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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. STOIC

    SOLers on Facebook

    ^There are some pretty curvaceous valoptious women that I think that are attractive.I have dated all ranges ofcourse except the anorexic at the end of the day it is the personality that does matter.I have seen pretty women whom their attitude made them look like a douche until they are not attractive any more! EDIT: Afro maxaan garaanayaa badhoow baan ahaay lakinsee indahaa waanursatha.Hope that translation didn't come out wrong...
  2. STOIC

    SOLers on Facebook

    ^^^ Don't know, but this is what I count as curvy <img src="
  3. STOIC

    SOLers on Facebook

    IS it that I'm blind or you guys are just making up about the curvy girl in the FB page.I didn't see anyone with an hourglass figure there! PS I visited that place today and the place is still as dry as the Arabian desert
  4. Nuune,You are right there.I must have forgot to put enough water on the pot.Its raining outside and I've no intention to go outisde and get some food plus I have a pile of school work to finish.I'll give it a shot this time and hang around the kitchen. PS Not to flatter myself my roommate who is ajnabi gets to eat my Somali food and he loves the bariiska iyo suugaatha i make!
  5. I was chatting here while reading at the same time.The dummy me forgot that I left a boiling pasta cooking.The water dried on it and it sticked on the cooking pot...
  6. Ibti, Aya kajiraa kenya? xiligaan saxdhaa dhehe atlahatleyssit? PS: Oopss I burned my pasta.Forgot to put it on the low..Damiit!
  7. ^ You are wrong Ibti, do the math again my beloved sister! Edit: Oops, sorry I'm really wrong!
  8. ^ I'd have answered your question if I was good in math, but lets give it a shot.If you are in the land of Imirrika then just add eight hours to your local time, which will place us at around 1:30 AM. And if you are in Londernistan just add six hours.Whoaa hope I'm smarter than a fifth grader
  9. I doubt many people kiss on their first date.Unless ofcourse you are a teenerger in an alley outside your dates apartements.I liked your courage and tell-tale design of calling her back and finishing the business because you would not have enjoyed if you forced her to do it.Nothing beats that chocalate taste first kiss!Moist but not sloppy hmmmmm
  10. ^ The speech I suspect Rudy will give during Oath taking ceremony! 98% You either with us or you ain't
  11. Ngonge, The rosy optimism of Somali politics has waned long time ago, of course not surprisingly! There is nothing, but one thing to say to Somalis “Y’all have been up against the wall for so long , MF, get out of the stick up” ! I doubt if Somali politics deserves a demanding or a creative story as your story above, so give us some good creative stories about something other than Somali politics. And by the way I have seen your screen name on one of the Somali websites, congrat! Just don’t waste your time on uncontrollable centrifugal force that is reaping Somalia apart!
  12. ^I couldn't resist that one. I see alot of beauty and appreciation of how God plan things in a way that no one can comprehend!
  13. FB is great for social networking.I have a class of 125 people.Its hard to keep with all the Craigs and Molly in the class.All i do is go the class page and put a name on the picture so that I don't look like a douche when they call me by my name and its hard to remember their name after they introduced themselves to me more than once. PS Other than FB gets old after awhile!
  14. <img src=" PS: You gotta love them little kids when they shed their primaries.Priceless smile!!
  15. STOIC


    I was tempted not to open this thread having seen 8-pages long thread with no errrrr...issss....headings i decided to see who was halucinating.Meeshaa ileeen jiin balaagaa shekeynaayaa.My mom used to say Caauthubilahi minaasheytani rajiim inaankaan walasohayaa!.Ilaaheye sheytanku haithinka naroow...
  16. Norf, I have no idea what the words of this song means, but from the video I can tell the taxi people in the Arab world are not on the P-time Arabic Taxi
  17. Seems like a good documentary, but only five minute long.Any more links of this documentary?
  18. I think in western Kenya they have this sought of rituals-though not muslims. How come all the old Somali men will tell you that they did the whole thing with their own hands while they tied the pendlum on a tree?
  19. Exhausted! Burn-out! Exam! Exam! Practicals! Project. The list goes on and onnnnn.. I had to pull myself off bed this morning!! I don't know whaT i'm doing here, but I guess SOL can be a stress buster!
  20. ^Who would not like to die in a sijui girl's arms? But I gotta warn CL against you. CL, be careful with Ngonge, Kichwa kimejaa mvi na kinywani meno hamna PSBy the way I gotta wave @ CL...its been long time.Pokea salamu za kheri
  21. STOIC

    Is this love?

    Oh girl you stand by me I'm forever yours faithfully Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh faithfully I'm still yours I'm forever yours Ever yours faithfully I think there is no way we as a Somali men can fall in "love". We are always mucho and this reminds me of des'ree song you gotta be bad you gotta be bold you gotta be wiser you gotta be hard you gotta be tough you gotta be stronger you gotta be cool you gotta be calm you gotta stay together all I know all I know love will save the day x 2
  22. This was hilarious! I bet you this was an Egyptian guy or a Somali.I guess the insecure heart questions, “Am I that important” ? EDIT:I said Egyptian because the few I met in the academia likes to brag (the Sudanese are more educated, but very humble).I picked on Somali (including me here) because we always like to brag about our family members accomplishment!
  23. Hello haters? Obama was elected on the promise that he would restore truth and openness of what the founding fathers of this nation always promised their people.The heros and heroines of the civil right movement constant face of danger must have paid its due today. Through its tactics, its message and its moral fervor we were able to witness the greatest news of the moment, the election of Obama.As if by magic if you think Obama will bring rapid change then I think you need to come down to earth little bit.While Obama might not solve all of America and the world problem, he will sure prove to be more responsive than the former administration.With shrewdness and skills, I bet you Obama will set out to woo those that are qualified to solve the current American economic crisis.I believe that the model for the American future today rested in Obamas’s shoulders.Understanding instinctively Obama will sure maintain the politics of diplomatic consensus when dealing with other nations.With the best of intentions I believe that he will be a leader who is more receptive to a more critical perspective be it through a policy paper or a town meeting! There have been countless turning point in American history, but nothing can beat the Obama election.So you can hate all you want and continue to crucify Obama either way you want, but one thing will always remain the same and that he done did it boy!!!
  24. More importantly, what is the most disturbing to me today is that Obama's first order of business was hiring a "yahuud" like emanuel for the top cabinet position as chief of staff. Now, I have nothing against Emanuel the man or the congressman but this move goes against all the maryooley they call somalida who voted for obama and who faithfully followed him in hopes of changing the american foreign policy, especially where somali and axmaaro are concerned, hahaha. I think that move of emanuel was the first order of "in your face somalis" and muslims alike :eek: :eek: :confused: :confused: