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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Ngonge,I don’t skip any beat at all I need to do is gaze lecherously at her thighs……Warya you gonna get me banned here... PS Sorry I had to go grab a coffee from the coffe machine downstairs...
  2. Ibti, I CAN NOT for the very life of my Somali dignity feel anything inside my under-shorts for a white girl when reality hits the fan.It is just an illusion Ibti.Just that…
  3. I get my daily optical illusion here, sort of a philter. Please if you are underage or a religious sort of guy don’t click on this link; this will corrupt you morally. I respect this site rules and I don’t want to break IT. BABES
  4. ^^I read Ibti's comment and thought of breaking the ice in a striking way that attracts attention away from bullying OZ .Hope that calms Ibti down
  5. Is it me or the new kids on the block aglow and enchant with religious doctrine. The fact that they sound religious the suspended lonesome creature I’m might learn few things from them. Just don't glare accusingly and belligerently at me when you find the stuff that I post here, otherwise, we will be good friends.
  6. No Sawir Kale maan Waayniin , I will say sorry to that bewildered and truly repelling act of disgracing the beautiful camel. I will explain what I’m trying to symbolize here. Since there are no camels in North America we decided to shut-up our meddlesome relatives back home with our own body ink when they question about their Yaraatka or Gabaatigi (hope you understand these words). I have to pretend I care about camel, otherwise, the old man will feel like I’m the lost generations.I will also don a box-plaid camel suit
  7. All my future wifey wants is a camel toe tattoo
  8. Ibti, No. That was Jessica Simpson.She is douche bag
  9. Ibti, duh.Let the skinny bones not deceive you.Can't you spot the bump? She is the ever Jesica Alba.She is a good breed
  10. Besides my wife's tummy this is the only other baby bump I will touch, it is the looks duhling
  11. Cara, the economy is on the path of destruction.Hear my words.I have a hidden SAFE in my house just send your money through Dahabshiil.I'm so glad you understand how things are going.And please don't keep your money in your dresser drawer.The poor dollar is getting whooped up by Euro,but my hidden SAFE will not Whoop your dollar Phew!
  12. Che, you should have seen how the list of my Graduate Plus loan has shorten.Many lenders collapsed and opted out.Something is not right somehwere. Ducaysane, you are right.I think the government will not let them go down the drain like that.My freind was explaining to me how this is their first time they are being saved by Uncle Sam.Funny how these lenders can resolve to throw off their failure to the tax-payers.
  13. A very close friend of mine works for Fannie Mae in their Washington DC office. I feel bad for their job security.I was speaking to him last night about his plan of buying the share at 8$ dollars after the government decided to save them yesterday, but I guess it didn’t help :confused:
  14. Serenity,hope you are doing great. Afsomaligi wali waanu iswatnaa Ngonge, beentaa aat afufeysa meshaa kataa.Lamaxirayo mesha...
  15. Lazy girl, First don’t take an umbrage with my previous words (I know you wouldn’t you are smarter than that).What ticked me of was how your words was dripping with sarcasm (and still is with your above response).Your charge against Obama and my support of him is everyday thing I hear from some close Muslim friends. Obama will betray my trust in him as a Muslim, no doubt about it, but I still I firmly support Obama come scurrilous attack on him or not. Ironically I still support Obama even after he has “Insulted Hijabis” by not seating them on the front (though it wasn’t even him that did this, but his volunteers). In retrospect Obama has to distance himself from Muslims by convincing the ignoramus Americans that he is not a Muslim, but a Christian like them. I believe in Obama buoyancy of his spirit and his character. You can question why as a Muslim I support Obama who is a Christian, but so is every leader in this western world. While you can describe him as a Muslim hater I still believe describing him in that context is weak casts of his character.I believe (as someone who will spend the rest of his life in America) Obama will be the guy who will bridge the gap of leadership in America by proofing to my future kids that a kid from Hawaii with a dad from Kenya can go as far as he did-only in America! As with any politician Obama has to find a mélange of various approaches to propel him to the highest office.
  16. Hell no.It's comforting to know that this place will still be there.This is where I come to run away from all the tendentious series of responses.Just don't give the moderator an idea.This is the only place you can make an egregious errors and move on...
  17. When it comes down to it, cadaanka will vote for their ailing white man over the black man. Soomaaliyaal, please dont lose your sleep over him. He doesn't even want your hijab wearing ladies anywhere near his rallies or the sight of your gardheere brothers. Do you realize the absence of logic in your above statement about Obama and Somalis (including me AND anyone who supports him). Why do you always find yourself so wise and so superior in your judgments? Do you think that people will buy your above statements without contestation? You can not get anyone to “see” things the way you wanted it. If you are serious about debating about Obama issues then you are more than welcome, but stop patronizing people who support things that you don’t see it to your liking. Sometimes whenever I read your comments I love to tell you to go and run to the nearest store and buy a concave mirror and position yourself in a different position to have a great view of how ridiculous you make out of yourself.
  18. Someone spoiled my lunch hour. Just because we both have Middle Eastern name we are not the same person, duh? This co-worker (from another building) at a restaurant today was introducing me to someone else when she mistaken me for another co-worker’s name. I didn’t correct her. I smiled and murmured inaudible sound under my breath. My lips were compressed and my face blanched :mad: This is what a wise man once said, "If you want to win friends, make it a point to remember them. If you remember my name, you pay me a subtle compliment; you indicate that I have made an impression on you. Remember my name and you add to my feeling of importance."
  19. Those damned things. They should ban it,really.(along with you ol skool wearing bunch). Waar hanaacaayiin ninyahoow
  20. On a scale of one to ten , I can say I'm 8.5 (One being the lowest and ten the highest)
  21. I will atempt to translate (just to feel good about myself). He is saying that whenever you write stories just because you are surrounded by myrmidons doesn't mean that you have the right to call them names
  22. Ngonge, the invitation plan is working.They ARE showing up one by one.More than a touch of exhibitionist, I tell you.Now will you stop sprinkling a sparkle of debris on their eyelid before they even start writting anything. *****Chews away a bulging wad of bubble gum while waiting for more to join the site******
  23. Did I tell you guys of a friend who moved to Burco from Kenya.The dude came back speaking a good Somali (ofcourse way better than me and my friends). You will not believe the words that he speaks when he opens his mouth. I love how Somalis confuse him to be a sijui and get the surprise when he unlocks his mouth.Sort of a safeguard if anyone speaks in hardcore Somali.And yes I asked him about all the stereotype of reerburcco and the waving of the walking cane