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Everything posted by Nationalist

  1. Inalillaahi Wa Ina Ileyhi Raji'un. It's sad to see our handful Somali officers being killed like flies in Mogadishu. Some MPs are now even to afraid to leave for Mogadishu within the next two or three weeks. Indeed Duke, it underlines that fact that disarmament by foreign troops is a must. The only people who are against the disarmament by foreign troops are the citizens of Mogadishu, but they do not realise that they lost the chance to prove that foreign troops are not nessecary. Therefore losing any justified argument against Abdullahi Yusuf's call for AU peacekeeping forces. For those who want to see the ill effects of foreign troops, you might be interested in this link: Duke, Windtalker, HornAfrique, Qorshel, Bari Nomad, Orgilaqe and all others. I would like to open a discussion about how to seek to it that foreign troop won't commit any crimes in Somalia. What can we do to prevent crimes, such as the atrocities commited by Canadians, Americans and Belgians to our innocent people? I'm planning to open this thread a week from now or perhaps later.
  2. I've always condemned the policy of the Pland government to fully ignore the displaced refugees from the south in various IDP camps throughout Pland, such as these children from the Boqolka Bush refugee camp in Bosaso. It's a common fact that these refugees of mostly Bantu and Bay&Bakol descent are expected to leave Pland for their homelands in the south, when peace returns in the south, because the Pland government doesn't have the capacity to fully meet the needs of the Planders [better yet they never have build one school or hospital], let alone assist the well being of the refugees. There should be an NGO that provides recreation such as sports, art etc. to help these poor children get off the streets.
  3. You think that the Col isn't deeply involved with the affairs concerning Pland, just because he's located elsewhere? It's not as if the Col is watching this matter powerless or that he's preoccupied. That would be very naïve.
  4. Fyr Kanten, are you actually saying in a nutshell if I'm correct. That it's worse to receive welfare checks than blatantly lying to get a refugee status as an opressed Bajuni, while being a minister of Sland? war kaftanka naga daa sxb!
  5. Very good news. Time will tell if this heshiis is the last one.
  6. Hiran's development is going unnoticed for many people. I think that's a shame and therefore I opened this thread about Hiran. Looking at Hiran and it's turbulent location, Galgudud and Southern Mudug should be ashamed of itself. Kudos to Hiran!
  7. Absolutely splendid, my man. You made me feel like I was in Somalia at this very moment. This picture is very cool and slick: Thank you very much Ambassador.
  8. Eid Mubarak and I wish you all BashBash and Barwaaqo!
  9. Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo mas’uuliyiin kale oo ka hadlay munaasabaddii ciidda ee Boosaaso Boosaaso-20.January.2005 Waxaa maanta salaaddii ciida weyn ee Ciidul Adxa ay dadweynuhu ku tukadeen isuguna soo baxeen garoonka kubadda cagta ee magaalada Boosaaso, dad gaaraya kumaanaan iyo kumanaan oo isugu jira bulshada qaybeheeda kala duwan. Munaasabaddii Ciidda Adxa ee saaka ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay mas’uuliyiin sa-rsare oo ka tirsan dawlad goboleedka Puntland, culimaa’udiin si weyn looga yaqaan gobollada Puntland. Madaxweynaha dawlad goboleedka Puntland, Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi ayaa maanta hadal dhinacyo badan taabanaya ka jeediyey munaasabaddaasi oo ahayd markii ugu horreysey ee uu meel fagaare ah kala hadlo dadka tan iyo intii loo doortay xilka madaxweynenimo siddeeddii bishan January. Gen. Cadde Muuse ayaa sheegay in mudnaanta kowaad uu siinayo nabadgelyadan isagoo si goonni ah u xusay amaandarri soo wajahdey magaalooyinka ganacsiga Puntland ee Boosaaso iyo Gaalkacyo, wuxuna sheegay in maalmihii ugu dambeeyey magaalada Gaalkacyo lagu diley 14 qof kuwaas oo aan cidna loo qaban, iyadoo sidoo kalena magaaladan Boosaaso ay ka dhaceen dilal wallow booliiska Boosaaso ay qaybtood gacanta ku dhigeen hawlo xagga maanka wax lagaga qabanayona ay haatan ku jiraan taas oo uu madaxweynuhu ku amaanay, wuxuuna madaxweynuhu ballan qaaday in qofkii qof dila la dili doono, wax mag layiraahdona aan la qaadan doonin, haddii la waayo qofkii wax dileyna qoyskiisa loo qaban doono. Waxaa kale oo uu madaxweynuhu ku dheeraaday arrimaha bulshada kuwaas oo uu ku tilmaamay kuwa ka hooseeya heerkii ay ahayd in ay gaaraan amaba ay bulshadu uga fadhidey maamulka. Mar uu ka hadlayey dhinaca dhaqaalaha, Waxaa uu madaxweynuhu tilmaamay in uu la kulmay intii uu safarrada ku kala bixinayey goobaha ciidammada qaybtood, mid ka mid ah saraakiisha ciidanka oo warbixin siiyey madaxweynuhuna uu u sheegay in ciidanka uu gacanta ku hayo ay dhan yihiin 3,500,000 oo askari, balse markii aan u kuur galay buu yiri ay noqdeen 1,300,000 oo askari, taas oo tilmaameysa in mas’uuliyiinta qaybtood ay ku tagri falaan dhaqaalihii lagu aaminey. Waxaa kale mas’uuliyiintii munaasabaddan hadalka ka jeedisey ka mid ahaa; Wasiirka diinta iyo awqaafta, Barkhad Cali Saalax oo sheegay in uu si weyn ugu faraxsan yahay munaasabaddan ay ku kulmeen shacabka iyo mas’uuliyiinta Puntland., isaga oo ku hadlaya magaca madaxweynaha Puntland, waxaa farriin ku aadan hambalyada ciidda u diray shacabweynaha Puntland. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Bari, Yuusuf Maxamed Wacays (Dhedo) ayaa isna ka mid ahaa mas’uuliyiintii ka hadlay munaasabaddaas, wuxuna warbixino kala duwan siiyey madaxweynaha Puntland isagoo sheegay in nabadgelyada magaalada Boosaaso ay maalmahan kicinayeen waxna u dhimayeen xasiloonida magaalada kuwaas oo la magac baxay (Ciyaal Faaycali). Guddoomiyuhu waxa kale oo uu ku nuux nuuxsaday in gobolka Bari ay liidato kaabayaasha waxbarashada iyo caafimaadka, isagoo dawladda dhexe ka codsaday in umuurtaasi il goonni ah lagu eego. Mr. Dhedo, waxaa kale oo uu tibaaxay badgariirkii tsunami oo uu sheegay in dadkii ay masiibadaasi ku habsatay ay mudan yihiin gargaar iyo gacan siin, waxanu ganacsatada ka codsaday in ay u ugu deeqaan dadkaasi sida ugu dhakhsaha badan. Waxaa kale oo xusid mudan, in Munaasabadda Ciidda Boosaaso, dadweynaha halkaasi kula tukadey Abwaanka weyn ee C/qaadir Xirsi Yamyam oo beryahan booqasho ku joogey deegaannada Puntland gaar ahaan magaaladan Boosaaso. Abwaanku waxaa uu munaasabaddii ciidda ka soo jeediyey maanso uu dadka kula hadlayo oo uu ugu magac daray (Bacrin), taas oo isugu jirtey, duco, baraarujin iyo adkaynta nabadgelyada, wuxuna abwaanku suugaantiisa ku sheegay in ay farxad u tahay in uu dadweynaha iyo mas’uuliyiinta Puntland gaar ahaan magaalada Boosaaso la ciido isagoo kula dardaarmay shacabka in nabadgelyada ay adkeeyaan taas oo buu yiri iney horseedi karta midnimo iyo qarankii Soomaaliyeed oo soo noqda. Ugu dambtayntii munaasabaddan oo ahayd mid si wada jir ah loo oogey ayaa shacbiga magaalada Boosaaso waxaa ka muuqanayey farxadda maalinimada ciidda ah iyagoo isugu tahniyadaynayey Ciid Wanaagsan. Waxaa iyana kaalin weyn oo muuqata ku lahaa munaasabaddii ciidda haweenka magaalada Boosaaso oo camiray dhinaca dambe ee garoonka kubadda cagta si ay salaadda ciidda u tukadaan. Dumarku waxay badiyaa daadahsanayeen carruur yar yar oo si qurxoon loogu soo lebbisey si ay u muujiyaan maalinta weyn ee faraxadda Ciidda Adxa. waxaa haweenka si gaar ah loogu sameeyey albaab weyn oo ay ka baxaan kana soo galaan garoonka kubadda cagta si aan ragga iyo dumarku isugu ciriiryin. Dhinaca amaanka waxaa suggidda nabadgelyada ka qayb qaadanayey tobannaan iyo tobannaan ka tirsan ciidanka booliiska magaalada Boosaaso, si ay amaanka iyo xasiloonida u ilaaliyaan, iyaga oo hubinayey isla marksaana gacanta ku hayey dhaqdhaqaaqa gaadiidka ka baxaya iyo kuwa soo geliya garoonka kubadda cagta. Madaxweynaha Punttland, Cadde Muuse Xirsi ayaa kala qayb galay kumannaan dadka reer Boosaaso ah tukashadii salaadda Ciidul Adxa, oo maanta laga oogey isaatiyamka weyn ee magaaladan Boosaaso, waxanu si taxadar leh u dhegeysaneyey khudbadda culimada. Maxamuud Faarax Bile Source: Stay tuned for more!
  10. Ok you're right, I called him field nigger. But that was a mistake. I mean house nigger.
  11. Juba, I didn't call him a field nigger. I called him a house nigger.
  12. I hate the word dhaanyeer. My father used to call me that when I was in trouble again. But I noticed that white people crack up when they hear the word "dhuuso" especially 'dh'. Funniest sounding word in the Somali vocabulary.
  13. Originally posted by Bari_Nomad: quote:Originally posted by wiil_duco: I have a dream that four point five clans will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Lol
  14. Yes and that house nigger is the personal butler for the Bush family from sr to jr. He will jump into any war, wether Somalia or Iraq. As long as Uncle Tom can get his medals of his master. Lol about the Abdullahi Yusuf part. You seem to have issues with the man.
  15. Yes indeed Qorshel. I too am from the Malcolm X wing. Dr King was just a field nigger to me. When somebody slaps you, don't turn the other cheeck. Send him to the cemetary! That's my favourite quote of Malcolm and probably the most extremist. The crooked Nation of Islam bended it to killing one who slaps you. But from the Islam it's originally. They probably turned it up a notch to scare the daylights out of white suburbia. When someone slaps you don't turn the other cheeck. Slap him twice or twice as hard.
  16. Lol you can't fool me. I checked out the source and it clearly gives me the impression that these circus boys are in Hargeisa. Burao Loser! Now if every place had the same style wouldnt that be abit boring? Besides, Italian architecture is lagging behind in the modern day. I agree. For instance Bosaso's buildings have a unique style called Bender Qaasim [former name of Bosaso]. It started out modest, but construction and real-estate companies started to exploit the concept to win more clients/buyers.
  17. Northerner, ninyahow I've seen so many pictures of hargeisa and Bosaso that I can work their as cabdriver who knows where everything is. Burao and galkayo should step up some gas on the dacaayad department, they are both scolded as Geeljire by the other two.
  18. Dhulka Somalida ee Itoobiya Ka Taliso oo laga Mamnuucay Isticmaalka Shilinka Soomaaliga Jig Jiga-17.January.2005 Wararka ka imaanaya dhulka Soomaali Galbeed ee Itoobiya ka Taliso ayaa sheegaya in gabi ahaanba deegaanadaas laga mamnuucay Isticmaalka lacagta shilinka Soomaaliga. Joojinta Isticmaalka lacag Soomaaliga ayaa horey waxaa amar ugu soo rogey is maamulka Soomaalida ee deegaankaas iyo waliba Dawlada dhexe ee dalka Itoobiya waxayna u dhaqan galeysay si tartiib tartiin ah, balse haatan ayaa la sheegay in shilika Soomaaligu uu deegaanadaas ka noqdey xaashida oo kale oo aysan cidna wax ku gadan. Ma jirto sabab rasmi ah oo lagu sheegay sababaha deegaanadaas caqiibo beelka looga dhigey shilinka Soomaaliga, waxaase la sheegay in ay ugu wacan tahay shilinka Soomaalida oo qiimo beel ku dhacey, iyo Lacago sharci daro ama Faalso oo dhulka Soomaali galbeed uga soo jabey deegaanada kale ee Soomaalida. Warku wuxuu intaasi ku darayaa in arimaha kale ee qiimo beelka ka dhigey lacagta Soomaalida ay ka mid yihiin shaqaalaha Dawlada, Ganacsatada waa weyn iyo Dadka lacagaha dibadaha looga soo diro oo dhamaantood isticmaala lacagta Birta ee Itoobiya, taasina ay keentay in Isticmaalka lacagta Soomaalida ay ku koobnaatey Dadka danyarta oo markii dambe qaatey go’aankii Maamulka iyo in ay ka guuraan adeegsiga shilinka Soomaaliga. Qof ku sugan Magaalada Jig Jiga ee Dhulka Soomaalida Itoobiya ka taliso oo codsadey inaan Magaciisa la sheegin ayaa Idaacada SBC u sheegay in hada uu jiro jahwareer aad u wayn oo ku aadan habka loo isticmaalayo lacagta Birta, taasi oo Dadka ku keentay inay qaab ay wax ugu gataan lacagta Birta ee haatan sida rasmiga ah uga dhaqan gashey deegaanada Soomaalida Galbeed. SBC News Desk Source: This process was going on for a long time. I witnessed that the useless Birr currency in Galkayo's money exchange market is on the rise, because of it. Businessmen there connected to Wardheer, Godey and Jigjiga cannot easily do business anymore without the Birr like it used to for decades. This is part of a gradual process of the subjugation of the Somali Ethiopians by the Habash. It looks like the loss of our Dire Dawa to Addis Ababa and many districts absorbed by the Oromo region were just a start.
  19. I see Northerner. I assumed the brick patrons were a general style sort of adopted by Western influences. I believe there is a lot of experimenting going on with styles and if we continue to do so, it will be a matter of time till we see grand Buulo palaces like those in the Safari resorts in Kenya and Tanzania.
  20. How come all the walls surrounding the houses from Hargeisa to Garowe all have those strange curvy patrons on it? Does it have something to do with British influence on our modern day architecture or merely because there are plenty of rocks? I've seen it in Garowe and I find it quite ugly. It should be one paste like in Mogadishu and Bosaso whom clearly derive their mediterranian style from Italy.
  21. Qorshel and Bari Nomad, this was another report from Haafuun from the same reporter Ahmed Kismayo.