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  1. Safferz, I am in Alberta. I don't really mine the cold but I can't stand the continuous snoww fall. It has been snowing for couple days and getting out of my lot takes a while. Now I might have to purchase winter tires for first time in years of driving in the winter.
  2. ^ ina abti, iyadu ku bilaabin , haduu yarku isdaba qabane lol. Garoobka iyo Doobka faataxada ha loo maro.
  3. it was -43C last Friday but its a lot better tonight only -20C. Adkaysta akhayaarta.
  4. Nicely done, Femme. I retired my loan early thanks to the dirty oil. Those tree huggers can go to hell...
  5. Nagadaaye, Burco waa xaafad iyo badhe...
  6. SJ

    Suxuur Spot

    I left Alberta because iftar is a bit after 10 p.m but the heat in Ontario is just ridiculous. So if you are soem where really sticky yacky have ice cream for sahuur. lol@dooro-khaliifkeey. war habaar qabtada taa kuu karisay waa qolama?
  7. Honestly, iney horta ragga somaliyeed iis weydiyaa, maxaa kaa sii aa - sootani gabdhii kaacararayaa ee isku barereen rag kale. Ragu inay u bareeraan waxaan firkood la'aqoon safar dheer baa u raaca. Hindidaa shidan Dumarka bareeraa suuq la'aan ay ku dambeeyaan garoob xitaa dhaanta ......
  8. lool waxkastaa laga wardoona, waxaan maqlay kuwani $50 bishii baa ku filin laakin inanta qaaradii joogta in tolka oo dhan la biilay rabtaa. Marka raga wax tashiilaa way u gashay:)
  9. Br CD0000, why dont you be a good muslim and respect the wishes of your brother, the father of the girl. Its a shame that you are plotting ways to undermine his decision. way igu riyootaa kulahaa allow sahal amuraha.....
  10. Ayoub, that's a nice site, thanks. Abdullahi Mohamed Almattroot is the best qaari, Mansha Allah.
  11. Duad, according to our tradition, its not proper for a man to seek advice from women. So do not pay any attention to anything that appears before my post. since you are marrying a garoob you are not obligated to pay anything. if you must give, single mothers love Doge Grand Caravan. best wishes saxiib.
  12. Waayihii hore, ninku markuu kibro, cirka buu u kaadshi jiray. Waayahan dambe, naagtu markay kibirto futaday kirca u taagtaa (ama ragay ku taagtaa). Adinku ka roonaado, gacmaha kor u taaga. amin
  13. SJ

    PLayOffs '10

    I hate Lakers. I would throw a house party if they lose to Suns. Not likely but it would be nice to see the under dogs meet in the final, Magin vs Suns. Where is Layzie? Did espn stop paying her for her freelance work?