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Everything posted by Xalimopatra

  1. juxa! ,good to see you back walaashis thanks so much for your words.I will find my juicy tube and apply it immediately!Hug back to you Dahia & Layla Hey ladies, thanks for the replies and I agree with the both of you. "The important thing is to remember Allah and lean on him and things will eventually get better insha;allah." True!I remember Allah SWT through the good times also and I feel that is just as important too as most only reach out to the almighty when something has gone wrong. Val You're right.Skin's getting thicker though isn't it? Fahiye Lol!They're the cutest little group, those girls.
  2. I know a couple of the heads of QMUL Somali Society and was invited to attend via facebook but couldn't attend y'day.I heard it went great and two people who spoke recieved a standing ovation
  3. ^ Ilahay baa og! Lakiin in my case the early years when ayeeyo was home whilst hooyo&aabo went to work were great.It's only when ayeeyo left the country and I started Nursery that my af Soomaali went downhill.It's alot better now due to persistent practice, more confidence because people are correcting me(not mocking me) and investing more time/interest in reading articles and listening to songs, and ofcourse SNET back in the days!Lool you NEVER forget afka hooyo, it justs takes a neglected back seat which should never be the case walle! I dont have a problem with people's lack of speaking lakiin waxaan ka yaaba are the ones who pretend to be a different race.How many times have I seen someone telling to a ajnabi that they are some other race and not Soomaali. A time that sticks out to me was back in High School this Somali girl joined who told all the ajnabis she was Jamaican/Irish iyo wax kale probably not knowing there was gabadh Soomaaliyeed in her new school.When I was told of this beautiful new 'mixed race' girl dee I went and introduced myself iyo waan salaamey....in Af Soomaali!Dee wey isku naxdey inaanta!Wallahi waa yaab by the time it got to the end of high school it was suddenly cool to be Soomaali(or she had no choice because our families became acquainted!)
  4. Lol @ the topic. I have photographic memory and I swear it's so gay sometimes because I remember how many times a guy wears the same shirt,pair of shoes even trousers ect.There is something really unnerving about a guy who boasts about his dress sense/originality and you're left wondering where it is?Lool
  5. Loooool OMG that was funny to read, I swear ayeeyo baan arkey in you! Wallahi ruunti I cannot change my number/email/mutual friends but I can change how I percieve it(I will ignore all the attempts) and improve my patience.In all honesty when I look at it, it is just a way for them to evoke a reaction from me.An annoying game to mess me up. I have not tripped up so far & will not give in Insha'Allah....whilst I have Soomaali blood pumping through my veins! Araweelo was a 7th great aunt twice removed anyways so I will seek that side!Lool Edit:I've learnt ALOT about myself walle.
  6. Hey girls! Pucca How are you? Planning in other words is procrastination!Lakiin hurry it up along and get it over and done with sistergirl...the procrastination is the hardest part I swear!You'll wonder why it took you so long afterwards Ghanima Lol no way sis!My brother is moving to the States on Friday and it's been a rather busy time for me asides that!Alhamdulilah for everything though I adore you and will treat you to some chocolate cake asap, expect a call from me tomorrow Insha'Allah ! Val A decade is a long time.It still tugs there at the ol'heart strings though doesnt it?Despite the walking away everytime you see/hear the person's name it's slightly painful.I hope to be like you and cut more of my losses Insha'Allah. Puuja Spring cleaning!I love that wallahi!I'm going to make a bumper sticker with that on it. Nepht Hug back to you sis, thanks for the encouraging words. What do you do when the person you cut off it trying everything imaginable to get back in your life?I feel like my patience is being tested! Umu-Z Wow this is so freaky, I had a huge shock about my best friend just before her wedding.Sad that it took 7 years of friendship for me to see the 'real' her. What's even worse?During our time of seperation she completely 360'd her wedding down to the T of how I always envisioned my own whilst we were growing up I mean literally down to my favourite flowers!Lol.....my fam were like why did you tell her,dont be so naive and from now on keep your ish to yourself!God bless them!I have better ideas and the bijj in me knows I'll do mine better Insha'Allah as I'll never dog someone else to get mines! Lakiin it's very tragic for someone who you looked at as a sister.I forgave her straightaway and I keep my distance now but I feel you, it still hurts and they should've known better. Ah well, as Hooyo says "NEVER expect others to treat you as you would treat them, thats the biggest mistake" because when they disappoint you, you're left heartbroken.
  7. rudy no-one has taken your avatar pic and posted it anywhere.I just asked when I opened this thread if anyone was willing to post their pics up, and also the people who have pics in their avatar(You,Libaax ect) if that is really you? That's it.I think you got confused when people started talking about Facebook and Myspace.
  8. Lol Rudy avatar is the pic you have on SOL, the one to the left y'know?
  9. Nomadique-RIP to that group then!lol Pucca was the driving force and now that she has gone... rudy how did you come to that conclusion?If you're talking about the initial post on this topic I was talking about avatars and not facebook!
  10. Nehanda you think so? Like a sheep I left once my beloved Pucca left the group haha. I returned to Myspace and opened a new account after a long hiatus ,FBook can take the backburner for a while now.
  11. This stigma with qabiil is another thing Somalis need to let go of aswell you're right.Atleast she knows better now ,her reasoning is sad.
  12. Masha'Allah to them all.I sent a msg to Abass via Facebook
  13. Lol Lily she may have lakiin it's good for people to express their opinions because other members might be going through the same thing themselves.
  14. Xalimopatra

    Lost hope

    Lol Rudy, yes I did try one with peanuts, red peppers and some honey mustard dressing!Yum and kept me awake all night...jk.
  15. Xalimopatra

    Lost hope

    Niyow suck it up, I'm sending a murduuf your way!
  16. In spite of all the topics on here that are factual/impersonal articles and the like, I thought I would open up and discuss something that I am going through myself. Letting go is one of the toughest things to do.Some of us Xalimos are known to be dead stubborn but in my eyes(and experience)it's a weakness.Finding a balance is key and allowing yourself to move forward with forgiveness in your heart is not being a 'walkover'.You're actually being the better person. Whether it be a bad habit,a toxic relationship(I relate to this one) or even something bad that someone did to you in the past you must let it go and move forward.Aslong as it makes you feel like it's holding you back from achieving what you want in life....whatever it is ladies(and men) you HAVE to let it go. It seems difficult and you'll fight and tussle with your emotions for sometime after BUT DO IT! Keyshia Cole has been back on my playlist for the last couple of weeks In my case I realised that you cannot help someone who doesn't help/forgive themself walle.Their defeated, pessimistic, paranoid and at times deluded demeanour only drags you down.You end up living your life differently and walking on eggshells so that they are always happy?!My life is better now that I have cut the person off.I actually have more time to focus on myself.I was worried of being selfish but in fact I was being totally selfless. Feel free to discuss anything that you feel relates to the post. Alhamdulilah
  17. *Tumbleweed blows past* How about Ghanima and I hae a dual...ala Clint Eastwood stylee?
  18. I'm sure you know how fond I am of you Miss Val *No lesbo* Hear!hear! 'You can pay me later...ahem'
  19. Salaams all, I'm just wondering when it because 'faashon' to have pics of unsuspecting girls under your signature. I recognise the sister in Hunguri's, talk about a blast from the past! But yeah...anyways as I was saying, Why?!Can you claim them? :confused:
  20. Nope I'm in tomorrow..have work from before it too.What's up?Why are you depressed? The cakes at that place were yum tho!
  21. I agree with Lily, alot of these things tend to come up in convo if you're in the conventional shuukansi type of relationship as opposed to arranged marriage. This sort of stuff drives my paranoid mind bananas, guys do lie contrary to popular belief and some of them are pretty damn smooth at it!Can you imagine expecting somebody to be a certain way? It's best to know the important things and if indifference occurs on smaller things then to work at it diplomatically (Best believe there WILL be some indifference despite whether you have a list of Qs answered)
  22. Miss Ghanima bad news for you and your quarter of a chocolate cake eating self maa is tidhi?Lol love your healthy self! Zenobia;Bring on the H.Daaz Mango sorbet bilis!Even though it's 'fat free' and full fake things it tastes soooo good *Drooling*
  23. Is somebody rolling their eyes at Resistance?*tut tut* I wouldn't take that if I were you Resistance?! BEEF,BEEF!
  24. Xalimopatra

    I'm HERE

    Balaayo. How can I get there?
  25. Aussies say 'Good day'....'Gadaay' waxay?