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Everything posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Ethiopia Supports Military Supply to Somali Warlord The Shabelle Times (Mogadishu) NEWS May 24, 2006 Posted to the web May 25, 2006 Jowhar Trucks loaded with military supplies contributed to the Somalia Anti Terror Alliance have reached at Jowhar, the tiny middle Shabelle regional city some 90kms north of Mogadishu. Armed vehicles sent by Hiiraan and middle shabelle authorities have escorted the convoy reportedly from Ethiopia. Sources in the region confirmed all five lorries are loaded with different types of ammunition as well as other military equipment. The escorting team also included the governor of Hiiran region Yusuf Mohamed Hagar Daboged while the trucks with the military supplies have originally brought from Feer-Feer district of Ethiopia, sources added. Heavy mortar shells, machine gun ammunitions and other explosive materials included the supply and it has been unloaded at Jowhar police station. This violates United Nations arms embargo on Somalia though it's not the first time such military supplies brought from Ethiopia reached Somalia particularly middle Shabelle Region.
  2. Guaranteed! you won't find Danish products on our shelves Danish business feels the pain of cartoon boycotts Danish companies switch 'Made in Denmark' labels to 'Made in EU' to camouflage origin of Danish production. By Slim Allagui – COPENHAGEN Danish businesses that have been targeted in Muslim countries owing to the publication of Islamic political cartoons now feel the pain of growing boycotts that they are struggling to circumvent. Denmark's companies are being singled out, especially in the Middle East, by consumers and businesses angry with the Scandinavian country where the daily newspaper Jyllands-Posten organized and published the offending caricatures. The Danish government has insisted that its economy was not under threat, but individual businesses are feeling the effects. "The boycott mostly hurts consumer goods companies, while capital goods exports are less affected," said Henriette Stoeltoft, head of the Confederation of Danish Industries' (DI) international markets division. Dairy company Arla Foods, Denmark's biggest exporter to the Middle East, has been losing 10 million kroner (1.6 million dollars, 1.3 million euros) per day since its products were taken off the shelves in several countries two weeks ago, and has had to temporarily lay off 125 workers. Like Arla, which now tries to sell its butter in wholesale 25-kilo containers without its brand name visible, many companies have changed their labeling. Some have switched "Made in Denmark" labels to "Made in European Union", while others use foreign subsidiaries to camouflage the origin of Danish production, according to DI. Arla will also make an effort at the forthcoming Gulf Food fair in Dubai "to renew contact with our clients", said company spokeswoman Astrid Gade Nielsen. "My feeling is that the boycott is getting stronger," said Sune Salling-Mortensen, spokesman for industrial pumps company Grundfos, in comments to the Boersen business daily. The group said it had been threatened with a boycott by four or five customers, notably in Saudi Arabia. Other companies have also grown more concerned, having initially hoped that the storm in Muslim countries would quickly blow over. The pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk said Wednesday that it had lost a 200-million-kroner insulin contract in Turkey. Danisco, one of the world's largest food ingredients companies, said it had lost several minor contracts, while others were suspended. "We are feeling the impact of falling sales. But we hope that our order books will fill up again when our customers' stocks run low," said Danisco spokesman Carl Johan Corneliussen. The industrial meat group Danish Crown said it had strongly reduced production at its Dubai plant, and cement maker Aalborg Portland shut down its Asian Internet site following threats. Following a boycott announcement on Wednesday by importers in Indonesia, where Danish companies annually book sales of 509 million kroner, investors now fear a boycott in Malaysia. Danish exports to Muslim countries are worth around 14 billion kroner a year, of which eight billion are in the Middle East. That represents just three percent of all Danish exports however, leading the government and economists to conclude, like Danske Bank chief economist Steen Bocian, that "the Danish economy is sufficiently robust to resist a complete boycott by Muslim countries." But in a worst-case scenario, 10,000 jobs could be at stake, he said, a significant figure for this country of just 5.4 million inhabitants. In addition, the export figure does not take into account local production owned by Danes, or sectors such as services, communications, consultancy services and shipping, which generate a combined eight billion kroner per year. Danish shipping companies now often take down the Danish flag when docking in ports in Muslim countries, where they generate five percent of their revenues, or about seven billion kroner. To counter boycott calls, companies have also launched an international Internet campaign angling to get consumers to "Buy Danish", citing Carlsberg beer, Lego toys and Arla's dairy products among the brands to support. Jyske Bank has estimated that the cost of the boycott to the Danish economy could total 7.5 billion kroner.
  3. US opens new page in ties with Libya US to take Libya off list of terror states Libyan FM welcomes Washington’s announcement of renewal of full diplomatic ties with Tripoli. TRIPOLI - The United States is to renew full diplomatic ties with Libya and take it off a list of states that back terrorism, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Monday. Rice called the resumption of relations the "tangible results" of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi's decision in 2003 to renounce terrorism and abandon efforts to make weapons of mass destruction. "I am pleased to announce that the United States is restoring full diplomatic relations with Libya. We will soon open an embassy in Tripoli," Rice said in a statement. "In addition, the United States intends to remove Libya from the list of designated state sponsors of terrorism. Libya will also be omitted from the annual certification of countries not cooperating fully with United States' anti-terrorism efforts," the top US diplomat said. The move comes a quarter-century after diplomatic relations were severed following the 1979 sacking of the US embassy in Tripoli by protesters. Alleged Libyan-backed terrorist attacks in 1986 spurred the United States to launch air raids against Tripoli. Libya was also held responsible for the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am passenger jet which crashed near Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people, most of them Americans. "We are taking these actions in recognition of Libya's continued commitment to its renunciation of terrorism and the excellent cooperation Libya has provided to the United States and other members of the international community in response to common global threats faced by the civilized world since September 11, 2001," Rice said. After Kadhafi agreed to open up Libya's weapon production sites to US and British experts, the United States opened a a special interests section in Tripoli in February, 2004. This was upgraded to a "liaison office" on June 28 that year, officially reestablishing formal relations. Rice said Libya was "an important model" for other nations like North Korea and Iran which Washington has also branded state sponsors of terrorism. "Just as 2003 marked a turning point for the Libyan people, so too could 2006 mark turning points for the peoples of Iran and North Korea," she said. "We urge the leadership of Iran and North Korea to make similar strategic decisions that would benefit their citizens."
  4. A new era US renews full diplomatic relations with Libya Libya taken off US list of terror states after Kadhafi's 2003 decision to renounce terrorism, abandon efforts to make WMD. By Sylvie Lanteaume - WASHINGTON The United States on Monday renewed diplomatic ties with Libya, ending a 25-year battle with leader Moamer Kadhafi over backing international terrorism. Libya was also taken off a US list of nations accused of supporting terrorism. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called on Iran and North Korea's hardline leaders to take "strategic decisions" similar to Kadhafi's. The United Nations imposed international sanctions on Libya after a passenger jet bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988 and other attacks that were blamed on Kadhafi's government. Rice called the renewal of ties one of the "tangible results" of Kadhafi's decision in 2003 to renounce terrorism and abandon efforts to make weapons of mass destruction. "I am pleased to announce that the United States is restoring full diplomatic relations with Libya. We will soon open an embassy in Tripoli," Rice said in a statement. The White House issued a decree late Monday that took Libya off a list of designated state sponsors of terrorism. Libyan Foreign Minister Abdel Rahman Shalgham hailed the US move. "This turns a new page (between the two countries), in the interests of both peoples," Shalgham said from Tripoli. Britain also welcomed the US decision. British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett said: "Libya has made significant progress since its historic decisions in 2003 to renounce terrorism and eliminate its weapons of mass destruction." "We will continue to work with Libya to take forward this progress," Beckett said. Rice highlighted the move as an example for Iran and North Korea, which the United States has branded rogue nations and sponsors of terror activities. "Just as 2003 marked a turning point for the Libyan people, so too could 2006 mark turning points for the peoples of Iran and North Korea," she said. "We urge the leadership of Iran and North Korea to make similar strategic decisions that would benefit their citizens." Washington severed ties with Libya in 1981, two years after radical students ransacked the US embassy in Tripoli. An alleged Libyan-backed attack on a Berlin disco popular with Americans in 1986 spurred the United States to launch air raids against Tripoli, killing 41 people. Libya's alleged involvement in international terrorism surged to the forefront when a Pan Am passenger jet was blown up over the Scottish town of Lockerbie, killing 270 people in the plane and on the ground. Following UN pressure, two Libyans eventually stood trial for the attacks at a Scottish court that sat in the Netherlands. In 2003 Tripoli agreed to pay the families of the dead victims millions of dollars each in compensation. Those steps led to the cancellation of UN sanctions and the slow warming of relations with Washington. The families of Lockerbie victims said the renewal of relations had been inevitable. "It's not a surprise, it's surprising it took this long," said Robert Monetti, whose son was killed in the attack. However, he said, "I don't think I will ever be really comfortable with Libya. The people who blew up Pan Am 103, the ones that were responsible for it, have never been brought to justice. But it is what it is. The countries can not stop doing business just because of things like this." After Kadhafi agreed to open up Libya's weapons production sites to US and British experts, the United States opened a special interests section in Tripoli in February 2004. This was upgraded to a "liaison office" the same year. Rice said: "We are taking these actions in recognition of Libya's commitment to its renunciation of terrorism and the excellent cooperation Libya has provided to the United States and other members of the international community in response to common global threats faced by the civilized world since September 11, 2001."
  5. The statues will count among the masterpieces of sculpture worldwide Pharaonic statues found in north Sudan Artefacts represent kings Taharqa, Tanutamon, last of black pharaohs as well as two monarchs who all lived about 600 years BC. KHARTOUM - Granite statues and stelas of pharaohs who ruled from northern Sudan some 2,600 years ago, including the last "black pharaohs," have been found by a team of French and Swiss archeologists, a statement said Sunday. The artefacts represented kings Taharqa and Tanutamon, the last of the "black pharaohs," as well as monarchs Senkamanisken and Aspelta, who all lived about 600 years BC, the French embassy here said in the statement. These discoveries "represent a significant contribution to the history of ancient Sudan and without a doubt count among the masterpieces of sculpture worldwide," the team said in the statement. The artefacts were found in a grave in Kerma, south of the Third Cataract of the Nile, by a team from the University of Geneva headed by Charles Bonnet, and including French archeologist Dominique Valbelle. Like the Egyptian kings, the kings of Kush were also buried in pyramids. Taharqa (690-664 BC) inherited a dynasty that ruled Egypt until the Assyrian conquest began and his reign was pushed back to between the third and fourth cataracts.
  6. Khudbadii Garaad Jaamac Ma Noqon Kartaa Talaabadii Ugu Horeysay Ee Midnnimada Issimada Oo Hore Loo Qaaday?. May 24, 2006 By:Asad Cadaani Ibraahim Dimishiq( halkan ugu horayn hanbalyo iyo bogaadin ugu gudbinayaa Aniga oo ku hadlaya magac bahda Garaadka guud ee beesha Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali waxaana ilaahay uga rajeynayaa in uu ku guuleeyo hawsha balaadhan ee uu maanta xilkeeda qaaday, waxa kale oo iyaguna mudan ammaan iyo tixgalin guddidii qaban qaabada Caleema saarka garaadka oo Soomaali oo dhan u muujiyey in maanta magaalada Laascaanood noqon karto magaalo Soomaali isugu imaan karto Arrimaheeda ku falan qaysan karto , taasoo looga shiidaal qaadanayo dadka isugu yimi oo kor u dhaafay 2500 oo wufuud ahaa kana kala yimi gobollada Soomaaliya , iyo qurbaha, waxaa iyaguna ammaan mudan Hutelada bilicsan sida Xamdi Hutel oo nuuray Laascaanood. Waxaa iyana xusid mudan Khudbadii qiimaha badnayd oo u muuqatay Khudbadii Qarniga , noqon doontana mid lagu qoro baal dahab ah iyo biyo dahab ah,khudbadii Garaad Jaamac uu ka jeediyey madasha caleema saarku waxay daahfuri kartaa waji cusub oo ay yeelato mandiga Nugaal godan waa siduu garaadku ugu yeedhay deegaankee , waxayna horseedi kartaa isu soo dhawaansho gaar ahaan Issimada gobollada SSC, iyo Guud ahaan ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Waxaa iyana in la xuso oo lays kortaago mudan xarunta Nabadda Iyo Horumarinta ee uu ka dhawaajiyey Garaadka guud taas oo qayb libaax ka qaadan doonta sidii loo gorfeyn lahaa dhibaatooyinka hortaagan isu soo dhawaanshaha ummadda Soomaaliyeed , mid dhaqan iyo mid siyaasadeedba, isla markaana xal loogu raadin karo dhibaatooyinka jira. Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali wuxuu carrabka ku adkeeyey sidii loo raadin lahaa midnnimo Soomaaliyeed , si waa faqsan dhanka wanaagsan iyo diinteena suuban, xalna loogu heli lahaa dhibaatada Soomaaliyeed min qoys ilaa qaran, taasina waxay ididiilo galinaysaa xal u raadintii dhibaatada Soomaaliyeed waana mid loo baahan yahay shir wada tashi oo ay yeeshaan Issimadu si uu Garaadku sheegay in laysugu yimaado Magaalada Laascaanood oo maanta awood u yeelatay in ay kaalinteeda qarannimo muujin karto. Khudbadii Garaad Jaamac Ma Noqon Kartaa Talaabadii Midnnimada Issimada Oo Hore Loo Qaaday?. Tan iyo markii loo diyaar garoobayey caleema saarka garaadka muddadii labada bilood ee aynu ka soo gudubnay waxaa carrabka lagu hayey dadku ay aad ula guuxayeen sidii looga shaqayn lahaa isu soo dhawaan shaha Issimada Deegaanka , meeshan looga saari lahaa isu fiirsashada hoose , waxaadna moodaa in maalmihii aynu ka soo gudubnay ay muujiyeen in caqabadaha noocaas oo kale ah laga gudbi karo, sidii qiimaha lahayd ee ay dadka deegaanka SSC gacmaha isu qabsadeen ugana wada shaqeeyeen hawlihii markaa u yaalay, In kastoo arrimaha ismaan dhaafka siyaasadeed ka mugweyn yihiin marka aan la doonayn in wax laga qabto hawlihii layska kaashanayey maalmihii la soo dhaafay, haddana waxaa muuqda in maanta la soo gaadhay xilli intii hore laga bisayl badan yahay , sababta oo ah waxaa la soo maray 16 sanno oo lagu kala qaybsanaa aragtida siyaasadeed oo aan horumar lagu gaadhin , dib u dhac mooyaane, intaana waxaa samaysmay 17 issim oo dhamaantood ka soo wada jeeda gobollada SSC. Waxaan qabaa maanta in ay haboon tahay in laga faa'iideysto bisaylka siyaasadeed iyo kan dhaqan ee ay mandaqada Nugaal godan iyo hawdba ka muuqda , issimaduna ay ka shaqeeyaan sidii bulshada marka hore loo nabadeyn lahaa, marka xigtana u midoobi lahaayeen , kolka danbena Soomaali dhibaatada haysayta wax uga qaban lahaayeen iyada oo laga faa'iideysanayo Ummadda isugu timi maanta Laascaanood sidii kalsooni loogu abuuri lahaa mustaqbalka soo socda wax weyn qaban kara.,khudbaddii Garaadkuna u noqoto Talaabadda ugu horaysa ee loo qaadayo dhinaca wanaagsan. Asad Caddaani IBraahim Dimishiq Suuriya
  7. Really that was a great article thanks to N Nugaaleed Since Laascaanood proved that it is a place where every and each Somali is more than welcome, like Garaad's caleemosaar, again it can bring together opposing Somali politicians, traditional leaders, poets, etc from all regions including Somaliland, Puntland, Hiiraan, Bay/Bakool, Banaadir, Shabelle, and Juba Laascaanood has a golden opportunity by creating peace and unity among brotherly Somali people
  8. Originally posted by SOO MAAL: DHAGEYSO: Xafladda caleemasaarka Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali oo maanta lagu caleema saaray magaalada Laasacaanood ee gobolka Sool, Khudbadihii munaasabadda laga jeediyey iyo waxbixinno guud oo ku saabsan hannaan socodka munaasabadda Dhageyso khudbadaha qiimaha iyo xikmada ku fadhiya ee soo jeediyeen issimo iyo madax dhaqameedyo ka kala yimi dhamaan gobolada soomaaliyeed sida Somaliland, Puntland, koonfir, iyo Bay/Bakool. Waxaa ka hadlay: 1) Garaad Saleebaan Garaad Max’ed ,isaga oo halkaas ka jeediyey ereyo dardaaran iyo kaftanka isugu jirey isagoo yidhi "kani waa Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali,mana aha ana waa i kan" 2) Suldaan Max’uud Guuleed oo ka yimid Burco (Togdheer) ayaa waxa isna ereyadiisii ka mid ahaa , â€Soomaaliya nabad iyo midnimo ayey u baahan tahay.†3) Dhanka kale Malaaq Garoore, oo u hadlay malaaqyada Bay/Bakool waxa uu yidhi " Waxaad tahay Garaad Soomaaliyeed yoolkaagu yaanu halkaas hoos uga dhicin.†4)Abwaan Max’ed Warsame Hadraawi, oo ah abwaan si weyn looga qadariyo guud ahaan soomaaliya waxa hadaladiisi ka mid ahaa "Awoowgaa, Aaabbahaa iyo Adeerkaaba Nabad ayaa lagu yiqiin iyo hal adaygnimo, tii baa lagaaga fadhiyaa.†5) Cadde Muuse Xirsi,isaga oo hadalkiisa uu u badnaa hadal siyaasadeed oo runtii aan halkaa laga jeclaysan,waxa uuna yidhi: "Garaadka waanu La Tashanaynaa, Calan aan Calan Soomaliyeed ahayna goboladan uma ogolin,dawlada ku meelgaadhka ah waanu taageersananahay 100%,waxaanu u nahay tiir.†6) Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali,ayaa halkaas ka hadlay waxana ereyadiisii ka mid ahaa "Waxaan Bulshada Soomaliyeed ugu baaqayaa nabad iyo barwaaqo , waxaan dhamaan bahweynta Nugaal,Sanaag iy Caynba ugu baaqayaa nabad,waxaana balan qaadyaa inaan si nabad lagu heli lahaa aan ka shaqeeyo,min qoys ilaa qaran.†Professor Ali Khaliif Waxay u dhacday qaab taariikhi ah isla markaana ay door aad u wayn ka ciyaareen dadwaynaha ku dhaqan SSC marti galintii wufuuda tirada badan ee soomaaliyeed isaga oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayuu yidhi Gobolkani waa bidix iyo midig oo wuxu isuhayaa guud ahaan dalka somalia, Bidix iyo midig ayuu ku sifeeyey beelaha kala duwan ee ay ood Wadaagta yihiin G/sool oo uu yidhi qaarna ehelimo ayaa ka Dhaxaysa qaarna dhaqan iyo daris nimo soo jireen ah oo aad u qiimabadan isla markaana lama taab taan ah sidaas taraadeed waa mandaqada kaliya ee isu haysa somalia waxaana aamin sanahay inay munaasabadii shalay ka dhacday magaalada Laascaanood door muhiim ah ka qaadanayso isu soo Dhawaanshaha umada Soomaaliyeed lagana yaaboba inay ka Soo iftiimayso midnimo iyo caafimaad umadu ay u baahan tahay waa nin da yar oo wax bartay Xaga dhaqankana waa nin ku soo bar baray dhulkiisa hooyo Alle haw naxariistee Garaad Cabdi qanina kala qayb galay hawlgalo badan oo lagaga shaqaynayay nabadayn isagoo u muuqanayay nin loo tababarayo arimaha dhaqanka isla markaana mudadii aanu wada soconay waxaan ka dheehanayay daganaansho iyo fikir aad u qoto dheer waxaana aad ugu rajo waynahay inuu ka soo bixi doono xilka dhaxal tooyada ah ee uu umada uqaaday
  9. Garaad Jaamac Garaad Jaamac Professor Ali Khalif
  10. Caanashubkii Garaad Jaamac Suldaan Max,ud Guleed Madxweynaha P/Land Gen-Cade Muuse
  11. Caleemosaarkii Qarniga oo ahaa mid Midnimo iyo Walaaltinimo Soomaaliyeed ku Dheehan DHAGEYSO: Xafladda caleemasaarka Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali oo maanta lagu caleema saaray magaalada Laasacaanood ee gobolka Sool, Khudbadihii munaasabadda laga jeediyey iyo waxbixinno guud oo ku saabsan hannaan socodka munaasabadda SSCayn: Xafladdii Caleema Saarka Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali Oo Si Habsamiya U Soo Gabagabowday. Somaliweyn:Xafladda Munaasabada Caleemo Saarka Garaadka oo si weyn oo nabad-gelyo ah uga dhacday Dooxada Geeda qarsey ee Laascaanood Allpuntland: Laascaanood: Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali oo lagu caano shubay iyo Qudbado halkaasi ay ka jeediyeen masuuliyiin fara badan iyo xafladdii oo soo xirantay. BiyoKulule: Laascaanood:-Garaad jaamac oo lagu caano shubay(la caleemo saaray). Dayniile: Garaadkii bedelay Garaad C/qani oo maanta lagu duubay Laascaanood Gadonet: <a href="" target="_blank">[/url] Halgannnews: xafladii caleemasaarka Garaad jaamac Garaad cali Garadaa jaamac Jamhuuriya: Lascanod: Caleemo-saarka Garaadka Cusub iyo Loollanka Siyaasadeed ee Saddex Geeska ah Qarannews: Maanta iyo Caano Kuu Shubkii Caleemo Saarka Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali SBC: Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali oo lagu caleema saaray Laas Caanood
  12. Garaad Jaamac Professor Ali Khalif Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali Oo Hadda Lagu Caana Shubay
  13. Prof. Galaydh ayaa waxa uu ka war bixiyey dhaqamada dadka Afrikaanka iyo boqortooyadii beesha Dhul bahante Guddoomiyaha guud ee Shirkada DAHABSHIIL Maxamed Saciid Ducaale oo ka waramaya qaban qaabada caleema saarka garaadka ee ka socota maagalada Laascaanood. Magaalada Laas-caanood ee xarunta gobolka Sool ayaa waxaa maalmihii lasoo dhaafay ku sii qul-qulaya wufuud aad u tiro oo ka kala Dawlada Somaliland, Maamul Goboleedka Somaliya ee Puntland iyo Dawlada ku Meel gaadhka ah ee Somaliya, si ay uga qeyb galaan caleemo saarka Garaadka 19aad ee beesha Dhul bahante , Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali oo beri loo balansan yahay boqridiisa. ...Si kasta ahaa Caleemo saarka Garaadka 19aad ee beesha Dhul bahante ayaa kulmisay Siyaasiyiin, Salaadiin, Malaaqyo, ganacto iyo aqoonyahano mudo dheer kala baaday, iyadoo ay Magaalada Laascaanood la ciirciiraysa wufuud kala duwan oo kala af kaar ah oo ka kala yimi dalka gudihiisa iyo debadiisa. More:Qarannews Magaalada Laascaanood Oo Kulmisay Wufuud Kala Duwan oo kala ah Siyaasiyiin, hogaamiye dhaqameedyo, Ganacsato iyo shicib caadi ahba RAADKII GARAADII HORE IYO RAJADA GARAAD JAAMAC GARAAD CALI. Wafti balaadhan oo ay hor kacayaan malaaqyada beesha Digil iyo Mirifle oo soo gaadhay xarunta caleemo saarka ee Laascaanood. Madaxweyne Cadde Muuse Iyo Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Xasan Daahir Oo Wafti Balaadhan oo hadda soo gaadhay Madasha Caleema saarka Garaadka.
  14. Originally posted by Sharmarkee: ^^ Salaam, Usually that money never see the light again, they just freez by the change of the political landscape of that countries, from Shah of iran to Qadaafi via Sadaam hussien they see how the wind blows, shah's money all frozen instantly, after Khomaini gate-crashed tehran, Saddam they used and abused costing him his freedom, and his iraq, Fahad was paying the invasion of iran by saddam, liberating kuwait, and then foot the bill by the destruction of iraq again,Qadaafi got new lease of life after he licked their boots. the west is milking that wealth, and they call them friendly Muslim moderates, otherwise if no gains there, definitly they are breeding terrorim, transfering their files to the security council before they bomb back to the dark ages. Very true
  15. Castro Denies Forbes Report on His Wealth By VANESSA ARRINGTON Associated Press writer HAVANA -- Cuban President Fidel Castro denounced a Forbes magazine report naming him one of the world's wealthiest rulers, putting in a special television appearance on Monday to rebut the story he called "rubbish." In its May 5 article, "Fortunes Of Kings, Queens And Dictators," Forbes put Castro in 7th place in a group of 10 world leaders with "lofty positions and vast fortunes." The magazine estimated Castro's personal wealth to be $900 million -- nearly double that of the $500 million of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and just under Prince Albert II of Monaco's estimated $1 billion. The article also referred to rumors of Castro having "large stashes in Swiss bank accounts." "All this makes me sick," Castro responded Monday on the communist government's daily public affairs program Mesa Redonda, or "Round Table." "Why should I defend myself against this rubbish?" Later on the program, Castro pounded the table, saying, "If they can prove I have an account abroad ... containing even one dollar I will resign my post." Castro also gave the floor to several top officials, including Central Bank President Francisco Soberon, to deny the claims and defend his integrity. "It is absolutely impossible that someone in the upper levels of government -- and especially not a leader (like Castro) ... who is recognized by the Cuban people as an example of humility and self-discipline -- could maintain personal accounts abroad," Soberon said. Soberon called the Forbes article "grotesque slander," and blamed the CIA and a U.S. press controlled by "the empire" for the magazine's "vulgar and ridiculous" claims. In explaining its calculations, Forbes said it assumed Castro has economic control over a web of state-owned companies including a convention center, a retail conglomerate and an enterprise that sells Cuban-produced pharmaceuticals. Soberon said, however, that all the money made from those companies is pumped back into the island's economy, into sectors including health, education, science, security, defense and solidarity projects with other countries. Forbes acknowledged in its article that the estimates for all the leaders are "more art than science."
  16. Forbes: Saudi king is world’s richest ruler King Abdullah is worth an estimated 21 billion dollars, followed by Sultan of Brunei and UAE President. NEW YORK - Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, Cuban President Fidel Castro, Monaco's Prince Albert II and Britain's Queen Elizabeth II are among the world's wealthiest rulers, Forbes magazine reported on its website Friday. Featuring monarchs, presidents and other leaders, the Forbes list is topped by Abdullah, 82, who became Saudi Arabia's sixth king in August 2005 and is worth an estimated 21 billion dollars, according to Forbes. In second place, with 20 billion dollars, is 59-year-old Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei, followed by the president of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahayan, 58, with 19 billion dollars. Dubai's ruler, 56-year-old Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, came in fourth, with 14 billion dollars, followed by Prince Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein, 61, with four billion dollars. The new Monegasque ruler, Albert, 48, who took over rule of the tiny principality after his father's death last year, was in sixth place, with one billion dollars. Castro, 79, came in seventh, with 900 million dollars credited to him by Forbes, which cited former Cuban officials as saying that Castro had skimmed profits from a Havana convention center, retail conglomerate Cimex and vaccine and pharmaceutical products firm Medicuba to amass his fortune. It noted, however, that "Castro, for the record, disagrees, insisting his personal net worth is zero." Teodoro Obiang Nguema, the 63-year-old president of Equatorial Guinea, is next on the list, worth some 600 million dollars, according to Forbes. Forbes said Obiang and his government deposited up to 700 million dollars in the US bank formerly known as Riggs Bank but noted that "Equatorial Guinea's embassy insists the money, which was released back to the country, belongs to the government." "Attributing that money to President Obiang's personal wealth is like saying a person who runs a hospital is worth the amount of revenue the hospital generates," an embassy spokesperson told Forbes in an e-mail. Obiang is followed by Britain's 80-year-old queen, Elizabeth, who is worth 500 million dollars -- not including Buckingham Palace, the crown jewels and some other heirlooms that "belong to the British nation" and are merely "entrusted to her care." Rounding out the list is the Netherlands' Queen Beatrix, 68, who has 270 million dollars to her name. Forbes acknowledged that the list was difficult to compile. "These fortunes are derived from inheritances or positions of power. And the lines often blur between what is owned by the country and what is owned by the individual," it said. "Even stickier: Proving a dictator controls funds and uses them for personal gain - not for the country's benefit," Forbes said.
  17. The project will boost Yemen's economy Yemen dreams of its own Hong Kong in Aden DP World has plan for making port of Aden world-class port given its strategic location. By Christian Chaise - ADEN, Yemen It is a shadow of its former splendour, its name is linked to Al-Qaeda and its docks are frequently deserted, but the Yemeni government is dreaming of transforming the port of Aden into another Hong Kong. In its bid to dissociate Aden's name from the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole, Sanaa has turned to a company which has proven its credentials as a world-class port operator. "We have an idea. We have a plan for Aden," Mohammed Sharaf, chief executive of Dubai Ports World (DP World), said. "We want it to grow and we believe we can do that. We have the tools, we have the knowledge and we think the market is growing." DP World, controlled by the Dubai government, won an international tender last year to upgrade and operate the southern port of Aden under a 30-year concession. The company has promised to invest 493 million dollars over a 30-year period, according to Mohammed Salem, Yemen's assistant minister of transport. But no contract has been signed with DP World yet because the deal requires parliamentary approval. At present the port is operating at barely half of its capacity of 620,000 TEU (20-foot equivalent container unit). DP World said it plans to take up the capacity to three million TEU and promote it as a free zone. "Given its strategic location ... Aden can become a very busy port," said Saad Sabrah, Yemen's country officer with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank's private sector investment arm. Aden, on the Gulf of Aden in the Indian Ocean, is 170 kilometres (105 miles) east of Bab al-Mandeb, a narrow strait leading into the Red Sea and separating Yemen from the Horn of Africa. The port was under British control for more than 100 years until independence in 1967. During a visit to Hong Kong in April, President Ali Abdullah Saleh was said to have commented that Aden could be another Hong Kong as he stood on a hilltop admiring the city's famed Victoria Harbour, according to the Yemen Times. But in order to realise its potential, Aden must first convince the world that it is a safe and secure port. "If there is safety, the port can become very busy, especially if DP World runs it," the IFC's Sabrah said. In October 2000, 17 US sailors were killed when militants aboard a small boat packed with explosives blew themselves up against the destroyer USS Cole docked in Aden in an attack later claimed by the Al-Qaeda terror network. Since then Yemen has been battling suspected Qaeda militants throughout the country with Washington's help. Sabrah said that the government has given assurances to international investors like DP World that there will be "zero percent risk in terms of security". But some Yemenis doubt the chances of realising Aden's potential given the endemic corruption in a country ranked among the world's poorest. "It is corruption that has shattered the dreams of having the Aden port restore the important role it played during the British colonisation," Mohammed Hatem al-Qadhi wrote in the Yemen Times. "Aden port is our future and can be Yemen's main source of income if the regime is serious enough and works to create a secure environment for both local and international investors." And there are nationalist voices echoing those in parliament that have questioned DP World's true motives in wanting to operate Aden. They say Aden can potentially compete with the company's home port of Jebel Ali in the United Arab Emirates that is ranked among the world's top 10 container ports and a juggernaut in the trans-shipment trade with Asia. But Sharaf of DP World, which in March abandoned its right to manage six US ports due to fierce opposition in the United States on security grounds, said it was a win-win situation for all sides. "Dubai has its own limit ... So what do you do? You go outside within the region, grow the region. If the region grows, we all grow, we all prosper ... In our formula, all parties win," he said. The company became one of the world's top three container-port operators following its 6.9-billion-dollar acquisition of Britain's Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company earlier this year.
  18. Gabay Tahniyad ah oo Abwaankeena Maxamed Hiirad kaga qaybgelayo Caleemosaarka Garaadka Guud ee SSC Garaad Jamac G. Ali WAREYSI: Magaalada Laascaanood oo ay ka socoto Xaflada Caleen saarka Ninka badalaya Marxuum Garaad C/qani.(20-05-06) Wafti Ballaadhan Oo Iskugu Jira Duubab, Malaaqyo, Wasiirro, Iyo Xildhibaano Ayaa Galabta Ka Soo Degay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Ee Iidle. waxaa soo gaadhay Magaalada Laascaanood wefti balaadhan oo Ka yimi Somaliland, kaas oo hogaaminayo mulkiilaha shirkada xalaawada ee DAHABSHIIL, waxanay ka kooban yihiin Suldaano, Cuqaal, Aqooyahano iyo waxgarad waxaa magaalada laascaanood soo gaaray Ugaas Ciise Ugaas Cabdle iyo wakiilka iimaan Maxamuud Munaasabadan ayaa ah mid umada soomaliyeed ay ahmiyad gaar ah siinayso isla markana noqon doonta tii ugu horaysay ee ay isku soo hor fadhiisan doonaan inta badan isimada iyo cuqaasha umada soomaaliyeed iyada oo aan loo kala eegin qolo qolo deegaan deegaan Dadwaynaha ku dhaqan deeganada SSC ayaa heegan u ah soo dhawaynta walaalohooda soomaaliyeed meel walba oo ay ka imaan donaan waxaadna ka dheehan kartaa dhamaan bulshada kala duwan sida ay diyaarka ugu yihiin inay marti galiyaan inta badan wax garadka beelaha soomaaliyeed oo aanay dhicin inta badan inay isa soo hor fadhiistaan tan iyo intii dawladii dhexe ee Somalia meesha ka baxday CALEEMO SAARKA GARAADKA XUDUUDUHU FURAN 22/05/2006 ayaa Maalinta loo balansan yahay Munaasabdda Ahamiyada weyn leh ee Caleemo saaridda Garaad Jaamac Garaad cali Garaad Jaamac garaadka Guud ee Qoomiyada Daraawiishta ee Degaamadda SSC-ga,sida weyna looga soo qeyb gelaayo. Hadaba waxaa si rasmi ah loo cadeeyeey loona shaaciyeey in Xuduuduhu u furan yihiin dhammmaan Dadka Maqaakooda leh ee ku Talo jira ka soo qeyb-gelida Munaasabadan Xurmadda,maqaamka Iyo Milgo Gobeedka weyn leh,Hogaan dhaqameed Taariikhda weyn leh,soo jireen ah,Doorkeeda iyo Magaceedu gaarsiisan yahay Dalka Somaaliyeed gudihiisa iyo meel kasto oo Ummada Somaali ahi joogaanba,maxaa meshs ka baxay carqaladii iyo qaskii eey wadaan Maamulka Goboleedka P/Land oo hadafkoodu ahaa xayiraada Erjooyinka Maqaamkooda Xurmo leh ee ka Imaanaayeey Dhinaca S/Land,iyadoo lagu dabaqaayeey arrimo Siyaasadeed,xiisadaha Colaadeed ee ka Dhexeeya P/Land iyo S/Land,laakiin waxaa si cad ugu hor yimi rabitaanka Bulshada SSC-ga oo diiday fara gelinta Maamulku ku sameeynaayo howlaha iyo hanaanka maamul, hab maamuus ee Munaasabada caleemo saarka oo ah hab dhaqameed xurmadiisa leh,kana baxsan Siyaasadda iyo Mashaxnimadeedaba, fariin qeexana gaarsiiyeey Madaxtooyada Garoowe:-Munaasabadda Caleemo saarka Garaadka Waxba Idiinkama Khuseeyaan. Xaabsade:Cid Alaale Cidii Danaynaysa Ayaa Iman Karta Caleema Saarka Xuduuduhuna Waa Furan yihiin Jawaabtii Maamulka P/Landna noqotay Ereyadan kooban oo kor ku xusan oo awooda Dadweynuhu ka soo saareen Afka Wasiirkka Arr.Gudaha ee P/Land,waana arrin hambelyadeeda Bulshadu iska leedahay,qarankeeygu sidii ku habooneyd u tilmaamaay,waxaa ka Soo qeyb galaaya Munaasabadda caleemo sarrdka Garaadka Dad ka Socdo ama Ergooyinka ka kala socdda;- -Dowladda Federaalka. -Maamulka S/Land. -Maamul Goboleedka P/Land. -Xubno Barlamaan-Fadaraalka,P/Land iyo S/Land-ba. -Ergooyinka Hogaan Dhaqameed ka Socdda:- -Maqaalyadda Goboladda Bay iyo Bakool. -Ugaasyo iyo Garaado ka Socda Jubba Hoose. -Imaano Iyo Wakiilo Imaan oo ka Socda G/Banaadir. -Waffti Ugaaska Caabud-waaq. -Wafti Isimo ka socda G/Dhexe. -Wafti Isimo Balaaran G/Barri. -Wafti Isimo Balaaran Sanaag Barri -Wafti Isimo Balaaran Dhanka S/Land. -Wafti Isima Iyo Shakhsiyaad Dalka Jabuuti. -Wafti Isimo iyo Masuulin Maamulka Zoonka Shanaad. -Wafti Isimo iyo Waxgard Somaalida Kenya. -Guud ahaanba Isimadda Degaamadda SSC-ga. -Wufuud Culimaa-udiinka Somaaliyeed. -Ergooyin Golaha Ganacsatada Somaaliyeed Dubay. -Ergooyin Somaalida Qurba Jooga ah;- -Mareeykanka. -Canadda. -England. -Holland. -Sweden. -Finland. -Norweey. -Austaraaliya. -Dunidda Carbeed,Sacuudiga,Imaaradka,Qadar,Cumaan,Suuriya, Yemen,Iyo Kuweyt. -Koonfurta Afrika. -Dowladaha Igad,Kenya,Ugandha Iyo Itoobiya. -iyo Shakhsiyaad kalle oo fara badan. Sida Muuqata waxeey noqon doontaa Caleemo Saaridkii ugu weynaa oo ka dhacay guud ahaanba Dalka Somaaliyeed(Waligiiba) waxaana cadeeyneeysa sida munaasabaad Mudnaanta weyn loo Siiiyeey iyo habka ka soo qeyb galka,waana arrin ahamiyadeeda leh,Alle Mahadii iyo Maqaamka Garaadnimadda Reer Garaad Jaamac Mudan tahay iyo Doorka Taariikhiga ah,Gaaradkan ayaa noqonaaya Mid 19-aad,Waxaan ku boorinaayaa Gudiyadda qabanqaabada in eey Sida ku haboon howlahooda u gutaan,hanaanka hab-maamuusna Maqaamkiisa siiyaan. -Alla Mahad Leh- -Qorre-Xassan C/Laahi Sh(Xassan Carab)- -England-UK-20/05/2006-