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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. STOIC

    Nomad to Harvard

    Libax, I totally agree with you that there are many Somalis who went to Ivy league and matter of fact I personally know of few who went to MIT and Princeton. This sort of success stories are what the youngsters suppose to read for the successful once in the world are those who overcame adversities to achieve success.I have lived in a city where there were a great number of Somalis. It breaks your heart when you see young Somali kids who think that there is a short cut to success by maybe doing drugs or dreaming about the material world of bling-bling!The number of high school graduates who didn't have the intention of going to college was so high.This is was in part to blame the parents and the neighborhood this kids lived where the high school drop out is too high. The young guns need to realize that opportunity will only come once on there way and that they need to realize it before it is too late. Of course the success in life is not only to pin degrees on the wall, but to live a purposeful life! The older generations’ accomplishment has a positive effect on the Somali youth whether they are in Hargeysa or Bosaso! It is through diligence and hard work that people achieve success and I hope as a big brother and big sister we extend a helping hand to all the Somali youth! It is only the youth that has the most opportunity to rise from humble beginning to outstanding
  2. ^Waar baaxx.. Bye.Its lunch time.I gotta go get me my Philly cheesteak!
  3. ^FYI its daadqalashooo....never heard of Somali bedtime stories when you were young, ha?
  4. JB, Waar suaashaa hakalehelehan.Jawabtaa keen.Ishiisa Laga arkaa Ushiisa lal dacaa.... PS The above mahamah was plagirized!
  5. Malika, this is why I don't like JB.I bet you there he doesn't even know how to say Vampire in Somali
  6. A girlfriend of mine (not a lover-damn it!) tortured me last night to sit in a movie theater with her to watch the twilight zone and you know what the ****** teenage story was all about vampire! Markaa athiggu you will not die through accident or tripping on the taarmuushkaa shahaa. Cawaa vampire ayaa diigaa kaduukii toonaa saan umalyaanayoo
  7. STOIC

    Nomad to Harvard

    I should have posted this as a disclaimer, but I know my people how they interpret stuff.I’m sure many of us here including me personally are past the age of knowing the difference between the good and the bad.When I posted this topic I had no intention of reporting feel-good kind of story. I’m sure there are many unique stories about Somalis in the Diaspora out there. I usually post these kind of stories to target the youth who visit these pages. It is refreshing to read or hear about a Somali who maybe traditionally have started life in America or in Europe in a humble or challenging circumstance and overcame all the hardship and made to his/her goal. I have personally looked up to people who are not necessarily Somalis or who don’t share ANY background with me. I post these sorts of stories not to divide or make some group to feel better than another, but to encourage the youth in here to look up to someone who looks like them or been through what they been through in life! Determination does get people through hard time and that anything can be done, and if it can be done why not our youth?
  8. Check out this eloquent brother from Harvard. I don’t know if his book is out yet.It should be interesting to read about his journey from Somalia to Harvard . I have heard about him long time ago from a cousin of mine who grew up with him in Hargeysa. While there are many success stories out there about Somali people in the Diaspora this is one of the greatest achievement. Listen to him as he spells his life as an executive in the banking sector. I suspect he works now for Morgan Stanley! PS Of course Ignore the political side of his story if you are against Somaliland stuff! Part 1 Part 2 Edit:Pardon me I have a correction to make.It seems that Jamal Ali Hussein is not the same guy I had in mind.Infact the guy that work for Morgan Stanley name is Mustafa Jama ( Sources ).Oops! Seems like y'all Somalilanders got too many Harvard graduates
  9. Why do I think one of these girls is SOL member.I can picture each of them with SOL characters.I have no clue what in the world they are talking about, but the accent is funny.The Hijabi one is hip and she sounds cool Pointless Convo
  10. I agree with you sheikh, but If for hypothetical situation he was to become muslim I doubt if Michael biggest hurdle will be to quit music. If you know the history of the guy you will realize that there are some more pressing issues that he will need to adjust. Even though music is not permitted in Islam I doubt if it is a big deal compared to killing or rapping! Maybe if he was to convert who knows he would end up like Sami Yussuf and perhaps use his God-gifted voice to sing more of a socially conscious music!
  11. ^^^I think that will be the least of his worries afterall there are many Muslims who are musicians or even appreciate the sound of music.Check out these muslims singing it must not be shocking, right?
  12. ^You do realize the whole thing is more of a joke right? I doubt if anyone cares if he becomes a muslim or even a budhist.
  13. Hodi.Hodi.Nani habaana iko habaa leo.Any of the usual suspect here today?Come on its friday and its end of the week someone gotta be here.....
  14. Oh my God (I need a moment of silence)there will be tears in heaven now that Michael is gonna be a muslim.I wonder if heaven gotta Neverland.Time can sure bring you down and bend your knees J/K
  15. This is the most funniest story, so this dude been sleeping around and he expect a virgin on his wedding night? I’m not a religious guy, but I bet you somewhere in our Islamic religion it says that pious man will get a pious woman even though a buddy of mine who later became a religious guy confided to me that he hit the jackpot by marrying a virgin (though he wasn’t one himself). True love will never desert your girl. She is better off than a douche like him. I know she is caught in between pain and confusion, but its all good it ain’t the end of the world. Life is a highway and she can always find her way! All she needs is someone to give her respect like Aretha, the queen of soul, said “a little respect (Sock it to me, sock it to me).
  16. First off, I'll love to tell that bigoted beardy eye bigot that he can't affect Obama's heart and mind with a few headline grabbing words! And I'll be happy to tell his Arabic behind that no words could describe fully the experience and joy felt by people around the world when Obama was elected! Don't worry about Obama he already detest your bushy self.Obama with great skills operated smoothly within the framework of his "masters" and he came out with a key to the Oval office.FYI Obama's election testifies to the fruits of the civil right leaders struggle! Now with a flick of a pen a caabiid like Obama can send a Fighter jet to your manhole! NOw how about that for a black man to create a discomfort in your life ? Sorry if you can't grope to make some sense out of his election.Wait for your turn when we will pamper your likes with the shared vision of all men are created equal!
  17. EWWWWWWWW.....Now I have to look for something to detoxify with that shiittty... EDIT: Warning the video below may contain content that is inappropriate for some users.
  18. STOIC

    Mobile phones

    I Hate ringtones with passion.My phone is always on vibration.Songs have alot of meanings and I hate to see songs reduced to few bleeps.Just imagine brushing shoulders with teenage girl and all you here is then you know her *** is dumped! How about that bubbly girl you know she is head over heels. How about the pirates in Somalia? I bet you they be rocking ringtone for the Xalimos in their city! And then when the international community huffs at them then they rock this PS Just for info I think soon we may start buying some Somali-up-and-coming rappers songs.Check them out .Though they have long way to go I think they are trying. Check their other song here
  19. Something you should know about Girls Just Want To Have Fun Lyrics Artist: Cyndi Lauper Lyrics I come home in the morning light My mother says when you gonna live your life right Oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones And girls they want to have fun Oh girls just want to have fun The phone rings in the middle of the night My father yells what you gonna do with your life Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one But girls they want to have fun Oh girls just want to have - That's all they really want Some fun When the working day is done Girls - they want to have fun Oh girls just want to have fun Some boys take a beautiful girl And hide her away from the rest of the world I want to be the one to walk in the sun Oh girls they want to have fun Oh girls just want to have That's all they really want Some fun When the working day is done Girls - they want to have fun Oh girls just want to have fun, They want to have fun, They want to have fun.... Girls Just wanna have Fun PS: Curiosity, do y'all know each other in real life?
  20. Africa can only fantasize about Obama’s victory So far One fair analysis from Somali writers on the net about O-man though I don't think that young Africans will cross the high sea for the first time in search of opportunity.You can't get mad at young men in search of a better life when their social aspirations crumble in their native homes.The plight of Africa provides the most dramatic example of lack of opportunity.Only time will tell if Obama presidency will forcefully exhibit his penchant for activism, but Africa shouldn't expect much from him.More than anything else, his election crystalized the American hope and dreams that his presidency is only possible in this great nation!
  21. Gel, School sucks men plus I don't get to see any Somalis in my new city! I come hear to release my stress. So far things are getting better than at the begining.This is why you see me trolling here compared to the first month...
  22. ^I'm too coward to join the Army. No one in my family ever served in military except ofcourse I hear from our family historian (my mom) that our grandfathers were in the British Army during Somaliland colonial period. PS Maybe if I was to join then perhaps I'll have been eyes and ears of the camps sending information about when some Alqaida was about to send some bomb....
  23. The free lunch is all I hunt for during lunch hour.The vendors who come by our school usually waiguuxasareen aniigu.I eat my pizza and take the back seat so that whenever they start putting that slide up there I'm out of the door. PS: Though one time the Army recruiters got me and made listen to their seminar about how wonderful a career in the army will foot your zeros behind your loan slip
  24. ^ Though I still thought the picture was funny I Liked how he removed your abrasive grit out of his way and proceeded to finish the love story
  25. STOIC

    SOLers on Facebook

    Sijambo dada.Hauoni nailazimisha.Lazima nitupe neno moja moja hapa na pale.Nimezekaa kwa SOL lazima nionyeshe mafanikiyo ya biddi ya kujifundisha lughaa hii.