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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Unknown are you beauty (female) with a big brain?
  2. Don’t you hate it when people can't agree exactly on when to set-up a get-together dinner? Me and my towel-head friends had a back and forth email this morning on which night to set-up as wild-boys night out. Heck should I even invite them at the troll corner so we can do virtual get-together? Seriously I’m tired of getting email every few seconds of someone saying nope can make it Tuesday or Friday night blahhblahhh……. PS LOl @Ngonge advice to Unknown. The troll corner will make you lazy writer and make you feel slightly out of kilter.It would make you bite your finger nails and rack your brain before you could even form a sentence in the other threads! So just heed the advice before you become a lazy contributer like me!
  3. ^Hope you bunch your muscles if someone steps on your toe without saying I'm sorry in the tube (I'm guesssing this is train in Londernistan we call tube here the TV) PS Only time I was shy lately was when my doctor (who is a female) told me to drop my drawers so she can inspect my pendlum during annual physical check up
  4. ^^^If you are fender-bending presidential motorcade you must be an awesome guy! How fast were you going? what kind of a roadster were you driving? Hope this is not fiction now!
  5. Gello, if you that bored you can cruise here with impetuous imagination. PS: Do not click on the above link if you don't want to be morally corrupted!
  6. I have an image of Ibti being a good tissue.She was born under an exceedingly lucky star.I'll leave that as it is and pick on my usual suspect (CL) As for CL she will be married at the age of twenty five and be divorced (because her husband will grow embitered and vindcitive towards her bossy way) and she will marry a second time if she stops growing so weary of all men and start a welling of affection for all men.
  7. Even John Edward cheated on his wife while she was diagnosed with cancer and on a campaign trail with him
  8. Morning trollers! Yesterday I decided to ditch all my hip-hop trash music and completely start listening to Somali music, which I had previously less interest and pleasure of lending my ears. I went to my local Somali studio and decided to burry all my bias against this great music-no more maddening irritation with the music. The store owner who by the way is an acquaintance worn a thin -lip half smile thinking I was kidding when I told him I want the latest and old collection of Somali music. I specifically told him that I was not interested in unintelligible sounds only the pure and the best Somali and also reminded him no Khtara Dahir and Moge (actually I remember when one of the Moge brothers died in Isiolo Kenya) since my ears were tortured by my parents when I was young with them only! As neatly and promptly as he can the studio owner handed me the two collection and gave me with a show of flattering respect about how I’m coming back to the Daqaanki.I hurried excitedly to my car to play the two CD’s.This morning I blasted them on my way to work, but the problem is I don’t know who the singers are? Some of the beats are good while others are not that bad.I suspect though the studio is grossly breaking copyright law.How do this musicians make money? Concerts? Weddings? Sing with me people, Hablaa Somali horaa loyaaqaan.Hatuu jirro wiil xaanibaan (sp? ) rageenaa lagahelaa...
  9. STOIC

    Shy Women

    ^If you lock your mind with that little girl image with this kid then it would be fair I guess
  10. ^ Ya ilahi yakarima, nakuomba l-wahabu, Niwezeshe ya Rahima, niyaseme bila tabu, Niuelezee umma, yale yanayotusibu, Tuiepuke dhuluma, tusije tukaharibu. Tusije tukaharibu, ikatufika laana, Laana iso sababu, kuepa yawezekana, Dawa yake mujarabu, kujiweka mbali sana, Hatutofikwa na tabu, adhabu zikatubana. Kumengia kashikashi, hapana pa kuegama, Watu mekuwa shawishi, kusimamia dhuluma, Umewashika utashi, kuleta ya uhasama, Wanaufanya ubishi, hawaitaki salama. Dhuluma imeenea, haina mfano wake, Kila pembe zungukia, watu mejaa makeke, Dhuluma waogelea, hata khofu siwashike, Mbizi wanaizamia, hawajali njia zake. Hawajali njia zake, zile wanazopitia, Mradi yao ya wake, ya wenzao kupotea, Haki za watu zishuke, zao juu kupepea, Furaha wafuarahike, wangine wanaumia. Haki imewekwa kando, watu meshika batili, Wanahusudu vishindo, wenzao kuwakatili, Wanafuata mkondo,walofanya majahili, Wanaona ndio mwendo, mzuri wa kukabili. Wamesahau wengine, waangalia ya kwao, Wanahusudu unene, unawatia pumbao, Hata wengi wasonone, hawana habari nao, Bali ya kwao yafane, hilo ndilo tarajio. Hakika ya watu hao, dhuluma wamebobea, Kudhulumu vya wenzao, yao kuwanyookea, Kutwa wako mbiombio, haki wanazikwapua, Wanazifanya za kwao, haya wameziondoa. Wanadhulumu bayana, mbele ya kadamuasi, Uongo kwao kunena, hawaoni wasiwasi, Zimewajaa khiyana, tabia za kibilisi, Vya watu kuvitafuna,ili wapate ukwasi. Hawana hata kificho, sasa wanatanafasi, Watenda kimachomacho, kugombania fulusi, Wakipate watakacho, hata kama kwa uasi, Ili mradi kwa hicho, yao yanaenda kasi. Dhuluma imeenea, wachache wafaidika, Wengi wanaangamia, hawanapo pa kushika, Vilio vingi walia, haki zao kuzitaka, Lakini vinaishia, hawana pa kupeleka. Wale wategemeao,roho zao mechafuka, Huwa ni furaha kwao, wenzao wakiteseka, Mesinyaa nyoyo zao, ukatili mezisika, Waendekeza ya kwao, wanyonge wanyanyasika. Lakini na waelewe, kudhulumu si hazina, Dhuluma ina mwishowe, itakuja kuwabana, Kamasi hapa wajue,kesho mbele ya Rabana, Wasijepiga mayowe, mateso wakiyaona. Freshi wataipata, wakome udhulumati, Watabakia kujutia, umeshapita wakati, Dunia wataiita, imefikia tamati, Wasiwe pa kukamata, itabaki ati ati. Dhuluma katu si njema, ndugu zangu nawambia, Inakimbiza neema, mbali zikatokomea, Na maisha ya salama, hayakawi kukimbia, Utabaki uhasama, uhasidi na umbea. Abdalla Sani
  11. Malika, what you doing here on a weekend?Nenda kalaze watoto.Wanahitaji dinner. Lo Mbona mama mchoyo hivyo na wakati?
  12. Pucca, you might wanna check this out! I'm okay with Koreans as long as they don't set off some earth shaking explosives in the West (especially America )
  13. It is the imitation of others that brings the weaker self image. This is especially true in the western world where kids in high school have to cope up with the peer pressure and exceedingly try to be cooler! There are many brands of shyness that I think we daily witness and it depends on the persons perception of self.I think being shy person is not a bad thing just don’t let it be a pollutant to your psych.Our outer world can be played in a different way, but it is the inner believe that matters.If you are strong and positive inside I think weak self-image will not a be a matter to you!Just be conscious enough in your surroundings.It is the confidence inside that will be very deep.
  14. Cara,but Ibti wants to fetter me with the marriage ring.I admit that love with she-who-must-be-obeyed- has bade me to not flatter around.
  15. Ibti, Hello Quruxley! What wife? For the love of Allah I'm single.Suuqaa internetka haigaxiiriin
  16. Ibti, My once garish apartment is sleazy this morning.When are you coming to clean it-you made a promise now! Or is it CL that is the only girl ooigaanaxthaa?
  17. I think shyness comes with having weak self-image. It is the inner self-awareness plus the experience of believing in fallacies what others perceive of you that leads to shyness’. It is the sensitivity of what others perceive of us that leads us to focus centrally on our selves while shutting others and things around us. I’m a silent person and this creep my friends out sometimes when we are driving but that doesn’t mean that I'm a shy guy! If you cancel out the anxieties that questions every move you made I think you can easily overcome shyness by being bold and not so much aggressive. We all have unique qualities and different ways of expressing ourselves. Some feel uncomfortable when attention is put on them while others are happy in getting the attention. Some may call me awkward or self-conscious person, but I think that if you accept who you are I think it will be easy to deal with others! If you are shy guy and having problem with the ladies I think it will be easy if you can relinquish perfectionism and make a move in your own swagger! I doubt if bashfulness is a psychiatric disorder it is just a normal behavior PS Trolling is a bad habit.I thought twice about responding to this topic.I can't even write a full paragraph now..trolling is bad!
  18. You guys troll even weekends ceeb caleyk! Ngonge and AT&T You Nasty boys! you don't have to take your clothes You can get
  19. ^I bet you she been to Suqaa Caramel.Minneapolis sucks I tell ya! EDIT: She just confirmed it.Opps!
  20. Ibti you psycho,sleep deprived, die-hard Somalilander,and Ramen noodle eater stop playing game with our mind.I thought you graduated I was about to send you here
  21. Faheema, I was talking to Ibti about the oldies leaving the troll corner.And damit! I'm not FB. Ibti, finish what?
  22. ^Thank me later for that! CL, your clock is ticking too (I don't mean marriage here mjinga ) check this out...
  23. ^We all aging by rust, but some are mentally aging.The secret is eat healthy, keep active and ride tricycle!
  24. ^I was chasing the old men out of this corner.The place looked like a coffee house for oldies.Time to put more than a touch of exhibitionist on the out they will all leave now!
  25. Time to expurgate troll corner...old grandpas time to go home and leave this corner!