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Everything posted by STOIC
Weey shuubtee.....
Aight your highness supremely self-confident Somalia.....Goodnight and sometimes step away from the screen...the glare of the screen all day is NOT good for you!
Good for you Mr.Self-Important....it was no accident perhaps you choose to belittle another man opinion....
What is there to argue about?
Your die was casted the day you were born.....I can guarantee you if he was from your clan/region you wouldn't have posted this....The topic was relevant for him.He had the right to say anything about Somalia.
I bet my left foot the man was NOT from your woods hence the reason you posted it here..And wallahi i have no clue what region he is talking about, but i can see your motive....
Somalia, Nigger puhleese....The man got his point across.So what that you were embarrassed? ....Warya don't let Somali qabyalad kill you inside...you are too young to have heart attack on some lame issues....
Accent don't mean jack! The man showed dedication to his people so is everyone with no accent.His was the one with the charisma in his voice....The man passionately embraced his roots so was everyone in that pannel....Give the man a break!
Aaaliya, horta Masha-Allah for your dreams and goodluck....I will testify that absolutely nothing is better than Simple wedding..All the vintage theme and buuq buuq is unnecessary....You will end up with three DVD;s and Professional photos like me...
Raula, asante dada....ni kweli cha umuhimu ni pendo..Maisha lazima iwe Safi kati ya wanaotaka jenga familia kinginecho si muhimu......
It all depends on what you can afford but yes moderation and restraint is needed.I regret mine was on upper end it was really unnecesary especially three occasions.The reception broke my back and all I got today in my house is three dvd's and profesionally done photos.Allow na cafii......
Laser surg takes a lot guts to do it.....just got me a new pair by Ted Baker glasses.The only British thing about me hahahahaha.Lately been breaking my glasses......
Xiin, lol. I actually love my sister Aaaliya.No animosity btw us-atleast I'm hoping so.Your reaction and conclusion is typified on your previous analysis of SL.Some may take my stand as clanism or even patriotism and honor as my rallying cries but all I see is stable country.Don't worry I will NOT be the first one to show the signs and deterioration of SL quest as this will be self-evident..
Aaaliya, I listened.I got off my high horses.I put aside my myopic clan and even let my good intentions turn on itself, but FACT remains the same.What keeps my apparent loss of faith in your analysis is that Somaliland is NOT an illusion but a functioning government arms.All I see is a country that keeps squandering points of praise for the last twenty year.Not surprisingly this country you are calling an illusion has exerted the greatest influence on your major cities.All I see is an individual rebellions against a greater society conformity to the rule of SL
The illusion of dissent without substance.One time you guys are calling for elimination and ariesl bombardment of Hargeysa next minute you are accusing SL of war crimes.The duplicity and anger is not helping.You guys are betraying the state you prized so dearly by writting inflamatory induced posts.As a result of your angry rants a pervasive sense of resignation is hinted in your posts.As an advice you can so deftly and purposefully handled all this issue with grace without coming across like angry teenage with a point to proof!
Ngonge there is nothing arrogant about what you stated.You just stated the obvious.Without risking to oversimplify the complexity of the historicaL process between the two communities it seems that Somaliland state is way ahead.But astonishingly enough, some in here want to convince us that newly formed state is in same league with twenty year old Somaliland.When the community in question see-sawed betweenSL and PL its hard to take them serious. The anger and bitternes of the supporters on that state doesn help it either including the instigators from other region.Anything resembling a clear cut military victory is possible with SL army but that is not going to help the contours SL has to navigate to win the hearts and minds of the people
Aaliya, you are emotionally invested in this issue and I'm NOT..obviously you have ignored when I said killing is wrong and if Silanyo is found guilty of war crimes against helpless people he should be held accountable.I wish you all the best in your newly formed state.
Aaliya, first my loyalty doesn't make a difference.I don't live there neither do I have attachment to the land, but reasons obvious I support Somaliland.Now Silanyo can be held responsible for any arbitrary and cruel aggresion on a defensless people and rightly so he should be held accountable for it if the evidence are there.Khatumo state wants to dissolve much of that one dimensional goal of Somaliland goal of secession and the Somaliland government is reacting.We can view this issue from politics and moral ground.Now the odds can be high for both sides convincing the other one but we shall not be blinded to the facts and view things from a justice lense. If evidence are there that Silanyo violated the rights of people I will be the first one to condemn him.
Zack, I doubt any sensible person on this forum will support the death of another humanbeing.People can disagree respectfully without resorting to Posting twenty sensationalized topics a day from both sides.The issue of kHatumo has lost its magnitude because of repetitivenes and almost frightening propaganda from some of our members in SOL.We can look at this issue from both sides by looking at the hard evidence.Silanyo defined the options before him in a manner that clearly excluded a peace talk instead opting for a non_ flexible option.Now people in that community can fight back and document all the evidence against his rule and make the evidence available to the international community.Somaliland can then argue as to the occasion that led to that escalation.Clearly somaliland controls their citizens perceptions of the war as is evidence on the wider public rally in major cities.
I agree with Blessed here...It is NOT like you expected your writtings to create a genuine frisson for Somalilnaders on this site.AT&T i think your corporeal craving energy for Somaliland women shortcomings has put a bad taste to your writing. Your arrested sexuality and repressed erotics of the culture you live in is manifested in your writing.Even if there is a kernel of truth of what you are saying, the question you should ask yourself is Who cares what type of "race" these women marry? .I think I know and you know whatever pendlum a woman attracts towards what is between her leg is purely a choice that she makes and you are turning it into a political gaffe..........
Khadar, I live near DC area...... Zack...one didn't understand you can be a Women Studies major for all people care as long as you are learned and intelligent in the matters that are being discussed...
You are right the loudest once are the spoilers of every discussions.Mainly the once from SL and Puntland.I'm looking forward to the day no one will post nothing from those enclaves. If this event happened in my city i'd have attended.It is a Somali gathering after all (even if I disagree with their end goal)...
I wonder how they figure that out....they probably do inter-clan census..also I was laughing at your comment in another thread when a member was justifying his clansmen (I suspect) PHD is more valid than the eminent Somali professor in Minnesota...Shaqolaan.com
I was in a tripple AAA store today when the news flash came on the tube about Somalis and the the navy seals.Everyone glued to the screen...I felt a bit raged, but then figured that they damn deserved it......they died how they wanted it..you can't defend a thug....
Zack, maybe you live in a state where there are majority citizens of enemy neighbor state (Hint:SL)....I still can't get over when someone was arguing awhile back in this forums that his/her clan are majority in Minehopless....bloody Somalis and their ego of looking more powerful than the rest......