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Everything posted by Xalimopatra
Among Somali singers ...who is the most popular one..and who do u like?
Xalimopatra replied to AalTo's topic in General
Too many that sing but what about the songwriters?They deserve so much praise walle sometimes some of the lyrics I hear is so deep! Either way the singers that I like depends on how I'm feeling. If I'm feeling depressed then it has to be Koshin with him qaraami..... Aroos then it has to be Saado Cali,Xasan Aden,Lafoole or Juba... Optimistic then Deeqa Axmed and Maryan Mursal.... Youthful then it has to be Zeynab Cige,islaantass can moooove lol..... Romantic and thinking of marriage then all of the above and a dude called Cabdinasir Macalin(Sings the copy of Xural ceyn&Bada cas),Maxamed Salebaan(Tubeec).... Oh God too many to name. -
Originally posted by Dabshid: Should dress in away that reflects her background,(like k'naan) Ditto,A little bit of Somali prints or beads(cambaro) would look so ethnic and original. Either way she is stunning Masha'Allah just wish her boobies were a lil more....covered....the poor mites look like they need a buusto not giftwrap.Lol shidh.
You are just too cute...Can I pet you? Lol
Xaasid aa jirey....Xalaasha noo wadee....Aha aha..Shaq Shaq Miami heat!Lol There is such a line thin line between masterful and distasteful tho.I dont think ayeeyoyinka should be shaking it on vid. Especially if they can do it better then me Loool the shame!
Lool Buuxo I should call you xuuxo at least you're honest with yours...Aint nothing wrong with that. "There is new scheme that would actually allow you to sell him off with rhe help of Ethio muscles and Yank mighty Dollars" Watchu talkin' 'bout Che?How much we talkin' ere?Lol
"To start with me, I wouldnt talk about marriage with someone I had sex with..." And that's not a blatant act of hypocrisy? Riiiight. In closing I'm just gonna say this...either your powers of analysis are weak or you just dont know when to admit you're wrong. But I think you're mad 'cause I'm right and you're wrong. Miskiin.... I'm done with this thread and with that said..... I'm out of here folks,Have a good sabti iyo axaad people! Waa salaam!
P.s those that do drop off the path and do fornicate are 'weak'.If you 'try' and I say that oh so subtly to remember Allah SWT and our purpose in this life then I'm sure you wont end up in a half baked thing you like to call a relationship with my 'girlfriend/boyfriend'. It's not the impossible to maintain your virginity so please do not try to play the sympathy card.
My topic was about the partner you choose to marry and any sexual health related issues that they hide that may harm you in the future.I am talking about someone you are married to or who has asked for your hand in marriage and the all parties are of knowledge into what is happening not some morally bankrupt depiction of 'Girlfriend/Boyfriend' what if we sleep together,what if we dont?balaayo. Am I ranting on this board proclaiming that I would not marry a guy I had sexual intercourse with?Walaal if snything you're the one who seems to be a hypocrite to say you will fornicate with someone and would not marry them.Miyaad ka ficantahay qofka?...Ha this is hilarious. Try and compare this post to mine...I dare you no I beg of you to raise the similarities in our efforts. Waasalaam My post.... "How far do you think your partner(Husband or future husband)owes you in terms of sharing his past?Do you believe that there is a certain limit when it comes to telling your husband/wife anything from your past? I'm reading Essence magazine and there's a section that is talking about only 78% of males tell their partners any secrets or things they have done in the past. Ok since this is a predominantly Muslim Soomaali forum let me turn it out and change it a little. How far do you think your partner(Husband or future husband)owes you in terms of sharing his past? Ok now in terms of factors it can be financially,sexually,emotionally,socially ect. I'm mostly intrigued by sexual health/past since the fact that the Aids epidemic is spreading and is no joke.Although it is mostly a taboo topic within our community would you ask your future hubby(or for those already married)have you asked about his sexual health/past?Or for him to be tested? I believe that our weapon is knowledge,in many cases what you dont know CAN and WILL hurt you at some point! What do you think ladies?
Lol Juba that's a worry for alot of us right walaashiis? Ibtisam my warlord looks hella cool with a AK47 perched on shoulder and that orange beard! I was kidding sweets Lol....
Lol @ who is your warlord.... Mine goes by the name Xaaji Idriis Mire Sancad
"You gurls should talke this as a tip, that a man will degrade you after that, that your price will drop down, that you will not be considered wify material" Miskiin... Who cares about niman.I'm saving myself because of my religion.Do you honestly think most girls care about what men think?We save ourselves because that is what Allah SWT expects of us.Either you do what's right for you and you keep your legs closed before wedlock(male and female) and if you dont then there's bigger fish to fry aka Dealing with Allah SWT on judgement day for crying out loud!To me that is a much more bigger deterrent then what hebel thinks of me. People seriously need to refer back to the religion when it comes to topics like this.Wasakhnimada iska dhaafa walaalyaal and keep your mouths and legs closed for your own dignity PLEASE! This topic is and embarassment to all those that fear Allah SWT and not man and his mouth....
Boys are ceeb
Maybe I'm the only Xaliimo that hasn't got 1/1/ on her baasboor.I feel left out,no fair
The poll needs more options walaal
Valenteenah-I attend the Xaliimo university of thought where we are taught to decide over using cornflour or gram flour Lol cynical lady ,Usually the past intrudes on the future.If it something that one is repenting over then fine lakiin if it is something one is hiding from then you cant hide forever.Might aswell be honest about the past so you can move onto the future.Maa garatay walaal? P.s-Oscar Wilde isn't exactly what you can call....a....ahem role model.The dude was a coward and yes his past escapades caught up with him too.He was jailed for having had sex with a male.He was hiding this ofcourse. Lol what a pattern. Waterlily I agree with you walaashiis lakiin what if there are certain holes and missing pieces in someone's past story?In most cases things people have left out in telling you are to make the story seem in their favour aren't they? --------------------------------------------- Heblaayo-So what happened with that girl?I thought you guys were set to marry? Hebel-No she wasn't "it" Heblaayo-Really?What was wrong? Hebel-Her!? Heblaayo-What about the other one before her?and that nice girl before that one too? Hebel-She was trippin' too...and so was the other one. Heblaayo-Riiiiiight(!) ---------------------------------------- Err can I get :confused: Khalaf although people can hide certain aspects of their life's past it will catch up with them.So although I dont believe you can tell if one has dabbled in wasakhnimo just by looking at them (they can be repenting or have done something bad once or what have you)the past will come and bite them in the backside before they get too comfortable.Lol Anyways in closing honesty is very important.I guess a honest person will be truthful and will leave their partner with no doubt. Belated Ciid wanaagsan guys!
Lol Ibti What you're saying about waiting and letting time take truth's course,well I'm too damn impatient. I'm a control freak aint I? Just like how I cant eat off a wet plate or how I have to dry my lettuce before I put it in a sandwiiiisssssh...I'm so lame.
Djib-If someone is clinically depressed they are 'ill' maa garatay walaal?The chemical balancement of their maskax is not of neutral composition.I'm not talking about someone who is upset with themself and gets into a rut I'm talking about someone who has not chosen to feel this way. What Xulaxu said is pretty straightforward.What's the need for all this to'ing and fro'ing and labelling. It's best not to act pompous and unempathetic over certain issues when the issues and are clear and straightforward. What about people who suffer from depression as a side effect to medication ect?I guess they are feeling like their life is of little purpose(!) Come on now walaal you cant tell me 'those' kind of depression sufferers have or jin or the like(Acudubilah mina shaydanrajim)Please elaborate.
Ibtisam iyo HizB get outta my ocean(aka my thread) biliis.Hit the PM luuq baan yidhi Valenteenah hello girly,oi!oi! I see what you mean lakiin you must be a very disciplined person walle.I mean what if the dude made little comments here and there and didn't conclude the whole istoori?I would stranger him and probably myself afterwards out of curiousity Lol Lol @ Deposit HizB wax baa ka dhimaan niyow I swear down! P.s-I'm at my Uni library and two rows ahead of me there's a Somali girl on SOL.She is too far for me to see if she is logged in lakiin I'm intrigued.If you are reading this gabadhyahay and there is a wide eyed,buck toothed Xalimo sitting on a pc behind you it's me! :cool:
Do you believe that there is a certain limit when it comes to telling your husband/wife anything from your past? I'm reading Essence magazine and there's a section that is talking about only 78% of males tell their partners any secrets or things they have done in the past. Ok since this is a predominantly Muslim Soomaali forum let me turn it out and change it a little. How far do you think your partner(Husband or future husband)owes you in terms of sharing his past? Ok now in terms of factors it can be financially,sexually,emotionally,socially ect. I'm mostly intrigued by sexual health/past since the fact that the Aids epidemic is spreading and is no joke.Although it is mostly a taboo topic within our community would you ask your future hubby(or for those already married)have you asked about his sexual health/past?Or for him to be tested? I believe that our weapon is knowledge,in many cases what you dont know CAN and WILL hurt you at some point! What do you think ladies?
How to keep your marriage strong and avoid seperation
Xalimopatra replied to RedSea's topic in General
What about telling ruunta+communication ? Too many times have I seen husbands who introduce their wife to wifey no. 2 unannounced or wife 3 and so forth.In alot of cases the wife finds out from someone else.In all honesty when a woman marries a man she aspires to make him happy and be all that she can be for him.What kinda cr@p is that when the man who has taken you from your fam&you've given yourself to secretly marries another woman without telling you?Most of the time it's 'cause he felt obliged to via Uncle Hebel or Aunt Heblayo?It must be the biggest slap+spit in the face I tell ya.... Weak,weak men those are I swear down.... All people need to do (like someone said earlier) is always go by sunnah.If whatever your doing feels wrong ,then dont do it always try to refer back to Nabi Mohamed{pbuh}'s life. If you've lost your job then tell your spouse.If your dealing with financial difficulties then tell your spouse.If the doc has given you bad news then tell your spouse.If you are having any problems of any sort then just tell your spouse.If you hide stuff it aint gonna go away,in fact it will come back at the most emotionally heightened time and bite you in the dabo! That's what your husband/wife is there for.Like someone said earlier they are there to aid your journey in this life and be there in times of goodness and bad. Also alot of people just talk,talk and never wlak the walk when the time comes.Marriage is a big step lakiin dont make promises you cant keep.Not all women want a luxury lifestyle and most certainly dont want a hopeless/broke brother who talks of his 'supposed' wealth and bla bla.Think of the rewards you will both have in the afterlife if you aspire to be the most humble and beneficial muslim partner. Meet in the middle,dont hide secrets,make the most of what you have and most importantly TREASURE one another! *Exhales*.... I'm off to get a chai latte,Macsalaama folks. -
Rudy marka hore Allahi ka baq,Dhulka Allah SWT and you liken it to a garbage dump?War edeb yeelo,let go of the cuqdaad and qaraar that is festering in ya and grow up.You're not cool.... Masha'Allah pics are stunning.Thanks to the author.My aabo took me past there last year on our way to Berbera we didn't enter the school lakiin the emotion in my aabo's eyes were enough
Lol Layzie my dad recieved his Phd when he was 32 and had my older bro(1st child when he was 33) so you dont necessarily have to be old.It can be done sooner then that actually. Fartun,Like Femme said you should do as you and your hubby feel best to you.I mean you guys are going to be the parents,noone else is going to make the child other then you are they? So waxaad comfortable kuu tahay samey but just always refer back to our holy Qu'ran in times of doubt or pressure.There lay all the answers you need!
War huus,walle waad edeb darantahay!^ Balaayo aragnay...... Anyways back to the topic,Tight chinis and esmaal teeshaar is sooooo last season No on the real though Lazie girl kinda has my philosophy on curiousity. GO ASK THEM ama afka iska xir.