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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. ^I never asked for advice though
  2. ^I'm here just irritated with all the marriage talks on the board! PS I had two cups of coffee and still my eyes are closed
  3. I feel like being "DR love" today and explain to all these little brats about the law of attraction and subjective reality of how everything and everyone is a projection of their reality! No one in the net will give them a REAL solution to their spousal hunting. The responses they will get here are unsavory and at times will be butt-out confusing! Besides making my little scheme a bloated cash cow I think I’ll be contributing to the society!
  4. Pucca big girls don't cry
  5. Val..My ****** job blocks all kind of image hosting,so this is why all my images are not resized for websites.I just fixed it from home just for you! PS: The above image was targeted at Ibti today and her blood sucking attacks.
  6. ^I nominate him the playboy award for the blind
  7. Stop tantalizing the little girls dreams almost unbearably. Let the girl stretch her love wings. Can’t you guys stop using your prehensile tentacles in encircling the poor newbies dreams? Why am I spotting an errant bullies from my chair? Heh-heh. ***Dodges before the girl with the bad day slaps me on the face******
  8. ^^^^I guess it is about keeping the promise that I made when my adrenaline was high. If her mom will let her take the once they have it home now, I’ll try to convince her get them, but still this will not solve my predilection for doom. I can sense a frothy attempt to force us to adopt one.
  9. I made a verbal prenuptial agreement with she who must be obeyed that when we got married I’ll go to the animal shelter and adopt two cats for our home. I intend to honor my words and bring two cats home, but I dread the thought of living with a cat under the same roof. I had a bad experience with cats when I was growing up. Whenever I was eating lunch with my dad and my brothers our kitty used to grab any bone I was wrestling with and off she was gone with it on top of our house roof! She will have to drag me down writhing in moaning than to make me go to the animal shelter. I always think that cats are arching out to fang me
  10. ^I was correct, right? I feel good about myself.I can sleep like a baby tonight!
  11. ^Waar carabkaan afsomali qalocana.Kubaata so dheel weyaan.Waax so dhiili layirahtha malaha. PS: Ngonge, I couldn't find it too online.
  12. ******Asalam Aleikum Ya Trollers.Subaax wanagsaan.Maalin wanagsaan**** I'm looking for a book online.The book is called Government Inspector by Nikolai Gogol.It is a satirical play.I read this book long time ago, but now that I remembered how the book had a universal appeal I'd like to read it again only this time through my screen.If you can find it please could you post a link on this corner.The book is funny as hell too.The Universal theme of human corruption is explored through this book. The book is set in the Russia of 1830’s where corruption was at its height. The town mayor mistakenly gives a mental credence to non-suspecting individual (Hlestokov) as the newly high official government inspector from St. Petersburg. The small town officials dreaded the visitation of this official. The government officials in this small town identified by their modus operandi try to bribe the newly mistaken official, so that he will not turn into inquisition about their past and present business execution. Hlestokov just plays along his mistaken identity and takes advantage of the situation by accepting generous bribes and even proposes to the Mayor's daughter.
  13. ^^^Yep.I was reading it when I saw this topic
  14. Marx, Stoic Dahir lucky is a legend sxb! He is a somali musical sensation. I am his biggest fan! I’ll rebuke you in a tolerant tone ; get some REAL eye glasses. I don’t know who the LUCKY guy is and I doubt if I mentioned him (I suspect though it was FB). Double check your writing before you pour torrent of words on the screen.FYI I'm not all the Sijuis Spokesperson. Be careful though their fang stings badly!
  15. ^'l'll send her a PM to poison you.She has been nagging me to send her some of the chemicals I deal with at work.
  16. ^^^They are not tempted to tug along you.Can you go to another thread and pass the platter of some wisdoms there.They can have the courage to dismiss the ferocious eyes of trollers like me, but they are afraid of stepping on your foot.Just hang outside this place within eyeshot of your screen
  17. Ngonge, I had to be considerate of all the well mannered people that visit this corner. Sometimes my squirting impulse calls for a need to shelter them from my filth. I can hear their croaking sound of cursing me PS: AT&T if you could only play your game in a different way.Don't be like that lobster who deposits white liquid and then disappear into opaque.You gotta up your game and show consistency through your story
  18. Talk grammar to me, baby Failed english?
  19. ^^^LOL JB.I'll take it down.....I know you speak some Swahili.I've seen your picture, while you were vacationing in Mombasa, on facebook.I'm not your facebook friend, but one of my friend is your facebook friend.So if he comments on your picture I've a free pass PS OZ, can't get better than a sadistic Cat who can also be a Joker look alike
  20. ^^^Thanks Tonight People are going to die including you!
  21. Xalimo Sacdiyo, While I try to be bland in this SOL pages I couldn’t resist looking for one of Napoleon Bonaparte letters to Josephine on the web. When men are driven by desire to please a woman solely on their sexual energy their actions might be disorganized or totally destructive, but they maybe capable of great achievement If they start mixing their emotions with love and romance, like any good pairing, their actions will be more poise and fruitful. It is mixture of destructive emotion that can create a volatile reaction. It is the destructive emotions when not checked with safety valve that can create deadly beastly actions.The wisdom will be to apply sexual energy as a stimuli to action Dec. 29, 1795 I awake all filled with you. Your image and the intoxicating pleasures of last night, allow my senses no rest. Sweet and matchless Josephine, how strangely you work upon my heart. Are you angry with me? Are you unhappy? Are you upset? My soul is broken with grief and my love for you forbids repose. But how can I rest any more, when I yield to the feeling that masters my inmost self, when I quaff from your lips and from your heart a scorching flame? Yes! One night has taught me how far your portrait falls short of yourself! You start at midday: in three hours I shall see you again. Till then, a thousand kisses, mio dolce amor! but give me none back for they set my blood on fire.
  22. *******This is only for CL to read****** Msalie nabiye.Mengi ninayosema hapa kila wakati ni matapiko Msamaha naiomba ili tukabaki marafiki Si uwongo, ni ya ukweli, najuwa nimekosea jana Juhudi nimeichukuwa kukuomba msamaha Ni rathi wangu kukueleza Uzuri wako , hapo kweli takusifu Nimekuomba msamaha kurekebisha tabia yangu Usiniathibu na macho, raabi tuepushe na dhiki Ni Allah wetu rabuka mwenye kusamehe Sote tunayo mabaya lakini niya njema nimatendo PS Now if only she who must be obeyed knew Swahili things would have been much easier!