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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Wafti Ballaadhan Oo Uu Hoggaaminayo Wasiirka Boostada Iyo Isgaadhsiinta DKFS Oo Maalinnimada Bariya Ku Soo Fool Leh Laascaanood. Caleema Saarka Garaadka Cid Walba Waa U Furan Tahay, Siyaasaduse Waa Ka Reeban Tahay Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Ee Puntland Ururka Dhallinyarada SSC ee iyaga fadhigoodu yahay Magaalada London UK
  2. Abwaan C/samic Xasan Boobe oo inoo Tirinaya Dhawr Gabay oo ah Taageero, Tacsi iyo Roobdoon Gabay aad u Xiiso badan oo uu Tiriyay Abwaan C/samiic Xasan Boobe Waa labo gabay oo Midna uu kaga Hadlaayo Geeridii Marxuum C/qani midna Garaad Jaamac uu kula dardaarmayo Gabayadan waxaa Tiriayay Abwaanka Dhalinyarda ah ee Caanka ka ah Guud ahaan Gobolka Sool Hadeerna ku Nool Dalka Maraykanka, Waa C/samiic Xasan Boobe
  3. -- Horta Adeer Maxamed Diridhabaw waxaan moodaayey inaad ka qanacday Somaliland iyo qadiyadeeda sidayda oo kale, anigu waxaan ka mid ahaa siyaasiyiintii deegaankani (Laascanood) ee ka qayb gallay 1991-kii shirkii dibu heshiisiinta beelaha waqooyi (Somaliland) ee lagu qabtay magaalada Burco, shirkaasi oo markii danbana khalad la geliyey madax banaanidana lagaga dhawaaqay, waxaan anigu dhawr jeer soo jeediyey in laga fiirsado balse laab lakaca reer Hargeysa ayaa soomaali inteedii kale ka gooyey, haddana aniga mawqifkaygii wax iska bedelay ma jirto raadinta soomaali ayaan ku jira -- haddii uu masayr shacab yahay sidaad sheegayso maxaa beesha caalamku idiin aqoonsan wayday mar hore, Somaliland waan ogahay in shacab jibaysani go'aan ku gaadheen, marxuumkii ina cigaalna waan kala hadlay in aan soomali sidaa loo kala riixin balse waan eegaya halka ay idinla gaadho, ta aad leedahay cabdiqaasim iyo koonfur ayaa lagugu xumeeyey, ninka wax toosinaya oo dhan ayaa aan la caaya, dee idinkuba waa idinkii ina cigaal wax la ogyahay ku odhan jiray. -- Maamulka Baydhabo sidaad sheegtay maaha mid soomaali wada kafaynaya, aniguna mawqif ayaan ka taaganahay inaan soomaali ijtihaadka ay martay lagu sixi karin maanta, cabdilaahi yuusuf dee dagaal ooge ayuunbu halkani ka ahaa, imikana kama ah soomaali dhisid iyo hogaan u noqo eh waa mansabkii hungurigu ka hayey mudada dheer oo uu sheeganayo inuu helay, taasina ma qabo in dhibka soomaali haysata ay ka saarayso. -- (Qosol) adeer diridhabaw soomaali jecaylnimo iigu soo hagaag Anyways, Good answers Whats good about the Professor is that he Addresses all Somali

    May 18th

    Northner there is no unity and in Somalia today and there has'nt been since Barre's coup. In the history and still true today, There was never a unity or agreement between the people of former British colony to create an independent state for the territories of former British colony People of north central Somalia (SSC) never supported the secession of British Somali colony, for them the secession notion is revisiting the dark colonial history Former British Somali colony included Adal, Northwest (Barbara, Hegrysa, & Burco) and North-Central (SSC Sool Sanaag & Cayn) The current Somaliland includes only northwest although it occupies some territories of its neighbors The world deeply aware that the former British Somali colony and current Somaliland are NOT the SAME, therefore it is empty strategy for secession camp to construct a inexistent link between the former colony a product of European colonials, and Somaliland a product of SNM – a clan militia If Somalia (made in Somalia) is divisible, the defunct and former Somali British colony (made in London and Berlin) is also divisible If northwest (=Somaliland) can decide the destiny of northwest in the name of the right of self-determination, I believe that people of north-central Somalia (SSC) as well are entitled to decide the destiny of SSC in the name of the right of self-determination, Peace to All humans, muslims, and Somalis Anyways Enjoy your may 18
  5. key word:islam Indonesia 2. Malaysia 3. Pakistan 4. Morocco 5. Algeria 6. Egypt 7. United Arab Emirates 8. Turkey 9. Saudi Arabia 10. Singapore
  6. Thanks castro its really interesting keyword: Somali Muqdisho Somalia 2. Nairobi Kenya 3. St Paul United States 4. Basildon United Kingdom 5. Minneapolis United States 6. Bristol United Kingdom 7. Columbus United States 8. Bletchley United Kingdom 9. Oslo Norway 10. Ottawa Canada
  7. Islamic Head Scarves at Issue in Killing of Judge in Turkey By SEBNEM ARSU ISTANBUL, May 17 — A gunman stormed into a courthouse meeting room in Ankara on Wednesday and shot five judges, apparently in anger at a ruling enforcing a strict ban on the wearing of Islamic head scarves. One judge later died, and top officials, including the prime minister, who himself had criticized the court's ruling, rushed to denounce the attack as a violation of Turkey's secular and democratic traditions. The gunman, who was captured, is Alparslan Arslan, a lawyer. He is not known to have previously displayed strong Islamist views, but during the siege, "he presented himself as the soldier of God," said Tansel Colasan, acting chief judge of the highest administrative court, the Council of State, in whose courthouse the shooting took place. "He reportedly said he was there to punish the court members for their verdicts on the head scarf cases," Judge Colasan told reporters outside the courthouse in Ankara, the capital. The shooting underlines the frictions Turkey faces as it navigates between those pressing for a greater role for Islam and those who want to protect secular rule. In recent years the government has worked to improve its democratic procedures in order to join the European Union. The authorities said Mr. Arslan shot the members of the court, which handles state administrative matters, during their morning meeting. As a licensed lawyer, Mr. Arslan had relatively easy access to the courthouse, Justice Minister Cemil Cicek said. Judge Mustafa Yucel Ozbilgin was shot in the head and died after surgery. Another judge, Mustafa Birden, who was shot in the stomach, was described as being in stable condition, as were the other three who were shot. President Ahmet Necdet Sezer said, "Pressures and threats will not defeat Turkish justice." Turkey is overwhelmingly Muslim, but its law prohibits Islamic attire, including head scarves, at schools and other public buildings, in an effort to control religious influence on social and political life. In February the court ruled that a nursery school teacher would not be allowed to wear a head scarf, even away from the school premises. Critics saw this as an intrusion into her private life. The state-run Anatolian News Agency, citing the accounts of investigators, reported that Mr. Arslan, in detention after the shootings, had identified himself as an ultra-nationalist who was independent of any organization, and had said he was influenced by the debates on the head scarf. The investigators said they had found a handgun in his car. The NTV news channel showed a front page of Vakit, a pro-Islamic newspaper, from February that featured an article that heavily criticized members of the court for supporting the ban on head scarves. The paper printed photos of the judges, including those attacked Wednesday. An Istanbul prosecutor has ordered an investigation of whether the newspaper violated the law by encouraging violence and making targets of official figures. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who leads the Islamic-inspired Justice and Development Party, has periodically criticized the court for rulings like the one on head scarves. But at a news conference after the shootings, he rejected implications that such criticism heightened public anger toward the court. "This incident is one to be denounced," Mr. Erdogan said. "Building an association between the attack and the head scarf issue, or my views in the pre-election period, is an even uglier approach." Sumru Cortoglu, the chairwoman of the Council of State, said the government had rejected her plea for more protection in face of news media reports that seemed to make judges targets of violence. But Mr. Cicek, the justice minister, said additional protection was ordered last month.
  8. Congratulations to the new Garaad Its enormous responsibility in very terrible circumstances – endless civil war in Somalia I hope success for the news Garaad and may Allah make for him easy
  9. Garaad Jaamac Garaad Ali Garaad Jaamac A respected elder from Laascaanood speaking about the history of Boqorooyada (North-central Somalia) Taariikhdii Boqortooyada Garaaddada Beesha Dhul bahante Oo Uu Inooga Taariikhaynayo Mudane Xirsi Cismaan Sancad
  10. Garaad Abdu-Qani was a very courageous man he stood against all successive regimes publicly and criticized their weaknesses The Garaad always supported all peace talks to revive Somalia again, never supported clan enclaves like Somaliland Puntland In 1986 he became the Garaad, and in 1988 he condemned publicly Siyaad regimes handling of northwest region (while riyaale was still working siyad’s spy agency). In 1991-1993, the Garaad went to northwest regions to promote peace between northern clans The Garaad mediated between Hergeysa clans (1994-1995) and mediated between burco clans (1996-1996) In 2001, the Garaad mediated between Puntland leadership Few months before the Garaad passed away he gave an interview to one of Somali radios and I really admired what he said “dhinac kasta soomaali baa naga xigta †Illahay haa u naxariistu marxuumka
  11. SOO MAAL

    May 18th

    If the kids don't know SYL, they will not know SNL and USP PS: The last leader of USP was Mohamed Abdi Hashi former president and Vice President Puntland The last leader of SYL was Mohamed H. Ibrahim Egal
  12. SOO MAAL

    May 18th

    Please define unity is the Somali context. Maybe SL should give control to a bunch of warlords, maybe there should not be an accountable govnt who we can question, maybe we should all become armed with a klashi for protection, let certain sub tribes control the ports and another to control the airports, set up road blocks within our cities etc etc. Then i'm sure we will be part of a 'united' Somalia Avoid discrediting Somalia Somalia is not only Mogadisho , keep in mind that Baydhabo jowhar Baladweyne Laascaanood Buuhoodle Lasqorey Boosaaso Garowe are also Somalia and they enjoy relative peace, development and good governance May Allah help our beloved national capital Mogadisho
  13. SOO MAAL

    May 18th

    Originally posted by Pretty Tone: I'll be there with my moms this summer too^^^^ Its going dowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn lol. I can't wait Unfortunately, many people have tribal minded that’s why they advocate for clan-feithdoms like Somaliland, and Puntland the people of the north (a majority certain tribe) There was no census, so how you arrived this conclusion? or is it Animal farm setting, all animals are equal but some are more equal than others
  14. POLITICAL PARTIES In place of political parties, clans and sub-clans currently vie for political power in Somalia. Prior to October 1969, Somalia had a multiparty system of government where opposition in parliament came from within the majority party as well as from opposition parties. The Somali Youth League (SYL), the largest party, was formed in 1943 as the Somali Youth Club. Its program included the unification of all Somalis (including those in Kenya, Ethiopia, and French Somaliland); social, political, and economic development; and nonalignment in international affairs. It represented almost all government personnel, entrepreneurs, and skilled and quasi-skilled workers of the southern area, formerly Italian Somaliland. In the first national elections after independence, held on 30 March 1964, the SYL won an absolute majority of 69 of the 123 parliamentary seats. The remaining seats were divided among 11 parties. In general elections held in March 1969, the ruling SYL, led by Mohammed Ibrahim Egal, was returned to power. A total of 64 political parties contested the elections.
  15. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (RESOLUTION (VII): CONCERNING HEARING OF PETITIONERS FROM THE TRUST TERRITORY OF SOMALILAND UNDER ITALIAN ADMINISTRATION. NEW YORK, 1953. Mr. ISSA (Somali Youth League): On behalf of the President and the members of the Central Committee of the Somali Youth League, I wish to express my deep thanks to the President and the members of the Trusteeship Council for granting me this opportunity to make an oral statement in connection with the petitions submitted by the league. The Somali Youth League is an indigenous political organization established in May 1943 and active since that time throughout Somaliland. The League's principal aim is the uniting of Somaliland, now divided into five parts, and the independence of a united Somaliland within the shortest possible time. Despite the fact that the General Assembly of the United Nations has decided that the Trust Territory of Somaliland shall become independent by 1960, a large section of the politically minded Somalis have publicly expressed their doubt that such a solemn decision will be successfully implemented within the time fixed. The main cause of the doubt and fear is the possibility that the Government of Italy might seek and easily obtain an extension of the period so as to rule the Territory longer than envisaged in the original decision of the General Assembly. In addition, we have noticed that Somaliland is often described as an extremely poor country, the Somalis as a very positive people, and so on. I quote from a speech recently delivered by one of the members of the United Nations Advisory Council for Somaliland, the very same Council set up by the General Assembly of the United Nations as the guardian of the paramount interests and welfare of the indigenous inhabitants of the Territory: "If to the grinding poverty of the Territory we add the fact that nine-tenths of its inhabitants live under a tribal system dating from Biblical times and that, owing to the low standard of education, there is not a single university graduate in the whole Territory, this Council will share or at least understand, our doubts. We think that everybody shares these doubts in silence... [T/PV, 463, para. 65]. It seems to us that the one and only purpose of capitalizing these and similar arguments is to retard the independence, which our country is due to obtain in about seven years from now. May I be permitted to point out that the similar arguments were advanced at one time or another to delay the independence of several countries now Member States of this world body. If the Trusteeship Council and the representative of Italy reaffirming the General Assembly's decision that Somaliland shall become independent by 1960 could adopt a joint resolution, it would contribute greatly to removing the suspicion and thus restoring the confidence of the Somali people in the United Nations, as well as in the Republic of Italy. I respectfully urge the representatives here to consider adopting such a resolution during the present session of the Council. The present tendency to set up within the Trust Territory of Somaliland three separate tribal States, namely, the Digh il and Mir ifle State, the State of Hawi ya and the State of Da rot, is equally alarming. During the examination of petitions from Somaliland by the Standing Committee on Petitions the representative of the Administering Authority mentioned several times the infiltration of foreign elements into the districts of Baidoa and of Merca. Obviously, the foreign elements referred to are the Somalis from other regions within the Trust Territory who reside in the districts of Baidoa and of Merca, either temporarily or permanently. Undoubtedly this statement of the special representative will contribute to strengthening our suspicion that plans to this effect may be already under consideration. Should such plans be carried out, we should find ourselves in the unhappiest position of witnessing a further partition of our beloved country, which, as I stated earlier, is already partitioned into five parts. Instead of uniting these five areas and thus achieving the legitimate aspirations of our people, Somaliland would be partitioned into eight parts. Needless to say, the creation of these separate States based on purely tribal lines would encourage the tendency of some ignorant elements that wish to maintain the traditional tribal and feudal system, which has delayed the progress of our country and our people for a long period. I respectfully request the President and the members of the Trusteeship Council the to invite the special representative of the Administering representative of Italy Assembly's decision that authority to make clear the Administration's position in regard to this matter. The Somali Youth League has submitted petitions concerning the political, economic, social and educational problems of the Trust Territory of Somaliland. A number of these contain complaints of political persecution against members of the League etc. These latter petitions were submitted at a time when the political temperature of the Territory was rather high. I have been informed that in recent months the temperature has dropped considerably and that the relations between the Italian Administration of the Territory and the Somali Youth League have improved. To contribute towards further improvement in such relations, the leaders of the League have instructed me officially not to press, during the current session of the Trusteeship Council, the complaints contained in some of the petitions, which we submitted earlier. For the records of the council, I wish to state that the specific complaints submitted by the Somali Youth League, particularly those concerning the serious incidents which took place in the Territory during 1951 and 1952, are based on facts. The present Italian Administration in Somaliland was set up in April 1950. It is an undeniable fact that the legislation functioning at present in the Territory still consists mainly of royal decrees, departmental decrees, Italian laws and penal code, the old Somaliland judiciary system etc., all enacted during the pre-war colonial régime, plus a number of military proclamations passed by the war-time British military administration in Somaliland. This "legislation, which is entirely inconsistent with the new status of the Territory, has undoubtedly caused most, if not all, of the numerous complaints received from Somaliland. The Administering Authority should be urged to abrogate such legislation without further delay and replace it by enacting more appropriate and democratic legislation. At the same time, the Administering Authority should be invited to guarantee the absolute independence of the judiciary. The Administering Authority should also be urged to abolish, without further delay, the system of Residents, commissioners, government-paid tribal chiefs, etc., inherited from the past colonial régime. A more democratic system, such as the setting up of city and district councils composed of qualified Somalis elected directly by the people, should replace it. The Administering Authority has announced that plans concerning partial municipal elections to be held in some centers of the Territory are now under consideration. These plans seem to be rather complicated and confusing; nevertheless, it would be a great step forward to start introducing elections in the Territory. In consultation with both the Advisory Council for Somaliland and the Somali people, the Administering Authority should endeavor to complete, at the earliest possible time, the drafting of a simplified electoral law for the Territory's municipal councils, as well as for all other existing consultative organs, such as the Territorial Council, and all proposed bodies. Universal suffrage should be established and limitations requiring the possession of certain property or educational qualifications should be excluded in the proposed electoral. In connection with elections, I wish to point out the fact that under the existing laws of the Territory, an electoral campaign -- which is essential for elections in every democratic country--is virtually impossible. The reason is that one of the provisions of Proclamation No. 4 of 1954 states that a group of five persons or more, gathered outside at standing in the streets constitutes a public offence accordingly, persons forming such a group are liable to be arrested, convicted and imprisoned. Despite the recommendation of the 1951 United Nations Visiting Mission to East Africa, to the effect that that undemocratic proclamation should be abrogated, 8 Proclamation No. 4 is in force at this date. The Administrating Authority should be urged to repeal it before introducing to the proposed elections in the Territory. I wish to point out also that our branches throughout the Lower Giuba Province -- one of the most important provinces of the Territory -- have been banned since August of last year and that the Somali Youth League activities there are completely suspended. The Administering Authority should be wise enough -to consider permitting us to reopen the S.Y.L. branches in that province--once the League's stronghold--and have it thus resume its normal activities before the elections. Despite the unfavorable position in which our organization finds itself, the Somali Youth League welcomes the immediate introduction of elections in Somaliland. The League is, and has always been, in favor of introducing the system of elections in our country, so that the Somali people would have a chance to choose, in a proper and democratic way, their true representatives. At present the legislative powers of the Territory are entirely in the hands of the Administrator, who is also the chief executive of the Administration. The Administrator issues ordinances which are, in effect, the new laws, since Somaliland was placed under the Inter-national Trusteeship System more than three years ago. The Administering Authority should he invited to transfer the legislation powers to the Somalis without further delay, since the sovereignty of the Territory resides in its people. At the same time, the Administering Authority should be advised to set up, prior to the transfer of the legislative powers, proper legislative organs composed of qualified elements directly elected by the Somali people. The Government of Italy, the Advisory Council for Somaliland, the Trusteeship Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations should study ways and means to speed up the effective Somalization of the administration. The Somalization of the Administration can and must be completed within the next three years at the latest, and immediately thereafter the Territory should be granted full self-government. This will enable the Somalis to acquire enough knowledge and experience to administer their country fairly by 1960, when the Territory is expected to gain its complete independence. It is the expressed desire of our people to have a Somali national flag. This desire of the Somali people to have a national flag of their own should receive the sympathetic consideration it deserves. One of the members of the Advisory Council for Somaliland has recently stated: "During the remaining years of the trusteeship administration the Somali people should be given the right to fly and otherwise display their national emblem... This would have a tremendous psychological effect upon the rank and file of the indigenous population. It would be symbolic of the new and enlightened era in Somaliland, a constant reminder to all Somalis….that the day of their freedom and independence is near at hand and that therefore , all should do their share of the labor. Moreover, it would constantly remind the people --for that is what the flag stands for that they are one nation undivided, sharing one common aspiration and that they should, therefore, it begin to five and act as one, in terms of their national rather than their tribal, interests." [T/PV.463 para.24]. I regret to remind the members of the Trusteeship Council of the lack of an over-al economic plan for the Trust Territory despite the fact that the Territory has been under United Nations supervision for the past three years. As I stated earlier, it has been over emphasized that Somaliland is a poor country. The country is poor, and reason is that it has never been exploited properly. In the opinion of the United Nations Technical Assistance Mission, which visited the Territory in "1951," there are great possibilities of improving Somaliland's basic economy: agriculture and livestock. The Administering Authority should take into account the constructive recommendations submitted by the Technical Assistance Mission and spare no time to complete the Territory's over-all economic plan in the near future. I also regret to state that the Somali people have neither been consulted nor informed of steps taken concerning important economic matters of the Territory such as the oil concessions given to two foreign private companies, despite the fact that this may affect the entire economic outlook of the country. If successful results are obtained from the current research operations, this vital question of oil concession should be reviewed and revised in accordance with the reasonable conditions existing in neighboring countries. The legality of the Administering Authority's power to extend concessions, mineral or otherwise, beyond 1960 should be investigated. Both the Trusteeship Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations must take all necessary steps to safeguard the paramount interests of the indigenous inhabitants in the Trust Territory of Somaliland. The Council and Assembly must see to it that the new Somali State will not find itself in the unfortunate position of being deprived of its rights to grant such concessions within the borders of its own Territory. To avoid misunderstandings, I wish to state that the Somali Youth League recognizes the utmost necessity of inviting, and indeed encouraging in every way possible, private capital investments from abroad to contribute to the economic development of our country, particularly in regard of such enterprises as oil drilling, mining, establishment of industries etc. On the other hand it is the sacred duty of the league to stand as the faithful guardian of the vital interests of Somaliland and the Somali people…rest of the speech omitted- ABDULLAHI ISSA MOHAMUD REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SOMALI YOUTH LEAGUE'S SPEECH AT UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Page 3 of 3) The Government of Italy, the Advisory Council for Somaliland, the Trusteeship Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations should study ways and means to speed up the effective Somalization of the administration. The Somalization of the Administration can and must be completed within the next three years at the latest, and immediately thereafter the Territory should be granted full self-government. This will enable the Somalis to acquire enough knowledge and experience to administer their country fairly by 1960, when the Territory is expected to gain its complete independence. It is the expressed desire of our people to have a Somali national flag. This desire of the Somali people to have a national flag of their own should receive the sympathetic consideration it deserves. One of the members of the Advisory Council for Somaliland has recently stated: "During the remaining years of the trusteeship administration the Somali people should be given the right to fly and otherwise display their national emblem... This would have a tremendous psychological effect upon the rank and file of the indigenous population. It would be symbolic of the new and enlightened era in Somaliland, a constant reminder to all Somalis….that the day of their freedom and independence is near at hand and that therefore , all should do their share of the labor. Moreover, it would constantly remind the people --for that is what the flag stands for that they are one nation undivided, sharing one common aspiration and that they should, therefore, it begin to five and act as one, in terms of their national rather than their tribal, interests." [T/PV.463 para.24]. I regret to remind the members of the Trusteeship Council of the lack of an over-al economic plan for the Trust Territory despite the fact that the Territory has been under United Nations supervision for the past three years. As I stated earlier, it has been over emphasized that Somaliland is a poor country. The country is poor, and reason is that it has never been exploited properly. In the opinion of the United Nations Technical Assistance Mission, which visited the Territory in "1951," there are great possibilities of improving Somaliland's basic economy: agriculture and livestock. The Administering Authority should take into account the constructive recommendations submitted by the Technical Assistance Mission and spare no time to complete the Territory's over-all economic plan in the near future. I also regret to state that the Somali people have neither been consulted nor informed of steps taken concerning important economic matters of the Territory such as the oil concessions given to two foreign private companies, despite the fact that this may affect the entire economic outlook of the country. If successful results are obtained from the current research operations, this vital question of oil concession should be reviewed and revised in accordance with the reasonable conditions existing in neighboring countries. The legality of the Administering Authority's power to extend concessions, mineral or otherwise, beyond 1960 should be investigated. Both the Trusteeship Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations must take all necessary steps to safeguard the paramount interests of the indigenous inhabitants in the Trust Territory of Somaliland. The Council and Assembly must see to it that the new Somali State will not find itself in the unfortunate position of being deprived of its rights to grant such concessions within the borders of its own Territory. To avoid misunderstandings, I wish to state that the Somali Youth League recognizes the utmost necessity of inviting, and indeed encouraging in every way possible, private capital investments from abroad to contribute to the economic development of our country, particularly in regard of such enterprises as oil drilling, mining, establishment of industries etc. On the other hand it is the sacred duty of the league to stand as the faithful guardian of the vital interests of Somaliland and the Somali people…rest of the speech omitted- (This letter was taken from the new book, Somalia: A Chronology of Historical Documents 1827 - 2000 . By: Abdiwahid Haji)|
  16. WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR YOUTH? WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR YOUTH? COMMENTARY BY M.M. Afrah, Toronto (Canada) Having been raised as a "good boy" and changing over to become a sluggish copy boy in a newspaper office and later climbing up the ladder to become an editor and then editor-in-chief. But as I got older, I thought I liked to think that I have a strong sense of right and wrong. I joined anti-colonial demonstrations and with the help of hand operated press we printed inflammatory anti-colonial leaflets that naturally upset our colonial masters. The Somali Youth League (SYL) formerly the Somali Youth Club (SYC) was formed by 13 devoted Somali youngsters who fought relentlessly for independence in their own way. Their slogan was 'XORNNIMO AMA GERI" (independence or death). Thousands of like minded boys, girls and elders joined them in their wholehearted and noble struggle. They all had grand dreams for the future of Somalia. Hence, the nationalist song "Soomaaliyey toosa." This Wake Up call paved the way for full independence in July 1960 despite various obstacles put up by you know who. I also know that young students, like George Padmore, Kwame Nkrumah, Du Bois and Jomo Kenyatta among others created the great Pan Africanist movement in Britain in the 1930s and 1940s. From that humble beginning Africa sprung up to a full independence in 1960 when dozens of African countries became independent which subsequently led to the creation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU). Unfortunately, old Haile Selassie hijacked the organization and used it to undermine Somalia's fledging independence, convincing African heads of state that infant Somali government was an expansionist. Our delegates have been outnumbered and outmaneuvered by the emperor and his like minded cohorts within the OAU. As a result of these behind the scene machinations, a calamity was in the making in the form of border skirmishes intermingled with war of words. And eventually a full-scale war that claimed the lives of our youth in the spring of their lives. Historians now link those very machinations with the present conflict in Somalia as well as the volatile situation in the Horn of Africa. But that's another story. What bugs me most is why our contemporary youth became docile and indifferent to the grim events in our country? I understand that not all people can get along due to the cancer of clan loyalties back home. But would it not make more sense for the youth in the Diaspora to join together and step out into the world as a unified force to bring about peace in their native country? Now I may be an old fashioned man who has gone through the mills, but I am sure I am not the first person who has entertained this notion. Take for example the postings on the Banadir Public Forum by Libangedon who has been preaching a united Somali youth to fight the villains at home who ruined our country and reduced our people to paupers and corpses. The country became rapidly without government and people, a country where foreigners who wanted could come in and could go out at will without so much as by your leave. As a matter of fact a foreign diplomat described Somalia, unlike Afghanistan, as a fruit hanging from a tree (READY TO BE PICKED UP!). This was not the way the founders of the SYL visualized that Somalia should be run, and that it needed to be put straight. That's where you come in. You should not expect manna to fall from the sky. Only you could make a difference. It is not for me to say who is called to lead the United Somali Youth and who is not. It is not for me to say whether or not someone is qualified to start the new movement or not, it just seems to me to be unnecessary to have the Somali youth divided along clan lines forever. I had always believed that the youth in the Diaspora are free from that cancer called tribalism or clanism. This leads me to wonder what is wrong with our youth today? I believe many would say I am a dinosaur and that boys wearing ear rings and spending hours glued to the BET channel, listening to rap music or wearing over sized pants are "the in thing". But I ask myself: do those Pan Africanists and the founders of the Somali Youth League long time ago did not know what they were doing and as such it is necessary to be ashamed to be a Somali, and that boys wearing ear rings and watching the BET channel day in and day out is "Cool". I am sure BET will never teach you how to rebuild the country from the ashes of vicious clan wars or resuscitate the economy. Today the old Wake up Call is as important as it was 50 or 60 years ago. No doubt that after you have been uprooted from your native country by nasty people with guns, it has been challenging living in the Diaspora face-to-face with stone-faced immigration honchos, beefy security men and bullying landlords. But thanks to our Somali ingenuity and tenacity we are still standing and it is time to begin to look ahead to all the good things the old country has in store for us in the near future. You may have faltered, you may have stumbled or you may even have considered yourself an outright failure, but dear future leaders of Somalia I want you to rise and prepare yourself for tomorrow. There is nothing you can do about what had happened to our country during the last ten years. Yes, the past may be a story written in blood but the future can be written in gold. Do not be discouraged about the sad stories emanating daily from Somalia. For almost every great country on earth had gone through similar turmoil, or even worse. Here are few examples, the American and Spanish civil wars, not to mention the devastation of the Two World Wars and the Bolshevik Revolution that claimed the lives of millions of people. Again, it was the youth and the womenfolk who rebuilt their countries from scratch under extreme difficult circumstances. The ball is NOW in your court. I VALUE YOUR COMMENTS AND ENCOURAGE YOU TO SEND YOUR EMAILS TO ME OR TO THE PUBLIC FORUM www. (IT IS GOING TO BE THE BEDROCK OF A FUTURE BOOK, HOPEFULLY).
  17. Ummadda Aduunka ayaa leh Munaasabado si gaar ah loo xuso oo Taariikhooda ku xusan,qiimeyn gaar ah leh,maalmaha xurmada Weyn leh geedi socodkii halgankii xoriyadda Somaaliyeed iyo Hanashadii Gobanimada qaaliga ah 15-ka May oo ah maalintii si Rasmi ah loogu dhawaaqay curasahda Ururkii Dhalinyaradda SYL Ee Dhaqdhaqaaqa Xoriyadda Somaaliyeed Sandkii 1943-kii. Halgamayaasha swirkan ka muuqada oo 13-ka dhalinyaro ah waa Aasaasayaashii koowaad ee Ururka,hlyeeyo magac iyo maqaam weyn Ku leh Somaalinimada iyo soo hooynta gobanimada,bileyskoodda, Aragtidooda wadaniyadeed iyo ka gilgilashada heeryadii culeyka Weyn laheyd ee Gumeeysigii Reer Yurub iyo hagidda Dadkoodda ayaa ah waxyaabihii ka yaabiyeey Dowladihii isticmaariga ahaa oo Isgu arkaayeey kuw aan cidi is hor-taagi kareen,marna meey Filan in Dhalinyaro Somaaliyeed ku oran doonto dhulkan anagaa Leh,gumeeysina waa diidney,xoriyad buuxda ayaanu rabnaa. Halganka Xoriyadda Somaaliyeed ayaa xili hore biloowday Marxalado badana soo maray:- -Halgankii Halyeey-Imaam Axmed Guray. -Halgankii Daraawiishta Sayid Max,d Cbadulle Xassan. -Dhaqdhaqaaqyadii-Shiikh Bashiir,Faarax Oomaar iyo Sh.Xassan Barsane ayaa Saldhig u ahaa Bileeylka Dhalinyarada Somaaliyeed Iyo Garashada Qiimaha Weyn ee xoriyadu leedahay iyo xaqa Dadku u leeyahay hanashada madax banaanidooda,Anigoo Sida ku haboon u Garanaaya qiimaha iyo qaayaha eey leedahay 15-ka May,kana Soo Qeyb qaatay Howlaha Hogaamineed ee Dhalinyarada Somaaliyed Ahaan Jiray Gudoomiyaha Gudigga Dhalinyaradda iyo Ardeydda Jaaliyadda Somaaliyeed ee Cadan Dhammaadkii 70-kii,Waxaan si Weyn uga Xumahay Xaaladda Dalka iyo Dadka Somaaliyeed Waqtigan Ku Sugan yihiin,Dagaalada,Colaadaha Sokeeye iyo Xaalada weyn ee Burburka ah,Dowlad la,aanta iyo kala daadsanaanta Umadeedba Gaar ahaan-Dagaalada Khasaaraha wewyn sababay oo ka socdo 7-da Casho Caasimada qranka Muqdisho iyo guud ahaanba tacadiyadda Xad dhaafka ah ee loo geeystay Ummadda Somaaliyeed. 15-Ka May maalintii taariikhdi ah xusuusteeda iyo xurmadeeda weyn leh,lama illaawaan ah,xuskeena mudnaan gaar ah leeyahay, Ummadda Somaaliyeed waxaan ugu Hambalyeeynaayaa xuska 15-ka May,Anigoo Alle ugu rajeeyeey Aasaasayaashii iyo xubnihii AYL Intooda Xigaabatey in uu janadii ka waraabiyo,Intooda noolna Caafimaad,Camal Suuban iyo cimri dheer siiyo,Amiin.
  18. Muxuu Cali Khalif ka sheegay Jaamacada Nugaal Aniga iyo C/qaasim waxaa nalu xaman jiray Dhabcaal nimo Fule Xantii ma Mooga Hadaladii Dr Cali Khaliif Halkan ka Dhegayso Khudbadii Dr Cali Khaliif Prof Cali Khaliif Galaydh Ayaa Galabta Khudbad Qiima Leh Ka Jeediyey Jaamacadda Nugaal Ee Magaalada Laascaanood. May 13, 2006 By:C/Casiis Saleebaan Axmed Laascaanood( Cali Khaliif Galaydh oo ka mid ah wafuudda u timi Magaalada Laascaanood ka qayb-galka Caleema saarka Garaad Jaamac, ayaa galabta Ardayda iyo Macallimiinta Jaamacadda Nugaal u jeediyey Khudbad qiimo badan. Prof. Cali Khaliif Galaydh oo ay weheliyeen aqoon-yahanno ay ka mid ahaayeen Eng Faarax Sugaal, C/risaaq Khaliif Axmed, Dr Abu Shayba, Dr Axmed Saciid Cumar ayaa 4 galabnimo soo gaadhay Xarunta Jaamacadda, waxaanu Prof ugu horrayntii kulan la qaatey Hurmuudka Jaamacadda Dr C/raxmaan Xaaji Saalax oo halkaasi warbixin ku siiyey Prof-ka. Dr C/raxmaan Xaaji Saalax ayaa ugu xog warramay Prof-ka xaaladda Jaamacaddu haatan ay ku sugan tahay iyo sidii ay ku bilaabantey, waxaanu xusay in Hawsha Jaamacaddu tahay mid bilaw ah, dhiirri galin iyo gacan qabashana ay uga fadhido Aqoon-yahanka Deeganka, isagoo xusay kaalinta wax ku oolka ahayd ee Prof Xayd ka qaatey Jaamacadda. Ugu Danbayntii waxaa uu Prof Cali Khaliif Galaydh booqday Maktabadda Jaamacadda oo ay yaaleen buugaag fiican, balse sida uu Dr C/raxmaan sheegay u baahan in la soo badiyo, intaas kadib waxaa uu Prof-ku khudbad qiimo badan oo uu dhinacyo badan uga hogo tusaaleeyey Aradayda iyo Maamulka iyo Macallimiinta Jaamacadda, ka jeediyey Munaasibaddaas. Prof Cali Khaliif waxaa uu ku dheeraaday Aqoontu faai’dooyinka ay bulshada u leedahay iyo sida loogu kala hormaray, isagoo ammaan u jeediyey dadka Jaamacaddan iyo kuwo kale oo ka jira Soomalaiya hirgaliyey. Isagoo arrintaas ka hadlayanaya waxaa uu hadalkiisii ku bilaabay Profku â€waxaan aad ugu farax-sanahay inaan maanta khudbada ka jeediyo Jaamacadda ku taal Magaalada Laascaanood, waxaana jeclahay inaan wax ka tab taabto Aqoontu doorka ay ku lee dahay Mushtamaca, iyo Jaamacaddu doorka ay kulee yihiin Aqoonta". “Waxaan qabaa in Aqoontu tahay furaha bulsho ku horumarto, maantana dunidu ku kala hormartey, Aqoontu waa Xadaarad,I s xukun, xorriyad, sinnaan iyo kala danbayn". “Aqoon la’aantu waxay keentaa burbur iyo Nimaad aan fadhiyin, waxaa hubaal ah in arrinta Soomaliya haleeshay ay tahay Aqoon la’aan, taasi oo ina gayeysiisay in Dawladdii dhammayd hal mar la waayo†Ugu danbateyntii Prof-ku waxaa uu sheegay in uu itaalkiisa gacan ka gaysan doono, aqoon yahayno Boqollaal ka badani ay deegaanka u dhasheen, diyaarna u yihiin in yimaaddaan, Caruurahooda keenaan, balse loo baahan yahay in Nimaad iyo Nabad Galyo la helo, taasi oo suurta galin karta in Gobolka iyo guud ahaan SSC ay horumar deg deg ah ku tallaabsadaan. C/Casiis Saleebaan Axmed Laascaanood
  19. The Majayahan: Lesson One May 11, 2006 By:Abdillahi H. Muse, Canada The unexpected blow of Majayahan rendered Puntland State unconscious. The community lived around the exploration site were passionate in defense of their collective integrity and the nation’s national interest. They were hardly immoderate in their attacks on government forces that attempted to put up a fight but eventually forced to eat a humble pie. Contrary to the government’s claim of conspiracy against Puntland, the incident was neither a premeditated action to deride Putland nor a challenge to the current authority. It was purely a fight between right and wrong, a hero and a villain, and between the good and the bad. In expressing his concern about the potential of factionalism and interest-group politics to destroy democratic institutions, American James Madison wrote in 1787-1788 “A zeal for different opinions concerning religion, government and many other points, as well of speculation as of practice; an attachment to different leaders ambitiously contending for pre-eminence and power; or to persons of other descriptions whose fortunes have been interesting to the human passions, have, in turn, divided mankind into parties, inflamed them with mutual animosity and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other than to cooperate for their common good.†Inducing other communities to reject the Majayahan creed as well as condemning them in the bulk is an example of the difficulty of keeping military man’s head (General Cadde) when he loses his temper. Unlike constitutional democracies, African rulers with military backgrounds, most often then not, shortchange their civic responsibilities and succumb into costly temptations or personal egos that lead nations into chaos and disarray. Without unreasonable and irrational military intervention, human casualties, dithering and embezzlement they are unable to rule. That mythology has become their rule of thumb. I am not implying here that the Majayahan community, who courageously stood up for their rights, freedom and justice, is distinct and deserves special treatment from Puntland government. Nor is it to my purpose to dispute the facts and issues on the ground that are very sensitive, to say the least. But the crust of the argument is how the government of Puntland interpreted the community’s stand and how it deliberated it’s responsibilities. According to the available information with regard to the Majayahan problem, Puntland’s lack of sensitivity and the foreign company’s ignorance of the issue was the root cause of the events that led up to the crisis and unfortunate loss of lives. Apart from his caustic comments and derogatory language, the President of Puntland and his close advisers have miserably failed to preserve and protect the civic liberties and privileges of the Majayahan community. While Puntland signed agreements with the Australian mining company, Range Resources, the natives, the people in Majayahan and elsewhere have not been included in the business equation in any shape or form. The Majayahans should have been consulted with prior to sending the Range exploration team. All parties involved (government, local community and the mining company -Range Resources Ltd) must have encouraged a clear public debate. The way to strike the right balance between the mining company and the government is to respect the rights of affected people- the Majayahans. Experience suggests that the best results are achieved when all parties are involved right from the beginning. Unless the community living around the exploration and/or mining or oil fields feels that they are involved in the decision- making process concerning the exploration or development of their resources, they are more likely to make their feelings and voices heard and to demand action. It is the responsibility of Puntland Authority to put in place procedures to ensure that the interests of local communities are appropriately addressed. Unfortunately, the government of Puntland took a unilateral decision instead of adopting a participatory approach. By the same token, Range Resources Ltd, exposed itself to accusations of complicity in the violence or of fuelling or even causing civil war and subsequently risk the wrath of popular protest. It also dismally failed to cooperate with the Majayahan community leaders. Working together through a proactive process could have averted the tragedy. Today, it is the Majayahans that has been intentionally excluded from all consultations and negotiations concerning exploration for mineral deposits in their area. Tomorrow, it could be anyone, anywhere and anytime. Hence, it is regrettable that many Puntlanders or Puntland supporters are not sailing on the same boat with the leadership on this policy. They cannot come to the government’s defense until it recognized the birthrights, the civic rights and the unalienable rights of all those who have founded and supported puntland including the Majayahans. Besides, Somalia has always been a nation scarce of natural resources but faith, resilience, and hope prevailed among it’s inhabitants. Destroying or departing from these noble practices because of foreign influences and western materialism is a recipe for disaster and looming tragedy. Crisis in Majayahan could have been averted had all the parties involved exercised traditional restraint, understanding and respect. In this regard, the Puntland Authority in particular should know that armed conflict could deter rather than encourage and promote private investment. In order to attract foreign investment, Puntland must have some degree of peace and stability, as well as good governance and the rule of law. In contrast to Range Resources and Puntland approach, the example set out below depicts how the Northern states or constitutional democracies conduct their economic and business developments: In 2002, the Newfoundland State of Canada, and Inco miningCompany agreed on developing a mine in Labrador. The Labrador Inuit and Innu had endorsed agreements with Inco. The agreement specified how the Aboriginal groups would benefit from revenue sharing, environmental protection, hiring quotas, and job training. The various agreements are expected to create thousands of jobs in Newfoundland and Labrador, and contribute to the economic growth for Canada’s poorest Province In round two of many bargaining business meetings, Newfoundland province demanded that Inco build a smelter in the province to smelt the ore it mined, and the Innu nation demanded a 3% smelter royalty and a guarantee that the mine would be in operation for at least 25 years. After 4 years of wheeling-dealing, the mine became operational in 2006. However, the consultations and negotiations took 13 years (from exploration to operation phase) to address all outstanding issues concerning the local community, company and government prior to developing one mine while it took Puntland to award all it’s natural resources in few months to an inexperienced junior mining company with no track record in mining, let alone oil and gas! Abdillahi H. Muse, Canada.
  20. Row breaks out between US and China over Guantanamo detainees PRINT FRIENDLY EMAIL STORY The World Today - Wednesday, 10 May , 2006 12:30:00 Reporter: Michael Rowland ELEANOR HALL: As Australian terrorism suspect David Hicks waits to learn his fate, the Bush administration's release of five other detainees from the US facility at Guantanamo Bay has sparked an international incident. After keeping five Chinese Muslims in limbo in detention for years, the Bush administration has now allowed them to seek asylum in Albania, saying it was concerned they may be tortured if they were returned to China. This has sparked a furious reaction from the Chinese Government, which says the men are terrorists not refugees, and is demanding that they be put on a plane to Beijing. This report from North America Correspondent Michael Rowland. MICHAEL ROWLAND: The five Chinese Muslims were picked up during the US invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001. They said they were heading to Turkey for work, but the Uyghurs quickly found themselves on a US military plane bound for Guantanamo Bay. The US initially believed the men were on their way to Afghanistan for terrorist training, as part of their separatist campaign against China. But a year ago the US determined they weren't so-called "enemy combatants" and were eligible for release. The big problem was America didn't want to send the Uyghurs back to China, fearing they'd be persecuted. And the Bush administration could find no other country that would accept the men. All that changed late last week when Albania agreed to take them in. The US described the move as an important humanitarian gesture, but the Chinese Government is distinctly unimpressed. (Sound of Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman speaking) "The five people accepted by Albania are by no means refugees but terrorist suspects with a close relationship with al-Qaeda," says this Foreign Ministry spokesman in Beijing. "We have launched solemn representations for the US and Albania. We think they should be repatriated to China as soon as possible." Ben Carrdus of the Uyghur American Association says the men would face a terrible fate if this was to happen. BEN CARRDUS: From being sent back to being executed, there's nothing, nothing in the process would resemble anything like a fair trial by any standard. It's Very likely that the police would have been there during interrogations - I mean, obviously the police were there during interrogations - no legal presence during interrogations. That's when torture very often happens. So any confessions, any evidence like that, is very likely extorted through torture. I mean this is all documented extremely thoroughly by people like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. It's not to say it's dead certain that it would happen, but it is likely. MICHAEL ROWLAND: The plight of the Chinese Muslims underscores a growing dilemma facing the Bush administration: just what to do with the hundreds of Guantanamo Bay detainees who are deemed not to be a long-term security threat. The US would like to transfer the detainees to their home countries, but negotiations are proving to be difficult. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. DONALD RUMSFELD: And the problem is that we've been working very hard in an interagency environment to live with the rules and regulations as they exist to try to persuade other countries to accept the detainees currently in Guantanamo, and take them to their countries, and treat them in a humane manner and see that they're tried as appropriate. MICHAEL ROWLAND: Mr Rumsfeld is also growing increasingly frustrated with the legal challenges to the validity of the military commissions set up to try terror suspects. A key Supreme Court decision on the issue isn't expected until the end of next month. DONALD RUMSFELD: Regrettably, the court system in the United States has been used very skilfully by defence lawyers to the point where we have not been able to have military commissions try these people. So it's a catch-22 kind of a situation at the present time. But there's certainly no one in the Department of Defence who wants to get up in the morning and be the manager of detention facilities for people from other countries. And they would like to see the process finally cleared away so that military commissions could go forward. MICHAEL ROWLAND: The Supreme Court ruling will determine whether Australian detainee David Hicks faces a military hearing, more than four years after arriving at Guantanamo Bay. Hicks is also hoping his successful bid to become a British citizen will expedite his departure from the detention centre. But it remains to be seen when or if the US Government will allow UK consular officials into the camp to get the citizenship process underway. In Washington, this is Michael Rowland reporting for The World Today.
  21. Uyghur Uyghur From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Uyghur Total population 8-10 million (est.) Regions with significant populations China / Xinjiang, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Russia Language Uyghur Religion Sunni Islam Related ethnic groups Uzbeks, other Turkic peoples The Uyghur (Uyghur: ئۇيغۇر; Turkish: Uygur; Uighur Simplified Chinese: ç»´å¾å°”; Traditional Chinese: 維å¾çˆ¾; Pinyin: Wéiwú'Ä›r) are a Turkic people, forming one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by the People's Republic of China. In China, Uyghurs live primarily in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (also known as East Turkestan). A community of Uyghurs also exists in Taoyuan County of Hunan province in South-central China. Contents [hide] 1 Identity 2 History 3 Uyghurs today 4 Notable Uyghurs 5 References 6 External links 6.1 Language 6.2 Guantanamo Uyghur FOIA Documents 7 See also [edit] Identity Historically the term "Uyghur" (meaning "united" or "allied") was applied to a group of Turkic-speaking tribes that lived in what is now Mongolia. Along with the so-called Kokturks (also known as Gokturks) the Uyghurs were one of the largest and most enduring Turkic peoples living in Central Asia. They existed as a tribal federation ruled by the Juan Juan from 460–545, and then by the Hephthalites from 541–565 before being taken over by the Gokturk empire (Khaganate). Map of the Western (purple) and Eastern (blue) Gokturk khaganates at their height, c. AD 600. Lighter areas show direct rule; darker areas show spheres of influence.Known as Huíhé (Simplified Chinese: 回纥; Traditional Chinese: 回紇), Weihu or Huihu in Chinese sources, under Khutlugh Bilge Kul Khagan's leadership, they established a Khaganate (empire) in the 8th century, replacing the Gokturks. Their ethnonym Huihu is the origin of the term Huíhuí (回回) that came to be used for Muslim in Chinese and is now used for the Template:Hui people in China. They live mainly in Xinjiang, China, where they are the largest ethnic group, together with Han Chinese, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Russians. [edit] History Before the Uyghur Empire was founded the steppes from Mongolia to Central Asia were ruled by the Turkic Empire. The first Turkic Empire was destroyed by Emperor Li Shi-min of the Tang Dynasty and the second Turkic Empire was rebuilt during the reign of Empress Wu. At the time the Uyghur was a subject tribe under the Turks. In 744 the Uyghur, together with other subject tribes (the Basmil and Kharlukh), defeated the Turkic Empire and its allies and founded the Uyghur Empire at Ötüken. Their empire stretched from the Caspian Sea to Manchuria and lasted from 745 to 840. It was administered from the imperial capital Ordu Baliq. In 840, following a famine and a civil war, they were overrun by the Kirghiz, another Turkic people. The result was that the majority of tribal groups formerly under the umbrella of the Uyghurs migrated to what is now northern China, especially modern Xinjiang. Joined by other Turkic tribal groups living in Zungaria and the Tarim Basin, they established the Idiqut kingdom that lasted until 1209 when they submitted to the Mongols under Genghis Khan. Others, occupying the western Tarim Basin (Fergana Valley) and parts of Kazakhstan bordering the Muslim Turco-Tajik Sultanate, converted to Islam before the 11th century and built a federation with Muslim institutions, called Kara-Khanlik, whose princely dynasties are called Kara-Khanids by historians. After the rise of the Seljuk Turks in Iran the Kara-Khanids ('black khans dynasty') became nominal vassals of the Seljuks. Later they would serve the dual-suzerainty of the Kara-Khitans to the north and the Seljuks to the south. In his, now dated, book Empire Of The Steppes René Grousset reports that the Uyghurs took up a settled agricultural lifestyle in the Tarim. They had an opportunity to resume nomadism after the Kirghiz were driven out of Mongolia by other tribes but the Uyghurs chose not to do so. Map of the Uyghur Khaganate and areas under its dominion (in yellow) at its height, c. AD 820.A small number of Uyghurs also migrated to what is now the Gansu province in China, around the late 9th century, where they converted from Manicheism to Lamaism (Tibetan & Mongol Buddhism). Unlike other Turkic peoples further west they did not later convert to Islam. Thus they are unusual among Turkic peoples. Their descendants live there to this day, they are now known as Yugurs and are distinct from modern Uyghurs. Most inhabitants in the Besh Balik and Turfan regions did not convert to Islam until the 15th century expansion of the Yarkand Khanate, a Turko-Mongol successor state based in the western Tarim. Before converting to Islam, Uyghurs included Manichaeans, Buddhists and even some Nestorian Christians. It is probable that, genetically and culturally, modern Uyghurs descend from the nomadic tribes of Mongolia, from the Turkic subjects of the Mongols as well as from the many Indo-European-speaking groups who preceded them in the Tarim Basin oasis-cities. Today one can still see Uyghurs with light-coloured skin and hair. Currently Turkic and Islamic cultural elements are dominant in the Tarim, which reflects Turkic emigration to that region especially during the Mongol period. The same situation has resulted in the replacement of previous religious traditions by Islam. This has had an effect on modern politics because of a very long off-and-on relationship—politically, militarily and culturally—with China. Chinese rule was, in the remote past in these regions, solid at times until the An Lu Shan Rebellion and the Battle of Talas—both in the 750s. Chinese rule in the region existed, at times, as far back as AD 100 or so. This history goes a long way to explain the troubled relationship with past and present Chinese institutions and with the dominant Chinese ethnic group, the Han Chinese. Modern usage of the Uyghur ethnonym is used to give an ethnic definition to a traditional Central Asian distinction between nomads and settled farmers. It refers to the descendants of settled Turkic urban oasis-dwelling and agricultural populations of Xinjiang as opposed to those Turkic groups that remained nomadic. 'Uyghur' is widely credited as having been used for the first time in 1921 with the establishment of the Organization of Revolutionary Uyghur (Inqilawi Uyghur Itipaqi), a Communist nationalist group with intellectual and organizational ties to the Soviet Union. There is some evidence that Uyghur students and merchants living in Russia had already embraced the name prior this date, drawing on Russian studies that claimed a linkage between the historical khanate and Xinjiang's current inhabitants. Official recognition of the Uyghurs came under the rule of Sheng Shicai who deviated from the official Kuomintang five races of China stance in favor of a Stalinist policy of delineating fourteen distinct ethnic nationalities in Xinjiang. [edit] Uyghurs today The "Kokbayraq" flag. This flag is used by Uyghurs as a symbol of the East Turkestan independence movement. The Chinese government prohibits using the flag in the country.Following 9/11, China stated its support to the United States of America in the war on terror and many human rights organizations are concerned that this is being used as a pretext to crack down on ethnic Uyghurs. Most Uyghur exile groups today claim their cultural rights are being suppressed by the Chinese government and that the PRC responds to Uyghur expressions of their culture, religion or demands for independence with human rights violations. A large proportion of the Uyghur diaspora supports Pan-Turkic groups and there are several organisations such as the East Turkestan Party. The name Xinjiang is considered offensive by many advocates of independence who prefer to use historical or ethnic names such as Chinese Turkestan, East Turkestan (with Turkestan sometimes spelled as Turkistan) or Uyghuristan. [edit] Notable Uyghurs Famous Uyghurs and people claimed to be Uyghur include Tumen, Kul Tigin, Bilge Khan, Bayanchur Khan, Sultan Satuq Bughra Khan, Kashgarli Mehmud (Mehmud Kashgari), Yusuf Balasaguni (Yusuf Has Hajip), Al-Farabi (Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Tarkhan ibn Uzalagh al-Farabi), Sultan Said Khan, Abdurashid Khan, Amannisa Khan, Yakub Beg , Ipar Khan (Xiang Fei), Ehmetjan Qasimi, Mehmet Emin Boghra, Turghun Almas, Alptekins (Isa Yusuf Alptekin & Erkin Alptekin), Rebiya Kadeer, Ismail Tiliwaldi and Wuer Kaixi.
  22. "Muhammad" Most Popular Among Danish Muslims Danish Muslims are increasingly giving their new-born babies Islamic names to help preserve their identity, with that of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) being the most favored choice. "My wife and I have agreed to give our boys and girls Islamic names in the hope they would reflect positively on their personalities," Omran Tharwat told on Wednesday, May 10. He named his last baby girl after Prophet Muhammad's wife 'Aisha. "We believe she would grow to be proud of that name and work hard to follow the shining example of 'Aisha," said the father. Recent figures by the Danish National Statistics Office show that Muhammad, Ahmed, Fatima and 'Aisha are few but to mention of the favored choice among the Muslim minority. Statistics indicate that some 8928 Danish Muslims carry the name Muhammad. In 2004 alone, more than 167 new-born babies were registered with the Prophet's name. Fatima, the Prophet's daughter, and 'Aisha top the choice for Muslim girls. Muslims make up around three percent of Denmark’s 5.3 population, making Islam the second largest religion after the Lutheran Protestant Church. Identity The increasing popularity of Muslim names is seen as part of efforts by Danish Muslims to preserve their identity. "Danish Muslims want to help their children preserve their Islamic identity," Sheikh Mustafa al-Shanded, a social and religious counselor, told IOL. He, however, urged Danish Muslims to pay more attention to teaching their children about their faith. The name Muhammad has become a household name in Denmark after the recent cartoon crisis. Last September, Denmark's mass-circulation daily Jyllands Posten commissioned and printed 12 caricatures of the Prophet, including one showing him with a turban shaped like a bomb strapped to his head. The images, considered blasphemous under Islam, were later reprinted by European newspapers. The drawings have sparked off global and sometimes violent protests against Denmark. A massive boycott of Danish products has also inflicted heavy losses on Danish companies. May 10, 2006 Thursday , 11 May 2006
  23. Secularism and not Islam is the real enemy of the Vatican By Abid Mustafa The inauguration of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI has brought to the fore a host of issues, which threaten to undermine his papacy. Chief amongst them is the competition from Islam and the secularisation of Christians in Europe. The Vatican is somewhat divided on how to tackle Islam. Some cardinals are in favour of reaching out to moderate Muslims and tapering the Vatican’s attitudes towards Islam. “The next pope will need to be someone capable of dialoguing with the different religions of the world, and particularly Islam… Islam is on the rise, and Christianity, at least in the developed world, is in decline â€, said the Rev. Keith F. Pecklers, a Jesuit professor of theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University. This approach is reminiscent of the one articulated by pope John Paul II who in 1986 became the first pope to visit a Muslim country. During the visit to Morocco he said, “We believe in the same God, the one and the only God, who created the world and brought its creatures to perfection.†Hence the doctrine of inter-faith dialogue with Islam was born. For the next twenty years this doctrine defined the relations between the Vatican and the Islamic world. Other cardinals prefer a much tougher stance towards Islam. John Allen, the Vatican correspondent of the National Catholic Reporter, is sceptical that there is such a thing as moderate Islam. “They [cardinals] think what is needed is tough love. The nightmare scenario is that one day we’ll wake up and the Holy Land will be empty of Christiansâ€, Allen said. The views expressed by this group appear to be in unison with Pope Benedict XVI, who not so long ago scoffed at the idea of Turkey joining Christian Europe. Last August, Ratzinger said, “In the course of history, Turkey has always represented a different continent, in permanent contrast to Europe. Making the two continents identical would be a mistake.†Back in November 2004, Ratzinger criticised Muslims for politicising Islam and stressed that Muslims had a great deal to learn from Christianity. Ratzinger said, “Muslims should learn from the Christian culture the importance of religious freedom, and the separation between church and state.†In the real world, the challenges posed by Islam are not only overstated by the Vatican, but are miniscule in comparison to the influence of secularism on the world’s billion or so Catholics. A far greater threat is the secularisation of Catholics in Europe, which is significantly higher than any other continent. Only 21 percent of Europeans say that religion is “very important†to them, according to the European Values Study, conducted in 1999 and 2000 and published two years ago. A similar survey in the United States by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life put the number at nearly 60 percent. Beyond that, attendance at Mass has significantly declined throughout Europe. Among Catholics, only 10 percent in the Netherlands, 12 percent in France, 15 percent in Germany and Austria, 18 percent in Spain and 25 percent in Italy attend Mass weekly. Therefore it is not surprising to find some Catholics voicing extreme concerns for the future of Christianity in a secular Europe. “Some people look at Europe and see it spiritually tired, if not dead,†said the Rev. John Wauck, who teaches at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. Apart from the dwindling Christian population in Europe, the principal threat to the Vatican comes from the direction of secular fundamentalists who are adamant in recasting catholic truths as falsehoods. Catholic teachings regarding the inauguration of women priests, birth control, abortion, gay marriages, adoption by same-sex couples, euthanasia and the commercialisation of Christmas bear the brunt of this onslaught. Commenting on this trend, Wauck said that the union (European Union) seems to be “infected†with a “radically secular cultureâ€. Ratzinger delivered similar assessment hours before the conclave got underway to elect the new pope. He said, â€We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism . . . that recognizes nothing definite and leaves only one’s own ego and one’s own desires as the final measure.†Now that Ratzinger has been officially installed as the new pope he must decide on how best to protect Catholicism and its values. His immediate concern and those of the cardinals who elected him is to win over those who have shunned Catholicism in preference for an agnostic life-style. To accomplish this feat, Pope Benedict XVI cannot ally himself with the secular powers of the world or rely on any of the world’s secular institutions to defend the Christian faith. Secularism and its practitioners despite being a by-product of Judaeo-Christian history are not interested in defending Christianity or for that matter any faith. For instance, in May 2002 President Bush did nothing to prevent Israel from shelling the Church of Nativity, despite strong appeals from Pope John Paul II and leaders of other Christian sects. Similarly, before the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, President Bush refused to meet evangelical Christians who were opposed to the war, but continued to entertain lobbyist from oil companies. Religion and people who profess religious beliefs is an anathema to secularist fundamentalists and are barely tolerated. The people of faith who wish to retain their religious identity become the object of abuse within secular societies. Secular authorities utilise instruments such as the media and the political medium to constantly hound those that resist secular values. This continues until they capitulate or change their beliefs to conform to the materialistic worldview of the secularists. Catholicism as well as other Christian faiths has suffered immensely under the patronage of secular western states, particularly European states. Retreating behind the veil of ‘freedom of speech’, and ‘freedom of religion’, secularists have relentlessly abused Catholicism and forced the Roman Church to adapt its views and practices. Today, Catholic teachings and truths are scarcely recognisable and face imminent extinction, unless the Vatican takes a firm stand against the secular powers. Forming an alliance with other world faiths such as Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and other Christian denominations will not alter the fate of the Roman Church. These religions are unable to stand up to the menacing ideology of secularism and they too have fallen prey to the secular powers. This is because of two reasons. First, they are all founded on an emotional creed that does not possess the intellectual dynamism to challenge the ideology of secularism. Second, they are based on creeds that only offer a spiritual perspective on human existence and are unable to present a social-political system of life that is a real alternative to secularism. Islam is the sole ideology in the world that is able to counter secularism and offer genuine protection to people belonging to different faiths. Islam is able to achieve this, because at its heart is a spiritual and political creed that provides spiritual nourishment to its adherents and offers a comprehensive social-political system, where Muslims and non-Muslims are treated equally before the law. In the past, when Islam was implemented practically -for instance in Islamic Spain- Jews, Christians and Muslims living in the Spanish cities of Toledo, Cordoba and Granada, enjoyed unrivalled tolerance and prosperity. Martin Hume wrote in his book “Spanish Peopleâ€: “Side by side with the new rulers lived the Christians and Jews in peace. The latter rich with commerce and industry were content to let the memory of their oppression by the priest-ridden Goths sleepâ€. However, when the Catholic monarchs Isabella and Ferdinand took charge of Spain in 1492, they did not reciprocate tolerance but proceeded to expunge Spain of its Jewish and Muslim populace. Similar acts of cruelty with the blessing of the Pope were carried out in other lands controlled by Muslims such as the island of Sicily and Jerusalem. Today the Islamic world is experiencing a radical transformation from secularism to Islam. Muslims across the Islamic world are rebelling against the secular order that has been forcibly imposed upon them by western powers and their surrogates. Muslims are working day and night to overthrow these secular autocracies and to re-establish the Caliphate on their ruins. With the establishment of the Caliphate, millions of Christians who were previously denied their rights under the secular regimes will have their rights restated in full. And like in the Caliphates of the past, Christian beliefs and teaching will be protected. History bears witness that unlike the Roman Empire and the secular order of today, Christian doctrines and teachings were not changed under the Caliphate to agree with Islamic values. Against this background it would be wise for Pope Benedict XVI to reconsider his position towards Islam and the Muslim world. Instead of opting for a harsh stance against Islam and Muslims, the new pope should support the right of Muslims across the Islamic world to overthrow their secular regimes and re-establish the Caliphate. In this way, the pope will be saving Catholicism, protecting the rights of his flock in the Muslim world and sending a good omen for future relations with the Caliphate.
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