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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Probably this is not the nicest way to end the day after I posted the above dacwa, but lets just say my Sheytan is alittle stronger.I couldn't resist laughing when a close American-Palestinian friend of mine send me this Busta Ryme Video called Arab Money! I think hip-hop is making the Arabic culture more fashionable.Its only getting better like my friend said, the REMIX with the HipHop world's Arab AllStars: Kasem Da'oud Shamsi Il-Dean (aka Swizz Beats), Alaiune Thiam (aka Akon), Faheem Rasheed Najm (aka T-Pain), and Khaled Khaled (aka DJ Khaled) Ron Brownz Yes!! way back in the most amazing way Well lemme introduce you to the new talk Lets get straight to it..cmon LaLaLa HaleHeloHaLow HelaBalaHeHeleBalo We gettin Arab Money We gettin Arab Money HaLaShegeHaLitlFaLa MiliAlaySheNitiMala We gettin Arab Money We gettin Arab Money Now there aint no way that you could kill the beats dead Middle East women and Middle East bread I got Oil Well money in the desert playin Golf Dont ??? with a Louis Scarf Chest cold diamonds make a --- wanna cough In Dubai 20 million on a few lofts I stay up in da club ------ The way i make the people wanna sing the hook in Arabic LaLaLa HaleHeloHaLow HelaBalaHeHeleBalo We gettin Arab Money We gettin Arab Money HaLaShegeHaLitlFaLa MiliAlaySheNitiMala We gettin Arab Money We gettin Arab Money Seven Star Hotels, Maybach, Movies Sick big --- knock -- cameltoe -- Women walkin around while security on camelback Club on fire now -- dunno how to act Sittin in casino's while im gamblin with Arafat Money so long watch me purchase pieces of the Almanac Ya already know i got the streets bust While i make ya bow down makes salaat like a muslim LaLaLa HaleHeloHaLow HelaBalaHeHeleBalo We gettin Arab Money We gettin Arab Money HaLaShegeHaLitlFaLa MiliAlaySheNitiMala We gettin Arab Money We gettin Arab Money Heyyy!! See now i take trips to Baghdad --- Use a stack of chips to count Arab money now I dont need to get fresh im bout to grow a beard dude So much cake even the money look wierd too Dont mess the bread and the broad im tryna eat like Prince alwaleed bin talal alsaud respect the value of ma work In Maui, Malaysia, Iran and IraQ, Saudi Arabia! LaLaLa HaleHeloHaLow HelaBalaHeHeleBalo We gettin Arab Money We gettin Arab Money HaLaShegeHaLitlFaLa MiliAlaySheNitiMala We gettin Arab Money We gettin Arab Money PS Just incase any of you ever want to see any new premiere videos always check out this nice blog Teddy Music Blog PSS Don't follow my Sheytan
  2. All praise is to Allah the lord of all existence.Today it is Dacwa day.No Shaitaan today. I walked into the mosque near my school today.An African-American brother greets me with Salam.I mind my business and did the usual ritual somehow we started talking about the neighbourhood and how you have to be careful where you park and the whole security issue-by the way North Philly is not where you want to look like a rich-***! He told me of a great imam who gives khutba at the masjid on Sundays who happen to be Somali.He gave me his name and as usual I looked him up on the web and found out that this was one eloquent Somali Imam I can clearly understand his words.No wonder he gives khutba at the said masjid.So check him out here
  3. I saw a clip by Brian Ross of ABC talking about Somalis in Minnesota sending their kids to fight a holy war in Somalia. Despite its frustration and difficulties if this is true then I think it is the responsibility of the parents to trump the onrush of this new flight to terrorism. Knowing my people suspicion and how they gnaw at each other like a termite this could all be a one group trumping another in who will report unfounded charges! As much as any other part of American life, it is the family responsibility to guide their kids to the knowledge of the realities of what a life of a terrorist looks like in this life and hereafter! PS FB, waar baal isiilali..
  4. I see the whole thing as Don't trust them new niggers, ha? . Jamaican and Somalis are all niggers in my book. Personally I’m guilty of using the word more often to my close friends. I know it makes many people cringe when they hear the N word.You can call me Nigger just don’t call me this
  5. Jaceylka, obssessed me?I don’t exist for the state more so the state exist for me.Though I’m far too detached from Somaliland like you are detached from Thailand I still can land there safely without you throwing stones at me (at Egal airport!) Somaliland spirit of its existence exemplifies what is appropriate for its time during these hard times of Somalia.Show me some vast streteches of knowledge by Somalilanders with embodiements of man’s creative power then I’ll be one hell obseesed brother about Somaliland! Hatikalee waxaan oraan toona Mogadishu Aya Hargeysa kawathataa PS Ibti, I was just kidding with you!
  6. Where is Ibti? .How come you missed this discussion?I didn't see any hijabi. There is a Farax who participated in the discusion-I suspect him to be North (does he even live in England anymore? )because he didn't raise his hands when Mazrui talked about Somaliland governance He could be one of those SOL somaliland supporters like ... Listen as Mazrui talks about how the British were less interventionist in Somaliland rule during colonial period.No the discusion is not about Somaliland, but religion,respect and understanding! Part1 Part2
  7. STOIC


    She was not laughing at his jokes maybe Shorty gotta eyes on him PS Cheer up and get yourself a cold beer!(or Jamaican root beer )
  8. ^Wish I had a clear sky to look at and steam off the pressure that is building up now in my body-Finals week coming up.I have tree size of papers on my table and its freezing up here.Studying for Finals is a B!atch!
  9. Cara, I agree with B that we take you guys for granted sometimes.But like RL said sometimes we are just boys and not men until you guys open our eyes .This really hit me over the holidays .I have ignored her (of course she-who-must-be-obeyed) lately unintentionally due to other commitments.We are trying sometimes so y'all need to cut us some slacks Good Men
  10. This video was posted on my friend facebook wall.This is the most funniest Somali video. Sexual content Warning .I don't know if this kid was joking when he was shooting this video, but it sure damn raise some eyebrows! Double EWWWW
  11. Ariadne, For a starter to be a troll you need to learn how to quote.Dude click on the quote button below and place your copied text in between.I'm just trying to help you here so that when the rest of the trolls shows up on monday they can welcome you with PEPSI drink. EDIT: Oops pardon me.I didn't even realized the quote and your post were two different things....I'm sorry!
  12. I think interest is an interest. Don’t worry we will present our case to God about why in the world we took all those education loans. God didn’t bless my family with a Oil-well or a even a Pirate cousin.So i think I'm justified to have all the Zeros behind my AES forms. Here in the USA the federal government sets the interests rates for our student loan. Understanding how your interest rates accrue is an essential step in understanding how your loan works. For example in the US the government pays your accrued interest during the time you are in school, but this only applies to the Subsidized Stafford loan. Now there is a catch there is only so much the government can give you as a subsidized loan. This forces mostly the graduate student to apply for Graduate Plus loan, which though the government sets the interest rate you are still accruing interest while you are in school. If for any reason the Stafford and Graduate plus are not enough then you can apply for a private loan from the bank, which by the way their interest rate will break your back! Don’t even think about being forgiven for this loan unless of course you are in a profession like teaching.
  13. Serenity, I saw that clip before.Very powerful indeed.....on a side note reminds the new Madagascar:escape to Africa where Gloria asks "where are we?" Melman replies San Diego "This time I'm forty percent sure".Then Marty replies I think Its Africa our ancestral Crib! Indeed Africa is their crib
  14. ^Priceless picture there! 1.T.V remote control addiction center- Its hard to keep our passion around you.The only way to avoid a lasting collateral damage is to watch our sports center on ESPN 2.Attention span-Diplomacy Is our language.We hate to carry baggage all day! 3.Lame excuse gland-We hate to taunt our strength on you so we come up with lame excuses. 4.Domestic skills-Could you just please just judge us in the context of what our momma taughts us-Stay out of kitchen if there is skirt in the house!
  15. This is adult keep the kids eyes away from the screen..... Funny I had the same discussion with couple of my classmates during lunch hour the other day.I was wondering the same what do you girls think about ?I want to know how to read y’all dirty little mind.I want to read those furtive glances. I know for sure when I see a hottie all I think about is whether she would be as thrilling in bed as she indicates in her signs while she walk past me. I’m aroused by images of women all day. The more I try to block them the more they pop up once in awhile. For example there is hot-hot Persian girl in my class. She keeps a reel of my daily sexual highlight in class.I always have a dirty mind about how to handle the order of foreplay once I get that woman in my arm.So we men yeah think about your lips, bottom, and your nipples for a few seconds that you are around us and we forget about once you are out of sight.
  16. "anything Queen Elizebeth can do I can do better" Hehee..She is hot.. Check out Rania youtube "Dedicated to breaking down stereotypes about the Arab and Muslim worlds and to bridging the East-West divide, this is Queen Rania's official YouTube Channel" Rania
  17. STOIC


    Only in the dirty south!
  18. If he is the best why not set the wheel in motion? Just don't settle for less.You deserve the best woman!
  19. STOIC


    Che, Quite frankly, I personally, I'm not immune from the disease.I have been exposed to the disease.Though the invasion of this disease itself achieved only a marginal sucess I have seen people who never grew up in Somalia, but still support their clan.At the root of all this was the ever growing clan polarization at home.I think that it is hard to be self-possed and witty person around Somalis. It is one thing to support your political affiliation and another thing to just hate someone just because of his clan. While a few may have gained wisdom by not judging people by their lineage I think the word Cuqdada represent one of the primary consequence of tribalism. Every clan may have an egg-sucking phony tribalist, but it is hard to make sense out of shear arrogance of a whole population .We as a Somali spend a whirling-dervish of energy on our own insecurities by trying to view everything and everyone from a clan perspective. Seemingly consumed by their vendetta about clanX and clan Y you will be surprised to notice how imbeciles and self-absorbed we are at times. At the root of all this is the old-age hatred between different clans. The hatred, like many said before me, grew out of the civil war, and depends still on the war that is being fought. For some, even a good idea they have may turn on itself because of their bias.
  20. Its a three day holiday.Yeah!
  21. STOIC

    Way Duushay!

    JB, is a nice dude and indeed a SOL prolific contributer.Sometimes though when he makes fan of my Somali writting I feel like I want to Airplane Slap
  22. STOIC

    Nomad to Harvard

    RED, First of all I didn’t address anyone here other than the youth who were my original target. Why the need to question my apologetic stands? Fine if you want me to address you guys. You all are a bunch of cows caught in the swamp of clannish nightmare, unable to think without putting your prejudice aside. I just didn’t like the way this success story was wrapped with political or even derogatory snipping. Whether for good or ill the words on this screen can permeate the psyche of the youth that visit here. Instead of this story creating a sense of opportunity we as immigrant experience, it didn’t take, but few words to change the direction of the thread and of course you and the rest being the suspects.Your nerves flare of superiority caught my attention, dear.Your city/country joy exhausted like a grief.Like a little boy who still sucks his thumb, you guys kept your clannish view from political section to the general section of SOL.I knew from the moment you and others posted here that your contribution was nothing, but a thorn in the original message
  23. STOIC

    Nomad to Harvard

    To the youth reading this please forgive the shrill demented choirs of wailing shells that are looking everything from clannish point of view. You’re under no obligation to like all the remarks or attitude you come across in these pages of SOL. Contributors in this forum reflect the prejudice and beliefs of their clan! It would be notoriously hard to belief that you may have not been poisoned by your (Somali) environment upbringing of believing that certain clan is superior to others. No one clan neither is superior nor are necessarily well educated than another. Clan affiliation does not guarantee genius in the ordinary life! I want you to hold up a mirror sternly! Do you see the image its sending back? What do you see ? Isn’t that you? I want you to celebrate yourself and for every atom that is in that image belongs to you and not the clan.Yes I know that our identities are constructed by others.I want you as an individual to disable the conception of looking things from a clannish point of view.If you find a brother or a sister from the south or north doing great be it financial or education feel free to look upto him/her. Clannism is not intellectual, you can not reason its scars away! Don’t expose your brain to the darkened ways of clanism for even the swine can share heritage. Edit: I couldn't find a song that fit this topic, but I decided to leave you with Shad Words (maybe it is relevent) Brother
  24. STOIC


    Cara, check out Ngonge and
  25. STOIC

    Nomad to Harvard

    Redsea and Protocal hope you guys know how to read road signs