankaas,kuwaas oo aan u kala hadhin,waxaana garaadada horkacayey Garaad Saleebaan Garaad Maxamed iyo Garaad CadbiLaahi Garaad Soofe.Waxaa iyana kamid ahaa ismiada halkaas yimid Suldaan Saciid Cismaan Cali, Ugaas C/laahi Ciise Nuur, Garaad C/salaam Xasan Max’ed,Garaad Max’uud Cismaan Mashqare, Garaad Saleebaan, Aw Aadan, Ugaas Faraax Dheere iyo kuwo kaleba. Garaad Jaamac Garaad cali iyo wasiirka arimaha gudaha iyo amniga mudane Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade ayaa iyagu soo fuulay gaadhi dusha ka banaan markii diyaarada ay ka soo degeen gaadhigaas oo ay ku joogeen ilaa magaalada laga soo gaadhay waxaana Garaadku gaadhiga dushiisa ka salamaayey dadweyne badan oo tubnaa wadada dacaladeeda. Subeyr Cismaan Idiris Laascaanood Soomaaliya
  9. Horn, The link you provided is not working! Try to fix. Thanks,
  11. Stop hypocrisy Self-determination for North-Central Somalia (Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn) as well You cannot ask for right of self-determination when you deny others for same right of self-determination. Certainly, Unity is always the better option; however no region/clan should be imposed to be part of Somalia/Somaliland/Puntland/etc, because the right of self-determination should respected. Otherwise force is simply Colonization And finally, for the record, if the peace loving people of Hargeysa, Burco and Berbera, really want to secede from the rest of Somalia, please say so, and say it peacefully; say it in the ballot boxes; and please do it in your homes and territories, but not in our homes of Sool and Sanaag. From the Somali Regions of Sool and Sanaag, Laascaanood, Sool I think Somalia should not oppose the secession of peaceful Somaliland (A Somaliland that is not threat to its neighbors like North-Central Somalia – SSC region) There is no problem if northwest Somalia wants to become another Djabouti
  12. Salaam, Brother Red Sea As someone from sool, I welcome your apology; it’s a step in the right direction. Certainly , I knew that you had innocent intentions and didn’t had any hidden agenda. Of course, nomads from Sool region felt extremely offended, like nomads from northwest region will feel extremely offended if you share with them the pictures of former Somali army of 1988 in Hargeysa. Somaliland militia has no right to stay in Sool region if people of Sool don’t want to part of Somaliland, waa in amaan la isi siiyaa. Although I support and convinced that unity is always the better option, true certainly unity is noble principle. However I am against to force any region to be part of Somalia/Somaliland/Puntland. To those Somalilanders, who want to hold back Red Sea to prevent him the good deed, I say you are totally wrong, and Red Sea is absolutely right Even if it is cyberworld, that doesn’t mean you say whatever you want or you can offend anyone, still you have to use good judgment and be sensible. And keep Allah the almighty is watching you all the time. To Nazir Hergeysa is your business since you from Hergeysa, Adhicadeeye is for people of adhicadeeye to decide not you/riyoole/or the soldiers of the occupation militia in Adhicadeye Allah subxanahu Watacalaa said in the Quran: "and help one another in goodness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and aggression; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is severe in requiting (evil)". (Suratul Maa'idah) And if two factions of the Believers fight, you should make peace between them. But if one of them continues to do wrong to the other, fight the transgressors until they return to Allah's command. If they then do so, make a just peace between them, for verily, Allah loves the just ones. Surah 43 (Al-hujurat) Verse 9. "And hold fast all of you together to the rope of Allah, and be not disunited." Al-Imran (House of Imran ) Chapter 3: Verse 103 . To Bro Red Sea and Nayruus Thank you both for sharing with us this holy verses, I hope the intentions were genuine, nonetheless both verses are holy veres from the glorious Quran, and they are extremely beneficial and must be observed by all the believers. Illaahay khayr ha idin siiye wax kala qaata markaa yaynaan iska dhigin sidii waxaad kusheegtay saarka qabiilka in aanu ina hayn, saaxib wuu inawada hayaayee, ha isla saxsanaan. Walaal run baa sheegtay waa sababta ey soomali maanta ey ugu liidatu ummada dunida oo dhan, ee maxaa tala ah Kawarama hadii maamulada qabaliga (sida Somaliland puntland sscland, maakhirland, awdalland, hiiraanland, jubbaland and shabeelle land ) aano kaaftoono oo aano midnimada u soo noqono?
  13. I don’t believe there are genuine Islamic courts in Mogadishu or Somalia in general. Because the Islamic state/society or any other state/society/civilizations doesn’t start with courts, there should be first leader/amiir, a territory, people/citizens like Madina State at time of Prophet Muhammed (may peace and blessing upon him). If islamic courts cannot bring suudi qanyare and other different kinds of thugs In Mogadisho under justice, than these courts are useless waa suaale horta yee maxkamaduhu xukumaan? ma masaakiinta? mise Mogadisho (miskiin baa leh miska la fuulo) What territory they rule? What jurisdiction? But the only thing I know is that socalled Islamic courts are better than Mogadishu pirates/warlords like suudi qanyare and caato
  14. Abdulaahi Yusuf is warlord that’s true. As Riyaale, Waraabe, shaatiguduud, Qanyare, Muusi Suudi,etc However, its noble aspiration, if all Somali people freely unite and build together United Somalia (No region should be forced to be part of Somalia/Somaliland/Puntland, etc)
  15. VIDEO: Play Bush for Peace More About Bush for Peace
  16. Somaliweyn/Pansomalia was an ideology to unite all Somali people politically/economically/socially… after colonial era where foreign powers divided Somali peninsula to exploit land of Somalis. All Somali people contributed equally to make the Somaliweyn dream a reality naf iyo maal ba waa loo huray Exceptional individuals Sayid the first armed resistance against European colonialist to establish somaliweyn, Timacadde, Cabdulaahi Qarshe, Adam Cusmaan Somalia’s first president and the founding father of modern Somalia. Modern Somalia is a country created by Somali people themselves in1960. Somalia became a failed-state in 1991 politically. Today still Somalia don’t have a workable government British Somaliland protectorate is a former British colony created by Europeans in 1884 (Berlin Conference) without any consultation with Somali people. Somali never had an idea of new colonies until turn of the century. British Somaliland colony ceased to exist 1960 (almost 46 years ago). In 1991 SNM of one Somali clan-factions changed its name to Republic of Somaliland claimed the territories of all former British Somaliland and declared independence without any discussion with various regions/clan of former British Somaliland. Today after 16 years the Hergeysa faction is still unrecognized by international community because a rebellious clan militia cannot became a nation-state. Our men were killed, our women were raped and our houses were destroyed in the hands of our so-called Somalis BORTHERS just because of who we’re. Then why you support Riyaale faction unwanted intervention and aggression against north-central Somalia (Sool sanaag and Cayn =the eastern regions of former British Somaliland) The bottom line is Somali people are better of apart than united. If that’s true then northwest and north-central (Sool Sanaag and Cayn) are better apart than united, I don’t understand why you want to divide Somalia and not Somaliland, As a northern I believe if Somalia is divisible likewise Somaliland is also devisable. I believe the union/secession should be the last thing we should worry; All Somali people should work the peace/progress of their town/province//region. Then we can talk about united Somalia or united Somaliland Jaylaani, I realized one thing though, those individuals who hate Somaliland the most aren’t Somali brothers and sisters from Somali proper (south). They’re Somalilanders WITH INTERNAL MOTIVES that has nothing to do with Somali Wayn. Because you realized there is other northern Somali people who believe unity or at least against to be part of Somaliland, you accuse them hate, doesn’t make a sense According to your statement, because you are against united Somalia we can accuse also hate Waxaan kula talin lahaa kuwaas. Waxaad Somaliland ku wayday Somalia ku heli maysid. Ana waxaan kule talin lahaa, waxaad Somalia ka waydey, Somaliland iyo former spy Mr Riyaale kama helesid instead of wasting your precious time and energy discrediting Somaliland focus on your own. I think this will make more logic “instead of wasting your precious time and energy discrediting Somalia focus on your own†Stop unfounded accusations, just because I don’t want to be part of Somaliland doesn’t mean I discrediting Somaliland, according to your statement we can also realize that you are discrediting Somalia Clearly understand this I have nothing against Somaliland, even I am not against their secession lately, as long as Somaliland ends medaling the affairs of north-central Somalia (sool sanaag and cayn). The painful circumstances in Somalia is very horrible (Somalia/Somaliland/Puntland are last the of any international ranking), If dividing up Somalia/Somaliland/or Puntland will bring peace and some progress why not ? There are other Somalis in Somaliland beside your self who doesn't agree with Somaliland political strategy, big deal. There is something called Majority rules and Minority rights… need to get with the program and move on. Somaliland ain’t going nowhere. The will of the people (majority of the people) will prevail. It always has. I think this will make more logic “There are other Somalis in united Somlia beside your self who doesn't agree with Somalia political strategy, big deal. There is something called Majority rules and Minority rights… need to get with the program and move on. Somalia will stay as it is. The will of the people (majority of the people) will prevail. It always has†I thought the topic was about secession and self-determination of various regions, if it is about majority/ rule it is better, lets see what the majority of the people of Somalia decide???!!! I was just wondering if you have ACID REFLUX. All praise is due to Allah, who give me a good health, I never wish for a follow Muslim/ human being a disease, acudubilaah As usual you choose baseless accusations, offending, name-calling, and insulting the intelligence of the people who have opposite opinion of yours Again I decided to not insult you personally and focus on the issue at hand, I think you testing my patience, I will repeat my self another time Don’t think other cannot use offensive words like you “peanut size brianâ€, and “cluelessâ€. focus on the issues NOT individuals, insulting SOO MAAL or others /calling them “peanut size brain†will not help present your case I don’t understand why you choose to insult, every time I post my opinion? Using offensive words will not help make your views rational. I suggest to you to be polite and don’t insult others. You should work on your language; you only respecting yourself when speak wisely and logically. When you post your views next, keep in mind that you sharing with all members of this forum who have divergent views, so you don’t need to address SOO MAAL or insult him My friend you broke the The Camel Milk Threads GOLDEN RULES, I advice to read all the rules carefully if you didn’t. 3-Language: do not use profanity, vulgarity or objectionable language. 7 - Flaming: absolutely no personal attacks (direct or indirect). Criticize ideas, not people. Flaming will not be tolerated in any way. This includes any material which is vulgar, profane, defamatory, harassing, hateful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually oriented, or violates any laws. 15 - Banning: if you are found breaking any of the above rules you may have your account deleted and your posting rights revoked. There may or may not be any warnings given, depending on the nature of the offense. More: The Camel Milk Threads GOLDEN RULES
  17. Codettalker, Red sea is not the type you think, so khaldamin, from reading of red sea writings I am sure Red sea has innocent intentions. Beeni raad malaha, maxaa ku xaqsadey the person who made to modify the picture? Why cut/resize/combine different pictures? Although everyone is entitled to his/her to express opinion freely as this is forum, I don’t see no benefit of sharing the pictures of any Somali militia whether it’s Somaliland, Puntland, Mogadisho factions, because most of times its about a conterversial/xasaasi conflict in Somalia like Adhicadeeye Crisis. It only causes further unnecessary conflict among Somali people generally, and nomads here particularly in this case.
  18. First, Thank you bro Red sea for the great pictures I am disappointed that the thread turned into political debate, anyways the issue is not the usage of the word Somaliland but the problem is the faction based in Hergeysa that promotes the division of Somali people, today equally all Somali factions/leaders share lack of rational, and logical judgment let alone leadership. Asmaya, Red sea is a true Somali in all its meaning I am Somali from northern Somalia (or what use to be former British Somaliland that ceased to exist 1960). I am for optional union of all Somali regions; a unity that’s based on fairness is the best option for everyone I believe the Hergeysa faction had missed several golden opportunities to lead all Somalia, I don’t understand why would Hargeysa faction wants to reinstate the unjust imaginary borderline between Laascaanood and Garowe (made by Gaalo British), that’s the major reason I am against Hergeysa faction’s ideology. If Hergeysa faction extends their claim to all Somalia/or all northern Somalia, in another words when Hergeysa faction claims Garowe and other Somalia cities, it will more sense, certainly I will have a more favorable opinion toward Hergeysa faction, I don’t see why Hergeysa faction should claim Laascaanood and not Garowe or Bosaaso - the northernmost city in Somalia? Why discrimination on the basis of ex-colonial master, since the imaginary borderline between Laascaanood and Garowe ceased to exist 1960 is irrelevant today as Berlin wall that ceased to exist 1990. A Somali who wants to reinstate the unjust imaginary borderline between Laascaanood and Garowe (that’s drawn by Gaalo British) is like a German who wants to reinstate the Berlin Wall (that’s drawn by US/RUSSIA). I can understand why an Ethiopian wants the unjust imaginary borderline between Laascaanood and Domco/Burco and Gaashamo/Jigjiga and Hargeysa/Somalia and the occupied Somali region. BUT certainly not a somali For me Somaliland means (Land of Somalis) all the territories of Somali peninsula, which includes Djibouti (Former French Somalia), Somalia (former British Somaliland + former Italian Somaliland), Western Somaliland occupied by Ethiopia, South Somaliland (NFD)occupied by Kenya Fact: a significant portion of the population of western regions of former British Somali colony prefer to secede from Somalia, a referendum in northwest region should solve the secession issue Fact: the huge majority of eastern regions of former British Somali colony support United Somalia, and they deserve to be respected, a referendum in north-central Somalia (Sool Sanaag and Cayn) should solve the SSC crisis – the pro-unity regions. Fact: To be truthful, to a lesser part, there is the tribal element in every Somali political ideology I urge both secessionists and Unionists to face realities, respect the differing views, shun extremism,/tribalism, and be open-minded to any solution that can bring peace co-existence and safety in our homeland, even if it is the partition of both Somalia and Somaliland Common sense: If Somalia is divisible, similarly Somaliland is also divisible If the person who believes the unity of Somalia is an idealist, we can also certainly say also the person who believes the unity of Somaliland is also an idealist Note to extremists and selfish people in both secessionist and unionist camps; you cannot justify a self-determination for yourself when you deny the same right of self-determination for others because that’s extreme hypocrisy Although Unity is something noble, I believe Somali people/regions should willingly and freely accept UNITY, otherwise no one people/region should be imposed to join Somalia or Somaliland if they don’t want to part of it. Democracy and self-determination of every and each people/region within Somalia and Somaliland should be the solution