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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. ^ Goodluck in your cooking....My tuna cooking days are way behind me...The Kitchen was and is my weakest link...For now as the Swahiliga say Amepata Jiko....
  2. All somalis opinions and news are fake.We thrive on propaganda and live for the next fake news to support our ego.The moral dissolution of our people is coterminous with what we witness on our daily clan based leaning websites. I for one reads Haadhwanag news daily knowing well that the story is one-sided (and rightly so if it is within the boundaries of Somaliland politics). We just have to be exceedingly conscious not to fall into the trap of Somali opinions of deceit and disinformation......
  3. I am really happy for these kids.This should be named "the Erdogan airlift" ....Five decades ago a similar airlift happened in Kenya where a young Cambridge educated Kenyan by the name Tom Mboya cordinated an "airlift" in 1959 of 81 Kenyan students to the USA to attend college.Today as we all know one of the students was a certain Barack Hussein Obama Senior, the late father of US President Barack Obama.I'm really happy and looking forward to see a globally geared and wired youth return to Somalia and contribute to the nation building. PS On a personal note I know a classmate of mine (in high school) that got an Islamic scholarship to study medicine in Turkey and today he works for the CDC and travels around the world.I'm sure Turkey has a world class education....
  4. He should have called the popo on them...they are a bunch of uncivil people (in that case they are the monkeys).........this is street harassment.
  5. Its about time Saado-the singer- gets a PR representative lest she looks like a mad woman willing to absolutely doing anything to flaunt herself as an activist.Some demonstrations are justified and robust, but citing a cartoon caricature of a cartoonist as a reliable evidence makes one look like a duplicitous opportunist. She needs to see things beyond her fragment imagination and stop jumping on every opportunity to hold unfruitful demonstrations. Taasii wa taallo.....
  6. To me Ahmedinajad is a posturing clownish populist, but I respect and admire anyone that calls out on the western world bullies for what they are.I dearly respect anyone that points out the American for their atrociousness histories around the world. The apparent collective amnesia of our TFG shouldn't be of a surprise to us after all our very OWN Prime minister of Somalia is an American educated.He fairly knows well what contours the American government is navigating to suppress the voice of the weak.Brother been drinking the American propaganda kool Aid for too long.He is ONLY trying NOT to inconvenience his adopted countries ideologies....Let cut him some slack and hope he will watch this movie another time ONLY to realize how he has fallen into the greatest trap that the western world has in its bag of tricks! Shalom to the TFG Prime minister!!!!
  7. ^ did the guy blasted Somaliland? The only reason xaaji Xandduf will hate on him..haha...
  8. This dude is funny and has a great creative effervescence in his style of presentation. I would hire him if I was a Somali television executive.I listened to his segments on youtube the guy is a legend...What was wrong with his opinion after all he was being interviewed for his opinions here?
  9. Go Palestine..Go Palestine..I am glad Abaas didn't appear as a sycophant in his address just because the US and Israel falsely managed to project overwhelmingly image of world influence...The applause he got is a testament that the world knows the truth and are fed up with daylight robberies of Israeli Zionist....Someone needs to give time-limit to this ***** Netanyahu..I hope Abaas keeps his words and refuses to meet with this guy as he requested....
  10. She looks hispanic.. at least she is respectful of the culture -wearing the hijab...I didn't know that he has roots in the north...hope he is role model to all Somali kids aspiring to be long distance runners....
  11. I hate the popo they even beat homeless people to death here in the States...I hope they have done internal investigation and settled the matter with the family of the victims...On a side note I was reading this funny piece written on Silanyo's presidency in Somaliland..I think it was the most funny critic piece against the president and his party..haha
  12. The Jewish people (and of course their American dhabodiliif) are defending the indefensible here and they know that very well.Any sensible American or worldly person can see that Palestinians are sure winning a moral victory here.Abbas need to stick to the plan of presenting his paper work to the general assembly.Israel will never agree to withdraw from any settlement neither do i see any good relation with Arab and Islamic world after Obama use his veto... hatred for Israel will never turn to apathy after that veto is used i hope they know that ....
  13. ^ If you are planning to do wedding within the next two months then you really don't have to do nikkah right after you ask for the girl's hand.Now the situation maybe different if there is a gap year between the wedding and when you ask for her hand....You should just do the nikkah right away if there will be a long time between the wedding planning and actual wedding date.This will give you more access to the girl's family if you did the nikkah...It doesn't look right to be hanging with the in-laws if you haven't done the nikkah..Its a NO NO in Somali daqhaan.....
  14. I wonder what happen to their accent when they singing? Brother got talent here.....Some of the UK singers are way better than US talents....
  15. Xiin, the old man has served in Barre regime.He has faced first hand discrimination under the old regime.He is nothing, but very civil when it comes to Somali politics.IThough a diehard Somalilander he has nothing, but admiration for all Somalis.I have learned great deal from him..My mother-inlaw on the other hand a very nice old lady has widen my relation with people from her side..Just imagine having a house where the only people that visit are people from your clan, that would be boring, right?
  16. All this groom and bride talk reminds me of my own family dinner jokes...This reminds me of my in-laws house.My mother in-law is from a major powerhouse clan in Puntland while my father in-law is from Somaliland.There is a Somaliland flag hoisted behind the TV stand.Now the old man had suspicion for awhile that whenever reer Puntland people visit his house the flag is moved a bit to the left or pulled from the wall..He confronted her that other day over a dinner table to come clean as to why his flag is desecrated like that in his own house ofcourse warped in Somali comedy....haha its all a joke after all they love each other with admiration and respect..I just love the intermarriage and healthy debated it brings...
  17. Nuune that was disturbing image..I was like what the hell I have seen and dissected cardervers before so i can handle any gruesome body image..boy was up for rude awakening...this was completely inhuman...why did they kept saying Allahu Akbar like they are slaughtering an animal...Viewer discretion strongly adviced!!!!!
  18. Sometimes the world we find ourselves can be cruel and unforgiving.The dad needs to shelve his prides and go do any manual work so Hamza can go to school.....Goodluck to the poor kid....
  19. This reminds me of Ken Jeong comedy on accents...I think the Southern Somali accent is kinda gay (and more of Northerners accents on weed)...haha...j/k
  20. Inspirational Vitamin of the day: "Man is constantly being pulled in two opposing directions: should he respond to the lure of this world of desires and pleasures, or should he answer the call of Allah and the Hereafter, with the eternal Paradise that Allah has prepared for His friend (wali)? Going against the call of whims and desires is patience, and responding to the call of Allah and the Hereafter is gratitude" (Patience and Gratitude Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah P.63)
  21. Inajaad, I think you are arrogant, pretentious and boastful son of a gun.. You sure do have a deep-seated neurosis you need to work on Son!
  22. I think i agree with Zack here...more men are taking the domestic responsibility serious...I recently joined some Somali families for a brunch after Eid prayer..There were probably twenty families with young families.Most of the men were doing the basics like changing diapers and taking kids to the park (of course before they hit the khat session at their single pals house)...Most of the men were hard working people with jobs...
  23. ‎MSNBC says the Washington monument is leaning to left. Fox news says its to the right....funny line i picked today....haha
  24. It was a minor tremor, but I still felt the tremor in my apartment shook the walls. I was scared the mirrors and paintings on the wall in my apartment will be falling to the ground.I told the wife that is a an earhtquake..she was scared, but i had to reassure it seemed like a minor.(I guess to much watching of the science channel)...Subhannalah.....
  25. Thanks for posting..... I'm watching it now on HBO on demand....interesting