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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Aaaliyah, You are right someone has to work to cover the bills, but I think it is still doable if both of them know what the end goal is..I think it took both me and my wife alot of contemplation and brainstorming before we decided to get married.I think our brothers should realize that there are pleanty of reasonable Somali women who will sacrifice their time and resources for their partners.Family support is very important (not necesarilly financialy, but just even psychological support)....We are all immigrant families unless you are from well-off family we will all struggle some point and with faith and lots of prayers dreams can be achieved...So i think there is hope
  2. I think it is someone said just try to be in the SAME page and be patient with one another.Case example I'm almost done with my docotral degree and my wife is going to start her graduate studies (masters program this fall)..She was the breadwinner for long and now that I'm almost done she is going to start her progrma this fall..She supported my dream and its only logical to support hers..I'm sure there are pleanty examples of GOOD Somali women who are willing to support their husband's goal..goodluck!
  3. Ngonge, I guess she could, but when your target number is four brats I think it would not be a walk in the park....I just dread the thought of wifey locked down in a library.. I have to supress my selfishness..haha
  4. Ngonge, thats a beautiful picture there... PS This may sounds selfish.The wifey got into a selective graduate program of her choice..Been celebrating with her, but deep down inside the manly-Somali man of me wishes her to stay at home and download kids (forget about all this degrees)...I guess i have to support her...
  5. Heh@JB..Quraan Arabic is NOT the same as regular Arabic..I don't think I'm of service to the kid...
  6. My new neighbor is fresh off the boat from Saudi Arabia.A nice and pleasant kid from the holy city of Medina.He is a new language student at my University.Now I don't speak a word of Arabic and he knocks on my door every night to help him with his reading comprehension homework. I got a problem of explaining things...does anyone know any English/Arabic website that can help?
  7. I suspect the picture on the right is him.If you closely look the pre-death and post-death picture resembles at least anatomically.They both have anterior Open bite..Just an observation..We need his dental records from Saudia..haha....
  8. ^Its all about the numbers (at least here in America)...A kid with perfect SAT scores will definately get top choice...the interview and other stuff are secondary...I don't know the system in the UK, but in America if a kid works hard and get excellent scores in his or her standardized exams he/she is guranteed of an offer...She should just concentrate on her studies and do the best she can in her new school..Goodluck!
  9. Its gonna be a long day..Serving duty in the pediatric clinic...Hate them little rascals and their baby talk...
  10. Silanyo looks Presidential...My president is black and my money light green..Get that Arab money homie!!
  11. Nin-Yaban..I hate to be the priest- of the -church of the painful truth I think your thread is wrong on many levels...Take the advice and please don't dig into peoples affairs.......
  12. Haha..this topic hit home..Now y'all know I don't have immediate family member in Somaliland (only extended family) but I happen to get a phone call once in awhile from close family members asking for money to drill a borehole (Sometimes I wonder if they just taking my money )...Now story lately has been there is a bad bad drought in the miygaa...Now that you said its raining I think I'll tell them they are "Winning!" its raining (charlie Sheen style)
  13. You need "Sockman" in your neighbourhood...12 pairs for five dollars..haha...
  14. Zack...sorry for being like that FOB blabbermouth that ruins a movie for you before you actually get to see it....hahaa...igaraali ahoow (SP?)
  15. Zack...You do realize this was in the Comedy section of Huffington, right? It was all for comedy nothing else....
  16. Chimera..I'll believe you when I see a "Been Had" videos of your secret of looking sharp...I'll be the first one to vote...
  17. Not to troll on here, but I just want to WARN my Somali sisters please be careful with PHILLY muslims (Salafi type especially )..I have seen a brother who made a Hijra to Minneapolis to get married to multiple Somali girls..Just someone is a Muslim and has a big beard doesn't mean they are staraight....I have done and seen it all here...Just brotherly warning...and I hope I didn't come across as a jerk! PS As for the poster goodluck!
  18. Haha crazy woman and her zeal for downloading kids..Whats up with her and Somali men?
  19. Tremendous energy and enthusiasm (and NOT to forget beautiful people)...Now am all for this kind of peaceful demonstrations and let the world know your grievances ( plus it keeps on check on Somaliland government respect for human dignity)
  20. MM, brother you took me way back...that market in Kariobangi is close and dear to my heart.. lot of good memories and flashbacks..I got goosebumps just seeing the pictures..THANK YOU
  21. Sithey waax lethaahaay inaantaa...j/k There are also few brothers outthere with sick Islamic lyrics the likes of brother Ali and Faisal Saleh(i think he is Somali ) are few
  22. Good lord our women are beautiful...this lady is gorgeous and a good singer..... the dude yellow shirt blinded me....
  23. I have a mixed feeling about this much as I hate the word piracy next to the name Somali everytime I flip the news channel i feel like these men (Pirates) are an answer to the evil force of the western world...Somaliland should stick to gurd their water and let these guys only be brought to justice if they cross Somaliland water line....Free the men
  24. Now I'm not a fan of Somali music, but I remember in the late nineties when I was new to America, had my first Somali girlfriend, bought a used honda and banging this girls music outside Somali parties...this was first time I was introduced to Somali faanaans (met the likes of Sahra Ahmed)....dude I was young and restless, but now I'm old rusty guy.....
  25. ^ Her name is Hayat Mohamed..I doubt there are many Ethipians with that name..unless she is Ethiopian of Somali origin.... Zack...haha..I guess women like men who rode horse and tell them what they wanted to hear all these years.....