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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Lilly, you remind an American television advertisement by Southwest airline about a woman who accidently walked into the mens bathroom.The advertisement says "Wanna get away" PS CL...Ibtisam was talking behind your back yesterday evening.
  2. STOIC


    What Psychopath, brain damaged, feeble minded, and disturbed person wrote this? :confused:
  3. Are you wishing CL was still here I'm so uncomfortable with that question that I really want to give up even reading it twice.I must be wondering now why I even compared you to the princess whom I merry praise every day on this pages.People might think I'm the closet admirer.I must make it clear stolidly that it wasn't me. :mad:
  4. I got exactly thirty minute to storm out of that door, that is what is popping.This is pure curiosity Ibti, do you speak Swahili? Sorry If you don't (I must have confused you with CL) (LOl)
  5. Despotic rulers like Riyale will always cloak their rule with a show of “democracy” and free and “fair” election rules. I think it is up to the citizens of Somaliland to make sure that their views are known before any rules are enacted by both the government and the opposition parties. With the prior experience of totalitarian system and military dictatorship people of Somaliland must make sure that their politicians preserve the political culture they have worked hard to achieve. Somaliland people need to realize that to achieve their various rights their government will have to give equal consideration to the good and the interest of what is good for Somaliland. Nothing shapes the political landscape of a democratic government more than the electoral system and its political parties. If the electoral system is corrupt and inept we can reasonably certain that democracy will not be achieve. The usual outcome will be authoritarian regime. PS The Somaliland Community in Atlanta didn't arrange the May 18th celebration this year.They used to be so organized back in the days.
  6. is this your way of attempting to get close by giving me CPR I wish for something novel like that to occur in my presence.I will be out of my head with volcanic lust J/K
  7. CL.. Ceeb raaguu huunguurii laguumaasheeygo. The food delights me. CL..May you be the one that chock on marinated tofu..Ewwwwwww
  8. The funny part her hubby showed up even though he doesn't work there.You could tell he was the only one with the visitor sign pinned on his shirt.I guess she is working hard to pay the honeymoon.Gaallo style
  9. Che, today at work they had one of those surprise party for an older lady who got hitched (who does that than shaaqolaan gaallo? ).The brother hogged down more than two hamburgers and hotdogs.I love free stuffff.................
  10. Sumu ya neno ni neno... Classic Methali comeback
  11. Warya URBAN maaxaad iguusirathhin heysaa .Its okay though my fractured bones will be a stellar donation to the interactive exhibit of the local museum. My ego needs are endless so I will maybe give it a shot and don’t let the fear entangle my mind for now. Nephthys, break the old pattern of fear and enjoy the free spirit of riding this rollercoaster. For most people the fear is experienced the few minutes before you board the ride. There is clearly bravery somewhere in your mind. Your fear can free itself if you allow it. Fear only creates a deep misperception about what you can do. I'm looking forward to going here over the summer for my first jump Sky diving Farm
  12. I know this sounds funny, but yes for each word you answer correctly you donate 20 grain of rice to the UN world food program. Will-power and the desire to help the poor, when properly combined make an irresistible pair. Those who have cultivated the need to help others in their daily lives seems to enjoy a reward that no money or treasure can amount. No individual is quite satisfied with his life in this world without availing himself to the needs of the less fortunate. So stimulate your mind with these vocabularies and who knows you might develop a higher than average vocabulary skills-not that your vocabulary needs some work. The results of your participation are definite and immediate as the site is sponsored by advertisers (I know they are everywhere, but hey they foot the bill) who will be distributing the rice. Give your creative faculty stimuli…………… FREE RICE
  13. As one of the adrenaline seeking species of this world I must admit that I’m contemplating on skydiving from a plane (not my idea to be exact). I have been on few rollercoasters in my life, but nothing like this ten best rollercoasters of the world. I’m looking forward to the day I will jump from a plane and get a kick out of the adrenaline rush……. PS Check out the 15 of the coolest hotel suites in the world.This is a great site for travellers and daydreamers like me
  14. GELjiree, You rock! Thanks.I will browbeat him mercilessly with those words.
  15. ^^^The last I came across an akhwaani I had a good lecture about my sagging pants and trimming beards .I must remember to be modest and bland in their company
  16. Yesu ni mtume nawe.Let me stop my urge to be sarcastic before someone start needling me with a dose of religion.I know I shouldn't be saying Christian stuff....
  17. Maisha ni mulima wakenya wamesema.Na bambana nayo. PS I was about to wail "O Jesus" what is she talking about when I read your response-I guess it is monday blues as Jaceylka said it.
  18. Sijakufahamu hapo.Unaniuliza maisha kwangu ama hayo nimaswala watu wanakuuliza kwenye facebook
  19. ^^^ To make it even worse now they have the facebook chat.Don't go there if you don't like to be hugged or poked by strangers.I mean you never want to think about the thought of being hugged by a stranger, right? Waves back at you CL
  20. STOIC


    Have you taken the test yet? got admitted yet? What test are you talking about.I just told I don't know anything about business school.This is a perfect example when they say men can't multitask I always thought University of Phoenix was unacredited University.If it is accredited good for all the working people. Give all the green suits to the salvation army.I will send you black and navy blue once
  21. STOIC


    FB, Hopefully when you get that MBA you can help the brother overcome his handicap of the balance sheet with comparative ease. I don’t know anything about business school, but I know a Somali friend who is trying to get into MIT Sloan School of business (he went undergraduate there). I think you guys have to take the GMAT.I will ask him when I meet him over the Memorial weekend and I'll call you (IA). I know you know the difference, but just try to avoid the commercial online degrees like University of Phoenix. PS Green suit :confused:
  22. Cara, I guess I should have said Kaladhufo instead of Iskudufoo (sp?).I honestly beleived I was right until I got a blank stare from him.I also had a hard time explaining the number line, but with a bit of creativity he got the rules of adding and subtracting negative intergers.
  23. He speaks perfect Somali and Urdu.The dude was born in Hargeysa, but I think he spent major part of his life in Pakistan.
  24. ^^^Thanks.I will say labajibaar on my next session.I will see how he reacts when I say the word.Hopefully when I scribe the word on a pad it would rove through his mind.
  25. Where are the Somali language experts?I need a little help here.I do tutor this guy Algebra on weekends I have a hard time explaining math terminology in Somali. How do you say square root in Somali? I was telling him numeberka iskuu duufoo (sp?) I want to reach out to him instinctively in a words that he could understand.