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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. F**Ck that Nigger.He got Smoked...The old guy should set up a fight with Kimbo next....what an awesome 67yr old...
  2. Bravo, Way to go, Super single lady, You’re special and FREE, Outstanding you always are , Excellent, Great, Good, Neat Woman! Well done, Beautiful, Now you’re flying, You’re catching the marriage flu, You’re on target, You’re on your way to the bliss of marriage, How smart hot dog, That’s incredible.Now Go find your joy, You will be a treasure to him... And you will not be disapointed with married life! PS Sorry I had to be POSITIVE
  3. Ayoub, are you sure? I have few mixed up bloods in me...I Even have few drops of sperms from Ethiopian Somaliland Haud region (25%).....I need to consult Garoodi (if you know this then you have passed the litmus test-This sijui guy knows more than he thinks he knows) to verify your claim...Cool
  4. Only time I needed my Somali ID (Qabiil) was when I was asking my wife's hand in marriage...Shiit is so serious that I had to call few uncles around to straight out the issue...they all ended up knowing each other.The ***** sijui I was knew what Qabiil stood for in our community, but NEVER thought shiit was that Serious........
  5. I'm looking forward to seeing this episode in 20/20 tonight.Having lived in Atlanta for so many years I have personally met the Victim (Baashe).He is nice old guy.I hope he gets justice if the defendant really orchestrated putting him behind bars.I know little about what happened in Somalia during Barre regime, but My father in-law served in Barre's military.He had to quit after being passed over for scholarships and promotions just because he was from the North. It must be an interesting program.I hope they did a good investigative report and well balanced and even-handed research on what and how it all happened..... 20/20
  6. STOIC

    Today I....

    I injected (anesthetized) my first Victim (patient) today! ...It all went well Alhamdulilah...It was scary at first and a bit shaky stabbing a long needle into someone! PS I choose this thread because this was the first thread I celebrated (two years ago) when I got admitted to Grad School....
  7. Dude, I'm assuming you are familiar with the basketball court.Now i want you to do drilling exercise called SUICIDE you will burn that fat easily.Begin the exercise at one of the lines and run out to the foul line and then back to the baseline.Again run out to half-court and come back, then run to the opposite foul line and back.Remeber to touch the floor and bend. Finally, run the full court down and back all while TOUCHING the floor.Do two to three times...You will see that fat gone..And ofcourse if you are SINGLE you will get noticed by hotties around you! Source
  8. He should be a cab driver where he has the FREEDOM with his time.The Somali cab drivers in the States are the most family oriented, RESPONSIBLE, and RELIGIOUS folks.They don't give a hoot.They pull over and pray in any gas station.While I admire the brother guarding his prayer I think this was OVERKILL making inconvenience for everyone!
  9. Za Ulimwengu..maisha na harakati za dunia tuu...Alhamdulilah mola katupa njema...Snow ilaanza juzi siku tatu sijatoka kwa nyumba....
  10. Jirani wanatengeneza Snowman..Wao wazungu ni
  11. Malika, nahitaji msaada...Leo yote naichimba snow.Baado gari langu lipo kwenye snow...Kesho sijui nitaendaje shuule? Exhausted from shoveling the snow all day!!
  12. ^You are so right.Watch any evening news and you will see how they show you happy faces of drug takers. Drug industry is really breaking the bank.The most dangerous ones I have learned are the anti-pychotic drugs.These drugs are supposed to treat people with mental problems, but wait till you see the side effects. Drugs like clozapine carry labels warning of an increased risk of hyperglycemia and diabetes. The diabetes may be caused by a direct toxic effect on the pancreas. Weight gain can also be a serious problem. Here’s what the label on a bottle of olanzapine states: “One in six patients who take olanzapine will gain more than 33 pounds after two years of use”. Thirty three pounds..Now I think FDA was not blind when the data from this drugs were first published before they put in the market...
  13. ^ I swear to God some of these people LOVE to sow discord just to appear "enlightened" . If they believed in FREEDOM of choice they wouldn't have wasted their time on what is on the shoulder of a MUSLIM woman.Keep inspiring flaming rhetoric guys!
  14. ^ I hope being the "sensitive" and "understanding" Somali person he is Peacenow at least paid around of coffee and donuts for the poor guy......The guy might have made friends with some of the people who work in the airport.He would eventually find an attractive flight attendant who will pay for his morning coffee....the Terminal movie comes in mind
  15. Off day..Nothing is moving today...the snow cancelled many things...
  16. Che, Its a noble idea.A group of student from my school go and do some volunteer in Haiti every year, but too bad Somalia is considered unsafe place for these rosy-cheek American student doctors......It is actually she-who-must-be-obeyed idea to one day open some kind of a volunteer clinic in Somalia where her parents are moving back for retirement (She is in a health care business herself)...I have few good friends that are Somali professional that can help if the opportunity arises....
  17. Aaaliya, I knew Paki friends from undergraduate who went to Medical school in the Caribeans.I assume they do two years there and then there rotations in New York or Florida.I don't have their contacts.I assume if you join Muslim student Association groups from Ross University on FB will help.I think it is a good route as long as you are willing to burst your *** and rock that USMLE step one and get a spot in American hospital... One of my best friend (who is a Somali) is finishing his surgery residency.He did go to medical school here in the states.He explained it to me that at the end of the day is how competent you are that separates you from the pack.....Goodluck you will never regret your decision if you ever decide to pursue the medicine career! Enjoy this video
  18. As much as I dislike to compliment her I think she looks good on that body-hugging blue dress....She quicken my heart rate with that one ...the rest of the story is stuff and nonsense as Ngonge will say it (reinvention at its best for her -Way to stay in the news and be relevant )
  19. I skipped classes this afternoon as I brace myself for the second blow from mother nature this afternoon..... As we dig out from a historic storm, another one rolls in tonight. Philly/New Jersey area will be a mess tmrw....I need a direct line to God for some negotiations so he can push it up to next week so they can cancel all the classes during the midterm sessions...Wishful thinking!
  20. ^ I have few good abused drugs for him that will make him feel good and at the same time sleep like a baby! Now if he wasn't a practicing Muslim I'd have prescribed a glass of sherry before bedtime, but I will wait and see what he says...
  21. So Che I will be your Sleep "doctor" (of course I'm relaying on my Pharmacology class memory from my Scottish profesor-dude sounded funny!) Aight, you gotta answer this few questions before we can proceed to the heavy hitters (You know like the barbiturates and other hypnotics - drugs used to induce sleep) There are a number of sleep disorders but one of the most important one is insomnia-the one you mentioned..... (It is a condition characterized by difficulty in falling asleep and remaining asleep during the night) We can divide your Insomnia problem into three types - TRANSIENT, SHORT TERM, LONG TERM. Now Treatment of these different types of insomnia varies, thus it is essential to conduct a differentially diagnosis to determine the type of and the underlying cause of your insomnia. You will need to come clean here since your insomnia could be a TRANSIENT due to a minor situational stress (like your Halimo refused to picked up the phone tonight when you called)....Or your Insomnia could be a SHORT TERM may be due to job loss, a death in your family. The last one could be a LONG TERM no immediate or obvious cause (need psychiatric evaluation that AT&T can help you with ) Stay tuned for Che's differential diagnosis and prescription.... Disclaimer: This is not a scientific based evaluation.The material in this exchange should not be used as Authoritative as I have no knowledge nor experience to treat the above patient!
  22. We had 27 inches of snow this weekend...Beautiful day outside as the Sun is shinning, but too bad staying inside (and study so I can watch the Superbowl later).This is probably not the best news another potentially potent storm is on the horizon...FML :mad:
  23. ^^^The high Priest of the church of the painful "truth"....
  24. FML long day plus I missed the friday prayers... Shows the middle finger to his Professor (behind his back of course) who made him re-do all his work again just because it was off few degrees.It is Friday for Godsake!!.Now they are saying there is a blizzard on our way!... :mad: :mad:
  25. STOIC

    Fitness Freaks

    I had some middle Eastern food today (not the MOST healthy food).I Just did two miles on the treadmill and some bench press..Time to seat my butt down and Study some Oral pathology....Feels good after you work out......