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^^ I guess he didn't make it.The white guy beat him to it.The Tanzanian guy was close though.I think he should be happy for making to Stanford graduate school-don't you hate this overachievers? LOl
ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Joshua Packwood knows what it's like to be a minority. Joshua Packwood, 22, will be the first white valedictorian at the historically black Morehouse College. 1 of 3 This weekend he'll be the first white valedictorian to graduate from the historically black, all male Morehouse College in the school's 141-year history. Morehouse, in Atlanta, Georgia, is one the nation's most prestigious universities of its kind. For more than a century, the school has prided itself on personifying the dream of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the school's most notable alums, by producing "Morehouse Men" - intelligent and successful black leaders. "Because I'm one of the only white students, it's easy to call me 'the white boy,' I'm naturally going to stand out," says Packwood. But Packwood, 22, doesn't stand out solely because he is white or has maintained a 4.0 grade point average. For those who don't know him, what is surprising is that a Rhodes Scholar finalist turned down a full scholarship to Columbia University to attend the all-black men's university. This came naturally to Packwood, who attended a predominantly black high school. "A large majority of my friends, like all my girlfriends have been minorities," says Packwood. "So it was very, it was kind of strange that I always kind of gravitated to the black community." Packwood fit in immediately at Morehouse. His charm, movie-star good looks and chiseled physique made him popular among students. He was elected dorm president and to class council during freshmen year - and was a favorite at campus fashion shows. White valedictorian makes history » He also gained worldly experience studying and traveling abroad. Don't Miss iReport.com: What does it mean to be black in America? In Depth: Black in America iReport.com: Share your stories Life hasn't always been easy for Packwood. He grew up in a poor area of Kansas City, Missouri, where he says he found himself gravitating to the black community at a young age. Adolescence was rough. His mother's second marriage to a black man ended in divorce and family tension forced him to seek refuge with his best friend's family - who were black and middle-class. The experience of living with his best friend's family had a profound effect on Packwood, who says he saw a "different side of black America." During his teens, Packwood says he got into his share of fights and even landed in jail a few times. Still, his grades were good and eventually earned him a full scholarships to Morehouse College and Columbia University. Against the advice of some family members, Packwood gave up the scholarship to an Ivy League school. He felt the true college experience was at Morehouse - where he believed he would get more than an education. "I gained this interest in African-American studies and I thought that Morehouse would probably be the best experience," says Packwood. "I think of it in terms of 'study abroad.' If I really want to learn it, if I really want to understand it - maybe it's best if I immerse myself in the culture." "Mr. Packwood is deserving. He has earned this," says Dr. Robert Franklin, the president of Morehouse. "We are committed to merit, to hard work - no matter who it might be." For the most part, Packwood says the experience among his Morehouse brethren has been overwhelmingly good - with the exception of a few negative comments. "One guy came up to me and told me -- he didn't like the fact that I was here," recalls Packwood. "He absolutely didn't like the fact that I dated black women." "So I heard him out, and said, 'I appreciate your opinion but don't agree with what you have to say,'...and now we've become, not necessarily close, but very cool," Packwood says. That student, Vinson Muhammad, says he was curious about the reasons why someone like Packwood would choose to attend an all-black college. "I don't necessarily support him being here, but because he's here and we can't discriminate against other races, I support him and his mission to be successful in life," says Muhammad, a junior. "I just kind of wish he had done it at a different institution." Black in America In this next installment of CNN's Black in America series, Soledad O'Brien examines the successes, struggles and complex issues faced by black men, women and families -- 40 years after the death of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Watch July 23 and 24 see full schedule » Even though he received the support of school administrators, Packwood's scholastic success did not come without some controversy. When word got out that he might become the next valedictorian, some of his classmates - even friends - were admittedly chafed. "They approached me and said, 'Yeah, I have a problem with you being valedictorian. I know you've earned it and even though I know you on a personal level - I like you a lot - but it disturbs me that out of roughly 3,000 black men - there's not one that's done as well as or better than you academically,' " says Packwood. Still, the majority of students told CNN that he earned his accolades and they stand behind him. Some say, if anything, Packwood's academic success should serve as a lesson to his fellow students. "I think that it should be a wake-up call to an all black campus," says Muhammad. "At Morehouse we're supposed to be at the top as black men. We only have a few white students and to see a white student will rise to this - is something unsettling to me because it shows that we need to work harder." Campus administrators say that black or white, Packwood's experience is consistent with the school's mission: to produce future leaders. "I think some of our alumni are a little nervous about a white student graduating from Morehouse with all of its rich history for producing African-American male leaders. But I don't think it's contradictory at all," says Sterling Hudson, the dean of admissions. Overall, Packwood says his experience is the best proof of Morehouse success, because the school was able to produce a white valedictorian - against the odds. He's eager to quote the school's most notable alums. "What Morehouse stands for at the end of the day, and what Dr. King epitomized, it's not about black or white, it's about the content of [a person's] character," says Packwood. "It's about me, representing Morehouse in that light -- not as a white man or a black man." His experience was so positive that Packwood's younger brother, John, will follow in his footsteps when he enrolls as a freshman at the college next year. Could this type of recruitment signal a new trend for Morehouse and other historically black colleges and universities? "We're not aggressively pursuing white students," says Hudson. "But like every other college, we're interested in diversity. So, if a white student becomes interested in Morehouse - of course we are going to treat him like any other student." For now, Packwood is enjoying his rise to the top. This week, he started his first job with the prestigious investment banking firm Goldman Sachs on Wall Street. But he'll be back at Morehouse Sunday wearing his cap and gown along with the 500 members of his graduating class. Not as a white man or a black man - but as a Morehouse Man. "The interesting thing about Josh's experience is that he had a full Morehouse experience," says Hudson. "When he marches across the stage on May 18 and receives his diploma, he's going to be a Morehouse Man in every way -- except ethnicity." "I don't think ethnicity makes the difference; it's what's in his heart." Sources
We need to be like Bahai faith and embrace all accents. My Iranian Co-worker is of Bahai faith.They are cool people with all their progressive revelation For a minute too I thought you guys were talking about American Southern drawl.One of my mentor grew up in Xamaar. She is a sweet little thing with her southern accent.A Sijui of all people shouldn't be talking about people's accent.
^^^^ Farax Brown you of all people who went to a prestigious high school in Kenya should be able to encourage others to write well. PS I'm sorry for the Qarxiis
A good writer doesn’t just spring up from the earth one day and write a good essay, neither does a body builder becomes puff by lifting only dumbbells in one day! It takes time and effort to master the art of writing. Occasional effort to apply the rules of grammar and spelling in one’s writing is to the advantage of the writer. Many years ago I remember having a problem with Subject-Verb agreement and Comma Splice problem with my writing-I still do. This was partially because of my poor education system in Kenya compounded with my laziness. I needed to apply these rules to my writing diligently in order to develop a fixed habit of writing clearly my class assignment. Long and hard I labored to correct my writing only to get low B’s on my essays (still I haven’t mastered the art of writing). When I finished my undergraduate studies I was hired as an Analyst in a chemical laboratory. I was expected by my manager to write a scientific style report every week. This was not easy, but with practice I was able to do my best. Even if you are not a lawyer or a business executive you will eventually need to write something in your lifetime. If you have ever been discouraged (as I have been) one of the worst thing you could do is quit trying your best. Bad grammar and poor spelling is like wearing shoes without socks only to come out with a stinky feet in the presence of your host. The writing style and how eloquently you convey your message across is a strong determining factor of how your message is received. A good writer is not, necessarily, one who can use fancy words , but one who has so developed the art of writing in a clear and a concise style without drenching his writting with jargons! As one might say, in modern slang, everything would be “fo shiznit” if you can make sure people understand what you are tying to say. The oasis of the desert of the lost hope is Practicing everyday. I’m still learning the art of writing everyday and I hope to improve.
Just when I though Bush would be detached from McCain campaign (after what happened in 2000 campaign) he comes up with the most lame accusation. Bush is trying to help the Republican Party by posturing Obama as an appeaser. Such fears mongering tactics only seems real to the Republican Cassandra’s who are out there for American hegemony. While Americans are trying ways to thrash out of his mess he wants to convince them that his party has the solution. Fear is the only asset of the Republican Party revival. Obama will be elected to the white House on the promise that he would bring truth and openness to the mess you made you Moron.
I read the last article on your post-it is sure a moving one.Attempting to deflect mounting series of Criticism from its policies towards handing over Somalis to Ethiopians these two self-declared republics hide behind the national security veil in disguise. Why would they attempt to hand over other Somalis to hawks who only want to besiege them? I have seen brilliant bargain between nations before consummated amidst greater national interest from an already developed democratic nations, but Ethiopia is far from a Somali friend. Their concerns of wining over Ethiopia money or power are disingenuous. As much as Somalia being today a victim of its own circumstance, Somalis shouldn’t sell-out their brothers and sisters to this depth of cheap politics and pervasiveness. The political wheelers and dealers of these regions need to know that Karma is B!!tch
^^^^^O-man just got an endorsement from Edward yesterday just in time when he needed to convince the White blue collar workers in every swing state that he is the right man for the job (if they ever cared to think outside their racist self). Hillary took a swath on this demographic during this primary. Through it all many wondered if O-man will ever win the vote of this Appalachian Hillbillies, but with the backing of Edwards we hope to see a shift of support. Significantly, the politics of race is much more focused by these voters than on economic and policy issues. To the consternation of Hillary the man is closing the gap and stealing the spotlight from her. I hope this endorsement will increase the hunger for more in depth meaning of what the man is capable of than clipping his feathers before he even tried to fly!
^^^Take Claritin or sometimes called LORATADINE, if they even have it in London
^^^^So fresh So clean So fly.......
Ngonge, tell them that we have a developing budding dentist who will be gentle.Every cell inside me is convinced that CL woun't let me poke her mouth so Ibti hush.Don't worry CL though I'd lapped you up if you ever visit my practice (In future) PS The IT blockage of image is failing me.I had a perfect picture of a budding dentist for you
Ibti, they have to be mighty whitey-no stains.Thanks though they are biohazards.The post office woun't let you ship it
CL...It starts August.I'm looking for a donation of teeth.Any one willing to donate some? I have to collect a two jar full of teeth before August.I have been trolling Oral surgeons practices the last few weeks. PS Che, maailaaragtay Waan kuukhafifaay innataan ha? (sp?)
^^^She is back.I missed you CL...Welcome back!
Hamid Dabashi Op-ed column in Al-Ahram weekly is not the first article that has planted the first seed of doubt on me about Obama sleeping with the AIPAC. There is a good reason to criticize Obama narrow view of the Palestinian issue. All along I knew the AIPAC working hand in gloves with all the American presidential candidates to support the state of Israel. Rarely doesn’t an American politicians tare themselves as the quintessential apostle of Israel existence. Any politician that sides with the Palestinians explodes in the national press as the villain that sleeps with the enemy. It is hard for Obama to navigate away from the norm without being tainted with the title of anti-Semitic. I believe though that Obama campaign would produce a new engagement of American politics and the abiding realities of even handed in the American foreign policies. The story of Palestinian is one of pain, turmoil, and conflict. One of my best Arab friends is an American born Palestinian whose family was affected in every shape and form by this conflict. Together with him we have battled the Jewish organization of Hillel on our campus during our undergraduate studies. We picketed outside Jewish sponsored talks and even erected a mock wall of Israel wall that divides the Palestinians in Gaza. I do sympathize with these people. My vote can not bring perfection to the American foreign policy, but I think my conscious tells me that it has to start from somewhere and I believe electing Obama in November can at least raise the curiosity of the sleeping American voters. I think withdrawal from the American politics by the Muslims will not solve any problem, but exacerbates it (as one close friend wondered why as a Muslim I’m even bothered with the American politics). I think as a Muslim our growing dissatisfaction and alienation with the American policies should not stop us from voting. It is the politics of everyday that is the accurate barometer of our society that we choose to live in. Read Dabashi article below...... Sources
Baashi, It should come as no surprise to see the kid make such comments as adherent of a particular culture often view their political demand as a matter of deep principle conviction. Perhaps the kid didn’t know the dark side to his argument when he was making such comments that the greatest threat to any democracy comes from people with means of physical coercion. A bit of a simple observation soon reveals that no population in this world has been suppressed with assimilation (not even the Red Indians of America).Hope Somalilanders (including peripheral supporter like me) realize that equal consideration for all, is more likely to secure assent of all others whose corporation they need to achieve their goal of self-independence.
Watch out for this British girl-Leona Lewis- kicking back in the American airwaves over the whole summer.The Brits are breaking the Billboard Bleeding Love PS She is a hottie too....
Ngonge,Hopefully they will encapsulate their feelings . I know where you stand with the man; I’m waiting for the day you will give the man the credit he deserves everyday as the intrigue to his nomination deepens more and more. Obama sure spell a life of unparallel new opportunity for American of all walks of life in the midst of encrusted tradition of racism.
This is hilarrious clip from Saturday Nightlive.Hillary nomination wilted on the debacle surrounding her refusal to admit a defeat.Obama looks a sure bet to win the nomination.Here is a little comedy I have no Ethical Standard PS Waves at Valenteenah.....
I gotta say this is the funniest story I read today.Is this another sort of pervasive fallacy implicit in every aspect of America war on terror? Where are the terrorist if we are building five star hotels and amusement parks so we can cash more money? All the Marriott rooms should be decorated as a torture chambers then. One of my college buddy-International affair kinds of guy- is stationed in green zone by an American company. He always wanted to work for the State government until he found heaven in the companies that are operating in the green zone. While Bush administration manipulates congress into action in Iraq someone somewhere is heavily benefiting from this war. PS By the way my freind shot Baghdad for Obama videos on Youtube
Baashi, I was reading the other day how her supporters like Harvey Weinstein of Miramax Pictures threatened Speaker Pelosi with cut-back of funds to congressional Democrats if Pelosi didn’t back off from her comment about the decision to stick with the person with the most pledged delegates. She is really an Iron-lady. The metaphor of for good or ill has permeated her psych. It is Hillary or nobody like the pundits from virtually every political perspective has concluded. What is more, her arrogance has no bounds. Instead of her to recast her image as party builder she only alienates herself from the common Democrat in the Street. If Obama wins-as he should-the first and the most obvious challenge he will face are damage done by these unnecessary prolonged primaries. Although I believe Obama eminent response to all his failings in the primaries should made sense when we get to November.
She should at least perhaps appropriately realize no more slickness, expediency, and disingenuous left. It is time for the youthful, exuberant, and thoughtful young Obama. Move….Get out the way….Her campaign was all wrapped up in controversies and derogatory snipping. No one can wield power with an Iron fist unless of course you are military Junta from Bama. At the core of Clinton problem was her own failure to find a middle ground with the regular voters without casting O-man as an elite inexperienced candidates.
FARAX BROWN, Come on you must have made the Qad at Macalim Tuure Duugsii.I use to make mine with magic invocation so that it woun't wipe off when it rains. To the Western grown kids or city dwellers, see some of us never had the pleasure of green carpet with daisy wallpapers.We learned our Quran under more traditional setting where the Macalin beat the crap out of our thighs when we didn't do our Faartaanbaha (SP?) as a practice before the lesson started.If there is one thing we learned from that setting it is that you don't need a cinderella theme to be a Hafiiz .
Clearly this will create a sense of fluidity and opportunity between American and Muslims political and cultural discourse that had not been present. This is one man sought to occupy center stage, harnessing all his wealth, to direct and mold the History of Islam and Christianity relation. He started the same kind of program at Georgetown University called Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal center for Muslim-Christian understanding where Modern Islamic Scholars like John Espositos are part of the Center. I think it is a noble idea to start such programs in major Universities in the West to bridge the gap between Islam and the West-Where else can it be better to do that than in where the minds of the young people are molded? Indeed Institutions like this are where ideas and policies are shaped.