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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. I suspect she is a she is interviewing the famous old spice guy Isaiah Mustafa...." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  2. I gotta give it to the singer and her catchy tunes...I caught myself listening to the whole song...She is indeed loosing her plot by going after business just because they are owned by people from different clan...I think she should spend more effort in challenging the Somaliland government than going after established businessmen.....
  3. Sad story..I'm not going to judge......
  4. Vans, that is a good move on the administration part by giving scholarships.I didn't know that existed..Insha-Allah like I said I'll definitely attend one of their lecture series...I'm planning on taking my wife next year (if there will be one) God-willingly to Tazkiyat Nafs (purification of the soul) camp usually done by brother Maghroui in upstate New York.....I'm more inclined towards purification and ibadah type lectures (more like knowledge that focuses on spiritual development through submission to the Sunnah and shariah)...Insha-Allah hope you enjoyed their lecture series and I might pump into you one of their lectures IA....
  5. Van, If you look at the attendees of most of Al-maghrib lectures are college-educated or second generation Muslims..I doubt there are many Muslims from my area alone (Philly) that can afford to attend a two hundred dollar seminars...Don't get me wrong I'm a big fan of brother Yaser, sheikh Waleed Basyouni, and Sheikh Birjas presentation styles, but honestly the door-charging fee is expensive for most muslims especially the newly converts..They just made a million dollar alone last year according to the article..I feel like Islamic lectures should be reasonable to cover the expenses, but not to run like a coporate..this is just my observations and opinions..I have nothing against Al-maghrib and Insha-Allah I'll attend any of their lectures any day if time and my pocket will permit me ...
  6. We can't forget this guy..He is funny dude....
  7. There are many refutations of Yasser Qadhi by the NeoSalafis..I find him to be a man trying to find a common ground for muslims in the West...I find to be gravitated towards his youtube lecture...He is a good lecturer...Though Al-maghrib is mostly geared towards middle class families children's I found them to be more concerned with the spiritual aspects of the deen (than being involved with refutations crap that spews out of some Salafi scholars)....
  8. This little Nigger is going hard.....
  9. I always thought Somali music was for old boring men/women. The brother here brings some young swagger to the Somali music...Good job and mad skillz....
  10. I bet there is some Somali kid studying theater and Film studies somewhere.Its about time they submit some portfolio of their works...Bruce Willis hired many lost boys from Sudan for his movie Tears Of The Sun and many of them were well paid to be extras...I'd not be surprised to see some advertisement for Somali extras in Minneapolis/Columbus/Seattle...SouthPark did a good job in hiring Somali kids in Seattle area to record the Fatbeard episode.....
  11. The kid is funny..The faces he makes is priceless....I assume the kids spend hours listening to music..AfSomali baar ya
  12. Showqi...I see your point.If there is enough resources and logisticss to prosecute them then I'll be happy to see pay their dues to the public...I think this can also serve as a good propaganda tool for the government...I just hate Al-shabab....
  13. Why not? They seem sincere in their apology.This should be a lesson to any youngster who is entertaining open flirtation with the Al-Shabab terror group....Allah akbar! We thank Allah the almighty in guiding these folks to the right path of stopping aggressions against their on people...This should be a good propaganda tool for the government to warn younger people and their families....
  14. Jon Stewart Classic! "Its not enough for Muslims to be law-abiding, to avoid congressional investigations they have to be actively stopping terror plots...Oh My God, wait till they find out I've done nothing to stop West Bank settlements"" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  15. This kid was a messed up case.He met his fateful choice.His calculated use of violence to attain some sort of caliphate in a land he has no connection with is what I can't understand.How do you even leave the comfort of your environment and fight a war in a God-forsaken land?" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  16. Damn waar meshaa masaan bee ufolxumeet? I only remember 6 and 8 street masjids..there was also one on near fourth street after Galole street..The sixth street was Somali version of Salafi ....keep up the pictorial blog..good job!
  17. Racist are even in far away Galaxy...haha..Seriously I think I will give the Somali-Bantus few more generations when their kids get Western education and expose the hypocrisy of Somalis...Education will be their equalizer...I will not be surprised to see Somali-Bantu Studies...
  18. I feel you out there all the elementary and middle School teachers! I had an outreach program today at inner city elementary school..The little rascals are out of control...Too many questions and I felt like all the kids looked alike. They were a bunch of ADD type personality..My Somali in me had no patience.I wanted inaan garaacoo.I still remember my first grade teacher (Madam Nasra) till today how we used to be scared..them little brats hyperactive...I salute you all school teachers!!
  19. Haha they are having a field day on this one.I will wager my left foot that most of the people in here are not concerned about the welfare of women, but scoring a point against SL .Their protest in here is hard to take it serious in the light of their display of obsession with the German pornographic producer himself, not to speak of their prior obsession with Somaliland gaffes. There can be no disagreement among decent people of the world that prostitution is illegal and immoral.When this story surfaced awhile ago I was happy to see the man given the due process instead of beheading him ala Al-shabab style, but now I feel to disagree with Somaliland justice ruling! Let the man finish his sentence and deport his white cracker back to his country!
  20. and NOW to some subtle lyrics..haha
  21. People have hoisted me as the poster boy of what’s wrong with Somalia in this thread.I think it is unfortunate and a bit unfair to take my words out of context in order to further once point of view. I was talking about my disillusionment with Somalia in my original post. It doesn’t take much insight into the political world of Somalia to predict the future of Somalia in the next twenty years.Clearly what some members have described here is the barest sample of what is wrong with Somalia-eyeing with suspicion the motives of people.I didn’t deny my lineage connection with Somalilanders, but that was beside the point of the original topic(an utmost insignificant to why Somalia failed)..I think I can say with certainty that I’m one of the few people in this forum today who doesn’t care who will be ruling Somalia the next twenty years. I have accepted my faith as a Nomad living in North America for the rest of his life. My advise was a goal for all Somalis to concentrate and live a meaningful and fulfilling lives wherever they currently reside( beyond the clannish talks)….The lofty rhetorics of clan will NOT contribute anything to our lives in the West. Now onto the highly controversial topic of why I support Somaliland.One Nomad mentioned that I said awhile ago in another forum that I can never be elected in office where I was born because of my clan.This is true and it is the FACT of our Somali world. For those who don’t know me I’m a sijui.I have never set foot in Somalia.When the war broke out in Somalia I was ten years old.Today I’m a thirty years old grown men with the sanity to think for himself.There is clearly one person in this thread who knows me at a personal level and that is brother Farax Brown.We both grew up together in the same neighbourhood.Our families know each other pretty well at a personal level. Now I can attest to you (and he can testify for me) that my family though we go two generation back can never in a daylight be elected in an office there and it is because my clan can be counted with the five fingers in that city.Needless to say I don’t expect brother Farax Brown to have the same chance in Hargeysa.Just another striking illustration of how our Somali clan system loyalty works.I’m a Somali.I have a clan.Yes I believe it is fair to hail the triumph of Somaliland achievements (while risking being labeled as clanist). I have the responsibility to support Somaliland on its present course of attaining its goal despite the immense odd it faces because it is only what I know of Somalia.Now do I go around and fish for war of words in fadhikudiriir with the rest of Somalis? No I don’t neither do expect a sane Somali to be contributing any chaos to the Somalis. Hope I rested my case..Now please before you lash out at me as a symbol of what’s wrong with Somalia please do understand I have no interest in Somalia government.I could care less who the next president of Somalia will be..I felt like a benign victim defending his convictions about the future of Somalia.
  22. Admittedly Somaliland is NOT the only peaceful region in Somalia.There is a case example of Puntland which is relatively peaceful too, though scarcely known unlike Somaliland.It is not easy , under the current conditions of Somalia, to maintain peace and development.Somalialnd is the one region so far that has won my heart.Their specific examples of political development has inflamed my support.If we want to peddle the lies that Somaliland hasn’t achieved anything the last twenty years then you Must be living in illusion.Their sophisticated and thorough achievements is reported daily in major newspapers.Go figure PS Somalina, clearly you didn't understood what I was a rhetorical question..hope you didn't expect me to come back with figures and facts....
  23. Somalina, I'm sorry that I can't help intentional ignorance can help you with that....