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Cl...WAves@ you! Aha now that you received my message loud and clear I can go home and take all these with hearty grip and call it a good monday! PS time for me to get out of work!
Ibti,I can understand that you are engaged in undertaking that is important to you just relax and blind yourself the possibility of failure! Groom yourself with care when you are doing your presentation.There is no standard way of presenting any topic.Just know that anything you say will be translated as ideas of your imagination.Goodluck!
^^ Iseh, must be a thumping blow on you! They must be people who have a lusty appetite on you, but don’t want to come out clean. Don’t take it personal saxiib, it’s a way to play it safe with strangers ( soon or later it will become a clique thing). Poking is nice ways of saying hi to someone you don’t want to initiate a long discussion. PS LOL@ KK
I felt like kicking my heels when I read your reply, Ibti. I’m nearly overcome by grief and pity when I hear that there is someone else trying to wade through life with her.Can you read this to her, please Pendo Langu lipo, iwapo halitakufa Pendo lako lanizizima mwili wangu Pendo la barua halidumu sana Moyo wangu umeisimamisha Siri yako leo uwanjani imetokezea Muhimu niwewe kujuwa kilicho kizuri kwako Maombi yangu nikuwa ujuwe mpenzi bado aongoja! Njoo kwangu dada nikutoa baridi na uofu! Kwangu utapata yataopendeza machoni Utendapo umetenda lakini naomba urudi
←←←Worming my way back to my favorite troll corner.Jaceylka waan kusalamaay! Has anyone seen CL lately? I don't want to have to go looking around for her in the forums.
I joined facebook back in 2005 before the place turned out to be some sort of a dark moody place that undermined your privacy and destroyed your little privacy and turned you into a carnal alien. I admit resignedly that I used to be a facebook addict.I always diverged from the privacy issue in a haste when I was young and virile, but not anymore.I wistfully ponder on the privacy issue before I post anything about my life! I hardly visit the place unless I got a friendly email from old time friends through facebook. There are few positive thing about facebook that I'd have never thought was possible without it. I found beautiful, charming, and educated Somali sisters that were worth interesting to talk to through facebook. Now I try not to shun away from the place like plague even though I’m past that stage of glaring at the pictures of hotties anymore.It galls me to see how many of the Somalis in facebook have formed many tribal XY AND z GROUPS ( i Came ACROSS OF tribal X and Y group on facebook groups :rolleyes: )
^^^I’m not going anywhere Saxiib, at least not until fall when I will be back to smelly and lonesome student. There will be no more freedom, money, and time. I will visit this place whenever I feel like I want to veer away from studies (that is if this place still exist in five or ten more years). Hope you be around too. I used to be an avid reader of your blog (though you slowed down lately).One time I showed your blog to she who must be obeyed and she thought you had too much time in your hand If I ever visit London don’t be surprised if I invite you for a cup of coffee (tea for you!) . EDIT:I remembered a joke you made about the dentists awhile back in this thread. Check out this guy who is being treated by the dentist without Anesthetic. To everyone else who is reading this is not for the faint- hearted ones. The oral cavity is central to human existence since it is where drinking, breathing, and all other life’s pleasure are initiated! Dentistry without Anaestethic
Its funny how I have grown through the pages of SOL. Out of curiosity lost in my own self I tried to search one of My First Post in SOL. I catch myself wondering why in the world did I wrote my first post in capital letters. Who was I yelling at? I was glum with shame when I realized how I had to withdraw my congratulations from that girl ( Najmo) after I found out she wasn’t the original author of the piece. I think I have learned great deal from the nomads of this site. Who would have ever believed I was going to stay this long! I have been enchanted by the novel wisdom of many nomads that I have read their social and political views. Many of these nomads are pleasant enough to go out of their way to make their views clear. It’s hard for me to ignore the annoying ones, which too contribute positively in their own way to this community! Their patronizing platitudes will only affect you if you take them serious . PS My five year anniversary coming up in April
^^^You might be walking on egg here.I for one might be related to you.I understand your furious desire to protect yourself, but you might never know who you might rub in the wrong way here.Just be careful I might be your little nephew or niece.Okay some may give this revelation of mine a whistle of mock surprise, but actually yes I'm related to the above man.While i announce it with elation-hope he forgives me.
^^^Yeah I'm back home safe.Back to trolling Xamali as usual.It was great to see you! It must be strange finding a family member on the same internet site, right?
^^^don't undermine her weekend get away. She must be one loaded girl if she can afford such a long distance trip in a short notice. Myself I was floating around the mid-west for few days from the crippling city of Detroit to the second Somali hub-Columbus. On my driving from Detroit to Columbus I found a beautiful mosque in the middle of nowhere. Out of curiosity I pulled over to see who in the world built this mosque in the middle of Midwest. The beautiful mosque is located near Toledo, Ohio. Has any one seen that mosque? The sign outside says it was built around 1983. It was an incident of tiny surprise for me to see such a beautiful mosque in small town.
I just finished reading the Kite runner by Khaled Hosseini (a fiction book). I was vacationing in the cold of Midwest last week(Wish I stayed in the sunny South ). It is a good book about friendship, loyalty, guilt, shame, repentance, and tyrannical persecution in Afghanistan. The book had an emotional power that takes you deep into what Afghanistan has been from the Russian invasion to life of Afghanis as a refugee in the American soil. The book spilled me into a hailstorm of how human beings are capable of being good when they have wronged fellow human.A good read.I recommend it.
^^^ Hablahaa haigu tiiriina nimanyahoow
CHE, I must maintain a façade of smile while you call me a girl.What an odd and derogatory name you got there for me.You ought to be ashamed of your old prattling self!
I do not like to defend people, as I should when they are ganged up on, but I’m not liking the way these visitors of troll corner calling my girl a cow( i don’t want to even repeat it). As someone with an arm band of authority in this corner I shall put some of these guys on probations. If weren’t for the internet barrier I shall have made them gag or swallow their spiteful blood.I sense a perculiar ugliness about them when they call her the cow.I could make them dissipate into thin air, but then again they are not next to me.Let me whipe my paddle of tears. :mad:
Now see I feel better now.I don't feel resentful or cheated.Girls thank you.I care about the Salams.I wish I knew what else to wish for, so I can get it from these girls FB, whats up hommy!
Ibtisam, you know I don't like when you girls say hi to each other alone and I'm the only guy that trolls here often since I've nothing else to contribute anywhere(what a dumb **** i'm). I'm always braced for battle when you girls leave me out of the Salam. :mad:
Ngonge, Remember that even the far-sighted politicians might be incapable of mastering all the central theme of the American quest for better economy, immigration problem, Iraq war and equal education. It is obvious that Obama would not solve all the grievous problems facing the nation without a failure of some sort, but neither would any current candidates promise a rose optimism.. I doubt though if Obama would be too passive or too malleable as important issues unfold in his term. As a firm supporter of his I believe that he will respond to his challenges just like any other politicians. This speech was graciously and elegantly written (whether written by him or not) to instinctively identify with the Black community while not making the white people guilty of their sub-conscious sins. He really seemed poised to bring the American problem of race in the limelight. He clearly made them understand how race has defined power and economic opportunity in America. I’m sure Obama will not bring America an exhilarating time that never before was witnessed, but he is aspired to greatness. To a remarkable extent I’m sure he will try to do the best he can.
^^^ Sounds yummy, but I thought only reer Somaliya were the ones that liked everything with banana. LOl@ pilau bila nyama.How does that taste? I love tea with Xawash.
I have access to all of these things (ofcourse I'm using she who must be obeyed school ID-she is still a student), but my company IT blocks attachment of any sort.Sorry that I can't help!
I’m a person that notices strange things that may not be that important to many people. There is that hidden part of me that tries to notice strange things and be quite about it. More and more things seem to be slipping into my mind. Every time I log in to SOL my eyes fixate on the upper right hand corner of the site. I seem to notice that Jimmy Krona has been the newest member of the site for quite sometimes. I bet you none of you noticed that (Ha..haa..haa)
Seems like Ahliya didn't get my "good look" jokes. I felt i could only trick CL to beleive I was a hunk.J/K PS JAC.. Stop bragging about your off days.Myself I got seven days coming up! I will be out of town
^^If you peak at my room at night you will see me curled up under my sheets with different kind of magazines besides me.I hate the entertainment once like People magazine.I only read the once that may make me gape at night so I can fall a sleep like a baby! I'd occasionally conjure an image of my first Halimo that I ever kissed.But then again I maybe tempted to wonder around all sorts of things could have happen during my teenage years(it was a down right humiliting experience when the only answer I also got from them was walaalkey baan kuumaleynaayeey )
Jaceylka, Uusheeg inaantaan .If we dont lay that pretty hot girls on our minds subconsciously somebody else might do it for us.They got the whammy on us.We got to intoxicate ourselves with their spell Jaceylka...this is the only corner I can write such nonesense.It is enter at your own risk corner
I hate traffic. I’m grown to be impatient person. Today I spent one and a half hour trying to get to work.I was stuck for almost an hour between two exits. Boredom was creeping on me seating in my car flipping the radio channel. An idol mind is a devils workshop. The woman in the other line is grinning at me mechanically. We both grin at each other knowing what the other is going through with this turtle pace traffic. She is really a tempting woman. My car is little elevated than her (only because I drive a four wheeler). Every few seconds I got the impulse to turn to her car and stare at her searchingly ( of course to check what sort of legs she got).I wondered if her legs and breast could drive me wild in the middle of this traffic. I see from my car seat men in suit driving in limos, Mexican handymen with their vans (loaded with dangerous ladders that could fall any time In the middle of the road). I was by now laying this woman on my head. I think she too harbored the same feeling by now. I could see from my car what sorts of dress she had on. They were clean and neat. I prayed she wasn’t an office manager .I hate office managers because of their juvenile autocratic rule over my little cubicle. Every time we come to the same speed with the woman in the other line my hands would become sweaty and my pulse would rise higher than it normally was. Since I had too much spare time I would try to keep the same pace as she did only to be honk at by an irate driver behind me. I did not give all the thinking about the other drivers. All I cared was having a look at the sort of legs this woman had. I was undressing this woman mentally and swarming all over her every time she started to fidget with her hair. I was enjoying myself exquisitely when I realize I reached my exit. :mad: