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Posts posted by SOO MAAL

  1. Red sea,


    The blue flag is also yours, you suppose to condemn the burning of the flag or at least you should have remained silent


    However, I don’t understand how can one not criticize the burning of Somali flag and condemn the presence of Ethiopian troops at the same time!


    I think people of Hergeysa should have burned maybe Ethiopian flag, instead of the Somali flag


    Regarding, the presence of Ethiopian troops in Somali soil; I believe its unacceptable and intolerable, ciidamada xabashida waa ka xaaraan in ee joogaan dhul soomaaliyeed, that should be common sense


    Riyaale supported Ethiopia’s aggression against Somalia, did I demanded from my fellow somalilanders apology or explianation? NO



    Because, I believe we should not let people like riyaale and yusuf to divide us


    Be fair walaalo, speak out against all wrong doings,that is what our faith preaches doesnt'?

    I accept your brotherly advice


    All of us need to be fair and speak out against all wrong, ‘


    True, Islam preaches cadaalah and xaq



    Red sea, true we shouldn’t be critical to certain region/people


    We should be fair


    I see most puntlanders don’t always condemn the actions of Yusuf or Cadde, true most puntlanders are bias when it comes to TFG


    And same true with most somalilanders, they don’t always condemn the actions of riyaale, waraabe, etc Most somalilanders are bias when it comes to issue of Sool

  2. Brother Somali Thinker,


    You need to realize that both camps do utter such comments; both Somaliland and Somaliweyn camp are to blame


    "A Nazi state, clan state, a tribe that wants to secede, no such thing as somaliand"

    some somalilanders as well call Somalia(Somaliweyn) to similar names like fascist and nazi. And they call Puntland to names like clan militia, tribal state


    so both camps are guilty


    TFG president that his claim of control of somaliland is false, and that people in that region are not in support of his claims on their rights as citizens of Somaliland.

    Look, Somaliland president claim of control of North-central is false


    People of North Central (Sool, East Sanaag, and Cayn[buuhoodle]), don’t support Riyaale’s claim on their rights as citizenzs of Somalia.



    We cannot blame only one side of the conflict, because it’s unacceptable and not fair


    I believe what we need here is to talk, solve issues peacefully, reach an agreement and move forward

  3. I agree with you Somalithinker, the fact that you are from Somaliland and hold this views is something positive and encouraging



    I believe the burning of the Somali flag is big mistake; the flag is symbol of people, and a property of Somali people. Therefore burning the property of your fellow brother is something that cultivate a hate and a further conflicts between brotherly Somali people


    True, for Somalis from Laascaanood and Boosaaso, to Mogadishu, and Kismayo, the noble blue is a still a cherished national icon. I understand our brothers from Northwest have their own flag, and I believe no one should disrespect their flag let alone burning. Are we like Israelis and Palestinians?



    Red sea, brother be reasonable, advocate for the right and condemn the wrong as our religion preaches


    I believe people of Laascaanood or Garowe cannot do whatever they want in their own backyard


    The majority of people of both Somalia and Somaliland are innocent and want peace


    Therefore, we shouldn’t mix the issues like the presence of the Ethiopian troops, and burning of the flag


    We should not self-centered individuals like Melez, C/Yusuf, and Riyaale to divide our Somali people

  4. President_Omar_al-Bashir.jpg Sudanese president vows to continue Somali mediation

    Saturday 6 January 2007.

    Jan 5, 2006 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese president said he will continue efforts to resolve the Somali issue, he further added that security and stability are the main goal of the Sudan without any interest in who is establishing stability.



    Omar al-BashirPresident Omar al-Bashir, who is also the chairman of the Arab League, today said “’We shall continue our efforts, and strive because we are not interested in who rules Somalia, what we are interested in is who establishes stability, security, and peace among the people of Somalia.”


    “We said it from the first day since the first government was formed after Siad Barre, and we even told Abdelqasim Salad Hassan — former president of Transitional National Government— that we will support anyone who comes and achieves security, peace, and stability in Somalia.”


    Sudan’s mediation efforts to resolve the Somali crisis were close to success before foreign hands intervened and stressed that Sudan welcomed all possible solutions to achieve Somalia’s stability, Sudanese president underscored.


    At a press conference held Friday 8 December by the end of the Summit of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group in Khartoum, Sudanese president had expressed his opposition to any intervention of foreign troops in Somalia.


    He considered plots against the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) as part of the attack against Islam and Islamic countries in the region.


    Khartoum mediation between the interim government and the UIC seems overturned by the intervention of Ethiopian troops in Somalia on Dec. 24 to defeat an Islamic movement which threatened to overthrow the internationally recognized government, which at the time only controlled one town.


    In a meeting held Friday in Nairobi by the International Contact Group on Somalia, it was agreed to deploy around 8,000 African troops in Somalia. The US pledged to provide US$40 million to Somalia in political, humanitarian and peacekeeping assistance. While the European Union said it would also help pay for a peacekeeping force, but only if Somalia’s government held talks with all segments of Somali society to stop 15 years of chaos in the Horn of Africa country.


    Ethiopian foreign minister Seyoum Mesfin was yesterday in Khartoum to deliver a message from the Prime Minister Meles Zenawi on the situation in Somalia. He told the press that Ethiopian troops entered Somalia in self defence after Islamists threats.



  5. I thouhgt Somaliland would help their somali brothers agianst ethiopian aggression, and oppose Ethiopia occupation, at least this time


    Even if they dislike both TFG and ICU


    Lakiin, nasiib daro, Somaliland waxaa kaliye oo muuqda Abdulaahi Yusuf NOT MELEZ of Ethiopia


    mida kaliya ee iskaga shabahaan ina yusuf,ina riyaale iyo hogaamiyaasha soomaalida waa xabashinimada NOT somalinamada, islamnimada, etc


    inkasta oo Yusuf iyo Melez ee khalad weyn maanta ka wadaan Somalia


    Xabashi meel bey soomaali kaga soo hadhay



    Somaali dhexdooda waa iswada naceen, koox kastana dhicooda ayee xabashi ugi xidhan yihiin


    Somaliland, Puntland, TFG, and returned mogadisho warlords are all Ethiopian puppets


    Somaliland kaligood maaha


    soomaalo dhan baa xabashi ukala dheereenasa

  6. Arab League calls for ceasefire in Somalia



    Arab League calls for ceasefire in Somalia


    CAIRO, Dec 27 (KUNA) -- The Arab League (AL) at the representatives' level Wednesday demanded an immediate ceasefire in Somalia.


    In a statement upon finalizing its exceptional session, the League demanded the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Somalia in preparation for executing UN Security Council resolution 1725, which calls for sending an African Union commission to support peace in Somalia.


    The AL also demanded the UNSC to play its role in maintaining peace and security in the world and to issue a resolution that calls for ceasefire, calls for resuming negotiations between Somali sides, and preserves the Somali sovereignty.


    The League asserted the importance of not intervening in other countries' internal affairs and respecting neighboring countries, demanding the Somali interim government and the Union of Islamic Courts to resume unconditional peace talks in Khartoum under African supervision.


    It also stressed the importance of halting all military and media campaigns and showing commitment to the agreements reached between both sides before the Arab and European delegations that visited Somalia on December 20.


    The League urged the international community to support peace talks and provide urgent humanitarian aid to the Somali people, in addition to providing protection for humanitarian workers there. (end) rg.

  7. Xukuumad Somaliland Oo Ugu Baaqday Qolooyinka Soomaaliya Dagaalku Ku dhexmarayo inay Isfahmaan oo ay Nabad Arrinta ku soo Dabaalaan.







    hadhwanaag 2006-12-25 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):-Xukuumada Somaliland ayaa ugu baaqday kooxaha dagaalku ka dhaxeeyo soomaaliya ee Dawlada Ku meel gaadhka iyo Maxaakiimta Islaamiga, ee ay Ethiopiana ku lug leedahay inay dagaalka joojiyaan oo ay arrinta ku dhameeyaan is afgarad iyo wada hadal, sidaa waxa uu ku sheegay wasiirka Arrimaha dibada Somaliland Md, C/laahi Maxamed Ducaale mar ay wareysanaysay idaacada BBC-da laanteeda Afka Soomaaliga.


    Md, C/laahi Maxaxmed Ducaale waxa uu sheegay inay Dawlada Somaliland dibada ka joogto wax uu ku sheegay fidno ka socota Soomaaliya, oo aanay jeclayn inay lug ku yeeshaan.


    Waxa kale oo uu wareysigiisa ku sheegay inay ka fiirsasnayaan sida uu noqonayo Cilaaqaadka labada Dawladood ee Jabuuti iyo Somaliland mustaqbalka,


    Waxaanay u dhaceensu’aalihii la weydiiyey Sidan:-


    Mar la weydiiday Su’aal ahayd, Wasiir waxa maalmahan danbe dagaalka socday Soomaaliya,Ethiopia-na ay cadeysay inay lug ku leedahay oo diyaaradaheedii iyo ciidamadeedu ka qeybgalayaan side arrintaa Somaliland u aragtaa? Waxa uu ku jawaabay oo uu yidhi “Walaahi Axmed, waa nasiibdaro maanta arrinta halkaasi ka soo yeedhay, anaguna waxaan islahayn mowqifkayaguna waxa uu ahaa marwalba meesha waxa loo baahan yahay iyo meelkasta oo dagaal ka socdo inlagu dayo dhinaca nabada iyo taladeeda.

    Jaarar loo hanjabo iyo isbalaadhin la isbalaadhiyo cidii doontaba ha ahaatee maaha waxyaabo loo baahan yahay, Waa nasiib darro had iyo jeerna waxaan ugu baaqaynaa qoladaa TFG (Transitional Federal Government) iyo Maxaakiimta inay danta u soo jeedsadaan oo dhinaca nabadgelyada arrintaa lagu dayo.

    Maantana waxa weeye fidnadaa halkaa ka socotaa dibada ayaan ka joognaa mana jeclin inaan ku lug yeelano, qolooyinka halkaa isku hayana waxaan ugu baaqaynaa waar arrinka nabadgelyo ha lagu dhameeyo iyo xasilooni miyirka ha loo soonoqdo ayaan leeyahay”



    Mar la weydiiyey sida ay xukuumada Somaliland u aragto eriga safiirkii u fadiyey Dawlada Jabuutii ayaa waxa uu ku jawaabay wasiirka arrimaha dibada Somaliland Md, C/laahi Maxamed Ducaale “Walaahi arrintani waxay nagu noqotay fajiciso, iyo amakaag, markaa arrintan (Eriga safiirka) waxaan u arkaynay arrin nasiib darro ah wakhtigan xaadirka ah inay arrin tidhaahdo, labada dawladood oo jaara haddii ay wax jiraana waxay ahayd in miiska wada hadalada lagu dhameeyo.Somaliland-na arrintan cilaaqaadka dib u eegis danbe ayey ku sameyndoontaa sida uu noqonayo xidhiidhka mustaqbalka labada dawladood ee Somaliland iyo jabuuti”


    Mar la weydiiday Su’aal ahayd intan kooban ee aad war-saxafadeedkiina ku qorteen ee fajiciso idinku noqotay ka sakow wararku waxay sheegayaan inaan xidhiidhkiinu wanaagsanayn oo xoolo ka dhoofay dekeda Berbera oo sii maray Jabuuti aad ka boodeen oo aad markii danbe xayirteen maraakiibtii miyaanay ahayn inaad cilaaqaadkiinii hoos u dhacay? Isagoo su’aashaa ka jawaabayana waxa uu yidhi “Arrintaa xidhiidh kamaanu yeelan dawlada jabuuti, arrintaasina may ahayn wax ay labada dawladood kawada hadleen oo aanu kawada soconay, laakin sideedaba haddii ay wax jiraan oo kolayba labada dhinac cid wax tabanaysay, in si walaaltinimo ah lagu wada hadlo ayey arrintu ku qumanayd. Jabuutina runtii waxaan jeclayn inay na dhexmaraan Cilaaqaad, mid soo jireena waan lahayn,”Oodi Ab ka dhow””


    Weriye, Mustafe-janaale



  8. Arab League convenes to discuss Somali crisis



    Arab League convenes to discuss Somali crisis


    CAIRO, Dec 27 (KUNA) -- The Arab League (AL) Wednesday held an exceptional meeting at the permanent representatives level to discuss the situation in Somalia.


    Secretary-General of the Arab League Amr Moussa previewed a detailed report of the latest developments in Somalia and Arab efforts to support conciliation and peace talks between the Somali interim government and the Union of Islamic Courts.


    The meeting is expected to produce an Arab action plan to deal with the war in Somalia, in which Ethiopia is officially involved.


    The plan then will be presented to the Arab leaders and to the AL delegation to Addis Ababa to attend a meeting called for by the African Union to discuss the Somali crisis.


    Furthermore, the AL discussed a report that said a number of Arab countries began providing financial support through the 26-million-dollar Somalia Fund, established in accordance with the Algerian Summit's resolution.


    The report added that the AL signed a USD 400,000 grant agreement with the World Health Organization to rehabilitate seven hospitals in several parts in Somalia.


    The report also noted that Saudi Arabia allocated USD 10 million in food products to help flood victims in Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Djibouti through the United Nations World Food Programme.


    The AL meeting was called by Secretary-General Amr Moussa and was headed by Bahrain's Permanent Representative to the AL Ambassador Ibrahim Al-Zawawi. (end) mfm.hw.



  9. U.N. envoy urges cease-fire in Somalia


    Associated Press

    UNITED NATIONS - The top U.N. envoy to Somalia urged the Security Council to demand an immediate cease-fire between Ethiopian forces backing Somalia's weak government and the powerful Islamic militia that has controlled much of the country.


    But the appeal Tuesday from Francois Lonseny Fall, the U.N. secretary-general's special representative to Somalia, failed to produce results.


    The Security Council couldn't agree on a draft presidential statement circulated by Qatar calling for an immediate cease-fire and the withdrawal of all foreign forces, specifically Ethiopian troops.


    Other council members - including the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and African members Ghana and Tanzania - objected to singling out Ethiopia and insisted on talks between the parties and a political agreement to achieve stability before foreign forces withdraw.


    Discussions were to continued Wednesday afternoon.


    Meanwhile, Alpha Oumar Konare, chairman of the African Union Commission, has called a meeting Wednesday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, of the 53-nation AU, the Arab League, and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, a seven-nation East African group, to try to end the fighting and resume dialogue between Somalia's warring parties.


    Fall told an emergency meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday that fighting has expanded across a 250-mile-wide area in Somalia, forcing the U.N. to evacuate and halt assistance to 2 million people in the south and central regions affected by the conflict and recent floods.


    Civilians have been fleeing the fighting and 35,000 new Somali refugees have crossed into neighboring Kenya, he said.


    "Unless a political settlement is reached through negotiations, Somalia, I am afraid, will face a period of deepening conflict and heightened instability, which would be disastrous for the long-suffering people of Somalia, and could also have serious consequences for the entire region," Fall said.


    After Fall's briefing, council members met behind closed doors on Qatar's draft statement, focusing on how to address the issue of foreign forces. Ethiopia remains an especially tricky issue because its troops are there at the invitation of the U.N.-backed Somali government - a point emphasized by State Department spokesman Gonzalo Gallegos.


    Acting U.S. Ambassador Alejandro Wolff said the statement should not focus on any country, calling the situation in Somalia very complex with the Council of Islamic Courts "expanding, threatening neighboring countries, abusing human rights."


    "Ethiopia has been threatened itself. There are other forces inside the country, Eritrea in particular," Wolff said, although Eritrea denies it has troops in Somalia.


    France's U.N. Ambassador Jean-Marc de La Sabliere said "what is important is to have a cease-fire ... and to have a dialogue resuming."


    "It's a war, so the risk of destabilizing the whole region is one concern, and the second one is there is a humanitarian situation, which is very bad," he said. "The only solution is a negotiated solution. Everybody has to work for it."


    The Security Council has backed the transitional government, and on Dec. 6 it authorized an African force to protect the government's beleaguered leaders in the town of Baidoa against the increasingly powerful Islamic militia - but no country has yet offered troops for that force.


    Somalia has not had an effective government since 1991 when warlords overthrew dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then turned on one another. A government was formed two years ago with the help of the U.N., but it has struggled to assert its authority against the Islamic militants.


    Until now, the government has not been able to extend its influence outside Baidoa, where it is headquartered about 140 miles northwest of Mogadishu. The country was largely under the control of warlords until June, when the Islamic militia movement seized control of the capital and much of southern Somalia.

  10. AU says Ethiopian troops should leave Somalia

    27 Dec 2006 14:17:59 GMT

    Source: Reuters



    ADDIS ABABA, Dec 27 (Reuters) - Ethiopian troops waging war against rival Islamists in Somalia should leave the country immediately, the African Union (AU) chief said on Wednesday.


    "We call for the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops without delay," AU chairman Alpha Omar Konare said in a statement. "We appeal for urgent support for the transitional government and the withdrawal of all troops and foreign elements from Somalia."


    Konare urged Somalia's interim government and the Somalia Islamic Courts Union to end all hostilities and resume Arab League-sponsored peace talks that collapsed in Sudan last month.


    He said an AU-led mission planned to visit both sides in Somalia in the coming days.


    After a week of artillery and mortar duels between the two sides that spiralled into open war, Ethiopian-backed government troops were advancing on the Islamists' stronghold Mogadishu.


    Somalia's envoy to Ethiopia said the joint force planned to besiege the capital until the Islamists laid down their arms.

  11. Baashi is right, being neutral is the best option, if one interested to be fair and just


    Anuu waxaan qabaa in dadka iyo dalka Somalia loo hiilayo, oo xabashi la iska ilaaliyo


    Maxkamaduhu dagaal khalad ah bey bilaabeen

  12. How about tribalism? That’s the real threat for Somalia


    So-called Somali leaders like C/Yusuf, Cadde, Riyaale, and Waraabe are loyal servants for Melez of Ethiopia



    Really Somalis have been westernized and Ethiopianized factions in somalia


    peacenow, you think think westerners and Ethiopians love Somalis?


    Using divide and rule tactic to keep Somalis down,


    In fact it’s Ethiopia that uses divide and rule tactic to keep Somali people down, Its Ethiopia that divided Somalia along the clan lines and created mini states like puntland, Somaliland, hiiraanlan, riverland, and jubaland



    So stop your foolishness and hate against your follow Muslim Arab brothers

  13. Nayruus,


    Maxaad ii sheegan


    Labada dhinac wey khaldanyihiin waa run taas


    dagaal looma baahna, xal na maaha


    Somali people are tire of never ending war


    Abdulaahi Yusuf waa warlord awalba kheyr mala heen, Xabashi waligii waa watay wax cusub maaha, dhamaan maamulada ka jira somalia xabashi baa ku lug leeyihiin



    Maxkamaduhu ayana kheyr malaha, ha deeqdo oo wax haa ka qabtaan Mogadishu, marka, kismaayo, Baladweyne iyo 100 magaalo oo kale oo hoosyimada


    Anuu uma arku caqli in 10 fronts la isku furo, kismayo, sakow, baydhabo, iyo mudug



    Ani wax kasta waxaa igaga daran xabashida, waana ka walwalsanahay ciidmada dalka laga soo hogaamiyey magaranayo, goorta ee nagabixi doonaan


    TFG iyo ICU labaduba fursad bey siiyeen xabashida ee ku soo galaan Somalai nasiib daro


    Xabishidu waa sey somali la rabeen



    Anuu waxaan qabaa, in nabad iyo wada hadal lagu dhameeyo


    I was always wary of Cabdulaahi Yusuf, because he is a warlord and colonel which makes him incompetent to lead a nation, let alone the fact that his group is backed by Ethiopia, average Somali has zero tolerance for any Ethiopian connection inside Somalia


    On the other hand, I initially supported and welcomed their defeat of Mogadishu’s notorious warlords. However, I believe the military campaign should end for once, because never ending war is meaningless,


    ICU had a historic opportunity to invite Somali people to Mogadishu to bring peace and reconciliation between Somali people, and engage with other regions like Somaliland and puntland

  14. Garaad and Red Sea,


    Illaahay haa u naxariistu wixii dhintay inta noolna ha toosiyo


    Illaah baa og dhinaca uu ahaa qofkan muslimka ah ee dhintay



    Dhaniyaradan hada ku dhimatay dagaalkan waxba kama duwana kumaakunkii ku dhintay dagaaladii Somalia ka biloobmay 1980s iyo wixii ka danbeeyey



    Its not appropriate to call names the dead, camal kiisi waa xidhmay, rabi baanu udeenanaa xisaabta

  15. Garaad Jaamac waa nin da'yar oo dhaniyara, waxaana nin dhul badan maray oo qurbaha in badan ku noola


    waxuu aaminsanhay nabada iany tahay waxa ugu muhiinsan, midnimada iyo wada noolasha dadka soomaaliyeed uu yahay wax aan sinaba looga maarmeen


    Garaad waxuu dadka u sheegay, in oo siyaasada aanu waxba ku darsaneen,waxaanu u arkaa maamulada siada somaliland iyo puntland wax ku dhisan siyaasad qabiil


    Waxa uu ku duceeyey Illahayna ka baryey inuu somalia nabad, xasilooni, hurumar, midnimo, iyo hogaan fiincan Illahay u sameeyo



    Waxuu dadku kula taliyey inay ka shaqeeyaan waxa umada faa'ido ula sida schools, hospitals


    Wauu dhamaan hogaamiyaasha dhaqanka/issimada soomaaliyeed sida Garaadada, boqorada, suldaanada, iimanada, malaagyada, iyo iwm ku martiqaaday Magaalada Laascaanood 2007, si ee uga tashadaan sidey iskaga kaashaan lahaayeen ka shaqeenta nabada, midnimada, ku dhaqanka shareecada, waxa bulshada wa tara iwm



    Garaad waxuu ila muuqda inuu yahay shakhsiyad ey ka muuqatu diin, wadanimada, iyo karti

  16. Jey


    There is one undisputable fact


    If Somalia is divisible (a real country recognized by all countries and member of United Nations), as well former British Somaliland protectorate is divisible (non-existent and irrelevant currently)



    It is about Somaliland Vs. Somali Proper. Check the topic

    Nin waalan waxaa la yidhi, ninkii la hadlaa waalan


    You still worship your British masters after almost 50 years, wake and smell the coffee, see


    In the real world, there is a country called Somalia, and there is no Somaliland


    I don’t know what Somali proper or land you talking about



    Like it or not, Sool is small region within Somaliland. Yes, you have the rights to be anti Somaliland but that doesn't mean Sool is going any where.



    The reality is Northwest (or what you Somaliland) is a small district within Somalia, You can live in your imaginary world



    I am certain that no one in this world will ever recognize your Hargeysa faction


    Edna aadan baa aqoonsi soo wada, 2003 baana Somaliland la aqoonsanayaa :D


    Hada ma og tahay if I decide to reunite with the south MY SLICE OF THE PIE WILL BE BIGGER THAN YOURS.

    I feeling sorry for you, no has slice for you


    The positions are already filled by people like Buubaa


    Hadii aad rabtid in anu wax kuu garano waa in cudur aad iska soo duweyso,


    Hadaan run sheegasu, raga baad wax la qeybsan laheed maad na noqon laheen nin dudey oo geed isku soo xidhay



    Marka asaaxiib waxaad Somaliya ka halayso anigu kuma waayeye caga dhigo.

    Your clan-militia can’t even afford to build home for your madaxyare Mr. Riyoole (siyaad’s spy), so can leave Morgan’s house





    Ma wax aan jirin baa wax heysta ama la weediyaa, in aadan taam aheen


    Mida kale aan ku weediistay iyo wax aan kaa rabo mid na mijiro, raali baad noqonasaa waad igu soo khaldanatay


    Markaa is qorqorka jooji, oo banaankaaga mar


    Anagu dadkeena wax la qabsanaa, dalkeena Somalia waana deeqa Alhamdulilaah

    Adna Waxaan ku oran lahaa dadkaa iyo dadkaaga dhinac ka raac, cidla haa isdhigin

  17. Illahay haa u nariistu qof kasta ee gacan xaqdaro ku socota ee dishey,


    arrinta siyaasada waxaan leeyahay, deegaan kasta dadka dagen haa u taliyaan


    Northwest dadka dagan hadii ee rabaan inay ka go'aan somalida kale, waa furantahay


    mapka iyo xuduud aan jirin ee gaaladu sawirtay waxba kama jireen weeye


    maanta wax haboon maaha in laga hadlo mustacmaraadkii gaalada


    North central somalia ama ssc hadii ee somaliweyn doorbidayaan waa banaantahay


    Ama dadku haa la dhageestu ama jahwareer haalagu jiro


    Bal si dagaalka, dadka macno la'aan u dhimanaya, dhibaatada u dhaxeesa dadka somaaliyeed haa la nabad galiyo gobol kasta, magaalo kasta, iyo tuula kasta


    Hergeysa iyo Burco nabad ha la siiyo


    Laascaanood iyo Adhicaadeeyana nabad hala siiyo


    Bal si nomads kan qurbaha jooga uga nasteen murankan macnaha laheen iyo cyber warlordism

  18. Red Sea "if Somaliland wants to seperate,then they shouldnt' be bothered by that,since everyone has the right to determine where they want to go and how they want to get there,correct?"

    Red Sea,



    I support the right of people to decide their destiny regardless of their region


    Although I personally believe the unity of Somali people and regions, I respect any region/people who wish to leave the union (Cid la khasbayo ma jirtu )


    Laa ikraaha fidiin


    Adiguna markaa ha odhan SL wax jira ma aha

    Red Sea don't get me wrong, I only have problem Jey’s version of Somaliland


    People of Somaliland have to right to decide for their region, they deserve respect and so is people of North Central Somalia region they also deserve respect and have right to decide for their respective region as well


    I find unacceptable the idea of some secessionist like jey who claim Somaliland is the old and the irrelevant former British Somali colony



    I believe GOLDEN RULE ""Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated."


    Our beloved prophet said in Hadith "No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself"



    Red, the thing is I have problem with the hypocrisy of narrow-minded people like Jey


    Jey"You don’t have to hate one idea in order to like the other...Obviously we can’t get long so why not try the alternative."

    Jey "If las Canod was on the other side of the border we wouldn't be having this conversation "

    In the first statement Jey wants the rest of us to accept his Somaliland,


    in the Second statement, he doesn't want the alternative he suggested himself, you see the doublestandard, he still thinks Ingriis is in Horn of Africa People of Somaliland have to right to decide for their region, they deserve respect and so is people of North Central Somalia region they also deserve respect and have right to decide for their respective region as well


    Hadii ey islamnimadii, somalinimadii, afkii, dhaqankii, taariikhdii iyo kun wax oo kale uun wadaagno aanu ku midoowbi weyney, ma wax Ingriis iyo gaalo kale garteen oo hada taariikh baa na mideenaya? Waa maya jawaabtu, ama si fiican haa loo midoobo ama ha la kala tago


    Lakiin in la dhaho intii ingriis guumeestey dhinac haa iskugu baxaan, intii talyaanina guumeestay dhinac kale haa iskugu baxaan wax la aqbali karo maaha


    Gaalo waanu isku xoreenay, mar danbana marabno inay noo soo dhowaadaan



    Taariikh ka horey iyo mid ka danbeysay isticmaarkii baa jirta