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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Best black friday shopping i have done was buying blu-ray DVD player with HDMi...I streamline youtube videos from my tv now....
  2. Nothing will help the brother more in his quest for state representative than the support he gets from his OWN people.If we ever expect the desirability of political equality in this country our votes must be counted ( and if we ever want one of ours to be pampered to the highest order of poltical wheelers and dealers of this country he must be supported both financially and balot box.) .This vision will only appeal to you if you place high value in the participation of western democracy (which is NOT perfect)..Nothing I'm saying is meant to imply that our brother should support gay marriages, but he can be sneaky and abstain from votes that require his presence after all it is politics, which i believe the brother understands the far between the politics of elections.This is NOT the time to impugn the brothers religious belief after all i beleive he knows very well what he is getting himself.Our support should not come warped with controversy and derogatory snipping. The average American can not even name his Senator let alone a lowly state Senate. What I'm saying is that this is NOT that big of a deal, but a step in the right directions. I don't know about anyone, but I don't see myself moving anywhere till death comes knocking and I think it is about time we participate in order to achieve certain common goals like raising a good family and living in a free society.When the list of alternatives gets wider that is when we can choose between the represenative.Lets support the brothers right to participate in political organozation of his choosing and wish him the best.....Goodluck!
  3. Haha@minefield...yeah i think with the mother inlaws you don't know what to expect, but the old guys are cool and joyful.I think me and Malika were always told to reserve the "hoyoo" status for our blood moms and everyone else is "etto".......... Malika, lundo la visa vya mama mkwe...Wacha nikuchekeshe kidogo..Siku mmoja mama mkwe akaja nyumba ya kijana yake akamhoji binti... MAMA MKWE:Heee wee binti huyu mtoto mbona hafanani na kijana wangu? BINTI:Mama samahani huku chini nina njia za uzazi na sio machine ya photocopy
  4. Yeah Ngonge I normally stick with eddo....the other inlaw of hers says hooyo and i left that for him since he speaks better somali than me and he is more affectionate than I am lool
  5. Help a brother ....what is the appropriate word for your mother inlaw in Somali? Is it habaar yaar or etto? I mumbled half of the time
  6. I officially gave up I can't type on phone......excuse panctuations lol
  7. Zack, I think they are the same footsoldiers who has maybe taught your ancestors how to manipulate the political institutions of The ferangi inorder to obtain priveledges than the rest of the Kenyans(assuming your ancestors lived in Kenya). Hahahaha
  8. Maybe the president was Gifted student....skipped couple grandfather left the hawd early 1930 for better life as a british soldier he got tired of the camel hearding hahhaa
  9. Wish there was preaproved credit in SL...EasY identity theft there....nigger is old..76
  10. ^^^A close friend of mine (former classmate in undergrad) recently returned from a trip back home in Djibouti.He was disappointed at how things were run in his home country.How the man you are blessing is a dictator-a man driven by meglomania.I was not familiar with that tiny country till my friend explained it to me how corrupt his birth country has become.The man have exploited the state through corruption and nepotism.My friend was disappointed how the country didn't insure its citizens a broader range of personal freedom unless you are from the inner circle of the president entourage.I was shocked to learn that the internet and all communication is monopolized by the government.A country with no guarantee opportunities for discussions or deliberations of free and open press shouldn't be praised.Among desirable qualities we all want to see in any leader is honesty,courage and fairness..MY friend din't witness this in his birthplace..He was really disappointed and had many positive things to say about that unrecognized tiny place called Somaliland than Djibouti....
  11. Xiin may have suffered the slings and arrows of Abtigis (and Ngonge) lately, but he is still a good sport.They say any fool can evaluate and critique Somali politics, but it takes self-control to be good in debating on any Somali forum without losing your bearing ..Though as a seccesionist I don't agree with the man, but i like to read his arguments for greater Somalia. PS i think it is respectful debates that keeps people coming back and read most of the arguments here...
  12. STOIC

    Is she crazy?

    She is not crazy.Just living in an age of entitlement...So I think she is bored and doing her own version of head rocking ghetto fabulous...What i don't understand is all the hating comments on her videos...Some even going to the extent of calling out her natural disability...She will grow out of it, but for now let her be......
  13. Abu, after the housing market collapse many Somalis in Atlanta that i personally know bought houses for 30,000 dollars cash.Now this is NOT best of the neighborhoods in terms of school system, but it is worth of an investment if you have the cash. PS as for the thanksgiving dinner it is just a get-together sort of after all everyone is off from work and school....I doubt it is a religious holiday at least in theory.
  14. Looking forward to thanksgiving dinner at my in-laws..Better be Chapati there or else (too bad they are Walendos haha)...I wonder if any of these are other western countries have some sort of thanksgiving day or even harvest season....
  15. Although arguably there are more reasons to critique Somaliland government, this is NOT one that rings a warning bell on the failure of Somaliland government.Whatever the momentary analysis of the resident-Somaliland-pundits, the youth unemployment is a worldwide problem.Such is the case in country like Kenya and many African countries.It becomes glaringly obvious that this is NOT a problem unique to Somaliland.Just take a look at immigrants flooding the big western cities.This are tough times around the world with limited unprecedented prosperity like before.... PS I just witness a distant cousin move all his kids to Somalia last week from here in the states.If it is that bad this guy will NOT have moved his family from the comfort of western city!
  16. I like this girl....she can sure take your heart with her smooth voice And of course one man i grew up listening to (of course beside saying that with bias) He is still the greatest singer of all time.So much passion, emotion and conviction in his music.......I will be visiting Waberi studio this weekend and i will get his album....
  17. Nuune, bwana na kubali majini wanatuona lakini tokea utotoni nimeambiwa macho yetu hayakupewa uwezo wa kuwaona majini...vipi wewe umemwona jini kisha akakupiga vibao..haha..Istaghfurullah... Malika, kweli majini wapo duniani lakini sithani tunao uwezo kuwaoona jinsi ndugu wetu Nuune amawaoona na kushauriana na wawo...Si rahisi kuonekana na macho yetu.....
  18. Nuune na Majini zake sija ya amini. Lakini ni kweli majini ni viumbe miongoni mwetu? Vipi nuune amepata jicho ya kijinni? nimejaribu kusikiza mawaidha ya sheikh Othman Maalim kwa ya kwamba majini uhakika wapo duniani.Tukea utotoni nimeambiwa kuogopa kutembea sehemu za takakaka kwani mashetani wanapenda chooni na kaburini...Hebu sikiza hapa sheikh uthman akieleza jini...Mimi namogopa nuune kwani majini hukaa miongoni mwa watu...hahaa
  19. Republicans security debate: Shut up Obama Got this! Republicans are good only for dropping colloquial phrases. Obama could point to a number of achievements on this area so they may as well shut it and go back in pandering to the tea party.You can tell the intellectual gap in their defense of Patriotic act (Except Ron PAul). Republicns sure lack spontaneity, Obama will sure have them a s a lunch over this issue..The only thing that will fail Obama is the Economy!
  20. Ngonge made a good point...I see why AA studiously crafted the political image of the profesor..The brothers un-shy use of any media that shoves a mic in their face earns them these kind of caricature.This gives AA the license for provacative statement of anyone in Somali politics....In fact, many forces are in play in the Somali politics.Certainly we can all agree that the brothers are the center of the contest for who has the brightest idea to bring Somali back from cardiac arrest.As an engaged actvist/intellectual they are free for mocking.AA can aim for anything from Al-shabab to the prophetic fate of inner circle of Sharif.AA viewpoints are supposed to strike a chord and he definately did with this one......
  21. ^ In humpty dumpty view the professor won that debate...the sijui guy was aggressive and accusatory!
  22. The thing i like about him is that he is calm and collected when articulating his opinions.Recently he was debating with a Somali Kenyan dude in bbc and even though the sijui guy was a bit name-calling the good professor was calm and respectful....
  23. The man is doing his job.A soldier by heart.Seems like a morally courageous and ambitious young man. Good-luck and may you return to your family in one piece.
  24. Dear Duriyada, It don't look good to be ALWAYS reporting uniformly bad news of the rest of Somalis...Wanna control perilous perception of your image try to out maneuver the rest of the site contributors by staying above petty tit-for-tat garbage of cultural politics of resentment .You have to coach your objections in away that highlights the positive of the good of all Somalis.Don't be lulled by others misfortunes.....
  25. Inalilah Wainailahi rajicuun.May Allah give sabr to his family and close relatives.I supported his appointment as he was a man with many years of Kenyan political experience.Hopefully someone steps upto the plate and fill the void in advancing Somaliland interest