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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Just Curious, anyone seen CL lately? Where is she yah Londernistans? :confused:
  2. Inalilah Wainailahi Rajicuun.Is this the same Meygag who was living in Japan? I think they are two of them, right? I heard alot about his involvement with SOPRI.
  3. I’m not familiar with the political, ideological and military differences between the factions fighting in southern Somalia, but having said that I was wondering whether there was any other political resources that could have been utilized directly or indirectly without inviting Ethiopia into the Somali picture? Strictly speaking, I would not invite someone who bode ill for me into my house. The prospect of a ruling government are improved if its citizens and leaders strongly support the values and practices of the said government. I don’t mean to suggest that no one supports the current TFG rule, but from my readings majority of the people in Mogadishu and it’s environ are against them. No institutions will survive when the underlying conditions are highly unfavorable. Both the number of the people that supports and extent of territory matters when it comes to legitimacy of any government. What constitutes a fair representation within our Somali politics is a subject of endless controversy, in part because of the tribal allegiance. Within the impenetrable thicket of group affiliation I think it was wrong to invite a non-neutral country into the equation. At least the TFG should have foreseen the political windfall that was to befall them .It is perfectly reasonable, and logically necessary, to conclude that Ethipia is not the solution to Somali problem. PS Lets please Keep it civil I'm learning the different views on this issue.
  4. I’m not immune to the tribal gibberish. I’m as open tribalistic as any other member of this forum, and I don’t think I would want to live without it because of all the extended family I get without any hassle. The tribe hovers and lurks around me when they need assistance or if I ever need any help. I hate few tribes and I like much fewer tribes even though I don’t care about who has the special aptitude or social skills to be in my company. I will often catch myself learning to use dirty words to demean other tribes. These will tickle my ribs and kept me giggling at other tribes gaffe. Sometimes with spiteful goals of my own I will find myself seating among older men talking about tribal issue. I will often try to tease other tribes with flamboyant gesture of spite while I try to increase the stock of my tribe . See my tribe is gifted with the insight to able to chuckle kindly at other tribes while they make fool of themselves. My tribe floats like algae in a green scum. We are the best of the stock! I’m not even glum with shame in saying these unlike the fakery portrayed by others who want to absolve themselves. I know you are saying I think Filthy, but so be it. Good God! You say, but does anyone care about my tribal affiliation? I don’t think so and So you shouldn’t care too.To Hell with tribe then
  5. Ibti, I wanted to write something, but I'm afraid you will say I'm too much.But anyway here we go. Her skin spilled me head over heel into rippling vibration that even My rocket was close to bulge out of my Levi.
  6. ^^^ She is more of what Somalidha calls Maariin. Damn She has the softest skin I have ever come across
  7. Issa, I think the third option of making the Haankaasta (sp?) will be crushing three to four Eveready batteries and add some malmal (sp?) in it-though you need to be careful with the toxic lead the battery contains. As for the beautiful skin care nothing beats vaseline lotion.Just put some at night time you will never get wrinkles.... I know one girl that has the most beautiful skin in the world-And she is Somali
  8. I like how the professor was critical of the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia both on political and moral ground. Central to his argument was that no justification, however, could match in severity the invasion of Ethiopian under the USA proxy. The Ethiopian escalation of Somali misery would only fuel more resistant from the Somalis buoyed with hope that one day they will liberate their country from these invaders. The futility of man-hunting individuals would only radicalize the young Somalis on the street of Somalia cities. Somali nation will reel from the emotional Ethiopian occupation for a long time. I don’t know much about Somali politics, but gathering from what I read it seems that the Ethiopian invasion will only achieve a marginal success in keeping the Warlord Abdullahi Yussuf for a short time in office. In retrospect the Somali war complexity and contradictions can be traced to one pre-eminent reality-supporting a puppet government in these roller-coaster sequence of Somali affairs. It is by no means clear that emphasis on bombing people in Somalia would signify Somalia departure from tyranny and anarchy. American and Ethiopian government can continue playing out the same scenario of suppressing the Somali voice, but the Somali people should be aware of the consequence of welcoming a century old enemies. In todays world America is the world power player. Causes can only be advanced, and policies promoted when you have the support of the public. If America believes in its creed of supporting democracy to help prevent government that are cruel and vicious autocrat, how can they support a government that is not supported by it people? Al-shabab did not come from nowhere. America wants to spread democracy around the world, but how can they support leaders who have enormous temptation for power that only corrupts the whole essence of democracy? Was it Thomas Jefferson who once asserted that revolution about every generation would be a good thing-Maybe revolution for the whole of Somalia against tyranny is needed by its people-duh?.
  9. Lol@ Lazy...Yes I was responding to myself.I hate to write things without making it clear. I wrote those words in haste yesterday while watching television. I was begging for mercy when I finally recollected myself this morning. I wonder when the time will ever come so that I can rejoice at Hillary loss, and I can guilefully laugh at you and Ngonge
  10. ^^^I'm sorry that was a response in a hurry. A soldier never knows his strength until he has been to a battle-this is a battle for Obama to show the Americans that he can stick to his principles even if he has to ditch his former pastor whom he called a confident for the last twenty years. Senator Obama has taken a superior judgment on Tuesday in denouncing in the strongest of terms against the pastors words of division. Any sane person would know that nothing can top the world of insanity than spreading rumors about the government spreading AIDS in the African community. Obviously the pastor was so arrogant and ignorant about the science behind the cause of spread of AIDS in the black community. To assume that everything the pastor is doing right now is to the advantage of Obama is, of course, absurd, as anyone with the slightest familiarity with politics in general knows. An enormous suspicion about what Obama believes in private whirls around his campaign trail, after the pastor made a comment of passing Obama response as a “posturing” response. Obama lead in North Carolina has shrunk. Tell me if Wright self-centered media cruising has nothing to do with it? To dismiss Obama response on Tuesday as a Pressure from the right wing hate radio like Sean Hanity is lame. To understand why Obama responded the way he did on Tuesday, we need to recognize that people need to know if Obama subscribe to the pastor’s erroneous factual judgment. Obama as a leader responded to the pastor on grounds of what is acceptable and prudence in our society today. To be a president of a nation one needs to base all his decisions about policies, whether personal or government related on ethical and moral judgment. It is striking that Obama came across as a responsive person in that question and answer press conference.
  11. Jimacale, Hussein Tanzania lives in Boston now where he teaches at the college of Holy Cross. I personally met his children who live here in the USA. He was born and raised in Tanzania, but educated at Princeton and Harvard. He is a political Scientist who does a commendable job of presenting the Somali issue in a clear and concise style. You can access some of his books at the Red Sea press. I think one of his new books from Tyranny to Anarchy can be found on Red Sea press website. I personally remember my dad telling me and my brothers to follow the footsteps of this guy from early age, one of the first Somali from East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania) getting a PHD from one of the respected University in the world.I've never met the guy, but I knew about his history before I came to America . PS Damn I can't aceess the Youtube from work!
  12. Don't you love the Hillary Camp/Obama doubters of SOL?
  13. Stoic, Don't tell me a Kenyan came to the States as flight 13 Qaxooti Che, As, was of course, when I was coming to America you could walk in to any house in Eastleigh, Nairobi and walk out with a sponsorship if your pocket will allow you to cough four thousand bucks! Just as important it is for you to figure out who was eligible to come to America under flight thirteen, it was non-issue for the immigration to inspect for bullet proof on people chests and legs.More people, of course, were aware of the sponsorship business.No one disagreed vehemently that there were people coming from Kenya and claiming to be from Somalia, but no one cared as long as you were thin, weighted less than 170 pounds, and eat caanjero for breakfast and bariis for lunch. Whether for good or ill I don’t know I have taken someone in Mogadishu or Erigavo opportunity to come to America.More, and more critics, pointed out our flaws in our Somali, but at the end of the day no one gave rat-assse about where you were born since every Somali wherever born will always be a Somali citizen.
  14. I personally think Reverend Wright tour de Media is doing disservice to Obama.The Pastor was charismatic, eloquent and even brilliantly effective in his ability to save his face in this media war attack on his character. The media though will only dramatize instead of highlight the pastors main points. However unfair the media has been to the pastor, such remarks of pastor Wright shows how deep the division of white America and black America has always been. Not surprisingly, many may think that Wright is only throwing Obama under the bus as he continues with his translation of black church diffuse concern over many issues.If any of you watched Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, you will see why the media is ready to pin Obama into the wall for Jeremia Wrights comments.Pastor ....Shut....up..........shut...up
  15. The Pastor needed to shut his pie-hole; this is not the time for the final denouement. His interviews will only transmit distractive vibration for Obama camp. There should be somewhere in his brain a cell-structure that tells him when to speak out and when to shut-up! I know he wants to defend his words, but the media will only sensationalize the statement about Obama responding to his speech as a politician, “"He's a politician, I'm a pastor. We speak to two different audiences. And he says what he has to say as a politician. I say what I have to say as a pastor. But they're two different worlds,” The astute pundits will cling to his words to plant some more doubt of Obama sincerity in his responds. This is not the time for the pastor to sing Kumbaya, “come into my tent, embrace my dogma, and I will give you a true a picture of what America stands for”. His views now will not even give a bird’s eye the view of his most important message of American injustice around the world. The pastor interview will only set Obama on the defensive and crippling his chances of convincing people about his ties with the trinity church.I will watch it tonight on PBS
  16. Rumour has it on the internet that Fatima won the tenth season.Its just a rumour.If it is true you heard it from me, if itsn't true I never said so until it is consistent with what you know.Looool (Jaceylka style!) There is no one in the show that gives me a second of an awe-Just raw curiosity and rooting for my home girl keeps me peeping at the show on wednesday nights.
  17. Xidigo, I was only yielding contemptibly to the impulse of the above image.In response to your question, I don’t support the TFG neither could I tell you why I don’t like them since I never got the interest to keep up with Somali politics except in a few instances where I tried to get involved with Somaliland issue . The Somali war is unfortunate profound war that has brought miseries to many Somalis. As a result of such misfortunes I try to keep up with Somali news just to see if things will ever change. I grew up in a two different world though deep in my heart I closely identify myself as a Somali citizen although I lurch sometimes towards Somaliland identity due to an obvious bias. Edit: did you just delated your question? oh this sucks!
  18. Che, I think I felt I could trick anyone to beleive I was born in Xafaada Medina in the Capital city of Mogadishu, so hush don't put me on the spotlight.There was that unreal time close to a decade ago when I was going through the sponsorship interviews in Nairobi when I began to feel I wasn't really who I was making myself to be.Becareful I was burdened with the Somali knowledge of citizenship rules and regulations at a younger age-Once a Somali always a Somali citizen
  19. ^^^Must you subject us to their gawping looks, Saaxiib.I have got them saved in my head now every time I see their pictures.Hope they didn't flop down on the floor.They should have atleast tried to sustain the pretense that surrounds them.I don't like my "President" to be seen in such a wilted state.Can someone delete this debasing picture?
  20. Basshi, Rush and the hate radio are always in for voter suppression, fraud and manipulation. Hate radio is where a message of narrowness and mean-spirited are conveyed. I read it somewhere that the “Operation chaos” is urging the Republicans to vote for Hillary so that they can prolong the democratic election and cause more chaos. This is a battle that is proceeding far out the public eye. The roller-costar cycle of hate radio spreading rumors and fear about Obama will continue until they get Hillary as the nominee- you know they always want an easy target where the polical wheelers can resort back to the vicious uncivil politics of the 90’s
  21. Heh Ngonge, I don’t think Hillary is genuine either-she is a glib. Indeed, so skilled of A POLITICIAN she is even after a loosing streak of primaries and drying up of funds, she is still able to shake the Obama camp. But, Saxiib there is no way to separate the wheat from the chafe here. The same sense of self-assured politics won’t be found in Clinton camp either. I don’t expect Hillary to redefine the American politics by bringing a momentum and face the real issues without resorting to campaign tactics of not so subtlety! We can marvel at how Obama personality has got him where he is today, but it would be unfair to deny his political skills of bringing a new breed of voters out from the closet. Every day as we get closer to the decision day sure we came to see new weakness that emerges from Obama camp. Hillary can wiggle and waffle at every little hope she gets, but it would not shake the Obama momentum as she wants him to disappear in the thin air. Dismiss him all you want, but look out for Obama to make a swath in the upcoming primaries.
  22. It is not a surprise that Obama, bloodied and bowed by the recent gaffes, lost the Pennsylvania primary. Although Hillary didn’t cause a major dent to his pledged delegate leads by any objective standard this win will clearly create a doubt on the unpledged super delegates minds. Hopefully Indiana will wrap up Obama for a win, as he is expected to win North Carolina. Obama has clearly given Clinton many opportunities of doubt about his capability to be a leader even as she was herself wrapped in controversies about her lies. The Clinton Machines are out in full force to demonize and personalize this election. Obama can still be smart and try to outspend her in the next few coming primaries. He should be smart enough to not plant any more seed of doubt in blue collar workers in the state of Indiana. He should be focused and try to avoid to say things that “off message”. In an election year where even good messages may turn out to be not so you have to be careful to choose the right wordings. The blue collar workers response for voting for Hillary typifies the Americans response on what the media spews, and fairly so can be headed sometimes as in the case of Obama’s chided remarks about small townies. With the Gas prices hit record high I think economy becomes the central to domestic policy. Each candidate’s policy of economic recovery will make the difference of who is going to make to the finish line. As an open Clinton Hater I hope she loses. Go Obama!!
  23. The life of Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, a former illegal immigrant, may sound like a movie script, but it is no fiction. Twenty years ago, he hopped a border fence from Mexico into the United States and became a migrant farmworker. Today, he is a neurosurgeon and professor at Johns Hopkins University, and a researcher who is looking for a breakthrough in the treatment of brain cancer. His remarkable journey began in a tiny farming community, 60 miles south of the U.S. border. Quinones-Hinojosa was born there, and by age 5, he was working at his father's gas station. His grandmother was a village healer and a midwife. But in the mid-1970s, Mexico's economy collapsed, and his father could no longer keep food on the table for the family. Quinones-Hinojosa continued his schooling and became a teacher by the time he was 18, but he, too, was unable to provide for his family. So he made the decision — like so many relatives before him — to head north. Quinones-Hinojosa picked cotton, tomatoes and cantaloupes, and lived in the fields in a broken-down camper he bought for $300. When his cousin told him he would be a farmworker for the rest of his life, he realized it was time to move on. He signed up for English classes at a community college, where a teacher encouraged him to attend the University of California, Berkeley. At Berkeley on a scholarship, Quinones-Hinojosa developed a passion for the scientific method. He went on to Harvard Medical School, where he eventually delivered the commencement speech. It is also during this time that he received his U.S. citizenship. Quinones-Hinojosa says he owes so much of his success to the many people who have extended a hand to him throughout his life. Source
  24. Lander, Djibouti was the only African country to participate in the US government safe skies for African program. I’m sure they have received assistance to improve their airport and infrastructure. Djibouti being the host of only US military bases in sub-Saharan Africa (the combined joined task force-Horn Africa) they should have been far up there in terms of prosperity with the rest of young and upcoming African economies.. The world today is divided into three categories; the one that demands to be heard, the one that demands to be told and one that demands to be left alone. Somaliland falls under the category of the countries to be told what to do (so is the rest of Somalia).We must see the world for what It is today and play along with it. Somaliland is a poor country which is incapable of shaping its own economy. Many countries in the middle East can huff about their strong disagreement with the America at their own will since they can cause inflation in the world by single handedly cause economic distress by boycotting with their oil. Our overriding reason of allowing America in Somaliland soil should be because of our dare need of all sort of assistance we can get. You can only preside over a happy family if you give your kids their basic needs. Somaliland is not in a state of stable father yet. If America will increase the gross national product of Somaliland I’m all for it since every society needs the opportunity to participate in prosperity! Somaliland today doesn’t need to hear the sounds of punctuating whack of mortar fire.
  25. Although some of you may object to American military base in Somaliland, the eminent advantage of having such a base in Somaliland may make sense once you stop bobbing and weaving at Somaliland government and try to make sense out of what Somaliland will gain out of this corporation with the mighty USA. Somaliland is a country that needs to be rescued out of its lassitude and despair that any country so poor faces. America today is embarking on a concerted effort to intervene and control any country they deem it necessary to their interest by providing financial and military support-they done it in Afghanistan and Central America. Their vaunted strength and military power can not be ignored in this global world.Some might argue against America tactics, message, and moral fervor around the world, which rightly so can be debated and weighted. The sharpest gain I want to see out of this corporation is one of education and health assistance. The new engagement of the superpower would in large part determine the state of Somaliland nation.If Somaliland effort of helping the USA in gathering intelligence and the use of its airspace would land her a deal of financial gain so be it since we are in a world of coalition politics where every country is in a state of looking after its own interest.The critical vehicle against this coalition can take the back seat in the minds of Somalilanders while they reap the advantage of such a life time opportunity