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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Unless Somaliland is dazzling in wealth Thats one hell of a priciest real estate.....
  2. " Last night was like the Mogadishu of Siad Barre" It took a simple leadership vision by a mayor to have the people say those words in peace and in one piece.He seems like a Man on a mission...Goodluck Mayor!
  3. I'm only familiar with MMA, Ibtisam and Nuune...My vote will go to MMA because he put lots of effort and time to upload those pictures...Nuune all he did was Cut and Paste that we all could have lifted from major news agencies while Ibtisamis is from Burco so my vote for her will be seen as nepotism.... PS Please admin closely monitor the newbies before they sully the place with trolling
  4. Lazy Sunday morning ...digging some Somali music.... This dude Sung at my wedding...Good guy with Some good hits..The guest were giving him headache with many requests... And Finally when he sang this song made me a bit emotional knowing that my mom was NOT there, but all the aunts were there to surround me.....found new respect for the meanings of Somali songs.....
  5. I have listened closely to the three part debate.The good professor at times comes across as Debbie Downer...I wonder why he choose not to discuss the Solution to the problems that posit current Somalia; the foreign intervention, domestic terrorism, and Imperial arrogance and lack of disciplined leaders instead of dismissing Somalis as a misfit for modernism....Yeah you can form a party, but also you need to give hope to the people you are seeking their support.This is indeed terrifying time that is trying the souls of the Somalis inside the country.The last thing they want to hear is a know-it-all party that was formed in lobby which people already know NOT to expect much from what passes as a intellectual God-send problem solver.
  6. Today Paid a visit to the man in the white coat..Peed on a cup and my Pendlum was hefted...Heh i guess when you hit 30's things don't hold up as they used to be..good reasons to get checked....Alhamdulilah clean bill...hope things Stays that IA
  7. ^ Same thing I was telling the brother Yunis that I read it somewhere(only you heard it from people) of the allegations and if it looks like something is wrong, something probably is wrong.All praises belong to Allah and may his choicest mercies be on our Prophet(SAW)..I personally ask for Forgiveness if my words may have come across as helping any form of slander.As it is great sin to spread or aid slender and Allah himself said in the Quraan "Do not follow any despicable sweares of oaths, backbiters, spreaders of slander"..If this things allegations are true may Allah guide the brother and everyone...I have NOT said the allegations were true just that it raised an eyebrow...
  8. I actually was avoiding the cut&Paste(Not my cup of tea) till you ask for it when I told you I read it somewhere else..Now that I have given you a link of what other people were saying about him you are still NOT satisfied as if I told you I personally (unlike you) did work with the man in question.Perhaps there is less need to argue with you here since you are hell bent on conspiracy theory of the Jews and the Kufars...There seems no contradictions that the man is being suspected of running a shoddy business (even when you read the comments by others on that site)and you still expect me to find him the way the original article was on Salafi-burnout which is no longer in service..I believe Singularvoice is just doing cut and paste....I will let you have it and follow the Imam blindly!
  9. Actually alittle Googling it is what i was talking about..." He took the stage sporting his thousand dollar suit, but not before sufficiently “working the crowd” by kissing babies and laying on the charm. From those who related this story to me, Khalid had a good night. The money really started pouring in after he related the tale of the “Jew man”, the one that sat right next to him on the plane over to the event. That “Jew man” told Khalid that he himself, one man, had raised hundreds of millions of dollars for the State of Israel so that they could continue killing Muslims. This blatant antisemitism, Yasin’s stock and trade, got the crowd really excited and of course they gave even more. The speaker got angry and stridently declared he wasn’t leaving the stage, and no one was going home, until they raised two hundred thousand dollars FOR THAT SCHOOL. The strong arm tactics worked and the event raised roughly that precise amount, half in cash and the rest pledges. The Somali community was over joyed and viewed the program as a huge success….that is until they had to settle up with Khalid. He and the brother who lead the community met behind closed doors in order to determine what Khalid Yasin’s cut of the proceeds should be, the initial agreement of 10% having been abrogated by his having performed the functions of both speakers. So when the soft spoken, naive Somali brother asked Khalid what he thought was a fair remuneration, just like the Grinch that stole Christmas the cold-hearted criminal looked the brother in the face and said, “I normally get half”
  10. ^ Ma cirkaa ayaan kaakenaay markaa...I just can't get hold of the article that mentioned the incident.I'm sure i read it few years back where his business deals was questioned.Now i think i have clearly said I was not there neither do i know anyone who was attendance on the fundraising.You can go ahead and not question his business dealings and take this guy as a charming youtube guru....
  11. ^if it looks like something is wrong, something probably is wrong.This not the only article i have seen where someone complained about Khaleed Yasin business demeanor..Like I said there was another article where I read that he swindle the fundraisers out of the collections they made.Now I was not there neither do i know anyone who was there..I just read a similar article where he was accused of asking more than what was bargained.I have no intention to badmouth the sheikh nor do i believe he is a saint...
  12. ^ I doubt it is plot by the Kufars...I have once read an article where Khalid Yasin was invited by a group of Somali brothers in Virginia area to help them do a fundraising.After the fundraising was done he cornered the brothers to give him a 50 percent cut of the collection.Now tell me how in the world will a Muslim preacher demand that kind of amount.Yes it is obligation to pay for his travel expenses, but NOT half of the collections.I have prayed among many of the Salafi preachers that go around the states to held classes.Many of there organizations are politics.There Imam change roles like no other...I think our religion gives the benefit of the doubt to anyone with a big beard and two or three Arabic words....
  13. I always drove by this EXIT with employees signs only on 295 and wonder what happens if i accidently Exit the freeway...Hmm now i know and perhaps will never attempt to EXIT hahaa...
  14. I'm about to believe ALPHA is MAX....They both belief in self-importance that in turn reassures them that they know better and do better than anyone else..SELF-IMPORTANCE personality!
  15. I suspect this will be a short lived invasion..I doubt Kenya has the psychological endurance for all out war once their economy tanks.It would be unwise for them to occupy lest they want to keep alive the iminenet spector of AS on their major cities..I'm still naive and believe this was trigered by ecomonmic panic and not any farfetched warmongers in Kenyan governement as suspicion and speculation has it....
  16. Che, it will definately raise questions about how the taxpayers money is used to foot the war bill..I'm sure it would be costly.For now it seems the whole country is riding the patriotic caravan....Once the drums of war stop roaring I think many Kenyans will question the invasion particularly once it is established that there is no more AS immenant threats...
  17. He is a muslim-convert and identifying himself as Al-shabab agent.I think his other name is Mohamed Saif....Weird
  18. Kenyan Police wasaqajaan.They can even rob, shoot and arrest for anything atleast that is how it was back in the days,..Unless they have native informers rarely will they just randomly do search and seizures on your property.They will definately put up roadblocks and stand on street corners.....My worst encounter with them was when they hold me up for three hours after i read Isha prayer in South C mosque...hate them wilth all my gut!
  19. I wouldn't wish my worst enemy on a Kenyan police cell...I think it is SAFE and wise for all Somalis to stay inside untill things calm down...This is temporary methink
  20. Abtigiis;754255 wrote: You keep on bellowing about individuals, speaking of whom we can line up a long list of pirates in the roll of shame. For a community that mistake bucolic audacity to urabane witticism, Ethiopian biceps as its own muscle, it is easy not to notice the ground moving from below their feet. It is the crow in Aesop's tales which allegedly famished waiting for figs on a fig tree to ripen. You will wait long to walk on the backs of reticent Somalis with false patriotism. The Khmer Roughe of Somalia will be haunted by the skulls and cadavar's in the sewages of Mogadishu. It is sardonic 3,000 strong Puntland contigent that rode into Mogadishu with Ethiopians, cargos of elders that descended on Mogadishu from Puntland as if the people who live there have a life expectancy of 20 and have no elders, were working for to bring back the Somali nation, but those who want to go to their home areas are invaders and dividers. Rank pirate logic! At a personal level, the shame of Ambassadorial treason doesn't bother the fatuos General. Guilt bothers those with conscience! Not those who think with their stomach. Classic.....Abtigis writting at its best rhymes.....enjoyed the style.You should be the spokesperson of the Original Gangsters....
  21. Haha@Xiin this is NOT a non-violence movement.No I didn't change my mind.One can scarce imagine what Kenya was facing at the time they started their braving through the borders of Somalia.I supported Kenya's interest of defending its immediate interest of a safer tourism, but I never was for bombing major cities like Kismayo.I only supported the manning of the porous borders, but after reading Zack's exchange here i got a bit clear explanation of why some of you guys were opposing this military incursion.I guess the clan history and the political culture of that area predates the Kenyan incursion.
  22. After reading Zack's exchange with some of the members now i can clearly see why thy undertake the confidence in defending Al-Shabab on this Kenyan issue.I was naive and a bit confused on the clan geography of the areas concerned.This little exchange with Zack acted as a catalyst to expose a bizarre banality of some members defending their clans while deceptively hiding behind the nationalistic mantra.....Clearly CLAN IS EVERYTHING
  23. This is NOT good news for Kenya and also for the rest of the Somalis in Kenya.The shadowy shade of nightmare has started for Kenya.Though no one has taken credit for the attacks, all the fingers are pointing to AS.Security will be intensified and most of the impact will be felt by the Somali community.I'm sure the most logical place to look for Al-shabab agents will be in the mist of the bustling street of Eastleigh.This attacks will legitimize an illegitimate acts by the brutal undisciplined Kenyan police.I did Support Kenyan defense of its porous borders (and STILL does) but I will not support Kenyan bombardment of major cities like Kismayo.This is a deadly mistake that will only drag Kenya into a quagmire with even more catastrophic than the Uganda's night club attack.I wholeheartedly support Kenyan securing its borders and making sure all the refugees in their country are legal, but the deeper they involve themselves with Somali war/politics the worst it would get for them.It would be difficult for Kenya to win a war with amorphous enemy that is HARD to identify.
  24. Wow that is some harsh blows to AMISOM .Much as i hate them niggers they can fight and CONTROL public perception.What is frightening is their leaders rhythm and repetitiveness about killing non-believers. It seems that any clear-cut military victory over Al-shabab appear possibly only at the expense of carpet-bombing them from air bombardment...
  25. ^Let her be..haha...she will be singing nursery rhymes after the kids are downloaded.... PS My biggest pet-peeves is the rigidity of the institution.Have hard time paying attention to the little things like putting my socks in order and using the shoe rug..blame it on my male insensitivity sometimes i just want to kick it and relax without worrying about the decorations on the coffee table...haha