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assalamu alaikum, Kalid Yassine is an excellent speaker. You guys should listen to his lecture. He is so good that the kufars turned muslim
assalamu alaikum, It's not a must that women should pray in the mosque. It is true that you do get reward if you pray at your home. But for me, If I'm not doing anything, I go to the mosque to pray. So it is your choice.
That was a excellent poem Imperial Instigator.
No One but Allah Who filled the world with light? Who raised the mountain high? Who raises us when we die? No one but Allah. <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> Who sees inside your sole? Who hears you when you call? Who helps you when you fall? No one but Allah. <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> Who fashioned us of clay? Who showed us the right way? Who hears us when we pray? No one but Allah. <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> Who made the rivers flow? Who thought the stars to glow? Who sends the winds that blow? No one but Allah. <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=> All praise is to Allah, All galore is to Allah, We worship Allah and, No one but Allah. <=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=>
It was reported from Abu Umaamah that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The angel on the left does not write down anything until six hours have passed after a Muslim does a bad deed. If he regrets it and asks Allaah for forgiveness, he casts it aside [does not write it down], otherwise he writes down one (sayi’ah/bad deed).” (Narrated by al-Tabaraani in al-Mu’jam al-Kabeer, 8/158. The hadeeth was classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 2/212)
Among the stories related in the books of hadith and sirah is the report that once an old woman came to the Prophet and said: "O Messenger of Allah, pray to Allah that I will enter Paradise." He said jokingly, "O Mother of So-and-so, no old women will enter Paradise." The old woman went away crying , so the Prophet said, "Tell her that she will not enter Paradise as an old woman, for Allah says: "We have created [their Companions] of special creation, and made them virgin-pure" (Quran 56:35-36)." [Al Tirmithi]
In 1925, Kamal Ataturk, father of post-Ottoman Turkey, imposed the Hat Law, banning the traditional fez cap for men. The penalty for wearing one was death. That was his idea of secularism. In 1928, Reza Khan, another soldier who seized power, passed a copycat Uniform Dress Law in neighbouring Iran. It decreed European attire for men and, in 1936, banned the hijab for women. That was his idea of Europeanizing Muslims. Last year, seven states in Germany banned the hijab for teachers. That was their idea of protecting German identity. On Tuesday, the French Assembly overwhelmingly approved a ban on the hijab for school students. That is their idea of securing French secularism. Some German and French citizens envisage extending the hijab ban well beyond schools. That's their idea of emancipating all its wearers. Over the years, rulers of a different kind — such as the Taliban in Afghanistan — have also waded in. They decreed the opposite: that women must wear the veil or the chador, on pain of being jailed or whipped. That has been their idea of Islam. As the target of fascist, feminist or racist and mostly male wrath, the hijabi woman is victimized both by those wanting to subjugate her and those who would liberate her. Or she is scapegoated, in the service of one ideology or another. What is it about her that so rattles dictators and democrats alike? She is the battleground for the armies of those out to purify Islam or demonize it. The fatwas of the German and French governments echo those of Ataturk and the first Shah of Iran. They are interpreting secularism the way the despots did: as anti-religious — more precisely, anti-Islamic — rather than by its essential premise of neutrality toward all faiths. Unlike France, the German regional governments have targeted only the hijab. France proposes to proscribe all "ostentatious" religious symbols, including the kippa and the crucifix. Bavaria and other states have been blatant, even if confused. One rationalized the ban under the rubric of progressivism, calling the hijab "a symbol of fundamentalism and extremism." The justice minister of another was more forthright: German school children "have to learn the roots of Christian religion and European culture." In the case of France, few are fooled by the rhetoric that schools be free of not just Islamic but all religious influences. First, there are the Freudian slips, exemplified by Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin: France is "the old land of Christianity" in which new citizens, regardless of their faith, must conform to majoritarian norms. The more persuasive argument, best enunciated by secularist author Guy Coq, is the need to safeguard the ideals of the 1789 French Revolution: "If we bow to demands to allow the practice of religion in state institutions, we will put the French identity in peril." But no sooner had he hit the high note of principle than he slipped into the abyss of prejudice: "To disarm fundamentalism, notably Islamic fundamentalism, can we give up laïcité, which builds a neutral space?" But laïcité — separation of state and religion — is already compromised by state subsidies to Christian and Jewish separate schools, where students are taught religious values and, in some cases, segregated by sex. Will tax dollars be made available to Muslim private schools, which are bound to mushroom? The proposed law, which now goes to the French senate for rubberstamping, guarantees uneven results by leaving too much to subjective interpretation. Teachers and administrators will rule whether a bandanna on a Muslim girl, or a beard on a Muslim boy, would violate the law but not on students of other faiths or no faith at all. And what of the Sikhs? This is treacherous turf. Two more dubious rationales have been proffered. One ascribes a political, as opposed to religious, motive to the hijab and invests it with radical attributes. Alain Juppe, a former prime minister, encapsulates it thus: "It's not paranoid to say we're faced with a rise of political and religious fanaticism." The second posits the hijab ban as a tool for battling anti-Semitism. The formulation of Education Minister Luc Ferry stacks up thus: Hijab is a/the source of anti-Semitism. Ban it, and the problem will be minimized/solved. This is as dishonest as it gets. Anti-Semitism in France is too deep-rooted and widespread to be laid at the feet of Muslim teenage girls from immigrant homes. The biggest culprits are Jean-Marie Le Pen's millions of followers, whom President Jacques Chirac is, in fact, trying to appease with the hijab ban. While some Jewish groups have gone along with the law, others see it for what it is: "disgraceful" and "sad," as described in London by Lord Greville Janner, vice-president of the World Jewish Congress. French politicians and media also cite the pro-ban views of some Muslims as proof of the soundness of the decision. Others note that a majority of Muslim women in France, indeed across the world, do not wear the hijab. This is as ignorant as it is racist. That a majority of Christians do not go to church on Sundays does not negate the right of those who do. That a majority of Jews are not Orthodox does not derogate from the fundamental religious right of those who wear the yarmulke and long locks. That some Sikhs shave doesn't mean that others do not have the right to believe their religion commands otherwise. It is absurd to expect all Muslims to speak with one voice on religious matters. It is downright authoritarian to present as legitimate the views of only those Muslims who echo government thinking. Germany and France are moving in the direction of Turkey, while the latter is moving toward European norms in order to join the European Union. Turkish women on the public payroll are still banned from wearing the hijab. But the mildy Islamist government of Tayyib Erdogan, moving toward restoring the human rights of Kurds and others, could conceivably lift the ban. It is ironic that while Ataturk's legacy is being dismantled in its homeland, parts of it are being imposed in democratic Europe. Meanwhile, across the Muslim world, people will see the French and German initiatives as another instance of Islamophobia gripping the West. They, like the Muslim girls in Europe, likely will find solace in more Islam, not less.
I love abdul hakim quick. I think he's the best speaker. Inshallah i'll go everyyear
There is a place in which I love to be When I cannot reach my mother's comforting arms... There is a place in which I love to be When I think of the sparkle in a child's eye as he prays with his father... There is a place in which I love to be when the stars are bright, my heart is light and my mind is free... When I'm blessed with success. When I'm warm in my bed When smiles are sincere and my mind is clear There is a place in which I love to be... There is a place in which I love to be when I'm discouraged by defeat,insulted by those that I love, and disappointed by my irresponsibility. Then, there is a place in which I need to be... When commitments are weakened, Diamonds stop shining and strengths are forgotten ... There is one place in which I love to be... Down on my knees, with tears in my heart, my head to the floor. In submission to God is the only place in which I love to be.
Eid Mubarik to all my brothers and sisters.
I totally agree with you Modesty
Dunya! Dunya! Dunya! In our walking, in our talking, in our sleeping, in our hoping, What is the matter with us? Death is all around us, the reminder of the destroyer of pleasure. Death is a lesson to us and yet we take no heed. It no longer means anything to us, except that another person is no longer around. (How sad!) The love for this Dunya courses through our veins, our lives have integrated with the Dunya and our hopes are for the glitter and gain of this Dunya. Look at yourself! are YOU ready to die? Every time a person dies, be it an accident or a heart attack, it is a warning, a reminder, a taunt (it could have been you!) "Imagine." In the last few days of Ramadan, we heard of a brother who died. He was making wudhoo and either during it or upon completing it, he slipped. As he slipped, he hit his head on the floor and his living in this Dunya was over. He was a young brother, 24, or 25 yrs. old and he had only days before became the father of his second child. Was HE ready to die? SubhanaAllah imagine. Imagine if you slipped as this brother did whilst completing a normal everyday act in the safety of your own home. Would YOU be ready to die? Allah forbid, but imagine, what if you were amongst those of weak Iman. Sinning, slipping and neglecting. One of those intending to do good tomorrow or one who used to say, "I'll repent next time" or "I haven't got time, I'm too busy." What if you were one whose soul became terrified at the time of death and would not leave your body? If it had to be ripped, out, shredding in the process. If it were wrapped in a stinking coarse cloth and then taken up to the heavens. Imagine if the Gates of Paradise were locked tight against you. Imagine if then your soul was flung back down to your grave where the angels Munkar and Nakeer would come to ask the three questions. What if you were of such weak Iman that you could barely answer them? Imagine your sins coming to you in your grave in the form of an ugly, foul-smelling person, who would strike you between the eyes with a hammer, a strike such that would cause your whole head to shatter and you to emit such a scream. And, to think, everything you left behind in the Dunya, everything you strived for, craved and accumulated in the Dunya would remain, as it was---As useless now as it was then, only then you didn't realize. On the Day when there will be no one but you, On the Day when you will forget your mother and your mother will forget you, When your spouse will think only of himself or herself, When your friends will no longer be your friends. On that Day when you will be so alone, as you could never imagine. When you have to face Allah and the accounting will be established, and when only good deeds will avail you. What good then will worldly possessions be? How then will your beloved Dunya save you? What use will it be then to think, " I wasn't ready," " I didn't make use of my time", " I should have done more." I should have guarded my fard. I should have read the Qur'an. I should have strived to gain knowledge. I should have made more time. I should have done nawafil actions. I should have controlled my tongue. I should have lowered my gaze. I should have asked them to forgive me. I should have strived to be a person of the Akhirah rather than a person of the Dunya. What use will it be then? Ya Allah forgive us for all our sins, Ya Allah strengthen us in our Iman, in our Taqwa, in our striving for the good of the Akhirah. Ya Allah make us strong against the fitnah of this Dunya and the evils of our own Nafs. Ya Allah let death be a reminder for us. Ya Allah save us from the death of sinners and kafirs. Ya Allah do not let us die in any state other than the state of Islam. Ya Allah do not let us be amongst those who will be lost on the Day of Judgement, those whose faces will be black, who will receive their record of deeds in their left hand, those whom You will turn away from. Ya Allah make us amongst those who weep over our sins out of fear of You, in this Dunya. Ya Allah help us to dissociate ourselves from this Dunya and to be of those who will be successful in the Akhirah, Ameen Allah gives and Forgives, Man gets and FORGETS!
It is a universally accepted and indisputable fact that smoking has many serious health and life hazards, for example, lung cancer, etc. to the smoker as well as those (non-smokers) in his (smokers) environment, therefore, not permissible. Shari'ah has explained in great length the importance and virtue of good health to the extent that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) even advised to maintain a balance in eating and drinking as an imbalance could be harmful to health. He advised having dates, being hot in nature with cucumber, as it (cucumber) has a cooling effect. (Shamaail). On one occasion, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) even stopped Hadhrat Ali (Radhiallaahu Anhu) from eating dates upon recovering from his illness and advised him to have vegetables instead. Although dates is not only nutritious but also a means of obtaining blessing, but in certain conditions, since it could be harmful, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) advised against it. From that, one can gauge the extent of abstaining from cigarettes which contain many harmful ingredients, for example, carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar and benzene vapour. Therefore, smoking is harmful to the smoker as well as those around him. Consider the following: Muhammad Abdul Ghaffaar al-Afghan in his book, 'Ninety nine harms of smoking' has said that smoking results in many sicknesses which doctors have explained and they all amount to ninety nine. Doctor Salahuddeen Abdur-Rabbi Nabiy, a neuro surgeon in Cairo says, 'When a person becomes enslaved to the habit of smoking, it has a very harmful effect on the smoker's health, especially to his heart. As a result his heart beat and blood circulation becomes unstable and he experiences drowsiness from time to time due to the shrinkin of his brain arteries. Sometimes during old age, he suffers from high blood pressure and angina. Similarly, his digestive and respiratory systems are harmed and the smoker loses his appetite. He is also afflicted by a cough which is known as the smoker's cough. When his nervous system is affected the smoker feels a prickly sensation, a numbness in his limbs and also a pain in the nerves.' In the annual conference of the American Doctors Council which took place in Chicago in 1966, the main topic discussed was the harms of smoking. Doctors, who were aware of the role that smoking played in lung cancer, became alarmed when they heard that the least harm smoking causes is that at arouses anxiety. Doctor Edward Kweller Hammond, head of statistics in the Cancer Association of America said, "Verily lung cancer which is caused by smoking cigarettes is not so serious in comparison to the injury caused by smoking with other means." It is stated in the ninth edition of "World of Knowledge" magazine that the time has come wherein it has become necessary to expose all the harms of smoking. It should also be realised that these dispecable substances even cause death. It is also necessary to elucidate the harms of smoking in the hope of saving many intelligent and educated youth, who will be astonished on how much has been written regarding this topic. It is also stated in the above-mentioned magazine under the following heading, "Cancer Caused by Smoking": This fatal illness is the culmination of many illnesses which are the result of thin blood and other sicknesses which are related to the blood vessels. All these are connected to this loathsome substances. However, lung cancer is the most likely outcome of smoking. Lung cancer was a very rare disease but the end of this century witnessed a high rise in its occurance, primarily in men and thereafter in women. In the beginning of the sixties, the death rate due to lung cancer increased compared to before. Smoking also yields other health hazards besides its general and specific economic harms. PROOF FOR THE PROHIBITION OF SMOKING Smoking did not exist in the time of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam), but our magnificent Deen has laid down general principles from which many laws are derived. From these principles, the Ulama (Allah's mercy be upon them) have come to the conclusion that smoking is Haraam. An Aayaat of the Noble Qur'aan states, 'And do not throw yourself into destruction with your own hands.' (Baqarah 195). Smoking causes fatal sicknesses, for example, lung cancer, tuberculosis, etc. In another Aayat, Allah Ta'ala says, 'And do not kill yourselves'. (Nisaa 29). Nabi Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam said, 'Whomsoever drinks poison, thereby killing himself, will sip this poison forever and ever in the fire of Jahannum.' Cigarettes consist of many poisonous substances and furthermore, the smoker indulges in a slow suicidal act by smoking this poison. and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
All I have to say is, if Hijab was not compulsary, I wouldn't be wearing it....for those of you who agree that hijab is out of choice, than you guys have been brainwashed by the western society...if hijab is a choice, than why do you wear it at the mosque? you don't see one girl with out a hijab. The quran does state that women should wear hijab...so my sisters, I know its hard wearing hijab, especially in the western society BUT we will have the last laugh on judgement day...so be happy and represent your religion.
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