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Everything posted by Yasima
Take notice, those of you who are defending "the good name of warlords" the above poem descripes them at best!!!!!!!!! T-Care like I-Care
Poll Results: Somaliland is a SOMALI'S Land!!!! (10 votes.) is Somaliland a Somalis Land? Choose 1 Yes 80% (8) No 20% (2) Close This Window i guess CAT got u'r tongue!!!
So why haven't the Admins do that - i wonder??
Most of them are VERY NEAR, and some of them will be or already are fuelling it - Unless they repent sincereley and to never do that again. May Allah The Merciful Forgives All - For our Sins Ammiin!1
Originally posted by Yasima: There had been many wars between Aws and Khazraj during the Jaahiliyyah, with a great deal of enmity and hatred, and intense fighting, until Islam came and they entered therein, and became brothers by the grace of Allaah. After Islam had set their affairs straight and they had become united, a Jewish man passed by a gathering of Aws and Khazraj, and he was bothered by their friendship and unity. So he sent a man who was with him to sit amongst them and remind them of the wars that used to be waged between them. He did that and kept doing it until they were provoked and became angry with one another, and they got riled up and started shouting their slogans and calling for their weapons, and threatening to go out to the Harrah (a place in Madeenah) to fight. News of this reached the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), so he came to them and started to calm them down, and said, “Are you issuing the calls of the jaahiliyyah when I am still among you?” Then he recited to them the following verse (Interpretation of the meaning): “And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allaah (i.e. this Qur’aan), and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allaah’s Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islamic Faith), and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allaah makes His Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:103] When the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) recited this verse to them, they regretted what they had done, and they reconciled and put aside their weapons. I wish my People would understand this verses and do the same thing as these above tribes did. Then question for everybody here is who would read those Ayaats to all the Somali Clans - so that at least they would know!!!
Thanks Shuju - i am glad u think so - where as our counterpart Nomads are paying attention to trivial stuff - that won't change or have effect on their lives present and future. WaKe Up NoMaDs!!!
i agree with u, the blame is on our part - they just taken the advantage of it. (properply somalia would have done the same if ethiopia was in mess like us at the moment) No suprise i guess then!!
Meddling mars Somalia peace talks Canada must lead effort to keep Kenya and Ethiopia from dictating terms of deal The peace conference in Kenya neither reconciles Somali factions nor does it re-establish a Somali state. Rather, it surrenders Somalia's national interests to those of its hostile neighbours. This peace conference violates two major conflict resolution tenets: a lack of a credible and neutral third party, and the need for the conflicting parties to own the peace process. Ethiopia and Kenya are manipulating Somalia's peace process. They control the agenda and the forum and have given absolute power to the criminal warlords who have committed human rights atrocities against the Somali people. They have marginalized traditional and civil society leaders. They have forced on Somalia a charter that leads the way to the permanent partition of the country. They have also accepted delegates appointed by warlords as representatives of the Somali people. The warlords (most of them created and supported by Ethiopia) agreed to select the 351 parliamentarians and to establish an undefined and obscure form of federalism. While Kenya hosted it, IGAD (Inter-Governmental Authority on Development), the regional organization of East African countries, sponsored the talks. However, Ethiopia, an avowed hostile neighbour, has controlled the peace process since its inception. Because it was not happy with the outcome of a previous civil society-led Somali reconciliation meeting held in Djibouti in 2000, Ethiopia — at the 2001 IGAD conference in Khartoum — insisted it was necessary to hold another conference. The Addis Ababa regime argued that some pro-Ethiopian regional administrations and warlords had been left out. Ethiopia has a history of meddling in the conflict. It helped Somali warlords to wage, and then perpetuate, the civil war. It has also undermined peace initiatives in 1997 and 2000. Ethiopia prolongs Somalia's civil war in order to eliminate a traditional enemy, get access to a sea corridor and distract its people from their own internal problems. Kenya, the country hosting the conference, is not oblivious to Ethiopia's manipulations. Since there are political, economic and military ties between Kenya and Ethiopia against Somalia, Kenyan mediator Bethuel Kiplagat has deliberately chosen to facilitate Ethiopia's insatiable demands. Speaking at the American Defence University in Washington in September, Kenya's former president, Daniel Arap Moi, openly stated that a strong and prosperous Somalia would be a threat to its neighbours. As a result of their neighbours' meddling at the conference, Somalis do not own the peace process in which their future is being decided. Respected Somali figures, including former Prime Minister Abdirizak Haji Hussein, have publicly raised concerns over the way the peace process is being handled. Traditional elders and many intellectuals condemned IGAD and Ethiopia's handling of the conference. The international community must intervene as a neutral third party if it is serious about helping to end the Somali civil war. It must understand that Ethiopia and Kenya have strategic and economic interests in perpetuating the Somali conflict and recognize that IGAD is an incompetent organization controlled by Ethiopia. The European Union, which paid the bills of this long reconciliation conference, must intervene before it wastes more money in the IGAD-sponsored reconciliation process. The whole exercise is about securing the interests of Somalia's neighbours while using the international community's credibility and resources. Perhaps the EU and the international community should support a grassroots peace initiative. That will surely be a better investment than the funding of the current reconciliation conference in Nairobi. As Barbara F. Walter, a professor of political science at the University of California at San Diego rightly pointed out, when the different groups of a civil war get the assistance of a committed and credible third party, they will sign and implement a peace accord they agree on. Without serious mediation efforts, Somali groups cannot be expected to reconcile by themselves, especially when they are under the influence of hostile neighbours. Asking Ethiopia and Kenya to mediate Somali groups is like "putting the fox in charge of the henhouse." Canada hosts the largest Somali immigrants in the diaspora, and it is a member of IGAD Partners' Forum. It should play a leadership role in advocating the international community to pressure Somalia's neighbours to stop meddling in the country's peace-building efforts. Supporting the IGAD-sponsored talks in Nairobi will, unwittingly, help perpetuate the very conflict the world intends to help solve. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Afyare Abdi Elmi is a member of the Star's community editorial board.
What do you do when your wife is running the country and is in a meeting!
Yasima replied to Che -Guevara's topic in General
Lol that is joke and half. hey move this to the joke section thanks for the laugh -
Thanks to u guys who managed to stay on topic! Ibtilo - u haven't answer the question - perhaps this will make it easier for you: Are you a Somali? yes or no? as long as NW of Somalia is called a Somaliland it will remain Part of the Lands of the Somalis. & do u agreed with the statement above? if u don't agree with it please explain u'r reasoning.
This subject is most argued topic in SOL - So i came out with something none u (who argue about this) ever came out with before, which is: Somaliland is a Somali's land - that means - the land belongs to somalis - PERIOD...... I know this quote must be hard to some of u people to accept but Said Barre was once asked (in the seventies, during the Ogaaden conflict) by a journalist from the West: "Where does the Somali's land end??" His answer was Explicit: "As far as the Camels can go" Now i ask u this is Somaliland a Somali's Land - YES or NO My Opinion on this, is simple; Where ever Somalis are majority of the Inhabitants is a Somali's land. please give me u'r opinions on this - without resulting to verball attacks or abuse to other people - Kaabish!!!
that language is Called Sooma - Lish (Soomali + English
[MY RHYMES MAKE SONKOR TASTE QADHAADH. /QUOTE] defenitely disgusting!! Who ever did this was creatively bad minded
Came down boys - take deep breath!!! Aaah!! Relax - Now there is a somali saying that goes like this "Elephants don't see the flies on them but they always see the flies on the other Elephants" NOW CAME DOWN WITH THIS BULLSHIT - U GUYS ARE PUFFING AND POOFING AROUND IN THE INTERNET OK!!! Sammurai Warrior or should i say ine Yey's Warrior - Stop the propoganda that u are getting from Allpuntland (not at all puntland) website! KAABISH!!! pEaCe
I would like propose Rio Ferdinand as Prime Minister, Posh spice Deputy Prime Minister, David Beckem as Education Minister, Jordan at the Home office and Lenny Henry in charge of the Defence Minister.. Lol It defenitely would be things to see - everybody would be laughing everyday
Mahathir in his own words Dr Mahathir is due to retire later this year Asia's longest-serving elected leader, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, has never shied away from controversy. The 77-year-old, who is due to hand over the premiership to a hand-picked successor later in 2003, has over the past 22 years frequently hit the headlines with his provocative remarks, drawing both condemnation and applause. Below we list some of his most infamous comments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On America's war on terror If innocent people who died in the attack on Afghanistan and those who have been dying from lack of food and medical care in Iraq are considered collaterals, are the 3,000 who died in New York and the 200 in Bali also just collaterals whose deaths are necessary for operations to succeed? March 2003 Their strategy to fight terrorism is through attacking Muslim countries and Muslims, whether they are guilty or not. June 2003 They made a mistake in Iraq. Now in Iraq, instead of feeling happy and saying thanks to the liberators, they are killing the liberators. October 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Australia This country stands out like a sore thumb trying to impose its European values in Asia as if it is the good old days when people can shoot aborigines without caring about human rights. December 2002 Australia has made known to the world that it wants to be the deputy sheriff of this region. It's very difficult to get along with deputy sheriffs. October 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Europeans They are very clever, brave and have an insatiable curiosity... unfortunately they are also very greedy and like to take forcibly the territories and rights of other people. The culture and the values which they will force us to accept will be hedonism, unlimited quest for pleasure, the satisfaction of base desires, particularly sexual desires. Our way of life must be the same as their way of life. Asian values do not exist to them. June 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Jews The Jews for example are not merely hook-nosed, but understand money instinctively. 1970, the Malay Dilemma Later, on the drop in the value of the Malaysian currency: We are Muslims and the Jews are not happy to see Muslims' progress. We may suspect that they have an agenda but we do not want to accuse them... If viewed from Palestine, the Jews have robbed Palestinians of everything but they cannot do this in Malaysia, so they do this. October 1997 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On Muslims Disunited, confused about Islam, fighting each other for power and lacking in essential knowledge and skills... Muslims today have reached the lowest point of their development. January 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On politicians On gay British MPs: The British people accept homosexual ministers but if they ever come here bringing their boyfriend along, we will throw them out. November 2001 On Arnold Schwarzenegger's election as governor of California, despite allegations about his past: "I think he had every right to contest. People do not grow up to think that, 'Ah, I'm going to be the next governor and therefore I must deny myself all the pleasures of life'." October 2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On retiring: I'm 78 years old. That is old and I think I should be retiring to give other people a chance to do better. October 2003
LOL Why isn't this in the joke section Americans get stupider everyday - whats next - somalis are piing in our toilets!!!
Its Nice To Know that there good people in Puntland that care about defending the waters of Somalia against the thiefs and forein faggots who are Pillaging our coasts - then again u always have people like Ini Yey who are getting these people to rob and pillage our marine resources. Well done to those people who really care about my country and have Genuine interest in protected its resources All the best for Puntland Coast Guard Forces
Originally posted by rudy: yasima! they use to call Arabs Dheg Cas DhegCas this and that.} thats just a nickname, just like niggaz etc., but they had the same rights as everyone else. hey, they were ciztens ok...but lemme ask u why .5s born in arabia dont get the rights! aint that bs I am sadden by your abysmal reasoning - that Dheg Cas is just a nickname like Nigger - Couldn't the same be said for Abbid (or what ever they called u guys) On Seriuous Note - What have the Arabs - or Rather Saudis have done 2 u guys - for u 2 hate all Arabs. Dare i say **********************
Lol Definitely - as it is the only place where Muslims are not suppose to be!!
I guess if people are talking about their experiences - i am in a good position to comment on my experiences with Arab people since i have been to all the Arab countries except Occupied Palastine and Iraq. one of my fondest memories is when me and my brother went to Syria (i must say the most hospitable country and people i have ever met) Upon our arrival at the Airport we saw there was two section at the terminal we landed on - 1 had only Arabic and the other Arabic and English and French (i think) it said something like Foreing Nationals Check in - As we preceded towards the later counters - this police guard came up towards us and said hold on - let me see your passport - and that is before we go to the counters where they check passports - he had quick look and said "YOU ARE NOT FOREINERS GO TO THE CITIZENS COUNTERS" i was shocked at first, then when we got there everthing was done soo smoothly Then again everything changed in 1996 even thought the people are still welcoming the goverment is not that hospitable as it was b4. people always forget that when Arabs where in our country once it was peace - we use to racist against Arabs - i remember in Moqdishu - they use to call Arabs Dheg Cas DhegCas this and that. i agree with Rahima that as the Prophet (s.c.w) said - No one is superior except by Taqwa - And believe when i say - Racist people do not have Taqwa T-Care People Like I Care!
I Admire Sayid Somal (the greatest brother in the world) - a really good guy - who seems to know exactly what he wants and the most handsomest somali i have ever seen yet!
U more than once a welcome!! I guess people who always argue about this subject - are blind of this. These forbidden and innovated celebrations stir up tribalism and racism, and imply approval of what the colonialists did by dividing the Muslims’ land and making it into scattered states and peoples. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allaah is that (believer) who has At‑Taqwa [i.e. he is one of the Muttaqoon (the pious)]. Verily, Allaah is All‑Knowing, All‑Aware” [al-Hujuraat 49:13] This reminds of Stark situations argued in this forum, i think it was at the political forum earlier this year about *Somaliland and Somalia* and some of the reasoning - i have to say on the side that was argueing on behalf of the "somaliland" issue - Was totally out of the Islamic principles governing this sort of things.
Please give your on views on these matters - without argueing against the Islamic point of view Thanks in advance for those who manage to stay on the subject: Question: Some of my colleagues have started having discussions on the topic of nationality in islam. I am, therefore, putting the following questions before you. Please be kind enough to reply them in the light of shariah. 1- Talking about an independent country in the world where Muslims are in majority, if they celebrate the independence day then what is the status of this celebrations according to Islamic Shariah ? 2-Is it Asabiyah ? or Jahilia ? or Haram? 3- Whats the true definition of Asabiyah according to our Shariat? 4- As a Muslim how should we feel about the land/Country where we are born and brought up and get education and job ? Can we have feelings of love with this land? Does it means Asabiyah ? Can we have national celebrations which does not contradicts with Islamic teachings? What types of national celebrations are prohibited and which types of them are allowed ?? 5- How about using the passport of a country if attachment and affiliation with any country is considered as Jahilia and Asabiyah ?? 6- What examples are present in history of Sahaba (R.A) the Companions of PROPHET HAZRAT MUHAMMAD (PBUH) regarding the love of their land where they lived? Answer: Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: It is not permissible to celebrate independence day or any similar occasions, because that entails imitation of the kuffaar. From another angle it is also a kind of innovation. So these celebrations combine sin and bid’ah (innovation). Ibn al-Qayyim said: The word Eid is used to refer to something that is repeated, in the sense of both place and time. With regard to time, this is like saying the Day of ‘Arafah, the day of Sacrifice and the days of Mina are Eids for us Muslims. This was narrated by Abu Dawood and others. With regard to place, this is like the report narrated by Abu Dawood in his Sunan, that a man said, “O Messenger of Allaah, I have vowed to sacrifice a camel in Bawaanah.” He said, “Is there one of the idols of the mushrikeen there, or one of their places of festivity?” He said, “No.” He said, “Then fulfil your vow.” And he said, “Do not take my grave as a place of festivity (which you visit repeatedly).” The word Eid is taken from the same root as the words mu’aawadah (repeating) and i’tiyaad (doing a thing repeatedly). If it refers to a place, then it means a place where people gather regularly for the purpose of worship or other purposes, as Allaah made al-Masjid al-Haraam [the Sacred Mosque, in Makkah], Mina, Muzdalifah, ‘Arafah and al-Mashaa’ir places of gathering and worship for those who believed in Him alone, and a focal point, and as He made the days of worshipping in those places an Eid. The mushrikeen had Eids in the sense of time and place (gathering in certain places on certain days), but when Islam came it abolished them and replaced them for the monotheists with Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha and the days of Mina. And it replaced the places where they used to gather for festivals with the Ka’bah, the Sacred House, and ‘Arafah, Mina and al-Mashaa’ir. Ighaathat al-Lahfaan, 1/190 One of the things that is forbidden for Muslims is to imitate the kuffaar, especially with regard to their festivals. This issue of festivals and innovated celebrations is one of the things that the Muslims became most careless about after the best generations. Many of them hastened to imitate other nations in their festivals and celebrations. Some of them introduced the innovation of celebrating the Prophet’s birthday, and celebrating the night of the Isra’ and Mi’raaj (Prophet’s night journey and ascent into heaven), and these national festivals which are increasing day after day among the Muslims. We have quoted in our answer to question no. 10070 a fatwa from the Standing Committee concerning national holidays and other celebrations. Please refer to this fatwa. Secondly: These forbidden and innovated celebrations stir up tribalism and racism, and imply approval of what the colonialists did by dividing the Muslims’ land and making it into scattered states and peoples. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allaah is that (believer) who has At‑Taqwa [i.e. he is one of the Muttaqoon (the pious)]. Verily, Allaah is All‑Knowing, All‑Aware” [al-Hujuraat 49:13] Allaah created Adam and Hawwa’ [Eve], and made their offspring into peoples, tribes, races and colours. All people come from Adam and Hawwa’, and no colour or race is superior to another. Rather all of them are equal before Allaah with regard to their origins, and the one who fears his Lord the most is the best and most honourable before Allaah. However people split after this into nations, countries and races, is only like the splitting of a single family, brothers from one father and one mother. This ‘asabiyyah (tribalism) that is appearing nowadays in most countries, where people form factions on the basis of race, colour or homeland, is akin to the ancient tribalism that existed between the tribes of Aws and Khazraj; it is one of the leftovers of jaahiliyyah [ignorance]. There had been many wars between Aws and Khazraj during the Jaahiliyyah, with a great deal of enmity and hatred, and intense fighting, until Islam came and they entered therein, and became brothers by the grace of Allaah. After Islam had set their affairs straight and they had become united, a Jewish man passed by a gathering of Aws and Khazraj, and he was bothered by their friendship and unity. So he sent a man who was with him to sit amongst them and remind them of the wars that used to be waged between them. He did that and kept doing it until they were provoked and became angry with one another, and they got riled up and started shouting their slogans and calling for their weapons, and threatening to go out to the Harrah (a place in Madeenah) to fight. News of this reached the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), so he came to them and started to calm them down, and said, “Are you issuing the calls of the jaahiliyyah when I am still among you?” Then he recited to them the following verse (Interpretation of the meaning): “And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allaah (i.e. this Qur’aan), and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allaah’s Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islamic Faith), and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allaah makes His Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:103] When the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) recited this verse to them, they regretted what they had done, and they reconciled and put aside their weapons. Fourthly: Islam does not forbid a Muslim to love his homeland or the country in which he lives or grew up. What is reprehensible is basing one’s feelings of loyalty and disavowal on that, and loving and hating on that basis. A person who belongs to the same country as you is not closer to you than a Muslim from another land, and the reason for your loving or hating others should not be whether or not they come from the same country as you. Rather loyalty and disavowal, or love and hatred, should all be based on Islam and piety. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to love Makkah because it was the most beloved land to Allaah, but he did not love the kaafirs who lived there, rather he fought them because they fought against Islam and killed Muslims. Neither he nor his companions ever gave precedence to their love of Makkah over the laws of Allaah, so when Allaah forbade those who had migrated from Makkah to go back to it, except for Hajj and three days after it, they adhered to that and did not stay there for longer than that period. Their love for Makkah did not make them disobey Allaah, let alone do anything that was worse than that. Today you see that tribalism and devotion to one's country has gone to such extremes that places of shirk are venerated just because they are in one’s country; the flag is venerated because it represents the country, so the people stand and salute it with a reverence that is absent in their prayers when they stand before their Lord. Fifthly: Using passports is not regarded as a kind of ‘asabiyyah (tribalism) or jaahiliyyah (ignorance) because the purpose is simply to identify a person and the country of which he is a citizen. If it so happens that some people use them for the purpose of boasting and acting superior to others, or to express tribalistic pride in his country, this is something blameworthy. Sixthly: We have mentioned that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) loved Makkah and that he gave precedence to obeying his Lord over his love for Makkah. It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to Makkah, “What a good land you are, and how dear you are to me. Were it not that my people drove me out from you, I would never have lived anywhere else.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 3926; classed as saheeh by al-Tirmidhi and by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 5536. You can also find similar stories of the Sahaabah and those who came after them, by reading their biographies. It seems that the love of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the Sahaabah for Makkah was because it was the most beloved land to Allaah, as it says in another report narrated by al-Tirmidhi, no. 3925: “You are the best land of Allaah and the most beloved of the land of Allaah to Allaah.” Classed as saheeh by Ibn Hajar. But the natural love that a person feels for the place where he grew up is something that is not regarded as blameworthy by sharee’ah, so long as that does not distract you from acts of worship and obedience which are more important. Hence we see that the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them), Muhaajireen and Ansaar alike, left their homelands and went out to other lands, spreading the call of Islam throughout other countries. They went out for purposes that were nobler than their attachment to land and buildings. And Allaah knows best.
its been said b4: "IDDOR MARJUUF JAT AH HELAY WAA MADNUUC FALAN" So what is the point in talking or replying to their ridicules replies.
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