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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Lily, so you are an Oreo...J/K PS It is an insulting word.I'm just using it here as a joke
  2. ^^^^You know we black folks don't like Oreo's.....certain stigma attached..
  3. ^^^That gurgling will soon or later get you transfixed. Edit: Opps!
  4. ^^^Did you text Ibti those Swahili words.She is whooping in fear maybe suspecting it is me that texted her...
  5. ^^where did you squat your heels and bring your face almost to the level you described above; it gotta be some profession....
  6. He asks if she's ok and she tells him she's having a problem sifting through the rice because she does not have her glasses on. He crouches down and tries to help. This is exactly where my Swahili word fits in.. Mwiba wa kujitonesha, mtu haambiwi pole
  7. Malika Mwiba wa kujitonesha, mtu haambiwi pole. Usinifanye nikaifunga safari,kumtafuta baba watoto. Haya maneno yana vituko, na uvundo wa kuoza. Ngoma yataka matao leo .Sasa nitakushtaki kwa baba watoto.Unatakiwa kujifunza macho isione vitu nyingine.Juwa kwamba ujumbe utafika baba watoto.Yaraabi tuepuke na dhuluma duniani
  8. ^^May you all crumble into something moldy
  9. I might scratch your eyeballs you Londernistans every time you pollute your chatter with this corner every night. When I log off SOL at the end of the day everything is slow only to comeback the following morning and See Londernistans have smudge this troll corner with disorderly chatter sequences….....
  10. Xiin, rUBISH kULAha waar Raap musiic is the thang.All tHe Young SwEat Pleasant Xalimo Luvs it Man.WherE elSe can You GeT home Girl to TaLk to Rapid Not tO Interupt.SToP goading me Ruthlessly.RaP is the Thang
  11. The best teleprompter reader …you gotta give it to my boy! Poorly secured nuclear material in the former Soviet Union, or secrets from a scientist in Pakistan could help build a bomb that detonates in Paris. The poppies in Afghanistan become the heroin in Berlin. The poverty and violence in Somalia breeds the terror of tomorrow. The genocide in Darfur shames the conscience of us all. Obamania in Europe?
  12. Ms DD,If one didn't know better, one might have thought you are mocking my Somali.....Afsomaliga ithiil Shluurp.shlurrrpp....Shluurrp....qurquriii like my momma used to say when I was supposed to drink the shaahh - waan kutaayeey afka I have fun game you guys can enjoy it at home. Times haven’t changed that much since I was small African school boy. The game is that you are supposed to name as many as the 53 African countries you can remember in ten minute. I will let you have my cornflakes for lunch if you name all the African countries. Heck I’ll even order you a pizza with a banana on the side Can you name all the African countries in ten minutes?
  13. ***Waar baal suugaa...qathaatha (lunch, duh?) haigaataagttee sugaaa****.. Paragon...Burco, mogadishu, Makhir (heck is that?) is all the dirty roots that is part of the same tree
  14. ^^You bloody NFD Warya..Leave Ibti alone.She is from Burco...take that as a toady flattering Ibti
  15. I heard that big time investors play the bridges game. I need a role-model to teach me this game. I’m pulling a fast one. I want to roar like a lion and rack in millions dutifully with my investment tutor like eager beaver….anyone that will feel my cavernous void brain of mine?
  16. ^^^So the only thing he ever heard is the neighbors’ dog singing yip! yap! yap! Yip! Yap! and at times Woof! woof! Watch out now he will come up with a story about his swooping roller-coasting climb of Harar forested mountains.I suspect though he has seen a warthog and some black and ruffed lemurs on his earlier life as a zoo keeper.And why do some muslims think that warthogs are like the domesticated pigs?
  17. AT&T How many hyenas did you mouth feed? or were you practicing pipe feeding with the tourist hotties? I’ll envy and idolize you if you did the latter. I wish could live among the wild. I heard that hyenas explode with a grin and laughter when their stomach is full.
  18. ^^^I know the image was eye-straining...this is the problem of not being allowed to image-host.....
  19. Only Ethiopian can do this;mouth to mouth feeding with a hyena.....So who looks like an Ethiopian? Mouth to Mouth Feeding?
  20. The cranky little rogue I’m has a hard time walking up in the morning. Don’t forget the weary-eyed sinister monsters who crouching at the foot of my bed every night telling me how dare I turn my eyes swiftly to the other side of my bed. Now there is an article on the Popular Science magazine that is saying actually your body is controlled by suprachiasmatic nucleus, which controls the body biological rythms.I post load of bull crap, but this is a good read. Why is it so hard to wake up in the morning?
  21. I learn today that we can easily pollute our conscious with trivial things if we allow it. For example do you know that more you repeat the word “I’m sorry” in your imagination while your eyes closed you will feel gradually guilty even though you haven’t done anything wrong. I’m just alerting you that you have been taken over by such unconscious traps. Don’t you hate when people just say ‘oh I’m sorry” when they don’t really mean it? They have diluted the meaning, don’t you think? I need to rise above my dumbness!
  22. Cuz,I stand to be corrected as I expel an air of innocence. PS: To anyone who maybe reading too much into the "wretched clan" reference I was just exercising some stinging jib at my folks
  23. You folks understand that this is just a dream which was presented without any means to reach the glorious ends(at least this is my understanding) So no need to get sweat over this.Although I must warn you all there would be a Vehmgeritcht coming up when our friend Marx presents his case to the tribunal court
  24. I knew Odweyne was the type that listens to Mozart or Beethoven. Da-da-da-dum Da-da-da-dum. For average folks like me ( as a person not you the original poster) to understand this music I need to know a bit about literature, philosophy and history! PS I’m sorry for hijacking the topic. I’ll lower down my phonograph and transistors radio
  25. ^^^I doubt if the type of Odweyne,Ngonge, and Xiin listens to that kind of music....though I took a propriety delight at that Lil Wayne line....