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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Hmm..Somalia will NOT heroically and imaginatively saved from lack of legitimate government.By now we have all seen that all the gloves are off and the make-believe new parliament selection process heavily depends on clan/subclan alliances..It is the way things will be for a long time.I think Somalia will be micro-managed by an imperial design of an outside force for the next decade. There will be no safe, sane and solid Somalia government for the next decade (hate to say this) but progress will be made in some areas. Remember this is a long process that started during Abdullahi Yusuf era (some credit to him). Somaliland will remain in limbo while some progress will be made in working together btw the future Somalia government and current Somaliland government. The two governments will stare each other down in the international playground. Recent histories discredits any near future recognition of Somalilnd as an independent state from Somalia. The larger public will still be more attuned to the difference between Somalia and Somaliland, but nothing concrete will change. Some will come to terms with the reality while others will keep chasing the dream of a unified Somalia.
  2. Xiin is still optimistic about Somali politics, I will Wait for the reactions of the likes of Xiin and Duke when fissures start to show up in the selection process.It is great to see them having faith in the process, of course it bears remembering till main men from D-block fails to capture the most powerful seat in future Somalia haha.There are some reasons to be optimistic in the current stage of selecting the next government.I'm really happy to read everyday on the progress being made in Mogadishu.For those of us with no dog in the fight, we shall say may the man with the strongest clan allies win..................
  3. I know with the clan restrictions on this site its hard to name clans, but if I'm not mistaken you are talking about the same clan here ( only different sub-clans)..I'm guessing both clan A and B are Original Gangster sub-clan...Honestly i think having grown up there( and having 25% blood ties with Original gangsters) it is fair to say they are one of the major backstabbing and conniving clan in NFD who will not let other clans to share the little resources they have.... The rest of NFD clans are welcoming and open-spirited people.
  4. Gebremeskel said: “His finishing is really, really good, and to be honest, mine is not that bad either. On this special occasion, he was just better than me.”
  5. I think it is the performance enhancing drugs from Oregon that made him narrowly beat that Ethiopian Dejen Gebremeskel....NOT
  6. 1. preposterous salary every month by Somali-Land standards, 2. reside in 10 bedroom fully furnished villa with the latest imported ‘mod-cons’ including a huge steriliser 3. 24hr security. 4. own 2 landcruisers, 1 for pleasure and the other employed in my workplace making me extra money. Allaa Faan bathaanaa inaanka.....You MUST live in heaven dude.Only a proud progeny of immense wealth gets that kind of lifestyle down here...Say thanks to your lord
  7. Lander, calm down.The "celestial Somaliland" comment was a response to our brother Alpha's comments of defiant retrieval of Somaliland card that had no any bearing on Mo's success. No one has identity crisis. If anything what we are saying here is that the brother has restored a sense of pride for Somali British citizens and if anything he has charted a new destiny for young Somali kids. PS I was screaming for his victory at the last lap.We all are proud of the brother.
  8. Che, I see your point, but it would be damned if we read some official reports that the committee didn't do their work.It doesn't matter the state the country is in right now for there are peaceful places like Puntland that could have held a qualifying rounds.It seems probable that the committee just made a hasty decision without at least doing their homework.If we don't question them now we will forcibly made to accept their lackluster pick 2016 when peace comes in the future.
  9. Lazy is Debbie-Downer if you guys don't know by now..hahaa
  10. I think the blame points back to the organizing committee.Nothing personal about the poor girl and the guy that showed up the Olympics only to survive some very discouraging impressions on the world stage. How did they made the selection of who was to be representing Somalia? It is a noble and even exalted opportunity to represent your country in the world stage.I can't be sure that they couldn't even held a qualifying competition in Mogadishu for all well bodied Somalis that wanted to compete.After seeing the dismal result of the poor girl i think any sane Somali has the right to be transported from time to time in questioning the Olympic committee (if there is even one in Somalia) Equipment and facilities are of course dead give away of the current situation Somalia is in, but it shouldn't have hindered to find a well bodied Somalis that can decently compete.
  11. This was a result of a great aspect of an elaborate and detailed insane work ethics by Mo for the last four years.I doubt his success had anything to do with your celestial Somaliland should upset and anger any sane Somali if anyone ever pigeon hole the success of another Somali at world stage on partisan region crap division. Good for him and the rest of Somalis in the UK
  12. Zack, shekatha teqsi waxaan kukeenaay...When i was undergrad a Somali professor was hired by the International affairs department of my school as associate professor.Even though I was a science major i crossed path with the guy on campus and he invited me for a lunch.I was a bit hesitant as i was too "busy" and running wild then.Anyway i had the opportunity to go to lunch with him and i insisted on paying it even though i was a broke asss student. He also insisted on paying and told me how reer waqoyyi are always dheeqsi in Somalia...He was a cool dude and I even used to borrow Somali history books from him......Maarkaa waryaa dheeqsii weyee taatkaas....
  13. Zack, Reer waqoyii waa teeqsi dhee....When you are driven by passion and goal that kind of fees is nothing, after all we all spend four dollars for a cup of coffee at Starbucks...I'm sure they do have a reason as to why they set the fees high...DMV (Dc, Maryland & VA) area is a place where Shiisha cost sixty bucks...Things are expensive in DMV area...
  14. LST, don't worry we will fire-off missive filled with good-natured teasing and mock-insults in the way of bed-wetting unionist . I don't despise the bed-wetting Unionist with near obsession, i just dislike their bellicosity.In all seriousness don't read into too much my resultant squabbling with members here who doubt my intentions. I purely support SL for its governance and political institution in place.I just hate to see SL democracy and governance become more poorer and much more vulnerable.I'll be there to support them anyway i can help them keep protect the rights of every individual to his own rights and pursue his own goals...Keep watching this space I'll report IA
  15. ^All the US based Sol members should attend..A good place to engage in discussion and deliberations from experts, and persons whose judgement we may trust.I think they need our support and effort.I will recruit more family members and friends to attend.
  16. Xiin, i live nearby so I'll not miss it (If only i can drag along she-who-mus-be-obeyed)..You are more than welcome to join us...You will probably be bored with the special place and veneration we will accord with SL..I'll probably be giving my time and effort for the first time....
  17. The Somaliland Conference will be in Crystal City [Virginia] on May 18-19, 2012. The theme of the Conference is the “21st Anniversary of the Somaliland Independence. The Conference will bring together guest speakers from Somaliland including Somaliland Government, US Government, the leaders of the Somaliland Political Parties or organizations, Election commission, Somaliland business community. World Bank, National Endowment for Democracy, International Republican Institute, Council on Foreign Relations, National Democratic Institute, Freedom House, US Universities, and the Somaliland communities in the United States and Canada. The estimated conference attendees are seven to nine hundred people. The conference will have presentations from panel members who will discuss about US Policy on Somaliland and Somalia, Somaliland Democracy, Governance, Freedom of Press, Business Environment, Peace and Stability, Terrorism and Extremism, and Sovereignty. The conference will also feature US experts of East Africa region and they will share their experience and thoughts about Somaliland. On Friday night and Saturday night, the 18th and 19th May, at 8:00 PM, conference attendee will treated to a night of live music, folklore dance, award ceremony, traditional fashion show and other cultural festivities. WHO SHOULD ATTEND The Somaliland Community members who would like to network with other Somaliland professionals in the USA. American citizens who want to know more about Somaliland, friends of Somaliland who would like to support Somaliland, Somaliland Diaspora; those who would like to see democracy, good governance, and security take stronger roots in the Horn of Africa, and those who are interested in meeting with the Somaliland leadership who made the ”Best kept secret in Africa” possible, and most importantly the students of the Africa Studies in the USA Universities. DELEGATION COMING FROM SOMALILAND Somaliland Administration, Parliament members, Upper House (Guurti), members of the Election Commission, leaders of the new political parties, members of the business community, members of the media (printTV), leaders of the higher education institutions, and members of local NGO’s. REGISTER EARLY BEFORE 4/30/2012 AND SAVE 20% ON CONFERENCE FEES PAYMENTS BY CREDIT CARD The registration fee is $120 per person for registrations completed on or before 4/30/2012. Please note after 4/30/2012 the registration fee will be $150 per person. Register now and save $30 on your conference fees. Click on registration link above to pay your conference fees online. PAYMENTS BY DAHABSHIIL COMPANY You can also send your registration fee through Dahabshiil Company. Send the registration fees to the attention of: Somaliland Mission c/o Rashid Nur in Virginia (USA). Please ask Dahabshiil staff to note that the money is for the registration fee for the Somaliland Conference. To find out the Dahabshiil office in the USA or Canada closest to you; please visit Dahabshiil Web site or call Dahabshiil Headquarters in Columbus, Ohio at 614-527-9300. Upon receiving payment, you will receive a confirmation email from Somaliland Mission acknowledging receipt of your payment. You can see above the registration fees. PAYMENTS BY CHECK You can also make your registration fee payment by check. Please make the check payable to [somaliland Mission], and address the envelope to [Rashid Nur, 1307 Benicia Lane, Herndon, VA 20170].
  18. Abu, hope you are okay..being mugged is NOT fun....What kind of popo tells you come back tmrw to file a report?
  19. Ngonge, remind me the story you told us once where a sijui dude refused to sign the papers when the amount of meher exceeded what was orgininal agreed on...I remember mine where my a wife (a first class clueless fish&chips) didn't know she was supposed to say how much her meher will be...I had to explain to her and she had to make a frantic call to her sister to ask what she should ask..I was praying the older sister (who has been around many Somalis) will not corrupt the end it all worked out.Of course mother-in-law assumed we already talked about it...thats when i knew i got a good deal...haha
  20. Politic section is the only place where conversations takes a sharp turn, next thing you know niggers be threatening each other with "Its on brother"..Nigger please when i log out i think i have life outside and i give a little damn about Somalia/Somaliland....Reminds me of a country music by brad peaslye where a mild asthmatic overweight kid who still lives with his mom drives maserati online and lives in Malibu......
  21. Who shall we believe here? Ngonge is saying both of his daughters are married and AT&T is pulling out one of his stories he saves for rainy days.The lightning-quick ways he dropped the love just shows how the dude was not serious.Love bade him welcome; yet his soul drew back because of the guilty of associating with the enemy.People do intermarry according to proximity.I'm not surprised if Khatumos intermarry with Silanyo people, after all my grandmothers and great grandmothers are AT&T folks...I'm basically a quater Original Gangster.....
  22. Che, I'm sorry for assuming your question had an underlying tone to tick me off...I have never called anyone fake.You can look at all my contributions.Yes I will always call all the unionist as Bed-wetters for they have been wetting on themselves for the last twenty years.Yes, individuals and people on this site my sometimes misinterpret my words as hateful, but they are just words.If anything they are meant to be funny.I also do call the Khatumo crew as dancehall state supporters... Talexi, I can understand where you are coming from, you are more than welcome to challenge my opinions.I have many times adressed your angry lot about the reality on the ground on SL aspirations.Somaliland is today a region recognized for its free, fair and frequent elections.It is a region with elected representative,and inclusive citizenship (and i know you don't agree with this)..It is the political institution in place that is wining the hearts and minds of people like the above reporter.As with all other human activities, people will form their own opinions about a place.SL has provided today people from different clans (and sub-clans) the maximum opportunity to exercise their freedom within the limit of their laws (i know you don't agree with ths too). I understand there is a tension in your region, but unfortunately for you today the nature and quality of governance in your region is determined by SL administration.If you confront and overcome your limits you might just transform yourself into a respected region like SL.Yet, although you may reasonably choose to ignore the truth, but unfortunately reality dictates differently.I do believe that SL is a functioning government today while your dancehall state is not functioning beyond the mechanics of organizing get-together parties..Revival and reform have been a dormant theme in Somali politics for the last twenty years, so i will not be surprise if i see dancehall state flag flying high in all your cities, but it takes time and patience.Just know that there is a danger in overemphasing the weakness of SL while the reality on the ground is a different ball game.It takes a bedrock of faith, and inspirational reality to reach the level of SL...
  23. Che, i think I'm NOT blind and i can see how you reply to threads when they are not in line with your Shabab or other passions...You either add the Looling or ask trivial questions...Honestly you asked the first to get reactions from me, right? I think those sort of questions are for trolls
  24. Che, I't seems you didn't get what the looling was back on all your contributions in this site maybe somewhere lies the answer..........