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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Classic Literature VideoBooks with synchronized text and interactive transcript...The best bedtime readings......
  2. Hmmm...I honestly didn't know there were other clans in that region (Of course blame it on my sijuiness)..I always thought the champions of suppressed voice in that region was ONLF only.They should win the hearts and minds of other clans.The native informers are there to corrupt the struggle the ONLF fought for... PS AT&T both of my father and grandfather mothers were from that region..I guess we share a long history together as a people that are bound together by a long history of intermarriage.....
  3. This guy has never been huged when he was young lets leave him alone and hope he will stay Back from his screen once in a while to catch a break.I honestly think he has some problems in his life and this is his playground. How else can you explain someone that quotes himself.I pray that you find peace in your heart and may the almighty guide your emotions
  4. AT&T, Is this your new avalanche of visual propaganda to support a country with no pulse? Leave that for the likes of the fake-doctor-in residence. You want me to believe Somalia has finally found its pulse in Garowe? I never thought the spectacle put together in Garowe will give you hope in the former Somalia union.All over a sudden the TFG has found the moral rectitude to lead Somalia? Somalia divisive and factious politics is superior over a calm and progressive Somaliland? I doubt your dream will critically register with people who have been independent for almost twenty years.It will take alot than what you put down (which most of it they are already enjoying it in their own back yard) to cross over the psychological barrier between the south and the North.
  5. Ngonge response is accurate and insightful ( without sounding someone bent on setting score with AT&T insult)..The original message of AT&T only inadvertently fueled the conspiratorial theories among certain people who have always had bone to pick with SL progress (Xiin and our brothers from Puntland). The careless insult of SL women will not coagulate into a more strong assertion that SL is grooming their women for pimping. Wonder what will happen when SL evolves into a recognize state that dominates the political and economic force of the region? Perhaps more insult maybe?For now Let them behave like a wild beast chasing after its own tail until sanity knocks on their conscious...
  6. Dr. Bilal Philiphs was in Hargeisa....Big ups Woof Woof!!
  7. Read president Silanyo is in the house with the best Seat....I don't like city boys (M/jeex)..I'm with Hawd....Even though I should root for tolka like reer burcoo in here, but my conscious says to root for the boys with the camel....Nimaan geel laheeyn cirkaa utuur balaa yirii...haha
  8. ^ I'm guessing religiosity, but if NOT that would be a fashion least get pink gloves...hahha
  9. Garnaqsi, Since you quoted me and questioned all Somalis capabilities of giving advice on a career choice to the brother let me say that I mentioned in my original reply that I based my advice on my friends.Now everyone knows that you don't need to be Journalism major to be a journalist nor do most of the science /engineering majors end up teaching or doing research only.Its a given fact that people move around and do different things with their degree.Now our obsession with medicine comes from our parents encounter of doctors as the only professionals they have known in their respective countries. Now career advice is NOT something easy .Everyone finds their own way of accepting their fates.I just don't buy the whole do what you love thing (maybe it is because I never had the luxury of choosing because of responsibilities). As an immigrant I would always advice kids to do something practical with this day and age of rising student loans.Heck even UPS driver makes more than most of college educated majors (they make around 100000)....Sometimes you don't even need college degree to make a good living... A good friend of mine is a corporate lawyer.His route was accounting (first degree) and then law school.Today he has the luxury of forming his own Tax consulting company after working for a major fortune 500 companies.You can always tweak your career and do what you think will give you a comfortable life!
  10. If i have a young son/daughter I will give them these advice having observed different people that are doing it, Medicine: Great career, but demanding and need special aptitude for science and good standardized test taker.You will say goodbye to family life and live on the hospital floor for three to six years (depending on specialty) after four years of medical school and fours years of undergraduate.The end result is a job security and highly esteemed profession.You will be the top 5% of careers in North America.You will see the fruits of your years paying off at last.The competition is high and you will be tested and your patience will be rewarded at the end.Shoot for plastic surgeon, ENT, and Orthopedic...Keeps the grades high.... Business/IT I have friend that makes a good living only after earning an IT degree, but a lot on these sector depends on luck and connections.Majority of the people go for advanced degree like MBA and you will eventually make it with your killer resume Graduate Degree in Sciences/Social Science: You will be a college professor with a decent inceome and job security if you ever become an associate professor after toiling many years as an assistant professor on a tenure track (if you lucky). I know of Somali guy that has a PHD in Pathology and does research in disease pathology with a big lab that is funded...A good career if you are curious enough. Journalism: Chances are you might NOT be next Rageh Omar and if you think you have high chances of breaking in this industry go for it and you will either make it or become a PR office worker.... Engineering: Met couple of people who made it after they went to good Engineering Schools like Georgia Tech and MIT...You will NOT be disapointed if the economy is good and companies are hiring... If you ever go to Undergraduate make sure you keep your grades high So you can have the leisure of choosing the graduate program of your choice....
  11. My aunt has been injured in a Improvised device blast in Northern Kenyan.She is doing well now.She has always been a peace activist.She has been awarded the East African community award.She has mediated many inter-clan war in the northern province and also has been to Sool and Sanaag when the war occurred there awhile ago...this is what others have said about her "Fatuma is seen as a symbol of courage and determination to many in Wajir. To others, she is a source of strength, inspiration, and wisdom. Her actions of championing for the rights of women through the Wajir Women for Peace, opposing traditions that marginalize women, providing a voice to those unheard, advocating for conflict resolution and peace building, demonstrate her efforts towards bringing about normalcy, making the district what it is today –peaceful. " Libaaxaat and may Allah reward her.She is doing well..keep her in your prayers....
  12. Some lady dropped a bag full of xalwaa in my house...I have destroyed it with a cup of tea while watching Chelsea and Man City game live.. Priceless!
  13. Yeah she manges IFC private equity and investment fund portfolio.Her credentials Is public just google AYAN ADAM she is a graduate of MIT Sloan school of management.Masha Allah a very nice and succesful sister.I hope no one misquote me and think these people are non practicing completely just NOT type of people you will meet in your local gatherings..My intention was to show there are succesful Somali people and with careful planning, preparation and hardwork anyone can be succesful of course with the blessings of Allah.Religion is important but also hardwork is needed......
  14. I personally know a Somali ENT speacialist, a prestigious medical school profesor, harvard MBA student and top the icing a Somali woman that manages two billion dollar wealth.What's one thing they have all in common if you may ask; HARDWORK and a little luck! Some of this people are close to non-practicing muslims
  15. Gazeti la udakuu ya repoti kwamba pesa imetapaka kwenye purse lako.....nilikuwa na tamaa ya kuuliza kama waweza kunikopesha hela hizo hahhah
  16. Malika chunga watazimendea fedha zako zaidi ya fisi na mifupa. Sheitani na wasaidizi wake wanasherehekea christmasi so much for commercialization of their sacred day
  17. Alpha aka Max is a teacher? haha...I just couldn't let that escape...I feel for the kids he teaches and wish them whatever endgame the tuition that they paid demands....
  18. How am I confusing Stability with institutional democracy.Institutional democracy can't happen without stability. It is things like respect for a constitution that provide a stability for the basic democratic institutions.I can argue that it is the respect of this political institutions that brings stability.A neutrality of these institutions is what motivates the citizens of Borama unlike places like Puntland that has been havocked with killing of high officials in a daylight.This institutions if not safeguarded and respected you will NOT get transparency.I understand it is the allegiance among citizens in Somaliland that brings the stability, but if it wasn't for the respect of the law there would have been no Stable Somaliland. So you gotta give credit to the institution that has been built by the people of Somaliland.
  19. Che, To equate the political institution in puntland with Somaliland is to ignore the pudding in the eating.Somaliland democratic government has fostered a relatively high degree of hospitable environment for democracy.The evidence should be overwhelming by now that Somalilnd has far superior democracy than Puntland.For one thing we can't ignore the clan history of the north. There is an issue of inclusiveness which some are against it, but all this is part of the unfinished journey Somaliland has embarked on.The advantage of them joining Somaliland mirrors the disadvantage of them joining a non-functioning government in the south.It is obvious then that all the resisting pockets should know whats good for them and that will be Somaliland (IMO)
  20. Che, Stability and prosperity in Somaliland came only after the secession has been declared. Somaliland will have been bewildered with array of disappointment had they stayed with union upto today.Somaliland people are of course the steward in charge of the wellbeing of their nation and they have decided to part ways with the rest of the country.The trend toward two-tierd countries is what that is motivating them today so to dismiss that will be unfair....As for making assumptions on the intentions of anti-secesionists we both know that in this roller-coaster sequence of ups and downs of Somali poltics we see many that post here are either motivated by shear ********* of clanism or genuine principle of belief in a union (this is on both sides)...
  21. Che, I gotta have faith...Yet at heart I know Somaliland is unfinished journey.The domestic political climate only curtails the country into a more stronger country.It would have been shame to deflect the mounting criticism of the youth of Awdal and you can clealry see the adminstration have respected their right to convene without disrupting the daily business of the city.Despite the best intentions of many anti-Somaliland groups they come short of winning the hearts and minds of secessionists.In all of this, anti-secionist appears to have been motivated by their own impotent unionist alternative mantra.In the eyes of many, including me (of course with bias alert) Somaliland has sharpened the diffrence between them and the rest of Somalia in many ways.As Somalia goes through many searing exposure of anguish and disapointment Somaliland has become the beacon of hope.Somaliland exerts a lasting influence of hope on anyone with open mind.So i think the anti-secionist can wiggle or waffle on non-existance crisis for all they want.....
  22. Thankful, To answer you, we can draw on a large body of evidence that suggest Somaliland is different than the countries you mentioned.Somaliland has elected officials, alternative sources of information and free, fair and frequent elections.It should come as no surprise to discover that the goal of the two demonstrations are different.Contrary to what your intuition will tell you this demonstrations of the kids are NOT in the same category with the Arab spring.Democracy guarantees its citizens a number of fundamental rights that non-democratic government does not and clearly we can agree it is these fundamental rights that these Arab springs are fighting for.The Arab youths are fighting cruel and vicious autocrats and Somaliland youths are doing balance and check on their governments reaction to national issue.
  23. ^ Don't you realize this demonstration by itself is a democracy at work.Certainly the underlying conditions in that part of the world is highly favorable to democracy and if it wasn't so it would have been improbable to preserve what they preserved the last 18 years.The disheartening fact is that some of you guys are secretly praying to have a full blown chaos just to support your disaproval of Somaliland (So much for being patriotic and peace loving Somalis). The remarkable fact is that Somaliland has created a culture that supports its ideals and practices of freedom of expresion.Only a democratic government can provide a maximum opportunity for exercising a moral responsibility-a responsibility that the current government has promised to bring justice to the victims.
  24. All i see is a spontaneous action of a few youth.If you closely listened to the audio the adults are quite and uninterested in the youth demonstration.It should come as no surprise that this same youth have done it before and it never provided the organizing basis for mass movement.This will NOT spill into a public paranoia of the administration of Silanyo government.If democracy is inherently a system of rights we can all agree that the youth are excersing their rights of showing disapproval of the killings of their brethren(if they even related to the victims).