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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Were we supposed to name Somali people too? aight here we go without offending any one, 1. Sheikh Issahaaq binu-Hashiim-I'm guessing he is Somali person and not a clan name (I don't wanna break the site rules) Just to ask him some genealogy tree questions(I have a great doubt abt the binu part too) 2. Rageh Omar-seems like a cool dude 3. The first Somali president somebody sharmake (the guy that pave the way for others peacefully)-someone help me here 4. K'naan-seems like a cool dude too 5. My dad- My teacher.My hero.My mentor. Always promise never to disappoint you in my life choices.This dude used to buy me newspapers at the age of nine so i can easilly comprehend the english language EDIT: Just an update On Feb. 7th @ 8pm on TNT.Cuba Gooding Jr., will be playing Dr. Carson, great piece to watch..I'd advice to watch this with your kids or any teenage that you care for! Cuba Gooding Jr
  2. Hello trollers...hope you guys are enjoying the day! Hope everyone is alive and kicking! I have 40 pages to read.I'm in no mood to READ and comprehend pictures. Help me out God....
  3. JB, is advertising wedding tourism in Hargeysa.His add goes like this, "welcome to the land of Imagination where you find far much hipper and breezier environment than convention of the current political climate dictate.Complimentary jewelry, gowns and suits will be from the state budget! The city offers non-restrictive dress code for the ladies-you can wear all the diracs and mini-dresses with all the poufs and hems you need" Seems like The only interesting and comic part that I like about Somali wedding is the Xeratha (sp?). I was choosen once to answer the question, but I failed and had to drink water mixed with salt...
  4. Dr. Ben Carson Will Smith William Edward Burghardt DuBois Edward Said And ofcourse my man, Barack Hussein Obama
  5. Rooble, dude that was great story.Glad to see that you made the right move.We all been through the long and unforgiving route of finding a descent job.My first job was working in a store packing and restocking stuff in the shelves and i basically hated it. I will probably say sorry to anyone who came to me during one of those times and asked whether a certain item was in stock and I'd bluntly lie that we are out of such and such item.I just hated the idea of going back of the store and restocking stuff! I used to be lazy and feel tapped out so easily back in those days.
  6. Ngonge, Walle maxaad othey wallaan tahay...This weekend I went to Madame Tussauds museum in NYC and I think I took a photograph with every stature that had a bra and mini from Beyonce to Tyra banks....If you have never been to a wax museum the wax art in this museum looks real if you see it in a picture
  7. She sounds like my Etto(sp?)...She is funny!
  8. Warya(weird name-reminds me of Kenyan police) Thanks for the clarification.While avoiding to sound like a cyber Somali politics "expert" I think your argument for disliking their dreams as a MISPLACED and naive can be found by many in that country as a WEAK argument. I doubt if SOMALIA will see a collective voice to bring all the parties involved to a happy marriage anytime soon, maybe in the future. For now Somalis are far from any rallying cries that resembles PATRIOTISM and a honor to safegurd their country! I hate to sound like I know the reasons why Somaliland should stay away from Somalia, but I think it is a good thing that they carved out their niche.One can have causes and passion when one knows what he is protecting, and I can safely say that Somaliland will protect its own interest even if Somalia becomes peaceful today! There are many in this forum who are more knowledgeble than I'm as to the politics of that region, but I have more faith in Somalialnd instituition and ideals.Somaliland sucess in the eyes of outside observers will always be acknowledged as long as Somalia peace hung in the balance.
  9. ^Somaliland liberation from the encrusted tradition of Somalia endless war has earned her a place in the civilized world.The enormous power to achieve such a peace and calm country was an effort made by regular folks.To those priveledged to be part of such PATRIOTISM, nothing could be more rewarding than seeing your people prosper.The sponteneous action of a few is what made Somaliland a peaceful country.I can't say the same for the rest of Somalia.To many Somalialnd symbolizes the stories of courage in the face of hopelessnes,Somalialnd sure does provided the best of HOPE people can dream of in that part of the world.Until Somalia gets out of the dirty pool I think Somalialnd desearves Love instead of HATE...
  10. I'm not into Indian stuff, but few of my Paki friends cornered me to go watch the movie with them few weeks ago.It wasn't terrible as I thought it would be.I liked how the producer was able to shuttle between the actor present and past life.My friends were explaining to me how the story of the villain whose exploitation of the kids is a true story in that part of the world-taking kids eyes out to make money! I also learned a new word, Chai-wallah ...
  11. For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus - and non-believers. We are shaped by every language and culture, drawn from every end of this Earth; and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, we cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace. What a golden interlude! May the Almighty give you the strength to chart the themes of your adminstration.Your speech had the ring emboldment that commands us all Americans to renew our way of thinking in this world.As the pundits set out to disect your diagnosis of what went wrong with America may the almighty give you the vision to lead!You are the most colorful, intelligent, and artculate character to held this office.God Bless and God bless America!
  12. I'd have been glued to my tv tommorrow.Too bad that i have classes and labs all day...Obama Mania!!
  13. Watch this video that calls to attention the undeniable excessive force that Israeli uses against Palestinian public.This video clearly drops out the bottom of every injustice that Israeli attacks are inflicting with the Palestinians.With this kind of attack nothing can justify their execssive force.This man tragedy is the very symbol of how this war is inhuman.As a thinking, conscious people would realze that this is wrong....these only confirms that Some Israeli exist to deny the truth, but as human beings you will always find few good natured folks like the above journalist..This was a great journalist!
  14. ^Ngonge, mine is cool Dr. Jama is a licensed General Dentist in the State of Minnesota. She received her Bachelors of Science from Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. Her Doctorate of Dental Medicine from the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine in Farmington, Connecticut. Her General Practice Residency training at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Currently Dr. Jama is working with HealthPartners of Group Health Minnesota in operating a unique clinic designed to serve patients who often rely on episodic or emergency services compared to the traditional model which emphasizes preventative care. The clinic offers same-day access and supports in terms of interpreter services, transportation and social services. Dr. Jama is also involved in a nationwide volunteer project in response to the shortage of Dentists and increase in dental emergencies in post hurricane Katrina devistation in New Orleans, LA. Dr. Jama's other areas of expertise include the Oral Manifestations of khat, a psychotropic substance used in some African and Middle Eastern communities. Memberships: Academy of General Dentistry American dental Association National Dental Association Hispanic Dental Association Young Somali Professional of Northj America
  15. It’s a positive review of the Somali community.I remember once a conservative radio station in Atlanta telling his listeners that most of the Somalis who moved up there to Lewiston were from Atlanta and Minnesota and that they are like ants invading every corner where there is a welfare! From personal observation of a close family friend who moved up there with their kids it seems like their kids are doing well and attending now great northern Universities like Smith College and University of Chicago! I think for those people who have kids it’s a great place to let your kids attend high school there and apply to this well respected Colleges in the north!
  16. Waa caafimad issue Gotta love this dude...Remember to tell them next time Just to go south of the Adam's apple one time...
  17. Inaanka or inaanta cusuub..hataat inaan tahaay if you look anything like Penélope Cruz I'll give up my SOL booos (space) for you...
  18. Bob, here it is the video of my friend doing the bungy jump thing in Bloukrans bridge in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa.The dude who is a close friend got alot of guts jumping from such a cliff.Only a sijui got that Qalbi (J/k) Heh! PS I need to go and study for my neuro and stop wasting time in youtube!GRRRRRRRRRR
  19. I think his brother died in Isiolo, Kenya. I don't remember that well-of course i was kiddo-I must have seen one of the Moge's. Its a shame that i don't know a single of his song, but i have been drummed with his songs... PS AT$T we need some dhiig(blood) money from you dude.I will be happy to collect it from the nearest Dhahabshiill
  20. Saa tatu na nusu ya asubuhi..Nitoke nje baridi? Labda niende kwa coffee shop ya masijui.Ninaondoka next weekened hata sijaenda kumwona the old lady...Hata nimekumbuka na wewe....
  21. Hiyo ilikuwa ni sala ya lazima Istaghfurullah. A friend of mine alinilazimisha niamuke ni swali na yeye.Ilikuwa ni baraka lakini...aheemmm...shaitani acha tu....
  22. Malika, I'm sleep deprived.Over this christmas break I developed a bad habit.Playing video game all night and sleeping all day long. This morning niin raag baan iska digee I prayed morning prayers, but I can't go to sleep. Do you have something for me?
  23. I still don't feel easy about congratulating him on this speacial milestone of his life marka aniguu niyaataa ayaan ogaaduceynaya inaankaan.....Ameen EDIT: WArya Ngonge, taatkaa haigutiriin been na haigashegin ninyaahow. I'm not a dentist I just happen to know some things about it...
  24. ^ JB says some stuff to pull a leg.I think I know most of the regular SOL members (I can pretty much predict how they react to posts, heck I may even know their favorite breakfast), but this Hunguri dude dooesn't ring a bell.Inanakaan waayo? I don't know him so I'll keep my belated congratulation to myself.
  25. This was adapted from a dental school joke...I'm biased so just bear with me and read this with heavy Somali accent..... A Somali goes to the dentist after doin the calculation of getting his dental work done in western world versus Syria and asks how much it is for an extraction. "$85 for an extraction sir" was the dentists reply. "Heh have you not gotta anything cheaber", replies the Somali getting agitated. "But that's the normal charge for an extraction sir", said the dentist. "What about if you didn’t use any anaesthetic?", asked the Somali hopefully, "Well it's highly unusual sir, but if that's what you want, I suppose I can do it for $70", said the dentist. "Hmmmm, what about if you used one of your dentist trainees and still without anaesthetic", said the Somali, "Well it's possible but they are only training and I can't guarantee their level of professionalism and it'll be a lot more painful, but I suppose in that case we can bring the price down to say $40", said the dentist, "Ouch that's still a bit much, how about if you make it a training session and have your student do the extraction and the other students watching and learning", said the Somali hopefully. "Hmmmmm, well OK it'll be good for the students I suppose, I'll charge you only $5 in that case", said the dentist. "Wonderful, it's a deal bettar deal than Syria" said the Somali..."Can you make me and my Chulderen abbointment for negist friday"