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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. kings of king, first i don't know if you are script or just another SOL spammer. This is exactly what i was talking about when i said PL supporters on this boards are the most unusual folks.Sheikh Shareef is the driver at this moment we typing our words on the screen.Opinions of the world reveal broad consensus that Shareef is the leader.To spit on the sky will bring spit on your face brother, you guys need to know your place in Somali political situation (which by the way i highly regard)
  2. Farole evolution echoes a man with low diplomatic skills.Sheikh Sharif sounds somber, and a man diplomatic enough not to give in to tantrums. The Puntland folks, at least on this boards, are the most unusual and opaque folks when it comes to matters of Somalia.Take your place respectfully in the Union you subscribe to..Now explain it to me why would SL speak with PL on matters of secession when there is a central government? He seems a bit too ambitious man that lack political agility.This is NOT wild west and he is NOT the sheriff in town.Sheikh Sharif is the Sherifff in town.Farole take a chil pill and let the man in authority make the decision for Somalia.Just realize things are NOT always simple as they seem.
  3. If this is claimed by AS,It was expected of them.Its a war after all, nothing surprising.Kenya craned their neck into Somalia affairs and now they have to deal with it.Don't take AS threats as a weasel-word...if they say they will attack, they will do it...Now the circle continues and the loosers will be Somalis
  4. Duke is having a blast with this thing, if it only makes once back hair stand.......Warya duke i think it is about time you leave this sort of things to junior nomads from Puntland and Somalilands who can do all the spamming .....You should look into Villa Somalia for governmental position, after all i hear the deluge of the oil money is in its final stage..
  5. Norf, So who is keeping the old government factory running? Is it closed for good? Is the government hoarding the license from Dahabshil competitors? If every one is given equal opportunity in doing investment, then why would anyone complain? I don't get it..I'm assuming the excavation site is the country treasure and the government is in control of who gets the license to operate.I doubt anyone with a visual like a hawk can just show up and start excavating.There should be some sort of order
  6. I don't know what Silanyo got to do with some corrupt officials, if anything he is doing an effective clean-up....In a country with poor and inefficient systems you will expect this sort of things.As for the Berbera cement company , don't they have some sort of bidding procedures that conform with the requirement established by law?
  7. Al-shabab, why are they trouble makers and user of violence to solve Somalia political problem? With near clock-like precision they keep hitting back at TFG and its allies harder every time you will think they are defeated.For all the headlines they create, you will think they will be able to use their senses in solving Somali crisis, but all they doing is digging deeper the Somali quagmire.This is a group that will stop at nothing until they see the last drop of Somali blood dripping.When will they stop their madness? I understand they scorn modern form of governance, but how will they able to convince the rest of the world that they are God-sent for Somali people.They don't get it that extremism has run its course in many places and people just want to live and build their country.A cursory review of their history will tell you that what they are doing and preaching is NOT in line with common sense.I beleive each Somali factions fight for its OWN interest and they are no different.
  8. Lander, We may have different of opinions on this issue, but we are both supporting SL aspirations (I refrain from using the word Project from now). Somaliland is a fact on the ground.No question about that.For the first time in its exceedingly long history , Somaliland today is recognized as independent region that has traveled the long path from dirt-poor dream of secession to a fully recognized legitimate region..Somaliland has battled to fend off South Somalia hegemony in Somali government.They have marched into the Wilderness of Somalia along with their guns.They have gained the stalwart ally of countries like Britain and the western world because of their pure aspiration to rebuild their homeleland.Somalis of different clans and descriptions have also sought refuge in major Somaliland cities.It is this stunning results that won the hearts of people like me.Now lurking beneath all this accolade is the recognition Somaliland people and government crave for. Whether tomorrow produces a new recognition and commitment from the rest of the world -or a continue reluctance to do so-would in large part determine the future of Somaliland.The new legitimacy conferred on Somaliland by the London conference has kept and reinforced the lid on Somaliland secession.The South Somalia is forced to negotiate with SL.Everything seems to be falling in place for Somaliland.Yet at heart, we all know that it would be foolish for SL to negotiate with any Somalia government until a two legitimate government are elected in South Somalia to test their stability.If you try to confront the issue consciously you will realize that Somaliland will stay this way for a very long time.When the shifts and shakiness of South Somalia rings warning bell to the rest of the world, SL can keep pushing.Before that could happen, of course, you need to entertain what if South Somalia can produce a legitimate government and the lid is blown-off for SL recognition by the rest of the world.I think we would be forced in this spirit to settle for whatever the world hands to Somaliland people.I understand this will NOT seat well with collective conscious of the kids born after 1991, but what Choice do we have then? Somaliland can go one of two ways then, and i doubt this needs any elaboration.For now Sheikh Shareef can hem and haw whether dancehall state (Khatumo) is a legitimate state while the world take notice of SL aspirations...
  9. Talexi, no it doesn't come from my pay check, but as a troll i have the right to mock it....don't take the internet trolling serious
  10. XX, just have a look at this many celebrations in a month can a state have? the dancehall state wa cadhii...nimaankaan i just wanna make sure they can handle a joke....
  11. Talexi, horta nimaankiinaan SSC dagaal socotto baat tihiin (Excuse the spelling)...Your crew have more than once egregiously attributed my support of SL to clan allegiance.Someone can have important and wise opinions without beelining behind his or her clan. I support SL because it has achieved a progress far exceeding the expectations of the sensible world, and left people like wardheer contributors reeling.SL understood the darkness of Somalia for the last twenty years and they handled it correctly by building their region.I honestly believe your state is real and alive, but exceedingly remote from recognized beyond the four wall of the dancing halls.Ceeb na takes time to build the momentum.If you become more patient and play the game of convincing your people like SL (of course with real development) you may see this terrible dancehall state as having within it the seeds of change one day...marka qabyaladaa haigushegiin (Sp?)
  12. Lander, Let's suppose, if the SL project will not take off twenty years down the road and the south builds a confident government, i think it will be safe to play a genial host to the blue flag one more time.I hope a consensus will be reached by SL leaders to abandon the project or else we will stay in limbo forever...I'm sure this back-to-the-future approach brings little enthusiasm in you and all the die-hard secessionist, but I'll not be surprised if opinions shift.I console myself that the rest of the world will take notice, but sometimes practical problems will call for practical solutions.My goal is not to induce a sense of defeat and i wholeheartedly support the project. This is not a mishmash of appeasement, but just looking ahead....for now all what i'm saying is just pie-in-the-sky....
  13. MM, Dawlada xalaalka ayaan suugaayaa.One that doesn't blaze in steel and fire...I'm waiting for the plaintive melody of South Somalia to stop first and then switch sides and perhaps convince my brethren to join us, but for now i have nothing to offer the tolka.All i can do for them now is be a bit constructive, open spirited and patriotic for their unfinished journey......
  14. MM, Waar Xajiyataa wa Fish and Chips...Koronto aya lagukoreey..Waar baa mahayso...though She warn me not to post anything on SOL anymore, but my argument was I was member here for eight years.I can't just drop my SOL family....I was ambivalent too ever since I was in Kenya even when i was seven years old they brought victims of Barre in our homes during the SNM war...I just had to support the SL project for practical reasons, but if the south becomes peaceful and builds a clean government i will get my blue flag....Horta anything i say here is just dacdacshoo..hope nobody takes it serious.....
  15. The author shouldn't bring out the campaign yet, for Bashir Goth has yet to declare to join the bed-wetting Unionists.But one thing Somali political sworn enemies concur about is that Bashir was a bit hasty in his Garadad article.Clearly Bashir saw the Somaliland attendance of the London conference from conspiracy theory angle.This obsession of conspiracy derives from our clan allegiance and connections.It only crystallizes when we suspect reer Fuulaan wa Fuulaan are up to no good.Bashir Goth got his enviable reputation by virtue of maintaining a balanced analysis of Somaliland issues .See i didn't say Somalia because he is a secessionist and your bias alert should be up when you reading his articles regarding the rest of Somalia politics. Same goes for this Wardheer internet pen warriors. Its a bit unfair to criticize Bashir as someone who shifts his opinions when he finds it convenient.I'm sure Bashir will not shield away from public criticism.If anything his writing now obtains a new spirit of fairly criticizing SL.
  16. I told you this nigger was a native informer.Joke...they plugged this nigger from his rental car job(he was a manager) and now Somalis want to be whineypants about his comments...He had no authority in assuming a sensitive post like defense, but then again he is a token from SL to South Somalia
  17. A desire to undermine authority with humor indeed....
  18. Carafat iyo masijid kalaa dheer......he is a sophisticated guy who will find his match in the upper echelon of Somali women
  19. Carafaat, deadlines are NOTHING if there is no innocent woman...first find one and then comes the planing and all things Xalaal
  20. Carafat aka Qasaay.....I was 30 and that was damn too late for average Muslim man (though NOT too late for Qaldans).Advance my brother to the institution of marriage as early as you can and don't fear the thorns in the path....If love is in the air enjoy it my brother......I will leave with the words of Khalil Gibran "When love beckons to you, follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you believe in him, Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden"
  21. My Somali reading comprehension is limited, is the author complaining about the Kamba people? Is he calling the Somalis from Garissa lazy and unskilled in home building? There is no reason to be whiny-pants.The Kamba will never take over Garissa from the local Somalis.Back in the days as i remember the non-Somalis were soldiers and teachers while Somalis were business people that owned properties....
  22. I have a soft place for American educated peopl (bias on my part). If he did all you are saying then the man should put his name on the ballot after august.I hope Amin Arts recent caricature was plain Somali dacaayaat
  23. Nobody is denying him his merit scholarship, but in Somali politics I doubt his fancy degrees matter after all there were Somalis who got PHD from Harvard but didn't become leaders.I was just pointing boredom of invoking his alma matter institutions.In all honesty I don't follow Somalia politics so I don't know if he is on the rise
  24. With all due respect to the PM education all this Harvard invocations by Duke is boring by any stretch of imaginations.I think it is ridiculous after all Somalis collected PHD from this institution back in the 60s.I was more impressed with his Vanderbelt degree after high school in Somalia.The man is educated and knows his graphs and charts well, but can he bring all Somalia together?