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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Pool, In all seriousness the sister has a point (of course excuse my previous prowling).You could cry in sympathy, love or even self-pity (although I keep my chilling doubts to myself) I doubt if those Somalis talking about politics in dunking donuts and the notorious Xalal pizza will listen. I sometimes wonder when they get all the time to gossip in front of these buildings.I’m sure they don’t puzzle over things such as youth activities or even community organizations. I have absence of feelings towards the community let me not be a wrong influence on her.
  2. You and like minded people think you know Obama, but you dont know him at all. What do I know I'm just a bedwetting poser on an internet forum
  3. ^^This is Somali owned and it is in Clarkston area.There are many of them owned by Paki
  4. LemLem (I'm assuming you are female) How about I'll meet you up at the Xalal pizza on the campus plaza and I'll announce this to all those people seating in front of that building? Call me up today(Don't worry I posted my number at the Xalal pizza board) and I'll get this grand idea off the ground. We can even play-skits for them if you want it.
  5. ^^^I’m not on asinine denial that he will disappoint me along the way, but that shouldn’t make me not go with my guts here.I have the same fear of him disappointing me if he hasn’t already with the Palestinian issue. I think I’ll be fine if I’ve already got through all the way more than halfway already Don’t worry I’ll handle all the piercing hemorrhage I’ll get from his campaign.
  6. Ngonge, Few will have the greatness to change history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of it and Obama is aspired to write a new history of our generation and the next one if he ever got elected. I’ll be totally honest here with you and say that in every real sense, this period of American history has witnessed more progress and achievement in race integration than any comparable era in American history. If it was all about policy for me I believe that Hillary and Obama have no that much of a difference in their policy stands. I supported and voted for Obama over Hillary because he seemed optimal to me than the crammed pitfall Hillary buried underneath her during her husband’s presidency. Obama seemed to me as a thoughtful activist. He will plant a seed, if not reap the harvest of the new changed era of race relation. I don’t think Obama is the “Teflon” president with all the solutions to America problem.
  7. ^^"Stuff and Nonesense" (I always wanted to use this word only on you ) Now lets move on, It is politics my dear Ngonge and of course Obama is calculating on what will propel him to the presidency. It was his youth and inexperience and today it is his policy shifts (on guns, Child rapist and public finance).Yes some of the liberal blogosphere (Huffington & Co) might be irritated with his centrist view, but Obama has a bigger agenda here. It is no secret that Obama has always believed in the second Amendment (right to bear Arms). He is moving to the center to appeal to very important voting block-Undecided voters-who will more than likely vote. In places like Georgia where this election will be more than likely a swing state Obama had to appeal to them in a less partisan division. This is really scaring the old guards Republicans.Politicians always move to the center to court some more support once they got their supporters on their behind.It is time to reach out to the undecided voters.There is a much reality in this shift as in the cause of winning the election. Obama Knows here he is playing with fire, but he knows that his supporters will file behind him in November. No politician often views his political demands as a matter of principle.In spite of Obama’s impressive charges of separating himself from the crowd he is still a politician and will do anything to assimilate his views with the dominant force (in this case the undecided voters).As you and I know politicians are elite bargainers who channel through the popular desires of their voters.Please drop this attitude of Obama is a good tissue he can never be wrong!
  8. Now all he needs to do is throw in a dance lesson, a brunch or comedy show for these youths and move the rig to the thirsty folks and warn them that no more bubble stories for Hargeysawis kids. If he doesn’t assert some authority now it would be difficult to control his citizens. So this is the hot-topic out of Somaliland? It must be promising.
  9. ^^We must be taping our big donors money and distributing it fairly.We ain't the dawdler I thought we were.We must be industrious ppl
  10. I think these guys are mocking us (Somalia and all the mini-lands).How come we never made the top five here.Check the slide show below and you’ll find countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Iran, Sao Tome (the heck is that?) and Guinea. Before you tell me money is just clam shell or scrap of paper I demand an apology from this portfolio site.If I was uninitiated how the world of money works I’d have politely accepted this insult. I bargained with Life for a penny, And Life would pay no more, However I begged at evening When I counted my scanty store. For Life is a just employer, He gives you what you ask, But once you have set the wages, Why, you must bear the task. I worked for a menial's hire, Only to learn, dismayed, That any wage I had asked of Life, Life would have willingly paid. -- Jessie B. Rittenhouse (1869–1948)
  11. So Riyale is a goof-off , goldbrick, weak son of a gun who doesn’t help his people? Pity that ,I will send him a letter- through Odweyne – and advise him to grow a backbone.No one should have a luxury cruises, or an exotic tours while his people are dying of thirst. No more mild-manered cheerleaders sort of character. Time to be a pushover
  12. ^^Only a Voodoo princess on the run from a killer fish in the general section will come here
  13. Your inquisitive questions are rather poking and uncomfortable for me, Saxiib. Now I feel like a bereft looser. Here I thought Reading some of the replies in this site is a route to increasing my comprehension abilities and Somali political tug-of-war. People (including myself) roam this site for "erudition". I didn’t know I was one of this alienated loners grasping for political transcendence in their homeland. Instead of blaming the dog on eating my homework every time I visit here I should have got my priorities straight. Now What do I got? A questionable diploma far removed from reality? The intellectual ambitious scarecrow would have got this diploma without any effort. Now you made me gnaw away aggressively and vengefully at this place. I must be too dumb not to know that I was wasting my time here. With a feeling of a frost on my fingertips I promise never to respond to these desolate people again. I blame all this on my unfavorable hereditary, insufficient education, and lack of ambition to aim above this mediocrity.I promise to aim higher next time IA Wabilahi tawfiq akhi!
  14. Really Bad Weather PS Sorry Image hosting not allowed in my server or else would have shrinked the image Edit: I thought the image will make you feel dreadful, but I guess my instinct was wrong
  15. If too dark, Goryaan weynn If too white, Daacuun If in-between kaneeco ama Qabsin If unrecognisable, kor ha loo diro (referral)- for hawo-gedis. Imaginative taste for the comic.I'd like to see more of what you could do around here
  16. Today Global warming literatures are thick with detail analysis, often making for a laborious reading. This Fall- Frontline- a very credible analysis show, will be airing an investigative report on global heat from the foot of Himalayas Mountain to the Northern Part of Kenya. I’m a firm believer that the global climate had undergone a significance changes in the 20th century. It is not surprising that most of the news we hear about Global warming is concentrated on decrease in snow and ice cover in the northern hemisphere and recession of glacier and ice-cap, but what about the increase in extreme weather and climate events that affect some part of Africa and Asia? Changes in rainfall or groundwater are predicted more than ever today. There is an evidence of higher maximum temperatures, more hot days or even more intense precipitation in some part of the world. The skeptics have an opinion about the small changes that is occurring and rightly so. Only a Scientist can answer their pressing concerns. Yes perhaps the small changes shouldn’t be an alarm, but popular lore has it that small things add up! I believe (not as a authoritative, but just as an observer) that pollutant emitted in different places of the world affects meteorological phenomena around the world. Significance greenhouse gas emission has occurred and will continue to occur so it is logical to hypothesize that Africa and Asia will be hard hit by this climate changes.Hope you'll enjoy this documentary. Asia and Africa Living on the Edge?
  17. After having a long blast holiday weekend of four days, I’m not so ready to be back at work this morning.I grilled on the weekend at a park full of concert listening Caatan people.I served the kids grilled boneless chicken thighs served with bread crumb mixture.I burned my damn hands several times, I doubt if the freeloaders who showed up and enjoyed my grill knew how much effort I put into the grilling of the well served burgers wrapped in a bun on an onion and jalapeno’s. I’m sorry to the visitors though I ensured all the doneness of the burger with my bare hands (Shhhh I still got raves for a job well done ).And to all the little brats sorry for over doing your spread mayonnaise and ranch dressings on both sides of the bun.
  18. Sexual abuse of a minor or ward (a) Of a Minor. - Whoever, in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States or in a Federal prison, knowingly engages in a sexual act with another person who - (1) has attained the age of 12 years but has not attained the age of 16 years; and (2) is at least four years younger than the person so engaging; or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both. (b) Of a Ward. - Whoever, in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States or in a Federal prison, knowingly engages in a sexual act with another person who is - (1) in official detention; and (2) under the custodial, supervisory, or disciplinary authority of the person so engaging; or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than one year, or both. © Defenses. - (1) In a prosecution under subsection (a) of this section, it is a defense, which the defendant must establish by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant reasonably believed that the other person had attained the age of 16 years. (2) In a prosecution under this section, it is a defense, which the defendant must establish by a preponderance of the evidence, that the persons engaging in the sexual act were at that time married to each other. (d) State of Mind Proof Requirement. - In a prosecution under subsection (a) of this section, the Government need not prove that the defendant knew - (1) the age of the other person engaging in the sexual act; or (2) that the requisite age difference existed between the persons so engaging. Will Pappi be safe? Sources
  19. Malika you know why they use the mommy route, right? Back in the days abbo was never home he was always on a business trip or just was away because of his nomadic instinct.The moms were the ones who kept the family together.Tolka was revolved around mom and her friends.Whether they were closing deals every hour on the hour with the neighbour or she was the rulling queen of her residential domain moms were always much visible.It was funny when many young people came to the west it was difficult to tell who your Tolka was until maybe you got help from an older cousin. Seriously the whole Tolka issue is important; it is a matter of turning inward to focus on the good part that matters to you as a person spiritually and rationally. I honestly believe that Tolka are always there to help you during both the bad and the good times whether it is death in the family or a family is having a marriage ceremony. PS Malika, don’t worry about the botox.Somali girls are always beautiful, talented, and stylish.This exotic beauty owes a lot to the Somali gene make-up.With a look that is always both pretty and beguilling no one needs botox.You will always be looking every inch of the luminious woman that you are today.I know being a woman isn’t always easy, but sure is a fabuluos thing, right? OK let me stop before I torture you anymore PSS Ceyro, I suspected you were my Tolka courtesy of Political section
  20. ***Ciyaal Suuqnimo mode***** Hip hop music is one of the most popular music genre of the world. You could be walking in the street of Nairobi or Bangkok your ears could be drummed with the voice of Jay-Z or Fifty Cents. Hip-hop is not just a black thing any more. No one could forget the era of Run-DMC and the shell toed Adidas. Today Hip-hop has become bigger than a kid on the block raping about his hood. The late Tupac Shakur and Biggie are still being revered in many parts of the world even though they have engraved the “Thug Life” lexicon into the music. If you are a Radio listener you must have heard of the new dirty South kids on the block like Soulja boy spewing garbage. Today while listening to the radio I heard that ICE T is having beef with this Soulja boy kid about killing hip-hop. I understand this might be a publicity stunt or a true conviction by Ice T in saving Hip-hop from disgrace. Whatever the reason for this beef, Hip-hop needs to be the ever social conscious it used to be. These new kids on the block like Soulja Boy and Shawty Lo or even Floorida are killing the essence of hip-hop. I just can’t defend garbage like this unlike this article on New York real talk. Hi Haters
  21. Yo these Arabs are sick (awesome).I saw this beautiful pictures that I could only fathom them in my dreams.Check this snow dome
  22. Cara, believe me we are the first ones to flick a hand to brush a loose eyelash from your cheek.We are nice people just minding our business
  23. Jac yupo kule.Ajabu ya dunia.Mbona kuna watu wengi majina zao si kigeni? Wamekusanyika kule.nilithani hii mahala inataka kupambwa lakini kumbe samaki ni nyingi kwenye bahari.Jinga mimi leo ni jerevu nimesha pajuwa pakwenda nikikuwa bored.Nitakwenda kupiga debe kule...Mungu akuzidishe peponi tafadhali usini tambuwe manake inaweza kuwa na wajuwa jamaa zako mitaani mwangu