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Posts posted by ReccomendMe

  1. Originally posted by Malika:

    quote:Originally posted by ReccomendMe:


    Alshabaab wexee soo dhajiyeen that women on their period days should wear red socks! Maxaa kajira ? I wonder what the purpose of that is. H

    mm. Tani sigisaan cas bee wadataa and............?


    ,astagfirullah! I laughed hard- Ta' Reccommend.


    Honestly,who comes up with these rumours
    Walle sidaa baan maqle. Waa la yaab kuwaani. Naagihi baa dhar kala nooc eh oo kala tilmaamayo loo xere. Midi gabar eh waa inee nooc gaar ah xirato, Tani laqabo nooc kale, mida divorcee da eh nooc gaar eh. widow another colour,..Maxee karabaan habluhu? Ma iyagaa rabo inee kala door doortaan. Bisinka

  2. The woman wearing the purple jalbaab in the second last picture should get a bigger jilbaab. Kaas wuu ku yara dhagan yahay :D ..


    Alshabaab wexee soo dhajiyeen that women on their period days should wear red socks! Maxaa kajira ? I wonder what the purpose of that is. H

    mm. Tani sigisaan cas bee wadataa and............?

  3. Indhahayga miyaa mise waxaan ujeedaa some posters mentioning their adimiration for the sister. Bisinka, Waa gabar xadka kadhacdee ee Allaha soo hanuunsho. Iyada iyo wiswaaskaas kuwada jiraan . Aaamin kudara! :D

  4. Balotelli was born and raised in Italy, He was adopted and raised by Bresciani family from a young age. He only knows Italian , has never been to Ghana. doesn't know anything about his family. All he's known in almost his entire life is Italians and Italy. I don't blame him if he doesn't feel like playing for Ghana. He obviously feel more Italian than Ghanian

  5. Originally posted by Tahaani:

    Ladies, I need your thoughts.


    I have been so deeply caught up in love with a man for the past year and a half that it hurts. He is truly an angel and a prince amongst men. I cant even begin to explain how wonderful he is and how fortunate I feel to even know him let alone be the girl he wants to marry. Problem is he lives in another country, far, far away from me.


    Now I have always been a believer in love and taking chances but as its getting closer to the decision time, I feel like it was all just a fantasy. I start to hyperventilate at the thought of moving accross the world and leaving my family, friends, career, city and basically everything I am. But I also know that I would be miserable if he wasnt in my life. The worst part is, he cant move to my home city because of the type of work he's in.


    Question, has anyone here ever moved cities for someone they love? if so, did you regret it or was it the best decision you ever made?


    Is anyone planning on moving and how did you make that decision?

    Asc, what kind of work does he do that he CANNOT leave? Is he physically glued to the workplace? If he's in education it's understandable and he must finish his studies..


    Your career and being around your loved ones is just as important to you.


    Yaan war kugu bal pray salaatul Istikhaara several times..say the du'a and May Allah guide you to the right decision! smile.gif

  6. Paul 'predicted' Spain to win the final on Sunday! :D


    He also predicted a German win on Saturday against Uruguay. He hovered over the Uruguay box before opening the German one. He dicided to play it safe as he doesn't want to end up in a sushi bar :D

  7. Originally posted by Malika:

    Your here dear,no need to ask anyone to recommended you..Lol


    Welcome to SOL.

    Thanx luv. That's the name I came up with when all of my previous attempts to register proved futile

  8. Lol NGONGE


    Waa maalin jimce dee, salaatul jimca and visiting qaraabada :D ....and where does it say I'm a HE? Don't remember filling in the profile details


    The Octopus Paul in a German acquarium that has predicted all of Germany's wins and losses has predicted Spain to win on Sunday :D Fingers crossed his prediction is right. Not that I'm a great fan of Spain..but it's high time the underachievers got a WC



    After Paul accurately picked Spain to beat Germany in the semi-final, some Germans called for a public roasting of the oracle octopus. Newspapers and websites were filled with suggestions on how to cook and eat him!


    Security at the acquarium has been tightened as some football fans are out to get the poor cephalopod.

  9. waad mahadasantihiin dhamaan for the warm welcome :D . Kool_kat haa sister, somaaligu waan aqaan allxamdullilah :D


    Speaking of footie Viva Espana :D Was rooting for them against the krauts and now against the kaaskops:D

  10. Asalaama Caleykum,


    I've been trying to register with SOL for sometime now. Apparently you need a member to recommend you. How do I talk to the members in the first place?!

    After many tries I finally got accepted through the "cafis" program. Danbiyaal badan waan gale laakin SOL mid aan ka gale maba xasuusto :D


    Not a forum person but looking foward to having my say in the caano geel threads :D:D