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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Somalina, do you want me to bore you with the obvious like that?
  2. Ducaysane, Heh@ you can barely Speak Somali. You must have decided to unleash the cloak of moralistic righteousness on me.Before you suspect My support for Somaliland I want you to realize that Somalia has never been part of my life neither do I care about the daily activities in Somalia (of course I sympathize when something horrible happens there) My support of Somaliland is based on their achievements (and maybe lineage bias). A lineage with Somaliland people shouldn’t make anyone NOT support the sovereign rights of choice of political, Cultural and social development of people. You are NOT the first one to question my support of Somaliland on this forums( Why does a ***** Sijui have an interest in Somaliland, right?) . The reason, perhaps, could it be I see real development instead of chaos? It is Not wise to live in illusion and sing kumbaya with each other when there is no development.My support of Somaliland has no bearing on your explanation of why Somalia is a failed state.
  3. I was listening to a program on BBC about African youth forum.Their explanation of why Somalia is failing baffled my itty bitty brain...their attempted explanation proved their ignorance of Somalia..although outside force may have something to do with Somalia problems at the moment, but I think the blame should be squarely be placed on Somalis and their clans allegiance.When you have people with "my clan is powerful than yours" there sure no hope for Somalia...I expect Somalia to be lawless the next twenty years...READ my Words....I'm sorry..We all should embrace our new-found homes in the West and assimilate as much as we can and live our lives as a citizens of our current homes..The ones that I left behind in Somalia I wish them the best.....
  4. Ibti, take some Motrin or tylenol#3 for pain and if it is infected I hope he gave you some antibiotics...hope you feel better...
  5. Snowed- in today...My car is covered and my Somali lazy *** is NOT ready to shovel it out...
  6. STOIC

    WTF Brits?

    Crazy Stuff..Watch the whole story......
  7. Sum1notSomali, I'm assuming you are NOT Somali...Once you marry that innocent girl I think your perception of Somali women will change (maybe you will debunk the myth yourself)..For now work on your relationship with the woman in your life and enjoy the early-love every one said before me it is a bit unlikely that Somali women will openly talk about size of the swinging pendulum of their husbands...
  8. God works in a miracle ways..Dude is enjoying the new fame.A new job.A new mortgage.A trip to his mother in NY.I didn't like how Smoking gun website was already airing his rap sheet of troubles with the law (in all fairness most of the bums have been behind the trooper cruisers lol )
  9. This was a hazing..Istaghfurullah.At least they let him go and learn his deen....
  10. Libax, My tribal/regional instinct would have kicked in like a Morphine and I'd have immediately created a mental barrier since I'm NOT from the same region with the brother (We all have that poison in us) .I didn't care where he was from neither did the brother cared. We were two Somalis with maybe different backgrounds, but bonded by the Somali brotherhood.I'm NOT a Sociologist, but visiting places like Minnesota I can assure you that the American people don't give a hoot what our clan/regional composition is...
  11. Haha..Puntland people are majority in America... Next we will hear that they "control" the American politics( or the next Somali-Senate elect will be from Duke's people)...This is the most irrational and joke comment I ever READ in SOL...Few weeks ago I saw a Somali gentlemen in downtown Philadelphia.The way the brother was looking at me made my partner uncomfortable.My friend asked me whether I knew the guy who was looking at us from a distance.My eyes caught the gentlemen and I said my dutiful Salam to the brother (you might have thought a lightening strike the brother the way he jumped from his seat) I started conversing with him in Somali (all while my friend was thinking how strange for two people who knew nothing of each other could be cordial and inviting )..Now had I known the figures from Duke's study I'd have assumed the brother was Puntlander and I'd have ignored him, but no I didn't ignored the brother neither did he ignored me. We were two nomads in a strange land.The moral of the story is that we as a Somalis are few and its about time to put your village mentality of tribalism behind you and enjoy what the West offers you-a new sense of brotherhood and love for each other.Something that is indeed rare in our homeland...
  12. I absolutely HATE the new face-lift! Where did the Simplicity and the inviting cool of the site gone? I feel like I stepped in elementary coloring craft class...The color is too much for my eye....
  13. saxib, i was approached with a $10,000 marriage proposal not so long ago Now thats a major move right there.A hero welcome.I guess sometimes Hargeysa girls needs someone in their life's (to make a light of their situation) to relieve them their intelligence by being easy and friendly on this fish and chips kid..A hero welcome you are getting there Son
  14. Inspirational Vitamin of the day.....As I'm sitting here in the classroom bored to death with my profesor I thought of these Words... "O you who believe with your tongues but faith has not yet entered your hearts, do not backbite the Muslims. And do not seek out their nakedness. Whoever follows the nakedness of others, Allah will seek his nakedness and when Allah seeks someone's nakedness He will scandalize him in his own house. "The faith of a slave is not correct until his heart is correct and his heart is not correct until his tongue is correct and no man will enter Paradise whose neighbor is not save from his mischief." "Part of the goodness of one's Islam is his leaving that which does not concern him." Relax and don't let the world struggles bother you too much!
  15. Swahili part got my attention..Dude is a HERO in my book..He looks regular guy who maybe has fallen on a hard times..Goodluck to him!
  16. STOIC


    Eid Mubarak to All my brothers and sisters in Islam! Tomorrow plan is skip all lectures....
  17. Xiin,Islamophobes will always run away from their Own shadows. There is no evidence Islamic law had ever been brought up as a defense in the state courts of Oklahoma.This was clearly a fear-mongering by the Islamophobes.When the anti-Shariah law was passed in Oklahoma one of my closest undergraduate friend who is a lawyer now filed a lawsuit arguing that the amendment violated his freedom of religion clause of the constitution singling out his religion.My friend was recently invited by Rachel Maddow and he explained the issue.One of my favorite quote of my friend was "My constitutional rights are being violated through the condemnation of my faith” I'm wishing him all the victory Allah can bring him his way.Good to see friends defending Our religion in an articulate and professional way! Rachel Maddow show
  18. A victory for a close friend of mine-undergraduate classmate of mine is in the news today.He is the attorney representing muslims in Oklahoma against the certifying the election results of state ban of Sharia law.The court granted his wishes by placing a block on the amendment.My friend is "certain that having the knowledge that Oklahoma condemns his faith will cause offense and injury. He anticipates that such official disapproval of his faith will result in a stigma attaching to his person" It is not too often you see friends in the media making a difference in the community!I'm not familiar with the story nor am an expert of the law, but I wish my friend a victory Insha-Allah Oklahoma's Ban on Shariah Law Blocked: Supporters Blame State Attorney General
  19. I was there with some friends..We had a great time reading all those funny signs..and the Metro (train) ride was funny and chill..People were cracking jokes...
  20. Jon Stewart's rally for sanity this weekend was funny and Fun...I had a great time at the rally..Funny signs and people...Glad there are many Sane Americans...
  21. What you wrote there sister is what I'll call the philosophy of futility.I'm a loyal listener of NPR news for many years.I have enjoyed the analysis of the likes of Juan Williams and the late Daniel Schorr.There is no way I can take the brother as a fair and balanced if issues of Islam are being discussed in NPR anymore.His viewpoint in NPR suppose to be non stereotypical. His words on FOX was way below any journalistic standard.It was matter fact irrational fear.Every profession is guided by professional ethical codes.Maybe NPR could have handled it better by giving him a warning.The brother may have written many books on civil rights (as he claimed) but I'm afraid he is blind to the rights of some Americans that share the same faith with me.His words were insensitive and he belongs in Fox hole..maybe now that he got the two million dollar deal he can go ahead and spew all the ignorance!
  22. There was one similar dude in Kenya by the name of Shaficii Gaal...He was televangelist the ones with the microphone and Jesus crazy type..I met him once in Meru after he was expelled by the Somalis from NEP..He was very proud of his religion and even had the audacity to tell us to keep raising our butts up in the sky for some non-existent God (istaghfurullah)..He was funny old guy !
  23. I wonder if he has any immediate surviving family members.If so are they also OPEN Christians? It was brave of him to come out of the closet.He must have been comfortable in his OWN skin
  24. Booorrrrrrrring.Sitting in a classroom and the professor is yapping about how Mikhail Gorbechev had a Port-wine wonder the guy's face looked disfigured!Pathology is boring...
  25. Looooool he is the high priest of the church of the painful truth....I like the library part and the liberal vegetarian Dafur Human right peacenik wannabe! He also hit the nail about the part of backbiting the rest of Somalis..