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Everything posted by Cali_weyne
Balsam,the answers to ur questions are within you.So my sister,seek and you shall find:)
Qoslaaye, waxaan ku idhi.. suuragal ma tahay in adiga laftaadu aanad haysan "all the information" uu midkoodna ku siinayn xaqiiqdu say tahay ama mid waliba suu u arko arrinta kuu sheegayo.Adigu waxoogaa baadhitaan samee.Waxay iila muuqataa inay labadooduba sax isku arkaan laakiin ayna garanayn khaladkooda.Waxaan kuu soo jeedin lahaa inaad soo ogaato waxa ugu weyn ee dhibka keenaya oo aan ahayn waxa iyagu kuu sheegayaan.((The truth always lies somewhere in the middle.When u find what the problem is,then,go from there))
This alcoholic dude was reflecting about drinking alcohol. He goes:------ Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say to myself, 'It is better that I drink this beer and let their dreams come true than to be selfish and worry about my liver.' --------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\\\\\ ALCOHOL WARNING WARNING: consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not. WARNING: consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing like a TOTAL "***** " !. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell the same boring story over and over again until your friends want to SLAP YOU IN THE FACE. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe that ex-lovers are dying for you to telephone them at 4am. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may leave you wondering what the hell happened to your trousers. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may make you think you can logically converse with other members of the opposite sex without spitting. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may make you think you have mystical Kung Fu powers. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may cause you to roll over in the bed the next morning and see something really scary. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may create the illusion that you are tougher, handsomer and smarter than some really, really big guy named FRANZ. WARNING: consumption of alcohol will lead you to believe fat ugly people appear slim and attractive. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may lead you to think people are laughing WITH you. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may cause an influx in the time-space continuum, whereby small (and sometimes large) gaps of time may seem to literally disappear.
Bismilaahi Raxmaani Raxiim Ilaahay ha nagu waafajiyo oo qalbigeena ha u jeediyo xagga ilaahay.Raxma, that was great dear sis.. allaha kaa abaal mariyo
ladnaan lama xejinkaro!!!..(sheeko gaaban)
Cali_weyne replied to mangalool's topic in News - Wararka
Bismilaahi raxmaani raxiim, Adeer Mangalool waad mahadsan tahy. Hadii Eebahay idankeeda leeyahy, waxad i soo xasuusiyay oo aad dib iigu celisay caruurnimadaydii.Sheekadan waxaa ii sheegtay eedaday markaan 10 jir ahaa.((Thanks again for taking me back to my childhood memories)).Ta kale,nin mustaqbal ku leh xaga wax qorida yaad u eegtahy. xagaa ka sii wad:) -
Noloshu xiiso ma yeelateen Hadayna Gabdhhu rag haysan ,raguna gabdho haysan.waxaa jira arrimo yara qallafsan oo dabeecadeena iyo Biologikena ka mid ah oo qofku waxba uuna ka qaban karayn. (Forexample,women are moody certain time of the month and they irritate their husbands or brothers etc.and obviously, it is not something they can change.It's part of their biology.For my self, i guess i can say i can live with women's moodiness though it causes me stress and anxiety.Despite all that,they give me pleasure and comfort,etc <<"Naago u samir ama ka samir!!>>>>
why men wants to get 4wifes and make exuses like god let us
Cali_weyne replied to 2Cute's topic in General
Sis, it looks like u been hanging around with the wrong men.some sisters are blaming all men cuz they have met with someone who has no respect for his women.One bad apple can spoil the whole basket.For me,I am against poligamy.It is not good for the man,kids and the wife in both emotionally and financially. how did this practice came to existence? I have this friend who is a slam-scholar told me that the Prophet Mohamed created this ruling that men should have four wives because there were shortage of men at that time.Many of Phophet's men died because of the fighting goin on at that time.As a result,many widows needed to be taken care of plus the population was declining. -
Sis, Listening to your instinct is the best u can do for urself.You know when u comfortable and when u not.Some ppl make mistakes early in their lives cuz of peer pressure.So,Listen that voice inside you and it will never let u down:)
Allah saved you that day for a reason.you only know why..it is in you girl.. when u find out u will be more happier than u are now...Keep in mind im not preaching to u just sharing th little i know.
It is a fact that women are generally more likely to accept new Ideas and values,including new cultures...Marka,dumarka, khaas ahaan gabdheena,siday aniga ila tahay,waxyay u aqbalaan dhaqamada shisheeyahay si fudud marka la barbar dhigo ragga. Taasina ma aha inay xun yihiin ama daciif yihiin.Micnaheedu waa "ragga iyo dumarku way kala duwan yihiin sidaaasaana loo abuuray"..arrintu waxay isugu soo biyo shubanaysaa sidii sister Aamiineh sheegtay... ppl "Has" to constantly change whether it is a women or men so they can survive!!!!!
It is my understanding somali women have changed their appetite in men.what i mean is when we were back home women wanted A fat balded-man from "carabaha" with money of course(good-provider And Now their priority is.... a man with lots of muscles a very romantic dude a man who walks like micheal Jackson a man with a style.. which i don't know what it is and more and more what they gona say Next?? Hablow maxaad soo wadataan?
Answering ur question. sis, It is a man's world..it has been this way for centuries and i think it gona continue this way.That is the way things are.These gifts and movie tickets are not free though.99% of men expect something from women.Some of them want your friendship,others want sexual favors and some others want you to be their mistress etc. As a result most women suffer from low self-confidence. That is the negative side of letting someone pays ur way!!
dadaw anigu yaabaye dadkaan ma soomali,ba mise waa qoomyad,kale
Cali_weyne replied to BOB's topic in General
Buumaaye, adeer arrintan aad ka hadlayso ee qiimaynta Af-Somaligu waa mid meesha ku jirta haboona.Markaan u fiirsado sababta dadku ay Ingriis ugu qaraan maqaaladooda waa dhowr sababood: 1)wax la yidhaa "Peer pressure" ama Qayrkaa ku dayasho 2) iyo dad af somaligoodu saa u wanaagsanayn oo ay ingriiska doorten I.W.M. Aniga laftaydu waxaan ku jira qolada hore oo ah "Doqoni Dhaan Raacday". Si kastaba ha ahaate waxaa jirta hees somaliya oo ka hadlaysa arrintan iyada ah. Qofkii xassuusan ba xasuusane..Waatan soo socota: "Af Qalaad aqoontu miyaa? Maya Maya Waa Intuu Qof Kale Hirgashaa siday nala tahay anagee Ma ogtahay dib Looma abuura Dadkee!.......... -
Qoslaaye, u sound like a brother who is high on Qaat.These numbers and statistics u throwing like a card don't make sense.You need to back up ur assertion and tell us where u got these numbers? if i were you i wouldn't say these unless I know what I am talking about. For instances,u said "somalis are first in abortion in MN,Second in AIDS,first in Divorce. These are statistics from someone with a special agenda. Some ppl may believe these kind of stuff without thinking. Finally,I am sure ur intentions are good but these numbers are misleading and don't make sense.
Brother, First of all, I am very suspcious why you are so in a hurry to marry this sister. I hope there is no hidden motives on ur part.. I said so because U never told us why u can't wait until she accepts or rejects your proposal.anyway wish u good luck But Somalidu waxay tidhaa"Deg-deg kuma gaadhsiiyo deegaan barwaaqa ah"
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