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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Looking at the emerging pattern of this state it is safe to say SSC has lost to sheer self-promotion (Xaglatosiye Vs Galayr camp) conducted on the broken backs of a community stricken by lack of ONE united voice.This what you get when your leaders are seasonal migrant of self-interest.I'm hundred percent sure that if they were a united community they will have made SL sweat for its ever elusive recognition.I was expecting a monstrous State to be born out of this meeting( one that was about to leap out of darkness and swallow the Somaliland aspiration), but instead I got an incomprehensible community that were divisive.
  2. Have you guys ever been on Hadhwanaag News English site? Damn those editors butcher the English language.Its about time they do a good editing or just abandon the whole English news...........
  3. Best Somali visually rich and information overloaded documentary i have ever seen...thanks to the Presenters...The ottoman empire left their seeds behind eh?
  4. She spoke like an old lady with grace...To whoever cybersquatting her name in facebook should drop it and let the old lady have good name......
  5. MM, I really don't know about the origin of the word.The Somali speaking people always referred the Boran speaking Cushites as a Garam-garam though sometimes the word is labeled on other Somali speaking communities too like Garreah (who are Somali)...It has eventually grown into derogatory word.
  6. MM, it is a word most notably used in a pejorative context to refer to Boran-speaking people....
  7. Your title has another meaning in Sijui world, but after watching the clip i realized it was a bastion of the ever-idealist students....How i miss those days....if ONLY the real world was like those days of Pizza eating late night delusion of thinking One could change the world....
  8. Having been a member here for a long time before the influx of scripts and regional loyalist I can attest to that VAL is one person who is above the Somali politics of the gutter...She takes an aversion to politics.... PS I really don't see the big DEAL about this conference.The very process of TOLKA meeting is a somali thing so lets give them space and goodwill for their meeting.The flood gates of regional independence has long been OPEN...Whether tomorrow produce a new engagement with Somaliland would in large part depend on their effort to sustain themselves as an independent regional state.
  9. Allah is merciful...this shiit ain't funny though...Now she is going to serve TIME
  10. The future is Puntland, right? they say in humpty-Dumpty's view anyone is FREE to call their Clan enclave a democracy-even a nepotistic one.....haha...Abtigis swahiliga say "Nyumba La Udongo halipgwi deki"....rough translation you don't mop a house with no cement floor.....So puntland has no cement house yet...haha...
  11. The Samatar brothers maybe a tinge example of an exemplary dissident public intellectual that have rolled up their sleeves to salvage their country, but sometimes it is hard to have FAITH in their caravan.It will take more than their dream team to change the course of Somali political contours.No scholar or otherwise serious and informed person will believe that Somalia is at a stage of building a democratic institution.There is a lot of forgiveness and healing that needs to pass.The country is still reeling from the wounds of the civil war.A country which its citizens are ever seemingly driven to foreclose dialogue and create polarization will be hard to take it serious.I'm sure the good professors understand the parallel of Somali tragedy more than any other scholars and as a secessionist we will wait and see if they can pull off this one....Goodluck!
  12. The most rudest question i ever got was when a Somali I just met asked me what my Qabiil was and i honestly didn't know how to answer even after he told me who he was, and can you imagine we are good friends today even after being from different clans...haha....Its just the way our culture deals with people...Nothing surprising to me at least when I meet a Somali person...I'm actually more fond to be around them than my sijuui crew because Somalis know everything (Waax waalbaa wey taathiyeen).....Once in undergrad I met a Somali kid in my school and we chatted and after few hours he was in my apartment playing video game and helping himself with the grocery in my fridge.The white roommate thought that was strange and rude, but I had to remind him that we are different...
  13. Che...haha....i have thrown my support behind the the secessionist idea long time and for now as i entertain the illusion of legitimacy its fair to support the journey....I may not ask some earth-shattering questions, but will try to ask some legitimate questions if given the opportunity....Haha they wouldn't know my sijuiness if they don't ask after all their constitution says I'm a citizen of the land....
  14. Rumor has it that his excellency the president is coming to DC per official invite by the state department...We are arranging a separate welcome occasion for him....and maybe i will fire one or two questions to him about all the noise from Awdal and SSC.....
  15. Sorry for the wrong choice of words...the Ethiopian brother got under my skin when he in an indirect and unpleasant way insinuated that we were terrorist while we know his own country has inflicted millions in a sad scenario of suppression and brutality....Sorry for the words on the screen to him too if he can decipher Somali writing.....
  16. She is HARD to look at, but her words are so true....Warya Ngonge Sijuiga dhaaf...
  17. Heh..dude we all live in the west and I doubt anyone ever questioned us if we had any association with AS or any terror group.I doubt anyone is lesser-beaming whether your country has a terror group if and when the dormant devil is awake for what it is between the legs of a female.I took your words as an insult to Somalis .Stop feeding us the ghastly propaganda machinery of your people.Yes we have gangs and hasslers in our communities and they are our children.If they are vile and violent we still try to nurture them to be responsible its not like we live in an imaginal world of fictions.We know they are recruited by AS and i can say for every one AS recruit that has happened there were five more kids doing what they were expected to do in a civil society....The terorist propganda machinery is what i'm against....
  18. Associate with terrorist kulaha...Waar hoyothaa baa terrorist ahh......
  19. Even after living in qurbo for so long I'm still protective of our females, so i will advice you to get in contact with your qaraboo.You will need that sense of care and connectedness...I'm sure you will be independent with your handsome perks.Even if someone tells you about the nicer neighborhood you will still need someone to show you around...So swallow your pride and get some family contacts and then make your decisions...
  20. AT&T I live near DC (SEcond home of Ethiopians) and what i normally see is Xabashi getting laid by any race...At least we have a bit of religiosity that protects our inner sanctum...But take no solace in this as in America there are many Somali girls that are married to white as well as black. it depends on the social settings they meet.Some girls get hooked up in colleges while others at workplace or even at Salafi masjids. There is always that 'someone' who one is not to marry, but things changed here in the West. The interracial marriage don't cause much of stir anymore after all it is a choice and one has to live with it for the rest of their lives.Its not like we have gender imbalance or even about climbing the class status.I have seen succesful Somali woman married to a regular college sweetheart...I really don't get bothererd with it as much
  21. Workplace violence..Shiit happens in America too.....No big deal (of course with sympathy to the victim)
  22. With all the compunction of my conscious I don't feel comfortable around any religious groups wanting to govern...This is a pure personal preferences..They like to roar the drums of policing people's lives...This is innocent misreadings of those respectful women of God...I can not for a day endure the psychological rule of any religious groups and I'm a practicing muslim...It will take a unsurpassed integrity and intelligence of any religious leader to win my vote....
  23. I don't think Kenya will benefit anything other than supporting a strong community in their government. By virtue of what AT&T has put forward it seems a bit confusing what the original goal of the ONLF was and it seems that everything is in its embryonic stage.I don't know what is far more important than the recognition of the self-rule of the O-people, but if they choose to negotiate what they deem will bring a future referundum then I think we can all hope the best for them.My most dreadful despair is Ethiopia plays a hardball game after ten years down the road and then everyone is back to square one.
  24. They just got lucky with this one methink...Terror is difficult to asses and combat. No matter how much intelligence Somaliland has it would never be able to defeat a terror group.Good for the moral of the security personnel though for curbing this terror before it unfolded, but don't sleep till you arrest every harmful kook that pose a threat to the nation....