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Everything posted by Xalimopatra
Firstly most of these skin bleach users are grown women no?I used to pity them but now I say do your thing its your skin just dont come crying to me when you have side effects..... Anyways the only issue I have is with some of the people in our society suffering from the s.complex issue and shaqo la'an too boot=Recipe for disaster..........Ok my baby sister girl(cousin) went to visit Somalia a couple of years ago after we suffered the loss of her mother(Allahu u naxaristo my dear aunt)she was about 13 at the time.....So she went back home and stayed there for 4 months.When she returns not only has her skin tone changed but it's lost it's radiance and she has patches blotched over her face She explained to us that the girls back home told her it was a good,decent cream that would make her look beautiful and such.....I mean she was only 13!Now 3 years down the line she still uses the creams,not because she likes it but because she HAS to!As most people know if you use skin bleaching products for a considerable amount of time you cant just stop it whenever you wish otherwise your skin will look uneven ect ect..... Good God what is up with these women?I mean if you want to use it for YOUR own personal usage then fine,but I think tricking young girls into using it is SICK full stop.... :mad:
My mouth is watering.... Dior......possibly the most elaborate and over the top Fashion house of all time lol kidding.J'adore Dior Chanel...My favourite Fashion house of all time.So classy and timeless.....ahh! http://www.voguegioiello.net/01gio/0410/0800/8988img1.jpg
Waa yaab......lol
Hey dhamaan, I couldn't look through all the old posts so I just decided to make a new thread. I know most of us know a few heeso here and there and then there are those pros :eek: :cool: So could we help each other out? Request and share? I have been recommended that site somalilyrics.com but it doesn't have the songs I'm looking for...Specifically Zaynab Laba dhagax..I heard it in a aroos a few weeks back and nobody I know knows the album it's from or the title of the song... :confused: Ok it goes something like this (me thinks lol) 'Sidaad ii ogeyd adiga mooye rag baa ilaawey'.. a name to this song and any lyrics would be VERY much appreciated.....Thanks Nomads....
Warrior marks by Alice.W for the 2nd time!
Happy B-Day Bob Insha'Allah may Allah(swt) bless&protect you for many years to come.......amiin!
Afromalic..No your not getting what am saying at all.Listen..back home we had our neighbourhoods where everyone looked out for each other kids and knew what was going down...THAT right there is whats beautiful about living in your own society. But alas alot of us are displaced around the world away from home and the Reer Badiye mentality(you make it sound like it's a bitter taste on the tongue)does NOT conicide with this western society..Some foreign parents are too trusting in this warped society.Sometimes even letting their kids go stay over other peoples houses and the like because it was what they were used to when in all honesty they need to learn how to adapt and they also need awareness.....I hope you get my point walaal because you seem like you think I am belittling my beloved Xalimos and Faraxs when you couldn't be more further from the truth.... A_Ladiif&st paul&Hibo your right and keep that optimism shining! Checkmate...Thanks saxiib....I concur with your valid points.'' Taking the time to actually talk to your kids about world, culture, religion, etc related issues''...That's so true..My aabo used to read to us and watch the news with us and although I used to think it was a bore then I couldn't be more grateful to my father for inspiring my love for humanities.... I will get back soon Insha'Allah must dash....Waasalaam
Salaams people, The way children turn out is based first and foremost on the parenting and upbringing that they have recieved.Self-control does not happen automatically or suddenly within the child. Infants and toddlers need parental guidance and support to begin the process of learning self-control.The signs of self-control usually begins to show by age six.Dhalinyaro experimentation and rebellion may occur,but most pass through this period and become responsible adults.Especially if they had good early training. I have seen alot of hyper-active displaced Somali kids.Alot of them stayed at home alot during their early years(No playgroup,nursery ect) and their parents would not take them to do activities outside.Just being cooped up at home all day long.By the time they reach reception(kindergarden for you yanks) they are loud,violent,dont know how to share with other kids ect.Familarity and lack of awareness(Reer Badiye mentality that hasn't adapted to this screwed up western society) is a reason why some mothers and fathers can not help their kids with their education&principles.We need to raise awareness within the community of displaced western Somalis about how to adapt their parenting because we ARE residing in a different society.Explaining to them that things like taking them out to the park or local playcentre ect in the early years can keep the kiddies entertained and inturn relaxed and less aggravated. There are only a few parents who dont hit their kids and use their voice or emotional blackmail to discipline them. My parents used this approach and my siblings and I were relatively quiet,conscious children.Just the thought of disappointing my mother stopped me from doing naughty things.A slap on the hand/bum when necessary was the last resort and hooyo hardly ever used it. There are people who practically beat their kids up.They need to understand that there is a fine line between discipline and mental/physical abuse. I have seen many parents who continually hit their kids and the kids are so used to it that they sometimes laugh back or just recover after 2 minutes and are back to doing whatever it was that got them into trouble.Continually beating the living daylights out of your kids is NOT effective in the long run....They need to be able to speak to their children and give them the attention that they are sometimes crying out for.A little conversation here or reading to/with them goes a long way. I'm starting to see SOME of our generation raising beautiful,well adapted and socially consious kids Masha'Allah.There are still those parents who need a little guidance and awareness...Lets keep up the good work up and do our parents proud.Kids need both role models..Both hooyo and aabo.Please be there for your kids men..Anyways dhamaan I wish you all the best with your future/current offspring I hope to see future Doctors,Lawyers,business people,entrepreneurs ect Insha'Allah Q....
Thanks for all your replies people...All brought a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. Another thing about Somalis(linked in with emerald's post about our language)is the labels that we tag one another based on physical attributes... Examples; -Cawar..one eye -Nafyar,caato or lafolafo......Skinny -Gacanlow..Missing arm/one arm -Dhego dheere..long ears -Suuleey....one thumb ect ect I would NEVER contemplate addressing one of these terms to say,a British anglo-saxon.They would be in shock and dismayed LooL :eek: &would think I was insensitive and cruel. Funny thing is the Somali person who is coined one of these labels responds with no imbarassment...Happy go-lucky-people our Somalis are walle <-----Trying to figure out who DraGon is...hmmm..Yes this is I Quruxley from S'Net :cool:
That is so true walaal..When qabiil means nothing and helping your fellow Somali is all that counts. I also love the way we are all supposedly related.There isn't a day that goes by when I have been introduced to a new relative by my hooyo..''Soo dhawoow hooyo...kalay eedoda soo salaam'' LooooooL.Even though they are my 5th cousin's neighbour's wife .My gaalo friends used to be in awe when I introduce a fellow brother/sister as my cousin..''So how are you all related''..bey kulaha....Now they know the drill. I love our people... BTW Have a loofli weekend efri baadi!!!!!!
Masha'Allah mabruuk sister... I like the name Jihan/Jehan...Means heavenly place or something if I remmeber correctly...
Hey people just wanted to share some thoughts with you all....... I love being Somali.Especially when there's family over,weddings and Eids(I know Eid is for all of those that follow the right path of Islam,but I mean I our cunto,dhaqaan ect). I've noticed that there are things displaced Somalis consider imbarassing or annoying about our people and culture,but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not trying to discriminate against other cultures because everyone and everything is different and that's the beauty of this world. I'm just sharing my love and being proud. This post is just a shout out to all my fellow Somalis and landers cause I love you all regardless of qabiil. People just share your good memories and experiences that have made you proud to be Somali.Even things that associate with your culture that you love. Also any Djiboutians or Eriteans feel free to reply.The more posts the better.I'm intrigued to find out more about you guys... I'll go first.I love the dirac,the way it's so comfortable,effortless and still so beautiful.I'm sure the sisters feel me on this one.... Caano geel iyo jaceyl....Your proud sister Q